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June 05, 1946 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-06-05

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Kids Treated as 'Criminals'
At Juvenile Detention Home

(Continued from Page 1)

and group work. He must have imagi-
native insight, a warm and friendly
approach to children and considerablk
executive ability."
Either Mrs. Kennett or Miss De-
maree.is on duty at all times. A mi-
crophone on the wall in the hallway
connects with a loudspeaker in Mrs
Kennett's office and serves as a
warning when disturbances arise.
The quarters of the Washtenaw
County Detention Home were not
designed for their present use, but
the home has been located there
for four years. The rooms are clean
and in order at all times. Sanitary
facilities are provided by a single
bathroom. "Prison" toilets are in
the process of being installed in
the individual rooms-the only
feature now missing to, make them
completely unbearable. A shower is
also being installed.
Children confined to the Detention
Home get good food, the same as
that served to patients in the County
They can be visited by their famil-
Rele f Exhibit
Will Receive
6 Art Works
Over 60 works of art have been
pledged by townspeople, faculty Mem-
bers of the architecture college and
students for the Ann Arbor Famine
Relief art exhibit which will open at
8 p.m. tomorrow with a public re-
ception at Lane Hall..
Among the works to be exhibited
and to be offered for sale will be oils,
water colors, ceramics, etchings, lith-
ographs, miniatures, pastels and
sculptures. These pieces will be on
exhibit and available for purchase
daily from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday,
Saturday and Sunday.
According to the Famine Emergen-
cy Committee of Ann Arbor, the price
range of the pieces will permit the
public to acquire original works of
art while contributing at the sameI
time to the relief of starvation in for-
eign countries.

es on Monday, Wednesday and Fri-
iay from 3 to 5 p.m.
Children are given a physical exam-
nation when they enter and those in
geed of medical attention are placed
n the infirmary.
According to the Michigan State
Department of Social Welfare's
minimum standards for county
juvenile detention homes, "chil-
dren with long records of delin-
quency should beseprarateddfrom
first offenders. Provision should be
made for the isolation of newly-
admitted children and for those
who require further segregation."
A report made in 1945 by the Na-
tional Advisory Police Committee of
the Federal Agency declares that
"neglected or abandoned children,
even though the law makes their care
a responsibility of the juvenile court,
have no place in a detention home."
In Washtenaw County all chil-j
dren up to the age of 17, regard-
less of their offense, are placed in
the same -quarters, two to a room,
while awaiting court action.
When the Detention Home's mea-
ger facilities are taken up by their
maximum quota of six, children over
15 are temporarily lodged in the
County Jail. However, they are se-
parated from adult prisoners. Young-
er children are given make-shift
quarters at the discretion of the pro-
bate judge.
Sometimes discipline gets out of
hand at the Detention Home. Miss
Demaree told Daily reporters that
two 17-year-old youths once attacked
her in an attempt to break out.
The effect of such conditions in
Washtenaw County and elsewhere
throughout the country can be
seen in the present high crime
According to a study by the Ameri-
can Law Institute, "a tremendous
proportion of adult criminality has
its inception in conviction of crime
before the age of 21."
"Youth," the American Law In-
stitute says, "is the focus upon which
crime prevention efforts must be
wisely centered."
But Washtenaw County goes glibly
on, ignoring the future of its youth
and its own security.
Tomorrow: Washtenaw County's
Probate Court.

TU Famine
Drive Reaches
11 Student Residences,
Graduates Contribute
The University's Famine Relief
Drive collection was brought up to
a total of $2,087.62 Monday with the
submission of $119.90 for 11 student
residences and the Graduate Student
A report made yesterday at a meet-
ing of the steering committee of the
Famine Committee showed that $77.-
74 from the residents of Martha Cook
was the largest submission to the
drive. Helen Newberry Residence
turned in $28.61 and Pi Beta Phi
Sorority $7.85. The Graduate Stu-
dent Council contribution was $25.
Houses Commended
Contributing League houses in-
cluded 900 Oakland, $5.75; 433 May-
nard, $5.50; 1014 Vaughan St., $4.00;
802 Oakland, $3.56; 407 Hamilton
Pl., $2.12; 1036 Oakland, $2.10; 503
Monroe, $1.76; and 703 Haven, $1.03.
"The houses which have organized
collections have done a commendable
job so far," Rowland Westervelt,
treasurer of the Famine Committee,
said at the meeting. "But only 11
houses - all women's residences -
isn't a very good representation for
a campus with more than 100 houses."
Westervelt said that there are prob-
ably a few other houses which have
made collections but have not sub-
mitted the funds to the committee.
He requested that such funds be sub-
mitted at the Famine Relief Drive
table in the lobby of the League Mon-
day morning.
Drive Continues
The steering committee has decid-
ed to send 10 per cent of the house
collections to the American Society
of Friends for relief in India. UNRRA,
to which all other funds are sent,
does not distribute food in India.
The committee will continue the
drive until the last Monday of the
term. "During the next two weeks,
every house on campus should make
an all-out effort to collect the largest
sum possible for this urgently need-
ed food relief," Westervelt said.
Back the
Famine Drive

