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Military Co-Operation
With Latin America
Senator Lucas Asks for Law To Curb,
Lewis As Council Okays Brownout
Ibn Saud Pledges
His Opposition to
U.S.-British Report'
Sought by
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 6-President Truman called upon Congress today
to authorize full-fledged military collaboration with other American nations
as a new instrument for peace.
He transmitted a bill under which the United States would assist in
"the training, organization and equipment" of the armed forces of sister
republics to the south.
The President emphasized at the same time that the legislation "could
°be extended also to Canada whose
SAC Postpones
For Revamping
Regents To Get Plan
After Next Meeting
Suggestions for revamping the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee were heard
and discussed by committee members
at a special meeting yesterday, but
decision on recommendations to the
Regents was deferred until the next
Students Explain Points
Students who had submitted writ-
ten recommendations appeared be-
fore the Committee to explain their
suggestions, which .included equal
student-faculty representation, rep-
resentation from the new student
government and the Student Reli-
gious Association, SAC veto over stu-
dent government action,and an agen-
da to be published before each meet-
Robert Taylor, representing a slate
of candidates which won three seats
in the new Student Congress, sug-
gested that the SAC be composed of
four faculty members and four stu-
dents elected by the Congress. Fol-
lowing questions from committee
members, he modified his recommen-
dation and suggested that if it were
not possible to give all student rep-
resentation to the student govern-
ment' until the government has
"proved itself," two or three SAC
positions be given to the Congress
now, with some of the present stu-
dent representatives retaining their
Equal Representation
Helen Alpert president of Assembly,
organization of independent women,
also recommended that the ratio of
faculty members to students be equal
and that the student government be
represented on the Committee and
be used as a "sounding board" for
campus opinion.
The Student Religious Association
continued to request representation.
Joyce Siegan, who spoke for the SRA
executive board, recommended that
the Committee consist of four other
students in addition to the SRA rep-
resentatives from the Student Con-
Atheists Are
Just Ignorant'
God Is a 'Knowable
Perron' Says F1nley
"The trouble with most students
who don't believe in God is that
they're ignorant", Bob Finley, staff
member of the Inter-Varsity Christ-
ian Fellowship, said yesterday in the
first of five talks on Christianity.
Finley, speaking under the spon-
sorship of .the Michigan Christian
Fellowship, explained that although
God is a "knowable Person," many
students know almost nothing about
Him. "I want to introduce students
to the Man I work for," he said.
Finley, who since his graduation
from the University of Virginia a
year and a half ago has been speak-
ing on campuses throughout the Uni-
ted States and Canada, will speak on
"Kant Says We Can't, But Christ
Says We Can" at 7:30 p.m. today in
Lane Hall His talk will include a
discussion on whether Christianity
is the only worthwhile religion.
The remaining three speeches will
be given at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow
through Friday.
Be Discussed
The current enrollment problem
will be discussed at the spring meet-
ing of the Michigan College Assoc-
iation today in Ypsilanti, with two
members of the {aculty included in
the list of speakers.
Dean Hayward Keniston of the
literary college will sneak on the topic,
cooperation with the United States
in matters affecting their common
defense is of particular importance."
Guided Placement
Care will be taken, he said, not to
place weapons "in the hands of any
groups who may use them to oppose
. peaceful and democratic
"The bill has been drawn up pri-
marily to enable the American na-
tions to carry out their obligations to
cooperate in the maintenance of in-
ter-American peace and security un-
der the charter and the Act of Chap-
ultepec which is intended to be sup-
planted by a permanent inter-Ameri-
can treaty;' the presidential message
Military Appropriation
Simultaneously, Mr. Truman asked
Congress for a War Department ap-
propriation of $7,246,335,200 to fin-
ance its operations during the fiscal
year starting July 1. The estimates
contemplate a reduction of the Army
from 1,500,000 officers and men on
June 30 this year to 1,070,000 a year
They allow $500,000,000 for govern-
ment and relief in occupied areas,
$200,000,000 for the atomic service
and $182,782,000 for the reactivation
of the National Guard and organized
Lynching To Be
Focal Point of
yda Debate
The Columbia, Tenn. cases will be
the focal point of the regular meet-
ing of MYDA, which will be held at
7:30 p.m. today in the Union and of
an all campus rally which will be
held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the
Union ballroom.
