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May 04, 1946 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-04

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More Pork,
Lard Exports
Are Ordered
Truman Supports
Meat Price Control
government ordered slaughterers to
set aside more pork and lard for ex-
port today while President Truman
emphasized that his administration
still stands for price controls on meat.
Slaughterers were directed to set
aside for government export purchase
pork products equal to 15 per cent
of the live weight of the hogs they
slaughter and a quantity of lard and
rendered pork fat equal to six per
cent of the live weight of their
Effective Monday
The order, effective Monday, ap-
plies to federally-inspected plants in
all except 11 southeastern states
where output is insufficient to meet
local needs.
The set-aside percentage now is
13 per cent for perk products and
five per cent for lard. The program
has not applied previously to ren-
dered pork fats. Beef already is sub-
ject to a set-aside order with the gov-
ernment taking about ten per cent
for export.
Controls To Be Maintained
The Vresident declared that he
"wishes it clearly understood that
as long as there are dangerous up-
ward presures on meat prices and as
long as the government has the au-
thority to deal with them, price con-
trols on livestock and meat will be
firmly maintained."
He issued a statement to clear up
"a series of unfortunate mis-interpre-
tations" as Speaker Rayburnfrom
cattle-raising texas came out for
abandonment of beef price controls.

FLAMES SWEEP 17-ACRE PLANT-Fire sweeps through the 17-acre plant of the American Excelsior
Corp. at Minneapolis, destroying 25 factory buildings and three huge storage sheds. Loss was estimated
at $500,000. Several firemen were treated for hurts and burns. Burninig e cel-iur bales and stacks f
tinder-dry lumber created vast flames.
UA W Strike Is Pending Brisk Winds
In Brggs Auto Dsute Keep prig
* 6 vF !bt R I

INJURED WIFE IS FIRST IN GERMANY-U. John L. Gray kneels to kiss his wife, Mary Lou, of Pitts-
burgh, Pa., who was the first Army dependent to be taken off the Army transport Thomas H. Barry at
Bremerhaven. She injured her back in a fall on deck during a storm and was carried ashore on a stretch-
er. Lt. Gray is a doctor with the 115th Station Hospital at Augsburg, Germany.

State FHA Director Prediclts
Increase in Building Material

Increased supplies of building ma-
terials were predicted for the near
future by Harry M. Steffy, assistant
state director of the Federal Housing
Administration, in a talk last night
at the Ann Arbor High School.
Steffy said that supplies of critical
materials are probably at their lowest
point at present and that as they
become more abundant building re-
strictions will probably be relaxed.
"By the close of the year," he said,
"the Civilian Production Administra-
tion hopes to be able to remove all
of the building restrictions now in ef-
As he explained, present OPA ord-
ers limit domestic building to a $10,-
000 ceiling and require official per-
mission for repair work involving
costs over $400. With the exception
of farm building, for which the rules
are more liberal, and commercial
construction, which comes under
other regulations, all other building is
Steffy further explained the re-
quirements which must be met by
Adult Education
Group To Meet
The fourteenth annual Adult Edu-
cation Institute, sponsored by the
University Extension Service and
the Michigan State Federation of
Women's Clubs, will be held May 14,
15, and 16 at the Rackham Build-
Four series of lectures, on "The
World Today," "World Citizenship,"
"The American Home" and "The Re-
sults of Scientific Discovery," will be
given during the three days by Uni-
versity professors. A class in parlia-
mentary law will be given by Mrs.
W. R. Alvord, past president of the
Federation of Women's Clubs.
The institute will be attended by
delegates from women's clubs
throughout the state, and from PTA's
church groups and other organiza-
tions interested in adult education.
An attendance of approximately
1,200 is expected.
Dorr, Lederle Will
Address Conference
Professors Harold M. Dorr and
John W. Lederle of the political sci-
ence department will address the
Central Michigan Citizenship Con-
ference being held today in Mt. Plea-
Prof. Dorr will speak on "'The Bill
of Rights and Its Relation to-a Dem-
ocratic Society." Prof. Lederle's topic
is "Changing Conceptions of Govern-
Downtown: 308 NORTH MAIN

