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April 05, 1946 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-05

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Nurses Will Hold Benefit Carnival Ted Weems
For Ravaged French Nursing SchoolTo Play at Ball

_ ___

Coeds Urged To Learn, Observe
All University House Regulations

Slide Rule, Model Engine Arch

A Benefit Carnival, sponsored by
the student nurses of the School of
Nursing, will be presented for the en-
tire campus from 7:30 p.m. to mid-
night, Friday, April 12, at Couzens
The Carnival will feature dancing
to records, refreshments, penny
Petitions Are
Due Tomorrow,
Junior Candidates for League
Positions Must Sign by Noon
Petitions for junior League and
Women's Judiciary positions and for
the 1946-47 Junior Girls' Play must
be turned in by noon tomorrow to the'
judiciary petition box in the Un-
dergraduate office of the League.
Each petition should include de-
tailed plans for the office which the
candidate is seeking, and should in-
dicate a thorough knowledge of the
duties required. The petitioner should'
include her original ideas for the
Every woman who will be of junior,
standing next fall and who has an
eligibility card is eligible for all po-
sitions now open. Ruthann Bales,
judiciary chairman, has urged all
women who can fulfill these require-
ments to petition.r
There are three positions open on
judiciary council, and each womant
petitioning for these must submit thes
name of a housemother and an up-
perclassman .as references. Women
wishing to petition for more than onef
post are asked to list the positions
in order of preference on the front of
the petition, and to list specific ideas
for each job.t
Constructive criticisms of this
year's work is desired, Miss Bales
said, and should also be included in,
the petition. Women should sign fort
interviews when they hand in theird
petitions. Interviewing will be heldC
from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Monday,F
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.
JGP positions open include generalC
chairman, assistant chairman, di-a
rector, secretary-treasurer, stage-i
manager, composer lyric writer,A
choral director, dance, tickets, cos-%
tumes, scenery, properties, make-up,v
publicity, ushering, and programs. s
League positions are: assistant to n
the secretary, orientation central %
committee, merit-tutorial committee,
personnel aides, social committee, e
drives assistants, and publicity com- \

pitching, a wishing well, side-shows,
fortune telling, and portrait paint-
ing. Tickets will be sold at the door
and the nominal charge will be used
for charity. Door prizes will be
Money Will Go To French Hospital
The Carnival is being given in re-
sponse to the French nurses' plea to
rebuild their hospital and school in
Bordeaux, France, which was taken
over by the Germans during the war.
The Florence Nightingale School of
Nursing suffered particular devasta-
tion when the Germans found it was
the Memorial of the American Nurses,
sponsored by the American Nurses'
Association long before World War
II. Mattresses, sheets, beds, pillow-
caves, and all other essential equip-
ment was confiscated. All of the
ground floor of the school was rav-
aged and rendered useless.
When the French finally retook
the hospital after the German arm-
ies had left, general disorder pre-
vailed, but within fifteen days after
the evacuation, requests for admis-
sion to the school began to come in
again. The memorial, though weak
and disorganized was still alive.
Supplies Are Sent Regularly
Here in the United States. Nursing
Schools are again offering their help.
Five boxes of nurses' uniforms have,
already been sent to the school. In
New York, the Presbyterian Hospital
School of Nursing has taken over the
responsibility of reequipping the li-
brary of the Bordeaux School. New
Jersey and other states have started
to raise money to purchase other
needed equipment.
Coeds Entertain
At Percy Jones
Wounded servicemen at Percy
Jones Hospital will be entertained
today by a group of University stu-
dents, sent by the Entertainment
Committee in conjunction with the
Red Cross.
The group includes a vocal trio,
Charlotte Wood, Doris Trumpeter,
and Lorraine Judson; a pianist, Mar-
ilyn Mason; Miriam Klingman and
Mary Gilbertson who play tunes on
water glasses, and Dalisay Aldaba, a
vocalist. They will go in a Red Cross
tation wagon, spending the after-
noon entertaining in the wards, and
will return to Ann Arbor about 6 p.m.
Tryouts for those who wanted to
ntertain at Percy Jones were held
Wednesday and turned out very well,
according to Mrs. Leona P. Diekema,
who was in charge of the auditions.
ny other students, both men and
vomen, who are interested in enter-
aining at the hospital, especially
hose who play the banjo, guitar, ac-
ordian, or any other musical instru-
nent, and specialty acts should call
/Irs. Diekema at 6216.
The Senior Ball Committee will
old a meeting at 3:15 p.m. today in
he Student Offices Room at the Un-
Members of the Soph Cabaret floor-..
how may procure their pictures from
p.m. to 5 p.m. today in the lobby of
he League.



