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April 04, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-04

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Lw1 46Fuz





Housing Bill
Released for
Senate Debate
Measure Provides
Subsidies, Ceilings
WASHINGTON, April 3-(A")-The
administration's emergency housing
legislation emerged from the Senate
banking committee today carrying
two key provisions-$600,000,000 for
building material subsidies and price
ceilings on existing houses.
Both were rejected by the House
although President Truman called
the subsidies the "very heart" of a
program intended to bring about con-
struction of 2,700,000 homes in 1946
and 1947.
The Senate committee voted un-
animously to send the measure to
the Senate, but only after a Repub-
lican effort to halve the subsidy fund
was beaten down 12 to 6.
Seeks Fund Cut
Senator Capehart (Rep., Ind.), who
sought to cut the fund, said he would
renew his effort when the bill comes
up on the Senate floor, probably early
next week.
Democratic Leader Barkley of
Kentucky told reporters he intended
to call the measure up just as soon
as the pending minimum wage bill
is out of the way. He said he hoped
that would be Monday.
Close behind it will follow legisla-
tion for a long-range housing pro-
gram embracing continued federal
aid for low-rent housing and help
for cities to redevelop "blighted" and
slum areas. This is the so-called
Wagner-Ellender-Taft bill, on which
the banking committee scheduled ac-
tion tomorrow.
Capehart Loses
Capehart lost on two other at-
tempts to change the emergency
housing bill.
An 11 to 7 vote defeated a motion
to strike out a section permitting
Housing Expediter Wilson Wyatt to
guarantee a market for new types of
building materials and prefabricated
A similar vote beat an attempt to
set June 30, 1947, instead of Dec. 31,
1947, as the date when ceiling prices
on existing homes will expire.
For Senior Ball
Are Announced
The Senior Councils of the literary
and engineering schools have appoint-
ed the following seniors as Senior
Ball committee chairmen:
General chairmen: Dick Ford, lit-
erary school, George Abbott, engi-
neering school; tickets: Gloria Mc-
Elroy, Bliss Bowman, literary school,
Fay Ajzenberg, engineering school;
building: Bob Snell, engineering
school, Tom Hayes, literary school;
decorations: Cam Fisher, Pat Abel,
literary school.
Music: Bob Goldman, Jean Gaff-
ney, literary school; patrons: Virginia
Garrett, literary school; publicity:
Rita Auer, Margery Wilson, literary
school, Jim Artley, engineering
school; programs: Norma Johnson,
Bob Morrison, literary school.
Commenting on the chairmen, Pat
Barrett, president of the literary
school senior class, said, "The new
ideas and exceptional interest and
enthusiasm of the seniors interview-
ed indicate that the dance will con-
tinue as one of the University's out-
standing traditions."

DSR Strikers
To Meet Today
DETROIT, April 3-(A)-Leaders
of 5,200 AFL trolley and bus opera-
tors today scheduled a Thursday
morning mass meeting -to discuss the
possibility of ending a city-wide
transit strike.
Following a five-and-one half hour
session between international offi-
cers and leaders of Division 26, Amal-
gamated Association of Street Elec-
tric Railway and Motor Coach Em-
ployes, the 10 a.m. meeting was an-
"Undoubtedly the back to work is-
sue will be discussed," O. J. Mischo,
an international officer, told report-
ers. "I don't know whether or not
there will be a vote on it."
Mischo said the conference today
discussed the possibilities of ending
the three-day tieup which has par-
alyzed the Detroit railway system.
Jack Storey, president of Division
26, said leaders, at tomorrow's meet-
ing, will "renort nrogress nr lak of

SecondPanel on Student
Government To Be Held
Six Members To Discus Congres-Cabinet,
Council-Forum Campus Constitutions Today

Crisis I


UNO Ends As Russians

Withdrawal from Iran;

