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March 05, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-03-05

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d-lOUDY r

See Page 8










State Veterans oMeetHere

All Michigan Colleges To Send
Representatives to Conference
A Michigan Student Veterans' Conference, attended by veteran repre-
sentatives from all Michigan colleges, wiill be held Mar. 16 in the Rackham
Building, with the campus Veterans' Organization as host, it was announced
yesterday by William Akers, VO president.
University of Michigan veterans will be represented through their
veterans organizations.
First on the agenda of the conference will be the formation of a perma-
nent Michigan Student Veterans' Or- >

ganization, to present a united front
as Michigan student veterans, and
gain student representation on the
Michigan State Veterans' Fund. Any
veterans' association with 7,500 mem-
bers' and 40 chapters in 25 counties
may ask representation on the fund
committee, Akers explained, pointing
out that if student veterans from all
Michigan colleges unite they will be
able to have such representation.
Also on the agenda is the organi-
zation of local chapters at colleges
which do not now have any veter-
ans' organization, and the coordi-
nation of activities of all chapters
in the state.l
Other topics which will be dis-
cussed at this organizational meeting
are GI Bill subsistence-the expedit-
ing of checks from the Veterans' Ad-
ministration and the subject of state
supplements to GI benefits; the pres-
ent housing situation in regard to{
emergency housing and the propor-
tional assignment of veterans to
dormitory space; the high cost of liv-
ing, especially rents and food, and the
Effort to Speed VetI
Checks Demanded .
Under orders from GeneralE
Omar Bradley the Veterans' Ad-
ministration is making an effort to
see that all veterans recive subsis-
tence checks promptly it was
tion in a National Book Return WeekE
learned yesterday.I
All veterans who were enrolledT
in the University Feb. 1 and who
who have not received their1
checks should report between 8t
a.m. to 3 p.m. tomorrow to Rm.
100 of the Rackham Building to
leave their names. Each case will
be investigated and an effort will bet
made to have veterans receive
checks within a 30 day period.
Two Students
Die, Two Hurt
In Auto Crash
Two University students were killedt
and two injured Feb. 22 when the car
in which they were riding skidded off
the road and plunged into a culvert
on the state turnpike near Bedford,
Muriel S. Kleinwaks of Hillside,
N. J., and Ralph . Norbert of Kings-
ton, ;Pa., were both killed instantly,
as was the driver, an Army captain.
Charles Jaslow of the Bronx, N. Y.
and Bert Gaster of Brookln, N. Y.,
both suffered lacerations a d con-
tusions and were taken imm'iately
to Timmins Hospital in Bedford.
They have since been removed to
Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.
Miss Kleinwaks, Jaslow, Norbert
and Gaster had been driving in their
own car when they had a minor ac-
cident. An Army captain who passed
by recognized Norbert, and offered
to take the four students on to New
York to avoid delays vhile their own
car was being repaired.
Another Week,
Another Cause
Under the heading of "it should
have been done long ago"-add this
Mike Church, of the University Ex-
tension Service last night wired Rob-
ert Hannigan, postmaster - general
urging that a National Book Return
Week be initiated with the coopera-
tion of the Postoffice Department.
Under Church's plan, people who
borrowed books could return them

