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May 22, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-22

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Ghe lrdlgat t il
Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor
Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . City Editor
Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Clark Baker.. ..... . . . . Sports Editor
Des Howart . . . . . . . .Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz .. .............Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Stafff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager
Evelyn Millsa.....Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newopaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a8
second-class mail matter.
Subcription during the regular school year by car-
rier, $j,60O, by mail, $5.25.
Alember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


oette toh 6editor

In One Act
To,The Editor:
SCENE: A student courtroom.
Time: Very recently.
A judge sits in quiet dignity; six jurors play
intellectual bridge in the jury box, while the
defendant pleads his case. The defendant has
been too unjustly accused of vote fraud in se-
curing an elected position, and his persecuted,
haggard face shows the strain.
Judge: Art thou guilty of murder, rape, or
pulling shrubbery from the campus grounds?
Defendant: Nay, your honor.
Judge: Then, truly, it is beyond my powers to
see why thou art deemed ineligible for thy duly
won position.
Defendant: (Sweetly) 'Tis like this, your hon-
or. Here I was, a student on campus, neither
knowing much nor caring little about stupid
rules and regulations. I decided to run for a cam-
pus office and was afraid that my fine capa-
bilities would be overlooked; naturally, I bor-
rowed a few registration cards and voted for
myself occasionally during election day. I told
the owners of the cards why I was taking them,
so I cannot see wherein I committed any crime.
I was honest with them.
Judge: Prithee, did it not occur to you that
you might have been taking unfair advantage
of others in the election-others who were not
so quick in grabbing registration cards?
Defendant: (Tenderly) Nay, sir; 'God helps
them what helps themselves, a id if the others
weren't smart enough to take advantage of vot-
ing for themselves a few times, then that is their
fault and none of my business. This is democracy.
Judge: (Gnashing teeth) Very well; that will
do (Turns to jury) Gentlemen of--GENTLE-
MEN, GENTLEMEN, your attention. (Sighs
gratefully as jury members make small slam and
put cards away.) You have heard the defen-
dant's plea, and you will now render your ver-
dict of guilty or not guilty in vote fraud.

On Cortright Acquittal

Unblushing Travesty
T HE SIX-MAN student jury which decided in
favor of Richard Cortright Tuesday prompted
Prof. John E. Tracy of the law school who pre-
sided at the trial to make the statement, "I
fear for the future of student government when
a jury returns a verdict such as this."
We may well echo Prof. Tracy's sentiments.
The six jurymen were chosen by lot from the
entire student body. Presumably; they may be
considered as reasonably typical. They voted
on three points as follows: All six held that
Cortright was not guilty of "intentional fraud"
in the election. Four agreed that Cortright
while two believed him not guilty on this
charge. All six jurors voted that they consid-
ered Cortright a "suitable person" to sit as a
member of the Student Congress.
The considered verdict of this jury of six
students, then, is that a person guilty of violat-
ing student congress election rules in gaining
his own election is to be considered "suitable"
to be a member of the congress. Student gov-
ernment based on campus opinion which coun-

tenances election malpractices can only be an
unblushing travesty on representative democ-
racy. -Milt Freudenheim
* ~ * *
Up To Congress
TONIGHT the Student Congress must make
the decision which will either discredit or
vindicate Congress in the eyes of the student
body. That decision is whether or not Richard
Cortright, who twice has been convicted of il-
legal voting, will be seated as a member of the
Cortright was found guilty of violation of the
election rules by the Men's Judiciary Council
two weeks ago, and the student jury made the
same decision last Monday night.
Students will have no faith in a govern-
ment if one of the members of that govern-
ment has twice been found guilty of election
fraud. All talk of fair representative govern-
ment and honest election will be just so much
By declaring Cortright a member, Congress
will openly be condoning illegal voting. Then
Congress itself will be no more than, a fraud.
-Stuart Finlayson

