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June 07, 1946 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-06-07

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FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1946 {



THE Ma. ":a .ili l'. _LAN ' ..afIAIY l~'

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Tickets Will Be Sold'
To All on Diagonal

Terrace To Serve
As Outdoor Nightclub
A number of extra tickets for Sen-
ior Ball will be on sale from 10 a.m.
to 3 p.m. today on the Diagonal.
Any tickets left after 3 p.m. will
be sold at the Union Desk until the
time of the dance, which is to be
held from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. today at
the Intramural Building. University
identification cards are required to
purchase tickets to the dance.
Louis Prima's unique combination
of old style jazz and danceable music
will be featured on the bandstand,
with Lilyann Carol in the vocal spot-
Original, Theme
"We came, we saw, we conquered"
is the dominant theme of the affair,
chosen to symbolize senior's accom-
plishment. Decorations will follow
the main idea and programs will take
the form of military discharge pa-
Tables for refreshments and con-
versation will be provided on the out-
door terace in Ferry Field. Decora-
tions and special lighting effects will
convert the terrace into a night-club
under the stars for the gala event.
The dance will be semi-formal,
owing to the scarcity of male formal
attire. Men who own dinner jackets
are urged to consider the ball for-
mal, however. Dick Ford, general co-
chairman, explained that the an-
nouncement stipulated semi-formal
so that no one. would be excluded.
Women will have 2:30 a.n. per-
mission for the ball. In accordance

with the custom established (luring
recent years, women are asked not to
wear corsages.
Patrons for the affair include Gov-
ernor and Mrs. Harry F. Kelly, Gov-
ernor and Mrs. Thomas E. Dewey,
President and Mrs. A. G. Ruthven,
Vice-President and Mrs. J. P. Adams,+
Vice-President and Mrs. R. P. Briggs,
Vice-President and Mrs. M. L. Nie-
huss, Secretary and Mrs. H. G. Wat-
kins, Regent Vera B. Baits and Dr.
S. G. Baits.
List Continues
The list continues with Regent and
Mrs. R. S. Bishop, Regent and Mrs. A.
B. Connable, Regent and Mrs. O. E.
Eckert, Regent and Mrs. E. B. Elliott,
Regent and Mrs. R. A. Hayward, Re-
gent and Mrs. J. J. Herbert, Regent
and Mrs. C. S. Kennedy, Regent and
Mrs. H. G. Kipke, Dr. F. E. Robbins,
Dean and 'Mrs. W. I. Bennett, Dean
and Mrs. R. W. Bunting, Dean J. A.
Bursley, Dean and Mrs. I. C. Craw-
ford, Dean and Mrs. S. T. Dana, Dean
and Mrs. J. B. Edmonson, Dean and
Mrs. A. C. Furstenber'g, and Dean
and Mrs. L. A. Hopkins.
Among the guests and their dates
will be: Dick Ford and Patricia
Planck, George Abbott and Louise
Luckner, Gloria McElroy and Chuck
Bilby, Fay Ajzenberg and Arthur
Copeland, Pat Abell and Bill Alex-
ander, Cam Fisher and Alec Kosidlo,
Jim Aroly and Jean Brown, Bob Mor-
rison and Norma Johnson.
The list continues with Bob Snell
and Margery Smith, Tom Hayes and
Louise Prangly, Rita Auer and Jack
Magisohn, Virginia Garrett and
Ralph Young and Bob Goldman and
Harriett Wilson.

Miami Triad
Will Highlight
House Events
Two Fraternities To Present
Informal Dances Tomorrow;
Sigma Phi Will Give Formal
Several affairs have been scheduled
for the week-end to wind up the
semester's social events.
Reviving a pre-war tradition, Sig-
ma Chi, Phi Delta Theta, and Beta
Theta Pi fraternities, will present
the Miami Triad, a semi-formal
dance, from 9 p.m. to midnight today
at Barton Hills Country Club.
The event was originated in Flori-
da, around 1860, when the three fra-
ternities on the University of Mi-
ami campus, decided to hold a joint
affair. The Miami Triad became an
annual dance at all campuses which
had chapters of the three frater-
Philip Busche, and his orchestra
which has played at many campus
dances, will provide the music. Dance
programs and special favors in the
form of bracelets with the three fra-
ternity crests will be presented to
the women. Sigma Chi and Beta
Theta Pi will hold a dinner at their
houses before the dance.
Sigma Phi will hold a formal
dance, and members of Alpha Tau
Omega and Phi Rho Sigma will give
the infomal dances from 9 p.m. to
midnight tomorrow.
Union To Give
Farewell Dance
The Student Farewell Dance, an
all-campus dance sponsored by the
Union Council, will be presented from
9 p.m. to midnight, Wednesday, June
Bill Layton and his orchestra will
play for the affair. Specialty num-
bers following a farewell theme wil,'
be included in the musical program.
Tickets for the dance may be pur-
chased before the dance at the reg-
ular pice for Union dances.
Annual Girls' State
Will Be Sponsored
In June at University
Approximately 216 women, aged
15 through 17, will attend the fifth
annual Wolverine Girls' State to be
held at the University June 25
through July 2.
Girls' State, sponsored by the
American Legion Auxiliary, Inc., is
designed to stimulate Michigan young
women to take a deep interest in the
development of home and community
Regular members of the University
staff will offer guidance, instruction
and demonstrations in vocations and
professions open to women. The wo-
men will also participate in athletic
contests, publish a newspaper and
make tours through the University.
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Sales Will End
Seniors To Be Given Discount
In Buying Michigan Alumnus
Today is the last day members of
Scroll honor society will solicit senior
women for subscriptions to the Michi-
gan Alumnus Magazine.
Subscriptions will be sold on the
Diagonal to all students, and sorority
houses will also be canvassed.
The regular subscription rate is
four dollars but seniors will receive
a special two dollar reduction on
their subscriptions, according to Ann
Lippincott, president of Scroll.
Since it will contain news of other
memcrs of the class, their accom-
plishments, positions, fields of study,
services in the armed forces, and
other achievements, the Michigan
Alumnus Magazine will be of spe-
cial interest to graduating seniors.
This magazine offers graduates an
opportunity to keep informed of what
the alumni are doing.
Scroll is the senior women's hon-
orary society for affiliated women.
Its yearly project is the furthering
of relations between University stu-
dents and almunae.