<. : ,,
,, ,

rublication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to t1e President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the dayf
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-;
VOL. LVI, No. 156
A' veterans enrolled at the Uni-
versity under Public Law 16 or 346
and who are not receiving subsistence
are recquested to report to Room 100
Rackham Building today between the
hours of 8:30 a.m., and 3:00 p.m.
All NROTC students who have ap-
plied for admission to the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts for
the Spring Term who have not re-
ceived their admission certificates
please call at 1209 Angell Hall as
soon as possible.
To all House Directors: The record
blanks which you are being asked to
fill out may be called for in the Office
of the Dean of Women on Thurs-
day, June 6.
Lockers at the Intramural Sports
Building must be vacated by June
7. The building will be closed on
and after June 8.
German Departmental Library
Books are due in the departmental
office on June 10 regardless of the
due date stamped in the book.
All women students attending Sen-
ior Ball will have 2:30 permission.
Calling hours will not be extended.
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Pres-
ent holders of these scholarships
who wish to be considered for the
year 1946-47 should present appli-
cations for renewal to F. E. Robbins,
Assistant to the President, 1021

Angell Hall, before the end of the
Women's Engineering Society: Will
the members of the society please
sign tlieir names to the information
cards that have been sent out, by
the secretary before they are remailed
to Mrs. Dyer?
Graduate School Summer Session
registration material will be avail-
able at the Graduate School Office
starting June 10. Summer Session
Bulletins will not be available until
June 15.
Seniors in Aeronautical, Electrical,
and Mechanical Engineering: Mr.
Nance of North American Aviatioi,
Inc. (Inglev:ood, California) will in-
terview graduating seniors on Friday,
June 7, in Room 3205 East Engineer-
ing Building.
Applications blanks may be obtain-
e(d in Room B-47 East Engineering
Building. Interested men will please
sign the interview seieuiule posted
on the Aeronautical Engineering Bul-
letin Board.
Attention Engineers: A represent-
ative from the Atlantic Refining
Company will be in our office on
Thursday, June 6, to interview any
men who are chemical, mechanical,
civil, or electrical engineers. He would
also like to talk to men who are
(Continued on Page 4)
North Main Opposite Court House
Today - Thursday - Friday
Brenda Marshall
- - plus
Johnny Mack Brown


SOCIAL PLANNING-Top row, left to right, Profs. John A. Perkins and
Arthur W. Bromage. Bottom row, left to right, Prof. Amos Hawley and
Clark Tibbitts.
T' To Study Social Planning
Problems in New Flint Center



LOST: Monday. Navy wallet. Gach's
Picture Shop. Finder please return
contents to Lynn Shapiro, 1308 E.
Ann. (2
LOST: Small portable R.C.A. radio.
Lost Saturday at Clarks. Call Jean
Gaffney, 2-2543. Reward. (13
LOST: Somebody traded raincoats
with me at the Deutscher Verein
dance. Call Bob, 9888. (12
LOST: Maroon Schaeffer pen on
campus or at Stockwell. Reward.
Call Lois 2-4471, Room 2539. (11
WALLET lost Memorial Day in Ar-
boretum. Reward. Call Guy Bor-
den, 5348. (7

