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April 27, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-27

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.AUD 'Y, APRflM 2T, 1946

Candidates for Student Congress List Platf


student. Experience: Student Gov't.
in high school, House Officer Fresh-
man year, Staff Assistant in Jordan
Hall. Outside activities: Usherdat
lectures and concerts, Rifle Club,
Spanish Club. Platform: 1. Less ex-
pensive formal dances. 2. Grading
the faculty. 3. Overnight guest priv-
ileges for veterans. 5. Better academ-
ic counseling. 6. Better student facil-
ities, bike stands, tennis courts, use
of swimming pools, etc. 7. Clarifica-
tion of the "cut" system. 8. Promote
social events to help students get
acquainted. 9. Fairer distribution of
football tickets.
semester. Matriculated 1941. En-
isted US Army 1943. Returned 1946
Activities: Order of Scimitar Fenc-
ing Society, elected vice president.
ophomore football mgr. Vice-presi-
dent Phi Sigma Delta fraternity 1946.
Platform: Creation of inducements
by the university to attract more
qualified instructors, with view to
rmaller classes. Establish non-profit
cafeteria. A low cost housing pro-
gram to meet immediate needs. An
additional place for social affairs to
alleviate crowded conditions at Lea-
gue and Union.
ond semester Junior. Formerly vice-
president of student body and stu-
dent council, vice-president of Fresh-
man class, Oklahoma Baptist Univer-
sity. Present president, Roger Wil-
liams Guild, U. of M., member of
Veteran's Organization, Psychology
Club, U. of M. Varsity track team.
Platform: More student participa-
tion in formation of University policy.
Student evaluation of curriculum and
faculty, and promotion of necessary
changes . Coordination of charity
drives on campus. Closer liaison in
planning student affairs. Support
of international student exchange.
Formation of permanent non-profit
student book andsupply center.
mester Soph. High school: Twice
president pf the Student Council,
chairman of Dramatics Club, treas.
of Hi-Y. U. of M.: Union, Le Cercle
Francais, president of Tyler House,
sec'y-treas. of E. Quadrangle coun-
cil, co-chairman of Campus Red
Cross, drive. Assistant manager of
Department Store Record depart-
ment. Platform: Foundation of my
purpose is student action. I propose
to coordinate all student activities,
give greater weekend variety of enter-
tainment, support suggested curricu-
lum changes, to revise the Academic
Counseling System and inaugurate a
faculty rating system.
mester Junior. Organizations: Kap-
pa Kappa Gamma, Wyvern. Activi-
ties: Zone manager, chairman Soph.
Project, Soph. Cabaret, Wyvern, Pan-
hellenic representative, Central Com.
for Homecoming. Platform: This
campus long has needed student gov-
ernment and students are well aware
of the situation. There is much to be
done here at Michigan and I would
like to have the opportunity to help
try and make Michigan the school
it can be!
MILTON D. DAVID. 1st term Jun-
ior. Was high school vice-pres. of
Senior and Soph. classes, pres. Dra-
matic Club, editor of Yearbook and
Paper and in Band. U. of M.: Var-
sity Glee Club, Slide Rule Ball Comm.,
Mich. Technic. Platform: I believe
students can construct an agency to
lve concerted action to needs of
the campus. Student government can
be developed to serve useful adminis-
trative functions. Through the Con-
gress the students can exert their
efforts to create a more responsible
student body. If elected I shall work
to achieve the above aims.
RAY DAVIS. First sem. Senior.
Will be in school until 1949. Was a
member of the U of M Student Sen-
ate for two years. I believe that my
experience on the Senate will greatly
assist me in avoiding the mistakes
that were made by the organization.

The Congress must avoid the pitfalls
of that earlier organization to be
successful. I believe that the' Willow
Run students should not be required
to pay bus fare to and from school.
mester Junior. While at the U. of
Minnesota I held the following posi-
tions: Member Student Council As-
sembly, Minnesota Student Gov't.,
Social Chairman of all campus activ-
ities, on Minn. Daily staff, on other
groups and committees on campus.
At the U. of M. since discharge from
the service I have held the following
positions: Publicity Chairman for
Banners at Student Rally, Publicity
Chairman for the AVC and VO,
member Daily staff, member Union
Social and Publicity committees, also
SOIC, Varsity Night Comm., etc. My

