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March 19, 1946 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-03-19

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-- ________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Army Education Service Keeps GIs Informed

"Keeping the servicemen on the Pa-
cific islands informed of the war's
progress on all fronts was one of the
most important duties of the Educa-
tional Services of the Armed Forces,"
Prof. Claude A. Eggertsen, of the
School of Education said in an inter-
view yesterday.
Prof. Eggertsen, who recently re-
turned to campus, served as a Dis-
trict Officer of Educational Serv-
ices for the 14th Naval District,
the Central Pacific area, with
headquarters at Pearl Harbor.
A major task of the Educational
Services, Prof. Eggertsen said, was to
bring information tb the men situated
on small islands. Talks were given by
experts in theatres and movies. Al-
most any subject on which the men
requested information was brought
up for a discussion. When they de-
sired knowledge about the Japanese
customs, a man who had lived in
Japan for many years came to lecture.
Knowledge about the volcanic origin
of the Hawaiian Islands was secured
from a local professor who has made
Initial Meeting
Of World Fund
Leaders Closes
SAVANNAH, Ga., March 18-RP)-
In an atmosphere of apparent har-
mony and international verbal back-
slapping, Secretary of the Treasury
Fred M. Vinson today closed the in-
augural meeting of governors of the
world fund and bank with a declara-
tion that they are "now established
and beginning to breathe as living or-
Representatives of eight nations
rose one after another in a final len-
ai session to praise the work done
here during the last 10 days.
Thlcus the $9,100,000,000 bank and
$8,860,000,000 fund were formally de-
clared to be in existence. Actual lend-
ing and stabilizing activities, how-
ever, are still months away.
Earlier the governors elected, un-
der a complex voting procedure, seven
executive directors for the bank and
a like number for the fund to go with
the directorship seats automatically
accorded to the United States, Brit-
ain, China, France and India.
The $17,000-a-year jobs, free of all
taxes, were voted as forecast to Can-
ada,, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland,
Greece, Chile and Cuba on the Bank
of Canada, Belgium, Netherlands,
Mexico, Brazil, Egypt and Czecho-
slovakia on the fund.
(Continued from Page 1)
signed to serve urgent productive
needs. It would have been much wiser
had we not attempted to collect war
debts arising out of assistance given
to England in World War .I. The
debts represented no increase in pro-
ductivity or capacity to export, and
England properly argued that the
debts should have been cancelled out-
"The proposed agreement with
Great Britain provides for a payment
to us of 650,000,000 in final settlement
for lend-lease. By thus cancelling
most of the bill for lend-lease sup-
plies, we avoid the mistake made after
World War I when a large debt was
charged to Britain.
"It is expected that our liberal
treatment of lend-lease and the ex-
tension of the proposed loan will lead
other countries to reduce their war-
time claims against England and pos-
sibly make them willing to provide
additional financial assistance during
the difficult transitional period."
Acheson Calls Loan

Our 'Last Chance'
DETROIT, March 18-(MP)-Under
Secretary of State Dean Acheson told
the Economic Club of Detroit today
that approval of the three and three-
quarter billion dollar British loan is
America's "last chance to restore
world trade."
If the loan is made it would result
in multilateral trade, he said.
"We could then again have a con-
dition in which every sale gave you a
chance to buy in any market you
wanted to in the world," Acheson de-
clared. "This situation would increase
production everywhere because every-
body would have a chance to compete
freely in every market."
Allied Policy
Unity Asked
Henry Morgenthau, Jr. tonight said
Allied agreement on policy in Ger-
many was basic to the settlement of
other European problems and that
failure to achieve this would lay the
foundation for "renewed German ag-
gression and future war.'
T*he frmer Secre'tarvvof the Treais-

