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April 02, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-02

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Giant Pacific

Tidal Wave

Wreaks Havoc

Campaign Is Designed To Stimulate
Action Toward Student Government

Hawaii, California,Alaska
Report Extensive Damage

To Be Voted
On April 9,10
Rally Scheduled
At Hill Auditorium
Campus attention will be focused
on student government this week as
a spirited publicity campaign gets
under way to acquaint students with
two constitutions to be voted on in
all-campus elections April 9 and 10.
Thousands of students are ex-
pected to attend a student-govern-
ment rally at 7:30 p.m. Monday
at Hill Auditorium where the mer-
Student Government
Discussions Start
Panel discussions on the Council-
Forum and Congress-Cabinet con-
stitutions will take place at 7:30
p.m. tomorrow and Thursday at
the Union as a preliminary to next
week's campus-wide student gov-
ernment rally and election.
Speakers for each of the constitu-
tions will set the stage for an in-
formal discussion by six panel speak-
ers and a period of questions and
audience discussion. Sponsoring the
panels are the Union, the League,
SRA and the Committee for Liberal
Moderator of tomorrow's meeting
is John F. Muehl, assistant director
of the International Center. John
Sessions, teaching fellow in English,
is Thursday moderator,
its of the Congress-Cabinet and
Council-Forum constitutions will be
debated. The University Band will
play at the rally and a special skit
designed to show the need for stu-
dent government Will be given.
Plans for the new government are
sponsored by the Union and League.
Meanwhile, a wide variety of pub-
licity measures will be used this week
to stir the student body to a realiza-
tion of what the new student govern-
ment plan offers.
Banners posted prominently
about campus, panel discussions,
skits insororities, fraternities and
dormitories, stump speeches, store
displays, radio interviews and sand-
wich board advertising will high-
light the unique publicity campaign.
The campaign will aim at arousing
such enthusiasm that the whole stu-
dent body will turn out and vote
intelligently upon one of the two
constitutions, according to sponsors.
Tentative plans call for a mass
meeting at Willow Run where stu-
dent veterans at the University com-
munity near Ypsilanti will have an
opportunity to consider the two con-
The Daily will print the two
constitutions this week for reader
appraisal. Additional copies of the
constitutions will be provided all
students attending the rally Mon-
A second election for student gov-
ernment personnel will be held two
and one-half weeks following the
ratification of one constitution at the
elections April 9 and 10.
IFC Presidents
Meeting Listed
Discussion of pledging procedures,
and reports concerning the coming
student government elections will
highlight a meeting of all fraternity
house presidents at 7:30 p.m. Thurs-
day in the Interfraternity Council
office in the Union.
This meeting will replace the reg-

ularly scheduled one of April 10.
William Crick, secretary-treasurer of
the IFC, announced.
Crick also reminded house presi-
dents that all men who are registered
for rushing on the second list, issued
March 23, will become eligible for
pledging Saturday.
Miner To Lecture

[rzuru~m RUSSIA Krasovnad~k tE
l~~ihlar q
BA W A Sultanabad I A
Shjirz adabad

Prospecling - Ou QAA
Proven Oil Field- TR~UC
A PROBLEM IN OIL--Map locates proven oil fields and sites where
prospecting for oil has been carried on in Iran, Iraq, Eastern Turkey
and Southern Russia. Black areas show territory in which oil con-
cessions are held by governments of United States, Britain, France
and the Netherlands. Shaded area is abandoned concession upon
which prospecting never developed a successful well, according to
pre-war reports.
400.,000 Coal Miners StIrike,
Celebrate Traditional Holiday