Michigan State Introduces Honor


in Women's Dormitories

Michigan State has instituted, for
the first time in a co-educational
school in the mid-west, the honor
system in all the women's dorms this
This system has been used and met
with a great deal of success in many
of the women's colleges in the East
including Bryn Mawr, Mt. Holyoke
college, Smith, Wellesley and Vas-
sar. This proves that the idea is not
experimental, but has already been
tried and tested. However the honor
system is new in the coeducational
school field.
This new system of dormitory
organization makes each coed re-
sionsible to herself and those per-
sens that might be affected by any
of . her actions. Michigan State,
before this system came into effect,
worked under a proctoring system
which would enfore quiet hours, but
this is now gone as are most of
the penalties used to enforce house
rules. Now, it is the considera-
tion of the individual for the group
that enforces the house policies.
Student counselors trained for their
respective positions live on each dorm
floor, and are ready and willing to
help create a floor spirit, answer

any questions and settle problems.
This gives the students an opportuni-
tY to refer to a qualified person of
their own age level when help is
The Michigan State counselor
for women, Mrs. Isabelle Go non,
has indicated that, "living under an
honor system sets a standard which
the students desire to live up to.
This is the first step that will
eventually bring the honor sys-
tem in to the classroom, men's
residences, and women's residences
not already affected.
"It will inevitably arouse in the
students an increased feeling of sat-
isfaction with themselves and their
group and extend beyond the dormi-
tory to a loyalty toward all campus
activities and to college traditions,"
she concluded.
Honorary Society
Announces Newly
Elected Officers
Vulcans, senior honorary enginer-
ing society, recently announced their
new officers.
George Spaulding will serve as
president for the coming term, while
Charles Helmick was elected secre-
tary-treasurer, Donald Snider will
serve as Engine Council representa-
Vu-cans was founded in 1904 to
honor engineers who Qad been par-
ticularly outstanding in campus ac-
tivities. Membership is limited to 18
men and only those who have held
oftice in several activities are eli-
gible for Vulcans.
Although specific functions of the
group cannot be known publicly, one
purpose of the organization is to
draw the heads of Engineering and
campus groups together. Participa-
tion in sports also makes men eligible
fr membership.
Eefore the war, Vulcans initiated
and elected officers every Septem-
ber ard terms extended throughout
the year.



Seek Winners
Cf Senior Ball
Poster Contest
Deepest mystery shrouds the iden-
tities of the designers of the prize
winning posters in the recent Senior
Ball poster contest.
On one of the entries, the only clue
is the set of initials, J.B.M., inscribed
on the back of the poster. No one
knows exactly when the poster was
submitted and careful searching has
not disclosed the name of the author.
The mystery deepened today when
The Daily discovered that the Uni-
versity has no student registered un-
der the name of Bob Passfield, which
is the identification appearing on
the other winning poster.
The ghost artists are warned by
Jim Artley, chairmen of the con-
test, that unless their identity is
made known this week, Artley will
feel forced to claim the two $5 gift
certificates, first prizes in the com-
The all-campus contest closed re-
cently and judging was completed by
the central committee of Senior Ball.
The two gift certificates, to be used
in Ann Arbor, will be awarded to the
designers of the winning posters-as
soon as their identities can be estab-
Patrons Chairman
Barbara Hitchcock has been ap-
pointed Patrons Chairman for As-
sembly Recognition night, it was an-
nounced by Jean Clare, Assembly
president. Assembly Recognition
night will be presented during the fall
7 Nort U RINGS
S717 North University Ave.

