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April 12, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-12

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lee Page 4







Swiss Political Scientist
To Highlight Michigan
A cademyMeeting Today

Vets Start

World News
At, a Glance



A'to'ic Control

Highlighting the fiftieth anniver-
sary meeting of the Michigan Aca-
demy of Science, Arts and Letters
being held here today and tomorrow,
William E. Rappard, rector of the
University of Geneva and eminent
Swiss political scientist, will discuss
"The Mandates System and the Unit-
ed Nations Trusteeship" at 4:15 p.m.
today in Rackham lecture hall.
Papers and lectures oy both ama-
teur and professional scientists in 17
different fields from anthropology
to zoology will make up the programs
Jap Election
For Next Diet
Still Close Race
Observers Forecast
TriPartite Coalition
TOKYO, Friday, April 12--('P)-
With half the ballots counted, Social
Democrats, with surprising strength,
were still pressing Japan's two major
conservative parties today in a close
race for domination of the next Diet.
Observers began to forecast a tri-
party coalition government.
Of the first 206 -candidates as-
sured of election, 49 were Progres-
sives, 49 Liberals, 42, Social De-
mocrats, 43 independent candi-
dates, four Communists and 19 of
minor parties. Eight winners were
women. There are 468 Diet seats
to be filled.
Returns indicated the nationwide
vote would average about 72 per cent
of all eligibles.
Political jockeying for power began
immediately, with leaders of top par-
ties reiterating demands for Pre-
mier Shirehara's resignation and dis-
claiming any intention of joining
him in a coalition cabinet.
All three of the Shidehara minis-
ters running for the house of repre-
Wages Insufficient
TOKYO, April 12-(P)-Only 14
per cent of Japan's millions of work-
ers earn enough to meet the rocket-
ing cost of living, General MacAr-
thur said today in his latest report
on the occupation.
sentatives were definitely elected.
They are Welfare Minister Hitoshi
Ashida and Liberal Ministers With-
out Portfolio Narahashi and Tayas-
hige Ishiguro.
Sanni Nosaka, tp-drawing
Communist, polled 80,000 votes in
incomilete returns from Tokyo's
first district, placing third highest
among winners there. Ichiro Hato-
yama, president of the Liberal
party, led the district winners with
106,000. Second was demure Miss
Shizue Yamaguchi, 30, a dietician
in her father's factory, who cam-
paigned because it was " a patritoc
duty" and polled 85,000 votes.
The two oldest veterans of the
House continued to top all individ-
ual vote records of all districts, how-
ever. Yukio Ozaki, 87, polled 130,000
votes-while maintaining that "I'm
too old and too deaf to serve," and
refusing to budge from his house for
any sort of campaign. Takao Saito,
old-time Progressive leader, polled
It remained unclear just what be-
hind-the-scenes political arrange-
'ments would be made concerning
the Shidehara cabinet.
Mayor Laids
Taxi Ordinance
Says New Provisions
Are Beneficial to All

Stressing the need for protection
in a city taxicab ordinance, Mayor
William E. Brown, Jr., said yester-
day that "bblieve it or not," the or-
dinance revision to come before Com-
mon Council Monday serves the best
interests of taxi drivers and owners
as well as the public.
The city's $10 taxi license are re-
sold for as ,much as $3500 under the
present ordinance, Brown pointed
out. Drivers apd owners will be pro-
tected from this type of exploitation
under the new ordinance, he said.
The mayor urged everyone inter-
ested in the taxicab ordinance to pro-
cure a copy from the Clerk's office.