Jurors: (Hastily conferring) Having vaguely
heard the defendant plead his innocence, we
must declare him not guilty of doing anything
that any other student on campus wouldn't do.
After all, your honor, although he is guilty of
violating election rules, we need many men such
as he is. There is a war on, your honor, and men
are scarce.
Judge: (Choking himself to death with his
hands, slumps to floor; is heard mumbling). Jus-
tice, what . . . . sins . . . . are . . .. committed
in .... thy . ... (is dead).
Defendant produces ten counterfeit dollar
bills for court costs, throws them on judge's body,
and stalks from courtroom.
-Frederick A. Malom
Jury Deserves Thanks
To The Editor:
MONDAY evening, by order of the Student
Congress, a jury trial was conducted at the
Michigan Union to decide upon the case of an
alleged election fraud. Six jurymen who had no
connection of any kind with the election were
selected by lot from the entire student body,
and were asked to devote over three hours to
patient and careful consideration of the merits
of the case. Witnesses on both sides testified
at considerable length and were subjected to
severe cross-examination. The jurymen them-
selves questioned the witnesses, and their ques-
tions indicated intelligence, alertness, and com-
plete seriousness of purpose. It was clear to the
audience that the jurymen were conscious of
their responsibility and were doing their very
best to reach a just decision.
In his instructions to the jury, the judge told
them the three questions that they had to answer,
and referred to certain minor items in the de-
fense testimony that he thought should be dis-
counted. He did not point out any legal con-
siderations which obliged the jury to decide one
way or the other, nor did he indicate that one
decision or another would be in any way pre-
ferable from the standpoint of the law.
After considerable deliberation, the jury re-
turned a verdict which was unanimous on two
counts and a two-thirds vote on the third. In-
stead of thanking the jury for their coopera-
tion, the judge stood up and made the fol-
lowing statement: "I fear for the future of a
student government that hands down such a
verdict." He gave no basis for such a state-
ment other than his subjective decision that
if he had been on the jury he would have
voted differently. To me, such a statement
on the part of a judge indicates neither due
appreciation for the sincere efforts of the six
jurymen, nor proper respect' for the institu-
tion of trial by jury.
I cannot speak for the entireCongress, be-
cause there are many different points of view
within that body. But as one Congressman, who
is confidently hopeful for the future of student
government, I wish to extend to all the jury-
men my thanks for their sincere and earnest
efforts. I hope that the Congress will continue
to settle its problems fairly and humanely, and
that the example of student self-rule that was
displayed Monday evening will serve as a pre-
cedent for the future.
-Bob Taylor
To The Editor:
IT WAS GOOD to learn in Sunday's Daily, that
John Campbell believes himself to be un-
affected by Hearst's infantile journalism. I am
particularly pleased that Mr. Campbell found
time to think of so many ways of criticizing my-
self and letter, without saying anything about
either. My letter, I find is inaccurate, unjusti-
fied, confused, incoherent, and misrepresenting;
I myself, am emotional, hysterical, and unable
to logically interpret the English language.
But through all the haze of words, Mr. Camp-
bell fails to refute my main point-that his edi-
torial was of just the type of infantile journal-
ism which he professes to abhor. If anything, all
that he proves is that he became so involved in
quoting as he terms it "on the scene reporters
and competent news analysts," to back just the
sort of statement which would be a source of
pride to any Hearst editorialist.

The only point which my letter intended to
make was that Hearst would not have been
making this change in policy, inane as it may
seem, if he did not feel afraid, if he did not feel
that by tying the word 'red fascist' to commun-
ists and to the popular European peoples move-
ments, and also tacking that term to the Soviet
Union, he could stir up the seeds of future Polar
Bear expeditions and eventual war with the
A secondary point which I put forward, and
which Mr. Campbell ignores, is that Communist
movements in European, Asian, and Latin Ameri-
can countries, are not manifestations of activity
by Russian agents or Russian influence any-
more than the French revolution was a mani-
festation of American infiltrations into Europe,
but are actually popularly supported political
parties subscribed to by a large section of the
local populations.
Again I would like to thank Mr. Campbell
for clearing up the point of what sort of journal-
ist William Randolph Hearst is. I hope however