a life-time study of volcanoes, Prof.
Eggertsen said.
While the war was in progress one
of the most effective methods of
keeping up morale was the "Off
Duty" program the Navy organized.
Over 1,200 men attended classes dur-
ing leisure time, studying almost any
subject from math to interior deco-
On one of the islands a "Town
Hall" building was constructed
which served as the social center
for the island. A 10 by 50 feet bul-
letin board composed the front of
the building. Bulletins and articles
from all fronts was placed on the
board, which was the most popular
spot on the island, Prof. Eggertsen
"Teaching procedures were used in
highly effective combinations. For
example, a large unit scheduled to go
to a South Pacific island learned
about conditions there through the
use of a wide variety of teaching aids.
Pamphlets and mimeographed mate-
rials about the land, people, and
health hazards, were distributed. Ci-
vilians who were familiar with the
area participated in a panel discus-
sion at which colored films were
shown. A jungle-survival teaching
unit gave a demonstration of the
te-iues to be used in living off the
"A shelter was erecied to house
a display of fruits, vegetables, and
animals of which the prospective
resident should know. Signs guid-
ed the interested man to an ad-
joining Quonset hut in which was
located language teaching equip-
melt under the supervision of a
competent linguist, consisting of
Is Conducted
Economic Problems
Subject of Research
The Bureau of Business Research of
the School of Business Administra-
tion, in cooperation with the Bureau
of Government, is conducting investi-
gation and research on economic and
governmental problems for the Grand
Rapids Metropolitan Planning Asso-
The objective of the work, accord-
ing to Robert N. Cross, Research As-
socigte, is to determine the proba-
ble character and direction of the
economic growth of the area and its
impact on the community and com-
munity problems. The Bureau of
Business Research is at present en-
gaged in the study of the seasonal
characteristics of employment 'in va-
rious industries and trades in the
areas to determine to what degree
there is seasonal unemployment, and
to later investigate whether or not
effective measures could be taken to
smooth out the curve of seasonal em-

language records and phonographs,
language guides and dictionaries
for Spanish, Pidgin-English, Japa-
nese and Chinese."
Two unique machines were used,
Prof. Eggertsen explained, which pre-
sented information in an attractive
fashion. One, called a "Panoram,"
was similar to a juke box. The "Pano-
ram" gave a showing of a short film
such as the Battle of Pearl Harbor.
The other, similar to a pin-ball ma-
chine, was an automatic rater, which
presented and scored a short related
Naturally, Prof. Eggertsen said, all
of the men were interested in their
future after they were discharged,
and one of the most important func-
tions of the Educational Services was
to act as guidance agency. The men
were told how they could best apply
to civilian life the skills they had
learned in the navy.
At the local service center were
aptitude and academic tests and a
dictionary of occupations to guide
the men toward a future vocation.
Catalogues of various colleges in
the United States were available to
all who desired information, and
counselors to explain the G.I. Bill
of Rights were on the staff, he said.
"When the war ended the navy was
faced with the problem of keeping up
the morale of the men whoremained
overseas. "On Duty" classes were or-
ganized and many men were able to
earn college credits in this fashion."
The biggest and most successful
task was the organization of the
'Navy Pacific University' at Pearl
Harbor. The Educational Services
took over a new hospital, built in ex-
pectation of the Japanese invasion,
and conducted a regular university
there. A library, laboratories, ma-
chine shops and classrooms were set
up in Quonset huts. Even a pre-en-
trance orientation period was intsi-
tuted. The 'University' became popu-
lar beyond all expectation and men
were soon commuting to school in
every conceivable vehicle from all the
Hawaiian Islands, Prof. Egger tsen
Band Performs
Outside of Cy
For the first time since the out-
break of war, the University of Mich-
igan Concert Band under the direc-
tion of Prof. William D. Revelli is
giving out-of-town performances.
The first of these concerts was giv-
en by thirty-five men of the Concert
Band last night at a meeting of Wil-
low Run veterans.
This week, the Concert Band will
give two more out-of-town concerts.
Tomorrow night they will present a
concert to be sponsored by the music
clubs of Battle Creek at the Kellogg
Auditorium in that city. They will
give both a matinee and an evening
performance Saturday in Pontiac for
the Optimist Club.

