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April 27, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-27

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See Pages 2, 3

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'U'Hospital Rate
Raise Approved
Regents Also Accept Gifts, Naie
Three New Faculty Appointments
Increased room rates at the University Hospital were approved yesterday
by the Board of Regents in order to permit operation of the hospital on a
balanced budget during the 1946-47 fiscal year, following a deficit of $170,000
during the current year.
The board also accepted gifts totaling $32,048.39, made three new fac-
ulty appointments and approved the promotion of Mrs. Elsie R. Fuller as
assistant to the dean of women.

Nash Stresses
Of Russian Ties
Future of UN Depends
On Leadership, Vision
Friendship and sympathy for Rus-
sia and complete support of the Unit-
ed Nations were stressed by Philip C.
Nash, president of the University of
Toledo, as the most important goals
toward world peace, in an address
yesterday before members of the
Michigan Schoolmasters' Club.
Military Strength Needed
Noting the road toward world or-
ganization as this country's wisest
move, Dr. Nash continued, it would
be folly for the United States to
abandon completely its m i11i t a r y
strength at a time when there is no
adequate source of safety in the
Dr. Nash pointed out that no mat-
ter how perfect the machine, it can-
not function without the human will
to direct it, and "so we challenge the
future generations to do petter than
we have done."
Future Generations Challenged
Prof. Edgar Johnston, of the School
of Education, was elected president
of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club
for the 1946-47 year at the business
meeting yesterday.
William R. Stocking, principal of
Redford High School, Detroit, was
Dawson Urges
Development in
Foreign Fields
The greatest service this country
can render the world for many years
ahead would be help given by Ameri-
can technicians in developing thenim-
mense possibilities of South Ameri-
ca, the Middle East and the Far East,
Prof. John P. Dawson said yesterday
in addressing the 23rd annual Hon-
ors Convocation.
Endorsing the proposed loan to
Britain, Dr. Dawson, who has recent-
ly returned to the Law School after
serving with the Middle Far Eastern
divisions of the State Department,
said that extension of credit to that
country aims towards a high level of
trade and consumption.
Advocating further reduction in
tariffs, he also urged the elimination
of the systems "which antedated the
war of quotas and similar national
defense against international trade"
"It is clear that the starvation
of millions of people at the present
time would produce both hatred and
desperation far more costly to us than
the expenditure needed to prevent it,"
Dr. Dawson asserted.
Maintaining that the atomic bomb
is not the exclusive property of the
American People, Prof. Dawson said,
"Its development underlines with the
greatest emphasis the need for Ameri-
can leadership and lends a tremen-
dous urgency to the issues that divide
News Briefs
By The Associated Press
MADRID, April 26-All leaves of
Spanish troops in the Madrid .mili-
tary region were cancelled and the
soldiers were ordered to report to
their barracks by Monday, according
to reports today.

HAZELTON, Pa., April 26--De-
manding higher pay and lower
working hours, Pennsylvania's 75,-
000 anthracite miners authorized a
30-day strike notice today with
Jrn L. Lewis shouting "We highly

efThe new hospital rates will become
effective Wednesday. Dir. Albert C.
Kerlidowske, director of the hospital,
explained that the hospital is self-
siipporting and has no other means of
balancing its budget except by in-
creasing the rates. Patients who en-
tered the hospital before Monday will
not be affected by the increases until
May 10 and all other entering pa-
tients were told of the prospective in-
Award for Daily Junior
Among the accepted gifts was an
award fund to be used to honor a
junior staff member of The Daily
each year for five years. The $100
yearly award has been established in
the name of Flight Lieutenant Law-
rence Arnold Allen by his father, Mr.
M. Allen of Windsor, Ontario.
The award will be given to the jun-
ior staff member whose services dur-
ing the year are judged most out-
standing by the members of the
Board in Control of Student Publi-
Flight Lieutenant Allen received an
A.B. degree at the University in 1940.
A member of the Royal Canadian Air
Force and recipient of the Distin-
guished Flying Cross, he was reported
mising in action over Belgium in
April, 1944.
Public Health Research
The board also accepted an $8,000
grant from the Rockefeller Founda-
tion of New York in support of re-
search fellowships for physicians who
completed service in the Army and
wish additional training in the field
of public health and preventative
Appointments to the faculty in-
cluded Dr. Lincoln G. Smith as asso-
ciate professor of physics, starting in
the fall; Dr. Urie Bronfenbrenner as
assistant professor of psychology,
starting in the fall; and Dr. Edmund
F. Walker as assistavt professor of
psychiatry in the Medical School, ef-
fective Wednesday.

