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VOL. LVI, No~, M; i
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Lewis Tells
Nine P(ints4 Made
By t-nion -Lea der
WASHINGTON, March 12-P)-
John L. Lewis made nine general de-
mands of the soft coal operators to-
day, including higher wages and
shorter hours, without mentioning
specific figures.
He left the new contract details
wide open for bargaining in advance
of the April 1 deadline set for a po-
tential strike.
The major demands were:
1. A health and welfare fund for
mine workers. Last year he asked for
a 10-cent per ton royalty, capable of
netting the United Mine Workers
more than $50,000,000 a year, for this
Wage Increase Sought
2. Increase of wages and reduc-
tion of daily and weekly working
hours, affecting all classifications of
inside and outside employes. The
bituminous miners now receive $63.50
for a six day, 54-hour week. The basic
1941 wage agreement now in force
calls for $1 an hour and a 35-hour
week. The bargaining area on this
demand apparently would be bound-
ed by these two extremes.
3. Adjustment of the controversy
affecting supervisory, technical and
clerical employes. The National La-
bor Relations Board last week listed
certain supervisory occupations
which could be included in Lewis'
supervisory branch of united mine
4. Adjustment of vacation, holiday
and severance compensation. Last
year the miners received $75 in lieu
of vacation time-off. The current
contract provides for five holidays
and no severance pay.
Other Demands Made
Others among the nine demands-
just half the number he made of
the operators last year-included:
"Improved safety and compliance
with mining, compensation and occu-
pational disease laws; adjustment of
intra-district and inter-district dif-
ferential and local inequalities af-
fecting classification and compensa-
tion; elimination of inequities and
abuses of existing fining and penalty
provisions of basic and collateral
agreements; amendment of rules and
practices to promote mdutual accord,
increased efficiencies and e imina-
tion of the small tyrannies of man-
agement; adjustment of controversy
incident to unilateral interpretation
of existing agreement by operators."
Lewis has cleared the way to call
a strike April 1. He has served notice
to the government that a dispute
exists 30 days in advance of the
termination of the bituminous con-
tract. The arthracite contract, in-
volving 75,000 Pennsylvania hard
coal miners, would terminate a
month later.
GM 'Talks Resumed
DETROIT, March 12-(!P)-Nego
tiators for General Motors Corpora-
tions and the CIO United Auto
Workers resumed deliberations short-
ly after 9:15 tonight in their efforts
to find a solution to the 112-day-old
GM strike.
As the negotiators entered the
meeting room, where they held a three
and a half hour session this after
noon, special Federal Labor Mediator
James F. Dewey declared, "We migh
work all night."
Plan Petrillo Curb
The House voted, 309 to 39, today t
give a Senate-House conference com
mittee responsibility for drafting
compromise legislation which spon
sors said was designed to curb the in
fluence of James C. Petrillo in radio
Business Administration
Fraternity Pans Smoker
A smoker for all men students it
the School of Business Administra-
tion will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrox
in Rm. 316 of the Union, under the
sponsorship of Delta Sigma Pi, pro-
fessional business fraternity.
Prof. Dudley M. Phelps of the busi-
ness administration school, wh
served on the Reparations Commit
tee at the Paris Conference, wil
speak on the subject "Reparatior
in Germany."
Men preparing to enter the schoo
Veterans Ask
Long-Range U
Housing Policy
1 iiriti Space for Fall
Students at the all-veteran Univer-
sity community at Willow Village
called for a long-range University de-
cision on dormitory housing in a mass
meeting sponsored by the campus
Veterans' Organization last night.
They asked that 50 per cent of the
University's men's dormitory space
be allocated to veterans next fall,
and lamented the fact that entrance
in the University for many of them
had been gained only by their agree-
ing to live in Willow Village.
'Second Campus'
Disgruntled single and married stu-
dents at the University's <econd cam-
pus near Ypsilanti endorsed an offer
by VO president Bill Akers to carry
their gripes to the University and
took steps to set up a Willow Village
arm of the Veterans Organization.
"We realize that civilians have to
live somewhere," a spokesman said,
"but we feel it's an imposition to
force us to live way out here-even
though some of us had arranged for
apartments in Ann Arbor.'
Support VO Stand f
The veterans agreed to support a
VO stand that the lov cost 175 unit
apartment under con truction near
the University Hospitl be restricted
to veterans-since it originally was
designed for that purpose, they said.
