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April 10, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-10

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See Page 2



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Japan Had
War Basis,
Says Brown
Aggression Results
From 'Raw Deal'
Despite 37 months spent in the in-
famous Santo Tomas internmen
camp in Manila, Dr. Baker Brown
visiting professor of biological chem-
istry in the University, still feels tha
the Japanese had some basis for thei
aggression, "because in general the
had never gotten a square deal fron
the Western powers."
"It was just a case of Japan trying
to do something the western powers
had done a generation before," he
explained, "only now the rules are
changed and they are condemned.'
Enforce Charter
Dr. Brown, who was teaching
chemistry in the University of the
Philippines when the war broke out,
proposed that in order to maintain
peace in the Far East, "the United
Nations Organization do something
about enforcing the Atlantic Charter,
for only in this charter are the Asia-
tics given proper consideration.
"The Japanese are capable of es-
tablishing and maintaining a demo-
cratic government in their country,
but it will take two or three genera-
tions to get rid of the deeply-seated
emperor-worship," he stated. "Those
Japanese born in the Philippines,
Hawaii or the United States were
generally loyal to this nation, unless
they had been sent back to school in
Japan." Dr. Brown agreed, however,
that "they are past masters of court-
esy and dissiiulation."
Oldest University
Santo Tomas is the oldest univer-
sity under the American flag. In-
ternees in the prison camp, which
covered approximately 53 acres and
was, surrounded by a huge cement
wall, were quartered in classrooms
according to sex, Dr. Brown said. It
was only after the first year that
housing conditions became so acute
that families were permitted to build
small bamboo or nipa huts on the
During the initial two years of his
internment, Dr. Brown said, a civil-
ian organization-the Bureau of For-
eign Affairs-directed the camp.
"While under this administration, a
few internees were allowed to go in
to town during the light hours of
the day for extra supplies of food and
medicine. Even about 500 mission-
aries, old and bed-ridden people were
allowed to remain in their homes be-
fore the army took over in Feb., 1944.
Things Changed
"Then things changed. The camp
was virtually put on the basis of a
war prisoners' camp," he declared,
"and only the fact that we didn't have
to do forced labor kept it from being
one. We had to take care of ourselves,
of course-everything from sanita-
tion to a school which went from
first grade through the second year
of college."
Concerning the food supply at
camp, Dr. Brown said, "During the
last six months of Japanese military
administration, when the fighting in
the southern part of the island was so
vicious, we received about 600 cal-
ories a day in the form of corn, rice,
sweet potatoes that were too small
or too rotten for the Jap army, and
fish that did not come up to army
specifications either. The average
See JAPANESE, Page 2
Lecture Today

Meaning of Religion
Is Educator's Topic
'iThe Meaning of Religion" will be
the topic of a University lecture by
Sir Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Indian
philosopher and educator, at 4:15
p.m. today in the Rackham Amphi-
Sir Radharishnan is vice-chan-
cellor of the Hindu University at Ben-
ares, India, and is a Spalding pro-
fessor of eastern religions and ethics
at Oxford University, England.
Today's lecture is one of a series he
will deliver during March and April.
at leading universities throughout
the nation. In 1926 he lectured at
Yale,, Harvard, Princeton, Chicago
and other university centers.
Educated in India, Sir Radhakrish-
nan took his B.A. and M.A. from the
University of Madras. He has taught
philosophy and comparative religions
for many years at a number of lead-
ing educational institutions in India
and England.
His publications include "Reign of
Religion in Contemporary Philoso-

Iran Asks





Nears 2,000



Fees Not Hiked To Eliminate
Non-Residents-Pres. Ruthven
The increase in semester fees for non-residents is not designed to limit
non-resident enrollment, President Alexander G. Ruthven declared yester-
Answering critics of the new fee schedule, which becomes effective with
the fall semester, President Ruthven said that "the increase was based on
financial consideration alone."
He added: "This increase in fees is designed to establish a more satis-
factory balance between income from non-resident students and appropri-
ations from the State."
The new fee schedule, announced last week, raises resident tuition five