For Congress
Livens Race
Campus Election To
Take Place Tuesday
Spirited campaigning livened the
race for Student Congress yesterday
as the 63 candidates vied for campus
approval with publicity stunts and
a flurry of political posters.
Campaigners steered away from
the campus where a University rule
forbids posting of election litera-
ture,, but all around it there was
activity galore as candidates sought
to stamp themselves as desirable
before the campus-wide election
Tuesday and Wednesday.
At that time 18 of the 63 aspir-
ants will be elected to membership
in the post-war Student Congress,
governing body set up by the Con-
gress-Cabinet constitution which
won campus approval at the begin-
ning of this month.
Off-campus barber shops and
grills bristled with posters as the
publicity drives reached their cli-
max. One enterprising candidate
was tonied in a three-car caravan
which skirted the campus for an
hour yesterday with a show of crepe
paper and election banners.
Men's Judiciary Council, sponsorers
of the election, found the electioneer-
ing right and proper. Any form of
publicity from organized cheering
sections to torchlight parades will be
tolerated by the Council just as long
as it's not done on campus. For the
benefit of poter tial campaigners the
Council defined the campus as the
area bounded by North and South
University and South State and East
Candidates will have their offi-
cial chance to present theiraplat-
forms at a pre-election rally at
7:30 p.m. Monday at Waterman
Gymnasium. Each candidate at
that time will have an opportunity
to speak for two minutes at the ral-
ly on his qualifications and plans
for development of the new Con-
An election bulletin containing the
names of each candidate will be dis-
tributed Monday at the Union and
League, in all dormitories and at Wil-
low Run. The Daily presents an ab-
breviated version of these platforms
on page two and three today.


Snares 12,,3

Win in First
Big Ten Tilt
Michigan's heavy-hitting baseball
team, opening its defense of the West-
ern Conference Championship,
trounced the hapless University of
Chicago Maroons yesterday afternoon
at Ferry Field, by a 12 to 3 score in
a ball game highlighted by three Wol-
verine circuit smashes but marred
by nine errors.
Michigan was in the lead from the
moment leadoff batter Walt Kell
hit lanky Hal Noffsinger's 3-2 pitch
over the rightfielder's head for a
homer in the first inning.
Pitchers Excel
Until the fourth inning the game
was a close pitchers' duel between
the left-handed slants of Bliss "Bo"
Bowman and the curves and slowballs
of Noffsinger.
Then, as a token of things to come,
Lewis Johnson missed Jack Weisen-
burger's pop to short, allowing him
to reach first, Tom Rosema followed
with a single to center sending Weis-
enburger to third, from where he
scored a moment later as Bob Chap-
pius grounded out to short.
Michigan Scores on Errors
In the fifth the Maroons' fielding
fell completely apart. After Elmer
See MICHIGAN, Page 6
CPrA Approves
New University
The University's projected million
dclar engineering building received
the go-ahead from the Civilian Pro-
duction Administration yesterday.
Governor Kelly said approval was
received from John D. McGillis, De-
troit district manager of the CPA
who also approved construction of
three state mental hospitals.
Applications for authority to build
the dental and chemistry building
additions and the school of Business
Administration at the University are
being forwairded to Washington with
McGillis' recommendation for ap-
proval. The district office at Detroit
can approve only projects less than
Applications for permission to
build a food service building and ma-
ternity hospital at the University
have been returned to the state for
additional information. Other build-
ings in the University's construction
program still have not been cleared
by CPA officials.
'Insight' To Be
Sold Monday
Following its policy of presenting
both sides of a controversial issue
each month, "Insight" will print the
views of a Christian and an atheist in
its April issue, which goes on sale
Monday and Tuesday.
In the section on "What I Be-
lieve," Bob Carneiro will give his rea-
sons for believing only in the "Holy
Trinity of science: reason, observa-
tion and experience." Gertrude Haan
will explain her belief in Christian-

