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April 10, 1946 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-10

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Strike May Cut Sugar
Output by 70 Per Cent
Unions Willing To Arbitrate Demands;
Labor Officials Try To Avert Shutdown

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 9-A strike
which would cut off 70 per cent of
the nation's output of cane sugar was
called today by CIO and AFL unions,
effective Saturday midnight.
Seven refineries in four Atlantic
coast cities are involved.
The unions said in a statement
that they had reached a deadlock in
bargaining with the operating com-
panies, but were still willing to ar-
Japanese Had
Basis for War,
Claims Brown
(Continued from page 1)
weight of the women was 100 pounds,
and of the men, 120 pounds. One or
two died each day from starvation.
"When Red Cross shipments ar-
rived, and when they were not used
by Jap army oficers as was the case
with a large shipment in 1944, we
were sent to the piers to get them.
"Only one shipment of parcel post
packages ever reached the camp, and
I received only six or seven letters
during the three years," he said.
"We were allowed to send one Pri-
soner of War card a month. Besides
a printed form which announced, 'I
am in good, fair or poor health', we
were permitted to write 24 words on
the card.
"Of course, they took a long time
to reach this country, if they ever did.
In fact, I mailed a card to my family
in St. Louis, Mich., in June, 1944,
and in June, 1945, a month after I
arrived home, I took the card from
the mailbox myself."
The American Army took posses-
sion of Santo Tomas on Feb. 3, 1945,
and the first families who had been
in the camp returned to the United
States in March,Dr. Brown stated.
"I had to find my family, from whom
I hadn't heard in nine months," he
said. "They were with my wife's par-
ents, who were still behind the Jap
lines. We were able to leave in April,
1945, and reached the states in May."
Dr. Brown, who received his Ph.D.
in biological chemistry from the Uni-
versity in 1937 and left immediately
afterward for the islands, plans to
return to Manila with his family as
soon as possible.
Ruthven . .
(Continued from page 1)
dent students is no part of this limit-
ing procedure. It was not designed
for that purpose, and it is hoped that
it will not have that effect. The in-
crease in fees was based upon finan-
cial considerations alone.
The costs of operating the Univer-
sity have increased markedly since
the years of depression economy be-
fore the war. Larger financial sup-
port will be necessary from the State.
It is reasonable to expect that non-
resident students will bear their ap-
propriate share of the cost of opera-
tion. This increase in fees is de-
signed to establish a more satisfac-
tory balance between income from
non-resident students and appropri-
ations from the State.
I call attention to the fact that
there is no logical relationship be-
tween resident fees and non-resident
fees. They are predicated on two
separate and distinct principles. Resi-
dent fees are charged residents of the
State, which provides the major sup-
port of the University through legis-
lative appropriation.
These fees are established at a
point at which, all things considered,
it seems wise to divide the cost of edu-
cation of resident students between
fees paid by the students themselves
and appropriations from the State.
There is no attempt to make such fees

representative of cost. This is inher-
ent in the structure of a state univer-
sity. Non-resident fees, on the other
hand, must necessarily be established
with some reasonable reference to the'
cost of education.
It is important to note that, even
with this increase in fees, most of
our non-resident students will still
be paying fees at the University of
Michigan considerably lower than
those in effect in the privately en-
dowed institutions in the states in
which they live.

bitrate their wage demands. Depart-
ment of Labor officials continued
their efforts, started last Friday, to
avert the threatened shutdown.
Demand 18 Cents
The unions, asserting that the
companies have declined to accept as
binding recommendations of a Labor
Department fact-finding panel, said
they are demanding an hourly wage
increase of 8?/ cents, against an
earliersrequest for 15 cents. The com-
panies, they said, had offered 13 cents
at some plants and lesser amounts at
There was no comment from re-
presentatives of the companies. They
are The American Suger Refining
Company, with plants at Boston and
Baltimore; The National Sugar Re-
fining Company, New York and Phil-
adelphia; W. J. McCann Company
and Franklin Sugar Refining Com-
pany, American Company Subsidi-
aries, Philadelphia, and the Revere
Sugar Refining Company, Boston.
The unions said more than 8,000
workers would be involved in the
Admit Procedure
The companies have agreed to ac-
cept a fact-finding procedure forj
settlement of wage differences, but
have declined to commit themselves
to the acceptance of any fact-finding
The original strike notice called
for a walkout last Saturday mid-
night. The unions held off, at the
request of the Labor Department, to
permit the present negotiations.
Get Acquainted,
Edmonson Says
Talk to Professors,
Future Teachers Told
Students don't give their profes-
Iors a chance to know them, declared
Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School
of Education yesterday in an infor-
mal talk with prospective teachers,
in Mason Hall.
"Get acquainted with your profes-
sors," he urged. "Talk to them, let
them know who you are, and take an
active interest in your work so they
will remember you when you want
recommendations." Dean Edmonson
declared that professors get a great
satisfaction out of helping students
but often are unable to do so because
they don't know them well enough.
Interviews with possible future em-
ployers are valuable, he added, be-
cause too many people are inexperi-
enced in the art of "selling them-
selves, getting other people interested
in their qualifications." Dean Edmon-
son reminded the group that they
will carry great prestige as univer-
sity graduates and that as such, they
are tremendously important to the
T. Luther Purdom, director of the
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information, asked that
graduates keep their Bureau records
up to date, since teachers may be hir-
ed merely on the basis of those re-
cords. Information about teaching
certificates and facts on teacher
training will be presented at the
Schoolmaster's Club meeting April
2, he announced. Certificate re-
quirements of other states are avail-
able at the School of Education.
Dr. Beckett Gets
U' Hospital Post
Dr. Morley B. Beckett has been ap-
pointed assistant medical director of
the University Hospital, effective
Monday, it was announced yester-
day by Hospital Director Albert C.
Dr. Beckett is the second ap-

