Atomic Test Crowds Island
Present Vets
KWAJALEIN, June 7- W) - The
atom bomb test is keeping this cross-
roads island in the Pacific operating
at near war-time tempo.
Judged by distances of the world's
biggest ocean, the test site at Bikini
is only a stone's throw away, a mere
250 miles to the northwest.
Grant Money
Machine To Be Bought
By School of Forestry
The School of Forestry and Con-
servation has received a $1,000 grant
from five furniture concerns in Hol-
land, Michigan, and one in Cincin-
nati, Ohio, for the purchase of a
machine used for shaping wood in
furniture manufacturing, it was an-
nounced today.
The machine will be a valuable ad-
dition to the equipment used in the
Wood Technology Curricula which
was instituted last fall upon the sug-
gestion of the National Association
of Furniture Manufacturers.
This four-year special program of
instruction prepares men for posi-
tions as technicians and executives
in the furniture industry.
Crowded on Kwajalein are almost
5,000 men - and 39 women (Red
Cross workers and nurses, plus a few
native women.)
Laboratory for Future
The island, southern end of the
biggest atoll in the Pacific, is slightly
more than two miles long, a little
less than 700 yards wide. Yet on it
are barracks, shops, warehouses, fuel
storage tanks, hangers, all the para-
phernalia of a war just fought com-
bined with the laboratory of one for
the future.
The men who seized Kwajalein
Course To Give
Dif ferenlt NViews
A course in metaphysics, conducted
from two opposite points of view,
realism and idealism, will be given
this summer by Prof. R. W. Sellars
and Prof. D. H. Parker, respectively,
it was announced yesterday by the
Department of Philosophy.
The course is for graduate stu-
dents, particularly those doing ad-
vanced work in philosophy.
Prof. Parker will leave the Uni-
versity in the fall to conduct two
courses, one in metaphysics and one
in values, at Columbia University.
from the Japanese and rebuilt it to
American specifications left only one
open space - for an airstrip.
Busy Spot
The Kwajalein airfield (altitude
seven feet) would be a busy spot
without the atom bomb project since
transpacific airplanes wing in from
the horizons to east and west.
Tiny Bikini Island has no airstrip.
When the joint Army-Navy Task
Force organized its airborne supply
sytem and began plotting the com-
plex pattern of aircraft to carry the
bomb and record its affects, Kwaja-
lein was chosen as the springboard
for the peacetime "strike" by atomic
Surface Transportation Needed
Surface transportation was needed
to fuel and feed the organization.
Where a handful of small ships stop-
ped at Kwajaleinat the beginning
of this year, a score or more ride at
anchor in the lagoon now, discharg-
ing cargo and pumping fuel to the
tanks ashore.
The place isn't like home, but it's
better than some of the airbases
whittled out of solid jungle at vari-
ous unpleasant places in the world.
The northwest trades blow a nice,
cooling, steady 17 miles an hour,
night and day, rattling the fronds of
the twelve palms that survived war's
withering bombardment and the bull-
LOST: Chi Omega pin with name
Florence Murray on back, between
E. University and Washtenaw on
Willard.. Reward! Call Nancy 2-
1146. (9
LOST: Pi Beta Phi pin, May 29.
Engraved "Dorothy Eycleshymer".
Sentimental value. Finder call 2-
4514. Reward. (24
HIGHEST PRICE! Paid for a one or
two bed room furnished apartment.
Lease of two or more years re-
quired. Occupancy at earliest con-
venience. Best references. Care
given property. Call Kashmiry 2-
5553. (28
A RECORD! Up to $250 per month
for a furnished house up to 6 (min-
imum of 4 required) bed rooms.
Wanted by a family at earliest
convenience for a lease of more
than 2 years. No children. Best
references.- Call A. Aly, 2-5553. (1
TEACHER in Ann Arbor public
schools desperately needs small
apartment for two. Will take it
anytime before September 1. Con-
tact O. D. Miller, 404 Mich. House,
West Quad., Ann Arbor, Mich. (16
WANTED: Girl's 3-speed Schwinn,
Rawleigh touring bicyclebefore the
15th. Evelyn Denton, 2-1938. 6:30-
9:00 p.m. (17
Continuous from 1 P.M.
a'7 sP
-Today and Saturday -
WANTED: Girl's bicycle with shift,
in good condition. July or sooner.
