,-. -
. Appointment In Five Minutes
Where Ctaglrn Was King the Bible off the best seller lists last year. We
WE'VE BEEN THINKING of saving this infor- guess the best thing that we can do is note
w it without comment.
mation for the next time we find ourselves in i
* * * *
a Southern Army camp, but it really shouldn't
wait. ccidental Integence
One of the fact-collecting, cause-pushing out- SOME unmarked information reached us re-
fits that keep this column kicking discloses that cently. Maybe it will help you more than it
the original Dixie Land may have been New did us.
York State. According to the legend cited there "Milk will not cause puppies to have worms."
was a kindly slave-owner in New York, named "Ruffed grouse will often plunge into a snow-
Dixie, who sold his slaves to a Southern planter. bank' at twilight in order to escape the rigors
These ex-slaves discussed the glories of Dixie's of a bitter night."
Land so glowingly that it came to be regarded * * * *
as a semi-paradise. And At His Ag
We devoutly hope that Senator Claghorn does ae
not hear about all this; it'd probably break his NEWPAPRMEN have a notable common
b 1 faiing onethat we need not discuss in
shut bourbon-pumping heart these chaste columns. But we're a bit disturb-
ed at the early conversion of one of our Daily
Sufficient Cause colleagues who just arranged for a daily de-
E READ recently of a man in Detroit who livery of a qart of milk. While ulcers may
hanged himself. have nothing to do with the situation, we're
When police questioned his wife, she said keeping a weather eye on the lad.
that her husband had been despondent ever (Itefs appearing in this column are written
since the City Health Department had in- by members of the Daily editorial staff and edited
formed him that he would have to clean the
Profundity In Hollywood Dept. Peron Jlts
The AP's chatty Hollywood correspondent in- Labor Support
forms us that Betty Hutton is about to embark
on a4 educational binge. Dissatisfied with an INTREPID Argentine labor leaders who stepped
11th grade education at Detroit's Southeastern, on the band-wagon to make Peron officially
she's contemplating conversational French les- head of the state, are now in the first stages of
sons (we're a little smarter than AP, we're not a classic jilt.
fooled into disclosing the name of her next Courted with the promise of national econom-
pcture), attending art lectures, and being tu- ic reforms, the Partido Laborista succcumbed
tored in a literature course. with a contributor of 40 per cent of Peron's 53
But the stiffest item on her schedule appears per cent majority vote. Now, when Laborista
to be the New York Times.. Says the frenetic leaders, whose party holds almost half the seats
Miss Hutton, "At flrst I didn't know what it in the Argentine Congress, call on Peron to ask at
was all about, but now I'm beginning to under- least three ministries for their party, they are
stand." told by Peron:
If she's beginning to understand that daily "I need people with brains, and these people
catalogue of man's failings, we can only put are not to be found in your party."
aside Walter Pater and wait with awe until Could Peron mean to imply that those who
Betty polishes off those art lectures, chose him for office are unintelligent?
* * * *
pERON, very much in the manner of Hitler, is
Reflections In A Glass Eye using promises of an economic Golden Age
SPEAKING of the New York Times reminds to entrench his power. Unlike Hitler's cohorts,
us that they noted without comment the however, Peron's supporters are becoming an-
other day that Forever Amber almost pushed tagonized at an early stage in his legal game.
But, encouraging as this news may sound, if
NIGHT EDITORS:' SHINNAND FRANZ the United States continues its paradoxical policy
of condemning Peron's government in a State
Department Blue Book, while offering to admit
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily Argentina as a Chapultapec signatory, then in-
are written by members of The Daily staff dignant labor leaders will be treated by Peron
and represent the views of the writers only. simply as yesterday's flame, today's ashes.
-Anita Franz
No Marginof Safety
AMERICAN RAILROADS, a key factor in the
reconversion program, are faced with a crisis operating brotherhoods, all backed by threat of
as a result of the coal strike. According to ODT a nationwide strike.