continuation of OPA price controls;
and the program for internationaj
exchange of students.
At a regional meeting Jan. 12 at
Wayne University preliminary steps
were taken and a resolution pre-
pared to send to Governor Kelly
concerning the $52,000,000 veter-
ans' fund. The need for future
meetings of this type to solve the
problems of student veterans be-
came apparent.
The agenda for the coming con-
ference was prepared at a meeting at
Wayne University Sunday. Dele-
gates from the University to this
meeting were Akers and Warren W.
Wayne, secretary of the campus
Veterans' Organization.
Pres. Ruthven
Greet' Willow
Run Veterans
More than 700 University veterans
living in war-born Willow Village out-
side Ypsilanti had a personal welcome
last night in their West Lodge Com-
munity House from President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven and other Uni-
versity officials.
President Ruthvon told the vet-
erans they should consider them-
selves partand parcel of the Univer-
sity. For, he said, their daily bus trips
from Willow Village were actually of
no greater distance than those taken
by students on such spread out cam-
puses as the University of California
or Columbia.
The President's address followed
short talks by Dean of Students Jo-
seph Bursley, Veteran Service Direc-
tor, Clark Tibbets, Athletic Director
Herbert O. Crisler and Veteran Co-
ordinator Walter Fariss.
The officials promised rapid mod-
ernization of living and study facili-
ties at the former bomber plant com-
munity. A program for extension of
the library already has begun, the
veterans were told, and the Univer-
sity is making rapid strides in dealing
with problems in transportation, cafe-
teria-building and in health service.
Music was furnished by Bill Lay-
ton's band.

Has ANYone Got
Some Benzedrine?
Firm "I-told-you-so's" are in
order for at least one person who
thought she knew better than to
heed the "eight-hours-of-sleep-a-
night" chidings of Health Service.
After studying all night, one coed
walked into a History 12 final,
tired, but certain she knew the
course "cold." In fact, she knew
the course so "cold" that she had
no trouble naming ALL the im-
portant personages of the Italian
Rennaissance. It was only after
the two-hour exam period had
ended that she re-read the question
to discover that it called for the
"characteristics" of the Renais-
sance, not the "characters."
J-Hop Tickets
To Be on Sale
At Union Today


Elman Will Play
Dorsey Orchestra

Tickets for J-Hop, featuring Tom-
my Dorsey and his orchestra from 10
p. m. to 2 a. m. Friday at the Intra-
mural Building, may be purchased
from 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. today
and tomorrow at the Travel Desk in
the Union lobby.
Students holding accepted applica-
tions maycall for their tickets today
and until 1 p. m. tomorrow, but ap-
plications not picked up by that time
will be placed on sale with no con-
sideration of class, according to
George Spaulding, ticket chairman.
A limit~ed number of unapplied. for
tickets will go on sale outright at
8:30 a. m. today, and will be available
until the 1,250 tickets are complete-
All fraternities and men's resi-
dence halls must turn in date lists
for J-Hop by noon Thursday at the
business desk of the Daily. If the
guest is on campus, her year should
be listed. Home towns should be
listed for all out of town guests.
ly sold out. A spring term cashier's
receipt should be presented to pur-
chase all unapplied for tickets.
Ziggy Elman will make his first ap-
pearance with Dorsey 'at the flop,
after more than three years service
as a staff sergeant in the army. Ver-
satile, Elman can play every instru-
ment in the band and when Tommy
is off the stand, Ziggy conducts.
The musical lineup slated to share
the spotlight with Dorsey and Elman
at the Hop includes the Sentimen-
See J-HOP, Page 8