They called upon VO to investigate
high food costs, winter heating fa-
cilities, bus service from Willow Vil-
lage to Ann Arbor, mail service, laun-
dry, dry cleaning and telegraph and
telephone facilities.
MDA To Hold
Rally Today
To emphasize the need for active
organization in its campaign to seek
immediate severance of diplomatic
and economic relations with Franco
Spain, Michigan Youth for Demo-
cratic Action will hold its second an-
ti-Franco meeting of the semester
at 3:30 p.m. today in the Union.
The meeting is designed to fur-
ther clarify MYDA's stand in the
anti-Franco drive, Harriet Ratner,
organization president, stated.
First meeting of the campaign was
held last Wednesday when the local
organization, as a chapter of Ameri-
can Youth for Democracy, went on
record with its anti-Franco stand in
a telegram to President Truman.
At the same time the organization
laid plans to conduct an anti-Franco
campaign throughout the semester by
displaying posters, circulating peti-
tions and holding rallies.
The organization issued a call for
all Michigan students to join in the
Today's meeting, originally sched-
uled for Sunday, has been moved up
in order to get the drive underway
sooner, Miss Ratner said.
Plait Division
Silent on Tar Job
The Plant Department made no
reply yesterday to the charges of in-
competence set forth in an open let-
ter to the University administration
by Dean B. McLaughlin of the astro-
t nomy department.
The charges were occasioned by
the fact that workmen had tarred
one of the Department of Astrono-
my's telescope domes on the roof
of Angell Hall to the roof, so that
turning it around is impossible.
o "It was just sheer stupidity, incom-
petence, and whatever else contri-
g butes to the mistakes that are mad
by people whose business it is (oi
~ should be) to know better,'
o McLaughlin wrote.
A reply should be made soon b:
the Plant Service Department, for i
is not expected it will acknowledg
the charges.
Civilian Control of Atomic Energy
UrgedI by 'U' -Scientist Association
Reported Moving
m'elegran s Sew Sc.il 4 s
The Association of University
of Michigan Scientists, by unani-
mous vote of its members, went on
record yesterday in favor of the
McMahon Bill, which provides for
civilian control of atomic energy.
In telegrams to Senators Ferguson,
Vandenberg and McMalon, the
scientists declared:
"The Association of University
of Michigan Scientists urges most
vigorously that you use your good
offices to obtain passage of the
McMahon hill dealing with the
control of atomic energy. Only this
of the several bills on this subject
allows sufficient freedom of funda-
mental research essential to the
national welfare. We are convinced
that it is essential for the main-
tenance of peace, and thus vital to
the well-being of the nation, that
the control of atomic energy be
vested in a civilian board respon-
sible to the President, and not in
the hands of military officials."
The McMahon Bill is now in a Sen-
ate Committee. The House Military
Affairs Committee recently approved
the May-Johnson Bill, which would
bring atomic energy under virtually
complete military control.
The University scientists said the
McMahon Bill should be enacted on
the basis of the following features:
1. It encourages research in nuc-
lear physics through federal support
and equitable distribution of fission-
able materials to responsible inves-
2. It makes mandatory the dis-
semination of basic scientific in-
formation but releases technical
information only when consistent
with security.
3. It provides adequate, but not
LcFollette Lands
U. S. Prowess
Holds Amerca I deas
Will Win Oht Anywhere
Citing America's contribution to
winning the war as exemplary of her
prowess, the Hon. Philip F. La Fol-
lette toid an Oratorical Association
audience last night that the American
people may be self-confident in an-
swering the challenge of tyranny.
Asserting that in an "open market
of ideas" the principles of American
democracy would win out, he referred
to the occupation of Japan as a "dy-
namic organization of democratic
force." He contrasted this with the
four-power German occupation which
he said was causing the "European
situation to deteriorate every day."
Turning to the domestic scene, and
pointing out that "unemployment is
unused energy" which bears the seeds
of upheaval, La Follette said that
while government has a direct re-
sponsibility in maintaining capital, it
should be kept out of mass industries.
Listing education, and public health
as fields in which government build-
ing should be encouraged, he sug-
gested aid to foreign trade as a sub-
stitute for direct foreign loans.
IRA Will Hold First.
Meeting of Semester
All students interested in joining
the Inter-Racial Association are
urged to attend the first meeting of
the new semester at 7:30 p.m. today
- in the Union.
