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April 03, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-03

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Student Government Constitutions Given

Congress-Cabinet Seeks

A dded Representation
We believe that student government should reflect an educational philo-
sophy which recognizes that students must participate in shaping their own
education. We have established this Constitution in order to create the be-
ginnings of democratic self-rule at the University of Michigan.
Section 1: The main body of the Student Government shall be the Stu-
dent Congress.
Section 2: The Congress shall consist of one representative for every
400 students, elected at large from the entire student body by the Hare plan
of proportional representation. Elections shall be held once each semester;
but only half of the Congress shall be elected at a time, and each Congress-
man shall serve for two semesters. The first Congress, elected during the
Spring Term 1946, shall consist of one representative for every 800 students.
At each subsequent election, enough Congressmen shall be elected to fill
the quota of one for every 400. A studept may be elected to the Congress
even if he expects to leave the University before completing his term of of-
Section 3: Any eligible student who wishes to run for Congress may ap-
pear on the ballot if he presents to the Election Committee a petition signed
by at least 50 studens.
Section 4: The basic functions of the Congress shall be as follows:
a. To express student opinion.
b. To coordinate student activities.
c. To delegate representatives to all joint-faculty-student committees pro-
vided such committees approve of the change in represenation and that
such change meets the approval of the Board of Regents or the responsible
Section 5: The Congress may draw upon the general student body to
serve on committees and projects.
Section 6: The Congress shall meet at least once a month, or more often
on call by the Cabinet. The meetings shall be held at a specified place and
shall be public, except that by a two-thirds vote the Congress may go into
executive session. The proceedings of the Congress shall be published in
The Michigan Daily.
Section 7: Any student may present proposals or complaints to the Con-
gress, in writing. Such proposals shall appear on the Agenda.
Section 8: All meetings of the Congress shall be conducted in accordance
with Robert's. Rules of Order, Revised, except as specified in this Constitu-
tion or its Amendments and By-Laws,
Section 1: The executive body of the Student Government shall be the
Student Cabinet.
Section 2: The Cabinet shall consist of the President, Vice President,
Recording. Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and two other
members, all of whom shall be elected each semester by the Congress, from
its own membership.
Section 3: The President shall preside over all meetings of both the
Cabinet and the Congress. In his absence, the Vice President shall preside.
The other officers shall perform the usual duties of their offices.
Section 4: The Cabinet shall meet at least once a week, or more often
as necessary.
Section 5: The Cabinet shall carry out the decisions of the Congress,
and shall be responsible to the Congress. At any time, the Congress may
remove the Cabinet by a two-thirds vote of "no confidence" and elect a
new Cabinet.
Section 1: The Congress shall elect an Election Committee, which shall
supervise all elections in accordance with the present rules of the Men's
Judiciary Council, except where they conflict with the provisions of this
Constitution or its Amendments.
Section 2: The Election Rules may be changed by a two-thirds vote of
the Congress.
The Congress may invite the Dean of Students and the Dean of Women
to serve in an advisory capacity.
Section 1: Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by a two-
thirds vote of the Congress or by a petition of 400 students.
Section 2: Such amendments shall go into effect upon approval of the
Committee on Student Affairs and ratification by two-thirds of those
voting in the next all-campus election.

(All classes in all schools)

(Heads of all recognized cam-
pus organizations.)

(Nine members elected from
campus at-large.)

(Regents, President's Office,
Dean of Students, Dean of Wo-
men and Deans of all schools.)

(To be headed by members of the Council and made
up of students. These do the work with help of
groups represented in the Forum.)

Texts Reprinted
Here are the complete texts of the
Congress-Cabinet and Council-For-
um constitutions for student govern-
ment which will be voted on in a
campus-wide election April 9 and
Each constitution will be discussed
at length at 7:30 p.m. tonight and
tomorrow night in a panel at the Un-
ion, and next week at an all-campus
rally at Hill Auditorium.
The rally is sponsored by the Un-
ion and the League in cooperation
with The Daily and SRA.