of the individual section meetings of
the Academy today and tomorrow.
Approximately 400 members from
Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio are ex-
pected to attend the meeting, accord-
ing to Dr. Frederick K. Sparrow, as-
sociate professor of botany at the
University and secretary of the Aca-
demy. All meetings are open to the
Mandates Commission Member
Director of the Graduate Institute
of International Studies at Geneva
since 1928, Dr. Rappard was a mem-
ber of the Permanent Mandates Com-
mission and director of the Mandates
Section of the League of Nations As-
sembly. He is in the United States
now as a member of the Swiss diplo-
matic misison conducting negotia-
tions to settle the problems raised by
the Allied claims under the Pots-
dam agreement to German-owned
assets in Switzerland.
Rappard Educated Abroad
Born in New York City in 1883, Dr.
Rappard was educated at the Uni-
versities of Geneva, Berlin, Munich,
Harvard, Paris and Vienna. He has
served as assistant profesor of eco-
nomic at Harvard University and as
See ACADEMY, Page 2
Union Officers
Attend Meeting
In Minnesota
Union president Richard Roeder
and secretary Harold Walters are at-
tending the 3-day 1946 conference
of the Association of College Unions,
which opened yesterday at the Uni-
versity of Minnesota.
The conference will be the first
post-war meeting of the ACU and
will be held in the Minnesota Coff-
man Memorial Union.
The Coffman Union was one of the
last Union buildings constructed be-
fore tha war, and will give delegates
planning new buildings an unusual
opportunity to study the layout of
one of the most modern student so-
cial centers.
Delegates will be able to observe
the functioning of a highly developed
student self-government program in
the Minnesota Union.
Union food problems, public rela-
tions, and Veterans programs will be
the major topics of discussion during
the conference.
Union Directors Porter Butts of
Wisconsin, Ray Higgins of Minne-
sota, Nelson Jones of Brown, Lloyd
Vallely of Purdue, and Foster Coffin
of Cornell will be present at the con-
,~. ..
Record Concert Will
Feature Jazz Music
All students are cordially invited
to attend the Record Concert from
7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sunday, in the
North Lounge at the Union.
The Union Social Committee has
arranged a program titled "Jazz at
the Philharmonic" which will include
such popular disc recordings of Cole-
man Hawkins, Goodman Sextet, and
Fats Waller.
Mystery Melodrama
ToBe Given. Today
Presented by Play Production,
"Kind Lady," a mystery melodrama,
will be given at 8:30 p.m. today and
tomorrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn
The play was adapted by Edward
Chordorov from Hugh Walpole's play
"The Silver Masque." Dorothy Mur-
zek will play the title role.

Willow Run Group
Bids for Members
Ann Arbor's growing American
Veterans Committee last night
formed a new town chapter, while
the newly-organized Willow Run
group planned a membership drive
at its second meeting.
The 12 charter members of the
Ann Arbor town chapter elected Jer-
ry McCroskey temporary chairman.
A resolution approving the Mini-
mum Wage Bill, without the Farm
Parity rider, was passed by the par-
ent chapter at a meeting in the
Union. Copies of the resolution will
be sent to Rep. Earl Michener, rep-
resentative from this district; Rep.
John McCormick, House majority
leader; and to the House Labor Corn-
The campus AVC also plans a
dance to be held April 19.
A membership rally will be held
Wednesday, April 17, at the West
Lodge Community House by the Wil-
low Run chapter of AVC. Speakers
will be Guy Nunn, chairman of the
Michigan Council of AVC, and Susan
LaDrierre, secretary of the Ann Ar-
bor chapter. All student veterans
at Willow Run are invited to attend.
In commemoration of the death
of President Roosevelt, a year ago,
the chapter pledged itself to advance-
ment of his progressive policies.
A Problem, Sirs!
The mystery of the missing
Slide Rule thickened yesterday as
a group of independent engineers
reported that the giant Slide Rule
has been in their possession for
the past three days and will be
returned if the dance committee
will post a substantial reward on
the Union bulletin board by 1 p.m.
As substantial evidence that
they are' in possession of the
much -sought - after instrument,
the independents revealed that
the "painting job is horrible-in
fact, the B-C scale is unintelli-
Roosevelt Home
To Be Enshrined
Truman Will Dedicate
Hyde Park Estate Today
HYDE PARK, N. Y., April 11-0P)
-President Truman tomorrow will
dedicateasarnational shrine the
house, the gardens and the rolling
acres which were home to Franklin
D. Roosevelt.
A 33-acre portion of the late Presi-
dent's estate, including the stone and
stuccohmansion where he was born
and the century-old rose garden
where he is buried, will be presented
formally by Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt
to Interior Secretary J. A. Krug.
President Truman's dedicatory ad-
dress will follow the presentation.
Ceremonies will be broadcast from
2:30 to 3:00 p.m. (EST) over three
national networks (NBC, CBS, ABC).
Radio coverage is expected to be
the greatest for any event since V-J
day. The British Broadcasting Com-
pany will carry the program to Eng-
land and Europe. The State Depart-
ment will boadcast it to Latin Amer-
ica and later will rebroadcast it in 23
foreign languages throughout the
This quiet little Dutchess County
village is preparing for an influx of
thousands of people for the dedica-
tory ceremonies, which commemorate