own objective is to see that student
government will become successful at
two years I worked on student coun-
cil of Western High School in De-
troit: I was president for one year.
At Michigan I have been a member
of the Armenian Students' Associa-
tion (secretary), C.L.A., the Univer-
sity Women's Riding Club, and Cercle
Francais. In addition I have helped
to draw up constitution of Armenian
Students' Association. Platform: I
have no axe to grind but can guaran-
ee initiative and constructive inter-
nst on the projects considered de-
irable by my constituents.
semester Junior. Will be in school
ntil June, 1947. Activities: Dormi-
tory Council, Assembly Board, Ori-
'ntation Advisor, Frosh Project, Rifle
Club, House Duties, Ticket Comm.
I shall attempt to carry out the aims
of student government so the stu-
dent's viewpoint will be reflected in
he proposals and activities approved
by University officials.
EVERETT B. ELLIN. Sophomore.
stand for: The adoption of a policy
hat will provide for an extensive
-ampus social program. The organ-
ization of a legislative system to give
more voice to the individual student.
The promotion of afaculty rating
system for the students. Qualifica-
tions: Engine Council class repre-
sentative, treas. Engine Council,
Michigan Daily, Michigan Union. Or-
ganizations: Phi Eta Sigma (Fresh-
man Honor Society), Zeta Beta Tau
fraternity. I plan to stay at the Uni-
versity until I receive my degree.
LYNNE FORD. Will graduate June
1947. L.S.&A. At MacMurry College
vice-president of Freshman organiza-
tion, staff of paper. At U. of M.:
Dorm.officer, night editor on women's
staff of Daily, publicity for Home-
coming, Central Comm. for J-Hop
and JGP, officer in sorority. If elect-
ed I would strive to represent stu-
dent opinion. I would publicize ac-
tivities of the government so that
students would be aware of the or-
ganization as their voice in campus
affairs. I would cooperate with other
members of the Congress to encour-
age student expression of opinion
and create unity on the campus.
Sophomore. Expect to be in school
until June, '48. I have not done much
work on campus organizations be-
cause they are too restricted. I felt
I could do nothing for them. Student
government will be a real moving
force in campus life. It must not be-
come limited. I am sincerely interest-
ed in making a success of this move-
ment which will be able to secure for
us a more favorable position in deal-
ing with the University.
ing been selected by friends to run
for student government I submit my
name. My special interest is the in-
dependent students, foreign students
and those who find it necessary to
work while in college. My support
will naturally be in that direction
although general campus improve-
ment is desired. My only qualifica-
tions are the support of my friends.
BETTE HAMILTON. Class of June,
'49. Will remain in school until June,
'49. College experience: House pres-
ident, Presbyterian Guild Council,
Daily Training Staff, Athletics. I
will work for student faculty cooper-
ation in meeting desires of the stu-
dent body. Investigation and action
on all student problems. Providing
an adequate center for casual social
recreation, planned and run by stu-
dents with faculty patronage.
ond semester Junior. Head of Fresh-
man Orientation, 1946, ass't chair-
man Assembly Recognition Night.
Veterans and Transfer Orientation
advisor, properties chairman, JGP. I
sincerely believe in, will support and
strive to achieve the following: Lower
driving restrictions to persons of 24

years of age; better school spirit; a

larger and better book exchange;
lower prices at campus dances: en-
large Fe. Bldg. door; eliminate
women's restrictions at Union.
Med.. lan to stay at school until
1947. Organizational experience: Stu-
dent gov't. in high school, Navy offi-
cer 2'/ years, War Manpower Comm.
U. of M.. NROTC. Platform: Im-
prove student faculty relations. To
increase availability of social facilities
for all students. To set up organized
social program for veterans wives.
To investigate housing situation.
KATE HEARST. First semester
Senior. U. of Cal. at Berkeley: Pub-
licity Little Theatre, chairman Fresh-
man Orientation Comm., student gov-
ernment. U. of M.: French Club,
Women's Riding Club, Gargoyle Art
Staff, Publicity Comm. JGP, Senior
Ball Decorations Comm., Arch.
Chairman of Announcements. Plat-
form: Student representatives on the
Board of Regents and on faculty
meetings pertaining to the student
body. Cooperation between student
and faculty committees and mutual
sharing of responsibility. Inaugu-
rate housing reforms, honor system,
cooperatives, book exchange, cafe-
teria. Unified sponsorship of lectures,
drives and funds. Investigate inade-
quacy of textbooks, examinations,
and classes.
Qualifications: Served on posts re-
quiring dealings with the University
and know what students are up
against, where things bog down and
how they can best be expedited. Or-
ganizations: Phi Gamma Delta, Eng.
Council, Judiciary Council sec'. Plat-
form: I am strongly in favor of
gaining representation on University
groups which pass judgment on stu-
dent affairs. I will represent those
who feel that this campus should be
more collegiate and less straight
of '48. Activities: Freshman B'k'lyn
College: Radio Guild, Drama Soc.,
French Club, Athletics. High school:
Feature editor of paper, French Club,
outstanding actress. U. of M.: Dorm.
Athletic mgr., Social Committee of
League, Patrons Comm., Soph. Cab-
aret, Athletic clubs. Platform: To
consider and investigate every prob-
lem brought up by members of the
student body. To investigate prices
at the League. To furnish nicer
smoking rooms and to have better
lighting in study halls. To have stu-
dent night club.
Qualifications: President, Men's Ju-
diciary Council, Union Elections.
Platform: Members of the Student
Congress should earnestly want to
see student government work. The
Congress can bring, in an organized
manner, needed changes before the
University. I believe my previous ex-
perience and background plus my
desire to see student government
really succeed at Michigan qualify me
for the Congress.
perience: Former corresponding sec-
retary, VO. Former pres., Polonia
Club. Business mgr. Slide Rule Ball.
Member Veterans Comm. for Inter-
national student Exchange. Platform:
I will push for positiveaction such
measures as: Revitalizing the Stu-
dent Affairs Comm. Grading of the
professors by students. Coordinating
charity drives. Organizing student
nook co-op.
perience: Managing editor of 'Eh-
sian. Historian of SOIC. Junior Capt.
Merit Tutorial Comm. Editor Sum-
mer Directory. Orientation Advisor.
League Social Comm. I am familiar
with campus rules and customs and
know their weaknesses and advant-
ages. I have been publicity chair-
man for my sorority, Gamma Phi
Beta. Platform: I believe the duty of
student government is to serve all
the students of the University. The
government must coordinate student
activities and must encourage stu-

