See Page 4
Marshall Takes
Per sonal Charge
In Chinese Fight
Government Admits Communists Have
Seized Most of Manchurian Capital
UN Council Clashes Over Poland's
of Spain
as Menace
to Peace
Britain, Russia Disagree
On Anti-Franco Policy
By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, April 18-General
Marshall took personal command to-
day of efforts to end Manchuria's
"little civil war," raging to a climax
in Changchun with prospects of a
Chinese Communist victory soon.
As Marshall arrived here and an-
nounced he would plunge at once in-
to truce conversations, government
dispatches admitted the Communists
had seized most of the Manchurian
It was asserted that up until 6
U' Awaiting
Clarification of
Interim Permit
Seven Airlines Will
Use Willow Run Field
The University awaited clarifica-
tion of the War Assets Administra-
tion's "interim permit" to occupy and
operate Willow Run Airport yester-
day before putting into effect its
large-scale plans for aeronautical re-
search and development at the $10,-
000,000 air base.
Vice-president Robert P. Hriggs
conferred in Detroit with Recon-
struction Finance Corp. officials, who
had been notified of the W AA au-
thorization of an interim permit but
had received no details.
No information has been forth-
coming as to whether the University
Regents will accept temporary occu-
pation of the airport without definite
assurances of permanent occupation
Meanwhile, seven major airlines
reacted swiftly to the WAA's grant
to the University by announcing that
they can start operating through
Willow Run within 30 days after the
University takes possession.
Robert M. Averill, airlines' spokes-
man, said Willow Run would be used
only until Detroit builds a new air-
port adequate for four-engine flights.
Indications are that the airlines will
continue to use Detroit City Airport
for two-engine flights.
Grand Jury
Indicts 15
Climaxing almost six years of in
vestigation, Circuit Judge James R.
Breakey Jr., Washtenaw County's
one-man gambling grand jury, in-
dicted 15 men on a series of con-
spiracy charges yesterday.
Probing an alleged million dollar
country-wide gambling racket,
Breakey as judge received pleas of
not-guilty from all the men, and set
the trial for 9:30 a.m. May 1. Six of
the men were from Ann Arbor.
One of the indicted, Thomas Nor-
weather, 44 years old, of Ypsilanti,
has brought suit against Sheriff John
Osborn, accusing Osborn of mis-
treating him while he was held in
County Jail earlier in the investiga-
tion. Judge Breakey branded Nor-
weather's action as an attempt to
discredit the grand jury.
Reduction in Navy
Predicted by Nimitz'
prediction of a "decided reduction"
in the Navy if the United Nations
proves the next few years it can in-
sure world peace was made to the
American Society of Newspaper Edi-
tors today by Fleet Admiral Chester
W. Nimitz.
Nimitz said he is optimistic that
the United Nations will work, but
during its trial period of the next
two or three years the Navy will
maintain 291 ships in commission as
"insurance to support our foreign
William Benton, Assistant Secre-
tary of State, called upon the edi-
tors to undertake "a continuing study
of the whole field of handling news
abroad" by both private agencies and
government services.
p.m. Wednesday the government
garrison of less than 4,000 men still
held out, presumably in the hastily-
fortified center of Changchun-a
city of 415,000 population.
As an estimated 40,00 Communist
troops assaulted with artillery, mor-
tars, and machineguns, transport
planes of the Chinese Air Force flew
over the metropolitan battleground to
drop food and ammunition to the
embattled garrison.
Military sources here said the gov-
ernment had refrained from throw-
ing combat planes into the struggle.
The mere presence of Marshall,
special U. S.envoy to China, promp-
ted some political observers to as-
sert that some kind of an agree-
ment would be reached speedily.
He scheduled a series of confer-
ences for Friday with heads of the
government, Chinese Communist
leaders, and officials of the United
States embasy..
There was no late word, mean-
while from five United States corres-
pondents° and two U.S. Army men
who entered Changchun several days
Associated Press correspondent
Tom Masterson said in a Chang-
chun dispatch Wednesday that the
Communists had captured the Ya-
mato Hotel, where Maj. Robert B.
