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April 03, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-03

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By rnes Confers with Cadogan
On Iranian-Russian Question
UNO Security Council Delegates Still Hope
For Satisfactory Statement from Russians

By The Assocated Pres
NEW YORK, April 2-Secretary
of State Byrnes tonight held a last
minute conference with Sir Alexan-
der Cadogan, the British delegate to
the United Nations Security Council,
in preparation for Wednesday's meet-
ing called to hear Russian and Iran-
ian replies to Iran's charges of de-
layed withdrawal of Soviet troops
from her territory.
Cadogan called on Byrnes at the
latter's hotel headqiarters in New
Soviet Troops
Prepare To
Leave Iran
Evacuation Centered
At Bandar Shah Port
By The Associated Press
TEHRAN, April 2-Thousands of
Soviet troops concentrated at the
Caspian port of Bandar Shah, 160
miles northeast of Tehran, appeared
today to be making busy preparations
to leave Iranian soil.
A view of the Asterabad Province
area from a plane showed much ac-
tivity on crowded wharves, in tem-
porary bivouacs and in a regular
Soviet Army camp.
Some 300 Red Army soldiers were
aboard a ship early in the day, and
in the narrow harbor, three empty
500-ton freighters with steam up
waited to enter the single slip and be
loaded with cargo or with troops, who
stared upward at the circling Ameri-
can plane above them.
Farther west, a small Russian gar-
rison at Sari, however, showed no ap-
parent signs of preparation for evac-
uation. When the plane dipped over
the area, a number of troops were
drilling in an open space, and horses
were at pasture.
The air trip disclosed only one oil
well at Bandar Shah-one of the
northern cities in which Russian en-
gineers have been rumored exploring
for the past three years. The well a-
peared to be in operation.
Hope for Early
End in Detroit
Transit Strike
DETROIT, April 2-()-Mhope of
an early settlement of the two-day
old transportation strike here was
seen late Tuesday following an an-
nouncement that a general member-
ship meeting of the striking union
would be called sometime Wednes-
As twice the normal volume of au-
tomobile traffic jammed the city's
main thoroughfares in rush hours
Tuesday, Mayor Edward J. Jeffries
left his office twice to confer with
heads of theeAmalgamated Associa-
tion of Street, Electric Railway and
Motors Coach Employes of America
(AFL). Emergencies from the second
meeting, Jeffrieswas asked if he were
optimistic. "Let's put it this way," he
said, "I'm not any more discouraged
than I was."
Optimism of city officials appar-
ently was based on hopes that union
membership would reconsider the
city's previous offer of a 5 cent an
hour raise, 40 hour week and contract
changes doing away with mandatory
overtime. Jeffries steadfastly has said
the city will not negotiate while the
strike is on. As an alternative the
city has offered to put the whole un-
ion contract up for arbitration.
James McGinnity, international
AFL representative, in announcing
Wednesday's meeting, said it was be-
ing called for "morale building" pur-
poses and to report to the members.
He declared he doubted that a ref-
erendum vote would be taken, but
added it was possible.

American Legion
Offers Scholarships
The National. Convention and Na-
tional Executive Committee of the
American Legion have authorized the
awarding of 15 National Comman-
der Scholarship to sons of deceased
veterans of World War One or Two,
Wilbur M. Brucker of Detroit, chair-
man of the Department Scholarship
Committee, announced recently.
Any son of a deceased veteran of
either war, who is actually in need of