pointee to the post of assistant medi-
cal director at the Hospital. He was
discharged three months ago, with
the rank of lieutenant colonel.
He has served in various positions
in the health departments at Sagi-
naw, Mt. Pleasant, the Michigan
State Department of Health, and as
director of Kellogg Foundation activ-
ities in Allegan County.
LCaretaker s Home
Destroyed By Fire
A fire of unknown origin yesterday
swept a barn in the rear of the Ferry
Field home formerly occupied by Lo-
renzo D. Thomas, late caretaker of
the Field.
The barn, which contained equip-
ment for the maintenance of the
grounds, was gutted by the half-hour
blaze. A strong wind blowing away
from the house prevented the fire
from spreading.

Japan's Voters
Turn Out for
Freest Election
Observers Predict
Conservative Victory
TOKYO, Wednesday, April 10-'P)
-Japan's voters turned out today for
their freest election in history toshow
the world what they have learned of
western democracy.
Forecasts of a conservative victory
were made by Japanese political ex-
perts, who agreed a conservative cur-
rent was running strong in this first
post-war election at which 468 mem-
bers of the House of Representatives
will be picked from 2,800 candidates.
Liberal-Progressive Majority
They predicted that the Liberals
and Progressives-conservative de-
despite their labels-would win a
majority of seatsbetween them,nbut
that no single party was expected to
dominate the next House.
They likewise predicted that less
than three-fourths of the 36,000,000
eligible voters would cast ballots.
They said this was due mainly to the
people's preoccupation with finding
enough to eat.
The government, urging the peo-
ple to exercise their franchise, de-
clared today a holiday to give every-
one a chance to vote.
Results Tomorrow
Polls were open between 7 a.m. and
6 p.m. First results were expected to
be available by late tomorrow, and
the city vote should be pretty well
tabulated by Friday.
Much of the seeming lack of en-
thusiasm was blamed on the cynicism
of the people, many of whom believe
they are in for the same old rule de-
spite the vast changes wrought by
seven months of occupation.
There are a number of factors
whichrmakerthis Japan's freest elec-
Approximately 21,000,000 women
have been granted the right to vote
for the first time. And nine of 81
women candidates were accorded by
the newspaper Asahi a chance to be
elected to the Diet.
First Female Vote
Political observers said, however,
that three-fourths of the women
probably would not go to the polls
and their vote was expected to have
little effect on the results.
Government officials said they ex-
pected little violence, despite a brief
flare-up at PremierShidehara's of-
ficial residence Sunday when left-
wing demonstrations clashed with
police while demanding the resigna-
tion of the Cabinet.
The next Diet, from which a new
government will be organized, will be
saddled with the immense task of
adopting a democratic constitution
for Japan.
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request
LOST: Grey flannel suit coat. Vicin-

ity of Hill and Packard. Also, black
suede pocketbook. Initials J.E.L.
Call John Hunter, 7157. Reward.
LOST: Parker 51 in George's, April 6.
Grey and silver. Inscribed Mary
Pinney. Reward. Phone 2-3225.
watch, between Mendelssohn Thea-
ter and Alexander's, April 9. Sen-
timental value. Reward. Finder call
438 Mosher.
MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib-
erty. We have rebuilt used bikes
for sale. Your bike can be expertly
repaired also.
[ELP WANTED: Fountain help, top
pay, hours to your convenience.
Apply in person to Mr. Lombard or
Mr. Benden. Witham's Drug Store,
corner of S. University and Forest.
HELP WANTED-Male. Part time
and weekends. Allenel Hotel.

