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June 04, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-06-04

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Approve Loan
For Britain
Poll Is Supervised
By Prof. Remer
Nearly 2,000 American economists,
serving in the government, in advis-
ory capacities, and in educational
institutions, have signed a statement
supporting the proposed financial
agreement with Great Britain which
is now before Congress.
This was announced yesterday by
University economist prof. Charles F.
Remer who supervised the polling.
Polling Proposed
"The statement, Prof. Remer
pointed out," was prepared by a small
informal group of economists who
agreed at the Cleveland meeting of
the American Economics Association
in January that their fellow econo-
mists ought to have a chance to ex-
press themselves on an issue of out-
standing importance in the field of
their competence."
Of the economists polled only 4.3
per cent refused to support the mea-
sure. More than 20 to 1 supported
the proposal.
Unanimous Opinion
Although the poll was not spon-
sored by the American Economics
Association, most of those polled be-
long to the group. Statement of the
economists' virtually unanimous
opinion on the proposal has been
forwarded to Congress, Prof. Remer
The British loan agreement was
worked out by officials of 'the two na-
tions concerned, the economists ex-
plain. It awaits final action by Con-
Anderson Will
Give Address
At Graduation
Clinton P. Anderson, Secretary of
Agriculture, will be the speaker at
the commencement exercises at 6
p.m. June 22 in Ferry Field.
The University Marching Band,
according to tradition, will precede
the honor section and the graduating
seniors in the procession to Ferry
Tickets Available
Tickets for the commencement ex-
ercises will be available for distri-
bution Friday in Rm. 1, University
Each eligible graduate may obtain,
upon presentation of his identifi-
cation card, as many tickets for Fer-
ry Field as are desired, but he will
be limited to three tickets for Yost
Fied House, which will be used in
case of rain,
Patricia Barrett, senior class presi-
dent of the literary colege, announced
yesterday that the attempt to revive
Senior Swing-Out was unsuccessful.
She said that two events were be-
ing planned for Senior Week: the
Student Farewell Dance featuring
Bill Layton and his band, to be given
from 9 to 12 p.m., Wednesday, June
19, in the Union and a senior picnic.
Class Dues
Seniors in the literary college are
requested to pay class dues to any
of these members of the finance com-
mittee: Glenn White, Pat Picard, Pat
Daniels, Virginia Garrett, Evelyn
Horelick, Edna Kennedy, Carol Man-
chester, Elizabeth Moore, and Kath-
ryn Penix. Dues may also b mailed
to Glenn White, 548 S. State St.
Those receiving degrees in the
commencement exercises should ob-
tain their caps and gowns at Moe's
Sport Shop on S. University Avenue.
Will Assemble
Those receiving degres will as-
semble for the commencement pro-

SRA i stalls
New President
Lyman Legters was installed as
president of the Student Religious
Association at the organization's an-
nual banquet Saturday.
Awards for outstanding achieve-
ment in inter-faith work were pre-
sented to several students by William
A. McLaughlin, chairman of the
Board of Governors. Thomas West
received the Arnold Schiff Memorial
Award of $100.00 and Allene Golinkin
received a shelf of books from the
B'nai B'rith Councils of Michigan.
Town Hall Meeting
-TFA!11 ne ny A -

Candy Thieves
Ransack Daily
Sweettoothed bandits smashed
into The Daily sometime Sunday
and rifled the candy and cigarette
machines in the Editorial Office.
An attempt to break into a soft-
drinkis machine in the building
proved futile.
Entry was made by battering
through a back door, local police
Loss to The Daily has been es-
timated at "somewhere below $20."
The thieves rifled through most
of the editorial and advertising
desks, but left them as they found
them, in a state of disarray..
Detective George Stauch, of the
local police department has been
assigned the case and spent much
of yesterday afternoon recording
fingerprints and taking photos of
the crime scene.
Hear Report
Progress in the setting-up of the
United Nations Educational, Scien-
tific and Cultural Organizations was
reported before a meeting last night
of the University of Michigan Sci-
entists Association.
The speaker was Prof. Richard J.
Porter, assistant professor of pro-
tozoology, who said that a constitu-
tion had been drawn up in London
by a conference of representatives of
44 countries, and that Russia was
conspicuously absent from the con-
ference. He explained that the reason
was probably because of an objection
to the general tone of the organiza-
tion, which is primarily interested
in "educational and cultural rehabili-
tation of Europe and in the diffusion
of knowledge among the peoples of
the world."
The constitution will be enforced
and the group will begin function-
ing, he continued, when the docu-
ment has been ratified by 20 coun-
tries. Membership will automatically
be open to members of the United
Nations and to other countries by
special admission. Supporters of the
group, he added, hope to bring it into
relation with UN as soon as possible.
TO Be Given
Play Production Plans
Season's Last Offering
George Bernard Shaw's "The De-
vil's Disciple" will be presented by
Play Production at 3:30 p.m. tomor-
row through Saturday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre
The play, Play Production's last
presentation of the season, will star
Jim Bob Stephenson in the title role
of Richard Dudgeon. The role of
Essie will be played by serene Shep-
Other members of the cast include
Carolyn Street as Mrs. Dudgeon,
Harp McQuire as Anthony Ander-
son, and Mary Jayne Wheeler as
Judith Anderson.
Tickets for the play may be ob-
tained at the theatre box office
New Teachers
To Be Honored
Candidates for the teacher's certi-
ficate will be honored at the eleventh
annual convocation of the School of

