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May 04, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-04

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2e F ;age 4



I AitF




British Army
Out of Syria,
Cadogan Says
Troops in Lebanon
Will Be Evaeated
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, May 3-Great Britain
reported to the United Nations Se-
curity Council tonight that all British
troops had been withdrawn from
Syria and all exept "a small liquida -
tion party" will be evacuated from
Lebanon by June 30.
It thus appeared that at least one
of the controversial questions before
the Security Council at its turbulent.
London session wa nea ring a
Official Report
It was annonnced in Damascus
April 16 that the last of the British
and French troops in Syria had de-
parted, but tonight's letter from
British delegate Sir Alexander Cado-
gan to Hafez Afifi Pasha, chairman
of the Council, was the first official
report to the U.N. peace agency.
It was understood that France also
had completed withdrawal of her
troops from the Levat, with the ex-
ception of a small party in Lebanon.
Meanwhile, delegates to the Secur-
ity Council watched Tehran and
Moscow for any announcement that
Soviet troop withdrawals from Iran
had ben completed or were nearing
Delegates Optimistic
The delgates were generally optim-
istic that.Russia would carry out her
promise to have all her troops out of
Iran by May 6, although none report-
ed any definite information on the
progress of the withdrawals.
If the troops are all out by May 6,
the Council would be able to drop the
controversial issue from the agenda.
Otherwise, when the delegates meet
next week, probably Tuesday, they
will be forced to re-open the case.
This would creat a delicate situa-
tion if Soviet delegate Andrei A.
Qromyko carried out his threat to
boycott any further discussions of the
Iranian question.
Palestine Watched
The council continued to watch the
Palestine controversy with interest.
There still was no specific move, how-
ever, to bring the situation before
the Council as a threat to interna-
tional peace.
The chief activity today was the
meeting of five commissions, which
are laying the groundwork for the
organization of permanent agencies
of the economic and social council.
The commissions were working on
problems of organization and proced-
ure in preparation for the May 25
meeting of the economic and social
Brown, Sayao
Will Highlight
Festival Today
Patrons of May Festival will hear
Anne Brown and the Youth Festival
Chorus at 2:30 p.m. and Bidu Sayao,
Brazilian soprano, at 8:30 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
The Philadelphia Orchestra will be
conducted in the afternoon by Alex-
ander Hlsberg, former concert mas-
ter of the orchestra and now assistant
conductor, in the overture to "The
Bartered Bride" by Smetana, Men-
delssohn's Scherzo and Nocturne from
"Midsummer Night's Dream" and
"Till Eulenspiegel" by Strauss.

Anne Brown, American Negro so-
prano who made her sensational de-
Carillon programs, played by
Sidney Giles, will be presented be-
fore each of the May Festival con-
certs today, at 1:55 and 7:55 p.m.
but in Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess"
will be the soloist in the concert.
Included among her selections will
be excerpts from the opera, "Ritorna
vincitor" from "Aida," and "Vio 10
sapete" from "Cavalleria Rusicana."
The Festival Youth Chorus, com-
posed of children of the fifth and
sixth grade classes in the Ann Ar-
bor public schools, is an annual fea-
ture of the May Festival. This season
the children will sing a group of
twelve American folk songs, which
they have been rehearsing for
months. Directed by Marguerite
Hood, supervisor of music in the
schools and a member of the faculty
of the University, the chorus is made
up of 380 children.