James C. Stephenson, 19 year-old
victim of the attempted lynching in
that area, will speak at the rally
which is co-sponsored by MYDA and
IRA. At the MYDA meeting, Wini-
fred Noramn, national vice-president
of the AYD will discuss the incident.
An open forum will follow her ad-'
The rally will climax a drive which
began Monday with an off-campus
distribution of pamphlets which at-
tempt to state the facts of the case.
Thirty-one Negroes are awaiting
trial in Columbia as a result of their
attempt to protect Stephenson, who
has since been released on bail and
has fled North with his mother.
The trouble in Columbia started
when Stephenson rose to the defense
of his mother when she was struck
by a white repairman. Stephenson's
actions led to an all-night riot and
to0 the arrest of 100 Negroes, two of
whom were killed while in jail.
At the MYDA meeting and at the
rally, ways of collecting funds to aid
Stephenson and the other prisoners
by obtaining a counsel for them will
be determined.
In addition to the discussion of
the Columbia incident at the MYDA
meeting, Max Dean will present a
discussion of the Wagner-Murray-
Dingell bill.
Literary -School
To Hear Dean
Dean Albert C. Furstenbeg, of the
Medical School, will lecture on op-
portunities and training in the medi-
cal profession at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow
in Rm. 1025 Angell Hall.
.The first speaker in a series of
orientation lectures sponsored by the
literary college, Dean Furstenberg
will be followed by Dean Russell W.
Bunting, of the School of Dentistry,
on Thursday, Dean Russell A. Steven-
son, of the School of Business Admin-
istration, May 14, and Dean E. Blythe
Stason, of the Law School, May 15.
'U' Rleceives Award
For Selling Bonds
Services rendered by the University
in behalf of the government's war
Annual Senior Ball
To Be Held June 7
What dance committee chairman
Dick Ford described as the "top
dance of the year," the 1946 Senior
Ball, will be held June 7 at the IM
Hours of the dance together with
the band which will appear, will
be announced at a later date, he
Tickets will go on sale approxi-
mately 10 days before the sched-
uled date of the dance, Ford stated.
Ford pointed out that "this will be
the University's first really big post-
war dance with elaborate decorations
and a lawn party providing added
Italian Peace
Treaty Shelved
At Conference
Mlinisters rTo Examine
Balkan Agreements
PARIS, May 6-()-The Foreign
Ministers' conference, conceding fail-
ure, at least temporarily, of its at-
tempts to write an Italian peace
treaty, shelved the deadlocked Yugo-
slav-Italian frontier issue today and
decided to begin examination of
treaties with former Axis satellites
in the Balkans.
Soviet Foreign Minister Vyache-
slav M. Molotov was reported to have
indicated Russian willingness to
abandon the Soviet Union's demands
for $300,000,000 in reparations from
Italy and a dominant position in
Tripolitania if Yugoslavu were given
Trieste, but U. S. Secretary of State
James F. Byrnes was said to have
been adamant.
Some sources here said that if'
the conference ends in stalemate, the
issue upon which it will flounder will
be the Yugoslav-Italian question, em-
bracing the dispute over ownership
of strategic Trieste. The Americans
insist upon Italian sovereignty over
the port, the Russians upon Yugo-
slav ownership of that historic gate-
way to the Central European plains,
The small, informal session today
concentrated on the most important
issues of the Italian treaty - the
Yugoslav-Italian dispute, Italian col-
onies and reparations.
M~arriage Talks
Opened to 100
More Students
Approximately 100 more students
may attend the series of four mar-
riage relations lectures, which begin
at 7:30 p.m. today in the auditorium
of Slauson Junior High School and
will be hld periodically during the
next thr'ee weeks.