the first anniversary of Mr. Roose-
velt's death.

WASHINGTON, April 11-(')--
The Senate Atomic Energy Com-
mittee unanimously approved to-
day a far-reaching control bill de-
signed to stimulate'the peacetime
development of the new power
source without endangering na-
tional security.
The bill gives the gverment
absolute control over the produ-
tien, ownership and use of fission-
able material from which the en-
ergy is derived, and sets up an
atomic energy commission of five
civilians as the administrative
* * e
Iran J' Negotiations- -
TEHRAN, April 11 -(IP)- Nego-
tiations to settle troubles in Azer-
baijan and Kurdistan already may
be underway, it was indicated today
shortly after the chief of the auton-
omous Azerbaijan government de-
clared his province did not want to
be separated from Iran.
The Azerbaijan premier, Jafar Pi-
shevari, also was quoted in a broad-
cast from Tabriz last night as openly
thanking the Red Army "since it
was by their efforts that the tyran-
nical regime of Iran was overthrown."
The premier asserted that "all our
activities proved to the world we
are not separatists. We have never
wanted to be separated from Iran."
(I ifCI*ff,'. .4.
Wage Increases 0
NEW YORK, April J1-(A)-
Eight major motion picture stu-
dios today termed "fantastic" the
wage demands of James C. Petrillo,
president of the American Federa-
tion of musicians (AFL).
"The wage increases in the field
of musicians and staff, under an-
alysis, would approximate a 1,200
per cent rise," the companies said
in a statement. They added, how-
ever,sthat the companies would
meet with the union tomorrow.
Coal Strike...
WASHINGTON,I" 'April 11-(~)-
Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach
tonight expressed confidence he could
bring John L. Lewis and bituminous
coal operators together next week for
renewal of contract negotiations
whichdthe union suddenly broke off
Schwellenbach, after a two hour
conference with the operators and a
separate 140 minute conference with
Lewis and his United Mine Workers,
said the time is not yet ripe for ap-
pealing to the parties in the dispute
to resume negotiations immediately.
TuminTo Ta11k
At Robert Owen
Dr. Melvin Tumin of the Depart-
ment of Sociology of Wayne Uni-
versity and advisor to the Wayne
chapter of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored Peo-
ple will speak at a joint meeting of
that group and the Inter-Racial As-
sociation at 9 p.m. today in Robert
Owen Cooperative House.
Earlier in the evening, members of
IRA will give a dinner for the Detroit
representatives during which the two
groups will compare their aims and
purposes. They will attempt to find a
way that they can assist each other
in solving racial problems in their re-
spective areas.
An attempt will also be made to de-
vise a plan whereby representatives
of inter-racial organizations of the
Big Ten schools can meet to discuss
their problems.
Besides the discussions by members
of the two groups, an outline of the
work of the cooperatives will be pre-
sented by one of its representatives.
A social hour will follow.