dent participation in them.

RUTHl M ORRIS. Junior. ExDCi -
ience: Merit Tutorial Comm. Michz-
igan League. Cent. Ccmm. Soph. Cab-
arot. Executive Board WAA. Orienf,
tion Adir.i Assistant chairmi
JGP. This irit Congress mu'. se
a precedent for future years. The
representatives must be adequately
qualified for the job. This year stu-
dent government will be put to a test.
Student government must meet this
test and prove its worth. If I am
elected I will try to achieve the aims
and ideas set up in the Congress.

to elect people who will guard their
MERVIN B. R.ASKIN. Sophomore.
High school chairman of senior comm.
President of Milwaukee AZA. 1943
enlisted in Air Corps. Bccame publi-
relations officer and arranged musical
shows. Platform: Student govern-
ment should be delegated powers by
the faculty. The cost of living should
be dealt with. Vigil must be kept on
the thoughts of the student body.
. MARION RIEGEL. Junior. Exper-
ience: Smith College: SCA, orienta-

Organizations: Cent. Comm. Soph.
project. Sophomore cabaret. Panhel-
lenic. Student government needs co-
operation and enthusiasm. We must
not have just one particular group
in power in the Congress. We must
not have two or more bitterly op-
posed factions who will not cooper-
ate in the interests of the school. If
I am elected I will represent those
who have elected me without bias and
to the best of my ability.
tivities: Frosh project, 'Ensian, Gar-
goyle Lit staff, Soph. cabaret, JGP,
Panhellenic representative. Due to my
experience in campus activities I have
seen a great many evils in the way
this campus is run. Now is our chance
to produce a united, spirited college
life through competent student gov-

WILLIAM W. BLAINE, Galesburg, Ill., engineer of the Exposition Flyer,
which plowed into the rear of an advance flyer in Naperville, Ill., has his
injuries dressed by Mrs. Robert Dolph, nurse in an Aurora, Ill., hQspital.
Blaine escaped with minor injuries.
MAX BENEDON KOGEN. Junior. of a strong student government, and
Up to the present time I have been will work hard to maintain it. I be-
manager of the football team for two lieve that if such a government is to
years. I am now senior manager. be truly democratic, the freshman

I have organized a dance at Willow!
Run and was publicity chairman of
Feather Merchants Ball. Am on Daily
Sports Tiryout staff. Social chair-
man of Fletcher Hall. Co-chairman
of defunct Campus Casbah. Am mem-
ber of AVC. Platform: As an inde-
pendent, to cooperate with Greek
letter organizations in presenting a
united student front. To alleviate
present recreational facilities with a
campus night club.
perience: Freshman Centrol Comm.
JGP publicity chairman. Contracts
and promotion mgr. Daily Business
staff. Orientation Advisor. Soph. Cab-
aret. CLA. Platform: University or-
ganizations and students shall be
guaranteed a voice in Student Con-
gress. This Congress shall not fa ll
into the hands of cliques.
man. Activities: High school student
government, Student Night Club,
committees. U. of M.: Frosh Rendez-
vous, Lane Hall Social Comm., Hillel
Interfaith, Dorm. Comm. Platform:
Representative, trustworthy, con-
structive government. More use of
student opinion in solving pertinent
problems. Stimulate interest in cail-
pus activities. Increase efficiency of
academic counseling service. Better
recreational facilities such as campus
night club and a better place to eat
after dances and shows. Study hall
for vets at Willow Run.
man. In high school I was an active
member of the student government,
civic, science, and literary organiza-
tions, and an editor of the school
paper. Since coming to the Univer-
sity, I have become an apprentice
member of the Daily and Gargoyle
staffs. I am wholeheartedly in favor