Education to be held at 2 p.m. today
in the University High School Audi-
Provost James P. Adams will give
the principal address of the convo-
cation, at which President Alexander
G. Ruthven will preside.

'Errand Boy'
UN Job Quit
By Stettinius
Johnson Will Fill
Post Temporarily
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 3 - Edward
R. Stettinius, Jr., quit definitely to-
day as United States representative
to the United Nations, a job which
some said he had come to regard
as an "errand boy's."
Ernest Insistence
President Truman said last week,
when Stettinius' intention was re-
ported, that he hoped to induce the
latter to stay. But Stettinius pressed
his resignation at the White House
today and the President announced
its acceptance, at Stettinius' "earnest
No date was fixed, but it appar-
ently takes effect immediately. The
State Department said that Herschel
Johnson, a career diplomat who is
deputy U. S. representative, would fill
the U.N. seat until a successor was
Winant Mentioned
John G. Winant, wartime ambas-
sador to Britain and now U.S. repre-
sentative on the U.N. economic and
social council, was among those men-
tioned for the place in unofficial
speculation. The post carries the
rank of ambassador and a salary of
$20,000 a year plus expense allow-
Stettinius gave no reason for his
resignation except to say that when
he entered government service he ex-
pected to remain only as long as he
was needed during the war. Now
that the U.N. is "a going concern",
he added, he felt he could rightfully
ask Mr. Truman to accept his resig-
Rapid Rise
The rapidity of Stettinius' rise in
government paralleled his climb to
top-level positions in the General
Motors and United States Steel Cor-
porations in the 1930's.
Job Prospects
Topic of Lecture
By .prof. Haber
The concluding lecture of the lit-
erary college series on career oppor-
tunities will be given by Prof. Wil-
liam Haber of the economics depart-
ment at 4:30 p.m. today in Rm. 1025
Angell Hall.
Prof. Haber will discuss "Occupa-
tional Trends and Job Prospects."
"The pattern of economic oppor-
tunity is continually changing," Prof.
Haber declared in an interview yes-
terday, "and although there is no
fixed and rigid occupational pattern
it is possible for the school admin-
istrator, the job seeker and the plan-
ner to look ahead and get a reason-
ably clear idea as to where job ex-
pansion is likely to take place and
what kind of activity it will contract."
"There have been tremendous
shifts in the importance of certain
occupations, Prof. Haber declared.
"Many of them, prominent in pro-
viding expanding employment op-
portunities for generations of people,
have been declining. On the other
hand, a great number of activities
in providing employment for millions
of people have been expanding and
promise to continue in that trend
for a long time,"
Prof. Haber said that he intended
to discuss these two aspects of job
prospects, emphasizing in particular

the job outlook in terms of employ-
ment opportunities in various sec-
tions of American industry.
He plans also to consider other
forms of professional activity which
have been discussed in the previous

