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May 15, 1946 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-15

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Five To Speak
Contest Today
Finals Will Determine
Best Student Orator
Five student finalists will compete
for the title of best student orator
in the all-campus contest to be held
at 8 p.m. today in the Kellogg Audi-
The contestants and their topics
are as follows: John J. Carroll, "Lib-
eration"; Nafe E. Katter, "The Guar-
anteed Tenure of Freedom"; Carroll
Little, "Retribution"; Elvira Smolin-
ski "So Big the Earth"; and Terrell
Whitsitt, "Storm in America".
Katter was recently chosen the
best speaker in the speech 31 class-
es. Final contestants were selected
from a group of 18 students, who
were invited to participate from all
Prof. Louis M. Eich, of the speech
department, will be chairman of the
contest. Other officials will be Prof.
Charles W. Lomas, Jack E. Bender,
and Lawrence W. Grosser, judges,
and Tom C. Battin, timekeeper.
Glee Club Will Serenade
Dormitories, Sororities
The Varsity Glee Club will serenade
various campus dormitories and so-
rority houses Wednesday, May 29,
according to Calvin Blair, Glee Club
business manager, and Dick Cort-
right, publicity director.
Later in the month the Glee Club
will give a dinner at which awards
for the semester will be given to
members of the club.

City Layouts

To Change

IJ I liu pi l
illPr : l




EDITOR'S NOTE: The following arti-
cle presents a sociologist's point of view
on the prospects of planned decentraliza-
tion of American cities in the future.
Planning of American communities
in the future will entail provisions
for social and administrative pro-
cedure as well as for the physical
aspects, Prof. A. H. Hawley, of the
sociology department stated in an in-
terview yesterday.'
"Only if such planning is con-
ducted by persons trained in the
social sciences as well as in archi-
tecture and engineering," he ex-
plained, "is it likely to be success-
ful." Prof. Hawley applied this with
particular force to a project such as
that contemplated in the British
Town and Country scheme for ur-
ban decentralization, which is an
attempt to solve the problem of
0erly-congested English cities by
creating so-called "satellite"
Agreeing with the report of the
British New Towns Committee, which
International Center
Will Get Paintings
Reproductions of two water color
paintings by Alfredo Galvez 'Suarez,
Guatemalan artist, will be presented
to the International Center tomorrow
as the gift of Dr. Gabriel Ezans, for-
mer graduate student from Guate-
The paints, "Alguaciles de San An-
tonio Palopo" and "En Familia Chi-
chicastenango," will be presented at
the weekly tea at 4:30 p.m.

urges that young people with drivej
and imagination help in planning thes
great "essay in civilization," Prof.
Hawley asserted that planning is a
new industry that will naturally fall
to the youth of America to make suc-
"Planning goes awry," he declared,
"because there is not enough em-
phasis on the social aspect; without
effective social planning, physical
planning is inefficient and costly. As
an example, you can not provide good1
education by constructing beautiful1
buildings nor can you create a thriv-
ing metropolis with beautiful park-1
If systematic decentralization is
to be accomplished successfully
within the American economic
scheme, he continued, a way must
be found to combat vested interests,
complacency, and fear of change.
This will necessitate a program of
intensive education to convince
people of the need for su hi a pro-
Meeting the cost of the project,
which entails the "absorption of spe-
culative values" by some group, is
another problem that will have to be
met. Under the British plan, a single
public agency will be responsible for
the development of each new town
and for the expansion of existing
This will take the form of a public
corporation financed by the Exche-
quer and will be composed of young
people, rather than "safe" men. The
British, recognizing that "ordinary
commercial enterprise would be in-
appropriate" to promote such a pro-