Official States 'U' Free
From Race Restriction

A University administration mem-
ber last night declared the University
free from any restriction against ra-
cial or religious groups, while two
other members, referring to the re-
cent controversy over the pledging of
a Negro to Alpha Xi Delta sorority,
asked "character" and "intellectual
tastes" as the basis for fraternal se-
Of those administration h e a d s
reached, four commented, two said
they had not read The Daily article
reporting the case, and two declined
to comment.
The question of fraternal dis-
crimination was brought to the fore
when national Alpha Xi Delta
headquarters banned the Vermont
chapter from rushing or pledging
for a year after that chapter had
pledged Crystol Malone, a Negro
student. The local group countered
by declaring it would not depledge
Miss Malone,
Referring to the University's pol-
icy, Dean of the Literary College Hay-
ward Keniston said:
"As far as the University is con-
cerned, there is no possibility of there
being discrimination against any
Dean of Women Alice C. Lloyd,
requesting sorority disregard of
race and creed, stated:
"It is my belief that social or-
ganizations such as sororities and
fraternities should choose their
members solely on a basis of char-
acter, integrity, and personality
without regard to race or national-.
ity or religious creed.
"Sororities and fraternities have
been accused of being undemocratic
and exclusive in a narrow social sense.
They have a great challenge to show
that they are neither, in an age when
we are trying to visualize one world
at peace.
"A sorority at the University of
Vermont chose a Negro member be-
cause they liked and admired her.
I believe that there should be no
question of their being allowed to
keep her as a member. I believe
that the Vermont sorority has
shown real leadership in living up
to the ideal of true democracy."
Calling on sororities to abolish ra-
cial and religious discrimination, As-
sistant Dean of Women Mary C.
Bromage declared:
"If sorority membership is based
World's Fastest
Computor Will
Be Discussed
The world's fastest computing
machine, (the "Eniac") will be dis-
cussed in a lecture by Capt. H. H.
Goldstine, on leave from the mathe-
matics department, at 4:15 p.m. Mon-
day in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Built to expedite solutions of math-
ematical problems which originated
in the Ballistics Laboratory of the
Army's Aberdeen Proving Grounds,
the computer makes extensive use of
electronic tubes to speed up arithme-
tical operations.
Capt. Goldstine took an active part
in the evolution of the instrument.
At present he is engaged in research
for a more effective computor which
is hoped will solve what were hereto-
fore thought insoluble problems.

Franco Investigation Postponed
As Russia Dissents to UN Proposal;
Wolverine Nine Defeats Chicago


