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March 07, 1946 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-03-07

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To Ask Men

to Pay-Off Dance Saturday

Beckner Band
Wil Furnish
Humor, Music
Mortarboard To Sell Tickets
At League, Diagonal Today;
Grill Will Serve Refreshments
The informal Pay-Off Dance, spon-
sored by Mortarboard and presented
for all women on campus and their
dates, will be held from 9 p.m. to
midnight, Saturday, the night after
J-Hop, in the League Ballroom.
Women may purchase tickets to the
women-bid Pay-Off Dance from 9
aim. to 3 p.m. today and tomorrow in
the League and on the Diagonal.
Denny Beckner Will Play
The music of Denny Beckner and
his fifteen "Mad Cap" Merrymakers
will be featured at the dance. Extra
entertainment will be furnished by
"Sonny Boy" Gil Euker, the comedy
trumpter and Bill Wendell, vocalist.
The Merrymakers, coming direct
from a Detroit night club will present
the same sophisticated entertainment
and smooth music at the Pay-Ofl
Dance that they are noted for in De-
troit. The League Grill will be open
until midnight to serve refreshments
to the dancers.
The theme of the dance is the "Pay-
Off" or "Thank You" for previou
dates. Since this is one of the fev
women-bid affairs presented on cam-
pus, this is the opportunity for all
women to repay their J-Hop dates oz
any of their other dates by asking
them to the Pay-Off Dance.
The League Ballroom will be dec-
orated in Mortarboard designs for the
affair and the dance programs will
bear miniature Mortarboard insig-
Patrons Are Listed
The list of patrons is headed by
President and Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven and includes Vice President
and Mrs. J. P. Adams, Vice President
and Mrs. R. P. Briggs, Vice President
and Mrs. M. L. Niehuss, Secretary and
Mrs. H. G. Watkins, Dean Joseph A.
Bursley, Dean Alice .C. Lloyd, Assis-
tant Dean and Mrs. Walter B. Rae,
Prof. and Mrs. A. W. Bromage, Regis-
trar and Mrs. Ira M. Smith, Dr. Mar-
garet Bell, Mrs. E. R. Fuller, Assistant
Dean C. T. Olmstead, Miss Ethel A.
McCormick, Miss Hope Hartwig and
Mr. and Mrs. John Tracy.
In the old J-Hop days previous to
the war, Mortarboard sponsored the
Pay-Off Dance the week after J-Hop
weekend. This year Mortarboard is
reviving this campus tradition in the
1946 event which will be presented
for all women on campus the night
after J-Hop.
There will be a meeting at 4
p. m. today in the League for all
junior coeds who signed for work
on the JG Play makeup commit-
tee. The committee will also meet
at 4 p. m. tomorrow and Monday
in the League. The rooms will be

Juniors To Qive
Musical Despite
Many Obstacles
When "There's Room for All," 1947
Junior Girls Play is presented for
Senior Night, Thursday, March 14,
it will mark a triumph over every
obstacle from mumps to non-existent
Written by a committee of Junior
women, directed by Jean Raine, and
produced by an all Junior cast and
committee it was expected that with
completion of the script and the
starting of rehearsals, the harrowing
difficulties of producing an original
JGPIay would cease.
But such was not the ease. Fate,
which Miss Raine claims as her assis-
tant director, still had innumerable
surprises yet to spring. Choreo-
grapher Janice Bernstein spent a few
hectic days completely rearranging
all dance routines when Peggy Allen,
member of the dancing. chorus,
turned up with two suspicious looking
bumps on either side of her face.
Mumps they were, and every routine
had to be revamped and rebalanced
to compensate for Miss Allen's so-
journ in Health Service.
Miss Bernstein had just thought
.er worries over when the properties
.ommittee informed her that finding
Jhe three sturdy tables called for in
ne of Jean Hole's tap solos was as
mpossible as importing an eleo iant.
The quest is still on.
Miss Raine has discovered that a
lirector's life is more than pleas of
"Leuder," and "Walk more slowly."
With Kit Riegal, one of the main
haracters, and four other juniors in
the cast planning to go through rush-
ing, to say nothing of the sorority
wfomen in the cast who must do the
rushing, sched iling rehearsals has
become a problem im logistics.
TIhe major costuming problem was
partially solved by the cast while
home between semesters, that of pro-
curing the necessary men clothes.
Fortunately, the controversies which
will arise when brothers and fathers
discover that their last white shirt or
their favorite sportcoat has complete-
ly disappeared are not the worry of
Jeanne Busch, costume chairman.
In the true tradition of the theatre,
Junior women are determined that
the play must go on, and in spite of
all, Miss Daley promises that senior
women this year will see a JGPlay to
top all JGPlays when they see
"There's Room for All," in Lydia
Mendelssohn Thur s day following
Senior Supper.
Matches Will Begin
Women interested in registering for
this semester's badminton tournament
may still sign up on the bulletin
board in Barbour Gym through Sat-
urday noon.
Matches will be posted by Monday
and the tournament will begin that
afternoon. The available time for
games will also be posted.