Union To Probe Charges
Against 'U' Building Plan;
151 Milo oe se


Senators Team
To Back New
Aim in Housing
Project Called Step
In National Program
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 11-An am-
bitious program to provide 15,000,000
homes in this country (luring the next
10 years won support in the Senate
today from an unusual combination

Early Showdown Anticipated
In Local Contractors' Dispute
The dispute between the Ann Arbor General Contractors Association
and the George A. Fuller Co. moved toward a showdown yesterday as J. S.
Gray, secretary of the International Bricklayers Union, announced that a
union officer would be sent here to investigate charges that the University's
building program is throttling local veteran home construction.
According to informed sources, the construction union's ban on a six-
day work week, which went back into effect last November, is one of the
main issues of the dispute.

of members.
Senator Taft (R-Ohio),


Robert Taft, Ohio Republican, who
joined with Senators Ellender and
Wagner to back an ambitious na-
tional housing program.
a leader among themore traditional
Republicans, Senator Ellender
(D-La), a member of the southern
Democratic bloc, and Senator Wag-
ner (D-NY), veteran sponsor of much
New Deal legislation, joined in vocal
support for the program.
'Big Step'
They termed it a "big step" for
millions of American families, with
private capital supplying most of
the funds, and local and state gov-
ernments taking the initiative.
While the Senate discussion was
going on President Truman told his
news conference that he was satisfied
with the form in which an emergency
housing bill, principally for veterans,
had passed the Senate yesterday.
Lacks Ceilings
That measure, like the bill the
House passed, lacks the ceilings on
existing houses which the President
had asked. The Senate, however,
put back in the $600,000,000 for sub-
sidies to spur production of building
materials. The House had struck that
out too.
The Civilian Production Adnliinis-
tration, meanwhile, relaxed its con-
struction controls to permit priori-
ties for some non-veteran housing.
In general the change permits help
on materials for housing for work-
ers producing food and other srarce
essentials, for repairs to disaster-
damaged structures, ana repairs or
alternations to keep existing space
habitable or make more units avail-

fm iproveinent
Prospects Cited
In World Food
WASHINGTON, April 11 -- (P) -
President Truman reported an im-
provement in world food prospects
today as the government and Con-
gress moved to jar loose more meat
and grain in this country.
The President told his news con-
ference that if we can get by for the
next 90 days everything will go well.
As heartening factors he cited rains
in India, improved spring and winter
production in North Africa and
Higher Meat Prices
The House Agriculture Committee
recommended higher meat prices in
hopes of curbing the black market
and the agriculture department
slapped out an order designed to limit
distillers grain stocks and require
them to turn loose any grain they
have above the limit. Officials said
they had no knowledge that there are
any hoards.
The order, effective next Monday,
restricts the amount ofgrain that
whiskey makers may hold to a 7 /2
days' supply. If they have more than
that on hand they must report it, al-
though officials said theykwere not
aware of any hoarded stocks.
Cut Use Of Flour
The department continued mean-
while to weigh a proposal to cut do-
mestic use of flour by 25 per cent by
rationing supplies to bakers and re-
An average increase of about six
cents a pound in retail meat price
ceilings is contemplated in an OPA
extension amendment by Chairman
Flannagan (D-Va) of the House
Agriculture Committee.
Budget Def iit
Falls Greatly
Truman Announces
7 Billion Dollar Drop
WASHINGTON, April 11 -(A)-
President Truman announced to-
day that the deficit for this fiscal
year would be $7,000,000,000 less
than January estimates and "we are
on the way to a balanced budget"
He also expressed fresh views to
his news conference on three meas-
urse pending in Congress.
Housing Bill
Housing - He is satisfied with the
housing bill as it passed the Senate
yesterday. It lacks price control for
existing homes, but contains other
features he recommended..
Army-Navy merger - He thihks
the sweeping bill drafted by a Senate
military subcommittee has a lot of
good points, but he reserves comment
on it as a whole until Congress fin-
ally passes it.
Poll tax - He still favors federal
anti-poll tax legislation.
Poll Tax Stand
The chief executive was ready for
questions about his poll tax stand
following his repark in Chicago last
Saturday that it was a matter the
states would have to work out for
themselves. He had a statement pre-
pared which said he had not changed
his stand in favor of federal action
to outlaw the poll tax but that he
favored state action as well.
First Year Hardest
The question about unification of
the~ armed nip forcs ouhed1 offia' l

