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May 10, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-10

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FRIDAY, MAY 10 1946



Urges United States of Europe

Saari To Rest Charges


Speech Ends
With Ovation
'Peace, Prosperity,
Justice' Will Result
THE HAGUE, May 9-()-Win-
ston Churchill today urged formation
of "The United States of Europe, both
of the East and the West," and de-
clared that this would unify the con-
tinent and bring "prosperity, justice
and peace."
In a half hour speech before the
Netherlands Parliament which ended
in a tumultuous ovation, the former
wartime British prime minister said:
"I see no reason why under the
guardianship of a world organiza-
tion there should not arise the
United States of Europe, both of
the East and West, which will unify
this continent in a manner never
known since the Roman Empire.
"It will give you prosperity, justice
and peace."
Churchill expressed the hope that
Britain's 20-year friendship treaty
with Russia "will prove one of the
securities of world peace," and said
it "in no way conflicts with other
At another point, speaking of na-
tionalism, Churchill assailed "tha
type of nationalism which would re-
duce us all to one uniform," and criti-
cized countries whose nationalism i
expressed "in a senseless urge to be
the biggest in the world."
Nlow leader of the conservative
opposition in the British .govern-
ment, Churchill declared that Bri-
tain "welcomes the proposed treaty
of friendship with France" and
gave voice to the wish that the
western democracies of Europe
msght draw together "in an even
closer associatiofi."
He followed this with a definition
of democracy.
"There are certain, simple, practi-
cal tests by which the virtue and
reality of any political democracy
may be measured," he said.
"Does the government in any coun-
try rest on a free constitutional basis,
assuring the people the right to vote
according to their will for whatever
candidates they choose? Is there the
right of free expression of opinion,
of free support, free opposition, free
advocacy, free criticism of the gov-
ernment of the day?"
Speaking slowly at the start and
later with quickening tempo,
Churchill asserted that one of the
first duties of the UnitedyNations
was to affirm the sanctity of the
smaller states.
Churchill praised the United States,
saying "had not our friends from be-
yond the ocean come with powerful
weapons to our aid, perhaps all of
Europe would have fallen to dark-
He deplored, however, the action
of the United States in refusing to
join the League of Nations. If the
United States had taken an active
part and if the League had been pre-
pared to use force to prevent Ger-
many's rearmament, there would
have been no need of another world
conflict, he declared.
Hillel To HMold.
Onteg Shabbat'
The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
will hold an "Oneg Shabbat" at 7:45
p.m. today at the foundation instead
of the regular sabbath eve services.
"Oneg Shabbat," which means
"Joy of the Sabbath", is the pioneer
celebration of the sabbath in Pale-

stine today. Readings, prayers and'
Palestinian songs will be included in
the Hillel "Oneg Shabbat".
Lawrence Krohn, co-chairman of
the Zionist Youth Commission in De-
troit, will speak on "Youth's Role
in Zionism" at the "Oneg Shabbat."
A social hour will follow the service.
To Attend Festival
Dr. Esson M. Gale, director of the
International Center, and Mrs. Gale
will accompany a. group of foreign
students to an International Festi-
val at Michigan State College today.
The festival is designed to promote
international understanding.
30c to 5 P.M.
50c after 5
Continuous from 1 P.M.


Acquittal of New York Youth
Approved by Prof. A. E. Wood

Commenting on the acquittal of
Jack Turk, 14 year-cld New York boy
who nearly lost his life in the electric
chair, Prof. Arthur E. Wood, crimin-
ologist in the sociology department
expressed Katisfaction that the jury
had taken the law into its own hands.
"The adjudication of a fourteen
year-old in a criminal court is per-
fectly absurd," Wood said. New York
law makes execution of a person con-
victed for first degree murder man-
datory. "The idea of a 14 year-old
dying in the electric chair is too
horrible to contemplate."
The child's trial in a criminal court

was possible Wood said, because there
was a loophole in the juvenile court
laws allowing the juvenile court to
waive jurisdiction at the insistence
of the prosecutor.
The jury, in ordering that the boy
be retried in the juvenile court, and
that he be detained for correction un-
til he reaches a majority, did what
should have been done in the first
place, Wood said. Criminal courts
do not get social facts: they merely
determine whether a murder was
committed and what to do with the
criminal. Criminal courts he said
know only one sanction-punishment.