The main item on the agenda is
t the election of a new president, ne-
cessitated by the resignation of Ter-
- rell Whitsitt, present head of the
- organization. Plans for the new
e semester will also be formulated at
r this time.
Those who have not yet gotten
y the J-Hop Extras they ordered
t may pick them up at the Student
e Publications Building.
~;tifI ing, sevurilty rgula ions based on
the F spionage Act.
4. It provides for the wide dis-
tribotion of the by-products of nu-
clear ission -the numerous radio-
active elements of great use in
medical, chemical and biological
5. It vests control of nuclear ener-
gy in a commission responsible to
the President and which must make
quarterly reports to Congress.
Wa1lace Denounces
f fay-Johnson Bill
ny 'rte Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 12-Secre-
tary of Commerce Wallace said today
that an atomic energy control bill
drafted by a special Senate commit-+
tee "has the potentiality of delivering1
us into the hands of military fas-
Wallace commented with anger in
his voice after the committee voted
6 to 1 to set up a military liaison com-
mittee to work with a control com-
mission of five civilians. Chairman
McMahon (D-Conn.) cast the dis-
senting vote.
Wallace asserted that the commit-
tee had voted "to' place control of
atomic energy, in effect, in the hands
of the military," and declared:
"This is an exceedingly unfortunate
development. I hope that when the
American people realize its signifi-
cance they will rise up in their wrath
and let the senators know what that
action means.
"The peacetime uses of atomic en-
ergy can be of much more signifi-
cance than its use in war. If the Unit-
ed 'Nations Organization develops in
the way we have every reason to hope
and believe it will, the great impor-
tance of atomic energy will be its
peacetime use.
"If the military aspect to atomic
energy is played up in the legislation
that is finally passed, other nations
will begin to wonder what we're up to.
As they wonder, their suspicions will
Senator Vandenberg (R-Mich) de-
clared that the provision to which
Wallace took exception would give
military officials "stop, look and lis-
ten power in behalf of national se-
UNO Security
(ou nil Meeting
Date Postponed
NEW YORK, March 12--(W)-The
meeting of the Security Council of
the United Nations Organization,
originally scheduled to open here
March 21, probably will not begin
until March 25, Benjamin Cohen of
Chile, Assistant Secretary General in
charge of UNO's Department of Pub-
lic Information, said tonight.
He said bad weather conditions
over Europe had disrupted flying
schedules and made necessary the
four-day postponement.
At a news conference, the Chilean
diplomat and newspaperman said
UNO would continue its "open door
policy in the matter of news."
AV ITHolds Meeting
l o Choose Off icers
The Ann Arbor American Veterans
Committee will elet new officers at
their meeting at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Michigan Union, AVC chair
man Victor Baum announced yester-
A new chairman will be selecte
at the meeting as well as assistan
chairman, corresponding secretar
and secretary-treasurer.
The AVC also will select a delegat
to the organization's Michigan Are
Council, Baum said. Temporary dele
t gate to the Council is former WAC
Susanne La Driere.
Plans are being made at the Ann
Arbor chapter for participation in
the AVC National Convention in
Troops Toward Teheran;
Admit Leaving MVuken
Reds Explain
LeavingCity ]
By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, March 12-Official
Russian assurance was given today
that Soviet troops evacuated from
Mukden were slated for shipment out
of Manchuria, but the precise situa-
tion in and around Mukden was ob-
scured by conflicting reports.
It was taken for granted here, S
however, that Central Government t
forces would be able to hold the city b
despite reported incursions of Chin- a
ese Communists. The latter were re- i
ported to have obtained only a toe-
hold in one suburban section. e
Troops Taking Control i
From Northeast China Command o
Headquarters in Chinchow, 150 miles t
southwest of Mukden, Associated d
Press Correspondent Spencer Davis c
reported that Chinese governmentM
troops inside Mukden were taking
control of the city in an orderly fash-a
ion. They were being steadily rein- t
forced by well equipped units movingq
in over the Mukden-Peiping railroad.s
Maj. Robert Ring, of Chicago, U.S.
