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April 09, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-09

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* Nothing About Student Gov't.

Status Quo Kid
WITH THE WORLD PICTURE none too bright
and the Mexican League stealing 100 per
cent American ballplayers, there are people in
this University worried about the preservation
or rejuvenation of our interest rate.
An unmoved defender of an immutable class-
ical theory was heard to say in class a couple of
days ago, How long can we stand by watching
the execution of our economic laws?"
OK, Mr. Bones, we'll bite, how long?
Matter of Terminology
THE FOLLOWING is an excerpt from a letter
we received recently from a friend who at-
tends a large eastern university.
"They call this place an institution of high-
er learning. Now that the government sends
nearly everybody to school free, I'm beginning
to see what they mean. Of course if they meant
Higher Learning, the university's. answer to
more students would be higher entrance re-
quirements. But this is an Institution. You've
guessed it-they raised the tuition."
Ickes Back In Form
WE THOUGHT that Harold Ickes, the Old
Curmudgeon, had lost his bite-until we
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
~oe - ~_.. _ ---- _ _

read his column yesterday.
In the first installment rast week, the man
who would rather be honest than Secretary of
the Interior introduced himself to his reading
public in unusually (for him) mild langugae.
Said Harold: I will tell the truth, I will not pull
my punches. I alone will be accountable for what
I say.
He hadn't mastered the typewriter yet.
But yesterday, the man who chopped down Big
Ed Pauley, dropped his polite patter and laced
into John L. Lewis in style reminiscent of his
periodic lectures to reporters at Interior Depart-
ment press conferences.
Said Harold: "John L. Lewis started his career
in the mines by beating a mule over the real)
end Lewis has swaggered down the street
of our economy trying to persuade the public that
he is not the undesirable citizen that he is ...
someone should pluck Lewis' eyebrows."
Just like old times. ,
"Would-Be Capitalists' Ball'
who occasionally wander in from the Bus.
Ad. school with items of little or no conse-
quence. They're always worrying about the na-
tional economy or the health of J. P. Morgan.
Today one of these leisure-ridden individuals
strolled in and informed us that the Bus Ad
School was tired of its social back seat; that
they were on their way to what will be known
as the Capitalists' Ball. With a wry grin our
would-be capitalist friend adjusted the patch
on the kmne of his pants and sauntered out to
buy a ticket with his tomorrow's lunch money.
(All items in this column are contributed by the
editorial staff and edited by the Editorial Director.)

Re Student Government

THE BACKERS of Council-Forum and Con-
gress-Cabinet finally came across last night
and told prospective voters what student govern-
ment can accomplish on this campus.
A student cooperative book exchange; ad-
vice to the faculty on curricular problems;
sponsorship of marriage lectures, scholarship
funds, foreign student relief and charity drives;
reforms in heating, housing and lighting-.
were the problems and projects which the
speakers said a student government can and
should assume.
This was their answer to the question: Is there
a NEED for student government?
It is the platform on which student govern-
ment must stand for election or rejection today
and tomorrow.
It is unfortunate that there was not more dis-
cussion of this type prior to the election. The
whole student government campaign has been
clouded by the debate on the two competing
T HE COUNCIL-FORUM PLAN for student go-
vernment is undemocratic for three reasons:
1) The simple ballot method of electing nine
Councilmen excludes minority groups. 2) The
provision requiring Councilmen to have served
for two semesters in executive positions in re-
cognized organizations, or in the student govern-
ment itself, eliminates veterans, transfer stu-
dents, and, to a large extent, underclassmen.
This provision, together with the small size of the
Council, practically guarantees that the authori-
tative body of the Council-Forum government
would consist of the nine best-known BMOC's,
rather than true representatives of different seg-
ments of the campus. 3) Worst of all, the Council
itself nominates all of its own successors. Any
student may petition to have his name appear on
the ballot, but no one can Tun for the student
government except the 29 candidates selected
by the Council,
The Council-Forum type of government is
unstable because continuity is broken once
every year, when the entire Council is open for
election. Under the Congress-Cabinet plan,
on the other hand, the elections are alternat-
ed, with half of the Congress elected at a
time, each semester. This insures a gradual
and continuous change of the Congress in
response to shifting student opinion; yet there
is always a sizeable nucleus to carry over be-
tween semesters.
CONGRESS-CABINET offers a stable, demo-
cratic structure as the foundation for a genu-
ine student government. This plan combines a
large representative congress, elected democrati-
cally by proportional representation, with a small
executive Cabinet for efficiency. Voters select
those candidates for Congress who are best able
to represent their interests and opinions. From
the selected representatives, Congress itself se-
lects those whose personal abilities best qualify
them for specific executive posts. The Cabinet
is the executive body only; and its sole function
is to make effective the policy-forming decisions
of the Congress. The large representative Con-
gress retains control over its executive officers,
and can remove them at any time. This acts as
a check upon the power of the 7-man Cabinet,
and at the same time centralizes authority in the
more widely representative body.