persons who wish to undertake re-
pair work, and which groups are
eligible for permission for new home
construction. He pointed out that
veterans and those building for sale
or rent to veterans comprise the bulk
of the ranks of eligibles for CPA con-
struction permits,
The meeting was called by Mayor
William E. Brown, Jr., to acquaint
Ann Arbor residents with the pres-
ent building regulations. Many local
contractors and building material
suppliers attended the talk.
eanB ennett
Named to State
Architect Boardt
Dean Wells I. Bennett, of the Col-
lege of Architecture and Design, was
reappointed to the State Board of
Registration for Architects, Engineers
and Surveyors by Gov. Kelly yester-
day, the Associated Press reported
from Lansing.
Dean Bennett's term will extend
to Jan. 1, 1953.
He is now at Miami, Fla., and will
attend meetings of the American1
Institute of Architects and the As-
sociation of Collegiate Schools of'
Architecture there today.
A past president of the association,
Dean Bennett is a member of the
executive committee and is chairman
of the program committee. He is
scheduled to speak on "Current Prob-
lems in Architectural Schools."
The meetings will be attended by
practitioners in the architecture field
to discuss housing and reconversion1
for building.
London to Erect
Roose'velt Statue
LONDON, May 3-(A-Grosvenor
Square has been given to the British
government as a site for the Frank-
lin Roosevelt Memorial and a statue
of the president will be built there
with money contributed by citizens
of every country in the British Com.-
The square is called "The Heart
of America in London."1
"We want the money to come from
the whole community," said Sirt
Campbell Stuart, treasurer of the1
memorial committee. "We want this
to be the people's thank offering to
the man who helped us most."
The Duke of Westminister gave the
site. Mrs. Roosevelt will be asked
to unveil the memorial.
'The Great Diturce'
"The Great Divorce", by C. S. Lew-
is, will be reviewed by Ann Bigge dur-
ing the Lane Hall Saturday Lunch-
eon at noon today in Lane Hall.
Reservations for the luncheon must
be made before 10 a.m.

Intensive Work
Done by 'U on
Guided Missiles
Piysics Department
Conducts Research
That an intensive research and
development program on guided
missiles has been carried on during
the war in the Johns Hopkins Univer-
sity applied Physics Laboratory, and
the University of Michigan is one of
the a sociatedycontractors, was re-
vealed yesterday by the Navy Depart-
"We are doing fundamental work
on some aspects of high speed flight,"
Dr. Arnold M. Kuethe of the Depart-
ment of Aerodynamics said. Prof.
Otto Laporte of the physics depart-
ment, Prof. R. C. F. Bartels of the
mathematics department and several
graduate students are also working
on the project.
Guided missiles designed to ope-
rate in the supersonic speed range
have been tested at the Johns Hop-
kins University and models have
achieved a rate of above 1100 feet
per second for short periods during
free flight tests.
Work has also been done on the
VT fuze, gun director and torpedo
exploder mechanisms. Fundamental
research on basic theories, measure-
ments and instrumentation relating
to the field of supersonic flight is
expected to contribute significantly
to the general fund of knowledge in
this country.
MSC Assigned
ou sing Units
Michigan State College was assigned
560 temporary housing units today
by the Federal Public Housing Au-
thority to provide accommodations
for families of married veterans who
are attending school under the GI
bill of rights, Charles B. Lawrence,
Jr., regional FPHA director, announ-
ced today.
The units are barracks type build-
ings and will be moved from Army
and Navy installations to a site pro-
vided on the M.S.C. campus.
Each of the buildings has three-
family units.
Lawrence estimated the units could
be erected in 90 days and would be
ready for occupancy by veterans for
the fall term.
He said additional units might be
obtained later to ease the college
housing shortage.

DETROIT, May 3-(A')-The CIO,
United Auto Workers served a 30-
day strike notice on the Briggs Man-
ufacturing Co. today as a climax to
a dispute over production standards
within the firm's eight automotive,
supply plants.
A walkout would involve an estim-
ated 12,000 Briggs employes and ef-
fect an additional 50,000 workers at
the Chrysler Corp., to which it sup-
plies bodies.
The strike was scheduled in a voice
vote of members of local 212, UAW-


FOR SALE: '38 Crysler sedan. Ex-
cellent condition. Complete with
radio, heater, fog lights. Write or
contact Roger Markle at 1740
Quincy Court, Willow Run.
HELP WANTED: Fountain help, top
pay, hours to your convenience,
Apply in person to Mr. Lombard or
Mr. Benden. Witham's Drug Store,
corner of S. University and Forest.

WANTED: Veteran's
with school-age
apartment within
Phone Ypsilanti

widow, student,
child, wants
three months.
3597J4, reverse

Need waitresses for soda fountain
work. Have full time jobs open or
part-time week-ends. Meals and
uniforms furnished. Good salary.
Liberal discounts on purchases.
Work in an air-conditioned store
this summer. Apply in person at
226 S. Main.

MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib-
erty. We have rebuilt used bikes
for sale. Your bike can be expertly
repaired also.
LOST-Wednesday, Tau Sigma Delta
key. Engraved "Marvin Geasler" on
back. Call 2-4621 between 5 and 7.
LOST: Dark green billfold with ini-
tials PEH. Between Hill Auditor-
ium and bank. Finder please call
Pat Hungerford-9390. Reward.
LOST: Brown Ronson cigarette
lighter Tuesday afternoon-prob-
ably in League. Call 4121, Ext. 358
on weekday afternoons. REWARD.
WOULD APPRECIATE the return of
my billfold plus all my personal
papers. Keep the money. No ques-
tions asked. George E. Pinter. West
Lodge. Dorm 4, Room 11. Willow
Run, Michigan.
LOST: History 174 notebook Tues-
day a.m. just prior to 10:00 class
from front table in Parrot. Con-
tains notes for whole year. Very
important. Finder call 4595.
LOST: Navy blue coat, 4th floor
Chemistry Building. April 26.
Name tag. June Rose Schouer. Call
4121-Ext. 111.
LOST: Softball glove. SouthUniver-
sity, State St. area Wednesday
night. "U.S.N.-15" printed on
back. Reward, phone 27263.
COMPLETE service on your fur coat
Cold storage. Insurance. Cleaning,
glazing, re-styling, repairing. Gins -
burg, 607 E. Liberty.
TYPEWRITERS, bought, sold, rented
repaired. Work guaranteed. Two
days service. Office Equipment Co.
111 4th Ave., Phone 2-1213.

CIO, and President Tom Clampiti
said the exact date will be set by the
local's executive board. He added that
there were no dissenting votes.
Clampitt said the local will renew
13 demands which the company ha.
The main issue is what the unior
has termed "abnormal" production
rates that have led to the "docking"
of employes' wages. The company re-
cently won a court case in Detroit in
which the UAW-CIO charged it with
illegally deducting from a worker's
The strike vote was precipitated,
the union said, by the discharge of
four employes Thursday at the firm's
Mack Avenue plant. One of them was
a veteran.
Nawval Aviation
Program Opens
High School, College
Students May Apply
Enlistments are now open for the
fall class of the peacetime Naval
Aviation training program, it was
announced yesterday.
High school seniors, who will grad-
uate in time to enter college in the
fall are eligible provided they are
between 17 and 19% years of age,
are in normal good health and are
capable of college work. College stu-
dents between 17 and 201/2 are also
eligible for the training program.
Enlistees may select their own col-
lege, enroll and take any course of
study they choose. While in school,
they will be on inactive duty and
may wear civilian clothes. The Navy
will pay for tuition, books, fees and
$50 a month for other expenses.
After completing four semesters,
enlistees will spend 15 months in
flight training before being commis-
sioned ensigns. After commissioning
they will serve with the fleet as of-
ficer-pilots before returning to civil-
ian life.
Interested high school or college
students may obtain further infor-
mation by writing Naval Officer Pro-
curement, 947 Book Building, De-
troit, or visit their nearest Naval re-
cruiting station.

for women. Typing- required. Ar-
gus Incorporated. Williams and
4th Streets.
WANTED: General cook and pastry
cook for summer hotel. Good
wages. Address D. C. Maltby, Char-
levoix, Michigan.
WANTED: Geologist requires a used
car to finish Ph.D. field work. Will
pay cash. Call 2-1773. Ask for Mr.
WANTED- Apartment or house. 2-
bedroom, furnished or unfurnished.
Veteran. Graduate student making
Ann Arbor permanent home. Wife,
daughter, no pets, smoking, or
drinking. Best references. Call 9641,
Captain Otto.

To Meet

Delta Members
in East Lansing

Twenty-five members of the Tau
chapter of Gamma Delta, national
organization for Lutheran students,
will go to East Lansing today for the
Gamma Delta Institute.
Five state chapters will be repre-
sented at the Institute, which will be
held at Michigan State College.





Continuous Shows Daily starting 1:30 P.M.
25c till 5 P.M.; NIGHT and SUNDAYS 30c
The Story of
>: > Men Who Shot
55 segFirst and Talked After!

Y . ., with streamlined ideas
Jabout Planes and pretfies!

l ti '
'fi- % !\
t __fi' .... ' .


Continuous from IP.M.


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A4 A'v #Fv 5 Th'A4TRr



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