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April 09, 1946 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-09

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Track Meet

Will Be Staged

Fi sher' Pleased with Pitching
In Saturday's Practice Game
Wise, Bowman, Block Stand Out On Mou iid,
Allow Only One Scratch Hit In Six lnnings'

Pitching stood out as the strong-
est point of the 1946 Michigan base-
ball team in the' initial outing of the
season which saw the Wolverines
come out on the long end of a 9-4
score against an' amateur Pepsi Cola
nine from Detroit.
Commenting on the performance of
his mound staff Coach Ray Fisher
said, "I am especially pleased with
the three men who shut out the
Pepsi Cola team while the" were on
the mound."
On the over-all picture of his club,
Fisher stated, "We were a little rag-
ged in spots, but the boys are cap-
able of a lot of imnprovement before
too long."
Newcomer Stars
The three pitchers who rated the
praise of their coach were lettermen
Cliff Wise, Bliss Bowman and new-
comer Earl Block. Wise worked the
first two stanzas, being touched for
one scratch single, the only base run-
ner during his two inning stint.
Bowman came to the hill in the
sixth inning with the bases loaded
and one out and forced the first two
men he faced to pop up. In the
seventh inning he retired the side in
The last of five Michigan hurlers
who camedon the mound was Block,
who faced but six men. The big
right handers ruck out two, forced
three to send easy flies to the out-
field, while one man went out on an
easy bounder to shortstop.
Curves Breaking Too Far
The other two Michigan hurlers
failed to live up to expectations. Both
Dick Bodycombe and "Pro" Boim had
trouble finding the plate with their
curve balls which were breaking too
far. In the fifth inning Boim, after
fanning the first man to face him,
lost his control and gave up one
run. He forced another run in on
a walk before being removed from
the game in the sixth.
"We got 10 hits, which is just
about as many as we can ever expect
in a game," were the words Fisher
used to describe the batting power
of his charges.
Elmer Swanson was the batting
star of the game with a home run
and two singles out of four times at
bat. The home run blow came with
none out in the second inning, a l9ng
clout into center field which bounced
into the tennis courts. The Michigan
backstop's other two safeties were a
bunt single and a hit through third
Robinson Connects Twice
Don Robinson's two hits were the
second best performance by the Wol-
verines. Bob Nussbaumer, Walt Kell,

Jack Weisenberger, Dom Tomasi, and
Bob Chappius also connected for a
single safety apiece for a total of
10 hits.
Defensively, Robinson was the star
for the Michigan nine. He made five
plays from the shortstop position
without error. Jack Tallet on first,
Tomasi on second, and Kell on third

DOM TOMASI, second baseman,
connected for one of team's 10 hits
in Satirday's game.
vere each charged with an error. The
Michigan outfield of Nussbaumer,
Weisenberger, and Chappius per-
formed creditably in the uter gar-
den, although they didn't appear to
be completely sure of themselves in
judging fly balls.
Bahlow, Tallet Both Play
Ed Bahlow and Tallet both looked
impressive on first, while the rest of
the infield remained intact through-
out the nine innings of play. Swan-
son looked good behind the plate,
making two perfect throws to catch
men stealing.
The only defensive mistake made
by the Maize and Blue was in the
top of the sixth when with one out
the visitors successfully pulled a
double steal. Swanson threw wide to f
Tomasi whose throw back to the
plate was too late to catch the run-
ner streaking across the plate stand-
ing up.
Oen, yChanges Mied
At Mexican Border
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., April 8-(')
-1~ilrv nirn R nlrlv otohr