ject are far ahead 1 us in this re-
spect.A program of ori
('hamnbr- music writ
Decentralization, Prof. hawley
continued, is occurring at the pre- Hi
sent in most of our urban areas IHaine l e
though in an uncontrolled man- today i 1the Lydi
ner, with people from rurl areas Theatre..
moving towards the city bt se- Fcacl red on the pr
ing outside city imits an with u- "Suite for Clarinet
ban residents migrating outwards. Dean Howard, Grad.
"It has been cb'..rvecd in the past, i ,pc at th' Nat
he disclosed, that citi is with a poU- Clinic in Chicago ir
lation of 20,25,000 people are iicar Oti compostiOn
ar by Daivd Idema..
the optimum size. Planners must re: Un ei Clinton
take that into account- The British Maiy, Jance Brodt.
suggest a maximum o 60, 00 people. Mar, Evans Johnso
They also provide for trading estates iey Joanne Baker,
at the outset of the towns Prof. Franci; Iopper, Eli
Hawley agrees that a service center Norma Wcndleburg.
is necessary to each satellite but also Several of the con
contends that highly specialized cen- pear on the progra
ters serving numerous towns will also njumbes will be play
be required. the School 0f Music.

gn al piano and * -i *l1' lh w ce CSSU)Il
ten by students Miss Lola D, Grille, folk arts spe-
er Dr. Edmund cialist from the International Insti-
ted at 8:30 p.m. 1 lute at Detroit, will lead a folk dance
SMendelssohn session of the Youth Hostel Group
from 8 to 11 p.m. today '1 the Ar-
mory, corner of E. Ann and Fifth.

ogram will be the
and Strings," by
which won the
;onal Composers
son the program
Allen Pyke, Aud-
Norton, Gordon
Marilyn Mason,
,; Dorothy Tru-t
Beverly Solorow,
so Cambon and
nposers will eap-
m and all of the
ed by students of
b *
_Ow Run will be
y to register for
ate primary elec-
and from 6 to 8i
day, May 23 and
,urt Community

Toni Vetter will furnish accordion
musie a refreshe l be

The Roger Williams Guild will
have a tea from 4:30 to 6 p.m. to-
day in t. Guild house in honor
of Guild n rs having birthdays
in May,

As examples of developments that
have successfully embodied the de-
centralization scheme, Prof. Hawley
cited three experimental green-belt
projects located outside of Washing-
ton D. C., Baltimore and Cincinatti
built by the government in the 1930's
for people in the lower income brack-
ets, though since the war income re-
stricitons have been removed. The
homes are now available for sale toI
private individuals. Present residents,

Velr a 4 1 'Ie
Veterans at Will
Iven an Wotunit:
vitn n the June st
tions from I to 5
pa. Thusday, Frid
24 at the West C

The All-Nations Club business
meeting at 7 p.m. tomorrow will be
followed by a cultural discussion in
the Recreation Room of the Inter-
national Center.
The club will hold a tea dance from
4 to 6 p.m. Friday in tie Center.
CE Discussionr . .
The Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship will discuss "The Crucifiction"
at 8 p.m. today at Lane Hall.
(:ie Orcl-sia.
The Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra
wil participate in the final Sunday
International Center program of the
semester at 7:30 p.m. in the Union
A program of orchestral selections,
directed by Waren Ketcham, and
a ballet will be special features of the
The program is open to the public.
Sarle To Lcture. ..

.-~__.. _r__._ ...

resisting attempts of corporations who Luildiki.
wish to purchase the piojects, are Mrs. Lillian M. Sheppard, Ypsilanti
turning them into self-operated en- township cler, will register voters at
terprises. that ime.



Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 140
University Senate: There will be a
University Senate Meeting on May
20, at 4:10 p.m. in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. *_
Conservation of Coal: Measures
are being taken to conform, in so far
as is practicable, to Mayor Brown's
request that the City observe "brown-
out" procedures.
Campus lighting time clocks have
Downtown: 308 NoRTH MAIN

been adjusted to conserve electricity;
floodlights on Burton Memorial
Tower are turned off; the Cooley
Memorial Fountain motor is oper-
ating on redluced time; all janitors
and night watchmen are instructed
to turn off lights where found to be
May we depend on all members of
the staff to conscientiously consider
their responsibility and wholeheart-
edly co-operate toward the desired
Student, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Dean Stason will
present a lecture to our students on
the opportunities offered for profes-
sional study in the Law School on
Wednesday, May 15, 4:30 p.m., 1025
Angell Hall.
Electrical and Mechanical Enghi-
eering Sophomores: The Detroit Edi-
son Company is willing to take sever-
al students under the Cooperative
Course. This course alternates per-
4pds of company employment with at-
tendance at school, with a view to
ultimate permanent employment. Stu-
dents interested should immediately
consult Professors Axel Marin, Room

ART CINEMA LEAGUE "It i4 told dramatically, with careful at-
tention to historical detail and artistic
PRESENTS effect. The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane,
Vauxhall Gardens, even the Cheshire
Cheese-all are there with glamour and
humour." - Stage Magazine.

241 and S. S. Atwood, Room 277, W.
Engineering Bldg.
1945 Michiganensian: All those
who have subscriptions and who have
not yet called for their 1945 Mich-
iganensian must do so by Fri-
day. After this date, all 'Ensians
which have not been distributed will
be sold to those on the waiting list
of last fall.
Men qualified to teach: Friday af-
ternoon, M'ay 17, and Saturday morn-
ing, May 18, Dr. Leslie W. Leavitt, of
the Near East College Association,
will be in the office of the Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation to interview men who are
qualified to teach in various schools
and colleges in Athens, Baghdad, Bei-
rut and Istanbul. There are vacancies
for English and General Science in-
structors on the secondary level and
for Chemistry, Commerce, Mathe-
matics, Economics, Sociology and En-
gineering Mathematics on the college
level. Contracts will be for three
years. Fur further information and
appointments with Dr. Leavitt, call
4121, Ext. 489, Miss Briggs.
Miss Betty Coy of Chicago and
Southern Airlines will be at the Bur-
eau of Appointments on Friday, May
17, to interview senior girls for ste-
wardess positions. All those interest-
ed should call ext. 371 for an appoint-
A representative from American
Viscose Corp. will be in the Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall,
Thursday, May 16, to interview men
who are chemical, electrical, indust-
rial, or mechanical engineers. They
are also interested in chemists or
physicists wlo have their MA de-
gree. All those who want to talk to
him should call ext. 371 and make an
Men interested in positions at Yel-
lowstone National Park next summer
may obtain further information and
application blanks at the Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation, 201 Mason Hall.
State of Michigan Civil Service Ex-
amination announcements have been
received in this office for:
Petroleum Engineer I. Salary, $200
to $240. Petroleum Engineer II; sal-
ary, $250 to $290. Psychiatric Grad-
uate Nurse I; salary, $200 to $240.
Psychiatric Graduate Nurse IA; sal-
ary, $220 to $260.
Closing date is June 5.
For further information, call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Willow Village Program for May 12-
May 19 for veterans and their wives:
Wednesday, May 15: Bridge, 2-4
(Continued on Page 3)

WANTED: Student help to wait on
table at University functions. Apply
Personnel office, 208 Univ. Hall.
WANTED: Girl for part time work
at soda fountain. Swift's Drug
Store, 340 S. State. Phone 3534.
EIELP WANTED: Fountain help, top
pay, hours to yourconvenience,
Apply in person to Mr. Lombard or
Mr. Benden. Witham's Drug Store,
corner of S. University and Forest.
WANTED: Used "Whizzer Motor" or
bicycle equipped with "Whizzer
Motor." Phone 7176. Ask for Hal.
DELTA TAU DELTA fraternity de-
sires cook for 40-45 men in fall
term. Experience absolutely neces-
sary. Call 2-2565 or write 1928
COMMISSION, $100, paid for infor-
mation leading to year's lease of
suitable four-bedroom house with
servants quarters. Wanted by Bar-
ton Hills residents. Call 8330.
TO RENT: Dr. John C. Slaughter of
University Hospital Staff desires
modern 2 or 3 bedroom house or
apartment. Has car and can furn-
ish references. Veteran of over 4
years service. Formerly on staff
here. Mornings phone 2-2521, ext.
320. Afternoons call Health Ser-
vice 2-4531, ext. 9.
WANTED: Men's used clothing. Best
prices paid. Sam's Store, 122 East
STENOGRAPHER: Civil Service Ex-
perience, fast dictation, neat typ-
ing. Wants permanent afternoon
work. Contact John R. Staton,
19 V.E.H.P.

