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June 20, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-06-20

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Wartime University W omen
Took LargePart in Activities

'U' Foreign Reputation
Upheld by NotedAlumni
China Consistent in Sendin g Large
Group, Recognizing U.S. Graduates

Surviving charges of being "para-
sitic females," women at war-time
Michigan worked - in factories, in
hospitals, in child care centers and
in positions which had been held
only by Michigan men.
Because women before the war
had always played a subordinate
part in activities, their first efforts
were regarded with scepticism. When
the juniors decided to sell war bonds
and stamps instead of holding the
Engineers IN
Longer jeer
If college girls think they are be-
ing mistreated by the men now, they
should consider the plight of the
Michigan women of twenty years ago.
At that time, engineers particular-
ly believed women students were in-
truders in college life, and expressed
their feelings of superiority in an
unusual manner.
During lunch hours or warm after-
noons, engineering students reclined
on stone benches which they had
placed on either side of the diagonal
near the Engine Arch. Women stu-
dents taking walks past these bench-
es found themselves the subject of
careful scrutiny.
The male students even went to
the extent of arranging a group of
signals, the secret of which has since
been lost. This system made the pre-
dicament of the women even more
embarrassing, for they were unable
to discover whether they were being
condemned or praised.
No one can explain whether the
engineers practiced this arthpurely
for amusement or with the hope of
promoting a finer strain of woman-
hood. Whatever the case, this prac-
tice of rating continued for several
years, until University officials, dis-
covering the disastrous effect it had
on the morale of the women, re-.
moved the benches from the walk.
Perhaps the engineers missed the
old custom and perhaps it was the
engineers, deprived of this simple
pleasure, who inaugurated the habit
of whistling at women.
Gargoyle Resumes
Campus Publication
Professors reluctantly accepted
this year, after a whole war of grace,
the fact that during one day of
classes each month they must com-
pete with "student humor."
Gargoyle, University humor mag-
azine, is back. The campus is breath-
ing a sigh of relief. Post-war re-
conversion is complete.s

traditional Junior Girls Play, for in-
stance, officials were uncertain
whether girls could be trusted to
handle such large sums. But after
permission had been given, juniors
sold $99,217 worth of stamps and
bonds in one year without losing a
penny. The sum represents cash sale
not maturity value.
The Daily, Too
Until the war, there had never
been a woman managing editor of
The Daily. By 1943 almost every sen-
ior position in The Daily and 'Ensian
staffs were held by women. In the
same year, Prof. William Revelli re-
vealed that women held almost all
first chair positions in the concert
band and professors were getting over
their surprise in finding that women
laboratory assistants were capable.
There was difficulty at first, how-
ever. As late as November, 1941, most
of the women taking defense courses
did not believe that there would be
a war and the absentee rate was
very high. Even in 1942 taunts of
"parasitic females" and "babies"-were
being hurled at the half of the Mich-
igan women whowere not yet en-
gaged in war work. But gradually,
Picture Placed
In Daily Office
Sunderland Praised
For Publications Work
Prof. Emeritus Edson R. Sunder-
land, the distinguished American
jurist who for 25 years helped shape
the growth of The Daily, has been
accorded a new tribute by the Board
in Control of Student Publications.
The Board has placed Prof. Sund-
erland's picture in the upstairs office
of The Daily in recognition of his
quarter-century of effort which large-
ly made possible the present modern
Student Publications Building.
His work as business manager and
secretary of the Board in Control was
recalled this week by its present sec-
retary, Prof. Merwin H. Waterman.
"As a result of his interest and ac-
tivity, Prof. Sunderland left student
publications at the University one
of the finest plants in the country,"
Prof. Waterman said.
Prof. Sunderland served on the
Board from 1917 to 1942, retiring with
a testimonial banquet given by edi-
tors of student publications.
At his retirement, Prof. Sunderland
was one of the nation's authorities
on legal procedure. Since 1901 he
was a teacher at the University in
various branches of legal procedure,
court organization, judicial admin-
istration and pleas and processes.

under the leadership of the War
Council (the League Council in war
dress), women not only took over the
positions the men had left, but rolled
bandages until quotas were filled,
sold $190,882 worth of stamps and
bonds, were "incalculably valuable"
to St. Joseph's and the University
Hospital and spent thousands of
hours in war classes and services.
Women Mobilized
The first step in the mobilization of
woman-power was classification with
civilian defense volunteer question-
naires. The League was unbelieving
when 13 women marked "yes" to the
question, "Do you know how to main-
tain, adjust and repair machines and
tools?" and 17 more said "yes" to
"Can you do the jobs involved in the
care of f o r e s t s?" Investigation
showed, however, that the women
were fully qualified, and after that,
according to Miss Ethel McCormick,
social director of the League, "we
didn't wonder at anything."
Motor mechanics, Braille, nutrition,
first aid, co-recreational leadership
and an almost endless list of other
war classes were offered from the be-
ginning. A correspondence bureau to
keep Michigan servicemen posted was
set up. Residences started the custom
of sending Christmas gift boxes to
Percy Jones Hospital. Furniture and
magazine subscriptions were sent to
Fort Custer. In fact, the Women's
Glee Club, Filipino dancers and the
cast of "George Washington Slept
Here" entertained at Fort Custer's
USO several times during 1941-42.
USO Work
The USO at Harris Hall, where
women swept, cooked and decorated
as well as danced, was, one of the
most popular of the war activities.
Two-thirds of the hostesses were Uni-
versity women.
By this time, Miss McCormick said,
men had stopped being anxious to
know "cute little freshmen". Know-
ledge of history and languages and
geography had suddenly become very
desirable. "The older girls had come
into their own."
It was in 1942 that the first woman
entered the University Faculty Club
in the Union. Desperate for help, the
Club begged the League to find
women who would serve food in the
cafeteria so that they would have a
place to eat. The Club later gave a
citation to the women who had form-
ed the "Canteen Corps". The only
mishap recorded occurred when a
co-ed became so flustered on seeing
her Ec 52 professor in line (he was
flunking her) that she poured a ladle
of hot soup on a dinner plate in an
effort to appear efficient.
As a result of the war, Michigan
women have held the majority of
high campus positions. It remains to
be seen whether they will be able to
keep them.