Major Leagues
Unload Ex-G's
After 30 Days
Many Vets Dropped
As Trial Period Ends
NEW YORK, April 8-(/P)-Over-
looked in the hullabaloo about the
Mexican League is the orderly pro-
cedure by which the Major Leagues
have unloaded almost 100 ex-GI's
since spring training started.
It's about half and half between
the outright releases and the options
to the minors with three of the ath-
letes making other big-time connec-
tions. One other, Murray Franklin
of Detroit, chose the Mexican loop.
Dean Out of the Circuit
Most of the big name athletes who
went marching off to war remain on
on the Big League lists but such fa-
miliar box score figures as Chubby
Dean, Rip Radcliff and Bruce Camp-
bell are among the missing.
Brooklyn couldn't get waiver on
shortstop Claude Corbitt so Cincinn-
ati picked up a talented infielder for
the $7,500 waiver price. It was the
same story with the Reds when they
tried to get infielder Van Harrington
out of the big show. The Chicago
White Sox were interested and took
a chance for $7,500.
Long Waiver Lists
It would be most interesting to see
the waiver lists that have been pass-
ing through Commissioner A. B.
(Happy) Chandler's office for the
past month or ever since the ex-GIs'
30-day trial period ran out. There is
no question but that the lists have
been the longest in the history of the
Ever since the Hank Borowy deal
of last year, when the New York
Yankee ace was "mysteriously"
waived out of the American League
and sold to Chicago, club owners have
been scanning the lists with vigil-
ance. Even so, a sleeper gets through
now and then.
Moore Stays With Tigers
The old game of withdrawing wai-
vers when some club shows interest
in the player has been pulled in many
instances. A good example is the Anse
Moore case. Detroit wanted to shunt
the 28-year-old southern to Buffalo
but the Chicago White Sox wouldn't
let him go. As a result the Tigers
withdrew his name and announced
Moore would remain on Steve
O'Neill's roster.
Benny McCoy probably is the out-
standing ex-serviceman who drew
an outright release. Connie Mack
paid Benny $45,000 for signing with
Philadelphia in 1940 after the late
Commissioner K. M. Landis declared
him a free agent. McCoy has been in
the Navy since 1941 and failed to
make the grade as Mack's second
sacker at the West Palm Beach, Fla.,
training base. He has hooked on with
Detroit, his old team, on a trial basis.
Islanders Pace
National AAU
Boxin Tomuney
IOSTON, April 8-01)-Splashed
with all its pre-war class and color,
the 58th National AAU Boxing
Championship Tournament, with a
field of 180 from all parts of the
country, opened at breakneck speed
today by rushing through more than
six hours.
Much of the tourney's sparkle was
supplied by the 12-man Hawaii team,
back in this three-day competition
for the first time since 1940. During

the early stages, eight of the Island-
ers went into action and four return-
ed victors.
One of the most impressive of the
lei-draped glovesmen was Tsuneshi
Naruo, be-medaled member of the
442nd Japanese-American Battalion
of Italian campaign fame, who
launched a determined bid for the
118-pound class honors with a clear-
cut decision over Herb Patzer of
Portland, Ore., in his opening trial
Other bantamweights who drew
the undivided attention of ringsiders
were Keith Hamilton of New Orleans,
last year's national 112-pound titlist,
and Charlie Pebeahsy, the full-blood-
ed Oklahoma City Indiandwho was
runnerup in the 118-pound division
two years ago.