'U' Takes

Over Gigantic


Run Airport; Airlines Gets Lease;
Soil ExperimentsPlanned at Field

Loading Tests
Proposed for
First Project
Prof. Hoisel Outlines
Engineering Activities
An experimental program in soil
mechanics closely coordinated with
airfield maintenance and construc-
tion is being planned for Willow Run
by the Department of Civil Engineer-
ing, Prof. William S. Housel of that
department said in an interview yes-
First Projects
Large scale loading tests are the
first projects proposed for Willow
Run by Prof. Housel, who was con-
sulting engineer for the original con-
struction of the airport. Evaluations
of airport paving under wheel loads
up to 150,000 pounds will be made.
"Since the present runways at Wil-
low Run are not built for sch loads
some persons fear that they will be
broken up," Prof. Housel said. "We
must either take precautions to see
that the runways are not damaged,
or establish rates high enough to
repair or replace them."
Heavy -Runways
Pointing out that some authorities
say our large planes will require
runways six or seven feet thick, Prof.
Housel said that the cost of con-
structing such runways would be al-
most prohibitive.
The second project outlined by
Prof. Housel includes field observa-
tions of the service behavior of run-
ways. Full scale pavement cross-
sections will be constructed and
tested under acelerated traffic and
full size wheel loads. This project
will include the observation and ana-
lysis of existing paving under the
heavy traffic contemplated by the
"Development of rational design of
airport drainage systems is the third
project planned," Prof. Housel said
"By improving drainage we can in-
crease the carrying capacity of the
subsoil, perhaps enough to enable
the subgrade to carry loads itself.
This would eliminate the necessity
of having very thick pavements."
Instructional Program
An instructional program in soil
surveys and the influence of soil
conditions on airport design and
construction is the fourth project
that will be taken up at Willow Run
by the Department of Civil Engineer-
ing. The fifth project is concerned
with modern construction equipment-
design, operating characteristics and
cost estimates.
"We would like to accumulate at
Willow Run as much of the con-
struction equipment used in building
airports as we can get," Prof. Housel
explained. "Then graduate and spe-
cial students will have an opportun-
ity to become familiar with the ope-
rating characteristics of modern con-
struction equipment.
Prof. Housel estimated that the
program outlined above will require
approximately 22,000 square feet of
the buildings on the airfield.
Engine Students
To Use Airport
Willow Run Airport will be used
as a field test station to train stu-
dents in matters relating to aviation,
aircraft, and airports, Prof. Emerson
W. Conlon, chairman of the Depart-
ment of Aeronautical Engineering,
said yesterday.
The airport facilities will be used
for the expansion of the aeronautical
engineering department and for the
development of aircraft and civil avi-
Instruction and research work in

the fields of propulsion and aerody-
namics will be included in the Uni-
versity's program at Willow Run.
An option to train engineers for
airline operation will be initiated
when there is sufficient demand for
it if a program can be formulated
which will be approved by the Society
for the Promotion of Engineering
Education, Prof. Conlon said.
"'The action of the United States
government in turning Willow Run

ITALIAN PREMfIER VOTES-Alcide de Gasperi, Italian premier and
leader of the Christian Democrats, places his ballot in box in Rome, as
Italians went to polls to choose between monarchy and republic and to I
select delegates to write a new national charter. Two men at right are '
not identified,
.World News ata Glance
By The Associated Press
Italian Election Returns**
ROME, June 4-First unofficial returns from Sunday's plebiscite show-
ed mixed trends today with southern Italy apparently favoring retention
of the monarchy and northern Italy the establishment of a republic.
The unofficial figures, which were too meager to form the basis of a
definite forecast, also gave an early lead to the middle-of -the-road Christian
Democratic party in concurrent voting for delegates to the constituent as-
Bevin Reports To Commons ...
LONDON, June 3-Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin will go before
the House of Commons tomorrow with a full statement on Britishr
foreign policy expected to embody a conciliatory tone toward the Soviet
Union and an exposition of Britain's stand on the future of Germany.
*, * * F
Shipping Strike Th reatened*..
WASHINGTON, June 3--CIO martime leaders threatening a nation-
wide shipping strike June 15 today claimed growing support from the
American Federation of Labor.
Although AFL President William Green has said his organization's
maritime workers will carry out their contracts, there were signs of a split
among AFL union heads on whether to respect CIO picket lines.
* * * '*
Eisenhower Speaks in Detroit-...
DETROIT, June 3-General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower,
paying Detroit a quick visit today, called on America to maintain an
armed strength to guard against any danger of "forsaking our war
Flour Mills To Close ...
WASHINGTON, June 3-Ninty-eight per cent of flour mills in the
United States will be closed by tomorrow, the Millers National Federation
has notified the Senate Small Business Committee.
* * * * '
Vandenberg Warns Senate.. .
WASHINGTON, June 3-Senator Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.) cau-
tioned today against reducing the Army's potential strength to a "very
dangerous minimum" upon the hope of concluding peace pacts in some
European countries this summer.
Against the background of his experiences at the recent Paris coun-
cil of foreign ministers, he voiced his comment as the Senate opened
debate on extension of the wartime draft for another year.
Administration of Universities
Praised by Belgian Educators