The second of two panel discus-
sions on student government will
present arguments for the Congress-
Cabinet and Council-Forum consti-
tutions at 7:30 p.m. today at the Un-
Six panel members plan to present
a more thorough discussion of the
two constitutions than will be pos-
sible at the all-campus rally at Hill
Wave Disaster
Causes Death
Of 82 persons
Toll Still Mounting
On Pacific Islands
HONOLULU, April 3-(/)-Hopes
dwindled today for the safety of 82
persons - including 50 children -
missing in the wake of Monday's
tidal wave disaster from which possi-
bly 176 persons were dead or missing
in the Pacific Ocean areas.
The recovery of the body of a four-
year-old boy on Maui Island and
finding of two more bodies previously
listed as missing on Kauai brought
the known dead toll in the islands to
82. Territorial Gov. Ingram M. Stain-
back estimated the final total might
reach 100 or 150. Twelve other per-
sons were drowned elsewhere in the
Pacific, with still others missing or
yet unaccounted for.
Pestilence Threat Eased
Meanwhile, the threat of pesti-
lence eased on the stricken island of
Hawaii, and the steady flow of foods
and clothes mitigated conditions in
the city of Hilo.
(An Associated Press dispatch
from Tahiti said Monday's triple ti-
dal wave caused damage on the north
coast of that island 2,738 miles south
of Honolulu. High waves still
whipped parts of the coast of Chile.)
The Army's mid-Pacific command
said a check showed no loss of life
among its ground troops, and the
same report was made by the Navy of
its personnel.
Every effort was being made to
rush relief supplies into Hilo. Two
LST's left Pearl Harbor today car-
rying medical supplies, blankets, food,
clothing, and water purifying chemi-
Ocean Floor Settles
The fear of new violence from the
sea ebbed as the uneasy ocean floor
off the eastern Aleutians, 2,000 miles
to the north, settled back with only
an occasional after-shock from the
tremendous seismic upheaval which
generated the tidal waves.
The territory of Hawaii turned
swiftly to the task of rehabilitating
the 4,000 or more left homeless by
the giant waves, which wrecked mil-
lions of dollars worth of property.
Technic To Be
Out Tomorrow
A survey of the problem existing
between labor unions and engineer-
ing organizations by Prof. Robert
H. Sherlock of the civil engineering
department will be featured in the
March issue ofthe Michigan Tech-
nic, to appear on campus tomorrow.
In the .article, Prof. Sherlock will
discuss the attempts of engineering
organizations to combat union pres-
sure and to secure professional rec-
ognition and exemption from join-
ing unions.
Also featured in the March issue
of the Technic, published monthly
by students of the Colloge of Engin-
eering, will be a report by Henry
Davenport, '46E, on the most mod-
ern and advanced paving methods
using asphalt materials.