Call 3185. (3
fornia. 1941 Chevrolet leaving Sat-
urday, June 8. Phone 2-2317.
MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib-
erty. We have rebuilt used bikes
for sale. Your bike can be expertly
repaired also.
WANTED: Paying guests for dinners
at Chi Omega house for summer
session. Tel. 2-4808.
WANTED: Athletic counsellor; also
male secretary with typing and
bookkeeping experience. Private
boys' camp. June 23-Augusa 24.
Phone 7265.
MEN for part time work on farm,
preferably with farm background
and experience. Laboratory orch-
ard, 1831 Traver Road. Phone 8023.
WANTED: Limited number of ener -
getic young men for summer em-
ployment. Big money, travel, and
educational opportunities. See
Coach Cliff Keen, Room 304, Mich-
igan Union, at 4 p.m., Friday, June
7. (18
HELP WANTED: Male drug clerk,
full or part time, experience pre-
ferred. Top pay. Apply Witham
Drug Company in person only.
A FEW rooms still available for sum-
mer session in Washtenaw fratern-
ity house. Call Ypsi 2808W3. (25
ENGINEERING books and equipment
for sale. 1 transit (Heller & Bright-
ly). 1 tripod. 1 flow meter. Volumes
I thru VIII Encyclopedias of Civil
Engineering (American Technical
Society). J. O. Greenway, Jr., 713
W. Oliver St., Owosso, Michigan.
FOR SALE: Knee-hole study desk.
Reasonable. 1615 E. Stadium. Ph.
FOR SALE: 1 Senior Ball ticket. Call
2-4561, Room 491. 11 a.m. or 2 p.m.
or after 4:00 p.m.
FOR SALE: Naval officer's bridge
coat, size 38 small. Practically
new. Inquire at 523 N. Main, Apt.
1. Evenings. (23
FOR SALE: Lynx fur coat. Size 14,
Very cheap as it is quite worn.
Phone 4143, ext. 38. (26
FOR SALE: Complete set of trap
drums; tom-toms, high-hat, every-
thing a "Hide-Beater" needs. Call
Bill Lambert, 2-4551. (t9
FOR SALE: Size 39 tuxedo; size 40,
men's summer formal; size 38, sum-
mer suit, 2 pair trousers. Tel. 2-
1033. (20
CLARINET: 1942. Pruefer Profes-
sional Wooden model. Phone 2-
2035 after 6 p.m. (21
E. Huron. Let us make your drapes,
alterations, and custom made
clothes! Phone 2-4669.
MEN'S Used Clothing Wanted. Best
prices paid. Sam's Store, 122 East
TYPEWRITERS bought, sold, rented,
repaired. Work guaranteed. Two
days' service. Office Equipment
Co. 111 4th. St., phone 2-1213.
coat. Cold storage, insurance, clean-
ing, glazing, restyling, repairing
Ginsberg, 607 E. Liberty.
Job MOS Grades
Diesel Mechanic .. 013 5, 4, 3
Automotive Equipment Mechanic
.. 014 5, 4, 3, 2
Machinist .........114 5, 4, 3
Welder, Combination 256 5, 4, 3
Master Mechanic .. 342 4, 3, 2
Communications Technician
.542 4, 3, 2
Rifleman .......... 745 6, 5, 4, 3, 2
Airplane and Engine Mechanic
................. (747) 5, 4, 3
Automotive Electrician
.912 5, 4, 3
and many other skills. Under a
new War Department order, you
may enlist in your qualified spec-
ialty in the Regular Army at a
grade depending upon the length
of your previous MOS service.
This opportunity is open to you
if you held a grade in one of the
military occupational specialties
(MOS), and were honorably dis-
charged on or after May 12, 1945,
provided you act before June 30,
1946. You will receive good pay,
steady work and many other
benefits now offered to men who
join the Regular Army. Stop in
and find out the grade to which
your are entitled. Apply U.S.*Army
Recruiting Station.
U.S. Army Recruiting Station,
Armory Bldg., 223 E. Ann St., Ann
Arbor. Phone 3456.