The lectures are being sponsored
by the Ann Arbor Education Council,
and the nominal registration fee re-
quired may be paid at the door.
Dr. Charles Newton will speak to-
day on "A Medical Man Looks at
Marriage". On M\'ay 14 Dr. Ralph
Patte~ son of the Neuro-Psychiatric
Instiaute of the University Hospital
~will lecture on "Personal Adjustments
to the Partnership of Marriage."
Mrs. Frances Sanderson of the
home economics department of
Wayne University and recognized ex-
pert in the field of the individualized
budget will speak May 21 on "Satis-
faction Through Money Manage-
me nt."
"Children in the Family" wil be
the topic of the May 28 lecture by
Mr. Sam Whitman of the Huron Va-
ley Childrens' Center, Ypsilanti,
Krug Ses R"t"r
To Coal Ratiomig
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON May 6 - Hoping
to bring an end to the six-week-old
coal strike, Senator Scott Lucas
(Dem.-Ill.) today proposed a law
making it a crime to conspire to halt
public utility services.
Meanwhile, a House subcommittee
began hearings on two bills aimed at
curbing the powers wielded by UMW
Chief John L. Lewis.
Even if the striking miners return
to work soon, the soft coal strike will
probably necessitate a return to war-
time coal-rationing, Secretary of the
Interior J. A. Krug announced today.
To Be Felt Many Months
The strike has caused such a defi-
cit in the fuel supply he said at a
news conference, that its eIfects will
be felt for many months.
Under rationing, deliveries to deal-
ers would be limited to probably 80
per cent of their normal purchases,
and they in turn would distribute
the reduced supplies to their custo-
Complete Breakdown
Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach
discussed the crisis for more than an
hour with President Truman this af-
A "complete breakdown" of the na-
tion's utility and health services is
threatening, Lucas told the Senate.
He expressed the opinion that under
Section 19 of the Criminal Code, it
is already unlawful to "stifle the
economy of the nation" but he said
he would offer a resolution to remove
any doubt on that score
Soviet Removal
Check Daunted,
Iranians Report
NEW YORK, May 6-(A'j-Iranian
Ambassador Hussein Ala declared to
the United Nations Security Council
tonight that "interferences" in Azer-
baijan province had prevented Iran-
ian officials from cheiking on the
status of Russian army evacuations
into the Soviet Union.
He said in a memorandum that
Soviet troops were known to have
evacuated completely four other
northern provinces ahead of the
midnight deadline for their with-
drawal under the terms of the April 5
Soviet-Iranian agreement.
He said Iran had been "informed
through other sources" that the eva-
cuation of Soviet troops from Azer-
baijan has been going ahead and "it
is said will have been completed be
fore May 7, 1946," but he emphasized
that "these reports have not been
verified" by Iranian officials.
Election Query
Alleged Voting Fraud
Iiivestigated by Coauncil
The Men's Judiciary Council in-
vestigation of alleged illegal voting
in the recent Student Congress elec-
tion will be continued at another
meeting at 7:30 p.m. today, Fred
Matthaei, election supervisor for the
Council announced last night.
Yesterday the Judiciary Council
met for an hour-and-a-half exam-
ing charges of voting irregularities
and fraudulent election practices.
Commenting o Ourinvestigation,
Matthaei said, "We will take definite
action against all candidates who are
proved to be involved in illegal vot-
ing practices." He declined to state
the exact iature of the offenses and
the names of those involved pending
the decision of the Judiciary Coun-
MayrHas Power
To Dint City Lights
In view of the present crisis caused
by the coal miners strike and to com-
ply with a request made by the De-
troit Edison Company, the City Coun-
cil adopted a resolution last night
authorizing Mayor Wm. Brown to is-
sue and enforce a brown-out procla-
mation for the city of Ann Arbor.
The Mayor revealed that he would
do so just as soon as surrounding
communities determine to issue a
similar order. He added:
"We intend to follow the example
of other cities in an attempt to con-
serve on existing supplies of coal."