Raymond C. Daly, the Fuller's
construction superintendent, has
maintained that the six-day week
plan with overtime pay is necessary
as an "incentive" to make up for
deficiencies in the local supply of
building specialists.
Import Workers
According to Daly, workers have
to be imported if the Fuller Co. is to
meet the fall deadline set by the
University for completion of vet-
erans' apartments and dormitories.
In its telegram of protest to hous-
ing and union officials and members
of Congress, the General Contractors
Association said that prospective
veteran home-buyers in Ann Abor
could not compete with the Univer-
sity for the available supply of con-
struction workers if the six-day work
week with overtime pay were con-
The association referred to the
Mayor William E. Brown's veteran-
civilian housing committee-report,
which disclosed that 3,000 homes are
needed immediately in Ann Arbor, as
proof that the veterans housing prob-
lem here is critical.
Building Lags
Mayor Brown told The Daily last
night that local home construction
has lagged far behind population
since 1929.
As the dispute over the University's
dormitory construction program
neared a climax, vice-president Ro-
bert P. Briggs was in Chicago con-
ferring with officials of the Civilian
Production Administration in an at-
tempt to clear the way for the rest
of the University's building program,
which has been stalled since the OPA
ban on non-veteran construction
went into effect last month.
*: * *
City Housing
Group Urged
Wilson W. Wyatt, national housing
expediter, sent a letter to Mayor Wil-
liam E. Brown, Jr., yesterday, urging
the creation of a city emergency
housing committee comparable to
that organized here early this week.
Mayor Brown also received an ac-
knowledgement of Ann Arbor hous--
ing statistics he had sent to the Chi-
gago office of the National Housing
Administration. The figures will be
incorporated into a comparative sur-
vey of national needs.
UN Will Move
New Interim Site Will
Be at Lake Success
NEW YORK, April 11-)---The
United Nations decided today to move
its interim headquarters to the $17,-
783 ,040 Sperry Gyroscope Plant at
Lake Success-22 miles from New
York City-and accepted an offer of
Mayor William O'Dwyer to set the
old World's Fair site at Flushing
Meadows in order for next Septem-
ber's meeting of the General Assem-
The Security Council, pledged un-
der its rules to meet at least every
two weeks, will transfer its activities
from Hunter College, in the Bronx,
to the Lake Success site as soon as
arangements can be made.
New York City's offer-described
by Secretary General Trygve Lie as
"a very great contribution to the
success of the United Nations" and
a "generous gesture"-was to spend
$1,250,000 improving the municipal
building at the Fair site and to erect
housing units to accomodate 4,000
persons on the UN payroll by Jan-
i uarv 1. 194'7

Self-Governing Status Will Insure Unity

The establishment of a constitution
providing India with self-rule will be
in reality a treaty between India
and Great Britain, and not merely an
instrument giving India dominion
status, Sir Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan,
Indian philosopher said yesterday.
The constitution which the Brit-
ish commission is in the process of
drawing up in consultation with

Sir Radhakrishnan said that there
need be no fear of Indian disunity
once self-rule is established. Any
divisions which may appear at that
time will be based upon political
thought. They will be the divisions
between the reactionaries and the
"The differences between Moslem
and Hindu was falsely accentuated

a majority of the Moslems in India
are converts and as such are Indians
first, then Moslems. Though an In-
dian Moslem may feel himself a mem-
ber of the Islamic world, he is first
and foremost an Indian, just as a
Christian is primarily a citizen of his
own land, he concluded.
T~!* * *

Publicity officials would not am-
plify the brief statement, which ap-
peared to indicate that the cabinet
mission was ready to open round-
table discussions with the All-India
Congress Party and Moslem League,
with discussions following between
those two parties.
The mission is here to make in-



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