Brigg, Chicago, assistant military
attache, and his pilot, Sgt. Clayton
Pond, Portland, Ore., were staying.
(A spokesman for the State De-
partment in Washington said the U.
S. consul at Mukden had advised
Thursday morning that the two ar-
my men and the five correspondents
were "safe and sound" but it was not
known whether the consul's cable
was sent before or after Masterson's
Rail Workers
Wage Increase
WASHINGTON, April 18-P)--A
fact-finding board today recom-
mended a 16-cent hourly wage boost
plus changes in working conditions
for more than 200,000 railroad engi-
neers and trainmen.
The wage recommendation paral-
leled arbitration awards April 3 to
three other operating brotherhoods
representing-200,000 workers and to
15 non-operating brotherhoods repre-
senting 1,050,000 shop and other em-
The carriers estimated the 16-cent
increase will cost approximately
$619,000,000 additional in 1946. They
lused that figure in asking the Inter-
state Commerce Commission for a
25 per cent increase in freight rates.
Coal operators
Out Indefinitely
WASHINGTON, April 18 - )-
Soft coal operators, tired of waiting
for the government to revive col-
lapsed negotiations with John L.
Lewis, today went home for an in-
definite stay.
Lewis, who led his United Mine
Workers' negotiating committee out
of the contract conferences April 10,
had no immediate comment. Neither
did Secretary of Labor Schwellen-
bach, who has been trying to re-start
the negotiations since they were
broken off.
GERMAN REPRESENTATIVES of three sectors in the U.S. Zone conferring with the American political advi-
sor at a meeting of the "Landrat," German coordinating body. Left to right, Dr. James K. Pollock, advisor,
on leave from the University political science department, Dr. Wilhelm Hoegner, Bavarian minister presi-
dent; Dr. Reinhold Maier, minister president of Wurttemburg-Baden; Prof. Karl Geiler, minister president of
Greater Hessen.
World Food crisis Alarming;
Truman Urges American Aid
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 18-Presi-
dent Truman told nearly 300 editors
today that the world food crisis is
"worse than it has been painted."
Earlier he had asked Herbert Hoover
to hurry home and urge Americans to
step up their aid.
White House Press Secretary
Charles G. Ross told reporters after
the closed, off-the-record session with
members of the American Society of
Newspaper Editors, that the Presi-
dent had given permission for his
description to be quoted directly.
The president, Ross said, told the
editors he wished that they could go
3, S 0
to the starvation areas of Europe and
Asia and see for themselves just how
bad conditions are.
Critical Question
The conference lasted more than
a half-hour. Ross said more than half
of the questions dealt with the crucial
food situation.
Asked by one editor if the food situ-
ation was as black as it has been
painted, Ross said the president
replied it was "worse."
In another step of the famine re-
lief program, the President today
appealed to farmers and other holders
of wheat to deliver their grain now
under a plan aimed to protect them
if prices rise later.
Former President Hoover, World
War I champion of food saving, is in
Cairo after completion of a survey
tour of Europe as honorary chairman
of the famine emergency committee.
Hoover To Return
Mr. Truman suggested in a tele-
gram that instead of proceeding to
the Orient as originally planned, the
former president return home at once
to present "forcibly and dramatically"
the conditions he found in Europe.
Mr. Truman's effort to get more
wheat off farms and out of storage
for export was made through a tele-
gram to N. W. Thatcher of St. Paul,
president of the National Federation
of Grain Cooperatives. It said wide
acceptance of the wheat certificate
plan "can become a powerful instru-
ment" to achieve that end.
Under the plan, the farmers would
receive certificates when they deliver
their wheat and receive payment at
later dates at the prices then in effect.
Tito Government
Recognized by
United States
WASHINGTON, April 18 - (P) -
Secretary of State Byrnes disclosed
today that the United States is recog-
nizing the Tito government of Yugo-
slavia-though with some reserva-
tions on its domestic policies.
