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April 05, 1946 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-05

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rRTDAT, APaRTL 5, 15468


Russia's Plan


Withdraw from

Iran Accepted by ecurLy o cl1
Consideration of
Case Postponed'
Until May 6

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 4-The United
Nations Security Council, spurred by
U.S. Secretary of State James F
Byrnes, accepted today Russia's un-
conditional pledge to withdraw from
Iran and voted to defer consideration
of the Iranian case until May 6.
The Council action was taken over
the vigorous objection of Lt. Col. Wil-
liam Roy Hodgson, the Australian
delegate, ,and in the absence of the
Ruissian delegate, who walked out last
week in protest against hearing the
Iranian case.
Major Obstacle
The security body thus hurdled a
major obstacle in its development as
the world's peace agency. Delegates
tonight were frankly optimistic as
to the future effectiveness of the
Council, which has in little more than
a week weathered one of the worst
storms of its young life.
Secretary Byrnes presented 'the
resolution by which further proceed-
ings on Iran's appeal to the United
Nations for action against Russia
was held up until May 6-and chair-
man Quo "Tai-Clii voiced the hope
that developments before that date
might make unnecessary any further
consideration of the case by the
Iranian Acceptance
After the vote the Iranian envoy
expressed his government's accep-
tance of the Council action. ,.
The Council then adjourned until
next Tuesday at 3 p.m. E.S.T. During
the interval, Chairman Quo observed,
the delegates will have an opportun-
ity to study a report of its committee
of experts on rules of procedure.
0 o

left at table), chairman of the United Nations Security Council, reads replies from Russia and Iran as to status
of negotiations between the two nations. Left to right at table are Trygve Lie, secretary-general of the council,
Dr. Quo, Arkad Sobolev, assistant secretary-general, and Mahmoud Hassen Pasha of Egypt.

Malaria Can Recur With Poor Health


} --

Too little rest, poor diet, overwork,
or even a "good bender," in persons
who have once contacted malaria,
may bring about a recurrence of the
disease, in the opinions of Dr. Rich-
ard Porter and Dr. Raymond Laird of
the School of Public Health.
Among veterans on campus, many
of whom have returned from the
South Pacific, speculation has arisen
as to the extent of the recurrence of
malaria, which was one of the most
common infectious diseases encount-
ered by United States troops over-
Cure Sought
Research aimed at finding a cure,
rather than simply a control, for this
relapsing type of the disease is now
being conducted by the Department
of Tropical Diseases in the School
of Public Health.
Recurrent attacks of malaria may
be induced by a change of climate,
accompanied by low resistance in the
veteran, Dr. Porter, who is working
on the project with Dr. Laird, point-
ed out. Although many human infec-
tious agents can be studied in lower
animals, malaria research is com-
plicated by the fact that the exact
type of human malaria is present in
no other animal, he added.
Monkey Malaria
"Monkeys and birds have their own
kinds of malaria, which aren't exact-
ly similar to that-found in humans'"
Graham Speaks
To Foresters
Getting necessary soil conserva-
tion practices "going on the land" in-
volves working at first hand with
the farmer, Dr. Edward H. Graham
said yesterday before an asembly of
the School of Forestry and Conserva-
Dr. Graham, Chief of the Biological
Division of the U.S. Soil Conservation
Service, explained that a vast fund
of scientific knowledge has to be
condensed and made workable so that
farmers can put recommendations
into practice without too much ex-
pense and time.
Some 59 soil conservation prac-
tices, he said, have been worked out
and recommended, and excellent re-
sponse has come from the farmers in
the thousands of soil conservation'
districts thoughout the country.