Army Assistant Military Attache inr
Mukden, was quoted as saying that
all complete units of Maj. Gen. Kov-B
toun Stankevitch's Red Army garri- d
son had been pulled out March 7 and 1
11, and that only rear echelon ele-n
ments remained in the city. u
Russian Explanation
The first Russian explanation ofo
their evacuation of Mukden was re-
ported in a Chinese Central News
dispatch from Changchun. It saidZ
Gen. Tung Yen-Ping, head of the
Chinese Military Mission in Man-
churia, had called upon the RussianI
chief of staff to inquire about then
troop movements.
The Soviet officer replied that, in-s
asmuch as the Chinese government
had announced its readiness to take
over garrison duties in Mukden,
Soviet forces had begun to leave the
city for Changchun.t
He gave no indication how longa
the evacuated troops would stop overt
in Changchun, but said insufficient(
transportation facilities had prevent-f
ed their shipment direct to Soviet
territory, so a stop-over in the Man-
churian capital was unavoidable.-
Naval Dental
Program Ends
The end of the Navy dental train-
ing program at the University of
Michigan was marked yesterday byI
the presentation of an award in a
ceremony in Kellogg Auditorium. 1
President Alexander G. Ruthven
presided, introducing Captain Wood-]
son B. Michaux, head of the depart-
ment of Naval Science and Tactics
and commanding officer of all naval
personnel on campus. Acting for the
Secretary of the Navy, Captain Mi-
chaux presented the award to Dean
Russell W. Bunting of the School of
t Dentistry. The framed certificates
read as follows: "This mark of com-
- mendation is awarded by the Navy
- Department to the University of
Michigan School of Dentistry for ef-
d fective cooperation with the United
t States Navy in the training of officer
y candidates under the Navy V-12 pro-
gram during World War II. Signed,
e James Forrestal, Secretary of the
a Navy."
The V-12 program was inaugurated
C July 1, 1943 in 81 medical and dental
schools throughout the country.
n Ruthven Tea Today
Co nally alls
For More, Open
Big Three Talks
Moral Understanding
With Russia Possible
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 12-- (A') -
5enator Connally (D-Tex.) took note
oday of "disquieting" Soviet conduct,
ut held that "mutual understanding
nd cooperation with Russia are not
The chairman of the Senate For-
ign Relations Committee suggested
n a Senate speech that Big Three
r Big Five meetings be held from
ime to time to thrash out dangerous
differences "eye to eye, in language
lear and plain and if need be, blunt,"
Military Might Vital
Peering into "the troubled years
ahead," he held it is "imperative that
he United States maintain an ade-
quate army, a superior navy and a
superlative air force"-for defense
and for sustaining "our international
rights and obligations."
But he said that so long as Russia,
Britain and the United States "adjust
differences as they arise, there will
be peace. Those who want peace must
not commit acts that tend to provoke
No nation, he said, "has a right by
the exertion of tremendous economic
or political pressure to subordinate
other nations to its will."
Treaties To Settle Questions
Connally voiced conviction "that
Russia does not want another war."
He looked to peace treaties still to be
made to "settle many questions that
now vex us."
The Senator called the first as-
sembly of the United Nations "an un-
qualified success," .while declaring
that the organization could not win
world peace "automatically."
Conally delivered his account on
the London sessions, to which he was
a delegate, in a Senate setting like
that in which Senator Vandenberg
(R-Mich), another delegate, urged
firm dealing with Russia on Feb. 27
Acknowledges Differences
Discussing differences with Russia
Connally acknowledged that the
Americans and Russians differed or
"fundamental issues" but asserted :
"Russia has a right to any form o
government which it sanctions. I1
has the right to adopt its own systei
without the interference of inter-
vention of any foreign nation.
"The United States and all tht
other members of the United Nation;
have the same inalienable right t
adopt their system of government anm
their economy without the interfer.
ence or intervention of any othe:
Owen House
Will Explain
Co-op Methods
In order to demonstrate how;
student cooperative is run, member
of Robert Owen Cooperative Hous
will hold an open housefriom 8 p.n
to midnight Friday.
Largest of the five campus coo:
belonging to the Inter-Cooperativ
Council, Robert Owen, 1017 Oaklan<
houses 26 women, including sor
foreign students. All housekeepin
is done by the members, each o
whom devote five and a half hours
week to working in the house as we
as purchasing and cooking the foot
Living expenses at the coops am
far below those of other houses, mair
ly because food and supplies are pur
chased in large enough amounts t
secure substantial price reductio
as well as theefact that the house
cleaned and cared for by the studen
Students are urged to avail then
selves Friday of the opportunity
inspect a student cooperative. 1
the open house refreshments w
be served and guests will have an of
portunity to meet house membei
U. S.
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 12 - The
tate Department tonight disclosed it
as received reports that Russian
rmed forces and "heavy military
'ombat equipment" have been moving
south from the Soviet frontier to-
ward Teheran and the western bor-
ler of Iran.