N THE PAST WEEK, two panel discussions and
a rally have been held so that the Council-
Forum bloc and the Congress-Cabinet bloc could
present their rival utopian schemes. One panel
drew a crowd of 25, the other was called off for
a lack of any "crowd" at all and last night's
rally in Hill Auditorium attracted 500 persons.
We have maintained that student government
would have'to be "sold" to the campus and that
the only successful sales talk would be one which
would convince the individual student that stu-
dent government could advance his interests.
We are not impressed that two constitutions
are at stake in the election which will be held
today and tomorrow. We are more concerned
with the survival of student government itself.
At least 3,000 votes must be cast in the election,
or student government will become a dead is-
We wonder if the concrete program which was
presented at Hill Auditorium last night came too
-Clayton Dickey
Paul Harsha
A LOOK AROUND a large lecture class is suf-
ficient proof that 14,000 students cannot
know each other.
It is with this in mind that we judge the Coun-
cil-Forum plan for student government more
democratic and more likely to insure efficiency
than the Congress-Cabinet plan.
The Council-Forum Constitution, in the
first place, calls for a short ballot. The voter
must make a selection for only nine offices-
eight council members and a president. No
more than 24 candidates for the council and
five for the presidency would appear on the
ballot. This number, while large, is not un-
wieldy. It is entirely conceivable that the vot-
er could become acquainted with the qualifi-
cations of each; and The Daily would be able
to publish sufficiently complete statements
from each candidate.
FURTHER AIDS to the voter are the provisions
that each candidate shall have had exper-
ience in some campus organization or in the
committees of the student government itself;
and that he submit a petition to the incumbent
council. In practice this would mean that every
candidate on the ballot had proved his interest
and competence in extracurricular activities;
made himself known to a large segment of the
student body, and passed the additional test of
recommendation by a council cognizant of the
tasks he will be called upon to perform if elect-
The Council-Forum plan further recommends
itself in the workability of its small governing
body in contrast with the inefficiency of a large
one. Concentration of responsibility would per,-
mit prompt, decisive action impossible in the
unwieldy body of 35 envisaged by the Congress-
Cabinet plan.
The success of any student government is
primarily dependent upon the ability and organ-
ization of its personnel. We are convinced that
the Council-Forum constitution insures accom-
plishment of the ends for which it was designed
by putting interested, capable and responsible
candidates before the voter in a comprehensible
-Ann Kutz

oetleri to 1I/e &cilor
Wail From The as bal
To the Editor:
I read your editorial "Veterans' Night Club
Troubles" with very great interest. As co-chair-
man of what now appears to be the defunct Cam-
pus Casbah, I wish to correct what seemed to
me to be an oversight and an inustice to our
organization, by your editorial writer.
Your editorial stated "the committee made
arrangements for small tables, auditioned bands
and entertainers, hired personnel, planned de-
corations, and advertised. They cannot open
this nightclub, so badly needed on this campus,
because there is no place to hold it."
Yes, we made all these arrangements, but
not BEFORE we learned that the League
wouldn't be available to us as your editorial
implies, but AFTER we had been promised
the use of the League Ballroom every Friday
and Saturday evening for the rest of the se-
We planned and worked and organized until
we thought we had everything ironed out. We
had just completed rounding up our talent, re-
arranging the ballroom to suit our needs, and
we even released our publicity. Some of the De-
troit newspapers promised to come down and
look over the possibilities of photographs. We
had our band all picked out, and we were all
set to open when the bombshell came. We learn-
ed quite by accident that somewhere along the
line some one in the League had made the grave
error of making committments to individual or-
ganzations, while promising the use of the ball-
room to us at the same time.
The individual organizations involved, signel
up for the use of the Ballrom, while our organ-
ization took the verbal and usually reliable word
of a University connected source. Neither the i-
dividual organizations, or our organization, which
was a joint venture of the League Board (repre-
senting women on campus) and the Veterans
Organization, has signed a contract, because the
League very seldom does this in leasing the use
of the Ballroom. Therefore neither side has the
legal legs to stand on. However the League has
decided in favor of the individual organizations
as against us by this line of reasoning, "There
are many organizations involved and we don't
want to create any ill-feeling."
Evidently the League forgets that the vet-
erans organization represents 6;000 vets on
campus and that the League Board represents
ALL the women on the campus. They also for-
get that the night club which we planned in-
vited ALL the men on the campus to attend it.
Isn't it afraid that it may attract ill-feeling
from that source, or does it just count on the
quantity of the organizations involved, rather
than the number of people represented.?
We have no quarrel with the individual organi-
zations involved, for they made their engage-
ments without the knowledge of our organiza-
tion's existence.
I appeal to the University to find another place
such as the Rackham Ballroom or one of the
smaller gymnasiums to hold the dances of the
organizations involved, and I appeal to the so-
cial chairman of these organizations to cooper-
ate with us. I'm sure that a place can be found
to accommodate your individual dances and that
the sacrifice you make now, will pay off divi-
ends when you take your dates to the Campus
Casbah, and enjoy many evenings there
Hoping that a satisfactory solution can be
found, I remain,
Max B. Kogen
Current Movies
At the State ...
"A WALK IN THE SUN," featuring Dana An-
drews and Richard Conte, pictures a small
incident in a big war. The story relates the hap-
penings of a group of soldiers during one day

