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April 14, 1946 - Image 5

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Offer by Franco
Will Be Opposed
ByPoland, Mexico

By The Assoated Press
NEW YORK, April 13-Poland and
Mexico indicated today they were
prepared to fight the Franco sugges-.
tion that "friendly" powers in the
United Nations investigate charges
that German scientists are working
on atomic bombs in Spain.
It still was too early to tell whether
they would win enough support in the
Security Council to defeat the pro-
posal, but some delegates expressed
the belief privately that it would be
Plans European
Grain Allocation
LaGuardia Requests 35
Per Cent of U.S. Crop
WASHINGTON, April 13- (P) -
UNRRA Director General LaGuardia
expressed belief today the agency's
wheat requirements for Europe's
hungry could be met by a 35 per cent
set-aside of American grain at the
flour mills.
He informed British Prime Min-
ister Attlee and other officials of this
after urging the British to spare
as much as possible from their limit-
ed food grain stocks to make prompt
aid effective.
Hopes for Action
LaGuardia said he was hopeful
that the United States government
would issue the necessary grain set-
aside order "within a few hours," but
no order was in sight this afternoon
at the Department of Agriculture.
In a talk at Columbia University
in New York, LaGuardia urged that
President Truman put into effect a
set aside order calling for 25 per
cent of all wheat delivered to mills be
earmarked for foreign relief to meet
immediate needs.
All Over Estimate
The 35 per cent set-aside LaGuar-
dia mentioned to the British was ap-
parently his over-all estimate.
LaGuardia said in a statement here
he had been advised by Francis B.
Sayre, UNRRA's diplomatic advisor,
that President-Elect Peron of Argen-
tina had promised to help relieve the
food situation to the full extent of
his country's ability.
German Food
Crisis Reported,
BERLIN, April 13-(')-United
States military government officials
told former President Herbert Hoo-
ver today that there was not enough
food in the American zone of Ger-
many "procurable from German
sources to sustain life even at star-
vation levels."
Summarizing their discussions on'
the food situation in Germany with
Hoover, General Joseph T. McNar-
ncy and Lt. Gen. Lucius Clay and
their food experts said they believed
"food must be imported to supple-
ment what the Germans produce."
"Indigenous supplies on hand in
April in the U.S. zone, plus imports
actually on hand and known to be
on the water, will support a daily ra-
tion for the normal consumer of ap-
proximately only 915 calories from
April 1 to Sept. 30, when supplies
from the next harvest should be
available," the generals said in a
Plan Discussion
t1' Professors To Be
Speakers at Program

"The Deindustrialization of Ger-
many" will be the topic for discussion
at the meeting of Econcentrics, stu-
dent economics club, at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday in the Union.
Speakers on the program will be
Prof. Arthur Bromage of the depart-
ment of political science, Prof. Ed-
gar Hoover of t'ae department of eco-
nomics, Prof. Theodore Newcomb of
the department of sociology, and Prof.
Benjamin Wheeler of the history de-
Flrnf fl,'nn, , hnm hoc.o,,nr w m h H

rejected because of the limitations
laid down by Generalissimo Franco.
Conditions Included
Three conditions were specified in
the Spanish communique issued in
Madrid last night:
1. The commission must be made
up of representatives of nations with
which Spain maintains friendly re-
2. It must limit its activities to
visiting manufacturering establish-
ments and experiment stations to as-
certain the truth or falsity of the
atomic bomb changes.
3. It must agree to give ample pub-
licity to the results.
Five Nations Ineligible
Under the Franco limitations, five
of the 11 nations on the security
council would not be permitted to be
represented on the commission. Rus-
sia, Poland, Mexico, China and Aus-
tralia do not maintain diplomatic re-
lations with the Franco government.
A spokesman for the Polish dele-
gation described the invitation as "a
typical Franco trick." He said the
council could not permit Franco to
"dictate" what kind of a commission
it should send.
Redirecting Attention
Spanish Republican circles in New
York said "the atomic bomb question
is not the core of the Spanish issue"
and added that it would be worthless
to investigate that question alone.
These circles said Franco's state-
ment was "an attempt to draw pub-
lic opinion away from the basic
It appeared unlikely that the Se-
curity Coundil would reach the Span-
ish question Monday. The Iranian
issue is ahead of it on the provi-
sional agenda which will be taken up
Monday at 3 p.m.
:F a
;' *
Spain HWill Not
Press Invitation
MADRID, April 13-(P)-A foreign
office spokesman said tonight the
Spanish government does not intend
to take any diplomatic action on its
proposal that friendly countries
which are members of the United Na-
tions send a commission to investi-
gate charges that Germans are con-
ducing atomic research in this
The spokesman said he believed
that the cabinet of Generalissimo
Francisco Franco, which extended the
invitation early today, expected that
any government interested in the
propsal would take the necessary in-
itiative through its diplomatic mis-
sion in Madrid.
CLA To Hol
Open Meeting
Slosson Will Discuss
World Government
An open meeting on the need for
a federated world government will
be sponsored by the Committee for
Liberal Action at 8 p.m. tomorrow
in the Union.
Prof. Preston Slosson of the his-
tory department, recently a delegate
to the conference on international
control of the atomic bomb at Rol-
lins College, will be the guest speak-
er. Assistant librarian of the Ameri-
can Commission to Negotiate Peace
from 1918-19, Prof. Slosson is an
advocate of a strong international
This meeting will prelude a rally
later in the semester at which vet-
eran speakers from Northwestern
University will make an appeal for a
world government,
A short business meeting will pre-
cede Prof. Slosson's talk.