he continued. "However, we have in-
jected these animals with the disease,
and we are now working with a type
of monkey malaria that appears, in
its effects, to act like human malaria.
We are experimenting to find the
reaction produced when we adminis-
ter drugs to attempt a cure."
During the war, a cooperative pro-
ject of testing anti-malarial drugs
was carried on at the University, un-
der government contract with the
Office of Scientific Research and
Development, the work being direct-
ed by the Board for the Coordina-
tion of Malarial Studies.
Drugs Tested
Approximately 3,000 drugs were
tested in the School of Public Health
laboratories for their effectiveness in
combatting and relieving malaria.
Turkeys and chickens were used to
test how effectively the various drugs
were in preventing the disease, and
also to determine whether these drugs
would minimize or terminate an at-I
tack of malaria. Reports of these
tests were made to a central survey
office in Baltimore.
Combined research of cooperating
(Continued from Page 4)
urday and should meet in the Outing
Club rooms in the Rackham Building
at 2:30 Sunday. Use the northwest
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall. Supper will be
served at 6:00 and the program will
follow. The Rev. Walter Brandt, pas-
tor of Trinity Lutheran Church, will
speak on "The Symbols of the
The regular Sunday morning Bible
Study Hour will be held at 9:15 in
the Association Center, 1304 Hill
Discussion Series-Current Prob-
lems in Tropical Disease Control.
First Meeting: Public Health
Auditorium, 11 a.m. Saturday, April
6. Dr. R. L. Laird will outline pres-
ent information on the use of DDT
for insect sanitation. There will be
opporuntity for discussion. All inter-
ested are invited.
P1etiot Condemned
PARIS, April 4-(P-)-Dr. Marcel
Petiot, accused "bluebeard," was
found guilty tonight and condemned
to death for the murder of 27 persons.

institutions resulted in the perfection
of SN 7618, a synthetic drug devel-
oped by the Office of Scientific Re-
search. This new drug, used exten-
sively by the Army, acts to relieve
acute attacks of malaria three times
faster than either quinine or atabrine.
None of these drugs actually cures
the disease, but instead attempts to
control it. The University research,
which is financed by a grant for sci-
entific studies from the John and
Mary Markle Fund, is now directed
at perfecting a drug which will cure
the malaria infection.,t
Farm Price
Rider Is Passed
President Opposed to
Wage Law Amendment
WASHINGTON, April 4 - (/P) -
Three weeks of administration ma-
neuvering to get a minimum wage
boost through the Senate without a
rider raising farm prices ended in
failure tonight.
In the decisive vote, farm state sen-
ators mustered a 46 to 38 count to
retain the amendment which Presi-
dent Truman had declared would ne-
cessitate a veto of the measure. It
requires that the "parity" formula on
prices of farm products be revised to
figure in the cost of farm labor.
Majority Leader Barkley of Ken-
tucky called a recess instead of go-
ing on to final action on the measure,
but all prospect of over-turning. the
farm amendment had vanished.

Ne weomb
Will Act As
Rally Head
Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the
sociology department will act as
chairman of the student government
.ally at 7:30 p.m. Monday at Hill Au-
TIe rally will climax a campus-
wide lplbhlity campaign for ,411det
government. The progranm will fe-
ture the University Ban, discussions
oi the Congress-Cabinet und Con-
nil-Forum constitutions and a satiri-
,al skit on present student-Univer-
sity relations.
Debate on the alternate student
government plans will seek to clarify
differences between the two consti-
tutions for voters in the all-campus
elections next Tuesday and Wednes-
Presenting the case for the Con-
gress-Cabinet constitution will be
Elsa Goodman and Robert. Taylor.
The Council-Fortmn will be uphel d
by Fred Mathaai and Joyce Siegan.
A budgeted time schedule will
,queeze the entire rally program into
one and one-half hours, according to
spokesmen for the joint-sponsors, the
Union and League. Main feature of
the program will be the clarification
of differences in the two constitu-
Meanwhile, radio publicity, shorter
skits in dormitories and fraternity
and sorority houses, store displays,
prominently-posted banners and
posters are emphasizing the student
government program.
Student voters next week will be
asked to select one of the constitu-
tions as the new form for student
government on campus. To insure a
fair vote, only Identification Cards
will be permitted according to the
election sponsors.
Foreign Student
Problems Will
e Considered
Several University officials will at-
tend a meeting of representatives of
150 colleges and universities for the
consideration of problems in foreign
student education in Chicago late
this month, Dr. Esson M. Gale, coun-
selor to foreign students, said yes-
Dr. Gale has just returned from a
trip to Washington, D.C. and New
York City, where he conferred with
State Department officials and re-
presentatives of international edu-
cational organizations about the un-
precedented housing and enrollment
now facing Michigan and other uni-
versities attended by foreign students.
"A very large foreign student en-
rollment all over the nation seems
probable," Dr. Gale said, "and all
the big universities are having trouble
placing them. The obvious advan-
tages of training foreign students in
the United States make all officials
reluctant to curtail the movement."
The Bloom Bill now being consid-
ered in both houses of Congress, Dr.
Gale pointed out, would broaden the
base of the government's particip.-
tion in foreign student education,
Pending the adoption of the bill, he
said, little is being done in a positive