Meeting Will
Boost Student
Dr. C F Norton
o Deliver Lecture
Highlighting the Rally for Student
Government at 7:30 p. m. tomorrow
in the Union Ballroom, Dr. Clark F.
Norton of the political science de-
partment will speak on "Proportional
Representation; How It Works."
Dr. Norton will explain the mech-
anism of the proportional representa-
tion system of election, according to
the Hare plan which is most widely
used in this country. This is the form
of PR proposed in the Congress-Cabi-
net Constitution for Student Govern-
ment. Both the Congress-Cabinet and
Council-Forum constitutions will ap-
pear on a preferential ballot at an
all-campus election early this.semes-
Open to Students
Sponsored by the Committee for
Student Representation, the Rally
will be open to all students, includ-
ing veterans. Following Dr. Norton's
talk, student members of the Commit-
tee will conduct a mock election of
delegates to the UNO Security Coun-
cil, demonstrating the Hare system of
proportional representation.
The position of past student gov-
ernments on campus and the pres-
ent movement for a representative
student organ will also be explained,
with particular emphasis on the two
proposed constitutions. Handbills will
be distributed in University dormi-
tories and on the Diagonal today.
A long-felt need for a campus-wide
student governm ent culminated in
the proposal of two constitutions at
the beginning of this year.
Counnil-Forum Plan
Drafted by representatives of the
various campus organizations in con-
sultation with the administration and
correspondence with other universi-
ties, the Council-Forum constitution
calls for a central body (the council)
of eight members and a president
chosen at an all-campus election, in
addition to a Forum, representing the
organizations. The Forum would
serve merely in an advisory capacity.
The Congress-Cabinet constitution,
which calls for election of a student
Congress by proportional representa-
tion (the Hare system) and a seven-
member executive Cabinet (elected by
the Congress), was formulated, fol-
lowing research by a large group of
students who wanted a more repre-
sentative, forceful, self-ruling body."
One of the functions of the Congress,
as designated in the constitution,
would be to delegate representatives
to joint faculty-student bodies with
the approval of thosee groups or the
Board of Regents.
Both organizations would serve to
express organized student opinion,
and all students would be invited to
serveon the Student Government
committees in addition to presenting
proposals or complaints to the central
body. It is expected that the Student
Government would 'absorb the func-
tions of the Men's Judiciary Council
in handling campus elections and
would co-ordinate student activities.
The Rally tomorrow night is
planned to acquaint all students with
the problems and functions of a
campus Student Government.


irasT Viits Egyptian Riot
SAN DIEGO, Calif., March 4- CAIRO, March 4-(IP)-Fifteen
lhe bodies of two babies, so small Egyptians were slain by gunfire, two
.hat they were not even listed British military policemen were beat-
hivualy asthsseygererete -en to death and 301 persons were
ividually as passengers, weretodh wounded today in rioting during 'day
frst of 2, victims removed tkay of mourning" demonstrations in
rom the mountain-side wreckage Alexandria, an official Egyptian
the nation's worst commercial communique said tonight.
"irliner crash. The wounded were listed as 299
The infants-a two-months-old Egyptians and two British soldiers.
boy and an 18-month-old girl-- Prime Minister Ismail Sidky Pasha
vere found crushed and burned in said in the communique that "police
he twisted debris of the American were obliged to fire" after rioters
kirlines passenger plane. stoned Egyptian' police and British
They were hurled from their troops.
nothers' laps to become part of the Violent fighting in Egypt's chief
'mess of flesh and metal"-as one port city broke out during the demon-
early arrival on the scene expressed strations for some 15 Egyptians killed
t-when the plane hit the fog-hid- last week in anti-British rioting in
len peak 45 miles east of here. Cairo.
Reject Housing Subsidy Plan
WASHINGTON, March 4-A House coalition of Republicans and
some Democrats today defeated a subsidy proposal which President
Truman called "the heart" of his housing program.
Appeals by the President himself, the Democratic National Chair-
man, Robert E. Hannegan, and the economic high command failed to
hold enough Democrats in line..
The plan, whichc would have authorized $600,000,000 of subsidy
payments to encourage greater production of building materials, was
defeated on a teller vote of 161 to 92. No record is made on such a vote.
As the membership marched past the tellers to be counted, at least 40
southern Democrats were noted in opposition, and not a single Republi-
can was observed voting for the subsidy.
Steel Issue Reopens Phone Strike
WASHINGTON, March 4 - The NEW YORK, March 4--Another
.eel wage issue-insofar as 700 last-minute effort to head off a
nationwide telephone tieup was
trikebound fabricating plants are made late today when Edgar L.
oncerned-was wide open again to- Warren, Director of the U. S. Con-
ight as President Truman declared ciliation Service, summoned lead-
is 181/2 cent hourly wage indrease ers of the Federation of Long Lines
Telephone Workers, and the Amer-
commendation applied not to them ican Telephone and Telegraph
ut to basic steel plants only. Company to a conference in Wash-
The President urged that direct ne- ington at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
otiations be held to gain settlements The summons followed by a few
t bt hours assertions by Union leaders
nthe fabricating plants, where 250,- that the walkout, set for 6 a.m.
00 members of CIO's United Steel- Thursday, would begin as sched-
orkers still are on strike. uled.