class must be represented.
comm. Western Reserve Univ., House
manager DKE House. Platform: Each
individual and faction should be
guaranteed an equal chance to pre-
sent thoughts in the matter of cam-
pus policy before the Congress when
legislation is pending. The Congress
has set up its own rules which should
be flexible to meet any situation.
These rules should permit the ex-
pansion of the. self-governing power
of the students.
Daily Sports staff, Alpha Phi Omega
service fraternity secretary and trea-
surer, member of Sigma Alpha Mu
fraternity and have been house man-
ager. Have worked on IFC Ball and
IFC News. Student government de-
mands cooperation between faculty
and students. The Congress muisi
comprise a realistic group who know
ist how far student government can
be carried We do not want a radical
idealistic congregation. I believe in
small practical demonstrations suc-
cessfully accomplished will be a foun-
dation for student government in
the future.
Experience: Member comm. to estab-
lish student government in hign
school. Member student council. Or-
ganizations: Newman Clab, Deuts-
cher Verein. Platform: Women should
receive consideration in the student
government. Girls should get pref-
erence in the Cafeteria and the Lea-
gue during certain crowded hours.
I feel a campus casbah would be bene-
ficial. The amount of athletic activ-
ities for women is insufficient and
should be corrected. A book exchange
is needed. Student organizations
should work in closer cooperation.

man. Experience: High school extra
curricular activities. School senate.
School betterment comm. Policy mak-
ing comm. Editor senior year book.
Platform: I desire to promote a bond
between veterans and their colleagues.
I do not stand for power politics and
factionalism. The high cost of eat-
ing at Willow Run should be investi-
gated. Also there should be a student
eating place in Ann Arbor.
WARREN PALMER. Platform: In-
vestigate cost of living in Ann Arbor.
Cooperative student laundry. Cooper-
ative cafeteria. Exchange students
with foreign countries to be advanced
at Prague this summer.
Senior. Activities: ASME, SPT, SAE,
Exec. staff Michigan Union. Plat-
form: I am interested in influencing
the governing factions of the Univer-
sity to obtain the will of the students,
specifically the Engineers with whom
I've worked.
Qualifications: Lt. army air force.
Platform: Intelligent cooperation be-
tween the faculty and the student
body is one of the fundamentals
necessary for successful student gov-
ernment. If elected I will try to
further this policy. The Congress gives
a student a voice in affairs at the
University. It is up to the students

tion advisor, accompanist for Glec
Club and Madrigal Club. U. of M.:
JGP cast, Women's Glee Club. Mu
Phi Epsilon. Platform: For two years
I was on a campus where student
government worked. At Smith I was
on a committee that worked to get
appropriations for a building. Plat-
form: I have faith in the ability of
the students to govern themselves.
I plan to contribtfte my time and
effort to realizing successful student
government. A curriculum comm.
should be set up to handle complaints
about courses and professors.
HARRIET RISK. Junior. Activities:
WAA, Tennis Club manager, repre-
sentative of American Federation of
College Women. Zeta Phi Eta officer.
Dorm. executive board. Dorm, choir
director. Delta Sigma Rho, Choral
Union, orchestra, JGP, camp work.
If elected I shall work for coordina-
tion of campus activities, supplying
variety in week end entertainment,
improving academic counseling,
changing curriculum and instituting
faculty ratings.
Junior. Transferred from Ward Bel-
mont Junior College. Experience:
Student council (president), Phi The-
ta Kappa at U. of M.; vice-president
in charge of pledges of Alpha Chi
Omega. Platform: Student govern-
ment should be clearing house for
campus affairs. Relationships with
the faculty should be improved. A
faculty rating system should be ar-
ranged. Give students a chance to
express criticism of the faculty on
issued forms. Congress should ex-
press the views of the whole campus
and express student opinion on vital
man. In student government Royal
Oak High School. At U. of M. worked
in student book exchange and now
work for Pan-.hell assembly ball.
Platform: Student book store to
break monopoly in Ann Arbor. Coop-
erative student cafeteria. Another
place for students to dance on week-
ends. Better lighting in the library
and enlarged study facilities. I be-
lieve that a freshman faction is
necessary in Congress.

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