DiretorCo. he Monre.Ansordevein theTGovernment ineptitude has made possible
Director Col. J. Monroe Johnson, even if the the coal strike with its tremendous effects on
miners return to work after only a short strike, millions of citizens. The same sort of policy
the nation's railroads will feel the effects for as will lead inevitably to a railroad tie-up, pos-
sibly the fore-runner of a nation-wide eco-
The railroads have been running so close to nomic collapse. The United States has lost its
the margin, that the current coal strike seems wide margins of safety. It is no longer possible
sure to be the proverbial last straw. Johnson to fumble, waste, mismanage, and still "get
lists four factors complicating the rail situation, by." If American cities are to be lighted, if
1. Coal which should be moving now will American industries are to run on materials
have to be distributed next fall and winter derived from far sections of the cntinent,
when normal water transportation will not be the'vital mining and transportation networks
available. must be kept under strict and continuous gov-
2. He expects reconversion progress by fall to ernmental control. Such emergencies as strikes,
ineresse, transportation demands. transportation peak demands, and equipment
3. Less railroad equipment is available shortages do not appear from the blue skies.
than before the war, although the need is They are both foreseeable and foreseen. Deci-
greater now. sive government action backed by authority
4. Practically no new additional equipment six months ago would have prevented the pre-
is becoming available because of the inability sent mess. Failure in providing decisive author-
to get needed metals, lumber, and other itative government action now can only lead
materials. to worse trouble six months from now.
Mismanagement of the coal problem was
AUTHORITIES have estimated that one mil- sufficient to plunge the railroads into an 18-
lion cars a week will be needed when recon- month crisis. Mismanagement of railroad prob-
v rsion reaches its peak, yet since V-J Day lems will have even more devastating effects.
t railroads have never approached their war- The nation's standard of living goes down with
time highpoint of 992,000 cars, every blunder; the penalties of inept adminis-
On top of all their other problems, the rail- tration can be found in the lives of every
roads face wage increase demands from five American. -Milt Freudenheim
peTo As Symbol
SP e
THE SUNDAY afternoon May Festival concert,
an all-Brahms program with William Kapell
as soloist maintained the same incredibly high
standard of performance that prevailed through-
out the whole series. It would seem that a more
attractive group of Brahms selections might have
been assembeled than the Academic Festival
Overture and the first piano concerto although
the Philadelphia orchestra under Alexander
Hilsberg's remarkable conducting did an excellent
job on both. William Kapell is unquestionably a
brilliant young pianist and a superb technician,
but his tone seemed to lack depth and richness-
especially in the third movement which some-
how appeared to elude him. The performance
of the fourth symphony was excellent, however,
and possibly one of the best of that work to
date. It is, in addition, considerably later and bet-
ter Brahms than the concerto, which made it even
more interesting to listen to.
The Sunday night program opened with the
Overture and Venusberg Music from "Tann-
hauser" by Wagner, which shot new life into
the audience with all of its emotional tumult,
wonderfully and stirringly communicated by
the orchestra and a group of women's voices
of the Choral Union. When that was finished
and everybody had relaxed after the ecstatic
Venusberg frenzy, Salvatore Baccaloni ap-
peared, and in his inimitable basso buffo man-
ner sang arias from Pergolesi, Cimarosa, and
Mozart, to the delight and entertainment of
the audience. His coupling of charm with a
tremendous bass voice made for an excellent
Prokofieff's cantata, "Alexander Navsky," was
presented after intermission, with Rosalind Na-
dell, contralto, as soloist with the orchestra and
Choral Union. In itself a tremendous piece of
music, the cantat was given a powerful perform-
ance, and Miss Nadell again displayed her rich,
well-controlled contralto voice. Thus, on a note of
stirring Russian nationalism, the Sixty-Seventh
May Festival season closed after four days of
fine music with remarkably little variation from
an exceptionally high standard.
-Paula Brower
Play Production presents a laboratory bill
of one act plays.
Something new in Play Production activities
was presented last night at the Lydia Mendel-
sohn Theatre with the presentation of three one-
act plays directed by students.
Due to a radical departure by the group, the
curtain went up on the venture at eight o'clock.
We, die-hard conservatives, that we are, con-
fidently arrived at eight-thirty to be greeted by
the applause for the first playlet, "Girls Must
Talk." We must therefore confess a total lack of
interesting information on that item.
Following this was a Zona Gala playlet, "The
Neighbors," giving a lengthy workout in rustic
repartee. It contained a number of good charac-
ter performances, among which was one by
Audrey Enelow. Miss Enelow's portrayal of a
familiar type of matron revelling in a series of
ills and afflictions was gratifyingly droll. Ad-
mittedly, however, she garnered some interest
from a weird job of padding which gave the curi-
ous illusion that she was with child.
The evening ended with " Rehearsal," Christo-
per Morley's try at satirizing amateur theatri,
cals, a familiar topic of one-act plays. In it a
group of eager thespians rehearse a "serious
drama" set in what the script cautiously calls
a "house of shame." The niceties of the perform-
ance, if not the brilliance of the plays, suggests
that further experiments along this line would
be extremly interesting.
