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April 02, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-02

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. x,

* Love Life Of A Circulation Man

THE PRESSURE BOYS are with us again.
Time has been doing this sort of thing since
Hecuba was a pup, now Harper's has started
and we're getting a little worried. On a card
trimmed in significant red, we are informed,
"You are expensive . . . but we think you're
worth it."
They follow this with as frank a declaration
of passion as we've ever gotten through the
United States mails. Having dealt at length
with the fact of our expensiveness . . . the
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Personal Charity
THERE is a great and undeniable American
talent for living in a state of semi-conscious-
ness. It is exercised on many levels and in various
degrees, but never is it so apparent as when that
semi-consciousness concerns the dimly-realized
suffering of remote peoples.
People all over the world are starving and the
situation is getting worse, not better. The real
famine probably won't break until June or July.
We know it, almost every one of us-yet we
file the fact for information instead of proces-
sing it for action.
Americans have another great and undeniable
talent, one for aiding in every way possible those
whose suffering they feel deeply and personally.
The man who denounces UNRRA as a waste of
American money and food-because he can't
translate its actions in terms of his personal ex-
perience, will often be the most generous and
understanding of contributors to individuals
whose troubles he can really understand.
It is for the benefit of such individuals that
we list the French weekly ration. for the month
of March, 1946.

cup sugar
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons coffee
% cup margarine
1I tablespoons oil

z cup macaroni
1% lb. bread
%2 liter wine
4-10 oz. of soap

We note additionally that there have been no
potatoes available for two years, that fresh fruits
and vegetables are available only to those who
can afford the black market.
F, THE SIZE and political complexion of
UNRRA is too much for you, there is still
something you can do-something that anybody
can and should do.
Make up a package of edibles that require
no refrigeration and ship them to any address
you have in Europe. If you have none, the
Quaker Society, 20 South Twelfth St., Phila-
delphia, 7, Pa., will be glad to furnish one.
During two years on the European Continent,
the American Army received millions of pack-
ages from home-and they were already well-fed
from a nutritional standpoint. The extension
of that display of generosity to European un-
fortunates would make the efforts of ambassa-
dors seem trivial in comparison.
--Hale Champion
On Conscription
UESTIONS AND ANSWERS on the most im-
portant question facing the Congress of the
United States-Shall we have peacetime military
Question: If we prepare for war, aren't we sure
to have war?
Answer: We weren't prepared for war in 1913
and 1941.
Question: When one nation arms, don't other
nations start arming? And don't armament
races always end in war?
Answer: Some nations arm for offense, others
for defense. In the past, the aggressor nations
have started arming first-Germany and Ja-
pan, for instance.
Question: But who will the next aggressor be?
Surely it won't be Germany or Japan; and Spain
and Argentina, though fascist, are too small and
Answer: In 1918 it looked as though Germany
would never rise again. And we could always "lick
the Japs any morning before breakfast."
Question: But wouldn't extension of the
draft have an adverse affect on our foreign
Answer: We didn't hear a whimper when
Moscow announced recently that the Red Ar-
was going to be maintained at a high level of
strength and readiness.
Question: What about the atomic bomb? If
there is another war, some nation is sure to use
atomic weapons. Civilization will be destroyed.
Answer: The State Department has announced
plans for an international "Atomic Development
Authority," which would be the sole producer of
the world's fissionable materials and lease them
to the nations for science and industry. Also, last
week scientists disclosed that they know how to
"denature" plutonium so that it can be used on-
for industrial purposes and not for bombs. These
safeguards failing, the "fear of reprisal" will still
be present in every nation which has atomic
Question: If we adopt peacetime conscrip-
tion as a permanent policy, won't we be scut-
tling the United Nations Organization?
Answer: Our forces are to be used in con-
junction with the forces of other members of
the United Nations Organization in putting
down aggression after peaceful negotiation

