Winds Up Best Hockey Season in History
Natators Begin
Meets,(Michigan Tech Is Foe in Last
Weekend Series at Coliseum
Wrestlers Grapple for Big Ten Michigan Swimmers Threatened I
Crown at Illinois This Weekend By Ohio State in Contest for Title
Hopes Lie on Stark, Wayne Smith. Smith also has a X olv;Tiies IleVy T;ean lince Iiving
K p , C rtr h chance to take honors in his weight, ;St-el ili 'IA oRtain Big 'fen Chah ipiolship
tlW , Mi'r but due to a recent illness it is doubt-
ful as to whether or not he can regain fly CLARK BAKER
Michigan's eight man wrestling his earlier form. Dairy Sports Editor
squad left yesterday afternoon for Chaimes Wrestles at 165 Michigan's Big Ten swimming champions will put their 1945 clown on
Champaign, Ill, to compete in the The 145-pound weight division will the line in the opening of the annual two-day Conference tank champion-
Western Conference Championship have as its entrant from the Wolverine ships today at Minneapolis, Minn.
matches to be held there with talquad, Maurice Smith. Smith has Although the finals in all events will not be run off until tomorrow night,
breliminaries tonigranoe had an off and on season, and is not the preliminary trials today are expected to provide a good yardstick of'
Keen's squad will have the oppor-'rated as a threat for the crown. At the final outcome. Coach Matt Mann's Wolverines will rely almost entirely
tunity to take top honors in three Chaimes. Chaimes has won only one on team balance in the races and strength in the diving.
weight divisions. Those who are match this year, but is expected to Ohio State is a big favorite to lift the title, and the meet will probably,
favored are Jim Stark at 121 pounds, put up a tough fight. resolve into a two-way struggle between the Buckeyes and Michigan. Coach
Dick Kopel in the 128-pound class, Mie___p'_cewdfetdh
adk Capa in Bill Co-u ndrigh cass- Ward Peterson is Michigan's entryMike Peppe's clew defeated the Maize- ---------------
and Captain Bill Courtrightwrmtl- in the 175-pound division. Having a and Blue natators last month at Co- yard breast stroke title but Ohio's
mediocre season, Peterson is not con- lumibs, 57-27, but the Wolverines are Jim Counsilman is a big favorite to
Stark Defeated Once ceded a chance to cop the title. counting on their quota of four men regain the crown he held in 1943. Bob
At the completion of the current Dan Dworsky will complete Mich- to an event and individual strength of Sohl and Bob Matters will join Kes-
season, Stark had only one defeat on igan's lineup, wrestling in the heavy- the other Conference teams to aid sler for Michigan with Northwestern' ,
his record. Stark has wrestled con- weight division. Due to his inexperi- them. Al Craig and Ohio's Earl Trumble
sistently and has a good chance to ence, Dworsky has but an outside CRelavs Are Closest Races providing stiff competition.
walk off with the 121-pound crown. change to clinch top honors in the Closest races on the slate will be the The pair of relays will be another
Grappling at the beginning of the unlimited division. 50- and 100-yard freestyle sprints two-team monopoly with the Buek-
season in the 165 pound class, Bill where Michigan's Cliarley Fries, Dick ye d Mii bttlig it out
Courtright was shifted to the 155- Weiinberg, and Dave Tittle will op- Ohio is favored in the 300-yard med-
pound division after he was defeated NeW Ito(Iser , I r>t t pose Ohio's Halo Hirose and Illinois' Iy relay but has little edge over the
by illini Dave Shapiro. Shapiro had . . ohni Hauletibeek. Haulenbeek has Wolverine trio. Illinois' threesome
an unblemished record for the season. I(Y()I iI (11 l(IIU4N the Big Ten's best time in the 50 withray also put up a good fight for a
Wrestling at 155 pounds, Courtright a :23, while Hirose's :52 is a tenth lso put up a dight for
is very consistent, and should cop LAKELAND, Fla., March 7--(IP)-. of a second better than Haulenbeek's plae. Mhigan ates -ad rslgh tege
top honors. Hal Newhouser explained today how 100-yard time. over Ohio for the 400-yard relay title.