The recognition comes after assur-
ances from the Belgrade government
that it would live up to all Yugo-
slavia's treaty committments with
the United States. The most impor-
tant of these, in the opinion of State
Department officials, is one which
dates back to 1881 and >rovides that
no nation should receive more favor-
able trade treatment from Yugo-
slavia than the United States re-
This means specifically that al-
though Yugoslavia has close politi-
cal ties with Russia, she has agreed
not to give the Soviets any more fa-
vorable commercial treatment than
the United States. Presumably this
was the main point in a four-months
controversy between Washington and
Belgrade over whether the treaties
would be reaffirmed.
SGarg To Stage
Make-up Party
Makes a body wanta cry, sort of, to
think of the plight of that little
magazine downstairs.
The Garg staff is busy today past-
ing up their final dummies for the
May issue. They are, in fact, just a
trifle short-handed, and a couple of
extra willing hands, eager to learn
the tricks of magazine make-up,
would probably be warmly appreci-
ated. "Just drop into the office in
the afternoon or evening," was the
way a hesitant senior editor phrased
As a matter of fact, there will be
something of a party aspect about the
whole affair, many staff members
planning to bring their dates to the
office to enjoy the fun.
Iran Controversy
As Yet Undecided
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 18-Great Brit-
ain and Russia sharply disagreed in
the United Nations Security Council
today over Poland's picture of Spain
as a Nazi-inspired menace to peace.
They disagreed also as to the pro-
priety and wisdom of collective Coun-
cil action against the regime of Gen-
eralissimo Francisco Franco
Soviet delegate Andrei Gromyko
joined Russia with Poland, France
and Mexico in favor of a concerted
Lreak in diplomatic relations with
Sir Alexander Cadogan lined
Britian-up with the Netherlands and
Brazil in opposition to the Polish pro-
posal charging Spain is a potentially
explosive threat to France and a
long-range menace to the world in
the atomic age.
Lt.-Col. W. R. Hodgson, the Aus-
tralian delegate, offered an amend-
ment to the Polish resolution for a
break with Spain, asking that a five-
man sub-committee investigate the
Spanish situation and report back to
the Council by May 17.
The Council adjourned until 3
p.m. next Tuesday after more than
three hours' debate without reach-
ing any decision on either the
pending Spanish or Iranian issues
and without acting on Hodgsons
After two sessions of debate on
Spain the lineup showed Poland,
Mexico, France and Russia favoring
a diplomatic break with Franco; the
Netherlands, Britain and Brazil
stoutly against such a move; the
United States and China uncommit-
ted; Australia sponsoring further
subsidiary investigation, and Egypt
thus far unheard. Poland needs seven
affirmative votes out of the eleven
to carry her motion.
Disagreement of another phase
was announced tonight in a report
from the Council's committee of
experts, who disclosed they were
unable to agree on an opinion
called for by Secretary- General
Trygve Lie's suggestion that the
Council could not legally pursue
Reds Accused of
Arming Border
MADRID, April 19-G'P)-Well-in-
formed sources said today that Spain
had given the United States and
Britain details about her charges
that the Russians were supplying
weapons to Communist organizations
along the Spanish-French border.
Foreign Minister Martin Artajo
yesterday called in U. S. Charge
D'Affaires Philip W. Bonsal and Brit-
ish Ambassador Sir Victor Mallet to
amplify a Spanish note of March 20
which, these sources said, concerned
Communist activities at the border.
A Madrid broadcast tonight de-
clared Russia was provoking United
Nations' action against Franco as a
guise for attacks whose "aim is not
Spain but first Great Britain and
then the United States." It called for
an investigation by "all honest men
in the world" of the charges brought
before the Security Council by Po-
the Iranian issue after Iran with-
drew her complaint against Russia.
This throws the Iranian matter
back to the Council for debate Tues-
day afternoon.