National Basis
Won~ iSecure
Peace -Slosson
Oulines Plaii of
Rollin iAreeient
"There can be no guarantee of
peace so long as any nation has the
sovereign right to decide questions
of war and peace for itself," Prof.
Preston Slosson declared last night in
a report on the Rollins College Con-
ference on Atomic Energy.
Speaking before the Association of
University of Michigan Scientists,
Prof. Slosson outlined the "Appeal
to the Peoples of the World," unani-
mously adopted at the conference,
which seeks to expand the UNO into
a federal world government.
Secret Is Technological
Scientists at the conference agreed
that the only "secret" of the atomic
bomb is the technological procedure,
which any industrial nation can de-
velop within ten years, and that there
is no answer to the atomic bomb
short of an effective inspection sys-
tem. To work successfully, they con-
cluded, the inspectors must have the
power to go everywhere and see
everything, to arrest offenders, and
to bring them to trial before an in-
ternational tribunal.
Need World Government
The conference agreed that a fed-
eral world government which would
be necessary to enforce such an in-
spection system "can be best attain-
ed by working through the UNO,"
Prof. Slosson said. They appealed
for a general UNO conference to
amend the constitution, setting up a
"government deriving its specific pow-
,rs from the peoples of the world."
Asked how soon he believed this
could be accomplished, Prof. Slosson
said that "we are working to get it
under way before World War TII."
The only two governments which
might cause trouble, he noted, and
Russia and the United States.
An answer to the question of "what
will you do if Russia refuses?" Prof.
Slosson said, is the UNO provision
for regional federations. "A great
power that did not join at first
might find it advisable to do so later,"
hie pointecd out.
Copies of the appeal as signed at
the conference have been distributed
to congressmen, the President and
the cabinet, and state governors.
Prof. Slosson predicted that the ques-
tion "might very well become an issue
Ihis fall'
A mbta secldo
NEW YORK, April 1O--The
government of Iran gave unqualified
support to its ambassador here today
Smid mount ug speculation over Mos-
cow's reaction to the request of the
United Nations Security Council for
O full report on the Iranian issue.
Iran's statement, communicated di-
rectly from Premier Ahmed Cavam
I o Secretary-General Trygve Lie, ap-
parently was in response to earlier
Russian claims that Ambassador Hus-
sein Ala was not familiar with the
latest developments in the situation.
Ala presented Iran's side to the Coun-
cil last week immediately after Rus-
sia's dramatic walkout.

Hawaii, worst-hit of the Hawaii
waves that crested into speeding w
Pacific Troops (Give
Relief to Homeless
HONOLULU, April 1 -(J)--- Maj
Gen. George F. Moore, commanding
general of the mid-Pacific, alerted
troops under his command today to
give disaster relief to island inhab-
itants made homeless by the tidal
Moore offered services of the Army
to Governor Ingram Stainback, and
units were organized rapidly to feed,
clothe, house and give medical care
to thousands of homeless and scores
of injured. Moore said the Army
would open an evacuation camp for
3,000 civilians, homeless on the east-
ern side of Oahu.
Few Workers
Made Idle by
DSR Walkout
Mayor Demands Union
Submit to Arbitration
DETROIT, April 1-1P)-A strike
of street car and coach operators
tied up Detroit's municipally owned
transportation system today but kept
few workers from their jobs.
The strike, involving 5,200 mem-
bers of the Amalgamated Association
of Street, Electric Railway and Motor
Coach Employees of America (AFL)
began at 4 a.m. Monday after the
operators, demanding an 18-cent-an-
DETROIT, April 1-(/P)-Despite
the bus and trolley strike, enough
Detroiters made their way to Briggs
Stadium today to buy out all re-
served seats for the Tiger baseball
opener with St. Louis April 16.
The line bgan forming at 6 a.m.
hour wage increase rejected a coun-
ter-offer by the city of 15 cents hour-
Jeffries Demands Arbitration
At a meeting with representatives
of the union this noon, Mayor Ed-
ward J. Jeffries told them:
"You're not going to get a thing
we previously offered, except arbi-
"We are not going to make any
offer or do any negotiating while you
are on strike," Jeffries added. "There
is no excuse for a raise in wages if
wage conditions remain the same.
We want to go along with the nation-
al 'hold the line' policy,"
No Union Response
There was no immediate comment
from union officials, who yesterday
sought unsuccessfully to persuade the
car and coach operators to defer
strike action.
Earlier, however, James McGinnity,
international representative of the
Union, asserted he believed a settle-
ment could be negotiated "because
we are very close."
"We are not close and never have
been," Mayor Jeffries declared.