Cancellation of A-Bomb
Test Asked by Minister
Disagreetuent on Advisability of Bikini Atoll
Experiment Found Among Other Clergymen

Deeper Slash in Rairoad Service

Decreed To

Meet Coal Shortage;

Pointing to the serious effect that
the proposed Bikini Atoll atom bomb
test might have on the "tense inter-
national situation," Dr. James Brett
Kenna, minister of the First Metho-
dist Church, said yesterday that he
has ;joined in the demand of 11 dis-
trictuper vx:rs of the Methodist
Church thalt the experiment be
Dr. Keima said that he had pre-
pared a statement opposing research
in the destructive use of atomic ener-
gy f r the editor of the "Michigan
Christian Advocate," which has been
urging church members to address
protests to Washington.
The supervisors' statement that the
test is "unnecessary and unwar-
ranted" was printed in the "Advo-
cate" on May 1.
Rev. Brandt Agrees
Agreeing with Dr. Kenna; the Rev.
Walter Brandt, pastor of the Trinity
Lutheran Church, said that besides
TU' Will Offer
Food Cour1se
To Engfineers
Michine Design, Trips
Included in Program
A course in food processing, the
first of its type to be offered at the
University, will be given in the Col-
lege of Engineering next fall, Lloyd
E. Brownell, of the chemical and
metallurgical engineering department
announced yesterday.
Brownell said he hoped "to stim-
ulate the interest of students in the
food processing industry as a pro-
fesion and to acquaint them, with
the possibilities in this field."
Numerous field trips through bak-
eries, meat processing plants, can-
neries, dairies and other food pro-
cessing plants are planned.
Chemistry Of Food
Food technology courses are offer-
ed in only a few of the engineering
colleges in the country. This course
will involve a review of the chemistry
of food and the processes used in food
industries. It will also involve the
calculation and design of equipment
to be used in these processes.
Chemical engineering is closely al-
lied to the food processing industry,
for chemical engineering is process
engineering and deals with the con-
version of one material to another.
"The food processing industry
needs engineers to put it on a sound
basis," Brownell said.
"I hope that this course will be the
nucleus of additional courses in food
processing and will get students in-
I erested in this field," he declared
and pointed out that the food indus-
try is the biggest industry in the
United States, and that more money
is spent for food than for any other
Processed Food
"During the war the trend was to-
ward the use of more processed food,"
Brownell said, "and this trend has
continued. The quick freezing of
food offers very wide possibilities.
Ready prepared foods can be sold to
housewives and restaurants and may
be kept frozen until used. Refrigera-
tion and handling of quick frozen
food will be discussed in this food
processing course."
Brownell, after working for a man-
ufacturer of food machinery, came
here to study the design of food
machinery and is now working on a
consulting job -on the packaging of
food products in disposable contain-
ers. During the war he ran a bakery
in the engineering research labora-

a foolish waste of material, the ex-
periment would be "the shaking of an
atomic fist in the world's face."
The scientific value of the experi-
ment, however, was stressed by other
Ann Arbor clergymen.
Although stating Lithle does not!
see how the use of atomic oer as
a weapon can be justified morally,
Father Frank J. McPhillips, rector
of St. Mary's Studlent Chapel, said
that the experiment ean be a good
thing if it a dva ness scientific
Delay innecessary
Dr. Edward Blakem an, coinselor
in religious education, said that be-
cause of the potential value of the
test, it should be held when interna-
tional affairs are less strained. But
right now, he warned, it might cause
unnecessary friction.
On the other hand, the Rev. Al-
fred Scheips, pastor of the University
Lutheran Chapel, said that he did not
think that world developments have
changed enough to make postpone-
ment or cancellation of the test neces-
He added that ascertaining the ef-
fect of the bomb on ocean areas
might prove very valuable.
In the judgment of Dr. Leonard
A. Parr, minister of the First Congre-
gational Church, the wisdom of going
through with the experiment should
be left to the "more comprehensive
knowledge of governmental authorit-
ies." "Only little or frightened minds,"
he said, "will accuse America of other
than pacific intentions."
Student Veteran
Seriously Hurt
By Automobile
Unconscious and suffering seven
broken ribs, a broken clavicle and a
mild case of -shock after being struck
3y a Detroit motorist, Duane Gesell,
student veteran, was rushed by state
police to the Health Service for
emergency treatment early yesterday
His companion, Paul Young, who
suffered bruises and lacerations, re-
ported that Gesell had been thrown
15 feet by the impact. The students
were hitchhiking back to Ann Arbor
on U.S. Highway 112. The accident
occurred outside Ypsilanti.
Gesell's condition was at first des-
cribed as very serious, and he was
placed on the Health Service danger
list. His parents, residents of Dun-
dee, were able to visit him yesterday
afternoon in the infirmary.
He rallied during the day, and al-
though considerably better, his con-
dition is still only fair. He was trans-
ferred late yestereday to the Univer -
sity hospital for surgical treatment.
A-Bomb Effect
Still Uncertain
Public speculation on the effective-
ness of the atomic bomb in razing
American cities can be only tentative
since we "can't tell how present
bombs compare with the type used at
Hiroshima," according to Prof. H. R.
Crane of the physics department.
Reports made public by members of
the atomic bomb project indicate
that bombs "thousands of times more
powerful" may be available for future
wars, Prof. Crane said.
On the other hand, our cities are
more strongly built than those in
Japan, he pointed out. "Predictions
can only be made on the basis of the
area destroyed there," he said, and
there is no accurate method for
judging possible effects in the Uni-
ted States.