of battle. Directed and produced by Lewis Mile-
stone, this is not another run of the mill war
picture. It has a certain honesty and simplicity
of style that similar films in the past have gen-
erally lacked. Standard heroics and eloquent
statements are reduced to a minimum, and not
once does a figure loom on the screen to bellow
triumphantly, "This is it!" Both Andrews and
Conte contribute fine performances in their
respective roles. Not a great picture, "A Walk
in the Sun" is a sincere attempt to tell a story-
of war and as such ranks as good entertainment.
At the Michigan.. .
with Cornel Wilde, Anita Louise, and most
of the extras on the Columbia lot, is Hollywood's
third, and let's hope the last, attempt to drama-
tize Robin Hood and his merry men. This ime
it's the story of Robin's son and how he restored
democracy to thirteenth century England. This
noble task is accomplished after much swashing
and buckling by Cornel Wilde, who plays the
part of the young Hood. Miss Louise is very de-
corative but not much else. The picture might
have slightly improved if the cast had not taken
everything so seriously. As it was, the greatest
crime of "The Bandit of Sherwood Forest" was
ever leaving the cutting room floor.
-Hap Eaton

(EDITORS NOTE: The following are
excerpts from letters discussing student
government. They cannot be printed in
f"ill because of limitations on space.)
'We're Firmly Convinced'
To The Editor:
.. There are four major differences
between the two constitutions under
consideration. The Cabinet-Congress
form calls for a large body (36 or
more) to be elected by the students.
The Council-Forum type provides for
a governing body of nine persons,
which can represent the student body
as adequately as a large group, and
can govern more efficiently. Further-
more, the members of the small gov-
erning body can better be held re-
sponsible for their actions than can
members of a large group.
ThenCabinet-Congress plan stipu -
lates no qualification for candidates
for student officers, while under the
Council-Forum plan the requisite of
experience in a position of responsi-
bility assures that the government
won't collapse through inexperienced
-Lyman H. Legters, Bill
MlacGowan, John HIor-
eth, Russell Scovill, Bob
Shafer, Carl Hemmer
and Robert Carneiro
More Democracy . .
The same people who scream
"democracy", who form committees
for liberal something or other, who
proclaim the campus "a labora-
tory for democracy", these same
people do not provide an alterna-
tive to the new types of istudent
government on the ballot. Less com-
mittees and more democracy,
Even if I believed that a new type
of student government would be
desirable, I would vote against it
because of the way it is being bull-
dozed through.
-Fay Ajzenberg, '46E
Mathenmaticael Approach
Today we are being given an un-
democratic choice between two forms
of a new student government. Al-
though the leaders of the movement
loudly praise the ideals and privil-
eges of democracy, they refuse to
provide a space on the ballot for a
vote to reject both constitutions.
Certainly if there had been only one
plan evolved and promulgated, we
would be allowed to vote for or
against it in a positive manner. Why
is it different in the case of two?-...
The rules say that if a total of
3,000 or less than % of the campus
population votes for one or the other
plans, the non-voting will be com-
mitted to the preference of the ma-
jority of those 3,000. This means that
1,501 votes could foist one of
the plans on a group of roughly 9
times that many eligible voters.
Therefore my proposal is that any-
one who rejects both plans for some
reason of his own should exercise
this privilege of indicating it briefly
on some blank part of the ballot
(one or two words, e.g., "reject both",
or "accept neither.").
-Jean Smolak, '47
The Man's Neutral! .. .
"Recently I attended an open-pan-
el discussion at which both perpe-
trators of these governmental forms
attempted to present convincing ar-
guments as to why their form should
be accepted. The meeting progressed
with a good deal of oratory and dis-
unity reared its ugly head once more.
Such disunity among these creditable
students who have taken the initia-
tive to set up a workable student go-
vernment can only mean its down-