Couneil-Forum Plans
Activity Coordination
We, the students of the University of Michigan, in order to better fit
ourselves for life in a democracy and to further our legitimate interest in
securing the best education possible, do ordain and establish this Consti-
tution of the University of Michigan Student Government.
Section 1: The Central Committee of the University of Michigan Stud-
ent Government shall be the Council, which has both administrative and
policy-making powers. The Council shall serve as spokesman for the Stud-
ent Body, acting upon all student ideas and requests which may be referred
to it.
Section 2: The Student Council shall choose its own officers except the
president. It is empowered to draw upon the general student body to serve
on committees and projects. The Council shall, supervise all elections. The
Council shall be responsible for financing the Student Government.
Section 3: The Council shall consist of eight members and a student
president chosen in an all-campus election.
Section 4: The Student President shall be the presiding officer of the
Council as well as the official head of the Student Government. He shall be
chosen in an all-campus election.
Section 5: The members of the Council shall be elected for a term of one
school year.
Section 6: Council members shall have held positions of executive re-
sponsibility in recognized campus organizations or the University of Michi-
gan Student Government for at least two semesters.
Section 7: Candidates for the Council must satisfy University eligibility
requirements. They must expect to be enrolled in the University until the
expiration of their terms of office.
Section 8: The Council shall draw up a ballot containing no more than
five candidates for president and twenty-four for the positions of members
of council. The Council shall interview all those who petition for office. The
ballot shall be announced at least two weeks before the election.
Section 9: One of the first acts of each new council shall be to convene
the Forum. The Vice-President of the Council shall be the presiding officer
of the Forum.
Section 10: A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Council. Meet-
ings shall be held regulary at a specified place and shall be public, provided
that by a two-thirds vote the Council may go into executive session. The
Student President and Secretary shall have the power to issue official
statements regarding Council policy to the public. The agenda of the
meeting shall be published in the Michigan Daily. Any student may present
constructive proposals or complaints to the Council providing he notify, in
writing, the Council beforehand.
Section 1: The Forum shall consist of heads of recognized organizations
or their representatives. Each organization shall have one vote.
Section 2: The Vice-President of the Council shall be the presiding of-
ficer of the Forum.
Section 3: The Forum shall be the means by which the opinion of or-
ganized groups may be expressed. The Forum may set up committees from
its own membership and may make recommendations to the Council. The
Forum is expected to implement Council action and to inform its con-
stituency of any action taken by the Council.
The Council shall call in, as advisors, the Dean of Students and the
Dean of Women to serve in ex officio capacity at all Council meetings.
Amendment to this constitution may be proposed upon a two-thirds vote
of the Council or by a petition signed by ten per cent (10%) of the students
enrolled at the University. These proposals must be ratified by a majority
of those voting in the next all-campus election.
This constitution shall go into effect immediately upon being ratified by
the majority participating in an all-campus election.

Pre-War 'U' Senate Effected
Educational, Athletic Reforms

Did you know that many of the
dormitories you live in were built
as the result of student pressure on
the University for an improved hous-
ing program? Did you know that the
University dormitory fee for the use
of a radio was formerly $4.00 per
semester, whereas only League hous-
es now charge a minimum amount?
A large central body known as
the Student Senate, and composed
of representatives of at least six

(Seven members elected from membership of
the Congress to act as the executive body)



(Members elected by proportional representation from
the entire student body)

political parties, was instrumental
in initiating such reforms. The
Senate, which became defunct
during the war for lack of student
spirit, also investigated subsidized
athletics, educational reform (i.e.,
curriculum change committee),
rooming house contracts and pro-
fessors' popularity.
Education, subsidization, ways and
means, and tolerance committees
were set up by one semi-annually
elected Senate. In the spring of 1939,
the student governing body joined
alumni groups in opposition to the
election of Harry Kipke, former head
football coach, to the University
Board of Regents, because of the
political affiliations wh'ich won him
Five years ago, candidates rep-
resenting the University Coalition,
Progressive Coalition, American
Student Union, Human Rightists,
Independents, and Neutrality-Pro-
gressives were elected to the last
Student Senate on the basis of
party platforms.
The Hare system of proportional
representation with the single trans-
ferable vote, which is proposed in the
Congress-Cabinet constitution above,
was used successfully in the semi-
annual elections.
Why did we need Student Gov-
ernment then? It filled the bill!
It solicited constructive student
opinion on curriculum, professors,
inadequacy of texts, the worth of
courses, exams, repetition of texts
by lecturers, and the relation of
subject matter to student needs.
The Senate then took action on
the result of these polls.
Last year students protested
against the long cafeteria lines in
the League, against the inadequate
lighting in the main library; they
fought for a Christmas vacation ex-
tension, for a peacetime J-Hop. Ev-
ery year women students sleep ir
the WAB; eating out becomes more
expensive; places to go on Friday o
Saturday nights are harder to find
If it isn't a demand for marriage lec-
tures, studentsmwant better seats at
the football games, or elimination of
campus cheating.
Student Government is needed on
the University campus to crystalize
the definite attitudes of every seg-
ment of student opinion.
The position of University stu-
dents in a democratic nation is
one of sharing responsibility. Ap-
plied, this means careful consider-
ation of the issues and platforms
at shake in the coming elections.