WE'VE HEARD a lot about "Pro" Boim but the following interview
contributed by Harv Frank, former Daily Sports Editor, provides a
neat character study of the Wolverine pitcher.
"Hearing that Irv 'Pro' Boim had returned from the wars to resume
a fantastic baseball career at Michigan, we took the trek down to Ferry
Field the other day to get some information on the several jointed pitcher,
"After dodging a barrage of batted and thrown balls, we found
Bamin over by the dugout, patiently teaching a grp of 'lemcntaryv
school lads to cheer 'We want Pro' in unison.
"'How's the flipper?" we asked by way of gret in::.
"'I'll really slug that ball this year.' repled the m110nitet Lt im, giviug
the younger lads the beat for a new cheer. 'I'm in top shape.'
" 'Yeh, but how's the pitching arm?' we persevered. 'Is the curve breaking?'
"I'll blast that apple at least at a .450 clip,' he exclaimed enthusi-
astically ever the yells of the little lads. 'I pity those opposing pitchers'.
"'But your pitching, Pro . . . ' we began again.
" 'Ya know what my trouble was,' he continued, ignoring our inquiries,
'I was putting my foot in the bucket when I started my swing, but now
Ive got things ironed out. I point that left foot at the pitcher and then.
whamo, I'm standin' on second dusting myself off. Wouldn't be surprised
if I hit .500 even. I'll probably connect for quite a few long drives, too. Say,
what is the record for homers in a season here?'
"'Have you still got the old control?' we started anew.
"'Why I wouldn't be too astounded if Fisher switched me to the
outfield to take advantage of my power,' he went on merrily, picking
up a bat and sighting along it to see if it was warped. 'It takes hits
and runs to win ball games, ya know.'
"'Speaking of hits,' we edged in to start a new assault, 'how did you
ever get the nickname of Pro?'
'Don't you remember,' he says, finally answering a question directly.
'I was the only kid in my block back home to get past the sixth grade,
and all the rest of the fellas thought I'd grow up to be a professor.'
"'Maybe I should,' he continued thoughtfully, and then added smilingly,
'but baseball pays more.'
"'How was the Navy?' we changed the subject tactfully.
"'Oh, not too bad,' he muttered, 'but they didn't have enough base-
ball teams. Oh, there's Elmer over there. Excuse me, will ya. I've got
to go over and show him how to hit a knuckler.'
"He dismissed the already hoarse youngsters and left, swinging three
P.S. Pro batted once in Saturday's practice game with Detroit Pepsi-
Cola. Result: Three passes at the atmosphere.
MICHIGAN is one of the few schools in the country which has been
able to combine high scholastic standards and top-flight athletic teams.
Chicago, for one, had to yield its position in sports.
But recent changes in tuition requirements announced last week
by the Board of Regents may seriously cut into Maize and Blue athletic
manpower in the next few years without raising the scholastic stand-
ing. Unquestionably, the new tuition fees will discourage out-of-state
enrollment. That would appear to be the true purpose of the Regents'
Just how th new tuition will affect WulVerine athletic fortunes remains
to be seen, but it is no secret that non-resident students have contributed
a great part to Michigan's gridiron destinies. Tom Harmon, Paul Kromer,
Al Wistert, Bob Ingalls, George Ceithaml, Tom Kuzma, Milan Lazetich and
Bob Weise are just a few of Michigan's recent stars who hail from outside
the Wolverine state.
During the last, six years 179 Maic andl Blue footballers have been
awarded majior let ters. Of these only 30 or fewer than 45 percent have
come from Michigan. On last fall's Wolverine eleven only eight of 29
lettermen called Michigan their home state.
SHORTS - Illinois runner Herb McKenhys ambition is to do a :46
quarter outdoors. The present world record of :46.4 is held jointly by Ben
Eastman of Stanford and Grover Klemmer of California ... Ohio State and
Illinois lead Conference competition with a pair of Big Ten titles apiece.
The Bucks have taken basketball and swimming while the Illini hold the
indoor track and wrestling crowns.
Doe Dunagan, shortstop and Big 'Ten batting chanip in 1941. has
returned to play for Iowa this spring. Also Bob be' who hurled the
Hlawkeyes to four wins in six (onference starts . . . . Iowa and Michigan
who may battle it out for the baseball title again do not play each other
this year ' -tlie race could endi p a ti.Martin -anson, who tried out
with the Yankees last summer, is Michigan State's top shortstop.
Spring football practice at Ohio State drew 194 the first day. Iowa
aiming for the cellar again had a small group of 50 out. Bernie Bierman's
initial call lured only 97 hopefuls. But included among them were 14 Gopher
lettermen, 12 lettermen transferred from othcr schools and 27 service
footballers. Biggest name was Bill Cia rui.., quariberha (c'k of 1,we. unbeaten
1942 Gophers.

Annual Yost Fieldilouse
Events To Begin at 7:15
Victorious Teais To Net 100 Poiis Toward
Fraternity, Dormitory League (]hamiiipioniships
By DICK BURTON from participating. Rules also pro-
The honor and the glory of the hibit track shoes from being worn
campus residence halls and frater- in any of the events.
nity houses will be at stake when A few of the records which stand
their respective thinclad teams com- in the annual track meet are the
4:43.4 mile run set by Howell in 1930
Pete in the annual indoor intramnur- adte1 otpl al aeb
a1 track meet to be staged at 7:151 ,,rd the 11 foot pale vault made by
m. trackmet to be staFed at7:13 Edward in 1932. The best time set
p.m. tonight d in Yost Field House. at, an indoor intramural meet in the
Fraternity and dormitory athletic (0-yd. dash was made by Buderus
managers have been coaching their n 19:7 wl'hcn he sprinted the cinders
hopefuls for the past three weeks in at a 6:4 clip. Broad jumpers will be
preparation for the meet which con- aiming at Reason's 22' 3" leap which
stitutes another lap in the 1946 in- has stood in the annuals of intra-
tramural sports race. Tonight's tour- mural cinder meets for 16 years.
ney will net the winners a handy 100 The schedule of events follows:
points which may prove to be deci-
sive in determining both league High Jump ........... 7:15 p.m.
champions. Broad Jump .......... 7:15 p.m.
High Jump at Five Feet Shot Put .. 7:15 p.m.
Fied vets wic wllstrtat Pole Vault . 7:15 p.m.
Field events, which will start at 60 Yard Dash (Trials) . 7:30 p.m.
7:15 p.m., include the high jump, One Mile Run .........7:45 p.m.
broad jump, shot put, and pole vault. 60 Yard Dash (Finals) . 7:55 p.m.
The high jump bar will be set at five 65 Yard High Hurdles
feet to begin with while pole vaulters (Trials) ............ 8:05 p.m.
will have to clea' nine feet on their 440 Yard Dash (Finals) 8:15 p.m.
opening leap. 65 Yard High Hurdles
. At 7:30 p.m. competition on the (Finals) ............ 8:35 p.m.
cinder path will begin with the quali- 880 Yard Run (Finals),. 8:45 p.m
fying heats for the 60-yd. dash.___ _______
Other races include the mile run,
65-yd. high hurdles, 440-yd. dash,
and the 880-yd run. Qualifying heats I C Yi& iK )
will also be run off in the 65-yd. high ]
hurdles. Winners in all other races Freshm en Drill
will be determined on a time basis.
Varsity Men Ineligible In Two rS uad
The meet will be played under in-
tramural regulations and excludes
members of the varsity track team, Halfback Spiegel Stars
baseball team, golf, or tennis teams
"n 64, Cr " """~nfi