f all in the end.
So I walked out almost as neutral
as I had walked in. I do have a few
questions to ask. Congress-Cabinet,
your plan is certainly very democra-
tic in its intentions but how is stu-
dent opinion to be reflected through
so many congress-men-at-large. Are
you planning to have sug-
gestion boxes placed throughout the
campus in which the student can put
his gripe, problem, or opinion? Or
are you going to run a "Mr. Anthony"
Council-Forum, what opinions will
your group give? The Union's, the
League's, the IFC's, and those of the
thirty-five other so-called recognized
student organizations? I am of the
opinion that the groups go directly
to the university now with their prob-
lems. So why create this middleman?
Why duplicate something that is al-
ready in existence? Your nine mar
council would be nothing more thar
glorified messenger boys in liasor
with the university to take up group
problems and not the problems o
the student body as a wholp. Let the
Union Council formulate its policies;
let IFC decide what its program is,
Are you listening or are you indif-
-Bill Carlson


Pubileation in the Daily Official Bul.
ietin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 109
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
Wednesday, April 10, from 4 to 6
Group Hospilatization and Surgical
During the period from April 1
through April 10, the University
Business Office (Room 9, University
Hall) will accept new applications,
as well as requests for changes in
contracts now in effect, from all
University employees. These new ap-
plications and changes will become
effective May 5, with the first pay-
roll deduction on April 30.
Graduate Students expecting de-
grees at the June Commencement
must have their diploma applications
in the Graduate School office no later
than April 15.
Doctoral Students expecting de-
grees this term are requested to file
the titles of their dissertations with
the Recorder.
L.S .&A. Freshman Five--week Pro-
gress Reports will be given out in
the Academic Counselors' Office, 108
Mason Hall, in the following order:
Wednesday 1:30-4:00 S through Z.
Thursday, 9:00-12:00, 1:30-4:00 L
through R.
Friday, 9:00-12:00, 1:30-4:00 F
through K.
Saturday, 9:00-12:00 A through E.

teaching positions for next year on
Tuesday, April 9, at 4:15 in 205
Mason Hall. Dean J. B. Edmonson
will take part in the discussion.
week April 8-14, for veterans and
their wives:
Monday, April 8. "Child Care,"
Mrs. Agnes Stahley, Instructor in
Public Health Nursing. 2:00 p.m. and
8:00 p.m., Auditorium, West Lodge.
Tuesday, April 9. Lecture Series.
Mr. Wesley Maurer, Department of
Journalism will discuss Henry A.
Wallace's Sixty Million Jobs. 2:00
p.m., Conference Room, West Lodge.
Wednesday, April 10. Bridge. 2:00
p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Club Room, West
Thursday, April 11, "Home Plan-
ning." Miss Catherine B. Heller, As-
sistant Professor of Design in the
College of Architecture. 2:00# p.m.,
Club Room, West Lodge.
Friday, April 12. Leadership: How
to be a Club Leader. Dr. Fred G.
Stevenson, Extension Service staff.
2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Conference
Room, West Lodge.
Friday, April 12. Dancing Class for
beginners (couples). 7:00-8:00 p.m
Advanced (couples), 8:00-9:00 p.m.,
Auditorium, West Lodge.
Saturday, April 13. Open House
(dancing). 8:00-12:00 p.m., Auditor-
ium, West Lodge.
Sunday, April 14, Classical Music.
Mr. Weldon Wilson will present a
well-balanced record concert, includ-
ing requests. 3:00-5:00 p.m., Office,
West Lodge.
Sunday, April 14. Vespers. Rev. C.
H. Loucks of the Protestant Directors
Association will conduct a non-de-
nominational service. 4:00-5:00 p.m.,
Conference Room, West Lodge.
Sunday, April 14. Football Movie:
University of Michigan vs. Great
Lakes: commentary by Robert 0.
Morgan, Assistant General Secretary
of the Alumni Association. 7:30-8:30
p.m., Auditorium, West Lodge.