"TN THESE DAYS, when nations
rangle over booty and children die
of starvation, when an iron curtain
blinds half of Europe while men are
driven into slavery, Americans wit-
ness a spectacle of the Golden Rule
in practice.
Herbert Hoover . . . has returned
to his country from a service of lov-
ing kindness and charity which would
have taxed the physical strength and
moral courage of a younger man.
He has girdled the earth in a mis-
sion of faith and love.
Flying the air, he has visited every
country where starvation rides herd
upon men, women and children .
He has asked no child whether he
was friend or foe.
He has asked only: Are you hun-
gry? .
If Christianity has any meaning
at all in this world of confusion, here-
in lies its meaning and its example.
Herbert Hoover is opposed to good-
ness by force. He is opposed to fur-
ther rationing as unnecessary and
He appeals to the American people
to do voluntarily what others may
only do by force ... "
Thus reads an editorial in the De-
troit Times for May 19, 1946. By
some strange chance, the State De-
partment chose the same day to re-
lease the official records of the 1919
Paris Peace Conference, which have
been kept secret for 27 years.
These records conclusively prove
that Hoover proposed to this con-
ference that the Hungarian people
be promised food if they would kick
out the Communist government
which they had at that time. ("He
has asked no child whether he was
friend or foe." . . . he only asked
them: Are you Communist?)
The volume also reveals that the
Baltic states "Were being organized
and armed by the Allies in order that
theymight fightragainst Bolshe-
vism." It further reveals that John
Foster Dulles, top Republican Party
expert on foreign affairs and now
GOP adviser to Secretary of State
Byrnes, helped draft the plan for
blockading Russia in 1919. Perhaps
these facts partially explain that
"iron curtain" which so offends the
Detroit Times.
A LARGE AMOUNT of the current
food crisis, not only in Europe but
also in the United States, may be
directly attributed to the failure. to
re-institute rationing. When the De-
partment of Agriculture started a po-
licy of cutting off 25% of all wheat
at the mills, it also started a policy
of artificial scarcity in the United
States. There is no actual shortage of
bread in this country .. . many people
merely FEAR that such a shortage
might develop. The immediate result
is that those few early shoppers get
three loaves of bread apiece every
morning, while the late-afternoon
shoppers are unable to find even a
two-day-old pecan roll. When people
believe that there is a shortage, auto-
matically a shortage develops. This
shortage can only ble ended by a re-
turn to rationing.
This entire policy of voluntary
saving results in no saving at all.
The food saved by the humanitar-
ian is eaten by the glutton or
thrown out by the early shopper.
So we reel on, undismayed by our
inefficiency. We fail to reinstitute
rationing because rationing in-

volves planning, and planning is
Mr. Hoover appeals "to the Ameri-
can people to do voluntarily what
others may only do by force." But
this much is certain: A policy of vol-
untary saving for America is a policy
of involuntary starvation for Europe.
-Ray Ginger
Morality's Low Priority
AS VICTORS we are privileged to
try our defeated opponents for
their crmes against humanity; but
we should be realistic enough to ap-
preciate that if we were on trial for
breaking international laws, we would
be found guilty on a dozen counts.
We fought a dishonorable war, be-
cause morality had a low priority in
battle. (Edgar L. Jones, Atlantic, Feb.
that my 'unsubstantial emotional ut-
terances' have been clearer to the
readers than Mr. Campbell's inter-
pretations of The New York Times,
the United Mine Workers Journal,
and on-the-scene reporters and com-
petent news analysts.
-Kenneth S. Goodman

(Continued from Page 2)
who expect to stay in Michigan dur-
ing the summer should call at the
Bureau of Appointments. 201 Mason
Hall, for an appointment.
Juniors in chemical, mechanical,
electrical, industrial or civil engineer-
ing interested in working for the
American Viscose Corporation this
summer may obtain application
blanks at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information.
201 Mason Hall, for further informa-
Students interested in selling pro-
ducts through the Campus Merchan-
dising Bureau during the summer can
obtain application blanks at the Bur-
eau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
The products to be sold include books.
personalized stationery, matchbooks,
coasters, playing cards, and other
The Bureau of Appointments has
received a call for a young lady with
a background in psychological test-
ing for a job in industry. Anyone
who is interested should apply at
the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201 Ma-
son Hall, for further information.
Ethyl Corporation in Detroit has
a few openings for lab analysts for
this summer. Men who are interested
may obtain application blanks at
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
Willow Village Program for veterans
and their wives:
Wednesday, May 22: Bridge, 2-4
p.m.; 8-10 p.m., Conference Room,
West Lodge.
Friday, May 24: Dancing Classes:
Beginners, 7 p.m.; Advanced, 8 p.m.;
Open dancing, 9-10 p.m. Auditorium,
West Lodge.
Saturday, May 25: Club Room Re-
cord Dance, 8:30-11:30. Club Room,
West Lodge.
Sunday, May 26: Classical Music,
records, 3 p.m. Office, West Lodge.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Joseph
Andrew Reid, Comparative Litera-
ture; thesis: "Naturalistic Influences
in the Argentine Novel," to be held
Thursday, May 23, at 4:00 p.m., in
the East Council Room, Rackham
Building. Chairman, I. A. Leonard.
Notice to Sophomore and Senior
Students taking the Profile Examina-
tions: You will be excused from
classes where there is a conflict with
the examinations. Present to your
instructor my communication regard-
ing the test as proof of your eligibil-
ity. Hayward Keniston, Dean
Literature, Science and Arts, 2nd
semester sophomore are reminded
that the Profile Tests for sophomores
are to be held in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall, Thursday morning, May
23, and Friday morning, May 24.
Doors will open at 7:50 a.m. and close
promptly at 8 a.m. Please bring foun-
tain pens and pencil erasers with you
to both sessions.
Seminar in Analytic Functions will
meet today in 3201 Angell Hall at
3:00 p.m. Professor G. Y. Rainich will
speak on "Series Development of
Analytic Functions of Quaternions."
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building on Friday, May 24, at 4 p.m.
"Problems of Amino Acid Function-
Therapeutic Problems I. Glycine,
Glutamic Acid and Tryptophane," All
interested are invited.
The Botanical Seminar will meet
today at 4:00 p.m., Room 1139 Natu-
ral Science Building. R. M. Muir
will give a paper entitled "The Phy-
siological Mechanism of Fruit De-
velopment." All interested are in-