tary of Agriculture, will be the
speaker at the 102nd University
Commencement Exercises to be
held June 22, Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
assistant to President A. G. Ruth-
ven said yesterday. Anderson at-
tended the University as a pre-law
student in 1915-16. Poor health
forced him to move to New Mexieo
after completing one year at the
Veteran. Stars
In Productiton
Of Kind Lady'
Richard Stewart, -who was recent-
ly discharged from service, will have
one of the leading roles in the mys-
tery melodrama, "Kind Lady," which
opens at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Stewart will be remembered for
his roles in "Sundown" and "The Ri-
vals." Dorothy Murzek, who is fam-
iliar for her parts in other Play Pro-
duction dramas, will star in the title
role of the mystery.
Adapted by Edward Chodorov from
Hugh Walpole's play "The Silver
Masque", "Kind Lady" will be given
in four performances, today through
Saturday. Special rates are offered
high school and college students to-
day and tomorrow.
The plot of the play centers around#
a wealthy woman who finds her home
usurped by a clever band of thieves.
On the pretext of asking for charity,
a member of the band slips into her
home, imprisons her and almost takes
away all her possessions.
The success of the play centers
around the character portrayal and
there are no murders committed, no
corpses in the closet and no involved
plot to be unraveled.
Robert Bouwsma, Ruth Schnoor,
Naomi Vincent and Annette Chaikin
also have important roles in the pro-
Fall Enrollment
I.s Parley Topic
Consideration will be given to the
problem of allocating the state's fall
enrollment of college freshmen at a
meeting of Michigan college and
high school officials here April 25.
Dr. George E. Carrothers, director
of the University Bureau of Coopera-
tion with Educational Institutions,
will pool information with a commit-
tee of 14 educators. They hope to

- iollars and non-resident tuition forty
dollars per semester in most schools
and colleges of the University.
The text of President Ruthven's
statement on the new few schedule
I am glad, at the request of The
Michigan Daily, to make this state-
ment regarding the increases in se-
mester fees which will become effec-
tive in the fall term.
May I say at the outset that there
is no change in the fundamental pol-
icy of the University with respect to
its relationship to American educa-
tion. One of the great strengths of
this University is its national and in-
ternational position as an institution
of higher learning, and this is main-
tained in part by the fact that young
men and women from all parts of the
country and of the world have been
welcomed as students.
Fundamentally Sound
We believe that this policy is fun-
damentally sound. We know that it
is of immeasurable benefit education-
ally to the resident students them-
selves, and we know that it enlarges
the educational contribution of this
University to the life of the State and
the nation.
This position of the University of
Michigan is recognized by other edu-
cational institutions and by all who
are engaged in the processes of edu-
cation. It is a distinctive position,
and it is so regarded by the faculties
of the University, by the students, by
the Board of Regents and by the
great host of Michigan alumni and
Source Of Pride
We believe that this national and
international position of the Univer-
sity has long been a great source of
pride to the people of the State in
whose name it is maintained and to
their representatives in the govern-
ment of the State who have given it
loyal and generous support through
the years.
It is our earnest hope that the
University of Michigan will always
be maintained in this place of dis-
tinction in American education
During the next two or three years
the University will find it necessary
to limit the new admissions of non-
resident students because of its spe-
cial obligations to returning veterans
and to the sons and daughters of the
people of the State.
This step has been taken with great
reluctance, but there is no other way
in which the University can discharge
its primary obligation to the State.
This is a temporary expedient dic-
tated by the war emergency. It repre-
sents no abandonment of long-run
The increase in fees for non-resi-
See RUTHVEN, Page 2
Dutch Planning,
Free Indonesia
Indies' Bright Future
Proclaimed in Lecture
"Indonesia is headed for a bright
future," said Lt. W. Brand of the
Dutch East Indies Army yesterday at
a lecture in Lane Hall.
Now that the war is over the Dutch
National Government intends to help
facilitate the spread of democracy in
Indonesia, promising future indepen-
dence and membership in the United
Nations to these countries, stated Lt.
He revealed that steps in this di-
rection have already been taken and
a Netherlands-Indonesian peace
treaty will soon be signed.
Emphasizing the fact that Indo-
nesia is not a wealthy country, Lt.
Brand said that most of the people
are farmers and only a few engaged
in trade or industry.
"An all-embracing educational sys-