Regular Flights
Will Commence
In Two Weeks
Research Program
To Be Carried On
Gigantic Willow Run Airport be-
came University property yesterday
and the University in turn signed
a working agreement with Capital
Airlines (formerly PCA) whereby the
firm will operate the airfield for
commercial purposes.
It was the first time in the history
of this nation that a single airline
took over operation of a major air-
Flights To Begin
Flights out of Willow Run will
begin June 15, Capital Vice-President
Robert J. Wilson announced.
Meanwhile the University em-
barked on one of the greatest re-
search programs in the history 'of
higher education.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
pointed out that "almost every de-
partment and college in the Univer-
sity will use Willow Run's facilities
for some research program," and a
mass movement of equipment from
University storehouses to the airfield
was indicated by members of the En-
gineering College Faculty.
"Field Test Ceiter"
The airport, turned over to the
University yesterday by the War As-
sets Administration, will become a
"field test center" for the aero-
nautical engineering deprtment,
Engineering Dean Ivan S. Crawford
Mass flight instruction for stu-
dents at the University is being "seri-
ously considered," University Vice-
President Robert P. Briggs said.
Definitely planned by the aero-
nautics department is the construc-
tion and installation of a supersonic
wind tunnel which will have speeds
up to four and one half times the ve-
locity of sound.
Prof. Emerson W. Conlon, chair-
man of the department, said that re-
search in all phases of aircraft, avia-
tion and arport management will be
carried oi.
Prof. William G. Dow of the elec-
trical engineering department will
conduct radar investigations and stu-
dents working on these projects will
tackle problems such as' blind land-
ings and new developments in elec-
Test Aircraft Engines
Mechanical engineers will concen-
trate on testing aircraft engines un-
der the direction of Prof. Edward T.
Vincent. Airlines executive Wilson
disclosed that his company will move
its engine plant from Washington
to Willow Run and that students
See AIRPORT, Page 4
City Brownout
Will Be Lifted
The Ann Arbor Common Council
yesterday repealed the city-wide
brownout ordinance which had been
passed in order to conserve fuel dur-
ing the recent soft coal strike.
The Council was warned that the
expected coal shortage this winter,
and the possibility of a strike among
bituminous miners might make it ad-
visable to retain the ordinance. How-
ever, it was decided to remove the
ruling entirely.
At yesterday's meeting the Council
accepted the resignation of James J.
O'Kane, Alderman from the Seventh
Ward. John E. Swisher was nomi-
nated to fill the vacancy until the
next election. The Council voted to
accept the nomination.

June 'Insight'
Ont Sale Today
The June isue of "Insight," "The
Magazine of Student Concern," will
be sold on. campus tomorrow and
One of the feature articles in the
new issue is "A Vet's Eye View of
Willow Run." This article was writ-
tnn in anmor fn +he mv2r-r-a117rin,~

Gargoyle Manager Decries
Funereal PublicityTactics

"Logan, you numbskull!" he cried,
stomping into The Daily pressroom,
his nostrils quivering, a copy of Per-
spectives oozing from his back pocket.
I looked up, flicking a piece of ash
from my lapel. One gets used to these
annoying trifles. "What is it, little
one," I inquired wearily. One no
longer has to bow to an ex-big shot.
The person in perpetual wrath before
me was Joe Walker, general manager
of the Garg.

again, "it's the funniest thing the
campus has ever seen. It's great. It
has a full half-dozen top-notch stor-
ies, with punch lines timed at strateg-
ic 14-second intervals. Front page
play tonight, eh?"
"Joe," I said, as soothingly as pos-
sible, "have you forgotten you're a
nobody? Has it slipped your mind
that the Garg next season will be
taken over by Ed McKinley? Do you
realize . ."
"McKinley. McKinley. all I hear is

"The autonomy of American uni-,
versity administration" has espe-
cially impressed the Belgian educa-
tors visiting Ann Arbor, according to
Prof. Edgard Blancquaert, rector of
the University of Ghent and one of
the four Belgian university heads'who
are touring several American college
" Vr P.nnt~ri mith rF .+ nIPPc.itrP.

a purely political appointee, which
naturally influences his work,"
The self-responsibility of the stu-
dents here was also commented upon
by Prof. Blancquaert, in discussing
his visit to a fraternity house yester-
day afternoon,
The group has already visited seve-
ral universities in the East, includ-
ing Columbia, Harvard. Radcliffe,

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