-Barrie Waters
Current Movies
at the State
Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman in "The Bells
of St. Mary's;" produced and directed by Leo
RING CROSBY and director Leo McCarey get
together once again for another great big
tug at the nation's heartstrings and the result is
like nothing since "East Lynne." "The Bell's of
St. Mary's" is a sequel to 1944's "Going My Way"
a modest little weeper that grossed several mil-
lions through astute publicity. "Bells" has the
priest hero of the first opus moving on to greener
pastures and shedding his particular brand of
soap-opera sunshine over a parochial school
and its inmates.
*.. at the Michigan
Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake and William Ben-
ix in "The Blue Dahlia"; a Paramount pro-
duction, directed by George Marshall.
HOLLYWOOD is unsurpassed in turning out
melodramas of the Dashiell Hammett school.
"The Blue Dahlia," following on the heels of
"The Maltese Falcon" and "The Glass Key," is
occasionally representative of this style at its
tough, clear-cut best. At other times it is just
routine cops-and-robbers stuff.
-Barrie Waters
Jo ceLllep
Filipino Freedom
To the Editor:
MR. TOM WALSH, author of Sat-
urday's editorial. "Don't Leave
Philippines Now," deserves praise
from Filipinos. for the initiative he
has taken to offer what he calls the
most practical American action" con-
cerning the "unstable condition" of
an independent Philippineson July
4, 1946. But as a Filipino, I consider
his column as a whole, bemuddled
and misleading. I should like to
clarify him on three main points:
1. ". . . our colonial venture will
sink back into obscurity . . . will
again become insignificant to the
American press and unimportant
to the American. people." This is
much to be doubted. America is
going to become less childish and
irresponsible in international re-
lations. It is going to have to, if it
is to hold its own with hard-boiled
Russia. Russia's objection to Amer-
ican military bases in the Philip-
pines is going to keep the Philip-
pines very much in the public eye.
2. His statements about Roxas, the
newly elected President, as "one of
the most prominent of Filipino col-
laborators," hence a menace to the
national unity of the Filipinos. If Mr.
Walsh would take some pains to fol-
low Philippine news and investigate
facts, he would know that Roxas
himself suffered as a prisoner in the
Japanese concentration camp at
Mindanao; that his acquittal as a
collaborator by Gen. MacArthur and
all the guerrilla leaders is beyond
question; that the Democratic Al-
liance, in a recent public demonstra-
tion in Manila, has shown its willing-
ness to" talk over land problems
amicably; that Roxas lands in Cen-
tral Plain (they belong to his wife
rather than to Roxas himself) have
been confiscated by the Huks ("ter-
rorists") who are only a small part of
the Democratic Alliance. I have con-
fidence, as do all who know him, that
Roxas will attempt a just reform of
the land situation. It must be re-
membered that the Huks are a
violent, ignorant, criminalistic group
somewhat like the still not extinct
Ku Klux Klan of the United States.
3. "To delay for two or three years
the decree of complete independence"
is not the most practical solution to
the complex problem of national
unity. The people need food, cloth-
ing, shelter, hospitals. and schools. It
is the delay in providing these basic
needs that obstructs the return of the
islands to normality. It is the DELAY
of such congressional measures as
granting to the Filipino veterans who
fought under the flag of the United
States, in the Philippines, that makes
attainment of national unity a slow
and heart-breaking process.iTh
United States should observe its ob-
ligations to the letter. Nothing is to
be gained (except the World's dis-
trust) by a change of policy.
Paz P. Salgado
Cheating Protested
To the Editor:
THIS LETTER is written in protes
of a practice which appears to be
fast becoming a commonplace affair
on the University of Michigan cam-
pus-and, in my opinion, it must
stop! The matter in question is that
of cheating during examinations-a
complaint which has' come up befoe
and will, no doubt, come up again.
Perhaps the present reason for
the prevalence of cheating is that
grade standards are becoming in-
creasingly strict; and many stu-
dents are afraid they won't be back
next year if a C average is necesary.
The question, of course, is: what
can be done about the situation? I
might say that more cheating is
done on exams of the short-answer
objective, type than on those answers
in essay form-or at least dishonesty
is more obvious. Secondly, the large
lecture courses present a great temp-
tation. People cheating on a proctored
exam seem to rationalize along the
line that, after all, there were proc-
tors-so it wasn't as though they
were on their honor.
But is the answer to the prob-
lem the elimination of proctors, ob-
jective exams, or large lecture
courses? That would hardly be
practical--and in the long-run an
honor system would probably fail.
Perhaps more and stricter proctors
would be the answer.