Student Polling
On Government
To Close Today
3,000 Votes Needed
To Ratify Constitutionl
Ratification of a new student gov-
ernment constitution hung in the
balance last night with unofficial
estimates placing the number of stu-
dents voting yesterday between 1,500
and 2,000.
Balloting today will determine
whether or not the campus can mus-
ter the 3,000 votes necessary for rat-
ification of the Congress-Cabinet or
Council-Forum student government
Harry Jackson, president of the
Men's Judiciary Council which is
running the election, predicted that
ratification would be a nip and tuck
affair since past elections have seen
a decided slackening of voters in the
second day.
Campus polling places wil be open
from 8:45 a.m. through 3:15 p.m. to-
day except at the Engineering Arch
where the polls will remain open
through 5:15 p.m. for the convenience
of students using bus facilities to
Willow Run.
Reports from the Engineering Arch
last night indicated a light vote from
this group of veteran students.
Identification cards are required
of all voters, Jackson announced, but
for students whose identification
cards are not yet ready, a special vot-
ing permit is available in the Dean of
Students Office, Rm. 2, University
Seek Support
Of Constitutions
Ranking campus organizations
and persons flocked to take sides yes-
terday as behind-the-scenes cam-
paigning livened the balloting for stu-
dent government.
Congress-Cabinet constitution sup-
porters marshalled the support of
leaders of six campus organizations
while eight campus groups continued
to plump for the Council Forum
Support Plans
Supporting the Congress-Cabinet
were Sheldon Selesnick, president of
Inter-Racial Association; Ted Morris,
president of the Committee for Lib-
eral Action, Vic Baum, vice chairman
of the campus American Veterans
Committee; John Houston, president
of Inter-Cooperative Council; Mat
Chernotsky of the Executive Council
of Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action and the campus Veterans Or -
The Council-Forum had already]
presented support from the League
Council, the Assembly Executive
Board, Mortarboard, SRA Executive
Committee, Senior Society, Panhel-
lenic Executive Council, the presi-
dent of Scroll and the president of
the Interfraternity Council.
Arguments Presented
Backers of the Congress-Cabinet
generally supported the plan because1
they said it guarantees all minorities
the right to be placed on the bal-
lot and is therefore more favorable;
for small groups. They argued against
the Council-Forum plan by saying it
would prohibit newly-returned vet-
erans from active participating in the
government, and gives an extra title
to students who already are playing
an active part in student activity.
Council-Forum supporters on the
other hand asserted its smaller exec-
utive body would get more work done
and be more workable than the other
plan. It would guarantee, they said,

that student office holders are or-
ganizationally competent and those
who take part will have proven their
ability in campus groups or in the
committees of the student govern-
ment itself.
Ves To Organize
The American Veterans Commit-
tee will organize a second Ann Arbor
chapter for town members at ar
meeting at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Temporary officers for the new

GERALD L. K. SMITH SIGNS BOND-Gerald L. K. Smith, head
of the America First Party, signs bail bond of $2,000 in Chicago after
he was sentenced to serve 60 days in the county jail on charge of con-
tempt of court. Looking over Smith's shoulder are Maximilian St.
George, (right, Smith's attorney, and Mrs. Smith. Unidentified court
attaches are in background, left.
Alderman Asserts Taxi .license


While the Clerk's office labored
yesterday to mimeograph 32-pages of
the proposed taxicab ordinance, in-
troduced at Common Council meet-
ing Monday, representatives of local
cab fleets and Alderman A. D. Moore,
chairman of the Council taxicab
committee issued conflicting state-
ments yesterday.
Moore described, taxicabs as 'big
business" in Ann Arbor, and esti-
mated their gross income at "proba-
bly more than a quarter of a million
dollars a year." He justified the pro-
posal to raise cab licenses from $15
to $100 annually as needed to cover
inspection, enforcement and other
similar costs to the city. Moore said
that the revised ordinance is "con-
Th News
Draft Extension ...
WASHINGTON, April 9-(P)-The
House Military Committee today ap-
proved an extension of the draft for
nine months instead of the full year
which the Army and Navy asked.
Various proposals to suspend in-
ductions temporarily to see how re-
cruiting works out were rejected in
the committee. But the committee
members who sponsored them se-
served the right to offer them as
amendments when the bill comes up
in the House, probably on Friday.
Flour Rationing ...
WASHINGTON, April 9 -- (P) -
Officials drafted an order tonight
which would ration flour to bak-
ers and grocers-but not to house-
wives--designed to cut consump-
tion by one-fourth in order to send
more abroad.
Secretary of Agriculture Ander-
son, telling a news conference that
the order is in preparation, said he
would decide tomorrow whether to
issue it. Bakers and millers pro-
tested it vigorously.
Merger Bill ...
WASHINGTON, April 9 -(P)-
Concrete legislation to unify not only
the armed forces but all government
activities concerned with defense,
under "clear" civilian control, was
unwrapped today.
It would centralize agencies which