paling power of tidal waves is graphically illustrated in these two on the
spot pictures taken at Hilo about 7:2 a.m. April 1. In top view, a tre-
mendous wave overwhelms Pier 1 at Kuhio wharf and has rushed on
inland, Arrow points to a man, caught in the torrent of water, and now
undoubtedly dead. In lower photo, the wave that followed the one shown
in top picture-not so large ,but still submerging the wharf deck.
Art Museum Exhibits Letters
Discovered by U' Scientists
The young naval recruit wrote his commenting on his assignment which
mother faithfully as he waited on he had just received.
the coast for his assignment. He ask- An excerpt from a military record,
ed about the various members in the written about the same time, indi-
family and gave her a brief idea cates that veterans of land and naval
of hisnew life in service. He soon forces would be entitled to certain
followed this with another letter privileges as a result of serving their
country. The record itself established.

Campus Highlights

Research Grant
Given Dr. Lyons
Dr. Richard H. Lyons of the Medi-
cal Department of University Hospi-i
tal will direct research study in hyp-
ertension under a grant from the Life
Insurance Medical Research Fund,
it was announced today.-
The research, to be directed
against vascular diseases, will utilize1
the principle of temporary paraly-
sis of the automic nervous system.
Established last year, the fund is
supported by 147 life insurance com-
panies and makes grants to universi-
ties and medical schools for research
on diseases of the heart and related
STUDENTS: The Willow Run Bowl-
ing Alley can use students to set
pins one or more nights per week,
also Saturday and Sunday after-
noons. You can earn from $2.00 to
$4.00 per night. We will arrange
your work to fit in with your stud-
ies. If you can use a few extra dol-
lars a week see Bowling Alley Man-
ager. Willow Run Bowling Alley,
1065 Midway, Willow Run Village.
Telephone: Ypsilanti 1852.1
WANTED desperately. Will buy out-
right 2 seats together for May Fest-
ival, located anywhere, as exchange,
for 2 single seats. Call Sylvia Bleck-
man, 2-5232.
WANTED-Experienced waitress forI
part time work. Apply Mr. L. W.I
Anderson, Willow Run Bowling Al-
leys. 1065 Midway, Willow Runj
Village. Phone Ypsi. 1852.
RENT A JUKE BOX for your party !
$12.00 including records. Ph. 22878.
tion insurance for your wives. 1399
Sudbury, Wilow Run. Phone Ypsi-
lanti 3583W2.
MALE STUDENT has room to share.
clean, private bath, reasonable rate..
Near campus, 602 Lawrence. After
7 p.m. Ask for Jack.
NELLE! Nous enseignous la gram-1
maire, la conversation et la litera-I
ture francaise. $2 l'heure. Sol Ben-'
cuya, 220 Fletcher ou. Joshua Jean
Grauer 6669.

the legal status of the dischargee and
assured him of protection of his
rights, regardless of where he lived.
Current Events?
Do these sound familiar? Do they
pertain to some phase of the recent
World War II? And are they written
in blue ink or typed on a red-labelled
V-mail letter or standard office
Much to the contrary, the 'letter'
and the 'record' were both composed
over seventeen hundred years ago.
Long sheets of papyrus and a primi-
tive reed pen with lampblack as ink
were the writers' tools; with them
they produced documents that have
outlasted in legibility even the be-
ribboned bundle of letters that one's
grandparents stored in their attics.
Discovered during the University's
Egyptian excavations at Karanis, the
seat of a Roman garrison during the
beginning of the Christian era, these
papyri form part of a collection now
being exhibited at the newly reopened
Museum of Art and Archaeology.
On Special Duty
Like small versions of today's mili-
tary records, a fragment listing a de-
tachment of soldiers of the Roman
army subject to special duty is also
included in the exhibit. Another gives
a group of decurions or subordinate
officers, not only by names but also
by dates of enlistment and of promo-
tion, in Greek as well as in Roman.
Of greater interest to the person
not versed in classical language are
other letters (with translations) writ-
ten to and from men in the service of
the Roman army. Though they be
brief and formal, they give the reader
a fleeting picture of military life and
of personalities that existed nearly
two thousand years ago.
Salgado to Conducet
Classes in Painting
Eduardo A. Salgado, Filipino ar-
tist whose exhibit of contemporary
American scenes at the Rackham
Galleries closes April 10, will conduct
a class in painting in the Interna-
tional Center on afternoons chosen
by the class.
. Robert Klinger, assistant counselor
to foreign students, will take regis-
trations for the class at the Inter-
national Center.
Buy Easter Seals!