I am appealing to the sense of hon-
or of those students who are in need
of just such an appeal. To them I
would say: Surely there must be
something in you which rebels at the
dishonest! Please, consider and re-
consider before you do irreparable
damage to your morals-and to
-Janet Cork
Publication in the Daily official Bul- c
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the 9
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 AngelI Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day "
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- f
VOL. LVI, No. 133
Students: Colleges of Literature,a
Science and the Arts; Architecture I
and Design; Schools of Education;
Forestry and Conservation; Music;
and Public Health. Blueprints will
be mailed in June to the address on
each student's permanent record. If
there has been a change in the home
address since your first registration,
please notify the Registrar's Office,1
Room 4, University Hall.
Seniors in Mechanical and Aero-
nautical Engineering: A represent-
ative of Ranger Aircraft Engines1
will interview Mechanical and Aero-
nautical June and August 1946 grad-
uates today in Room 218 West En-1
gineering Building. If interested, sign
interview schedule on bulletin board
at Room 221 West Engineering Build-7
Elizabeth Sargent Lee Medical His-
tory Prize: Established in 1939 by
bequest of Professor Alfred O. Lee, a
member of the faculty of the Univer-
sity from 1908 until his death in
1938. The income from the bequest
is to be awarded annually to a junior
or senior premedical student in the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts for writing the best essay on
some topic concerning the history of
medicine. Freshmen in the Medical
School who are on the Combined
Curriculum in Letters and Medicine
are eligible to compete in the contest.
The following committee has been
appointed to judge the contest: As-
sistant Professor John Arthos, Chair-
man, Professor Adam A. Christman,
and Assistant Professor Frederick H.
The Committee has announced the
following topics for the contest:
1. History of a Medical Unit
2. Medical-Aid Man
3. Medicine in Industry
4. Tropical Medicine
Prospective contestants may con-
sult committee members, by appoint-
(1) A first prize of $50 and a
. second prize of $25 are being offered.
(2) Manuscripts should be 3,000 to
5,000 words in length, (3) the man-
uscripts should be typed, double spac-
ed, on one side of the paper only,
(4) contestants must submit two cop-
ies of their manuscripts, and (5) all
manuscripts should be handed in at
y Room 1220 Angell Hall by May 31.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: The Deans of the
various professional schools will ad-
dress students of our College con-
cerning the opportunities offered for
professional study and the requisites
for admission and graduation. These
lectures will be presented according
to the following schedule:
Dean Furstenberg, School of Medi-
cine. Wednesday, May 8, 4:30 p.m.
Dean Bunting, School of Dentistry.
Thursday, M'ay 9, 4:30 p.m.
Dean Stevenson, School of Busi-
t ness Administration. Tuesday, gWay
t 14, 4:30 p.m.
Dean Stason, Law School. Wednes-
e day, May 15, 4:30 p.m.
1025MAngell Hall
Mr. E. T. Powers of the Celanese
Corporation of America will be in our
office Wednesday, May 8, to interview
men who are chemists, physicists,
chemical engineers (production and
development), or mechanical engin-
eers. Any seniors or gradates who
[ wish to talk to him should call the
s Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Hall, ext. 371, and make an appoint-
s ment.
Court Softball teams are being
organized at Willow Village. Anyone
interested see Mr. Brose, Recreational
Director, Simmonds School, Phone
423, Ypsilanti.
Willow Village Program for veter-
ans and their wives:
Tuesday, May 7: Lecture Series:
"Who Make up the Pressure Groups
in the United States?" Professor
Wesley Maurer, Department of
Journalism, will lead a discussion of
urrent and potential pressure
;roups. 2 p.m. Conference Room,
West Lodge.
Tuesday, May 7: Safety Series,
Fire." Special movies and speaker
ronm Detroit. Capt. Frank J. Dipner
sill present demonstrations and ex-
hibits. Sponsored by Federal Public
Housing Authority and Washtenaw
County Chapter, American Red Cross.
8 p.m. Willow Village Community
Wednesday, May 8: Bridge. 2 p.m.
and 8 p.m. Conference Room, West
Thursday, May 9: Home Planning:
"Cooking for the Fun of It" Miss
Margaret W. Andersen, Home Service
Director, Michigan Consolidated Gas
Company. 2 p.m. Conference Room,
West Lodge.
Friday, May 10: Leadership: Dr.
Fred G. Stevenson, Extension Staff
"How to get democratic group action,
and Parliamentary Procedures." 8
p.m. Conference Room, West Lodge.
Friday, May 10: May Dance, 8:30-
11:30 Auditorium, West Lodge.
Saturday, May 11: Dancing Clas-
ses: Beginners, couples, 7 p.m.; Ad-
vanced, couples, 8 p.m., Auditorium,
West Lodge.