Auditorium next Monday. The mod-
erator will be John Sessions, of the
English department.
Speaking for the Council-Forum
constitutions will be Wayne Saari,
Richard Roeder and Ruth Ann Bales,
The Congress-Cabinet wil be upheld
by Rona Eskin, Sheldon Selesnik,
and Terrill Whitsitts.
Short introductory talks explain-
ing each constitution will be follow-
ed by a longer informal discussion
by panel members. A final period will
be reserved for questions and opin-
ions by the audience.
The panels form part of a broad
publicity campaign designed to edu-
cate the student body on the issues
Students managing polls at the
all-campus elections next week are
asked to attend a meeting at 7:30
p.m. today in the Union.
involved in the vote for student gov-
ernment next Tuesday and Wednes-
day. Students will be asked to select
one of the two constitutions as the
new framework for student govern-
ment at the University.
Satirical skits, written by Marcia
Wellman, began yesterday at campus
fraternities, sororities and women's
dormitories, designed to illustrate the
virtues of the new student govern-
ment plan. They will be given at
meal-time today and tomorrow ac-
cording to sponsors.
Scholles, Grede
To Open Labor
Policies Debate
August Scholles, regional director
of the CIO in Detroit, and W. G.
Grede, president of the Wisconsin
Manufacturers Association and a di-
rector of the National Manufactur-
ers Association, will open the Inter-
collegiate Parliamentary Session on
Labor Relations Saturday in Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Delegates from the University de-
bate squad and Michigan colleges will
debate on the proposal of a national
labor policy by the NAM, which ap-
peared in a full-page advertisement
in the Detroit Free Press and other
newspapers February 26. The audi-
ence, particularly students, have been
asked by the debate squad publicity
chairman, Harriet Risk, to partici-
pate in the all-day session.
The NAM plan contains the fol-
lowing points: equal responsibility
for management and labor; Congres-
sional enactment of rules for bar-
gaining, free from coercion and viol-
ence; safeguards for the public
against* jurisdictional strikes; delay
of strikes until orderly means of set-
tlement are exhausted.
The general debate on the entire
proposal will be followed by an item-
by-item debate with amendment
and tentative approval or rejection,
caucuses of opponents and propo-
nents of the bill, amendment to the
proposal as a whole, including al-
ternative bills devised in caucus, and
a final vote.
Fraternity House
Presidents To Meet
Discussion of pledging procedures,
and reports concerning the coming
student government elections will
highlight a meeting of all fraternity
house presidents at 7:30 p.m. today
in the Inter-Fraternity Council of-
fice in the Union.
This meeting will replace the reg-
ularly scheduled meeting of April 10,
Fred Matthaei, president of the IC,

Civilian Production Sets Record

Truman Warns
Coal Strike Can
eelay Progress
Output Goes Up Past
All Previous Levels
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 3 - Presi-
dent Truman said today that produc-
tion for American civilians has al-
ready zoomedrto record-shattering
heights, but warned that prolonga-
tion of the coal strike would wipe out
that progress.
The output of goods and services
"is still going up" after attaining a
level higher "than ever before in the
nation's history," Mr. Truman re-
ported, employment is "building up
steadily" and wage payments have
climbed back to near the V-J day
level despite strikes.
Quarterly Report
The President issued his statement
in releasing, at a news conference, a
quarterly report prepared by Recon-
version Director John F. Snyder.
Snyder said civilian production had
hit a $150,000,000,000 annual rate in
the quarter just closed-"unprece-
dented in our peacetime history"-
and would go "several billion dollars"
higher by midyear. He went on:
The jobless now number around
3,000,000, will not average more than
3,500,000 in the next three months.
This compares with official fears of
8,000,000 out of work by summer.
Deficit Reduced
The federal budget will show a
deficit "several billion dollars less"
than the $26,000,000,000 gap fore-
seen by Mr. Truman in his January
budget message.
Some shortages-like shirts-linger
because distribution is faulty, Mr.
Truman said, and because stocks
were badly depleted by war. It takes
32,000 cars, he reminded a questioner,
just to give all dealers their show
Reece Election
Stassen Rebuff
WASHINGTON, April 3 - ()-
President Truman today endorsed a
view that Rep. B. Carroll Reece's
election as Republican national chair-
man aids the "standpatters" and re-
buffs the Willkie-Stassen element of
the GOP.
The President referred to an edi-
torial-page article in this morning's
Baltimore Sun expressing this idea
when asked at his news conference
for comment on Reece's selection.
Mr. Truman mentioned the article,
said he had read it and considered it
very good, and confined his comment
to that.
Mr. Truman also disclosed that a
conference at the White House yes-
terday had just about everything to
do with New York politics. He gave
that description when he was asked
if it concerned the possibility of Sen-
ator James M. Mead running as a
Democratic gubernatorial candidate
in New York next fall.
The article on the Republicans
which the President commended said
that Reece "served 25 years in the
House without fame" and recalled
that he "voted against revision of the
Neutrality Act in the fight in 1939
when isolationists opposed amend-
ments designed to permit sale of war
supplies to the Allies."