By The Associated Press
UAW May Poll GM Workers
DETROIT, March 4-The CIO Auto Workers today qualifiedly ac-
cepted General Motors proposal of a secret ballot on the question of end-
ing the 104-day-old strike.
The union proposed to General Motors that the strikers in their
vote be permitted to choose between two alternatives as follows:
1--Do you favor returning to work and ending the current dispute
on the basis of the corporation's 18/2 cent wage increase offer and its
latest proposals on basic contract matters, or
2-"Do you favor returning to work on the basis of the corporations'
181/2 cent wage increase offer and its latest proposals on basic contract
matters with the understanding that all issues still in dispute shall be
submitted to arbitration by an arbitrator appointed by the President of
the United States?"
The striking union submitted its new proposal to General Motors at
a negotiation session at 5:30 p. m. EST today. General Motors made no
immediate reply.

T ime High
Men-Women Ratio
Is Nine to Five
Swelled by 5,935 veterans, the Uni-
versity's enrollment soared to a new
all-time high of 13.714 yesterday,
with a ratio of nine to five in favor
of men students.
The hi hest, previous enrollment
was for the fall semester of 1939
when 12,132 students were regis-
tered. The total enrollment last se-
mester was 10,818, including 1,887
The University's veteran enroll-
ment, which increased more than
three-fold over last semester, is
believed to be the highest in the
The total of Army, Navy and Mar-
ine trainees fell to 679. The number
enrolled last semester was 1,635.
The civilian enrollment was divid-
ed as follows.
Veterail: men-5,790, women-145.
Non-veteran: men 2,196, women-
Including armed forces trainees,
the total number of men students
is 8,665, women students 5,049.
As the jam-packed campus set-
tled down to the second day of class-
es, campus book stores are reporting
temporary inability to meet all stu-
dent demands.
A Daily survey of four leading
dealers yesterday revealed that stocks
of textbooks for most beginning
courses - particularly political sci-
ence and engineering English - are
low or entirely depleted.
One dealer said that publishers
were approximately 30 per cent
behind in filling orders. Another
reported that enrollment in some
courses was much larger than an-
ticipated. All dealers ,aid they had
wired publishers 1n that a
tional texts were arriving by spe-
cial delivery.
Additional supplies of used text-
books were alleviating the shortage.
With counters jammed by thous-
ands of student buyers, none of the
dealers was able to venturt a pre-
diction as to whether all demands
will be met.
In other parts of the country, sev-
eral colleges were reportedly mimeo-
graphing textbooks with permission
of the publishers.
No over-all report on conditions
in classrooms was available, but
most classes showed a marked in-
crease in numbers of students.
Reacting to the trend in foreign
affairs, students crowded into the

New All


Heneman Resigns; Trow Will
Serve in Japan; Kraus Cited
The Board of Regents, in its February meeting, accepted the resignation
of Prof. Harlow J. Heneman, of the political science department, granted a
leave of absence to Prof. William Clark Trow, of the School of Education,
for service in Japan, and cited Dr. Edward H. Kraus, retiring dean emeritus
of the literary college, for "noteworthy service."
Prof. Heneman, a member of the political science faculty since
1933, has accepted a position with the Bureau of the Budget at Wash-
He returned to the campus this fall after three and one-half years in
government service, including four months in Germany on the staff of Am-
bassador Robert Murphy, United -___ -_
States political adviser on German 18 to join a group of American edu-
affairs. cators who will advise General
Prof. Trow left for Japan Feb. Douglas MacArthur on the reor-
ganization of the Japanese edu-
eational s stem.