'Tis BeuEer To Have
,Lrn' ei (11 LosI --
Milton once sad,"All is not
lost," but accordig ",lrs. Carol
Siewers, of the University lost
and found office, all that is lost
is not always claimed.
Wall cabinets, closets, drawers,
and all available space in the of-
fice, located in Rm. 1, University
Hall, are cluttered with scarves,
gloves, coats, hats, rubbers, um-
brellas, bookhs, founitain pens, and
every imaginable form of student
Parting may be such sweet sor-
row, Mrs. Siewerrs says, but, in
fea r of being forced out of her
office by the accumulation of mis-
cellaneous articles, she has issued
an urgent plea for students to
claim their belongings. All a stud-
ent need do to get back what is
rightfully his, she explained, is
come in, describe it, and tell ap-
proximately when and where lie
and the missing item parted com-
Deadline Se-t
For Judictary
Post Petitions
Petitions for the presidency and
secretaryship of the Men's Judiciary
Council must be filed by noon Wed-
nesday, March 27, at the Dean of
Students Office, Charles Walton, re-
tiring president announced today.
Appointments to the two positions,
which the present occupants will va-
cate in June, are to be made from
the list of petitioners by the retiring
Council and the Dean of Students.
Eligible to petition are all men of
junior or higher class level who are
not leaving in June and who are oth-
erwise eligible for extra-curricular
activities. All petitions should in-
clude qualifications and ideas to be
used in office together with eligibil-
ity cards.
The duties of the Judiciary Coun-
cil are to conduct all campus elec-
tions, to handle disciplinary cases,
and to approve honor society initia-
SRA To P-resent

Hawaii Ready
For Statehood ,
Ediwcator Says
American Influence
Has Laid Foundation
"American public education hasi
laid the foundation for present day
Hawaii which is ready for statehood,"
Dean Benjamin o. Wist, of Honolulu
University said in a lecture yesterday
on "Hawaii-Educational Experiment
in American Democracy."
Hawii, Dean Wist stated, is no long-
er the step-child of the American
people. The recent attention focused
on the islands during the war has
shown that they are essentially Amer-
ican in character and thought.
"Early Hawaiian culture had a
highly civilized system of education.
Learning was spread through appren-
tice systems, tutors, and even for-
malized classrooms so that each child
knew a vocation and the mores of
his culture."
The foundations for the American
free public school system in Hawaii
were made by the missionaries in the
early nineteenth century, Dean Wist
declared. The first official act of the
missionaries was to establish schools
and to create a written Hawaiian al-
phabet. Their zeal soon made Hawaii
one of the most literate places in the
Hawaii had a highly diverse racial
population, Dean Wist explained. The
teaching of racial tolerance in the
schools has been so effective that
there is little tension among the wide
ranges of races and religions of the
people who inhabit the island, he con-
Staff Chosen
For Magazine
Sociological Review
To Be Published Here
Four associated editors and a book
reviewer have been chosen from a-
mong members of the sociology de-
partment for the staff of the Ameri-
can Sociological Review by Dr. Ro-
bert Angell, recently appointed edi-
tor and chairman of the department.
Professors Theodore H. Newcomb,
Arthur E. Wood, Horace Miner, and
A. H. Hawley are the new asociate
editors. Prof. Lowell J. Carr has been
appointed book reviewer.
The headquarters of the bi-month-
ly review, now at the University of
Minnes ta, will be moved here in
May. T ie first issue will be publish-
ed in August by Dr. Angell, who will
edit the review for a two-year period.
Is Announced
Technical Papers of the 20th An-
nual Michigan Accounting Confer-
ence, held in Ann Arbor Nov. 10, 1945,
have just been published by the Bur-
eau of Business Research of the Busi-
ness Administration School.
The conference was jointly spon-
sored by the Michigan Association of
Certified Public Accountant and the
School of Business Administration.
The papers for the 1945 proceedings
the "The Tax Adjustment Act of 1945
and Accelerated Amortization of
Emergency Facilities," "The Chang-
ing Relationship between Manufac-
turing and Accounting", "Trends in
Accounting," "Inventory Pricing,"
and "Current Problems and Develop-
ments in Accounting Procedures."