an Islands, was ripped by towering
alls of water 50 feet above normal
levels at Hil, crashing through
homes, warehouses and business
Recurrence Expected
The center of the wave, was be-
lieved to be the western tip of volcanic
Unimak Island, Alaska.
North Pacific shipping was warned
to be prepared for waves 90 feet high.
A recurrence of the crushing tidal
rush was believed possible.
Latest figures placed the toll in
Hawaii at 52 known dead. From five
to ten men were lost when the wave
enveloped an Alaskan lighthouse.
Every Island Hit
Every island in the Hawaiian group
was hit and widespread property
damage was reported, especially at
Hilo, on the island of Hawaii. There
a ship was torn from its moorings,
buildings on the seaward side of the
main street were damaged and a
bridge was wrecked. One large struc-
ture swept off its foundations.
Terrified witnesses said the waves
ranged up to 25 feet above high-tide
marks. Cars on coastal roads were
engulfed by tons of hurtling watet,
Heavy damage was reported frOm
Hawaii, Maui, Kaui and the leper
colony island of Molokai, where sev-
eral beach homes were washed out
to sea and lowland residents fled to
higher ground.
ChinaI's Reds
Bring Reforms,
Lindsay Says
"Communists in North China have
brought about several reforms which
are of considerable benefit to the
peasant population," Michael Lind-
say, former professor of economics
at Yenching University, declared, yes-
terday at Rackham Amphitheatre.
Lindsay pointed out that commun-
ism in China is generally much dif-
ferent from the popular conception
of communism. "In some cases it is
even more pro-capital than the Na-
tional government," he said,.
Speaking on the "Chinese Com-
munist Areas," Prof. Lindsay said
chief reforms were: transfer of pow-
er from appointed to elected officials;
enforcement of the rent limitation
law passed by the National govern-
ment in 1930; and reform of the tax
The tax reform, Lindsay stated,
neans that powerful families once
beyond taxation now are taxed and
that most of the tax money reaches
the government and does not go in-
to "pockets."
"Fundamentally the communists in
China are Marxists," he declared,
"but socialism can't be built on peas-
ant living. There will be a long per-
iod of development in which capital
will play a prominent part."
Michael Lindsay will deliver his
second lecture, entitled "The Prob-
lems of Chinese Unity," at 4:15 p.m.
today in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
It will deal with the Koumintang re-
lations since 1937, developments since
the Japanese surrender, the part
played by American foreign policy
in the situation, and the prospects
of attaining unity.

Center of Wave Believed To Be Tip
Of Volcanic Uniimak Island, Alaska
By The ~,Associated Pre-;
Tidal waves rolling out at airplane speed from a mighty submarine
earthquake demolished the entire waterfront of Hilo, Hawaii, Monday
and spread death and destruction to Alaska and California, At least 63
were dead, and Hilo reported as many as 300 may have been killed in that
city alone.

WAShINGTON, April 1 -((/P)-
Soft coal mine operators and lead-
ers of the striking United Mine
Workers met today with a federal
conciliator for the first time since
the walkout began in an attempt
to reach an agreement but re-
ported no progress.
Summer GI
Bill Subsistence
Plwm Explained
Veterans in undergraduate schools
and colleges who expect to receive
-tuition and subsistance benefits under
the GI Bill during the summer ses-
sion will be required to carry a mini-
mum of six hours of academic work,
Clark Tibbetts, director of the Veter-
ans Service Bur'eau, announced yes-
In any case, veterans will have to
carry at least half of the minim um
number of hours required by their
schools or colleges dauring a regular
semester. Tibbetts said.
Tibbetts said the following policy
will govern continuation of tuition
and subsistance benefits:
Veterans now in residence who at-
tend this suimmer session will auto-
matically be granted tuition and
Veterans now in residence who do
not attend the summer session but
return for the fall semester will
automatically be granted tuition and
subsistance at that time.
He said that not all veterans would
be eligible to receive subsistance bene-
fits for the full period between the
end of the summer session and the
start of the fall semester, since an-
nual leave accrues at the rate of two
and one-half days a month.
If a veteran uses his accrued leave,
a corresponding amount of time is
taken off his total educational time,
Tibbetts said.
Motor City Train
To Stop Here

PITTSBURGH, April 1 -/n) -- The
nation's 400,000 bituminous coal min-
ers today launched their first all-
out strike since the war with a pro-
gram of parades and speeches cele-
brating "Lewis-Mitchell day."
The coal-diggers hold the tradi-
tional holiday annually in tribute to
two United Mine Workers' presidents
_--John L, Lewis and the late John
Mitchell. Union leaders and public
officials addressed the gatherings,
which were more numerous in the
leading coal states of West Virginia
and Pennsylvania.
Outside of that, the strike began
quietly in coal fields across the nation.
There was no picketing. Miners, lay-
ing aside their grimy work clothes,
simply started a routine walkout in
the atmosphere of a spring vacation.
Tomorrow, however, the coal shut -
down takes on a more serious hue
with start of curtailment in steel pro-
duction, which was just getting back
on its feet after the crippling strike
of 750,000 CIO United Steelworkers in
Leagrue PlansM
Open 1 se
Coeds To Be Takeni
On Tour of Building
The League will present, an Open
House from 2 to 5 p.m. today to
acquaint women with women's activ-
ities, and to explain all phases of
petitioning for League positions.
Coeds will be met at the front
and side doors at 2 p.m. and will be
conducted through the building by
junior assistants. These tours design -
ed to familiarize women with the
facilities of the League and uses
of the student rooms will last about
45 minutes.
Many of the rooms that were used
by the public and private groups in
recent years have been taken over by
the students this semester. Both As-
sembly and Panhel organizations have
moved to new offices on the third
floor and a new project room has
also been installed on this floor.
The public is being excluded from
the Grand Rapids and Hussey rooms