TAFT CALM AFTER ROW-A calm Sen. Robert Taft (Rep., Ohio) talks
with a reporter in his office in Washington after he engaged in a heated
verbal debate-with Sen. James E. Murray (Dem., Mont.) at a committee
meeting. Taft stalked angrily from the hearing after Murray threatened
to have him ejected.
Annual Fellowship, Scholarship
Awards Made by? Graduate School

Fellowships and scholarship ap-
pointments in the Graduate School
for 1946-47 were announced yester-
day by Assistant Dean Peter Okkel-
The awards are granted to stu-
dents from universities and colleges
throughout the United States and
Canada on the basis of high scholas-
tic standing on this campus.
The awards follow:
Horace H. Rackham Predoctoral
Fellowships, $1,000:
Juan Curet and Robert Hansen,
chemistry; Amy Downey, Romance
Languages; Sidney Fine, history;
Hester Gehring, German; Robert
Graham, physics; Stanley Norton,
education; William Resnick, chemi-
cal engineering; Edwin Spanier and
Robert Taylor, mathematics.
University Fellowships, $500 to
Margaret Bertsch, history; James
Boggs, chemistry; Elizabeth Brown,
sociology; Arunchandra Chhatra-
pati, Sidney Davidson and Paul
Kircher, business administration;
Ellen Clark, Latin; James Clark and
Irving Panush, philosophy;
Barbara Coe, Harry Moses, Arthur
Nethercot, Jr. and James Riddell, Jr.,
physics; George Costello and Jesse
Exams Advanced
To June 13to19
Exam week has been moved for-
ward and will begin on June 13
because of the alumni reunion to be
held here June 20 to June 22, Dr.
Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the
president, announced yesterday.
Examinations will end June 19,
and commencement will be held June
22, Dr. Robbins said.

Wright, mathematics; Charlotte Ed-
son, German; Jack Elenbaas and
James Knudson, chemical engineer-
ing; Ruth Flynn, biological chemis-
try; Ann Fullerton, David Reed and
James Robertson, English; Allan
Katcher, psychology;
Earl Larrison and Harry Wilcox,
Jr., zoology; Malcolm McDonald, for-
estry and conservation; Shirley Mil-
ler, economics; William Nash, engi-
neering mechanics; Ann Pates, bac-
teriology; Willis Pitts, Jr., speech;
TU, Scientists
Endorse Atom
Coup romise
University scientists last night ex-
pressed qualified approval of the
more limited military control over
atomic energy proposed by the Sen-
ate drafting committee.
"It certainly sounds like a much
better compromise than the original
Vandenberg amendment," Prof. Ray-
mond Wilder, of the mathematics
department, commented. However,
it is still "not clear," he pointed out,
just how much supervisory power
the new Military Liaison Committee
would have.
Terming the compromise "rather
vague," as to powers of the military
board, Prof. Wilfred Kaplan, of the
mathematics department, indicated
that "there is still some danger, since
the proposal can be interpreted in
a rather broad way." A limitation to
the field of miiltary control should
be put down "very precisely," he said.