The United States Government,
he Department said, has asked the
Russian Government to confirm or
deny the reports and if they are true
o explain the reason for the troop
While the official announcement
did not go into details of the Russian
forces involved, diplomatic authori-
ties said the forces were reported to
include tanks and calvary in consid-
erable strength.
Second Note Sent
The new American note on this
situation is in addition to a note sent
earlier this month protesting the r
failure of the Soviet Government to
withdraw its troops from Iran com-
pletely by March 2 in accordance with
an Anglo-Soviet-American agreement
made with the Tehran government
during the war.
Diplomatic officials said that they
did not know exactly the significance
of troop movements toward the west-
ern border of Iran which fronts on
both Turkey and 'Iraq with its rich
Mosul Oil Fields, but they said the
development, if true, might be con-
nected with Russian pressure on Tur
key for possession of the Turkish
provinces of Kars and Ardahan and
for special rights in control of the
The note asking the reasons was
sent several days ago, evidently when
the first reports of troop .movements
were received.
Communication Center
Tabriz is a major Iranian com-
munication center in the nprthern
part of the country between Tehran
and the Russian frontier.
Teheran itself for several days has
been the scene of political disturb-
ances as the result of which the Lef-
tist Tudah Party is reported to have
compelled the dissolution of the pres-
ent Parliament by presenting it
from getting a quorum of members in
time to vote itself an extension of its
power to remain in office.
This presents the Iranian Govern-
ment of Premier Ahmed Oavam-es-
Sultaneh with a first class political
crisis since it is the government's view
that elections cannot be held so long
as foreign troops remain in the coun-
Mobs Demonstrate
(A news dispatch from Teheran told
of mobs of demonstrators. It said that
since the Tudeh Party members began
gathering in protest to a proposal to
extend the life of Parliament, many
rightist deputies stayed away. The
two-year term of the legislative body
ended at 10:45 a.m.)
At the moment, the dissolution of
Parliament had the effect of concen-
trating power in the hands of Premier
Oavam es Saltaneh, who had just re-
turned from conferences in Moscow
where he apparently held out against
at least some Russian demands.
Prosecutor Rae
Brands Dethmers'
Report Falacious
Branding the testimony of some
witnesses in the report on his office
as "definitely deliberate fallacies" and
"partial truths," County Prosecutor
John Rae postponed further comment
on the report yesterday.
The report by State Attorney Gen-
eral John R. Dethmers on the Wash-
tenaw county prosecutors office was
submitted to the Board of Supervisors
meeting yesterday, in accordance with
a request made by them Jan. 16. It
"includes testimony alleging Rae to
have been intoxicated on several oc-
i casions, and says that Dethmers ad-
-vised Riae to resign. Rae has denied
all the charges (they refer onlyto his
personal affairs, the report empha-
sized) and has stated that he will seek
re-election this fall.
Rae said the report itself was "very
June which will be highlighted by The first Ruthven Tea of the spring
speeches by AVG memberHarold semester willabe held from 4 p.m. to
Stassen, and by Henry Wallace. 6 p.m. today at the president's home.
Curtain To Rise on Annual JG Play Tomorrow Night
Honoring senior women, the first
presentation of the completely ori-
ginal 1947 Junior Girls Play, "There's
Room for All", will take the stage at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Lydia Mendel-
sohn Theatre.
Public performances of the musi-
written by a committee of junior wo-
men, directed by Jean Raine, and
produced by an all junior cast and
"There's Room for All" is a clever
satire on a theme only too familiar
to all University students, but exact
and unattached women throw as
many pennies as they are old into
the wishing well, will bring every
capped and gowned senior to the
All of the songs, several of the
dances, and some individual acts
esses will be saved in the balcony,
according to Miss Kohr.
Caps and gowns must be worn by
every senior attending either the
dinner or the play. Gowns may be
picked up today. and tomorrow at
Moe's Sport Shop. A fee of $5 will
Petitioning Begins
Assembly petitioning for the