mailing list upon which our name appeared
seems to have been obtained by a down-pay-
ment on the national debt . . . Harper's finally
declares, "No matter what your cost, we want
We'll string along with Pauline, we'd rather
die than say yes.
Ballad of Campus Gaol
SHE did not wear a formal dress,
For two o'clock is late,
And two o'clock was the hour chimed
When she'd come in from her date,
The special date for which she'd hoped,
Which came to be her fate.
SHE walked amongst the primping girls
In a robe of bluish tone,
A set of curlers in her hair
And her step seemed very lone.
But I never saw a girl who looked
So wistfully at the phone.
SHE walked about the house uneased
Bounded only by her wall.
And Iuwondered ifthe girl had run against
A pitfall great or small,
When a voice behind me whispered low
The girl was late, that's all.
SHE only know the Arbor's joy
The night she'd been astray.
Too late, the seven judges said,
Too late to save the day.
But the girl had wanted to remain
And so she had to pay.
YET every girl wants to remain,
By EACH let this be heard,
Some stay because of handsome face,
Some for a loving word.
The coward does not heed desire,
But the brave one can be lured.
THE loftiest place is that hall of grace
Where all are free to turn home
At any time when reason or rhyme
Tells them there to roam.
But in a staid one's frozen eye
Such thoughts can never foam.
SHE waited for the stroke of eight,
Her pencil firm in hand,
For the stroke of eight is the stroke of fate
By the penalty's command,
The hour when the door is locked,
And all company is banned.
I KNOW NOT whether laws be right
Or whether laws be wrong,
All that we know who go to school
is that the rule is strong,
And that each time a girl's confined,
Her penalty's too long.
(All items appearing in this column are written
by members of The Daily staff and edited by the
Editorial Director.)
Current Movies
At the Michigan .*.*
THE HARVEY GIRLS," featuring Judy Gar-
land, John Hodiak, Preston Foster and Ray
Bolger. Moving from one lavish production scene
to another, the picture professes to interpret the
story of Fred Harvey's waitresses and how they
helped to tame the wild and woolly West. Ap-
parently this taming was accomplished by chant-
ing "On the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe"
until all the undesirables had left town. It was
noticed that the third or forth time Johnny
Mercer's railroad ditty came 'round the bend the
audience began to get up and leave, too. Con-
ductors sang it, outlaws sang it, cowboys sang
it, cowgirls sang it and perhaps some of the
cows would have sung it had they not been
so shy. The cacaphony of sound and blurbs of
bright colors bore down on the cast like engine
number -49. Ray Bolger's dancing, the little
he was permitted to do, was its usual delightful
At the State .. .
ECAUSE OF HIM" offers the dubious acting
ability of Deanna Durbin. Featured with her
are Franchot Tone and Charles Laughton. The
sugary story is concerned with a striving actress
who finagles herself into the big part and of
course succeeds. It is all very familiar. Miss

Durbin, the up and coming child singing star
of a decade ago, is a big girl now but has to
come a bit further if she is to hold her own
as an actress. Tone has done a lot better, while
Laughton, who portrays a ham actor, is in his
element and turns in a creditable performance.
-Hap Eaton
Not In The Atom
The development of atomic energy holds great,
but as yet unexploited, promise for the well-being
of civilization. Whether this promise will be real-
ized depends on whether the danger of swift and
unprecedented destruction can be removed from
the earth. Whether it is removed depends on
whether we and other nations move firmly, quick-
ly, and with frank transparency of purpose to-
ward the goal of uniting all men of good will
against the appalling threat to man's very exis-
tence. The focus of the problem does not lie in
the atom; it resides in the hearts of men.
-Henry L. Stimson, in Harper's Magazine