on the pursuit of common education
interests, and if the test of the sor-
ority bond is genuine fellow feeling,
racial, religious or political dischim-
ination WILL be ruled out.
"In a world recovering from a
war fought in part at least against
human persecution, it is up to edu-
cated men and women to judge
their friends and associates on the
basis of intellectual and artistic
Referring specifically to the ques-
tion of discrimination in fraternal
groups, Assistant Dean of Students
Walter B. Rea said:
"I believe that it is up to the na-
tional and local organizations rather
than to the administration of the in-
dividual universities."
'Beautiful Oho'
"Wrong Way" Corrigan has
nothing on one of the University
Gloria Eisenstein, '48, a student
pilot in the University Flying Club,
found herself in Finlay, Ohio, last
Wednesday night, with no gas, af-
ter starting out from Adrian for
Marshall, Michigan, on the sec-
ond leg of her first solo cross coun-
try flight in one of the club's ships.
Forced to wait there until morn-
ing, Miss Eisenstein said, "I spent
the night laughing, for I had no
idea I was even out of Michigan.
Next time I'll check my compass
Mich ilod eon
Carnival Will
Be Held Today
Carnival games ranging from
"Electric Penny Pitch" to a turtle
race and dancing will highlight
WAA's postwar edition of Michilo-
deon Carnival to be held from 8 p.m.
to midnight today in Barbour and
Waterman Gyms.
Both gyms will be decorated with
bright-colored carnival figures, and
Barbour Gym will be transformed
into a ballroom with a maize and
blue ceiling. The Michilodeon clown,
which has been reposing in the
League, will be an honored guest at
the affair which will feature booths
manned by campus residences in
Waterman Gym.
Floorshows will occupy the spot-.
light at 9:30 and 10:30 pm. in the
Dance Studio of Barbour Gym and
a skit by Alpha Chi Omega, will
highlight the program. In addition,
a local magician will perform.
Prizes of silver trays will be award-
ed to the home which runs the most
original booth and to the booth which
collects the largest amount of money.
Judging the booths at 5 p.m. today
will be Dean Joseph Bursley, Miss
Ethel McCormick and Prof. Emil
Weddige, of the School of Architec-
ture and Design. Houses are remind-
ed that barkers should be on hand for
the judging.
Tickets will be purchased at the
door in five cent denominations and
two tickets will be given upon pay-
ment of the twenty cent admission

Davis Suggests Government
Withdraw from Labor Field

Vote Sought
By Council
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 26-The Unit-
ed Nations Security Council again
stood off a showdown on the Spanish
question today in the hope that Rus-
sia-alone in opposition-might re-
verse her position and make possi-
ble a unanimous vote for Australia's
latest proposal to investigate the
Franco regime.
With all the delegates except the
Russian apparently in agreement on
a twice-revised Australian resolu-
tion, the Council adjourned after a
15-minute session until Monday at 3
p.m., E.D.T.
Hope for Russian Concession
Although there were no indications
that Soviet delegate Andrei A. Gro-
myko was wavering in his opposition
to an investigation, the delegates
conceded that the only reason a vote
was not taken today was the hope of
some that -Russia might eventually
change her stand.
Mexican delegate Rafael De La
Colina, who proposed the postpone-
ment, told newsmen as he left the
council chamber that he had made
his move for the purpose of "seeking
unanimity among council members
on the proposal" and in the hope that
the weekend recess would result in a
switch in Gromyko's position.
The Soviet delegate indicated,
however, that he still stood by his
views that the Council already had
sufficient evidence to show that the
Franco regime is a menace to world
peace and that no inquiry is neces-
No Investigation in Any Form
Yesterday he declared he would
vote for no investigation in any form,
but would support a proposal for a
sub-committee to recommend action
against Franco Spain.
The revised resolution takes note
of the "moral condemnation" of the
Franco regime by the resolutions
adopted at the San Francisco confer-
ence and the London meeting of the
general assembly and in the various
views expressed by members of the
Security Council.
Lansing Debate
Team Is Chosen
The Lansing Sexton High School
debate team, composed of Ann Kon-
tas and Robert Carson, debating the
negative of the question of universal
peacetime military conscription, was
unanimously chosen winner last
night in the finals of the Michigan
High School Forensic Association.
Judges for the event were Prof.
Carl G. Brandt of the speech depart-
ment, Prof. Andrew Weaver of the
University of Wisconsin, and Prof.
Upton Palmer of Bowling Green
State University. The Lansing coach
is Mr. Maurice Fall.
The negative arguments stressed
that compulsory military training is
useless without a standing army in
addition, and that the standing army
alone will provide an adequate im-
mediate defense and a sufficient re-
serve. They stated that it would be
possible to equip only one-tenth of
the proposed reserve force.
Arguments for the affirmative em-
phasized that nations put their trust
in secret treaties and military
strength rather than a world organi-
zation, that changing conditions re-
quire continual preparedness, that
it takes time to train men, so that
this must be done in peacetime, and
that military strength is necessary