New Spring Formal Fashions Feature
Drop Shoulder, One Strap, No Straps

?/1Ie. d<) n .. tm".? CH (t.t ..'( ( t jme 1
Weddigo acl en emdv 1

is almost over, we can take a
parting look at the numerous, color-
ful dresses worn by the coeds.
Drop shoulders are in great de-
mand and are just the thing to show
off your tan. The newer midriff is
also very helpful and alluring. Strap-
less formals are still in style. Another
recent idea is one wide strap with a
bow or flower on it.
Colonial influence is seen in the
number of hoops being worn, which
are separate and can be used to re-
juvenate your last year's formal or
add glamour to your new one.
The bustle effect is being revived.
A flounce all around the waist is a
newer variation of an old style. Pe-
plum is also being converted to for-
inal wear.

WHITE is having its heyday now
that spring is here with gay
flowered formals running a close
second. Pastel shades of blue, pink,
yellow and green are most sought af-

Cool eyelet is a popular spring ma-
terial. It is used in combination with
a black skirt for a very striking effect.
Other materials oftenrseen are dot-
ted swiss, chintz and 'xegular cotton.
Foreign fashions are making their
impression on coeds, too. Draped
Greek style with a high snug waist
helps create the slim waisted appear-
ance. One strap with a length of ma-
terial thrown over the other shoulder
is an import from India.
Ballet slippers are a must. They are
most popular in white, gold and black,
but can be purchased in any color
to match the dress.


Mr. and Mrs. L. W. White recent-
ly announced the engagement of their
daughter, Marti, at a cocktail party
in Detroit, to Lee F. Kenney.
Miss White is a graduating senior,
majoring in Spanish, and her fi-
ance, who was in the Air Corps, 'is
now enrolled in the School of Busi-
ness Administration.
The wedding date has been set for
August 3.
Mrs. William Honn of Detroit
recently announced the engage-
ment of her daughter, Patricia, to
Frederick Hopkin, Jr., son of Dr.
Frederick Hopkin of Springfield,
Miss Honn is a junior in the lit-
erary college and is a member of
Kappa Delta, Mr. IHopkin is t%
senior in the forestry college and
is affiliated with Theta Chi. The
wedding will take place June 24.
.Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Longway
of Flint recently announced the en-
gagement of their daughter, Bar-
bara, to Rodney D. Briggs, son of Dr.
and Mrs. Guy D. Briggs of Lake
Miss Longway is a senior in the
literary college and is affiliated with
Kappa Alpha Theta. Mr. Briggs is a
graduate of the University of Chi-
cago where he was a member of Phi
Sigma Delta.
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hovey
of Flint recently announced the
engagement of their daughter,
Mary Helen, to Joseph J. 'Pascoe
of Flint.
Miss Hovey is a senior in the
literary college and is affiliated
with Kappa Kappa Gamma. Mr.
Pascoe is a junior in the dental
college and is a member of Phi
Delta Theta. He is also affiliated
with Delta Sigma Delta dental fra-
ternity. No definite wedding date
has been set.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Lee N. Parker of
Evanston, Ill., recently announced
the engagement of their daughter,
Jean, to Robert Morley, son of Dr.
and Mrs. F. W. Morley of Toledo.
Miss Parker is a junior in the liter-
ary college and is affiliated with
Pi Beta Phi. Mr. Morley is a senior in
the business administration college
and is a member of Sigma Chi.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Sherman
of Chicago recently announced the
engagement of their daughter, Judy,
to Herman M. Harris, son of Mrs.
Louis B. Harris of Chicago.
Miss Sherman, a senior at North-
western, is affiliated with Alpha Ep-
silon Phi. Mr. Harris is in the archi-
tecture college and is a member of
Zeta Beta Tau. The wedding will
take place this fall in Chicago.
Tri-Deltas Win Title
In Softball Contest
Delta Delta Delta, the winner of
the B class tournament of the WAA
softball interhouse competition, beat
Collegiate Sorosis, runner-up in the
A tournament, yesterday by a score
of 16 to 8.
The Tri-Deltas won the B tourna-
ment title from Mosher Hall; and
Kappa Kappa Gamma holds the title
for the A class. The final champion-
ship game between Kappa Kappa
Gamma and Delta Delta Delta will
be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday.


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Mfodeling the ori twinCasto
At the Senior Ball Friday Night

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A nte version of eventing gown splncldor
.'. this exposing, concealing, excuisitely
revealing goin u'was designed xcl sively
for the cover of FAsHIoN-the Mid ivest
Merchandise r Magazine -by CAPSUTO,
Protege of Hattie Carnegie.
We are proud to be able to aInnownce
that Ca psuto has extended to Marti the
honor of Presenting his formal for the
first tim~ie at Friday night's Senior Ball.



'/7 7,
- A;

Does a charming suit,directoire in feelingof
WEATH ERVANE * a Celarnese fabric of rayon that
hcat or humidity cannot wrinkc. Sun-soaked
Oierl coks wind bek95


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