The council further unanimously
passed a resolution which will be sent
IDeroit Edison. Moves
To UeiNewM Iiiooi/ft
DETROIT, May 6-( P)-A brown-
out for eastern Michigan cities
moved nearer a reality today with
announcement by the Detroit Edi-
son Company that it would seek
restoration of wartime brownout
ordinances in a move to conserve
The company plans to ask that
the ordinances be adopted in all
the communities it serves.
The ordinances, if enacted, con-
tain a clause placing them in ef-
fect immediately and for an in-
definite period but also contain a
provision providing that the mayor
may suspend enforcement if the
national situation improves.
to President Truman requesting that
he take immediate steps to seize the
struck coal mines.
The Council withdrew its original
taxi ordinance and substituted a new,
compromise measure which had been
drawn up in cooperation with local
taxi operators.
The new ordinance throws out the.
use of meters for all cabs and lowers
the license fee from $100 to $60
among other changes. The new bill
will be given its second and final
reading on May 20. The Council took
steps to extend the present licenses
of operators, which expired May 1,
until June 1 pending action on the
new ordinance.
The special City Planning Com-
mission made its report last night
in which it proposes, among other
improvements, the widening of Hill
Street from Washtenaw to Min St.
New 'U' Institut e
To '""old Lecture
On Civil kerv ice
"Contemporary Problems in the
National Civil Service" will be the
subject of a lecture to be delivered
by Prof. Leonard D. White, of the
University of Chicago's Department
of Public Administration, May 16 in
lRackham Amphitheatre.
The lecture will be sponsored joint-
ly by the political science department
and the University's new Institute of
Pui bli c Administration.
Prof. White will also meet inform-
ally with students interested in enter-
ing the public administration profes
A spokesman for the belief that
"inefficiency is not the price of de-
mocracy," Prof. White has been a
member of the United States Civil
Service Commission, the Chicago Civ-
il Service Commission and president
of the American Political Science As-
He was a member of the late Pres-
ident Roosevelt's committee on civil
service improvement in 1939-41 and
was responsible for the inauguration
of junior professional assistants ex-
aminations in the national adminis-
e ,RIA
R "
G a
define the free zone in which there
are no restrictions on land trans-
fers; shaded areas are those in
which transfer of land from a Pal-
estinian Arab to another of his kind
is allowed; in the remainder of Pal-
estine transfer of land to anyone
but a Palestinian Arab is prohib-
ited except in special circumstances.
AVC Planningr
Political Raly
For Candidates
A non-partisan political free-for-
all involving the four Congressional
candidates from this district is being
planned for Friday, May 24, the
executive committee of the American
Veterans Committee announced last
Three of the four candidates,
Democrats Wayne Saari, and William
R. Kelly, and Republican Henry F.
Vander Velde have already notified
the AVC that they will speak at the
forum. Incumbent, Earl C. Michener,
now in Washington, has not yet
signified that he will attend. Jis
decision is expected within a faw
The progzm will be an open forum
with each -peaker to be allowed to
presen., his platform. Following th
prepa;-ed speeches will be a question-
lecture, Dir. Elrzabeth C. Crosby, pro-
fesor of anatomy, will speak on "The
Neural-Anatomica 1 Patter us In
Certain Eye Movermeuts" at 4:15 p.m.
Thursday in the Rackiiam Amphi-
The first woman to give the annual
lecture, Dr. Crosby is an internation-
ally recognized authority in the field
of neuro-anatomy. She has special-
ized in the study of the nervous
system, the nuclear masses in the
brain and the fibei' connections of
the cell g'roups. Dr. Crosby has been
a member of the Unive'sity faculty
since 1920 and has held the rank of
professor for the; past 10 years,
Soid Atab Front
Opposes Proposal
JERUSALEM May 6 - King
Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia, assailing
the British-American inquiryacom-
mission report on Palestine as "an
injustice without precedent," pledged
to the Arab higher committee today
his full support in the Arab battle
against the commission's recommen-
Ibn Saud, most powerful mon-
arch in the Arab world, added his
pledge to those of the rulers of
other Arab league states in a united
front against the British-American
Arab leaders were reported pre-
paring charges to be presented to the
United Nations international court
of justice that the report violated
Britain's league of nations mandate.