L . ,,.

(All classes in all colleges)

Section 1: This Constitution sha
ratification in an all-campus election.


go into effect immediately upon



Send Spring Clothes
Cleanted Now!



Material Needed
For Perspective
Works on Any Serious
Topic To Be Considered
Offering the only means on cam-
pus for non-professional publication
of serious writings, the staff of Per-
spectives, literary supplement to The
Daily, has issued a call for manu-
scripts in the fields of prose fiction,
poetry, essay and book review.
All students working in one or more
of these fields are urged to contribute
material to the Editor's Desk in the
Student Publications Building, Bob
Huber, Perspectives editors an-
nounced yesterday.
All manuscripts must be in type-
written form and wil be returned to
the author if unaccepted. Accepted
manuscripts will be retained until
after galley proofs have been made.
Submission of a manuscript does not
disqualify it for the Hopwood con-
Deadline for all copy is April 15.
The forthcoming Perspectives has
been approved by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications as a
trial issue.
Buy- Victory Bonds!


$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional five words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of 25c for each
additional five words.)
Contract Rates on Request
FOR SALE-Four new white silk
dress shirts, 15-32, $10 each. 405 E.
Jefferson, Basement Apt.
LIVING QUARTERS and meals in
pleasant, modern country home
two miles from campus available at
once to student and wife in ex-
change for housework and cooking.
Mrs. G. L. Buhrman, Ann Arbor,
PEARL NECKLACE, silver clasp, un-
ion or vicinity Sat. night call Bea
Newberry Please. 6596.

LOST: Blue sapphire solitaire ring
on the University golf course Sat-
urday. Reward. Call 26313.
LOST: Parker "51". Pen lost Sat-
urday. Gold Cap. Grey shaft. En-
graved "Joyce Katz". Reward. Call
LOST: Brown Sheaffer pen some-
where on campus. Contact James
Ballard. 434 Michigan House, West
Quad. Reward!!

National President
Of TBP Visits Here
C. H. Spencer, the national presi-
ent of Tau Beta Pi, engineering honor
fraternity, paid a surprise visit to the
Michigan chapter of that organiza-
tion Monday night.
At a special meeting of the Michi-
gan chapter, Spencer outlined the
purposes of Tau Beta Pi and told of
his experiences in attending meetings
of this organization throughout the
BuyVictor y onds!

k2 VY: 4
{.I h 9,
t 2 R ?



LOST: Horn rimmed glasses, in red
case-return to "No. I University
Hall," to "Daily" or call 21507. Bet-
te Ellis.
WANTED: Teacher of rudiments of
guitar playing, preferably in line
of folk music. Call 5969.
WANTED: Saleslady in Gift Shop,
Full or part time. Apply 607 E.
MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib-
erty. We have rebuilt used bikes
for sale. Your bike can be expertly
repaired also.
TYPEWRITERSbought, sold, rented,
repaired. Work guaranteed. Two
days service. Office Equipment Co.
111 4th. St. Phone 2-1213
dates. Five pieces, student-veter-
ans. Phone Ed Morhous, Ypsilanti
1qqA Ur

Continuous from 1 P.M.


Nothing can make you feel as fit as spotless,
well-pressed, Microclean clothes. Avoid the
Easter rush - check over your wardrobe to-
day - send all your Spring apparel in for a
thorough rejuvenation.
PHONE 23-23-1
a \ \9



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