'pCeter to the fbor
Porcelain Pusses
To the Editor:
I have just finished reading The Daily Music
column in which one Paula Brower assails the
performance of Mr. Alec Templeton, last night's
concert Artist. I capitalize artist because to me
that is exactly what Mr. Templeton is.
I do not have the musical background that
Miss Brower evidently has, but if such a back-
ground makes for such frozen faced cynicism
as is so evident in her article, I care for none.
She has stated that Mr. Templeton is prim-
arily an entertainer and that hearing him once
was sufficient. I can't say what Miss Brower
attends such functions for, but if her tastes are
as morbid as her article intimates, I would gladly
recommend her to a first class mortuary.
As for last night's audience, it merely bore
out the tradition of Ann Arbor. The people
have the spontaneity and warmth of a smoked
fish, and Mr. Templeton must be commended for
even cracking their porcelain "pusses".
Yours for more Templeton and less Brower,
-Charles R. Orwick
* * *
Pearson Admirer
To the Editor:
Your present policy of printing or NOT print-
ing Drew Pearson's "Washington Merry-Go-
Round" according to your own fancy, and either
in full or in part is disgusting to say the least.
For one thing, it shows a lack of sense of val-
ues. Certainly what Drew Peason has to say is
of inestimably more importance than some of
those things that get into the "Letters to he Edi-
or" column, or Paula Brower's infantile "critici-
sms" of the world's finest musicians.
Secondly, you always give Samuel Grafton pri-
ority over Drew Pearson. Why? Certainly Drew
Pearson has a much greater following than
Samuel Grafton. Or perhaps Gra.fton's political
views are more in harmony with your own than
are Pearson's.
Either PRINT .Drew Pearson's column, and
print it consistently, or eliminate it entirely, in
which case I'll subscribe to the Detroit Free
Press so I'll be sure of getting it. This guessing
game has gone far enough.
-Frank H. McFerran
(EDITOR'S NOTE: We print all letters to the edi-
tor which are under 450 words and are in good taste.
The Detroit Free Press is available in all local news
* * * *
More On Franco
To the Editor:
Mr. Kieber voices fear that, if Franco were
ousted, an extreme leftist government would
take his place. Quite possible. And that this
leftist government would be undemocratic and
oppressive in some ways. Probably true. But
notwithstanding some of our personal ideas of
social morality, Europe is going leftward! The
present status and the background, of many
years standing, of several European countries
(including Spain) is one of a distorted, laggard
feudalism. The peoples of these countries do
not seem to comprehend concern ".. . . for the
rights of the individual man . . . " as much as
do the citizens of Great Britain and the United
States. The immediate concerns of the former
are a full stomach, a roof over their heads and
a shirt on their backs. Hence the appeal of
any group that promises popular land redistri-
bution and control of industry for maximum
security of working people. Those of us who
have our immediate needs of existence satis-
fied are better able, in logical sequence, to con-
sider "rights" than is the hungry man. The
peoples of Spain, Italy, et al, have always been
Mr. Kieber states that "Fascism, Nazism and
Communism are all facets of the same 'jewel'
... " There are many points of overt similarity
in the manner of operation of these systems
and some points of inherent likeness. But the
ultimate goals of the Right and the Left are
in sharp variance. We who are well-fed (or
"democratic") should not divorce the struggles
over the extreme political doctrines from the

economic and cultural milieus of the countries
in which the fight is taking place. Examine
problems in their context!
Lastly, we must not permit fear to utterly
preclude action. We must put Franco out and
give the Spanish people another chance. They
will almost certainly do better for themselves.
As for the "Fear", we would do better to im-
prove ourselves and give concrete assistance
abroad. We are not a shining example. Unless
we attend to this, the Soviets will wax stronger,
will accrue ever-increasing spheres of interest
and influence. Franco will not be able to "pro-
tect" Gibralter or anything else for us. And no
amount of "fearing" on our part, based on ideo-
logical preferences, will halt this trend.
-Hal Lester
* * * *
'Feather Merch ats'
To The Editor:
At first it wasn't so bad, but constant repeti-
tion of your error is beginning to get on our
The term "feather merchants" does not come
from the title of Max Shulman's excellent book.
It existed long before the book was ever written
As any good marine knows, or even a G.I., Shul-
man took the term from well established lan-
guage of the service.
-Harry A. Lockwood

Publication in the Daily Official Ihl.
letin is constructive notice to all mm c
bers of the University. Notices for the1
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the dayr
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LV, No. 103
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-t
ence, and the Arts:
The five-weeks' grades for Navy
and Marine trainees (other than En-
gineers and Supply Corps) will be dueI
April 6. Department offices will beI
I'd Rather Be Right:
Dil1 Crusade
SENATOR TAFT of Ohio has start-
ed a kind of dull crusade against
the proposal for $600,00,000 of hous-
ing subsidies; and in his customary
unfascinating manner. Ohio's senior
obstacle to postwar planning has de-
clared that no such fund should be
turned over to the Federal housing
expeditor. Mr. Wilson Wyatt, because
that would represent too great a
grant of blanket authority; that is
cne of the wooden criteria by which
le mechanically determines his posi-
tion on public issues; he is an old-
time blanket authority spotter, and
if he finds any blanket authority in
a program, he is going to be against
it, no matter what.
The situation must be galling'
to Mr. Wyatt, who, after months
of work has come up with a pro-
gramn designed to expedite housing
past every sort of natural and
economic obstacle, only to find that
there seems to be no way of ex-
pediting it past Mr. Taft. M*r.
Wyatt has the answer to shortages,
but not to Senators. He has licked
every problem but this one; he
now knows how to get everything
one needs to build houses, except
enough votes in Congress.
Mr. Taft's prosy declamations to
the effect that Mr. Wyatt might
spend the $600,000,000 of housing
subsidies on "anything in the world"
conjure up visions of the federal ex-
pediter running through the moolah
in Washington's night clubs, or burn-
ing it up in an empty lot, while
laughing hideously, but, actually,
nothing of the sort is contemplated.
R. WYATT would use the money,
as smartly and knowingly as he
could, to increase the flow of building
materials, while keeping costs down.
He might go to a factory producing
doors and window-frames, and per-
suade it to work over-time, by agree-
ing to pay part or all of the extra
per-hour labor cost for overtime work,
thus getting us more doors and sash-
es, while keeping prices down. He
might go to another producer of
building materials, and help him in-
crease his output by financing the
purchase of additional machinery for
him. If a town had space for a thou-
sand new homes, but no access road
to the proposed new levelopnent, Mr.
Wyatt might build the road, just to
get the thousand homes. The idea
is to get 2,700,000 houses in two
years, to crack the one shortage
which threatens to be the sharpest
of all and to last the longest.
But thettrouble is that Mr. Taft
and his friends do not like gov-
ernment in this smart and know-
ing mood; they prefer a kind of
administration which doesn't wor-
ry quite so much, one which, per-
haps, would close its eyes, go
"Wheeee-" and permit a general
increase in the prices of building
materials, hoping that out of the
resulting hysteria and wild profit-
taking, some houses might spring
up. They want a government
which finger-paints, in other words,
instead of one which can draw