Veteran Dick Kopel, recently re- he and Dizzy Trout count on tighter Diving will probably be an Ohio- Michigan's weakest spotwill be the
turned from the Armed Services, is defensive play to make pitching for Michigan monopoly. Buckeye Ted 150k-yad badkstro event Iowa's-
a former conference champ. To date Detroit an easier job this summer. Cristakos will be favored to beat Wol- Dick Maine and Ohio's Dick Fetter-
he has wrestled in only one meet, Old Diz agreed witn roommate verines' Alex Canja and Gil Evans manwith Northwestern' Dick Tannehill
and that was against Michigan State Newhouser about the 1946 pitching on the strength of his performance with Nrhester's Digck ATannl
where he defeated a former Okla- prospects. Both expect the Bengals against the Michigan duo at Colun- raind g Mann will rely on Willard
homa State champ, Kopel weighed to show added speed afield, especially bus. Wolverines Ralph Trimborn and talg ann will relyson W ilklap
in at 136 pounds for the State meet, in the outfield, and count on an im- Tommy O'Neil may also figure in the Metcalf and Art Johnson to pick up
but he will compete in the 128-pound proved defense to cut down many of scoring along with Miller Anderson points.
division tonight. the enemy runs which sifted through and Jack Tolar of the Buckeyes.
At 136 pounds, Keen has enteredT last season. Mann Faces Hill
The 200- and 440-yard freestyle E
W akened WoiV erines Gu for Wins 16, 17
Ill 'A'.3-40Filizle Agaiiist IIU'Allmt" Six
lx l~y SI? tO'AAIt 1'ning. Clem Cossalter will team with
Il itit ei S 1)or( Ed it
Hill and Jim Johnson will fill in on
Closing outthenotsacsflea
son in Michigan hockey history Coach relief. Jack Macl~onald will tend the
Vic Heyliger's high-scoring sextet will Michigan nets.
attempt to end the season in a win- Wolverineon slop i the Wolver-
ning way tonight and tomorrow in Ines displayed the form that carried
!games with Michigan Tech to be them to 11 straight wins at tht start
played at 8 p.m. at the Coliseum. of the season, in trimming the Auto
Last week the Wolverine crew split Club for the second time this sea-
a pair of games with the puckmen I son. The two forward lines were pass-
from Houghton, but after Wednes- ing and shooting with finesse, and
day's very impressive showing, in de- goalie Lloyd Storie, who gave a great
feating the Detroit Auto Club, 9-6, exhibition in Ann Arbor last Decem-
will rate favorite in this weekend's ber, was beaten cleanly several times.
series.IJacob.on, with three goals, Mac-
Marshall May Be Sidelined t Millan and Wally Gacek looked espe-
Ma higan will be without ,the s'rv- cially good for the Wolverines. Hill
ices of several of the season's regulars, played a stellar iron-man game on
1 iowever, s Ro Smith and Jack defense, and MacDonald, after a
Maclnnes are now ineligible and Bob shakey start, turned in a good per-
Marshall is a doubtful starter. Mar- formance.
shall received an injury to his (heck-
bone in the Tech series last week.
Going into the season's final two
games the Wolverines have won 15
games, lost seven and played one tie.
In the 23 conte-.ts they have aver-
aged over six goals per gone. Gord y
MacMillan is practically a certainly
to cop individual scoring honors ftoj
the year having scored 26 goals and
getting 26 assists.
Top Scoring Line To Start
For tonight's game Heyliger has in-
dicated he will start MacMillan at
center with Bill Jacobson and Al
Renfrew on the wings. This line has
tallied 63 of the Wolverines' markers.
Renfrew, who has played the last
seven games with a broken wrist, is
runner-up to his line-mate with 40 TUX and FULL DRESS
points, including 20 goals. RENTALS
If Marshall is unable to play to-
night, the Maize and Blue will be left Au sizes . . . with or without
with only three defensemen as was accessories.
the case against the Auto Club. Cap- 6 days notice required
tain Connie Hiii, wilo played 50 min-- ,
utes in that game, will probably see KJ 'N
considerable action again this eve-
Give to the Red Cross 122 EAsT LIBERTY
GORD MacMILLAN . . . veteran
center who leads the Maize and
Blue pucksters in scoring as they
enter their final match of the
Hockey Scoring
WINNER OF 10 World's Fair
Grand Prizes, 28 Gold Medals
and more honors for accuracy
than any other timekiece._
-" " j 1 ,l
Uhl\ l~ \
III fill
11 Illlillll ll! I11 11111oll ltll
events will prodive a touch of indi-
vidual rivalry when the Conference's
two top men, Jack Hill of Ohio and
Matt Mann, III, of Michigan tangle.
Hill will be favored to take the 220
but the 440 is anybody's race. The
Buckeye has the fastest 440 time but
Mann has never been pressed. Pur-
due's Dick Hennigan may get points
for the Boilermakers.
Heini Kessler will defend his 200-
Coach Barclay
Announces '46
Golf Schedule
Bill Barclay, who has just finished
his duties as assistant basketball
coach, now resumes his position as
chief mentor of Michigan's golf team
and announced yesterday a 12 match
schedule for the 1946 Wolverine
Maize and Blue golfers will en-
counter four Big Ten teams, Ohio
State, Northwestern, Illinois, and
Purdue. Barclay, commenting on the
coming tilts said, "They comprise one
of the best schedules that Michigan
has had since the war."