Nesbit Attends Meeting
Prof. Reed M. Nesbit of the School
of Medicine is attending the 19th An-
nual Clinical Conference of the Dallas
Southern Surgical Society at Dallas.
He has prepared several papers
which he will present at the meeting.
He will return to Ann Arbor March
Continuous from 1 P.M.
-- Today and Wednesday -

Clhenic(d Enigineers Ins titite
To !IlItr Talk by Prof. Cork

"Atomic Enineering" will be the neer'ing students intere
subject of a talk given by Prof. James plant trip are urged to 1
M. Cork of the physics department portation money to the
at the regular meeting of the Student Alrtudnts who are
Chapter of the American Institute of All students hare
Chemical Engineers at 7:30 p.m. to-the departments of ch
dayin m.320 L~ ,n rin, )11s metallutrgical enginer into
day in Rm. 3201 Engineering Bldg. enter either of these dept
In his talk, Pirof. Cork, eminent in invited to attend.
the field of nuclear physics. will at-
tempt to give A.I.Ch.E. members an
insight into the opportunities offeredS5 S
to the chemical engineer in the de-I
velopment of atomic energy.
At the meeting, first of the spin A opts An(
term, final plans will be made for the
all-day trip to a nearby chemical
plant scheduled for one day next 1V.. -Y atrI
week. Chemistry and chemical engi-
---.MOSCOW, March 18 -
" " e Supreme Soviet adoptedi
New AtIfi n LOUtoday Russia's new fiv
I) calling for increasing
To ty 1m g Gi( 1) production one and one h
pre-war level by 1950 ax
Is ,Pro notpsed ; for extensive research
A ground school has been proposed The plan was adopted
as a new addition to the University Council of the Union an
of Michigan flying club. cil of Nationalities, me
All interested persons are urged by ately.
the club's vice-president, Gloria E'is- An appropriation of
enstein, to attend the next meeting rubles (approximately $8
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the West suggested for equippin
Engineering Building. The organiza- laboratories and institu
tion has secured the services of Wil- Ukraine, as Soviet scier
ham Suchs as instructor for the new Supreme Soviet agree
school. challenge in the plan to
At its last meeting, the club voted entific acconplishment
to expand and take in 22 new mem- countries would not bec
bers. Thei' third plane, a PT-19, The new five-year p
should arrive soon from West Vir- seted to the supreme
ginia. A second plane, an Aeronca isniiht by N. A. Voznesen
also expected daily. nhtb A.nesa
Warren Curriy, piresident, and Fran the state planning dcpai-
Hamilton, secretary, were retained in
office and Gloria, Eisenstein was Ailha Iappa.
elected vice-president of the club.
Edgar J. Lesher of the Schl, of En- fWlll d Sn
gineering is the club's neu wlty ad- 1
vi<"or.' Alpha Kappa rtPAi, newl
pi'ofessioal business fn
Emphlasis on .FigIish hold a smoker at 7.30 1
the chapter house at 132.1
NEW YORK, Ma rch 1&-(AP)-Win -, Walter Burry, a certifi
ston Churchill said today American countant from Detroita
universitis should place emphasis ate of the University,%
on the study of the English language the members and their
-"the means of contact between the cently elected president
most influential mass of human be- ganization is Amthr rM:
ings about the world." Ad.

sted in the
bring trans-
members of
temical and
or plan to
-rtments are
-- -- The
'-year plan,
the nation's
alf times the
nd providing
in atomic
by both the
.d the Coun-
eting separ-
ig scientific
tions in the
ntists in the
d that the
outstrip sci-
s of other
casy to meet.
an was pre-
soviet Friday
usky, head of
ly reactivated
aternity, will
p.m. today in
5 Washtenaw.
ied public ac-
and a gradu-
will speak to
guests. Re-
t of the or-
ack, '47 Bus.