The first round of the bitter Demo-
cratic primairr ontst in thle Second
Michigan Congressional District end-
ed in a draw yesterday as Wayne
Saari, 24-year-old literary college
senior, announced that he will not
appeal a decision of the State Board
of Canvassers to the Supreme Court.
Saari had protested the validity of
the nominating petitions of his op-
ponent, William R. Kelley, but the
Board of Canvassers voted Monday
to accept them.
Validity Protested
Saari reported that Secretary of
State Dignan "inormed me that on
April 24 an Ann Arbor resident had
protested the validity of my petitions
on the grounds that I used non-rei-
dents to circulate them.
"On April 25 cr 26 I filed a protest
against my opponent's petitions be-
cause he had not maintained the legal
requirements designed to prevent
signers of his petitions from commit-
ting a legally punishable act."
Michigan state law requires that
various passages in a petition be
printed in certain specified type sizes
so that the passage warning signers
that they must not sign more than
one petition for the same office will
stand out prominently in 12-point
bold face type.
Small Size Type
Kelley's petitions carried this pas-
sage in type size smaller than that
required by law while other passages
were printed in larger than legal size.
"The result was that the important
passage was actually the smallest and
least noticeable in the entire peti-
tion," Saari said.
The Board of Canvassers, at a spe-
cial meeting in Lansing Monday,
voted to accept Kelley's petitions.
The petitions were accepted "large-
ly because they were signed in good
faith," Saari said.
No Appeal
"I had been notified by that time

that - petitions had been accepted
and I w"as noti in pursuing
the question any further. Although
the law specifies that appeals from
the Board go directly to the Supreme
!court, I will nlot appeail," hie declared.
Saari termed as "grossly inaccur-
ate" newspaper reports that he had
protested Kelley's petitions because
Kelley's name was printed in 10-point
type instead of 12-point type.
Travel the earth
a nd t he oc e an
depths..and share
t he t hr ill s an d
laughter of a hun-
dred dream world


E. Hicswa, whose death sentence imposed for the slaying of two Japan-
ese civilians has been commuted by President Truman to 30 years in
prison, read a telegram in their home in Wallington, N.J., from New
Jersey Sen. Albert W. Ilawkes informing them of the President's action.
Left to right (rear) are: Joseph Hicswa, the father; Eleanor and Thom-
as, (front), William, Anne, the mother; Geraldine and John.
Rigid Standards E stablished
For Students of Early Days __

Entrance into the University
couldn't always be accomplished eas-
ily upon the presentation of a satis-
factory high school record. The hap-
less boys who came to Ann Arbor be-
tore 1871 were required to pass a
comprehensive examination before
they were allowed to enroll.
In that year, the beginnings of
what is now the Bureau of Coopera-
tion with Educational Institutions
were formed with the establishment
of a system of high school inspection.
A special examiner was appointed
by the Board of Regents and grad-
uates of schools which he judged sat-
isfactory were admitted without fur-
ther examination if their grades met
certain standards.
National System
The system proved so successful
that the examiner was invited to visit
schools throughout the country. Soon
the list of accredited schools stretched
from Boston to California. In later
years, other states inaugurated simi-
lar procedures and the University
limited its inspection to secondary
schools in Michigan
The work of examination was ex-
panded in 1932 to include inspection
of junior and senior colleges as well
as the high schools and the present
Bureau of Cooperation with Edu-
cational Institutions was established,
under the direction of George E. Car-
rothers, who Mill occupies that posi-
tion. The work of the bureau today,
according to Dr. Carrothers, consists
of knowing thoroughly every educa-
tional institution in Michigan, with
special reference to the particular
field of specialization of each.
Pioneer University
The studiescarried on by the Bur-
eau now clearly show the distance
traveled since the establishment of
a university was proposed in the state
constitution which nwent into effect
in 1837. One of the main problems
connected with the new institution
was that of securing adequately pre-
pared students. Clearly a pioneer uni-
versity in the wilderness of the west-
ern reserve could not hope to attract
graduates of eastern academies in
sufficient numbers to guarantee a
stable enrollment.
Since public schools were not then

in existence a unique plan was set-
up, providing for branches of the Uni-
versity throughout the state. These
branches prepared students to enter
the University, with funds for feeder
schools being appropriated by the
These schools were discontinued
with the establishment of public
schools through the state, but the
University would have been helpless
in recruiting its early freshmen
classes, small as they were, without
them. They also served to turn the
attention of the peole to the slowly
growing state University.
Political Groups
To Join Forces
WASHINGTON, May 9 - (/P) -
Three political organizations plan to
coordinate their hitherto separate
campaigns to elect "progressive" can-
It was announced tonight that the
CIO Political Action Committee, the
National Citizens Political Action
Committee, and the Independent Cit-
izens Committee of the Arts, Sci-
ences and Professions will meet here
Saturday to form an alliance.
All these organizations have de-
clared war on what they call "reac-
tionary" office-seekers and office-
holders. They say they favor candi-
dates pledged to carry forward the
foreign and domestic policies of the
late President Roosevelt.
The CIO PAC is headed by Sidney
Hillman, the Citizens PAC by Dr.
Frank Kingdon, and the third com-
mittee by Harold L. Ickes, former
Secretary of the Interior.
Phone 2-1721
Small Move Jobs