The high point of disagreement
between Russia and Britain brought
forth their opposed contentions on
the question of whether the Spanish
situation should rightfully fall into
the category of an internal problem
or a matter for world attention and
Gromyko declared, "The policy of
non-intervention practiced by the
League of Nations, and by some of
the states represented in this organi-
zation encouraged German Fascism
and was one of the causes of the war
which Fascist aggression inflicted on
the peace-loving peoples of the
House I"asses
Bill Reducing
OPA Powers
Price Control's Death
Foreseen in Measure
WASHINGTON, April 18 - (R) -
Paul Porter, backed into a corner by
House passage today of a bill chop-
ping great gaps in OPA powers,
fought back tonight with an asser-
tion that the measure would require
removal of ceilings from "commodi-
ties making up at least half the cost
of living."
The Price Administrator's state-
ment particularly mentioned such
items as coal, shoes, wool and rayon
textiles, meats and milk as articles
which would have to come out from
under controls if the House decision
He gave special attention to the
Gossett amendment, incorporated by
the House in OPA extension legisla-
tion, which requires OPA to take off
ceilings when output of a commodity
exceeds its production during the fis-
cal year 1941. He named coal and the
clothing items in a partial list of
products which he said have come up
to that level, with "supply still far
out of balance with demand."
Porter reiterated a statement of
last night that the House bill "in ef-
fect repeals price controls." The price
administrator patently was pointing
his remarks at the Senate, which gets
next crack at the price control law,
So also was Chester Bowles, Sta-
bilization Director, when he con-
ferred for 35 minutes this morning
with President Truman and then told
newsmen he did not see how price
controls could be maintained under
the measure which the House finally
passed 355 to 42.
The President's secreta , Charles
G. Ross, said Mr. Truman "hopes for
much better results in the Senate."
Asked whether the President had any
comment on the House action Ross
replied: "Not for print."
alum -6,16U6-UIi
based on figures of the UNRRA,
compares estimated daily European
diet with the daily American diet
in calories for one person.
Slide Rules Are
Now Available
SOIC Function
Is Taken Over
Extension of Selective Service
Legislation Opposed by AVC
An end to the great slide rule
shortage which has plagued engineer-
ing students since the first days of
the war appeared last night to be at
The University business office
asked all students who desire slide
rules to report to the veterans win-
dow of the cashier's office before 4
p.m. Monday, April 22.
The business office said last night
they should be able to meet the de-
mand and asked students to leave
their name and money in advance.
They will give students a receipt and
have the slide rules ready within a
few days, according to present plans.
A notice will appear in The Daily
Official Bulletin when the slide rules
are ready.
Gardens, Crowded Colleges
Reveal Strength of Europeans
Student Government
Will Handle Affairs
The Student Organization for In-
ternational Cooperation voted itself
out of existence yesterday, pending
agreement by the new Student Gov-
ernment to take over its functions.
One hundred dollars was voted to
the Student Government to set up a
committee on international affairs.
This committee would have charge
of coordinating activities for Philip-
pines University relief. The files of
SOIC, including correspondence with
student groups on other campuses
and plans for a World Student Con-
gress in Prague August 13 to 20,
would be kept by the committee.
The SOIC voted to appoint a com-
mittee from its membership to meet
Members of the University Chapter
of the AVC went on record last night
as being opposed to thetextension of
the Selective Service Act.
The resolution drawn up states:
"Because we believethatuvoluntary
enlistments are and will be sufficient
to meet the stated needs of the armed
forces, we, the Ann Arbor Michigan
Chanter No. 1 of the AVC resolve that
Department, it was essential that a
force sufficiently strong to imple-
ment this position be maintained. He
also contended that Selective Service
was necessary if the United States is
to live up to its part in occupation of
enemy territory.
Refutes Klibe
Refuting Klibe, Weeks claimed
#h a .rlt~- arT nc- mnrf chn- h t-
Dangerously over-crowded univer-
sities and new garden patches bear
witness to the fact that Europe's
strength to grow has not yet been
killed, Prof. Douglas Steere of Haver-
ford College said last night.
the United States showing its "innate
decency" by helping the peoples de-
termined to rise.
Describing the seriousness of the
health situation in Europe, Prof.
Steere said that from 20 to 30 per
cent of the university students, who