ost to ut C
siderably based on the Model City
Taxicab Ordinance, originated by the
American Transit Association."
No Reason For Alarm
Moore, who heads the Council's
Special Taxicab Committee, said that
"A cab owner who is willing to give
good service at a fair return has no
reason to be alarmed by the revised
ordinance. If needed amendments
are discovered before the second
reacing on Monday night, they can
then be made. And if the ordinance
is passed, and it is then found that
some provision is unreasonable or
unworkable, it can always be amend-
ed. "
Jim Pugsley, owner of one of the
cab companies said, "I don't think
I could do business. under the ordi-
nance. I would be out. I could not
buy the kind of car specified." He
said that such cabs are not being
made. Thompson said he doesn't be-
lieve there is such a cab in the State
of Michigan.
Use Common Sense
Ken Martin, owner of another
company stated, "I hope the ordi-
nance proposal can be further re-
vised in plenty of time, through the
use of common sense." He said the
proposed rate reductions are out of
line with increasing prices. Drivers
could average only 15 cents per run.
Martin said there is no comparison
between the proposed license fee of
$100 and that charged in other Mich-
igan cities. In Dearborn, he said, the
fee is $10 per cab.
Moore said the existing taxi rates
were set entirely by "rule of thumb."
He scored the taxi companies for
failing to comply with a request made
in December that they file cost in-
formation with the city. He said the
Council is "making a guess at what
is a fair rate," but that it is provided
that books accessible to the city be
kept "in order that rates may later be
set that are fair to cab owners and
fair to the public."
Navy To Award
Liberty Nights
Current competition between
NROTC and V-12 companies will cli-
max in June when the company with
the highest number of points will be
given liberty every night of the
month, Capt. Woodson Michaux,
comandant of the University Naval
Unit, revealed yesterday.
In addition to the liberty, the com-
mander of the winning Color Com-
nany may choose a girlto irenreent

Ala's Letter
Repeats U.S.,
British Plea
Wants Question Held
For Troop Withdrawal
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 9-()-Iran
tonight asked the United Nations Se-
curity Council to reject Russia's de-
mand that the Iranian question be
stricken from its agenda.
The Iranian position was set forth
in a letter to Secretary General
Trygve Lie which was circulated
among the delegates of the security
council shortly after today's session
which was adjourned to an indefi-
nite date.
Receipt of the letter was disclosed
by Dr. Quo Tai-Chi of China, coun-
cil president, during a discussion of
when the delegates should take up
Russia's demand.
Letter Signed By Ala
The letter, signed by Iranian Am-
bassador Hussein Ala, said:
"I am instructed to state that the
position of the Iranian government
remains the same as stated to the se-
curity council in the session of 4
April 1946. It is the desire of my
government that the matters referred
by Iran to the security council re-
main on its agenda as provided by
the resolution adopted on 4 April
Iran's move greatly strengthened
the hand of the United States and
Great Britain, who had indicated
they would oppose the Soviet pro-
posal to close the Iranian case with-
out waiting until the May 6 date set
by the council for reports on the
status of Russian troop withdrawals
from iran.
Agreement Expected
Soviet newspapers had expressed
the belief that the Tehran Govern-
ment would instruct Ala to agree to
the closing of the case. Such a move
should have posed a delicate question
for members of the Council who de-
sired to keep the case before them.
Another question which arose at
today's council session was Poland's
proposal that the United Nations
consider the question of breaking
diplomatic relations with Franco
Amid considerable confusion, the
council finally adjourned subject to
the call of UN Secretary-General
Trygve Lie. Under new rules adopted
only today, that call must come with-
in the next 14 days, but it was con-
sidered likely the council would
meet next on some day next week.
Check Against
Is Suggested
The United Nations will have to
relieve the conditions of poverty and
discontent existing in Europe and
Asia if we wish to check the spread
of Communism in countries outside
the zone of Russian occupation, Prof.
Andrev Lobanov-Rostovsky of the
History Department declared rlast
night at the annual banquet of the
University of Michigan Club of Ann

It is quite possible, he said, that
the Russians may be using the Com-
munism "bogey" merely as an in-
strument in their international pol-
icies. He pointed out that whenever
relations between Russia and the
Western nations are deteriorating,
there are frequent outbreaks of Com-
munism throughout the world which
subside as soon as friendly relations
have been restored.
Russia probably does not have any
imperialistic aims outside her own
recognized sphere of influence, Prof.
Lobanov-Rostovsky said. The fact
that Russia is not now pressing her
claims on Tripolitania and Eritrea,
he said, may indicate that she is
withholding those claims as a trump
card in order to gain other lesser
Prof. Lobanov-Rostovsky took is-
sue with Winston Churchill's Fulton
statement that Russia was reverting
to the militant Communism of 1917,
declaring that, in his opinion, Russia
was entering upon another and more
advanced stage of development.
While ther e ha en hn n ap ;



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