HELP WANTED: Fountain help, top
pay, hours to your convenience,
Apply in person to Mr. Lombard or
Mr. Benden. Witham's Drug Store,
corner of S. University and Forest.
WANTED: Ride to Grand Rapids
after Saturday noon. Will share
expenses. Call Room 396, Jordan.
APARTMENT: for couple, near cam-
pus. Veteran attending University.
Phone 2-4401, Room 415, Lloyd
House. Refer to advertisement.
WANTED'TO BUY: Kodak Monitor,
620 size Supermatic shutter, 1/400
sec. Kodak anastigmat special f 4.5
lens, self-timer; automatic count-
er; case; lens attachments. New
condition. $55.00. Call 4592.
WANTED - Apartment or house. 2-
bedroom, furnished or unfurnished.
Veteran. Graduate student making!
Ann Arbor permanent home. Wife,
daughter, no pets, smoking, or
drinking. Best references. Call 9641,
Captain Otto.
MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib-
erty. We have rebuilt used bikes
for sale. Your bike can be eipertly
repaired also.
WANTED: Veteran's widow, student,
with schoolage child. Wants apart-
ment within three months. Phone
Ypsilanti 3597 J4, reverse charges.
VETERAN and wife would like to
sublet apartment for this summer
session only. Call Mr. Rosen 3557.
LY NEEDED. Graduate student
desperately in need of an apart-
ment for self, wife and 3-year-old
son. Will have to discontinue,
studying if unable to find place to
live. Willing to sign lease. Refer-
ences offered. Call 3734 between'
7 and 10 p.m. daily.

LOST: Bicycle, blue and white bal-
loon tired, wire basket, Oberlin li-
cense No. 688. Missed from League
Wed. night. Reward. Call 4546.
LOST: Black cape, short shoulder
style. May 8 between State Theatre
and Hill St. Reward. Phone days,
2-5628, night 2-6446.
LOST: Pair of glasses-brown leather
case-Wednesday night, near Law
School. Reward. Finder call Nancy
Smith, 7211.
LOST: Friday evening. Three keys
on chain. Vicinity Williams Street
or Hill Auditorium. Call 4121, Ext.
314. Daytime. Reward.
LOST: Will gentleman who acci-
dentally took my gray covert top-
coat from the table in the Union
basement, Saturday, May 4, please
return same to George Roberts, Jr.,
923 Olivia, Phone 2-1465.

INTERESTED in living in co-ops this
summer? Contact, Zips Kiske, 2-
2218 or Hank Kassis, 6284 immedi-
Room formerly The Colonade, for
your noon day hard to get lunches.
Same policy prevails as at Col-
onade. Except we do open on Sun-
days from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. We'll
be welcoming you. Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Rainey, corner Ann St. and
Fifth Ave. 1 block north east of
Court House, phone 5670 for south-
ern fried chicken dinner.
MYSTERIES of the Great Operas by
Max Heindel. Faust, Parsifal, The
Ring of the Niebelunz, Tannhauser,
Folk Lore and its interpretation
through music has much to offer
to the general reader as well as the
musician and occultist. Read' the
books through the Rosicrucian
Study Group Lending Library. Ph.
FOR SALE: Studio couch at Willow
Village. $25.00. 1497 Sudbury Ct.

Atlas Prepared
By Faculty Men
A "Photometric Atlas of Stellar
Spectra," prepared by Prof. Robley
C. Williams and W. A. Hiltner, was
issued this week by the University
Press, it was announced by Dr. Frank
Robbins, assistant to President
The atlas includes nine pamphlets.
The introductory pamphlet explains
the contents of the series and how
the studies for the atlas were made.
The other eight are prints of inten-
sity tracings of the spectra of eight
bright, typical stars.




LOST: Blue sapphire ring. Large
ring. Reward. Sentimental value.
Call S. Bowen, 8239.

and radio!
M/aybe you've thought ofi
Ielephone System as usi
wires. It uses and )ion
radio too.


C./Y ON £c-- l
COlu a tCOp

the Bell
nig only
eers in
to carry
to tele-
. across
ne ... to
ers and
fore 1o)
ids tc1 #- .

1. Ideally located for Veterans of Willow Run

Rise Stevens, Jobin, with Metropolitan Orchestra
M M 607 ...............................
Mitropoulos and Robin Hood Dell Orchestra
M M 598 ...............................
Philadelphia Symphony under Orntandy
MM 57()...............................
Sandor with N.Y. Philharmonic under Rodzinski
M M 605 ................................
Minneapolis Symphony under Mitropmoilos
M M 599 ...............................
Dennis Morgan with Chorus and Orchestra
X 260 .................................

' 4

Radio waves are used t
your voice across the seas
phones in other lands . .
water barriers here at hon
vessels plying inland wat
to ships out at. sfia. And he
log, radio links will prov
phone service for cars and


Radio relay systems that will
carry long distance messages from
city to city are now in the advanced
experimental stage.
In every case ihe Bell System
uses the kind of transmission, wire
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service for the most picolple.



! '


Large parking space
Choice meats - plenty of pork, beef, and bacon.


4. Fresh fruits and vegetables
5. Groceries
6. Ice cream and soft drinks
7. Newspapers and magazines

Kostelanetaz and Robin Hood Dell Orchestra
M 601 ...................................$4.03
You will always find an extensive stock of
Colimbia Master works and Popular Records
at the


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