York for a 15-minute review of the
Officially there was no report of
their conference, but diplomatic ob-
servers said the two statesmen agreed
to keep the Iranian question to the
fore of council proceedings whether
or not the Soviet reply had been re-
ceived by the 11 a.m. EST opening
time set for the Coucil Wednesday.
Iran Question
At a late hour tonight neither the
Soviet nor Iranian answer to the
council's request for further informa-
tion on their dispute had been re-
Byrnes returned from Washington
tonight ready to resume his leader-
ship in finding a solution of the
Iranian question.
Slender hope
As he arrived by plane in New
York, delegates still clung to a slend-
er hope that Russia would send a
statement in time to avert a show-
down. This hope was bolstered by
news reports from Tehran that So-
viet troops had actually started leav-
ing Iran
Meanwhile, Byrnes awaited receipt
of the requested Russian and Iran-
ian statements before determining
what course of action he would take.
Sources close to the Mexican dele-
gation said they understood that the
Big Three-the United States, Rus-
sia and Great Britain-are seeking
to reach an agreement on the Iran-
ian case directly.
Defer Discussions
They were of the opinion that
should such an agreement come, the
Security Council probably would de-
fer discussions on the Iranian ques-
tion until additional information be-
came available from Russian and
Iranian sources.
There was no confirmation of these
reports from other sources.
There still was no indication here,
however, whether Russia would send
any kind of statement by the 11 a.m.
(EST) deadline set by the Council
last Friay when it decided to seek in-
formation directly from the Moscow
and Tehran governments.
Soviet Ambassador Andrei A.
Gromyko continued to maintain sil-
ence on Russia's plans. Asked if he
would attend tomorrow's session, he
said "I don't know."
RUSSIA- Cak Kasnoyods=
Tabriz Sea
i ,Shahrud
-1 R A N ;
Bandar ='
_ Shahpur 0 200
IRAN MOVES-U.S. sources in
Iran said that reports from Tabriz
(A) indicated that Russians were
making "ostentatious" prepara-
tions to evacuate that city. Iranian
sources said that self-proclaimed
government of Zerbaijan had open-
ed a new control station south of
its previous frontier post of Khor-
ramdarak (B). Shaded area repre-
sents approximate extent of origi-
nal Russian occupation.
Vets To Probe
High Living Cost
A veteran committee to investi--
gate the high cost of living in Ann

Arbor will be appointed at a Veter-
ans' Organization meeting at 7:30
p.m. today in Room 318 of the Union.
All vets are urged to attend this
important meeting. The agenda will
include: ratification of the constitu-
tion formed by the recent Michigan
State Convention of Veterans; re-
organization of the local chapter's
constitution; and appointment of
standing committees.
Watkins Will Speak
To AVC Thursday

To Feature
Panel Talk
Will Prelude Rally on
Student Government
Panel discussions of the Congress-
Cabinet and Council-Forum consti-
tutions at 7:30 p.m. today and t-
morrow in the Union will prelude the
all-campus Student Government
Rally at Hill Auditorium next week.
Designed to provide a better under-
standing of the two constitutions,
particularly for new students, the
panels will feature a moderator andG
six student speakers. Short intro-
ductory talk explaining each consti-
tution will set the stage for a longer
informal discussion by panel mem-
bers. A final period will be reserved:
for questions and discussion by the
Student speakers presenting the
case for the Congress-Cabinet consti-
tution are Barbara Lasha and Ted
Morris; Wayne Saari will represent
the Council-Forum plan at the dis-
cussion tonight. Sheldon Selesnick,
Terry Whitsit and Rona Eskin are
slated to speak on the panel tomor-
All students who are interested
in participating in the panel dis-
cussions on Student Government
today and tomorrow are urged to
contact Paul hlarsha at The Dailyr
by 3 p.m. today. Speaker for the
Council-Forum plan are especially
Moderator of tonight's panel is
John F. Muehl, assistant director of
the International Center. Jack Ses-
sions of the English department will
moderate the discussion tomorrow.
Satirical skits, another phase ofc
the intensive publicity campaign fort
student government, will begin to-
.day at campus fraternities, sororities
and women's dormitories.-
Written by Marcia Wellman, the
skits will be given at meal time today,
tomorrow and Friday. A troupe of 25
students interested in student gov-
ernment will take part. A longer skitr
will be given as a part of the Rally
program next Monday.
Banners publicizing forthcoming
rally and election will be posted ont
campus this week by permission ofr
the University. House-to-house
speeches, store displays, radio inter-
views and sandwich board advertising
are scheduled to start later in the
The extensive campaign aims at
arousing enthusiasm in the student
body for the student government
measures, which were originated last
Osterweil Fund
Donations Asked
Contributions for the Osterweil
Memorial Fund, created recently by
faculty and student friends of the1
late Lieut. Harold D. Osterweil, are
Lieut. Osterweil, who was killed in
action in France, July 31, 1944, ma-i
jored in elonomihs at the Univer-
sity and was elected to Phi Beta Kap-
pa during his junior year in college.c
He also attended Harvard Law
School for a year and ranked first
in his class.1
According to the size of the fund,
it will be used to establish a scholar-
ship, a loan fund, or an annual prize
in economics. Control of the fund
will be vested in a University com-