Submit New
Waoe Claims
Threat Comes After
Abortive Conferences
fay The isSOeatj Press
CHICAGO, May 3-Threat of a
nationwide railroad strike came from
a new quarter today when three
operating brotherhoods submitted
new wage increase demands and as-
serted a transportation tieup would
"actually occur" unless satisfactory
settlement is reached.
The brotherhoods, representing
e cnductors, switchmen and locomo-
tive firemen and enginemen, de-
manded wage increases of $1.20 a day
in addition to the boost of $1.28
oredered by an arbitration board last
Quit Conferences
The new strike threat came 24
hours after the brotherhoods of rail-
road trainmen and locomotive engi-
neers broke off wage conferences here
with management seeking to avert a
strike of 280,000 employes scheduled
for 4 p.m. May 18.
Spokesmen for the trainmen and
engineers have said a strike by those
two groups alone would paralyze the
nation's major rail transportation
Not so imminent, however, was the
new strike threat. A joint statement
from the three brotherhoods said that
unless their demands are met, a
strike vote would be taken among the
union's rank and file and a strike
would "actually occur."
Union spokesmen said that under
the Railway Labor Act, national con-
ferences on the new wage increase
demand must be started within 30
Reject Arbitration
Meanwhile, the trainmen and loco-
motive engineers rejected arbitration
and scheduled a strike for March 11.
They postponed the walkout when
President Truman named a fact-
finding board to hear their case. This
board submitted a wage increase
recommendation identical to that
awarded to the other railroad workers
by the arbitration boards and it was
rejected. The trainmen and engi-
neers, who also sought more sweeping
rules changes than the fact-finding
board recommended, then resched-
uled their walkout for May 18.
The nation's carriers recently ap-
plied to the Interstate Commerce
Commission for a 25 per cent increase
in freight rates, contending it was
necessary to offset wage increases
already granted and higher operating
Management spokesmen did not
comment immediately on the new
strike threat.
Prof. Sharjm ran Serves
On Railway Labor Board
Prof. I L. Sharfman of the eco-
nomics department is serving in
Washington as a member of an emer-
gency board established under the
Railway Labor Act to consider wage
demands by employes of the Railway
Express Agency.
Prof. Sharfman will remain in
Washington two or three weeks while
the board holds hearings and makes
a recommendation regarding the
wage demands.