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"The use of cobra venom in place
of morphine to kill pain was just one
of the many substitutions made in
the Philippines during the war to
, pplement medical supplies that
w-re SUice or entirely lacking," Dr.
W~tlb it. Leon from the Institute
of tlt iene al the University of the
P1 hilippiei ;ait in an interview.
1 w. de Leon, who is chief of the
laboratories of the Philippine Gen-
eral Hospital, professor of bacter-
iology and immunology, and is in
charge of the serum and vaccine
laboratories of the Philippine gov-
ernment, is one of the five men
from his country's health and med-
ical departments whom the Rocke-
feller F7undation is sending to all
Unit(d States health centers to ob-
serve nedical progress made during
thee war.
Tthee men are trying to get ideas
to incorporate in the new medica
and health structures to replace those
destiroyed during the war. They ar
also selecting the institutions t
which they will send students or staff
men for port-graduate training an
experience. Dr. de Leon visited th
University hospital last week.
He said that he had worked with
cobra venom for some years prior
to the war, but had been unable to
get people to use it. When the sup-
ply of morphine in the Philippines
gave out, people were willing to try
the venom, and found it quite suc-
cessful, he explained. "It was es-
pecially helpful to persons suffer-
ing sutch excruciating pain as ac-
companies the later stages of can-
While cobra venom has slower ac
Oon than morphine, it has a mor
prolonged effect than that drug has
Dr. de Leon explained. He pointe
out that it does not have the habi
forming effect that morphine ha.
and the dosage does not have to be
increased at intervals as morphine
dosages do. It also tends to immun
ize the patient from cobra bites.
"Since one milking of a cobra

Cobra Venom, Substitute for
Morphine, Used in Philippines

produces enough venom to kill 11
people, Dr. de Leon said, "very di-
lute solutions are used in the in-
jections. The most effective dose
has to be found for each individual
and for each type of pain. The av-
erage dilution used is one to six
thousand. This will kill pain for
three or four days,"
There were shortages of all kinds
of medical supplies in the Philippines
during the war, Dr. de Leon said.
"Sharks liver was used in place of
cod liver oil, and agar-agar was pre-
pared from sea weed. One aspirin
tablet cost $35.00 and one sulfathia-
zole tablet cost $75.00. Now that ship-
ping has been resumed, however, the
Philippines are receiving plenty of
food and drugs."
Labor Relationts
eTo Be debated
Open discussion and debate will
d be featured in the all-day Intercol-
e legiate Parliamentary Session on La-
bor Relations tomorrow in Rackham
University students and delegates
from Michigan colleges will discuss
labor-management relations follow-
ing speeches made by August Scholle,
regional director of the CIO in De-
troit, and W. J. Grede, president of
the Wisconsin Manufacturers Associ-
ationand a director of the National
Manufacturers Association.
r. r


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