LOST: A blue top-coat in
Engineering Building or
gu.PlIeazse return to C.
chan)i, 921 F. State or
4634. Rewad.

LOST: Grey gabardine topcoat. Hig-
bee Co. and Botany labels. Return
to L. Goodman, 107 Greene Housel
or call 2-4591. Reward.
LOST: Black cape, short shoulder
style. May 8 between State Theatre
and Hill St. Reward. Phone days,
2-5628, night 2-6446.
LOST : Friday evening. Three keys
on chain. Vicinity Williams Street
or hill Auditorium. Call 4121, Ext.
314. Daytime. Reward.
HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 room, mod-
ern cottage with shower, electri-
city, and all conveniences. No rent
required - even exchange for part
time weekend services of married
couple only. No accomodations for
children. Six miles from Ann Ar-
bor. Apply 1700 Buhl Building, De-
troit, or phone Randolph 4033.
FOR SALE: Crib, high-chair, Taylor-
tot, Size 4 Snowsuit. Phone 2-7295.
FOR SALE: Grey, pin-striped suit,
size 14, excellent condition. Call
Mrs. Shelley, 4121, Ext. 301.
FOR SALE: RCA record player. Ex-
cellent condition. New Fidelitone
needle. $10. Phone 5754.
WILL EXCHANGE 3 room unfurn-
ished Detroit apartment, stove, re-
frigerator, all utilities, 035 per
month, 30 minutes downtown, for
AnntArbor house or apartment.
Call 5918 after 1 p.m.
INTERESTED in living in co-ops this
summer? Contact, Zips Kiske,. 2-
2218 or Hank Kassis, 6284 immedi-
MYSTERIES of the Great Operas by
Max Heindel. Faust, Parsifal, The
Ring of the Niebelunz, Tannhauser,
Folk Lore and its interpretation
through music has much to offer
to the general reader as well as the
musician and occultist. Read the
books through the Rosicrucian
Study Group Lending Library. Ph.
E. Huron. Let us make your drapes,
alterations, and custom made
clothes! Phone 2-4669.

'Career Opportunities in Govern-
ment Service" wil lbe discussed by
Mr. Charles F. Sarle, assistant chief
of the United States Weather Bur-
eau and executive in the Com-
modity Credit Corporation, at the
meeting of Econcentrics, student
economics club, at 8:30 p.m. to-
morow in the Union.
Following a summary of op-
portunities in public administra-
tion, the State Department, and
field service, Mr. Sarle will anwser
personal questions and outline the

from 1 P.M.

the West
the Lea-
J. Dada-
phone 2-

"Man of
Coming Sunday!


WANTED - Apartment or house. 2-
bedroom, furnished or unfurnished.
Veteran. Graduate student making
Ann Arbor permanent home. Wife,
daughter, no pets, smoking, or
drinking. Best references. Call 9641,
Captain Otto.
MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib-
erty. We have rebuilt used bikes
for sale. Your bike can be expertly
repaired also.
LOST: Gold I.D. bracelet, Michigan
seal on front, "Viv" inscribed on
back. Keepsake. Reward. Call
2-2868, ask for Florence.
LOST: Small candid snapshot nega-
tives in cream colored envelope-
very valuable to owner. Call Shirell
Greenberg, 4023 Stockwell.



-it's only a mont
away! Prepare your-
self for 'the long,



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