Play opens April 20 with a match
here against Michigan State, followed
by contests with Wayne University,
University of Detroit, and Notre
Dame. The season ends with the
Conference meet which will be held
May 31 and June 1 at Minneapolis.
The schedule is: April 20, Mich-
igan State; April 24, Wayne Univer-
sity; April 27, Ohio State (there);
May 3, University of Detroit; May 4,
Northwestern; May 8, Michigan
State (t he r e); May 11, Illinois
(there); May 13, Notre Dame (there);
May 18, Purdue; May 20, Ohio State;
May 25, University of Detroit (there);
and May 31 and June 1, Western
Conference Championships, Minne-
1iO()rs Trimi Nais
In Fxhibition, 4.43
LAKELAND, Fla., March 7-()-
The World Champion Detroit Tigers
opened their Florida exhibition sched-
ule here today with a 4-3 victory over
the Washington Senators.
The Tigers, using 16 men, collect-
ed 11 hits off three Washington pitch-
ers, scoring twice off Sid Hudson in
the third and twice more off Vern
Curtis in the fifth, Dick Wakefield,
Bill Hitchcock, Murray Franklin and
rookie shortstop Connie Berry of the
Tigers each made two hits.
(continued from Page 1)
gain points away from the two fav-
orites. Both the Illini and Michigan
may well surpass the rest of the eight
schools in the matter of total points.
Ohio State and Purdue look like theI
next best teams, yet neither has
enough strength to become an im-
portant factor in the scoring. How-
ever, a second or third taken by either
team could throw the team crown
into the hands of either of the
Michigan's chances for its fourth
straight title will be strengthened if
Ross and Bob Hume have regained
their form of former years. The
"dead heat twins" have not been able
to attend practice regularly this sea-
son due to Medical School studies.
MacMillan . .26
Renfrew .20
Hill ........6
Marshall 5
Kuznier ......5
Sulentich .. 2
Starrack. 1
Steadman 1
MacInnes 0
MacDonald .. 0
13 Min
8 "
4 "
37 "
26 "
37 "
49 "
4 "
16 "
0 "
2 "
Marion Signs
With St. Louis
Star Shortstop Ends
Long Holdout Siege
.uST. LOUIS, March 7--(/P)-The
The Humes can run any distance odds- on pennant figures quoted on
over the half-mile. the St. Louis Cardinals looked better
Hurdles Most Interesting than ever tonight as Marty Marion,
Two of the most interesting races generally rated the best shortstop now
are expected to be in the hurdle in the business, ended his holdout
events. In races here, Wolverine siege and prepared to leave for the
Elmer Swanson finished inches behind Red Bird training camp.
the Illini's fleet George Walker in "Mr. Shortstop" affixed his much
surprisingly good times. sought signature to a 1946 contract
The strongest event for Illinois will after a one-hour con'terence with
be the dash. Jack Pierce, Bill Mathis, President Sam Breadon at the Car-
and Bill Buster could easily take three dinal office today.
places. Wolverines may take three As usual, Breadon refused to dis-
places in both the half and mile runs -I-se the tr'rns of the ag:'ement but
with such men as the Humes, Bob the popular guess is that Marion
Thomason, Herb Barten, Archie Par- probably signed for $17.000, approxi-
sons, and Cuck Low. If he can fly mately $3,500 -more than he drew
to Chicago and has not suffered from last year and $1,000 less than he was
a two week layoff from practice, said to have sought.
Chuck Birdsall looks like a likely con- The signing ended sueculation over
tender for the two mile title. the possibility the star short fielder
Last Event May Decide Imight be on the trading block---a
field events Michigan's spot on which many Red Bird stars
In the Fied eosge Anlylhave found themselves when they
Chuck Fonville and George Artley become involved in money disputes
rate closely behind Purdue's star shot with the player-
putter, Bill Bangert. Bob Baker and
John Larsen may take valuable points
in the broad and high jump events
for the Wolverines.
It is entirely possible that the out-
Sthe hird
are talkig
alboit . . .
These spring suits with
the new dashing Eisen-
hower jackets are already
the talk of the campus.
to a
Free booklet: "WARDROBE TRICKS". Write Judy Bond, Inc., Dept. A, 1375 B'way, N. Y. 18
I.; i~
A? .
.,- :
come of the meet won't be known
until the last event is run on Satur-
day night. As it was in Ann Arbor
two weeks ago, the mile relay may
be the event to decide the eventual
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