Izzeddin To Speak .. .
Nejla Izzeddin, Lebanese educator,
willspeak on the Palestine question at
3 p.m. Friday in an open lecture at
the Kellogg Auditorium sponsored by
the American Association of Uni-
versity women.
Miss Izzedin, authority on Arabian
history, was principal of the Girls'
Lycee at Damascus in 1944-45. She is
now lecturing under the auspices of
the Arab office in Washington, D.C.
Pan-American Day.. ..
The Latin American Society, thek
International Center and the
American Legion will sponsor a,
Pan-American Day program at
7:30 p.m. Sunday in the ballroom
of the Union.
Highlighting the program will be
a brief talk by Prof. Edgar G.
Johnston, Michigan educational
chairman of the American Legion.
A movie, "Wings over Latin Amer-
ica" and a group of Pan-American
songs and dances will also be pre-
Bike Outing ...
The All-Nations Club and the
American Youth Hostel Group will be
co-sponsors of a bike trip to Saline
Valley Farms this weekend.
The group will leave the Interna-
tional Center at 2 p.m. Saturday and
return on Sunday. Anyone wishing to
go, said Robert Klinger, may sign
on the International Center bulletin
board through tomorrow, and should
plan to bring a knife and fork as well
as a bicycle.
Inspection Trip ..
The Student Chapter of the
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers will ,make an inspection
trip through the University power-
house tonight.
Members interested in making
Lawyers Name
Case Winners
Get Decision in Finals
Winners in the Case Club finals
competition are James Christie and
Edward M. Hindert, freshman law
students, and Roy D. Boucher and
Robert L. Cardon, junior winners.
Christie and Hindert were selected
individually, from the appellants and
respondents respectively. The junior
winners were chosen as a team and
represented the respondents in their
The Case Clubs are organized on a
class basis, each club consisting of a
number of first and second year stu-
dents under the supervision of a
third year student as advisor. The
students are divided into groups of
four and are given a statement of
facts on the basis of which they pre-
pare their case for trial. Two of the
students. are assigned to the appel-
lant and the other two take the re-
spondent. After the prepared biefs
have been exchanged, the case is
tried in the model courtroom in
Hutchings Hall before spectators.
Judges in the freshman cases, are
all Law School seniors. Sitting on the
junior cases are two senior students
and one faculty member. It is cus-
tomary for winners of the junior
competition to be elevated to the po-
sition of judges in the Case Club.
Continuous from 1 P.M.
.oaru #srAF
Last Times Today -


are trip will meet at 730 p.m.in
Rm. 229 West Engineering.
Guild Tea. .
The Roger William Guild will have
an informal tea from 4:30 to 6 p.m.
today in the Guild House, with mem-
bers from Willow Run as guests.
Delta Epsilon Pi . ..
Delta Epsilon Pi, Greek Ortho-
dox student group will have a
special meeting to discuss the so-
cial program of the group for the
remainder of the term at 4 p.m. to-
day at St. Nicholas Church.
Training Corps ...
The Post Hostilities Training Corps
will hold a coffee hour for Latin
American students from 4:30 to 6
p.m. today in the Recreation Room
of the International Center.
ANCIJM Meeting .
A discussion of current affairs
will highlight the weekly meeting
of the All-Nations Club at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the Lounge of the In-
ternational Center.
The Club will also sponsor a tea
dance from 4 to 6 p.m. Friday in
the Center.
Bible Study ...
The Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship will discuss "The Passion Fore-
told" at 8 p.m. today in Lane Hall.
Coffee.Hour. .
The Faculty of the School of
Business Administration will spon-
sor a coffee hour for all students of
the school from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow
in theRackham Assembly Hall.
Senior Ball..
The Senior Ball Committee will
meet at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 318
of the Union.
Coinnunion Today . .
Holy communion will be celebrat-
ed at 7:15 a.m. today in St. Andrew's
Episcopal Church, followed by a Can-
telbury Club breakfast in the Stu-
dent Center.
Executive Council . .
All member organizations of the
SOIC are requested to send their rep-
resentatives to an important execu-
tive council meeting, Thursday at
4:15 p.m. at the Union.
Crosby Announces Subject
Miss Elizabeth C. Crosby, who has
been invited to present the Russel
Lecture May 9, has announced that
she will speak on "The Neuroantomi-
cal Patterns Involved in Certain Eye
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