MONTREAL, April 8-(/P)-Bos-
ton's Bruins and the Montreal Can-
adiens will resume their knock down.
drag out Stanley Cup series here to-
morow with the desperate Bruins
vying for their second successive vic-
tory which they must gain if they
hope to prolong the sei'ies.
Playing at home Jat niglt, 10,,
Bruins edged Montreal, 3-2, after 15
minues of overtime but the Canad-
iens are favored to skate off with
Ghe cup tomorrow.
The Canadiens lead in the series,
3-1, but the margin of play in the
games they won wasn't that great.



Our new enlarged staff of
highly trained barbers are at
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WINNER OF 10 World's'
Fair Grand Prizes,
28 Gold Medals
and more honors for
accuracy than any
ether timepiece'.

-viey Owen, Broomlyn ca c er,
rS!! stopped a few miles short of the
seven border today and, in a last-minute
your decision, abandoned plans to play
te all in the Mexican Baseball League.
ERS "The nearer I got to Mexico, the
e more I decided I was aikmng a mis-
take," Owen said.
M O S T H 0 N 0 R E 0 W A T CH

Effective April 8, Monday, all barber shops
will open at 8:30 A.M. and close at 5:30 P.M.
All haircuts will be 85c and shaves 65c.






Box Chickene
Hamburgs (with everything!) .
Hot Dogs. *.. * **,
Bar-B-Q's (with french fries!)

Teami Maiuuger
Posts Still Openf
With the athleti: manager system
slated to get back on pre-war foot-
ing, Ernie McCoy, assistant athletic
director, has issued a call for candi-
dates for baseball and football man-
Candidates for football manager
should report to Max Kogen at Ferry
Field, between 3:30 and 5:30 p.m., any
afternoon this week. Tryouts for
baseball manager should see McCoy
at the baseball diamond between 3:30
and 5 p.m. any afternoon this week.
There will be a meeting of
Sphinx, junior men's honor so-
ciety, at 7:15 p~m. Sunday, in the
lobby of the Union, president Dun-
can Noble announcedtoday, All
members are urged to attend.

tas eball Scores
At Fort Worth, Tex.
St. Louis (N) 105 032 040-15 12 1
F. Worth 210 000 000- 3 7 3
Carrett, Donnelly (7) and Wilber,
Burmeister (6); Costello, Zachary
(4), Penso (8> and Pfister, Long (7).
At Louisville, Ky. (First Game)
t incinnati (N) 000 020 000-2 8 0
Beston (A) 100 000 02x-3 6 0
Dasso and Lakeman; Ferris and
At Louisville, Ky. (Second Game)
Cincinnati (N) 000 000 0-0 4 1
Boston (A) 001 100 x-2 7 1
Walters and Lamanno; Deutsch
and Doyle.
At Tulsa, Okla.



St. Louis (A) 000 001 000
Chicago (N) 000 000 O0x-
At Oklahoma, City, Okla.
Chicago (A) 010 003 000-
Pittsburgh (N) 001 000 000-
At Hickory. N.C.
Clecveland I(A) 4040%)000
New York (N) 120 04.
(Five Innings)
At, Savannah, Ga.
!t 6sh. (AI.) 009 000 4010-



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