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April 21, 1946 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-21

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MiChilodeon re

Carnival fltmosphere
Will Highlicht Affair


Houses which will man booths at
the gala 1946 edition of WAA's Mi-
chilodeon Carnival, to be held from
8 p.m. to midnight Saturday in Bar-
bour and Waterman Gyms have been
chosen by the affair's central com-
Running a booth which will feature
throwing paper wads at caricatures
will be Alpha Delta Pi. Alpha Omi-
cron Pi will offer a sideshow while
Betsy Barbour will take tickets for
three legged races. Floating flames
will occupy Chi Omega's booth and
Mosher will offer balloon breaking.
Fortune telling will be featured at
the Martha Cook booth and Jordan
will sell ice-cream and popcorn.
Carnival Games
The list of booths continues with a
"Follies Bezerk" offered by the Beta's,
Zeta Tau Alpha's booth will feature
miniature golf and Alpha Epsilon Phi
has selected "Loop the Leg" as its
booth attraction. Telegrams will be

"1946 Michilodeon" will be awarded
to the house which runs the most
original booth and the booth which
collects the largest amount of money.
Only fireproof decorating materials
may be used.j
In P ddition, pictures will be taken
by a local camera shop and appro-
oriate carnival decorations will key-
note the colorful affair. Maize and
blue decorations will predominate
and carnival figures will also be noted
in both Barbour and Waterman
On Thursday, original invitations
will be delivered by Michilodeon cen-
tral committee to houses on campus.
The exact nature of the invitations"
will not be announced but houses
have been asked to expect their invi-
tations during the dinner hour. Also,
the ccmmittee, headed by Jane
Archer, has requested that the house
presidents or house mothers post the

delivered by Sorosis and another for-
Clown to Appear
Therewillbeamtinofall It has also been rumored that a gi-
T e wl be ameetig of a antic clown will invade campus dur-
representives a 0pm ing the middle of the week and will
tomorrow in the League. The room remain until the evening of Michilo-
will be posted at the central desk deon. His headquarters will be the
and it isimperative that all repre- center of the diagonal and he will
sentatives attend since instruc- personally invite the entire student
tions wil be given at that time. Call body to attend the 1946 revival of
Collee Ide, 2-2569 or Jean Brown, Michilodeon.
2-5618, for further information. The last edition of Michilodeon was
held at Michigan in 1941 and was
tune telling booth will be run by sponsored jointly by the Union and
Kappa Alpha Theta. The Sigma WAA. The affair was held in Bar-
Chi's attraction will be "Electric bour and Waterman Gyms and
Penny Pitch" and old time movies boasted of a record-breaking at-
will be offered at Kappa Delta's "Mi- tendance.
chilodeon Nickelodeon" booth. - -
The Delta Gamma's will allow their,
booth patrons to throw sponges at Layton To Ptctv
them and the Alpha Gamma Delta's J
will feature a "Duck Derby." A tur-
tle race will be offered by Pi Beta Phi AtO donto Ball
ani TVnl~hnm-r xll vn cni n T~na"

AT LONG LAST-Men are having s
for which they pay the bills. Shown
in judgment to test fashions. Left t
star; Danny Kaye, stage, screen an
writer, H. Allen Smitn, humorist; a
1 { { .I

Pan-American {
,BaillTo Feature
Latin Theme
Brestoff Band, Intermission
Entertainment, Republic Flags
Will Spotlight Annual Affair '
'Typical L tin American surround-r
ins will be the scene of the Pan-
American Ball given by the members
zf the Latin American Society of the
University to be held from 9 p.m. to!
1 a.m. Friday in the ballroom of thet
A map of North and South Amer-1
ica will appear behind the bandstand,
in keeping with the chosen theme,.
'The Americas united go forward."
A colorful display of the flags of the
21 Republics of the Western Hemi-
sphele will line the entrance of thet
onmething to say about the fashions ballroom and sombrcrow., guitars and1
above is a jury of notables sitting other typical Mexican objects will
o right are Helmut Dantine, movie decorate the walls.
d radio star; Norman Corwin, radio { Brestoff's Orchestrat
nd Fritz Varady, illustrator. #$Phil Brestollf, his violin and his or-
chestra, with vocalists Jinny Lou and
George Ball, will furnish the music
for the annual affair. The orchestra1
is known for its variations of musical
numbers, ranging from rumbas and
tangos of Latin America to modern
Additional entertainment will be
- - -----featured during the intermission and
wa :h, but it's the spirit that Gilberto Presquera will act as master
of ceremonies.
counts. Two representatives of each of the
ON THE FIFTH DAY you select 21 Republics will open the floor show
by introducing the flags of their na-
someone who is lonely and per- tive countries. Four groups of stu-
haps not very popular. Invite him to dents will be featured in a program
lunch or to a movie, or otherwise go{ fllowing the flag display. There will
out of your way for a visit with hime.be the Caribe Quintet, singing rhum-
outof ourwa fo a isi wth im.Ibas and boleros, a duet of guitars
Just don't let the Free Press hear layind Spanis sodst Spais
abou thi oneplaying Spanish songs, a Spanish
about this one. dance duet and a boogie woogie spe-
This one might be tough for some ciality number typifying the United
of us. On the second day you write States.
and mail a letter, a note, or a clip- First Held in '44
The ball was presented for the first
ping with a notation, to someone time in 1944, and has become an an-
you feel is more important than nual activity sponsored by the so-
you. Possibly this is the explana.-cey h ac sgvni on
tien of the recent influx of letters ciety. The dance is given in. com-
to the ee ntnf lyofletter memoration of Pan-American Day,
to the editor of The Daily, which is celebrated throughout this
Come on, girls, ignore your family, hemisphere every April 14.
clip those clippings, and smile-really The remaining available tickets
smile. will be sold at the campus diagonal
from 10 a.m. to noon, Tuesday and
Wednesday, and throughout the week
Q , etI eIe, C at the Union.