On Egypt

Continuing the Student Religious
Association Seminar on Comparative
Religions, the Rev. Edward H. Red-
man, Unitarian Student Director, will
give the first of a series of lectures on
Egypt at 7:30 p.m. today in Lane Hall.
"Sojourn of the Hebrews in Egypt,"
dealing with the influence of Baby-
lon and Egypt on Jewish thought,
will be discussed tonight. Mr. Redman
will speak on "Religion of Rulers,"
"Wisdom of Egypt," "Transient Re-
forms" and "The Human, Adventure"
at the remaining lectures, which will
be given every Tuesday,





Admission 42c (tax ncl.)
Ph. 6300 for Reservations Box Office opens 2 P.M. Daily
- - -

$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request
MEALS: For girls. Splendid home
cooked meals at League House, 604
E. Madison. Phone 4489.

E[ELP WANTED: Part or full time,
excellent hrs., top pay. Witham
Drug Store, corner Forest and S.
WANTED: Waiter and kitchen man
to work for board in fraternity near
Rackham. Call 4379 at noon or
:ELP WANTED: Young lady to work
at soda fountain. Part or full time.
Swift's Drug Store. 340 S. State.
Phone 3534.
WANTED: Part time stenographer
for work mornings Monday through
Friday inclusive; if necessary re-
adjustment of hours can be ar-
ranged. Apply B'nai B'rith Hillel
Foundation. Hill and Haven or
phone Miss Goldberg 26585.
AM DESIROUS of purchasing late
model automobile. Kindly call Wil-
liamn Fulton, 930 Forest TE. 8996.
MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib-
erty. We have rebuilt used bikes
for sale. Your bike can be expertly
repaired also.
LOST: Black and gold Eversharp pen
in East Hall lavatory, noon hour
Friday. Reward. Phone 3139. J. K.


LOST: A pair of shell-rimmed glass-
es in a green case. Probably on
Cambridge. Call Dolores Earl, 7498.
- -- ---------------
LOST: Sapphire ring with six dia-
monds in setting. Lost March 8 be-
tween Dental School and State St.
Finder call 4121 ext. 2146. Reward.
LOST: Brown coin purse between
corner S. University and Forest
and the School Public Health. Ph.
Gertrude Kohn 9080.
$5.00 REWARD: Maroon striped
Sheaffer lifetime. Sentimental val-
ue. Probably in W. Quad. Henry
Lukasik, 101 Chicago House.
DELTA UPSILON (1331 Hill) has a
St. Bernard called Bruno as a mas-
cot. Has disappeared. Are offering
a reward for his return. Call 2-3189.
CAMPUS dance orchestra has open
dates. Student-veterans. Campus
references. Phone Ypsilanti
FOR WOMEN who care what they
wear-Ginzburg's 607 E. Liberty.
Ladies tailor and furrier. Cold stor-
age, insurance, and cleaning. Phone
ELEANOR MAY NOT, but all other
Feather Merchant's will attend the
ball, March 29.
AVAILABLE: Modern accordionist;
no ricke-ticke-ticke; double piano;
play dinner music, swing; call K.
Wiele, room 309 Wenley House. Ph.


,. .
h, t

FOR SALE: Stop watch. 10-second
sweep. 5-minute, black face. 17 jewel
Elgin. $30.00. Box D36. West Lodge.
Willow Run.
FOR THAT COLD two-room apart-
ment a small wood heating stove
or a pre-war pot type oil heater,
small size. Fifteen and twenty-five
dollars. 4950 North Maple Road.
FOR SALE: 24 Vol. Brittannica en-
cyclopedia 14th Edition. New. Also
12 Vol. 20th Century Encyclopedia.
Call 4117 before 6 p.m., after 6 p.
m. 3596.
FOR SALE: Four-burner gas stove.
Left side oven. Good condition.
Reasonably priced. 2022 Hill. Call



each silver flower is
ward. Call 2-1936.

lost - within
a stone. Re-




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