Ala Approves
Soviet Terms
Troops Will Leave in
Six Weeks - Gromyko
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 3-The United
Nations crisis over Iran collapsed to-
night when it was learned that Iran-
ian Ambassador Hussein Ala had in-
formed officials he was prepared to
accept a Soviet statement to the Se-
curity Council as an unconditional
guarantee of the withdrawal of Rus-
sian troops from Iran.
Meanwhile in Tehran Prince Mo-
zaffar Firouz, Iranian propaganda
minister, told a news conference to-
day that the Iranian government
has been "advised that two or three
shiploads of Russian troops have left
Iran through the port of Pahlevi."
Pahlevi, on the Caspian Sea, is 165
miles northwest of Tehran.
Virtually complete settlement of
the Iranian case was forecast by top
U. N. delegates for tomorrow's ses-
Key Statement
The key statement was contained in
a letter from Soviet Ambassador An-
drei Gromyko to the council. Gro-
myko stated flatly that Russian troops
would be out of Iran within six
weeks. Ala was reported by per-
sons fully informed of his actions to
have told U. N. Security General
Trygve Lie that he considered that
this assurance met Iran's require-
His decision was said to have been
based on Gromyko's omission of the
possibility that "unforeseen circum-
stances" might halt the evacuation
as well as on his positive statement
that the evacuation was not, condi-
tional on current negotiation between
Iran and Russia over oil concessions
and other matters.
Feel Crisis Ended
The settlement is expected to pro-
vide that the case should be kept on
the council's agenda at least until all
Russian forces are out of Iran.
Whether Secretary of State James
F. Byrnes will take the lead in pro-
posing that the issue now in eff ect be
shelved, though kept on the agenda,
could not be definitely learned. How-
ever, it is known that American of-
ficials feel that the Iranian crisis
substantially ended today and that
the Security Council had survived it
with heightened prestige.
Iran Will Agree
Iranian Ambassador Hussein Ala,
after vigorously restating his coun-
try's complaints against Russia, said
that if Iran could have unconditional
assurances of the withdrawal of Rus-
sian forces-by May 6-it would
readily agree to having the council
halt proceedings on the case, though
he would like to see it kept on the
agenda. By that device he seems to
keep the council's influence behind
Speculations among top council
delegates is that a settlement will
clear the way for the prompt return
of Gromyko to the council's meetings,
African Negroes
Aroused -Miner
Comparing racial relations in
North Africa with those in the Unit-
ed States, Prof. Horace Miner of the
sociology department told members
of the Inter-Racial Association yes-
terday that Negroes in that area are
only beginning to realize that they
are being exploited.
Prof. Miner based his talk on ob-
servations made while serving in
the Counter-Intelligence Corps in
Africa during the war, and on pre-
vious extensive study of life in Tim-
buctu in French Northwest Africa.

He pointed out that until the ad-
vent of the two world wars, when
natives began to realize that their
European rulers could not run their
own affairs successfully, little na-
tionalism or awareness of their po-
sition had developed.
Volga Volga' To Be
At Rackham Today

Need for Interest 'in Student Government Cited

Eight members of the political sci-
ence department were in general
agreement yesterday on the desira-
bility of student government for this
campus but expressed various opin-
ions as to the methods of its opera-
Questions Asked
Questions asked the members in a
poll conducted by The Daily yester-
day were: (1) Is student government

According to Dr. Lester H. Phillips,
the actual form adopted is secondary
to the desire of the student body to
have a government through which
they can effectively operate. Paul J.
Scheips stated that a constitution,
model in all respects, will fail if stu-
dent apathy and indifference is prev-
'Seriousness' Needed
Prof. Harold M. Dorr declared:
"Student government must be under-
taken with a sense of seriousness and

student government, claimed that it
is not a question of what must be
done to develop self-government, but
how much power without strings,
the regents and facuiy will allow the
PR Favored
On the subject of proportional rep-
resentation versus the short ballot,
the majority of the professors fa-
vored proportional representation if
properly handled.
Dr. Clark F. Norton, howeve. nrn-

plan and the representation from
each school determined by the num-
ber of its votes.
'Valuable Experiment'
In the opinion of Prof. John W.
Lederle, proportional representation
would be justified if only as an inter-
esting and valuable experiment.
Aside from stimulating student think-
ing in the election, it would provide
for a more "representative reflection"
of student wishes, he said.
"Prnnvrtinnl reprnesentation mi it

easier to watch one man than a
The professors expressed varying
opinions as to the frequency of elec-
tions. Although there is a movement
now in the direction of lengthening
the terms of office, this wouldn't
work in a university environment
where students are "here today and
gone tomorrow," Prof. Lederle de-
Differ On Elections

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