Lucky...Ask a
Roman Soldier
Excavated Records
Describe 'Red Tape'
The veterans of today, with dis-
charge papers ready to answer any"
questions about military service, can
be thankful they weren't among the
soldiers who fought for the Roman
According to the discharge record
of Valerius Clemens, who fought in
the Second Cohort of the Ituraeans.
he was still being questioned about
his military career eight years after
he hed been discharged in 177 A.D.
Ancient "Red Tape"
The papyrus disclosing Valerius'
encounter with the "red tape" of
those early days was uncovered dur-
ing the extensive excavation at Kar-
anis, Egypt, by a University expedi-
tion and is now on display at the
Museum of Art and Archeology.
Prof. Enoch E. Peterson, curator
of Egyptian antiquities at the muse-
um, was in charge of the expedition
to Egypt from 1923 to 1935. He re-
ports that veterans of the Roman
auxiliary forces and the fleet remain-
ed under the supervision of the pre-
fect of Egypt after discharge. The
prefect kept necessary records about
the veterans in order to establish
their legal status and rights. It is
such a prefect's record, concerning
Valerius Clemens, which is now on
Case Reconstructed
Reconstructing the case from the
evidence given in the discharge re-
cord, Prof. Peterson says Valerius
sought permission in 185 A.D. to live
in the Arsinoite home in Egypt, the
area of the University's excavations.
Valerius had to produce evidence of
his military service, verified by wit-
nesses, before the prefect could grant
him the desired permission. The re-
cord finally issued him is written in
the red ink used only by the mili-
tary. It also contains the informa-
tion that Valerius was 44 years old
when he was discharged.
The papyrus is part of the cur-
rent display at the museum featur-
ing the papyri, glass, sculpture and
textiles recovered by the expedition.
(Continued from Page 2)
lessly destroyed property in the.Negro
community of Minkside to escape un-
punished.., No matter under what
pretext, law enforcement does not in-
volve unwarranted destruction of pri-
vate property and most certainly does
not include such manifestations of
bigotry as 'marking this property with
the sign and cross of the K yKlux
Columbia, Tenn., has already be-
come a symbol of American fascism.
If the crimes perpetrated there in
the name of justice are to go un-
punished, not only Columbia and
Tennessee but the entire nation will
bear the brand of hypocrisy for many
years to come.
We, the student legislature, ask you
to guarantee that Columbia, Tenn.
will not continue to be a black mark
on the record of American democracy
-Ray Davis, President
Student Legislature
* * *
Whereas, we, members of the Stu-
dent Legislature, realize the desperate
picture presented by the world foo
situation and whereas President Tru-
man has called for food conserva-
tion on a national scale to help al-
leviate this critical condition, and
whereas the Student Famine Com-
mittee of the University of Michi-
gan is conducting a food conserva-
tion campaign on campus, we, a
representatives of the student body
wholeheartedly support the actior
the Famine Committee has taken ii
line with the national program.
We also urge continuance of thi,
endeavor and its extension on campu,
until the present food crisis has beer
adequately met. We sincerely ask
cooperation of all students and fac
ulty members in this effort to feec
starving peoples of the world.
Newman Club Meetig...
Edward McDonald, editor of the
"Michigan Catholic," will speak on
the "Catholic Press" at the Newman
Club Communion Breakfast at 11
a.m. tomorrow at St. Mary's Chapel.
Tickets are available at St. Mary's
Rectory or can be purchased from
members of the Newman Club.
All1-Nations Club Dance .. .
The All-Nations Club will hold a
Correetion Plan
Arouses Protest
Conditions at Detention
Home Are Examined
(Continued from Page 1)
mended certain physical improve-
ments - painting, redecorating and
installation of additional sanitary
facilities, and this program has been
carried out.
On the question of recreation and
instruction for children in the De-
tention Home, the supervisors de-
clared, "We believe that the period
of detention should be so limited that
no special provision for recreation or
school training need be provided."
Average Stay Two Weeks
Judge Pray told Daily reporters
that the average period of detention
is two weeks, but that occasionally a
child spends "as much as three
months" there.
The supervisors approved the qual-
ifications of the matron. "She is
hired by the County Social Welfare
Board and approved by the judge,"
the supervisors said.
The supervisors urged that the po-
lice return apprehended children to
their parents "at once if possible"
to await court action.
Parental Responsibility
"We believe it very important that
parents of delinquents be made te
take this responsibility whenever it
is possible rather than passing it on
to the public," they said.