Coeds To Plan
Of Suomynona
Suomynona, an organization open
to all independent women not living
in a dormitory or league house. will
hold a reorganization meeting from
noon to 1 p.m., Tuesday, April 23, in
the Russian Tea Room of the League.
An active organzaticn in the past.
Suomynona is resuming activities at
the request of those coeds who are
out of contact with other students
because of their living circumstances.
There are over 600 girls on campus
who live in private homes.
Plans to be discussed at the first
meeting include athletic activities
and an open house dance similar to
the league house dances which have
been held throughout the semester on
Saturday afternoons in the League.
Those planning to attend the Tues-
day meeting are asked to bring their
own lunches. Anyone who is inter-
ested but cannot attend this first
meeting is asked to get in touch with
Pat Hall 6255 or Betty Knowles 5661.



and Newberry will sponsor a "House
of Horrors." The "D.U.'s" will run a
"Down Beat Room," Kappa Kappa
Gamma will offer "Wolf Bean Bag"
and Theta Delta will run a "Games
of Chance" booth.
In addition, Couzens Hall will man
a booth for potato chips, Gamma Phi
Beta will sell cokes and a special
"apple polishing" booth will be
manned by University professors who
will polish apples before each sale.
Floor shows will be presented in
the Dance Studio of Barbour Gym at
9:30 p.m. and at 10:30 p.m. and high-
lighting the entertainment will 'be a
skit presented by Alpha Chi Omega.
Prizes Awarded
Tickets will be purchased at the
door in five cent denominations and
these will pay for the carnival games.
Refreshments will also be paid for in
tickets and winners at the booth
games will be presented with "Michi-
bucks." These will then be taken to
the WAA prize booth where prizes
such as billfolds, ashtrays, rings, ear-
rings, pipes and' picture frames may
be purchased with the bogus bills.
Prizes of silver trays, engraved with'
I I -

Semi-formal Will Be Given
In Honor of Dental Seniors
Dental students and their guests
will dance to the music of Bill Lay-
ton and his orchestra at the 12th an-
nual Odonto Ball, scheduled from 9
p.m. to midnight Friday in the Rain-
bow Room' of the Union.
Only members of the Dental School
and dental faculty are eligible to at-
tend the semi-formal affair. Gradu-
ating seniors will be honored at the
ball, which is traditionally presented
by the junior class.
The ball originated in 1936 when
dental students felt they should have
a closed dance similar to Slide Rule
and Caduceus Ball. The name
"Odonto," which means "of the
tooth," was chosen by the first com-
mittee as an appropriate name for
the affair.
Patti DuPont, coed vocalist, will be
featured with Layton's new campus
band at the ball, and private parties
are planned by dental fraternity
houses to precede the event.
----- ----~

loneliness or doubts, to those
wishing to revitalize their personali-
ties, to those whose lives lack excite-
ment, I present with pride the 7-day
plan for winning friends.
Some time ago the pocket maga-
zine which is your best bet decided to
help its readers enrich their lives
and to this end published a scientific
formula for devastating acquaint-
ances. Starting with the not too
startling premise that "each one of
us has a personality," the article
urges us to reveal the fineness that is
in us, and presents a heroic scheme
for revealing this fineness.
The author warns us that "you
may encounter surprise, you may
even be rebuffed"; but if you have
a sincere desire to improve your-
self, nothing else to db for the next
Week, and a skin several inches
thick, here it is.
QN THE FIRST DAY you are to
write a letter to some old ac-
quaintance. Tell him you think of
him and remember him with pleas-
ure; that you have never forgotten
something he did for you.
On the second and sixth days you
smile-really smile-at every ac-
quaintance you meet, presumably
giving your facial muscles a rest the
other five days. On the second day
you watch for or create the oppor-
tunity to praise at least one person
outside your family. Your family
doesn't count.
On the seventh day you encour-
age someone you meet to talk for
at least twenty minutes about his
problems, his own -thoughts, his
own interests. You may feel a
little silly pulling out that stop-


The youthful comfortable girdle for women
of all ages who really want trim figures. All
all Lastex pull-on with satin lastex panel in
back and front, and net lastex sides. Sizes
26, 27, and 28 in two lengths, short, priced
at $7.50 and priced at $10.00.


_ T~Ati

Prove Popular Ticket Committee
There will be a meeting of the tick-
A recent survey conducted by a et committee of the 1946 Michilodeon
leading shoe manufacturer shows at 5 p.m. Monday in Barbour Gym.
that almost seventy per cent of the All women who signed up to work on
footwear being sold this spring ere the committee and any others who
are interested are urged to attend.
of the sling-back, open-toe variety.
The popularity of the "cocktail
suit" explains part of the demand for
a more frivolous type of shoe. While C DAi Onds C
backless shoes are feminine and and
flattering, they do present an impor-
tant grooming problem, which calls RIN
for a trim stocking appearance. Un-1
tidy looking heels and twisted seams
can easily detract from a well 717 North University Ave.
groomed appearance.

8 Nickels Arcade



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Perfume $10.00 and $18$50
Eau de toilette $5.00

Colurm feminine fashion
your assurance of a lovelInes
that lasts ... . beautifully styled,
scientifically proportioned slipo
girdles and zipper side close panty gir
of fabrics tested for durabilit
and washability . .-5.00 each.





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ttI' love and we do mean iove ! From brief
puff sleeves to bulky skirt...it got the unanimous
ckay of the famous Minx Modes Junior Board of
Review. Brown and white, red and white or green and
white checked gingham...sizes 7 to 15. x9[ z


11111 1 I ll I

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