a fine line.
they feel, must be all thumbs,
capable of only the broadest and
clumsiest strokes. They find it rather
sinister of government tohwant to
grant subsidies only to those who
really need them, instead of giving
general price increases to everybody,
as a way of getting more production
out of some near-bankrupt little
door-knob mill which has been only
one jump ahead of the sheriff since,
say, the Spanish-American war.
It is a pity this issue has to affect
the housing of veterans; but, two
years from now, the ill-housed veter-
an who wakes up in the night in a
drip of rainwater coming through a
leaky roof will undoubtedly take com-
fort in the thought that Mr. Taft
has protected him against Mr. Wy-
att's blanket authority; that his in-
stitutions are sound, though his pa-
jamas are wet.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

Provided with special cards and the
Office of the Academic Counselors,
108 Mason Hall, will receive these
reports and transmit them to ihe
proper officers.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts:
The civilian freshman five-week
progress reports will be due April 6
in the Office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall.
Group hospitalization and Surgical
During the period from April 1
through April 10, the University
Business Office (Room 9, University
Hall) will accept new applications.
as well as requests for changes in
contracts now in effect, from all
University employees These new ap-
plications and changes will become
effective May 5, with the first pay-
roll deduction on April 30.
All men students registered With
the Student Employment Bureau,
Room 2 University Hall, are request-
ed to bring their records up to date
by adding their Spring Term sched-
ules, and also any changes of address.
Joseph A. Bursley,
Dean of Students
Wanted at Once: Men Students
who are willing and able to do inside
and outside work, such as houseclean-
ing, painting, yard and garden work.
There are several requestes for stu-
dent help listed with the Employ-
ment Bureau, Room 2, University
Hall, apply to Miss Smith, Ext. 2121.
Joseph A. Bursley,
Dean of Students
Notice to Veterans. All veterans who
have not as yet received subsistence
and who turned in evidence of eligi-
bility to the Certification Office of
the University prior to March 3rd and
who were registered in the Univer-
sity by that date are to report to
Room 100, Rackham Building on
Wednesday, April 3, between 8:30
a.m. and 3:30 p.m. in order that the
Veterans Administration may inves-
tigate the delay in the payment of
their subsistence.
The Museum of Art and Acheol-
ogy on South State Street reopened
Sunday, March 31. Visiting hours are
Sunday, 3-5; Tuesday through Fri-
day, 9-12; 2-5; Saturday, 9-12.
State of Michigan Civil Service
Announcements have been received
in this office for:
Biochemist III, salary $300-$360;
Biochemist IV, salary $380-$440;
HighwaysTraffic Engineer II, salary
$250-$290; Highway Traffic Engin-
eer III, salary $300-$360; Highway
Traffic Engineer IV, salary $380-
$440; Industrial Health Physician,
salary $465-$565. Closing date is
April 24.
State of New York Civil Service
Announcements have also been re-
ceived for:
Director of Social Service, salary
$2700-$3240; Assistant Village En-
gineer, salary $3300-$3900; Recre-
ation Assistant, salary $1300-$1560.
Closing date is April 5.
For further information,call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Girl Scouts: Miss Monna Heath,
representative of the Girl Scouts
from Chicago, will be in our office
today and Wednesday, April 2 and
3, to interview senior girls who are
interested in permanent positions in
Scout work all over the United
States. All those wio wish to talk
with her should call the Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, ext.
371, and make an appointment.
Dr. Frederick M. Watkins, formerly
Associate Professor of Political Sci-
ence at Cornell University, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Peace and Jus-

