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April 21, 1946 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-21

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Week's News
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Ohio State University has officially
withdrawn recognition from OSYD,
based upon an investigation conduct-
ed by Vice-President Bland Stradley
and Dean of Men Joseph Park at the
request of President Bevis.
The investigators said, "We now
have conclusive evidence that the
Communist party looks upon the
Youth for Democracy groups as parts
of its organization and as media for
the spread of party doctrines."
Now approaching the end of the
second century of its existence,
Princeton University has announced
plans for a Bicentennial Celebration
lasting from Sept. 22, 1946, to June 17,
1947. Leading scholars from all parts
of the world have been invited to take
part in a series of conferences to
"prepare jointly to meet the tasks
lying beyond this crucial moment
in history."
During the convocation ceremony
in June, 1947, an honorary degree will
be awarded to Pres. Harry S. Tru-
man, who will speak at the convo-
cation dinner.
A picture of Janet Fournier, this
year's prom queen at Indiana Uni-
versity, was taken from the window
of a Bloomington photo studio
after the glass had been shattered.
late one night last week. Blood
trailed up the street a block and a
half from cuts of the eager burglar.
However, the owner of the shop, in
sympathy with the lad who would go
to such measures to obtain a picture
of his dream girl, is not demanding
an investigation.
It has been disclosed that a "baby
betatron," with radiations equal to
those from three grams of radium
but costing only one-tenth the price
of that element, was a'secret war-
time development at the University
of Illinois, according to the Daily
Illini. The portable machine, simple
in construction and operation, pro-
duces an X-ray beam of 4,000,000
Final plans for the April 25 in-
auguration of Dr. J. L. Morril as
president of the University of Min-
nesota have been announced in the
Minnesota Daily. The inauguration
ceremonies will begin with an acad-
emic procession of faculty members
and administrators from Coffman
Memorial Union to Northrup Audi-
The story of the life of Ernie Pyle,
who graduated from Indiana Univer-
sity in 1923, will be kept alive by the
members of Sigma Delta Chi, profes-
sional journalism fraternity, with
an annual commemoratory program
on the Tuesday nea-est April 18, the
date of his death, the Indiana Daily
Student reports.
The battered typewriter with
which the correspondent wrote his
final dispatches from the Pacific
war theatre has been given to the
university. It will be placed on dis-
play in the Union Building together
with a bust of the famous corres-
pondent by Jo Davidson, medals
and tributes given by national or-
ganizations and other memorabilia.
(Continued from Page 6)
9:00 o'clock Easter morning worship
service at which the Rev. James
Pernis will preach on "Hope Un-
bounded". Dr. Lemon will preach at
the 10:45 a.m. service. His topic will
be "The Festival of Life". There will
be no evening meeting for the Guild.
First Congregational Church:
There will be two distinct Easter
Sunday services. At 9 :30 a.m. Dr.I

Parr will preach on the theme: "The
'Ifs' of Doubt and Faith." At the
11:00 a.m. service Dr. Parr will preach
his closing sermon of the Lenten sea-
son, "The Greatest Paradox of All."
7:00 p.m. Congregational-Disciples
Student Guild. "Old Favorites Hour"
at the Guild House, 438 Maynard.
Unity: Special Easter Flower Serv-
ice in the League Chapel at 11 a.m.
"This Resuriection: Its Meaning to
Us, Daily," will be the subject.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
109 S. Division St.:
Wednesday evening service at 8
Sunday morning service at 10:30
a.m. Subject: "Doctrine of Atone-
ment". Sunday School at 11:45 a.m.
A special reading room is main-
tained by this church at 706 Wolver-
ine Bldg., Washington at Fourth,
where the Bible, also the Christian
Science textbook, "Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures,"
and other writings by Mary Baker
Eddy may be read, borrowed or pur-
chased. Open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5

A'EROIOND IN ACTION-Drops of water poured onto material treated with Aerobond cluster together but do
not wnIetrate into the fabric. Aerobond is a wartime development of Prof. Floyd E. Bartell, of the University's
-epartment of Chenmistry. Used during the war to provide army clothing which was resistant to both cold and
water and still remained light-weight, Aerobond is expected to have far-reaching, effects upon the textile and
clothing industries. -Daily Staff Photos

THIS PARKA LOOKS HEAVY, BUT IT ISN'T-This piece of clothing for the Army was treated with Aero- y
bond, a wartime discovery of Prof. Floyd E. Bartell, of the University's Department of Chemistry. Aerobond
makes a fabric resistant to both cold and water but still permits the garment to be light-weight. Prof. Bartell
is shown adjusting the parka to his laboratory assistant, Robert Smith, of Port Huron, Mich., a veteran of four
years in the Navy air corps. Smith wore the suit in the laboratory without the least discomfort even though
the-roomn was moderately warm. Aerobond is unique in that it permits clothing tq "breathe"-that is, perspira-
tion can escape but water and cold are held out. Aerobond was perfected in the closing months of the war.
Uniforms made of Aerobond fabric were first used by the armed services in the heat and rain of Okinawa and
have been ordered for use in Alaska to protect Army personnel from Arctic snow and cold. In addition to the
qualities the Army desired, Aerobond is sound-deadening and can be made into sheets of any dimensions for
use in cushions and insulating material. Clothing utilizing Aerobond probably will be on the market in a few
months. Life suits utilizing Aerobond were tested in a University swimming pool and limited supplies of boots,
raincoats, lifebelts and other clothing were tested under actual battle conditions shortly before the war ended.
- - - - - - - - - --- -i

APPLYING AEROBOND TO FABRIC-Prof. Floyd E. Bartell, of the
University's Department of Chemistry, is shown operating the pilot
plant in a University laboratory in which Aerobond was first used to
treat clothing for the Army. Aeroband makes clothing waterproof and
cold resisiting with the advantage that light weight fabrics can he used.
Prof. Bartell is shown spreading Aerobond on fabric









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