The supervisors also recommended
a system of county-subsidized homes
as temporary shelters for dependent
and neglected children until the court
or some special. agency has made a
long-term placement.
Immediate Action Asked
The plan has not been put int
effect as yet. The Ypsilanti Counci
of Social Agencies petitioned the
supervisors this month to take "im-
mediate action" on the plan. Th
bsupervisors referred the petition t
the board's Juvenile Affairs Com-
One of the 119 citizens who orig-
inally petitioned the supervisors tolc
The Daily that the blame for exist-
ing conditions in the juvenile cor-
rection system rests squarely wit
the voters.
"The public isn't paying enoug
nor requiring high qualifications" fo
the officials who administer the sys-
tem, the citizen said.
Juvenile Crime Wave
U. S. Attorney-General Clark sai
this week that the government i
:nobilizing public and private force
to "forestall the greatest juvenil
_crime wave in the nation's history.
Clark said, "Positive action is essen
tial. It is appalling, for example, tha
_sex delinquency among 17-year-old
increased 365 per cent in 1945. An
21 per cent of all crimes now ar
committed by youths."
tea dance from 4 to 6 p.m. today in
the International Center.
* * *
Canterbury Open House..
Canterbury Club will hold Open
House from 4 to 6 p.m. today at the
Student Center.
* * *
Guild Honors Seniors ...
A semi-formal dinner dance at
7 p.m. today in honor of the seniors
will climax the Westminister Guild's
activities for the year.
Lane Hall Coffee hour-...
Lane Hall will hold its weekly
coffee hour from 4:30 to 6 p.m. today.
Newman Club Party ...
Dancing and entertainment from
8 to 12 p.m. will ,be included at the
last Open House of the Newman
Club at the club rooms at St.
Mary's Chapel.
. *
Guild Holds Open House
The Roger Williams Guild Open
House at 8:30 p.m. today will feature
bridge, ping-pong, dancing and re-
Registration Requirement
For Primary Explained
LANSING, June 6 -(P)- Voters
registered under the old book sys-
tem may vote at the June 18 primary
election even if they have not re-
registered under the new card sys-
tem established by the 1945 legisla-
ture, Attorney General John R. Deth-
mers said today.
Campus Highlights
To Take Part in
Alumni Reunion
Naval Equipment To Be
Shown at Open House
The University NROTC Unit will
hold an open house from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. Friday, June 21. at North Hall,
as part of the Alumni Victory Reun-
The building has recently been re-
novated by the Plant Department,
and many items of modern Navy
equipment which are used for in-
struction will be exhibited and ex-
plained by special guides of the dif-
ferent departments.
Gunnery Department
The gunnery department will dis-
play types of Naval armament from
a five-inch gun down to the .30 cali-
ber rifile, and cutaway sections of
torpedoes, mines, rockets and pro-
jectiles. Training devices such as
one used for training machine gun-
ners, which consists of screen, pro-
jectors, and two machine guns and
which when in use realistically re-
produces a Kamikaze attack at its
height, will be shown.
Pieces of equipment used by the
navigator, such as sextants, stadi-
meters and charts, will be exhibited
by the navigation department.
Seamanship Displays
In a seamanship room ship models,
a moored model ship and a ship with
all the running lights that ships may
have under various conditions will
be on display. Here also there will be
a continuous showing of the move
"Appointment in Tokyo,", the story
of the Navy's battle across the Pacific.
A detailed scale model of the en-
gine room of the battleship South Da-
kota will be the exhibit of the engi-
neering department.
The communications department
will show signal flags, blinking lights,
automatic keys and sound-powered
Work be-
tween semesters!
Student help is needed during the
Alumni Victory Reunion. Start after your last exam,
June 18-19, or before. Work available until June 23rd
or June 30th. Jobs for both men and women students
at good hourly pay.
PART TIME WORK also available during Summer
Session, July 1 to August 23, 1946.
Apply: Manager's office, Michigan Union, Ph. 2-4431.
F - - -- . ..
IUNCaa Co niec tk e/
Coming Sunday
xpertence h ftte~P.1
The Summer Michigan Daily offers YOU
Experience and a quick way of advancement
on the Daily staff.
4 , .IF._VAI OfI
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420 Maynard Street