From all the Arab states came
pledges of support for the higher
committee's battle against the re-
port, which recommends immediate
immigration of 100,000 Jews. A
committee spokesman said tele-
grams also were received from the
presidents of Syria and Lebanon
and from Mustapha Nahas Pasha,
head of Egypt's Wafdist Party.
Emissaries from Iraqu and Trans-
iordan were said to have brought
similar promises.
An Arab office spokesman declared
unofficially that a second general
strike in token of protest to the re-
port would, be convoked Friday
among the Arabs of Palestine, sup-
ported "by the whole Arab word."
Arab Catholics here were report-
ed to 'have called protests to King
George VI of England, Pope Pius
XII, Prime Minister Stalin, Presi-
dent Felix Gouin of France and
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek
of Cina, asserting that acceptance
o.f the committee recommendations
would mean Arabs, including Chris-
tians, eventually would be forced
out of the birthplace of Chris-
Aunt Bey Abdul Hadi, described
here as " a leading legal mind of the
Arabs in Palestine," was said by an
associate to be preparing a legal case
for the international court of justice
at the Hague, charging that Britain
violated article 22 of the League of
Nations Covenant.
Vincent Predicts
Turbine Enines
fit 10-15 Years
"It will probably take 10 to 15
years before the new gas turbine en-
gines can be produced in automo-
biles," Prof. Edward T. Vincent, of
the Mechanical Engineering Depart-
ment, said yesterday.
Though we have the design, it will
take that long to develop the mater-
ials essential for the gas turbine en-
Changes to be made in car de-
signs, will include the building of
engines in the rear of cars, increas-
ing visibility, Vincent said. Stout, in
Detroit, has been driving a car since
before the war, in which he sits
well over the front axle. The driver
of a car in which the engine is in the
rear, can see around corners earlier,
and can see more ground ahead of
him; it will be more difficult for the
driver to back up, though.
Union Widens
The seven big maritime unions here
to consider merger agreed unani-
mously in principle today that all
their strikes would be nationwide in
scone hereafter.
Arguing for the merger of the six
CIO and one unaffiliated unions into
a. national labor unit ranking in
strength only behind clothing in the
Congress of Industrial Organizations,
Harry Bidges, West Coast longshore
leader, said it was the only answer to
the recently formed National Ship-
ping Federation.
Baby's Breathing
Obstructed by Shell
L'e islators, AMA Must Co-operate To Effect Solution'
The only real answer of how to
provide needed health service for
those who aren't able to get it now
"must come through the co-opera-
tion of the legislators and the
American Medical Association," in
the opinion of Dr. Otto Engelke,
director of the Washtenaw County
Health Department.
"Right from the start, the pro-
ponents of the present national health
bill (the Murray-Wagner-Dingell
bill) should have called in the ad-
'Rather than have payroll dedupc-
tions or other such 1onpulsory
means take care of every minor
little medical call, the average nian,
Dr. Engelke feels, wants adequate
protection against catastrophic ill-
nesses - the kind that give him a
big hospital bill and make him lose
one or more paychecks. A better
plan than the present proposal is
Dr. Engelke is not pa 'rctcular'ly irn-
of more people. We have the mean,
but for most people they're too ex-
pensive. With costs spread out, the
medically indigent could have better
The people need to be educated
into th benefits of health insurance,
so they would use whatever benefits
they received, he feels. TIoo. many
do not use the health facilities
available to them now.
Snbscri'ers, (af y insusra ice co n -
panies provide individual health
insurance programs.)
Whether a health program would
be better organized on a federal or
on a state basis seems to be difficult
to determine, but Dr. Engelke feels
that in any case administrative
authority should be as localized as
possible "In Washington, Washte-
naw County is Just, another square
on the map its own particular health