NIGHT BEFORE 'BROWNOUT'-Bright electric signs light up Rand-
olph Street, Chicago's "Great White Way," on last night before dwind-
ling coal supplies forced curtailment of illumination in Illinois cities.
Edison Company ORecommends
Brownout 'in MichiganCities

Action To Save Coal
During National Strike
DETROIT, May 3-(A)-The De-
troit Edison Co. said today that it
will urge a coal-saving "Brownout"
ordinance on 46 south-eastern Mich-
igan cities, including Ann Arbor, be-
ginning Monday.
The ordinance would take effect,
Phi Eta Siama
Is Given to 42
Forty-two freshmen were named
yesterday to membership in Phi Eta
Sigma, National Freshman Honorary
Prof. R. D. Brackett, of the En-
gineering English department, will
speak at a dinner to be held at the
Union at 6:00 Tuesday to honor these
freshmen who have attained a 3.5
average for either their first semes-
ter or first year.
Those named to Phi Eta Sigma
Robert P. Alley, Chapin Barnard,
Ivan E. Barris, Shelby M. Baylis, Gil-
bert N. Berman, Roger B. Berrty;
John D. Boenke, Edmund B. Brow-
nell, Louis Calfin, Robert L. Carneiro,
Joshua Chover, Robert W. Dumm,
John R. Edman;
Everett B. Ellin, Edward A. Farns-
worth, Benjamin I. Gebhart, Harvey
J. Grimes, Milton H. Goldrath, Rob-
ert E. Hodges, Stuart D. Hubbell,
Charles H. Kaufman, Jr., Harvey A.,
John L. Marakas, Gerald J. Mill-
stein, Gooch V. Parker, Charles J.
Reichl, Andres D. Resto, Walter H.
Roschke, Jr., Irving W. Rozian, Stan-
ley H. Saulson;
James C. Simpson, Edgar S. Sim-
ons, William G. Sinnigen, John H.
Smedley, Willis B. Snell, Bradley R.
Straatsma, Leland P. Stewart;
Merlin C. Townley, James R. Wirt,
Frederick L. Weisman, Jack C. West-
man and Alvan F. Uhle.

the company said, only if the nation-
al soft coal strike continues.
The Detroit Council will be asked
to approve the "brownout" ordinance
at its meeting Monday night, accord-
ing to the company announcement.
The Ann Arbor and Monroe councils
will also be approached early in the
The Edison Company said it has
815,386 customers in 13 counties
centering around Detroit.
The rest of the state would not be
affected by Edison's action. Consum-
ers Power Co., which services most
other areas, said it has a reasonable
amount of coal on hand and has no
immediate plans for any curtailment
of seryice.
The company will seek to have the
ordinances enacted at once so the
brownout may be put into effect
immediately if a crisis occurs.
The Edison firm listed the follow-
ing counties which it serves: Huron,
Ingham, Lapeer, Lenawee, Living-
ston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St.
Clair, Sanilac, Tuscola, Washtenaw
and Wayne.
Power Company Official
Foresees Brownout Here
In answer to queries on the pos-
sibility of a local electricity "brown-
out", Robert R. Brown, district man-
ager of Detroit Edison Co. said yes-
terday that it "may come any day."
Brown said Ann Arbor's electricity
situation might be eased if nearby
industrial plants were forced to shut
down by material shortages resulting
from the ODT railroad embargo.
He asserted that the power com-
pany would take care of essential
users such as hospitals, schools and
edomestic users p c
Walter M. Roth, assistant superin-
tendant of the University's Buildings
and Grounds Department, has indi-
cated that the University will cooper-
ate in any fuel conservation program.
The University produces its own
power during the winter but is sup-
plied by the Detroit Edison Co. dur-
ing the summer.