Students, Spring Term, College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts: Lectures
Courses dropped after Saturday, Ap-
ril 20, by students other than fresh- The second lecture in the series on
men will be recorded with the grade Marriage Relations will be given in
of "E". Exceptions to these regula- the Rackham Lecture Hall, 8:15 to-
tions may be made only because of night. Tickets and identification are
extraordinary circumstances, such as necessary for admission.
serious ilness. --
--French Lecture: Miss Helen Hall,
Applications for Combined Curric- Curator of the Institute of Fine Arts,
ula: Application for admission' to a will offer the fifth French lecture on
combined curriculum must be made the series sponsored by the Cercle
before April 20 of the final preprofes- Francais, on Thursday, April 11, at
sional year. Application forms may 4:10 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memor-
be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and ial Hall. Hey lecture, which will be
should be filed with the Secretary of illustrated with slides, is entitled:
the Committee at that office. "Artistes Francais en Amerique".

Identification Pictures are now
available in the booth outside of
Room 2, University Hall, for stu-,
dents who had pictures taken during
Spring Term registration or since.
Elizabeth Sargent Lee Medical His-
tory Prize
Established in 1939 by bequest of
Professor Alfred O. Lee, a member of
the faculty of the University from
1908 until his death in 1938. The in-
come from the bequest is to be
awarded annually to a junior or sen-
ior premedical student in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts
for writing the best essay on some
topic concerning the history of medi-
cine. Freshmen in the Medical
School who are on the Combined
Curriculum in Letters and Medicine
are eligible to compete in the contest.
The following committee has been
appointed to judge the contest: As-
sistant Professor John Arthos, Chair-
man, Professor Adam A. Christman,
and Assistant Professor Frederick H.
The Committee has announced the
following topics for the contest:
1. History of a Medical Unit
2. Medical-Aid Man
3. Medicine in Industry
4. Tropical Medicine
Prospective contestants may con-
sult committee members, by appoint-
(1) A first prize of $50 and a second
prize of $25 are being offered, (2)
manuscripts should be 3,000 to 5,000
words in length, (3) the manuscripts
should be typed, double spaced, on
one side of the paper only, (4) con-
testants must submit two copies of
their manuscripts, and (5) all manu-
scripts should be handed in at Room
1 1220 Angell Hall by May 31.
Teaching Positions: An important
meeting of all people interested in

Academic Notices
English 1, section 24 (Wolfson) will
meet in 2016 Angell Hall starting
Friday, April 12.
English 2, section 47 (Rayment)
will meet in 1009 Angell Hall starting
Friday, April 12.
English 1, section 3 (Stimson) will
meet in 2054 Natural Science Bldg.
starting Saturday, April 13.
English 2, section 49 (Hayden) will
meet in 1018 Angell Hall starting
Saturday, April 13.
Seminar in physical chemjstry will
meet on Thursday, April 11 in Room
410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m.
Miss Beth Cook will speak on "Reac-
tivity and electronic structure of
organo-silicon compounds." All in-
terested are invited.
Seminar in applied mathematics
and special functions: At the meeting
at 3:00 p.m. today in 312 West Engin-
ing, Professor R. C. F. Bartels will
talk on Conical Flow of Gases. All
interested are welcome.
Analytic Functions Seminar: 3:00
p.m. Wednesday, April 10, Rm. 3201
Angell Hall. Professor Kaplan will
speak on Applications of Lindelof's
Veterans' Tutorial Program
The following changes have been
Made in the schedule:
English Composition - Tuesday,
Thursday 4:00-5:00 p.m. 2235 Angell
Hall. (Beginning)
English Composition - Tuesday,
Thursday 4:00-5:00 p.m. 3216 Angell
Hall; Friday 5:00-6:00 p.m. 3216 An-
gell Hall. (Advanced)
Spanish (31) (32)-Monday, Tues-
day 4:00-5:00 p.m. 408 Romance
L ~(Continuied oan Page 6)

Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor
Hale Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Editor
Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Pat Cameron . . . . . . . ... . . Associate Editor
Clark Baker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
Des Howarth . . . . . . . . . . . .Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes. .... , . . . . Associate Women's Editor


f-You'd better hurry. The
lecture starts at eight

The one my Fairy Godfather is
giving. At the Shultzes. You

Come in, Mrs. Shultz. But
weren't you expecting US?

By Crockett Johnson
We must depart atfonce, m'boy. The
social amenities demand that your

! I

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