The Chemistry Colloquium will
meet today at 4:15 p.m. in room 303
Chemistry Building. Mr. J. J. Moran
of the Kimble Glass Company will
speak on "Manufacture of Laboratory
Student Recital: Francis Peterson,
violinist, will be heard in a recital
given in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Master
of Music, at 8:30 this evening in Lyd-
ia Mendelssohn Theatre. A pupil of
Wassily Besekirsky, Mr. Peterson will
play compositions by Brahms, Wien-
iawski, Kreisler and Saint Saens. The
program will be open to the general
Student Recital: A program of mu-
sic for wind instruments will be giv-
en at 1:00 p.m., Friday, May 24, in
Harris Hall. The compositions and
soloists are as follows: Concerto by
Handel, Rose Ramsay, bassoon; So-
nata by Corelli, Carla Hemsing,French
horn; Nocturne by John Field, Leo
McVean, alto clarinet; Brahm's So-
nata for Clarinet and Piano, Dwight
Dailey, clarinet, Mildred Minneman
Andrews. niano: Quartet for Mixed

in the School of Music. will be given
at 8:30 Tuesday evening, May 29,
in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
Building. The program will feature
music of the 17th and 18th centuries,
and will be open to the general pub-
Events Today
Members AIEE: Ratification of the
recently proposed by -laws, election
of officers for the comning year, and
discussion of the picnic to be held
June 1 are the main business topics
for the last AI meeting of the
semester, tonight at 7:30 p.m., in the
Michigan Union. The speaker of the
evening will be Mr. R. J. Teetsell of
The Westinghouse Elec. Corp. His
talk, "Electrical Measuring Instru-
ments, their Construction, Operation
rnd Selection," will be accompanied
by a sound slide film. Refreshments
will be served.
Alpha Phi Omega will hold an im-
portant business meeting tonight at
7:30 at the Michigan Union. Every
member is required to attend in order
that very important business can be
dispatched. Bring the record of tick-
ets you have sold to the meeting.
Psychology Club will meet tonight
at 7:30 in the West Conference Room
of the Rackham building. Mr. Har-
old Guetzkow will speak on "The
Psychological Effects of Hunger."
The meeting is open to all inter-
ested students. Club members are
especially urged to attend this meet-
Radio Program: The University
Broadcasting service and the School
of Music present today from 2:00
to 2:30 over Station WKAR (870 kc)
its fifth (final) Radio-recital devoted
to the Chamber music works of Lud-
wig van Beethoven. Messrs. Wassily
Besekirsky, Loren Cady, Edward Or-
mond and Hanns Pick will perform
the complete String-quartet Op. 59
No. 1 (Rasoumoffsky). Commenta-
tions by Mr. Theodore Heger.
The Women's Glee Club will meet
in Hill Auditorium at 7:00 tonight.
Please bring formals because a pic-
ture will be taken at that time.
The Prescott Club will meet to-
night at 7:30 in Room 300 of the
Chemistry Building. There will be a
student speaker, and elections for
officers for next year will be held.
All members are urged to attend.
Fencing: The men's fencing class
will meet on Wednesday afternoons
at 4:15 at the I.M. Building for the
remainder of the semester.
All those interested in going to
Mexico this summer are invited to
306 Romance Language Building,
today at 4:00 p.m. Several students
who attended the University of Mex-
ico will answer questions concerning
the trip.
Wesley Foundation Mid-week Re-
fresher and Tea today from 4:00-5:30
p,.m. will honor Dr. Eddy Asirvatham,
head of the Department of Politics
and Public Administration at the
University of Madras, India. Special
Guests will be members of the Bap-
tist student group. All other students
who would like to meet Dr. Asirva-
tham informally are invated.
Coming Events
The Geological Journal Club will
meet in Rm. 4065, Nat. Sci. Bldg.
at 12:15 p.m. on Friday, May 24.
Dr. Erwin C. Stumm, of Oberlin
College, will speak on "The Falls of
the Ohio." All interested are cordial-
ly invited to attend.
Michigan Chapter A.A.U.P.-The
annual meeting, with election of of-
ficers, will be held Thursday eve-