Trainees in ASTP Medical
Program To Be Discharged



Following his return from Ger-
many, Prof. Heneman warned that
German occupation problems, unless
solved, may make it difficult for the
United Nations Organization to suc-
Dr. Kraus retired after 42 years of
service to the University, including 12
years as dean of the literary college.
Ile joined the University faculty
in 1904 as an assistant professor of
mineralogy. In 1908 he became
professor of mineralogy and petro-
graphy and director of the Miner-
alogical Laboratory.
Other administrative positions held
by Dr. Kraus were: acting dean and

Daily Staffs
Plan Meetings
For Tryouts
A meeting ifor all eligible students
interested in becoming members of
The Daily Editorial Staff, Sports or
Women's Staffs will be held at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow in the Student Pub-
lications Building.
A similar meeting will be held by
the Business Staff At 4 p.m. Thurs-
Veterans are especially urged to
attend the initial meetings. Liz
Knapp, Associate Editor, stated.
Those who have had college or pro-

The ASTP Medical Training Pro-
gram will be closed Saturday when
the entire personnel willdbe dis-
charged, Lt. Marvin Wolf, director of
the University unit, announced yes-
Aboui 100 men make up the unit,
and they, with thier two officers, will
be processed out of the Army at Fort
Sheridan Saturday.
Men in the unit are sponsoring a
dance Friday at the League to cele-
brate their return to civilian life. The
dance is called "Farewell to Army
Life" and is limited to Army person-
nel. Jerry Edwards Band will play
for the ball, and highlighting the eve-
Maurice Hindus
Will Give Talk
"How We Can Get Along with Rus-
sia" will be discussed by Maurice Hin-
dus in an Oratorical Association lec-
ture at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in Hill
Hindus will replace Edmund Stev-
ens, originally scheduled to appear
today, who is now in Russia.
Arthur of "Mother Russia," "Rus-
sia and Japan," "Humanity Up-
rooted," 2-id "Red Bread," Hindus is
also noted as a novelist.

ning will be skits on Army life pre-
sented during intermission.
Established in the fall of 1943, the
Medical Training program was de-
signed to insure a steady flow of doc-
tors to the Army. During its exis-
tence at the University the program
has graduated close to 200 doctors, Lt.
Wolf said.
With the closing of the Medical
Training Pr-ram all but two of the
Army's war training programs at the
University will have been discontin-
ued. The remaining ones are the
naval R. 0. T. C., and a special group
of officers studying Latin American
All Day Long
The Michigan Union Student Book
Exchange, sponsored in cooperation
with the League, is open from 9 a.m.
throught 5 p.m. including the noon
hour, John Houston, manager, an-
nounced yesterday.
The Exchange, which has been op-
erating since Thursday and which
will continue until Friday, has al-
ready passed the $1,000 mark in
TincR rc., ,.nrcnn'nrfofvpnc -whn, 1ni r1

Happy Throngs
Greet Sun As
Classes Begin
Loud cries of "But the catalogue
specifically says this class meets in
Angell Hall" resounded along the
muddy walks of the campus as same
14,000 students, flushed with be-
tween-semester merrymaking, took
their first classes in the Spring Term
Prominently displayed about the
campus were a host of new veterans,
only mildly confused by first-day
changes, and bearing up quite well
in their new surroundings, despite
the work of their orientation advis-
Everywhere little crowds of stu-
dents, smiling happily because they
had been dismissed early from class,
milled around much-used doorways.
"I keep thinking it's a demonstra-
tion for something," one psych ma-
jor pointed out.
The registrar's office reported a
brisk business in "drop" cards, many
students feeling that after the first
lecture perhaps they had elected the
wrong subject.
There seemed to be more students
than ever parading around the cam-
pus, some using the walks and others
saying, "What's a litle mud? I can
get there quicker this way."
Many professors expressed the
hope that students would not hesi-
tate to cut classes regularly this
term, as several of the courses they
were teaching had obtained an en-

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