Will Decorate Union Ballroom By BETTY HAHNEMAN
A ssembly ets "Ignorance of the Unix~ersity house
The 1946 Slide Rule Ball will be rules is no excuse for any violation,
F'\11 held fronm 9 i.m. to 1 a.m. Friday. and every woman student is expected
Petitionhlfmt ae>ea ne April 12. in the Union Ballroom, with to know these rules," Ruthann Bales,
engineers and their guests dancing Judiciary Council chairman. said
All petitions for 1946-47 Assembly to the music of Ted Weems and his yesterday.
Board positions are due at noon to-,orch i . Miss Bales emphasized the rules for
morrow in the Assemibly box in the In prlcius yars: the formal dance signing in and out, and the regula-
Undergraduate Office of the League, was o en to all students on campus, tions governing special late and over-
but ti s year it is being limited to night permissions. "In signing out,
according to Helen Alpert, Assemblyiisbiglmtdt
president. enginee. Tickets can be bought each girl is expected to sign her own
from 10 a.m, to noon and from 1 to name. If however, it is impossible
Positions open to independent 3 pm. every day but Saturday 'and for her to do so, her housemother or
candidates are those of Assembly Sunday at the Engineering Arch. The house president should take care of
president; vice-president of dormi- cashier's rrecipt for the spring term the responsibility of signing her out.
tories, vice-president of league must be presented at the time of the The same regulations apply to sign-
houses, secretary-treasurer, person- purchase. ing in upon returning-each girl
nel chairman, league house activi- Dance programs will be of blue should sign herself in." Miss Bales
ties chairman and chairman of dorms iI e f continued.
.~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ,i F -l1 x1 . " ArIr b

late permissions must be approved by
the dean's office, except in case of
emergencies rising after the closing
of the office. In such a case, late per-
mission may be granted by the house-
mother. It is the responsibility of the
student to report the late permission
to the Dean's office the following
day, presenting a written note from
the house director explaining the
reason for the giving of the permis-
Permission to stay overnight on a
week-end night in Ann Arbor may be
granted by housemothers on presen-
tation of a note from the prospective
hostess including the address and
date of the visit.
Automatic late permission, extend-
ing one-half hour following the close
of the event, is granted to all stu-
dents attending certain functions,
including late University dances,
Choral Union Concerts, Oratorical
Lectures, University athletic events,
and productions presented in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Latenesses must be made up by the
student coming in early for five times
the number of minutes of lateness on
one night of the first week-end fol-
lowing the lateness. Latenesses of
more than 30 minutes are referred to
the Judiciary Council.e eere o

Navy To Hold
Focsle Fling'
The music of Klass Kuiper and his
all student orchestra willabe featured
at the "Focsle Fling,"' an informal
spring dance presented for all Naval
personnel and their guests, which will
be held from 9 p.m. to midnight, to-
day, in the League Ballroom,
The dance is being sponsored by
NROTC and V-12 units on campus
and the tickets are being distributed
through the West Quad.
Unit members will provide a half
hour of entertainment during the
intermission. Jack Iskin, as master
of ceremonies, will conduct Cie pro-
gram. During the dance a coke bar
will be open to provide refreshments
for the dancers.
There will be a ticket drawing and
door prizes will be awarded at the
dance to lucky ticket holders. Pro-
ceeds from the affair are to go into
the Navy Welfare Fund which fi-
nances Naval activities such as the
Farewell Ball and trips for the tour-
nament teams.
Decorations will carry out the nau-
tical theme with signal flags and
streamers arranged in a fountain ef-
fect to provide an artificial ceiling.
C. A. Peterson and Walter Hurt are
co-chairmen for the affair.
The name of Barbara Jo Ream was
omitted from the list of women
pledges which was published Sunday.
Miss Ream is a pledge of Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority.