Activities for
Vets' Wives
To Continue
Lectures, Classes,
Bridge Scheduled
The University activity program
for wives of Willow Village veteran
students enters its second week to-
morrow with new courses and recre-
ational plans at the West Lodge
Community House.
Designed to liven the hours during
which their husbands attend school
for wives of the University's 1,000
married Willow Villagenstudents, the
courses were well received last week
according to the program coordinator
who called the response "hearten-
Child Care Classes
The day-by-day activity will con-
tinue tomorrow with two classes in
child care. Mrs. Agnes Stahly, Uni-
versity instructor in public health
nursing, will lead discussions on "The
Sick Child" at 2 p.m. and "Feeding
of Children and Infant Care" at 8
Prof. Wesley Maurer of the jour-
nalism department will review
"America's Place in the World," by
Nathaniel Peffer at the second lec-
ture series meeting at 2 p.m. Tues-
Bridge at 2 and 8 p.m, is sched-
uled for Wednesday, and 2 p.m.
Thursday the home planning class
will meet. "What's New In Nutri-
tion," first of three lectures and
movies, will be presented by Adelia
M. Beeuwkes, instructor in public
health nutrition.
Chub Leadership
Dr. Fred G. Stevenson of the Uni-
versity extension staff will discuss
"How To Be A Club Leader" at 2 and
8 p.m. Friday. A club room record
dance is planned for 8 p.m. Satur-
Sunday's program will include
classical music, vespers led by Rev.
H. L. Pickerill of the Protestant Di-
rectors' Association, and a movie of
the Michigan-Northwestern football
The wives of all residents of Wil-
low Village are invited to attend
these activities, according to Uni-
versity sponsors. and the nursery in
West Lodge will be open during af-
ternoon classes.
Taxi Ordinance
Seen Due for
Ann Arbor's hotly-discussed taxi-
cab ordinance seems due for a com-
promise when it comes before the
City Common Council at 7:30 p.m.
Indications of a compromise meas-
ure ran through statements this
week by Alderman A. D. Moore whose
committee drafted the revised ordi-
nance, Mayor W. E. Bro.wn Jr., and
by owners and spkesmen for local
cab companies.
Moore Shows Opening
Alderman Moore's statement an-
swering cab owners' protests early
this week said the proposed rates
"were set entirely by rule of thumb,"
and that "if needed amendments are
discovered before the second reading
Monday night (tomorrow), they can
be made."
Carl Breining Jr., veteran, owner
of one local cab company said that a
compromise seemed the only logical

answer. He favored amending the
existing ordinance. Hubert Thomp-
son, attorney for two of the compan-
ies also took this stand.
Mayor Endorses Plan
Mayor Brown endorsed the pro-
posed revision as necessary for the
protection of "first, the public, then,
the drivers and owners." but said
that a compromise on rates might
well be arranged,
The proposed ordinance was pre-
pared by the Council's Special Taxi-
cab Committee, headed by Moore.