mittee to assure its perpetuity.-
When enough money has been+
contributed, the fund will be pre-
sented to the Board of Regents for+
acceptance. Donations may be sent
to Bernard Larner, Michigan Co-op
House, Ann Arbor. Checks should be
made out to the Osterweil Memorial+

Energy imited to Military Field
..Vandenberg Proposal
Odified by Committee
T iaison Board Created To Handle All Military
Uses; Civilian Group To Keep Final Direction

Army-Navy Control over


TIDAL WAVES WRECK SEASIDE SHOP - Spectators view damage
to seaside fishing bait shop struck by tidal waves in El Granada, Calif.,
about 20 miles south of San Francisco. The giant waves, formed by !
seismic disturbances in the North Pacific, also hit Hawaii and the
eath Toll Mounts Steadily
Propertuy DamageIs Great

By The Associated Press
Immense tidal waves that crashed
down onPacific shores from Hawaii
to the Aleutians and as far south as
Chile took the lives of possibly 152
persons, late reports showed Tuesday
night, and left property damage run-
ing into the millions.
Hawaii suffered the greatest cas-
ualties. The latest compilation placed
the dead at 70, the missing at a mini-
mum of 7. Ten were presumed lost
in the Aleutians and one in Californ-
The heaving ocean floor off the
Aleutians, where the spectacular seis-
mic turbulence originated, churned
a new 40-foot tidal wave which mov-
U' Professor
Explains Wave
Geologist Compares
Force to Frisco Quake
Commenting upon the Pacific
Ocean tidal wave, Professor Armand
J. Eardley of the Geology Depart-
ment said in an interview yesterday
that the size of the waves and the
distance traveled indicate that it
was an earthquake of major impor-
tance, likely to be recorded on all
seismograph machines.
The tidal wave is really a move-
ment of the land on the ocean bot-
tom that displaces great masses of
sea water. Had the same movement
occurred on land, it would be called
an earthquake. According to Prof.
Eardley, the intensity of the recent
tidal wave is comparable to the great
San Francisco earthquake of 1906.
Prof. Eardley said that the quake
probably occurred in the Aleutian
trough, about two hundred miles
south of the Aleutian Islands. The
area is a great belt of active crustal
deformation. For such major quakes
as this one, there are usually one
or two preliminary movements that
indicate later movements and major
shocks. The first preliminary shocks
came about 4:30 a.m. Pacific Time,
on April first. The major shock came
shortly after.