ning, May 23. Dr. James P. Adams,
Provost of the University, will spear
informally on University matters.
Join Union Cafeteria line at 6:15 and
take trays to the lunchroom of the
Faculty Club.
The Omega Chapter of Phi Delta
Kappa will hold a joint meeting with
the Alpha Omega chapter of Wayne
University May 24 at 4:00, dinner
at 6:00 p.m., in Detroit at the down-
town YWCA. Following the initia-
tion of new members, Austin Grant,
radio commentator, will address the
members. Members desiring trans-
portation or willing to drive please
call 25-8034.
Indian students of the Department
of Chemical and Metallurgical Engin-
eering will meet at 7:30 p.m. on
Thursday, May 23, in Room 3201 E.
Engineering Building for the forma-
tion of Indian Institute of Chemical
Abner Berry, the educational direc-
tor of the Communist Party in the
state of Michigan, will be the speaker
at the Inter-Cooperative Council Ed-
ucational to be held on Friday night,
May 24, at 8:15. The meeting will be
held at the Stevens Co-op, and the
I subject of the speaker will be "Marx-


Real Menace Not Red Menace

T HE "other local daily"-The Ann Arbor
News-has recently run a series of special
articles on the "red menace." According to these
articles you never can tell when you are sitting
next to One. The sociology professor who damns
political, economic and racial inequalities may
be One. The person who wants to see the Soviet
Union get an even break or tries to understand
some of her antagonistic diplomacy is probably
One. The college student who joins American
Youth for Democracy and campaigns against
Franco Spain certainly' is One.
It would be contrary to the truth to try to
deny that some persons in this country follow
the "Communist line" or are sympathetic to
Communist ideology. But to say that they con-
stitute a "red menace" is another matter.
THE EXISTENCE of radical groups is a mani-
festation of rottenness in a society. Russian
Communism developed to overcome the rotten-
ness of Czarist rule. A strong pre-war Communist

movement in Great Britain developed because
of the British class system and the economic
suppression of a great portion of England's pop-
ulation. Whatever Communist tendencies may
be developing in this country are growing because
there are many faults in American society. Some
people feel that it is remarkable that, con-
sidering how much is bad in American society,
Communism has not become stronger than it is.
Crying "red menace" all over a newspaper's
front page will not do anything to alleviate the
symptoms which are conducive to the develop-
ment of radical movements. Supporting extended
social security, slum clearance, a national health
program-these are the actions which will re-
duce and eventually eliminate the unrest which
can become dangerous. The real menace is the
"reactionary menace" of people who are in-
terested only in their stomachs and bank
-Mal Roemer

Unanimity Not Possible

THE QUESTION of the United Nations' future
as the guardian of peace has been put squarely
to Russia.
In his report on the Council of Foreign Minis-
ters meeting at Paris, Secretary of State Byrnes
declared that none of the four great powers
should be permitted to block efforts toward peace
in Europe.
This will be the result, Mr. Byrnes said, if a
peace conference is not called until the four
powers agree on every subject deemed funda-
mental by any one of them.
His remarks were directed to the Soviet Union,
which has insisted that a peace conference be
delayed until the ministers of the four powers
have reconvened and agreed on all fundamental
Mr. Byrnes takes the position that "the making
of neaee is not the exclusive nrerogative of any

But what will happen to the peace of the world
if the unanimity of the great powers on any basic
issue is lost?
The answer is that peace does not depend on
great power unanimity on basic issues but on
their ability to subordinate national interests to
the will of the majority of the United Nations.
The future of the United Nations awaits
Russia's answer to Mr. Byrnes' forthright state-
-Clayton L. Dickey


Don't worry, Pop. Mr. O'Malley,
my Fairy Godfather, is going to
help your team win the pennant.

I'm afraid you're mixed up,
son. We call ourselves the
Dodgers. But we re amateurs.
We're not in the big leagues.

You'll see what it's all
about on Saturday. W hen -
we play our first game.

By Crockett Johnson
Gosh. I'd better let my Fairy
Godfather know . .. He always
pitches the opening game, Pop.

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