for world security.
Service Needed
For Graduation
"If I had my way, no student
would graduate unless he had served
his community as a partial corrective
for the loss of individual responsi-

It is time for the government and
the national leaders of labor and in-
dustry to withdraw from the field of
labor relations. William H. Davis, for-
mer chairman of the War Labor
Board declared last night in an ad-
dress at the Founders' Day dinner of
the Lawyers Club.
"Because the war greatly dis-
turbed the local relations between
labor and management in the in-
dividual mills, mines, factories, and
service organizations throughout
the country," Davis said, a "grass
roots" improvement in the process
of collective bargaining must be
The government had to resort to
force in the form of orders to labor
and management in order to handle
the emergencies created by the war,
he explained, pointing out that such
a practice is very destructive of the
creative values of collective bargain-
"The resulting deterioration of lo-
cal relationships between manage-
ment and labor is a post-war fact
that inescapably confronts us," Davis
asserted. "It poses a very difficult
problem which can be corrected only
gradually with patience and under-
Recommending the adoption of

proposals made by the President's
Management - Labor Conference,
Davis added that there is no legis-
lative solution to the problem since
the right of wage earners to refuse
to work on terms unsatisfactory
to them and the right of employers
to refuse to rv.n their plants under
conditions they do not accept are
fundamental human rights which
cannot be restricted except by vol-
untarry agreement.
"The best solution can be found
only by improving the processes of
collective bargaining," he concluded.
"Here the government can be ef-
fective in mediation and concilia-
tion, but not by prohibition."
Frenchi Fim
Ends Tonilit
The final showing of "The Life and
Loves of Beethoven" will be at 8:30
p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Preceding the Beethoven film, there
will be a short of Jacques Thibaud
playing "Malaguena" by Albeniz,
Both films are presented by the
Art Cinema League.


S uden
With the exception of fraternity
and sorority social chairmen, few stu-
dents even come in direct contact
with the Student Affairs Committee,
but its authority is more widespread
than that of any other student-fac-
ulty governing body on campus.
The committee-which is cur-
rently seeking the advice of the stu-
,d'ii, thgoiv onuhow toInrenrmmit'it-

t Affairs Committee

for a two-night J-Hop and the SRA's
petition for membership.
At present the Student Affairs
Committee has eight members. The
Dean of Students and the Dean of
Women are members ex officio, six
faculty members are appointed by
the President for three-year terms
and five students are automatically
members of the committee by vir-
tue of their positions on other or-

the faculty and alumi members
have a majority vote,
The chairman of Men's Judiciary
Council is chosen by the Dean of Stu-
dents and the out-going members,
Present student membership on the
Student Affairs Committee did not
come about, however, without a long,
up-hill fight on the part of campus
The Student- Affairs Committee

.eguates A4
grant full student membership, but,
the president of the Student Council
and the president of the League were
invited to attend meetings without
voting power.
In 1921, the president of the Stu-
dent Advisory Council was added as a
third student member, also without a
In 1923 the University Senate
adopted a resolution providing that

on the grounds that the dance
would be "too lavish," resentment
flared over the committee's "eight
to five" student-faculty ratio.
Soon afterward, the Student Re-
ligious Association petitioned for
membership on the committee. How-
ever, the committeemtabled the SRA's
petition this week because it believed
that adding one more student mem-
ber would not alleviate Dresent dis-

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