Fear Possible
Of Upheaval
KETCHIKAN, Alaska, April 1-"P)
-From five to ten men were lost to-
day when a tidal wave crashed
against the Scotch Cap lighthouse at
Unimak Island and continuing ir-
regular earthquakes led the com-
mander of the Alaska sea frontier to
warn of a possible recurrence of the
tidal rush.
The commander reported to the
13th naval district at Seattle that it
was believed 10 men were in the light-
house and all were lost. An earlier re-
port from the Coast Guard said the
personnel at the station was believed
to have numbered five.
North Pacific shipping was warn-
ed by the Navy to prepare for
waves 90 feet high. The center of
the tidal wave was believed to be
at latitude 35 north, longitude 164
west (the western tip of Unimak)
and an oceangrapher was dispateh-
ed by the navy in an airplane to
"make observances and determine
the speed, direction and height" of
the wave.
California appeared to have es-
caped the full force of the tidal dis-
The giant waves which crashed on
central California beaches, however,
terrified beholders and carried at
least one man to his death. The
elderly victim was one of two men
strolling on a beach at Santa Cruz,
south of San Francisco, when a great
wave rushed upon them, The sur-
vivor said he seized his companion
and helped him to his feet and then
lost hold of him as the outgoing wave
tumbled them in the surf.
San Pedro, just below Los Ange-
les, reported one tanker and two
cargo ships broke dock lines and
were pushed back into the dock
by tugs.
A 10-foot wave hit the Oregon
coast at Charleston, at the entrance
to Coos Bay. No damage was re-
At Seattle, Howard Coombs, as-
sociate professor of Geology at the
University of Washington, said he
believed the tidal disturbance origi-
nated in a submarine earthquake of
major intensity in the Aleutian area.
He estimated that the wave was trav-
eling at a speed of 400 to 500 miles an
hour. He said he registered the earth-
quake on his seismograph at 4:38
a.m., PST. (7:38 a.m. EST).
Dr. Thomas A. Jaggar, University
of Hawaii volcanologist, said the tidal
wave had been caused by a "world-
shaking submarine earthquake." He
ruled out the possibility o an under-
sea volcanic eruption.
Sigma Rho Tau
Names Speech
Contest Winner
Fay Ajzenberg, 46E, nominating Dr.
Elisa Meisner, German-born atomic
physicist, was judged best speaker
in the preliminaries of the Hall of
Fame contest held yesterday by Sig-
ma Rho Tau, engineering stump
speakers society.
Others who will appear in the finals
to be held April 16 are Charles Chad-
wick, Robert Buckborough, and Jane
Ingersoll. The name of the nominee
advocated by the person winning the
final contest is placed in the society's
mythical Hall of Fame.
This is the thirteenth local Hall of
Fame contest to be held by the Mich-
igan chapter of Sigma Rho Tau. The
first one was held in 1930, but the
contests were discontinued during the
war years.

Among the distinguished scientists
nominated for the Hall of Fame in
previous years are Sir Christopher
Wren, nominated by John Dykester-
hause (1930; James Watt, nominated
by Erich Sommers (1931); Louis Pas-
teur, nominated by Gordon Stowe
(1932); Thomas Edison, nominated
by Albert Stone (1933); Wilbur and
Orville Wright, nominated by George
Malone (1934); and Sir Charles Sim-
ons, nominated by Morris Hill (1935).

Isolated Village To elcome Walker

Ru -nor has it that the Gargoyle,
local equivalent of a Collier's car-
toon. will appear on campus early
Thursday morning.
"Early~ here is a figure of speech,
used somewhat loosely. Joe Walker,
who bears the responsibility for this'
issue, has courageously offered to
hie himself out to Willow Village

Thursday morning to greet the vet-
erans before their eight o'clocks, Gar-
goyle in hand. The other members
of the staff, made up predominantly
of philosophy majors, have never
arisen before 10:30 a.m.
There is some question as to
whether the gentlemen and their
ladies living in Willow Village will
appreciate Walker's visit in their
midst. The impending doom has

Shadroc: He shall not pass. (shakes
Morton's hand).
M: Is the tar ready? How about
the feathers?
8: This grenade .
M: No violence, understand?
(crouches quickly) Quiet, you.
fool. I hear melody.
Enter Walker, pushing loaded wheel-
barrow. He whistles, oblivious to
the danger. He sneaks:

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