Truman Tells
Cabinet Group
Strike Effects
Emergency Brownout
Effective in Chicago
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 3 = A new
and deeper slash in the nation's rail-
road passenger service was decreed
today as President Truman discussed
the crippling effects of the soft coal
strike in a meeting with his cabinet.
The Office of Defense Transporta-
tion ordered a 50 per cent reduction
in passenger service on trains pow-
ered by coal-burning locomotives, ef-
fective May 15. About three-fourths
of the country's rail system relies on
Follows Earlier Cut
This followed an earlier order cut-
ting such passenger service 2 per
cent, effective May 10, and prohibit-
ing virtually all freight shipments ex-
cept fuel, food and medicines.
With emergency brownouts already
effective in Chicago, and many other
Illinois communities and threatened
elsewhere, and with such key indus-
tries as steel curtailing production
further, there was no sign of a settle-
ment of the 33-day coal strike.
To help ease the situation the War
Assets Administration today released
32,000 tons of government surplus
coal. The agency said it had sold
17,000 tons to four railway systems
and that approximately 15,000 tons
had been made available to the Sol-
id Fuels Administration for allocation
to hardship cases, "following desper-
ate pleas from cities, towns and in-
dustrial users."
"No Progress"
All concerned in the government
sponsored negotiations between mine
owners and John L. Lewis, head of
the 400,000 striking miners, gave a
gloomy "no progress" report.
Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach
told newsmen that the coal strike
had come in "very briefly" for dis-
cussion at the President's regular
cabinet meeting this morning.
In ordering the passenger travel
curtailment, ODT Director J. Monroe
Johnson indicated that some carriers
might want to cut services more than
he had ordered - and sooner.
To Press Settlement
Schwellenbach declared it was his
purpose to keep the negotiations go-
ing until a settlement was reached.
The mine owners and Lewis hold their
conferences in ornate green and gold
chambers behind the stage of a gov-
ernment auditorium building next
door to the Labor Department. The
talks today began at 10 a.m. but
Lewis did not arrive until an hour
Rooms Held
For Parents
Of Graduates
Room reservations for parents of
graduating seniors who desire hous-
ing accommodations at Commence-
ment time are now being made in
University dormitories, Francis C.
Shiel, director of residence halls, an-
nounced yesterday.
Commencement exercises will be
held at 6 p.m. June 22 in Yost Field
House, according to Herbert G. Wat-
kins, secretary of the Board of Re-
Shiel said that despite the crowded
conditions that will prevail in Ann
Arbor during commencement, the
University will attempt to accom-
modate every senior's parents, provid-
ed that reservations are made im-

Parents will be assigned rooms
in dormitories, regardless of whether
the senior is a dormitory resident,
Shiel said. He asked for prompt
reservations so that the University
will know in advance what demands
will be made on its housing facilities,
since several hundred guests are ex-
pected for "Victory Reunion."
University Student
T j1 1 T-11 1

Campus Food Conservation Program Is Launched

The University's five cooperative
houses have unanimously approved
the Famine Committee's program for
food conservation and have pledged
to carry out fully the committee's
In addition, League President Nora
MacLaughlin, Chairman of Women's
Judiciary Council. Ruthann Bales and

luticn by the congress supporting the
conservation program at its first
meeting Thursday.
The Famine Committee's Steering
committee, which elected Bruce Cooke
chairman at a meeting yesterday, has
prepared pledges of support for their
program which all sorority and fra-
ternity members are asked to sign.
House representatives to the com-
mittep en nik them un tndnvuat.

conservation program as soon as
possible," Cooke said.
Pledges To Be Signed
The pledge which fraternity and
sorority members are asked to sign
"We the undersigned pledge our-
selves to carry out the University of
Michigan Famine Committee's food
conservation program, including
elimination of food waste nhrving

the committee," Cooke said. Names
of representatives can be phoned in
to Lane Hall.
Food For 228,000 People
Another report to the steering com-
mittee by Victor Baum, of the Ameri-
can Veterans Committee campus
chapter, showed that if all University
students and employes and their
families-19,000 persons in all-
would follow famine-dv diets one

one point in the conservation pro-
gram, said: "It would be a great step
forward if students would consume
what they take. The mere elimination
of waste would be an enormous help
to the world food situation."
Cooperatives Start Program
In announcing the support of the
cooperative houses for the program,
Betty Schwartz, president of Muriel
Tester -Tnus en.ndG enrge itkiski.

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