tice: The Political Thought of Proud-
hon," at 4:15 p.m., Monday, April 8,
in the Rackham Amphitheater. The
public is invited.
Marriage Relations Lecture: The
first lecture in the series will be given
in the Rackham Lecture Hall 8:15 to-
night. Tickets and identification are
necessary for admission.
La Sociedad Hispanica. The last
lecture of the Spanish Club series
will be Wednesday, April 3, at 8

p:m., in Kellogg Auditorium. Dr.
Josh Saralegui will speak on "Uru-
guay -- pais del Turismo."
A cademic Notices
Preliminary examinations for the
Ph.D. in English will be given on the
following schedule in Room 3223 An-
gell Hall at 9:00-12:00 in.
Wednesday. Mar. 8 American Lit-
era ture.
Satu rdy ay 11, English Litera-
turie. 17X00-1900.
Wednesday, May 15, English Liter-
ature 1500-1700.
Saturday, May 18, En'lish Litera-
ture Beginnings to 1500.
Will those intending to take the
examinations please notify Professor
Nelson by April 22.
M.A. Students in English. Make-up
for the qualifying examination will be
offered on Friday. April 5, at 4:00-
6:00 p.m. in 3223 Angell Hall. No
work taken before t qualifyin Aex-
amination is counted toward-c an M.A.
in English.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics
and Special Functions: Today at 3:00
p 'n., in 312 West Eng inering-
Professor R. C. F. Bartels will pre-
sent some results on "Modes of Vi-
brations of Flat Helical Springs."
All interested are welcome.

Bacteriology Seminar
this morning, at 8:30 in
East Medical Building.

will meet
Room 1564

Faculty Recital: Andrew B. White,
baritone, will be heard at, 8:30 Wed-
nesday, April 3, in his first program
since becoming a member of the fac-
ulty of the School of Music. It will
consist of Italian, German, French
and American compositions, and will
be open to the general public.
The Third Organ Program of the
current series will be presented at
8:30 tonight in Hill Auditorium, when
Frieda Op't Holt Vogan and Mary
McCall Stubbins will play composi-
tions by Leo Sowerby. lar. Sowerby,
hread of the Department of Composi-
tion at the American Conservatory of
Music, will appear as commentator.
The public is invited.
Michigan historical Collections:
"Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackham.
Open daily 8-12, 1:30-4:30, Saturdays
College of Architecture and De-
sign: Water colors and oils by Mr.
Karl Kasten, Instructor in Drawing
and Painting in this College. Ground
floor corridor. Open daily except
Sunday, 9 to 5, through April 20. The
public is invited.
Events Today
A.I.E.E.: A joint meeting of the
Michigan Section Electronics Group
and the Student local Chapter of the
AIEE will be held at Kellogg Audi-
torium .on Tueseday, April 2.
The discussion leader will be Mr.
Myron Zucker, Mackworth G. Rees
Inc., Detroit.
The Christian Science Organiza-
tion will hold its regular Tuesday
evening meeting tonight at 8:15 in
the Chapel of the Michigan League.
The Polonia Club will meet tonight
at 7:30 in the International Center.
Coming Events
Le Cercle Francais will meet Thurs-
day, April 4, at 8:00 p.m. at the Michi-
gan League. Professor Edward Adams,
of the Romance Language Depart-
ment, will recite a French mono-
logue. Everybody welcome.
I.C.C. The Educational Committee
of the Inter-Co-operative Council will
present a talk: "War-time Bureau-
crats in Washington," by Prof. Haber
of the Dept. of Economics, on Fri-
day, April 5th, 8:00, at Stevens Co-op,
816 Forrest Ave. A discussion will fol-
low and refreshments will be served.
Everyone is invited.
The American Veterans Commnittee
will hold its next meeting at the
Michigan Union, Thursday, 7:30,
April 4. Professor Leonard Watkins
of the Economics Department will,
talk on "The British Loan." A discus-
sion of the topic will follow. All vet-
erans are invited.



Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor
Hale Champion . ........... Editorial Director
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Editor
Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Clark Baker . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
Des Howarth . . . . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes . . . . . . . . Associate Women's Editor.


Good night, son. Your mother
and t will be home as soon

My Fairy Godfather's coming]
here to give a lecture... .



The child's confused. He
heard me say that we were


By Crockett Johnson
They could have sent a note ofi
regret, m'boy. Or called me at


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