activities. The respective
each position are listed on
tin board in the Assem
Room D, on the third fi
The qualifications for
with the exception of
treasurer and personnel
are senior standing next
scholarship and at least+
experience in League

duties of 1.eatx erw t"M gd :, dsidet rule on the
the bulle- cover. The center of decorations will Any woman expecting to leave the
bly Office. be a huge slide rule, as is the tradi- house Friday, Saturday, or Sunday
yoor of the tion. A model Engineering Arch will night must notify her housemother
be built over the doorway, and cari- to that effect, also leaving a record
catures of various professors will be of her address while away. She should
all offices displayed along the corridor leading then sign in again upon returning.
secretary- to the balloom. The walls will be Women wishing overnight permis-
fall, good decorated with the insignia of the en- sion for week-nights must receive per-
one year's gineering societies. mission from the Office of the Dean
es Weems' music career staited when of Women in advance, and sign out

Women who will have junior stand-
ing next year may petition for the
secretary-treasurer and personnel
All candidates must sign for an in-
terview. Interviewing times have
been scheduled for next week from
4 to 5:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday
and Friday and from 3 to 5:30 p.m.
WAA Outing Club will meet at 2
p.m. Saturday at WAB for a bike hike
to Saginaw Forest. All members are
invited to attend and other inter-
ested outsiders are also welcome.

he won a violin in a blueing company
contest. Although reluctant that he
did not vin the first prize, a pony, he
quickly learned to play his new in-
strument and formed a team with his
brother Art who was an amateur
Their first professional engage-
ment was in Pittsburgh, Pennsyl-
vania, and from then on they were
known as "The Million Dollar Twins"
although they weren't twins and cer-
tainly didn't have a million dollars.
Later Ted abandoned his violin for a
trombone, organized a band with his
brother, and began life as another
"man with a stick."

in the same manner as for week-end
overnight permission.
Late permission for Friday, Satur-
day, and Sunday night may be
granted by housemothers, but other

the Judiciary Council.
Kappa Gamma sorority.

., ~
- - .

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Sponsor Party
The Veterans' Wives' Club will
sponsor a party for all married vet-
erans attending the University and
their wives at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
the Granld Rapids room of the
A floor show at 9 p.m. will be fol-
lowed by dancing and bridge for
those who wish to play, and refresh-
ments are to be served. "Sitters" for
children of couples attending the
party may be had by calling Mrs.
Mary Bromage at the Office of the
Dean of Women.

carlye version

of the flattering

new barrel skirt . . . emphasized with
rick-rack .. . yours for any kind of
spring and summer dress-up occasion
. black with white in junior


£ ~leather
jet but
in past


,. .


... 19.95


simply have to
in this heavenly
shantung dress
its contrasting
-lace epaulets..n
r belt and cunning
ttons. Sizes 9-13
charming dresses
els and prints for
ne or miss . . .
9-15 and 10-44.

'EAS.1Y Wilkins",
Proud newcomers to our State Street Store..
fashions by this famous designer of
clothes for young juniors. Typical . . .
the bolero suit above in Mallinson rayon
crepe with a swirling skirt and a pretty
eyelet-trimmed blouse of Everfast "Sunmere".

checks by connie...
the newest spring sensation .. .
put extra zing. into your wardrobe
with neat little checkered casuals
to go merrily with all your tailored
togs .. . navy with white, brown
with beige . . . platform'd leather
soles . 4.95


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