LOST: Chi Omega pin with name
Florence Murray on back, between
E. University and Washtenaw on
Willard. Reward! (9
LOST: Brown wallet, please return
to 715 Hill. 8623. Stanley Glass-
man. (6
LOST: Pi Beta Phi pin, May 29.
Engraved "Dorothy Eycleshymer".
Sentimental value. Finder call 2-
4514. Reward. (24
TEACHER in Ann Arbor public
schools desperately needs small
apartment for two. Will take it
anytime before September 1. Con-
tact O. D. Miller, 404 Mich. House,
West Quad., Ann Arbor, Mich. (16
WANTED: Girl's 3-speed Schwinn,
Rawleigh touring bicycle before the
15th. Evelyn Denton, 2-1938. 6:30-
9:00 p.m. (17
WANTED: Limited number of ener-
getic young men for summer em-
ployment. Big money, travel, and
educational opportunities.- See
Coach Cliff Keen, Room 304, Mich-
igan Union, at 4 p.m., Friday, June
7. (18
set or single pieces. Box 63. (30
WANTED: Girl's bicycle with shift,
in good condition. July or sooner.
Call 3185. (3
fornia. 1941 Chevrolet leaving Sat-
urday, June 8. Phone 2-2317.
MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E.- Lib-
erty. We have rebuilt used bikes
for sale. Your bike can be expertly
repaired also.
MEN for part time work on farm,
preferably with farm background
and experience. Laboratory orch-
ard, 1831 Traver Road. Phone 8023.
HELP WANTED: Male drug clerk,
full or part time, experience pre-
ferred. Top pay. Apply Witham
Drug Company in person only.

FOR SALE: Five room house, furn-
ished or unfurnished. Overlooks
Washtenaw Golf Course. First
house behind 302 Clubview Drive.
Call 2698W, Ypsilanti. (15
FOR SALE: Complete set of trap
drums; tom-toms, high-hat, every-
thing a "Hide-Beater" needs. Call
Bill Lambert, 2-4551. (19
FOR SALE: Size 39 tuxedo; size 40,
men's summer formal; size 38, sum-
mer suit, 2 pair trousers. Tel. 2-
1033. (20,
CLARINET: 1942. Pruefer Profes-
sional Wooden model. Phone 2-
2035 after 6 p.m. (21
PLATINUM cuff links, Elgin watch
and chain. Man's topcoat, size 38,
hat. 71/8. Ladies suit 16-18, good
condition, rear ap't, 324 Thompson
St. 2-6294. (14
FOR SALE: Pair men's riding boots,
size 11. Practically new. Call 8986
after 6 p.m.
FOR SALE: 4 rooms of furniture.
Practically new. Owner is veteran
leaving Ann Arbor. Inquire 1031
Woburn Court, corner Pittsfield and
Berkshire Rds., Willow Run.
CO-OP summer personnel interviews
for interested students will be held
at the Union, Saturday at 2 p.m. (8
$35 apartment ideal for student
couple for larger one with bed-
room to make way for infant. Call
2-2483. (5
NEEDED: Charitable gift of old
piano to University of Michigan
Fresh Air Camp for boys. Ph. Uni-
versity ext. 2158.
E. Huron. Let us make your drapes,
alterations, and custom made
clothes! Phone 2-4669.
MEN'S Used Clothing Wanted. Best
prices paid. Sam's Store, 122 East

A University project to provide
intensive research in scientific infor-
mation on social planning will be
started on July 1 in Flint, Michigan,
it was announced yesterday by Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven.
Two University agencies have a
part in the project, the Institute for
Human Adjustment and the Metro-
politan Community Seminar, with an
advisory commitee of Flint citizens,
as announced by President Ruthven.
The Flint project will be unique in
that research will be continuous, both
in Flint and on the campus, accord-
ing to Clark Tibbitts, director of the
Institute for Human Adjustment, and
Amos Hawley, assistant professor of
sociology and chairman of the Met-
ropolitan Community Seminar. There
will be a full-time research worker
in Flint carrying on pertinent re-
search and also assisting graduate
students and faculty members from
the University in gaining access to
sources of data.
Besides Prof. Hawley, the seminar
faculty will include: Prof. Edgar M.
Hoover, Jr., of the economics depart-
Amputee Film
Will Be Shown
An Army sound film on the reha-
bilitation of amputees at Percy Jones
Hospital will be shown at 4:15 p.m.
June 12 by the Bureau of Coopera-
tion with Educational Institutions.
The place where the film will be
shown will be determined by the num-
ber of people who express interest
in it, Dr. George Carrothers, director
of the Bureau, said. He explained
that the film is being presented be-
cause of the attention it aroused
when it was shown in Ann Arbor re-
cently. He asked that people wanting
to see it leave their names at the
Bureau's office, 12 University Hall.
There will be no admittance charge.
Continuous from 1 P.M.

ment; John A. Perkins, secretary of
the Institute of Public Administra-
tion; Prof. Robert B. Hall of the
geography department, Prof. Arthur
W. Bromage of the political science
department and John W. Hyde, as-
sociate professor of planning in the
College of Architecture and Design.
The social science research project
will seek to focus attention and also
provide adequate information on the
problems facing metropolitan areas,
with Flint as the laboratory. Typical
of the problems to be considered will
be the outward movement of popula-
tion and industry and the friction
and readjustment involved.
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