A *. A* *

Michigan's reputation as one of
the foremost institutions in the na-
tion for the education of foreign stu-
dents is born out by the alumni who
have won distinction in almost every
country of the world.
China has consistently sent one
of the largest groups of foreign stu-
dents to the University, and has con-
sistently recognized the abilities of
these men and women after their re-
Senate President
One of the most outstanding Chin-
ese representations in the history
of foreign student education was en-
rolled in the University in the early
1900's. Among them was the man
who was to become President of the
first Senate under the Republic, and
several of China's leading profession-
al men.
Dr. Chengting Thomas Wang, the
president of that first Senate, was
in Ann Arbor just last month visit-
ing the campus where he was a liter-
ary college undergraduate. Now a
member of the Kuomintang central
executive committee, controlling body
of the Chinese Nationalist party, he
has served several terms as Minister
of Foreign Affairs and Minister of
Dr. W. C. Chen, another of those
soon-to-be famous Chinese students,
has been connected with the London
Embassy for more than twenty years.
He went there as first secretary, was
promoted to counselor, and is now
Charge d'Affaires.
Jick Wong, who was a student
in the engineering college in 1908,
was a leading engineer of the Pei-
ping-Hankow Railway, a government

Baird Carillon dells Continue
To Play for Students, Alumni

concern, before his recent death. He
took over construction of the Chang-
sha-Canton railway just before the
war, and saw its completion just in
time for it to become the object of
fierce fighting in South China.
A successful business man in Man-
ila and General Manager of the
China Banking Corporation, Albino
Z. SyCip survived a long internment
by the Japanese. For some time he
was chairman of the Chinese Cham-
ber of Commerce in Manila.
Franklin Ho, who married an
American wife, went back to China
as a teacher. After his death in 1928,
his wife wrote a widely read book,
"My Chinese Marriage." Dr. Ho's eld-
est son was graduated from the Uni-
versity in 1938.
Course Taugyht
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, a World War
I sergeant, had the enjoyable job of
putting 70 Army field grade officers
through their scholastic paces last
As director of the University's Post-
Hostilities Training Program for the
Latin-American Area he sees that his
brass-studded charges - all majors,
lieutenant colonels or colonels - take
schooling in concentrated lots.
"We give them massive doses of
language and area studies," the Pro-
fessor said, and by means of oral re-
ports and strict grading the commit-
tee obliges the officers to toe the

Alumni and students have thrilled
to the jangling melodies of the
Charles Baird Carillon of 53 bells
since its formal dedication in the
Burton Memorial Tower in 1936.
Scientists Form
Political Group
Organized during the fall semester
to promote discussion of political is-
sues among scientists, the Associa-
tion of University of Michigan Scien-
tists has taken a stand on proposals
now being debated in Washington.
Telegrams requesting modification
of the Vandenberg amendment to
the McMahon Bill were sent to Mich-
igan Congressmen and Senators.
Support for the Kilgore-Magnuson
Bill and for the Acheson report has
also been expressed by the Associa-
Chairman of the Executive Council
is Prof. Wilfred Kaplan of the math-
ematics department, with Dr. Peter
A. S. Smith of the chemistry depart-
ment as secretary. Other members of
the Council are Prof. George Uhlen-
back, physics; Prof. Arnold Kuethe,
aerodynamics; Prof. Richard Por-
ter, public health; Prof. Freder-
ick Test, zoology; and Prof. Thomas
Francis, public health.

The Carillon, presented to the
University by Charles Baird of the
class of 1895, ranges from a huge
12 ton Bourdon bell with a pitch of
E flat below middle C to a 12 pound
bell which sounds the note of G
sharp, four and one-half octaves
below the Bourdon.
The extended range enables the
carilloneaur, Prof. Percival Price, to
play not only melodies in single tone,
but also harmony in two or more
The bells are hung rigidly on a
steel frame over 30 feet in height
and 18 by 26 feet at the base on the
tenth floor of the Burton Memorial
Tower, one hundred and twenty feet
from the ground.
Carilloneaur Price recently re -
turned from a visit to Europe on a
mercy mission to rediscover and sal-
vage bells of continental carillonsl
which the Nazis had destroyed.
The home of the Baird Carillon, the
Burton Memorial Tower, was erected
as a memorial to Dr. Marion LeRoy
Burton, great leader and builder, who
was President of the University from
1920 to 1925 and died in office. The
Regents of the University, the Trus-
tees of the University Musical So-
ciety, The Ann Arbor University of
Michigan Club, students and faculty
contributed to the building of the
tower which cost approximately

We welcome back all the alumni
with a special invitation to our
shop at its new location. Surprise
the home folks with lovely gifts V
chosen from our large selection
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voted most likely to succeed.
She picks her summer cot-
tons and playclothes from
the outstanding selection
featured at DILLON'S where
fashions that register are the

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COTTONS in all their glory
-crisp and fresh as the first
summer breeze- chambrays
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to live in from dawn to

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PLAY CLOTHES GALORE - shorts and halters - some
with cute beruffled sissy pants - some tailored and pleated.
One-piece play suits with matching skirts. Cotton dirndl
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slacks, shorts, and pedal pushers
are an integral part of every active summer
wardrobe . .. slacks, 6.95 to 14.95- .
shorts, 300 to 5.95 ... pedal pushers,




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