ed slowly through the Gulf of Alaska
Twelve coast guardsmen and two'
civilians were taken from Middleton
Island in the Gulf, and women and
children were removed from Naknek
on the Alaskan Peninsula as the new
tide surged toward Alaska.
Meanwhile, one of the greatest air-
sea rescue operations in the peace-
time history of the Mid-Pacific was
in full swing in the stricken Hawai-
ian Islands, hardest hit by the sea
Planes and ships put out to sea
looking for any who might still be
clinging to the wreckage of their
homes, torn from their foundations
when three waves struck Monday.
Doctors, nurses and Red Cross di-
saster workers converged on the Is-
land of Hawaii, largest in the Ha-
waiian group, which caught the full
fury of waves which thundered in
without warning.
There still was no report of the
fate of ten men carried away and
presumed drowned when the north-
bound tidal wave engulfed Scotch
Cape Lighthouse on Unimak, an
Aleutian Island onlyr70 miles from
the calculated center of the sub-
marine earthquake.
Nearby Dutch Harbor, standing at
the apex of the navy's defense tri-
angle in the Pacific, escaped major
damage as did protected Pearl Har-
bor at the western end of the tri-
angle's base.
Alumni Expect
Large Reunion
Seventy-eight classes have already
indicated they will participate in
the forthcoming Victory Reunion,
June 20 through 22, T. Hawley Tap-
ping, General Secretary of the Alum-
ni Association announced yesterday.
This figure is to be contrasted with
the 106 classes attending the 1939
Centennial Reunion, the largest such
reunion in University history. The
average number of classes participat-
ing in alumni reunions is between
50 and 55.

WASHINGTON, April 2-Senators
drafting atomic energy controls de-
cided today to limit the Army and
Navy say-so strictly to the military
The action erased sweeping lan-
guage of the so-called Vandenberg
amendment which would have put
the military's hand upon all atomic
energy matters related to "defense
and security" and apparently closed a
bitter controversy at the capitol.
Adopted Unanimously
The special Atomic Energy Com-
mittee adopted the revision unani-
mously. Chairman McMahon (Dem.-
Conn.), who had voted against the
original, said the alteration removes
"most of the objectionable points."
Senator Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.)
proposed the substitute. He had of-
fered the original provision as com-
promise between those who wanted
complete civilian control and those
who thought the military should
have some voice.
Would Stifle Research
But McMahon and others, includ-
ing Secretary of Commerce Wallace
and scientists, contended the lan-
guage of the ammendment would al-
low the "Military Liaison Board" to
stifle research on grounds of secur-
ity and extend its activities into in-
dustrial and other fields never before
considered within the military sphere
in this country.
The new amendment would set up
a "Military Liaison Committee"
somewhat like the Liaison Board
originally proposed. But it would be
concerned only with atontic energy
matters which "relate to military ap-
plications," including specifically the
development and manufacture of
bombs, allocating of fissionable ma-
terial for military research and "ocn-
trol of information relating to the
manufacture or utilization of atomic
Five Man Commission
Control over all atomic energy
matters would be vested in a five man
civilian commission as originally
proposed. The Military Liaison Com-
mittee could appeal the Commission's
actions when they relate to "respon-
Chinese Lack
Unity-- Lindsay
Party Reactionaries
In Control Blamed
At the second of his lectures on
China, Michael Lindsay declared yes-
terday that Chinese unity is being
prevented by extreme reactionaries
in control of the party machine of
the National Chinese government.
Lindsay, formerly professor of eco-
nomics at Yenching University, Pe-
king, maintained that "the reaction-
aries are prepared to go to almost any
length to prevent unity. There is al-
most universal agreement that the
reactionaries are a thorough bunch
of crooks." Ho Ying Chin, Chen Li
Fu and H. H. Kung were named as
reactionary leaders; no mention was
made of Generalissimo Chiang Kai
Speaking on "The Problems of Chi-
nese Unity, Prof. Lindsay said that
withdrawal of American military sup-
port of the National Chinese govern-
ment was the key to the situation.
"The National government is too
weak alone to fight the Communists
in China. Absence of American sup-
port would mean," he stated, "the Na-
tional government would have to
compromise with the Communists in
order not to be defeated by them."
He indicated that the progressive ele-
ments in the National government,
the Communists and a third party,
the Democratic league, have a "pretty
wide agreement on a general pro-
Economics Club Will