Bhody Will Vote
Tomorrow on
A mend mcts
V *nsoii Adds Tcei- ,g
'Deliverance' Clause
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 13 - The
House wrote a five-monhs induction
holiday and an end t h rfigo
teen-agers into a Selective Service
Extensions Bill today, but delayed fi-
nal action on the measure as a whole
until Monday.
A decisive vote which would have
sent the legislation to the Senate:
was blocked when Rep. Cox (Dem.,
Ga.,) demanded a reading of the
formally engrossed bill with all ..|

Academy Proposes Establishment
Of National Science Foundation;
ose Induction Holiday Pending

WASHINGTON, April 13--()-
Draftees now have the option of
signing up with the regular Army
and getting $100 of their muster-
ing out pay in advance, the War
Department said tonight.
amendments. Speaker Rayburn told
the House such a copy could not be
ready before Monday.
So the House quit and put off the
vote until then.
There is nothing left to do now
except pass on a motion to recommit,
which is conceded practically no
chance and take final action. There
will be no roll call on the amend-
The Senate still has a say coming,
however, in a committee-approved
bill lacking the restrictions the House
voted today. The House had been all
set to pass the bill today. It had de-
cided by a three-vote margin to pro-
hibit any inductions between May 15
and October 15 of this year, although
extending the draft law itself until
February 15, 1947, or nine months
from its present expiration date.
There was no record vote on the
"holiday" proposal, which went into
the measure by a teller count of 156
to 153 after charges it was inspired
by "politics."
There was no record vote, either,
on the amendment raising the pre-
sent minimum draft age from 18 to
20. It went into the measure by a
non-recorded vote of 195 to 96, the
same as the earlier tentative ballot.
Prof. Maddy
Applaudes Bill
Against Petrillo
Lauding the Senate's recent pas-
sage of the anti-Petrillo legislation,
Prof. Joseph E. Mady, director of the
National Music Camp, said "It is
a great victory, an important lesson
in the functioning of representative
A redraft of the original bill which
was worked out in joint committee
with the House, the measure pro-
vides penalties of up to a year's im-
prisonment and a $1,000 fine for
use of force, threats orr intimida-
tion intended to coerce broadcasters,
use of force, threats or intimida-
Dr. Mady was elated that "music
education has at last been freed from
Petrillo's domination," since the con-
troversy first arose over broadcasts
from Interlochen. He expressed dis-
appointment, however, that no steps
have been taken to override the'
AFM's "unfair" ruling on the music
He said he believed that final White
House approval of this legislation
will show Petrillo and his cohorts
in the musician's union that power
cannot be vested in one individual.

main gate of Parliament grounds, Ottawa, Canada, hails new Governor
General Sir Harold Alexander and Mrs. Alexander as they leave in
automobile (foreground) after Viscount Alexander was sworn into
Canadian government.
Compromise Offer Seen
On Manchurian Issue .

CHUNKING, April 13-(A)-The
Chinesegovernment reportedly of-
fered today to compromise with the
Communists in Manchuria, whose
complex problems so far have stump-
ed a U.S.-Chinese peace committee of
three generals.
The report of the offer came from
the spokesman of the third-party
Democratic League, highlighting a
flurry of political activity touched
off by word that General Marshall
was on his way back to China.
The Democratic League spokes-
man said that General Chen Cheng,
Minister of War, had agreed inform-
ally in limit the number of govern-
ment troops in Manchuria if the
Communists would withhold their
forces and permit Chunking's armies
to occupy Changchun, the capital
and the city of Harbin.
The Russians will quit Changchun
Sunday but a government army still
is held up about mid-way between
Mukden and the capital by strong'
Communist forces.
Leaders of the Kuomintang met
with heads of the Democratic League,
which was urging the Kuomintang
and the Communists to settle their
differences through the league's med-
There were long conferences
throughout the day betwen govern-
Prof. Lobcrnov
Will GieTalk
The Cossacks will be the topic of a
talk by Prof. Andrew Lobanov-Ros-
tovsky of the history department at
a meeting of the Russian Circle at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Interna-
tional Center.
Prof. Lobanov will present a gen-
eral picture of the Cossacks, explain-
ing them as a factor in Russian his-
tory, both as a revolutionary and
later, in the twentieth century as a
counter-revolutionary force.

ment and Communist leaders. Once
more optimism began peeping
through the gloom that had settled
over Chunking almost from the day
Marshall, special U.S. envoy to China,
left for Washington.
Manchuria still was the main prob-
lem, with government and Commun-
ist armies struggling for possession
of areas Irom which the Russians are
Campus Ballot
Set for April 30
students Will Choose
18 Congress Members
The election of members to Stu-
dent Congress, new-born campus
governing body, will be held April 30
and candidates' petitions must be
filed not later than April 27, Harry
Jackson, president of Men's Judi-,
ciary Council, announced yesterday.
Under the Congress-Cabinet con-
stitution, which was ratified in last
week's election, candidates must pre-
sent petitions with at least 50 signa-
Eighteen representatives-one for
each 800 students-will be chosen in
the election. In succeeding elections
one representative will be elected for
each 400 students.
Petitions must be submitted to the
Men's Judiciary Council in the stu-
dent offices of the Union.
Educators Estimate 1946
Peak College Enrollment
CHICAGO, April 13-IP)-A com-
mittee of educators estimated "con-
servatively" today that 1,900,000 stu-
dents, including between 400,000 and
500,000 veterans, would seek admis-
sion to colleges and universities in