Sunday, May 12: Classical Music,
records, 3 p.m. Office,
The Henry Russel Lecture. Dr.
Elizabeth C. Crosby, Professor of
Anatomy, will deliver the Henry Rus-
sel Lecture for 1945-46. "The Neuro-
anatomical Patterns Involved in Cer-
tain Eye Movements," at 4:15 p.m.,
Thursday, May 9, in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. Announcement of the
Henry Russel Award for this year
will also be made at this time,
Academic Notices
Civil Engineering 40: The assign-
ment of Room 348 W. Engineering
Bldg. for the written quiz, Tuesday,
May 7, was a mistake, and the quiz
will be held in the regular'class room.
R. L. Morrison
Seminar in Applied Mathematics
and Special Functions. The meeting
today will be held in Room 318 West
Engineering at 3:00 p.m. Dr. I. Opa-
towski, University of Chicago, will
give a lecture on the Laplace Trans-
form in Probability. Visitors are wel-
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: All students expecting to
do directed teaching next term are
required to pass a qualifying exam-
ination in the subject in which they
expect to teach. This examination
will be held on Saturday, May 11, at
8:30 a.m. Students will meet in the
auditorium of the University High
School. The examination will con-
sume about four hours' time; prompt-
ness is therefore essential.
Student Recital: Loren Cady, a stu-
dent of violin under Wassily Bese-
kirsky, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music in
Music Education, at 8:30 Wednesday
evening, May 8, in the Assembly Hall
of the Rackham. Building.
His program will include compo-
sitions by Franck, Tchaikovsky, Sibe-
lius, Dinicu, and Mendelssohn, and
will be open to the general public.
Michigan Historical Collections.
"Public Schools in Michigan," special
exhibit for the Michigan Schoolmas-
ters Club. Hours: 8:00 to 12:00, 1:30
to 4:30 Monday through Friday; 8:00
to 12:00 Saturday.
The 23rd Annual Exhibition for
Artists of Ann Arbor and Vicinity,
presented by the Ann Arbor Art As-
sociation. The Rackham Galleries,
daily except Sundays, through May
23; afternoons 2-5, evenings 7-10.
The public is cordially invited.
The Graduate Education Club will
meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the West
Conference Room of the Rackham
Building. Officers of various teach-
ers' associations will present a dis-
cussion of the purposes of such or-
ganizations as the N. E. A. and the
{Continued on Page 3)
AN EX-MARINE SERGEANT, who was under
enemy fire for 102 days at Guadalcanal,
asked President Truman last week to spare the
life of Premier Tojo.
In a 1,100 word telegram to the President, this
ex-marine, George Mercer Abbott, recipient of
a disability pension because of illness incurred
during nine months in the Pacific, said that
Tojo's only crime seems to be that of losing the
Abbott also pointed out in his telegram that
he had "cursed Tojo as the figure that embodied
the entire war to the fighting man in the
"I vowed to see Tojo crucified, but the two
incidents of the atomic bomb together with the
actions on the home front have put something
into my conscience that no longer wants to see
Tojo nailed to a cross."
Though he spoke only for himself, Abbott
declared that he did not believe that his friends
who died, "will be somewhere cheering the
prosecutions at the trial."
(EORGE ABBOTT, as he admitted, is only one
Nagasaki." This is a time for consideration and
not selfishness, unfortunately. This is a time for
some of that international brotherhood we talk
about so much. This is a time to plan for tomor-
row and not fume about yesterday. And that
planning for tomorrow must include Japan as a
nation which has not only self-respect, but world-
wide respect.
We cannot erase the islands of Japan from
the map with a quick flip of an atomic bomb.
And, we too, face dangers unless we are willing
to include Japan in our plan for tomorrow.
We would do well to remember the closing
sentence of Abbott's plea for Tojo. "The hour
that Tojo dies, my campaign ribbons become
-Bettyann Larsen
Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
The procedure is exceedingly simple,f
m'boy. The instant the Refrigerator
Bandit opens the ice box door, and
By Crockett Johnson
Margaret Farmer. ... .......
Hale Champion ..
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . .
Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . . . . .
PatkCameron . . . . . .
Clark Baker ........:
Des Howarth . . . . . . . . . . Ass
Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . . .
Dona Guimaraes... . . . . . . Associ
Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
.ociate Sports Editor
. Women's Editor
iate Women's Editor
Pop won't believe that
McSnoyd, the Invisible
Leprechaun, is sitting
Naturally, m'boy. He's confused because
your Fairy Godfather does not resort to
usual police methods. However, rely on
So it's YOU!
Stick 'em up,
O'Malley ...