Hol dMeeting Today
"Econcentrics," student economics
club, will held an organization meet-

sibilities of the Departments of War
or Navy derived from the Constitu-
tion, laws and treaties."
Appeal would be to the Secretaries
of War and the Navy instead of di-
rectly to the President as the original
Vandenberg amendment provided.
Then the Civilian Secretaries, if they
saw fit, could appeal to the President
f or final decision.
The Committee would consist of
representatives of the War and Navy
Departments appointed by the secre-
taries of War and Navy. The number
would be left up to them.
Safety Proposal
Still Unsettled
In Coal Strike
Operators, Lewis To
Continue Negotiations
WASHINGTON, April 2- ()-
John L. Lewis and soft coal opera-
tors rejected each other's mine safe-
ty proposals today but agreed to meet
again tomorrow in efforts to reach a
contract ending the two-day old na-
tional strike.
After the breakup of the closed
meeting, attended again by special
government mediator Paul W. Fuller,
both Lewis and the operators held
news conferences to relate their sides
of the impasse.
Lewis, head of the 'AFL United
Mine Workers, said his safety reso-
lutidns turned down by the operators,
were the miners irreducible mini-
mum" demand in this regard.
Charles O'Neill, spokesmen or the
operators, said Lewis was striving
"to deprive management of all its
power and authority," and added:
"We refuse to yield to these."
The operators voted down three
Lewis resolutions which would :
1. Given the mine safety commit-
tees, made up of UAW members, au-
thority to remove workmen from
places they decide are dangerous.
2. Commit the operators to com-
ply with safety recommendations of
federal mine inspectors, now purely
tdvistory, but make them subject to
review of the director of the U. S.
Bureau of Mines.
3. Require the operators to furnish
pure water and remove unsightly
sanitary facilities outside company
City Elections
See Light Vote
Final results in Ann Arbor's city
election for alderman and city su-
pervisors held last Monday show that
a total of 660 voters turned out to
the polls, the city clerk announced
One alderman and one city super-
visor. was chosen from each of the
-even wards. The results follow with
.he alderman's name appearing first:
Ward 1, Robert Nichols, Fritz For-
sythe; Ward 2, Walter Kurtz, Ernst
Harrer; Ward 3, Frank Heed Jr., Fred
Williams; Ward 4, Julian Frederick,
Edward Schumacher; Ward 5, Edwin
Zahn, August Dorow; Ward 6, A. D.
Moore, Norman Ottnar; Ward 7,
James J. O'Kane, Jessie Coller.
Miner Will Address
IRA Meeting Today
Prof. Horace Miner of the sociology
department will address members 4n
the Inter-Racial Association at 7:30
p.m. today in the Union.
Applying a new comparative
method to community studies, Prof.
Miner is now teaching a course in

race relations and culture contacts
with special emphasis on the Negro
problem in America. He came to the
University this semester following his
release from the Army, where he
served as a lieutenant-colonel in the

Atom-Bomb Pilot Describes Mission


"The white cloud that rose over
Hiroshima after the atomic bomb
was dropped was pretty much like
the pictures we had seen from the
New Mexico experiment," said John
A. Wilson, freshman law student at
the University, who piloted the lead'
ship in the atomic bomb mission over
Organization Keyed Up
"By the time the bomb was drop-
ped, our plane was 150 miles from the

"After years of preparation for one
minute, the whole organization was
'naturally keyed up" about the mis-
sion," he added.
"A few days later, I flew to the
States to pick up another bomb but
the war ended and I received orders
to stay here, remaining on the alert,"
Wilson explained. "I heard the first
V-J peace rumor in Hawaii," he add-
Volunteers Participated
Wilson said that 6 B.29s partici-

He said that FBI men followed the
squadron to Havanna and even tele-
phone conversations were recorded
and played back to the men to im-
press upon them the importance of
what they were doing.
Favors Army Control
In connection with future control
of the force, Wilson said, "Atomic
energy is a weapon and weapons be-
long to the army." Ultimately, how-
ever, he said he favored international
control, but not before adequate
agencies are established. "In the

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