Institute Would
Foster Basic
Science Study
E. C. Prophet Elected
President of Group
A resolution asking for the estab-
lishment of a National Science Foun-
dation was passed at the final session
of the Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts and Letters yesterday.
The members called for an organi-
zation to "promote research in the
basic physical, biological and social
sciences." They asked that the pro-
posed foundation be granted "liberal
appropriations by the Congress of
the United States."
Prophet is President
Prof. E. C. Prophet, of the geology
and geography departments at Michi-
gan State College, was elected presi-
dent of the academy for the coming
year at the meeting.
Academy members also called for
the organization of a junior academy
to be established throughout the
state. Prospective members of the
junior group will be summoned by
Prof. G. W. Prescott of Michigan
State College some time in May to
establish the organization. It will be
open to high school students interest-
ed in the sciences.
Other officers elected were Dr. Icie
Macy Hoobler, of the Children's Fund
of Michigan, vice-president;, Prof,
Frederick H. Test, of the University
Department of Zoology, secretary;
and Volney H. Jones, curator of eth-
nology in the University Museum of
Anthropology, treasurer.
Re-name Heads
Henry van der Schailie, curator of
mollusks in the University Museum
of Zology, was re-elected editor of
the academy's publication and War-
n'er G. Rice, director of the Univer-
sity library was renamed librarian.
An honorable mention award for
research in plant ecology was made
to Leslie A. Kenoyer, professor of bo-
tany at Western Michigan College of
Education. It was the third time such
an award has been made.
The Academy also cited Eugene
McCartney, of the University, for
nearly 25 years of "faithful and meri-
torious service" in the publication of
papers selected by the Academy edi-
Hartley Urges
Moderation in
OP A Changes
WASHINGTON, April 1 -()-The
'Congressional uprising against OPA
became so severe today that one of
the agency's severest critics, Rep.
Hartley (Rep., N.J.) urged "modera-
tion lest price control be destroyed."
House members, organized "to fight
inflation," issued a statement calling
on the people to let their represen-
tatives in Congress know how they
feel about price control.
Hartley a month ago announced
formation of a coalition of Republi-
cans and Democrats to trim down
OPA's powers. But today he told
"The revolt has become so over-
whelming I've got to warn that we
must not wreck price control. I'm
going to urge moderation lest price
control be destroyed. We need OPA
for the time being. Its continuation
is essential. We should correct its
abuses, not destroy it."
Legislation to continue OPA for
one year beyond June 30 comes to
the House floor for debate Monday.
Paul Porter, OPA administrator,
told Chairman Spence (Dem., Ky.)

in a letter that amendments already
put into the legislation by the House
Banking Committee, if approved by
the House and Senate, would cost
American consumers $2,000,000,000
in the next year, including a 10 per
cent increase in clothing prices and
an overall $425,000,000 jump in the
retail prices in automobiles.
Scientists To Discuss
Atomic Regulation

Japs Were Cruel to Us

Because They Knew No Better'

"We were interned by people who
didn't have any conception of how to
live at peace in the world," four for-
mer inhabitants of Jap camps agreed
Mmi .fptiinc a nur-zifv f_

stood no other course in dealing
with us. A lot of them, who had
been educated in the United States
or the Philippines were of an en-
tirely different caliber. They ad-
mitted that life under the Ameri-
t.c in ., *bF hinxni urini -

racy in Japan, however, he said
that "it will be another generation
before the people will really trust
such a system of government. Even
though the emperor has been de-
throned, the people still consider
him n iif,_ Afnr*h _ rE an

city-until they did," Charles
Schoendube remarked, "because our
propaganda was so effective that we
thought they were miles from us."
"We were picked up when they
began a house-to-house search of

bed-bugs-droves of mosquitoes and
no sanitation facilities."
'Since the Jap civilians who
ruled the camp made no attempt to
give us any food or alleviate the
tragic sanitation situation," Fer-

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