Iw Carnival
To Be Staged
and M ndar at the Michigan Ice
I? ink.
The Ann Ai bet Figure Skating
Club, under the direction of Dr. John
Bean, and he University Women's
Figure Skat ine C'1t, headed by Collee
cide' ill be the featured groups at the
Cainih at.
Novelty numbers, pairs, trios, and
. le. ps will be included on the
Pegram Dr. Bradley Patten and
Mjs Mry Frances Greschke will
:ka:te as a pair ndt several profes-
Sionzt I>ka t rs Lu o Detroit will be in-
;hied on the program.
Fanes 1adford, a tulent in the
Architert re Srhoct. will be one of
he le mud: skaters, as well as Mimi
s. 2 e Ross, Judy Cushing
and ,Jui 'hops

FEATURED SKATER at the Annual Figure Skating Carnival sched-
uled for Sundayand Monday at the Ice Rin! is Frances ladt'ord,
student in Art School.
League Counc I Acts as Governing Body
For All Campus Women's Activities



Ediftor's Notn-

way toHe merit svist~enicaopitition-

This is the first in a series of articles I
which will be concerned with the facili- Executive Board heads Council
ties, activities and personnel of the The present organization of the
Michigan League. League Council, 1 he Council consists of ai executi\ve board
presetativebody al o llcling Noa Mal h , resi-
(tlent; Rmthain ales, ,J l iiary ha ir-
ilisCUS ((L.
man; Jan(e Strauss ,> e myI a )n
Leagte Council, formerly known Ga Ilney, trea stire-- i; ;td I- I t; yI 1


gue jyea s aswar .UCI Vaughn, vice-ptesidenL,-
is the coordinating board for women's Other members of ht Council are
activities in the League and repre- Dorothy Want:, social chairman:
sents the Daily and WAA as well. Naomi B u C I I e r merit-tutoria]
In the Undergraduate Office of the Marian Johnson, Panhelleni l presi-
League, where the group meets, the dent; Helen Alper , Assembl: pesi
League Council formulates policy for deint; Barbara Osborn residet o
the use of the League Building. InI WAA: Ann Scuintz, xom s cdi
rddition, it serves as a means by whichi f tIhe Daily; Nancy 'I essel person-
information and announcements are trel; Bernice Hail, Wontr Glee Club;
sent out to all women's residences. Ann Lippincott, JGP chairman; Caro-
Members Chosen by Petitioning lyn Daley, chairman of JG Play;
Members of the Council are select- Cynthia Cotes, Soph Project chair-
ed by a petitioning system which was man, and Jean Gringle, chairman of
inaugurated in 1934 by a vote of all Soph Cabaret.
women on campus. Under this merit In 1943, with the advent of the war,
system, women petition for the various League Council was changed 1o War
League positions and interviews are Council, geared to guide women on
conducted by the Women's Judiciary campus in wr activities. At the be-
Council. All new appointments are ginning of the fall semester, it again
approved by the League Council. resumed its peacetime title and act ivi-
Prior to 1934, positions were filled ties. BomTLE
by elections and this system was re- Petitioning for positions on League ANN ARBO
placed since it was found that in- Council will take place in April.
experienced persons were elected to
fill responsible positions. Politics, too, - ---- -
entered into the elections which gave


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