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March 06, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-03-06

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Railroad Workers'
Walkout Is Slated
For Early Monday
By The Associated Press
SAN I ANCISCO, March 5-A progressive national strike of railroad
enginieers and trainmen involving an estimated 300,000 workers is slated
to start Monday morning, a brotherhood official announced today.
P. Q. Peterson, general chairman of the Brotherhood of Locomotive En-
gineers of the western area, said that only a quick settlement of a long
drawn out dispute could prevent the walkout.
He said the strike would be fully effective within four days. The country
has been divided into four groups, Peterson explained, and railroads in each

US. Sends Protest Note to Soviet;




litary Union
Charge Condemns Continued
Use of Russian Troops in Iran

GM, CIO Reject
New Vote Plan
For Strike End
Management Called
Guilty of 'Lock-out'
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, March 5-G e n e r a 1
Motors and the striking CIO United
Auto Workers failed to agree tonight;
on their proposals for a vote to end
the 105-day old strike and federal
mediator James F. Dewey declared a
vote was "out of the picture" for the
At the same time the auto workers
union charged that General Motors,
in turning down the UAW-CIO vote
proposals, was guilty of a "lockout."
These developments followed a
brief session between top union and
corporation officials in which both
sides again rejected one another's
proposals on bringing continuance of
the long and costly strike to a vote

of the rank and file.
Vote Proposed
The corporation proposed
men vote on returning "to
the basis of an 18% cents
wage increase. The union
manded 19J.

that the
work on
an hour
has de-

The union insisted that the strikers
also be given opportunity on the bal-
lot to decide whether the wage and
other issues go to arbitration by an
appointee of President Truman.
As company and union officials
broke up their meeting with Dewey,
Vice-President Harry W. Anderson
paused long enough in a corridor to
announce the union again had reject-
ed the company's idea on the proposed
back-to-work vote. He said again
the company would "stand pat" on
182 cents.
Union Charges Lockout
Shortly thereafter the union issued
a statement charging the corporation
with a lockout.
This statement, made by Pres. R. J.
Thomas, Secretary-Treasurer George
F. Addes and Vice President Walter-
P. Reuther was read to a large group
of reporters who had assembled with
Dewey in the General Motors press-
Mediator Dewey said negotiations
would resume tomorrow at 2:30 a. m.
and that in the meantime he would
make contacts with Washington. He
declined to specify what his call to
the capital would embrace.
Four TO Depict
Polish Situator
Eyewitness Account
Set for Tomorrow
The widespread wartime destruc-
tion in Poland and the efforts which
are being made toward reconstruc-
tion today, will be described by four
eyewitnesses of that war-torn coun-
try at 8 p. m. tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Amphitheater..
The American Citizens' Committee,
composed of four prominent Detroit-
ters, was sent to Poland last October
by the Detroit Polish Democratic
League for a seven-week survey.
Members of the delegation arestate
Senator Stanley Novak and state Rep-
resentative Vincent Klein, both from
metropolitan Detroit, Prof. Anthony
Kar, president of the Kosciuszko
League, and editor Henry Podolski
of the "Voice of the People."
Novak and Klein will discuss the
progress in Poland toward replacing
the agricultural economy with semi-
planned industrial society. Devel-
opments in the press and public rela-
tions, and in educational reforms will
be pointed out and movies of the war-
time destruction in Poland will be
After visiting London to investigate

>group will be struck on successive
The Southern Pacific here will be
struck at 6 a. m. Monday, Peterson
said. Workers on other rail lines in
various sections of the country also
will go on strike at the same time.
A spokesman for the Soutnern Pa-
cific here said only that the company
had not received any official notice
of the impending strike and there-
fore did not have a statement at this
Within the 24 hours following the
strike call-on Tuesday-Peterson
said workers on the Western Pacific
and other lines also would quit work.
Notice of the intended strike was
filed July 24, 1945, Peterson said. He
added that a membership vote was
heavily in favor of the walkout.
The strike was to have become ef-
fective August 1, but negotiations
were continued toward a possible
Peterson said the issues were wages
and working rules. He said he had
been instructed by the brotherhood
to issue the strike call.
Beirne Predicts
Phone Service
Stoppage Soon
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 5-Joseph
A. Beirne, president of the National
Federation of Telephone Workers, de-
clared tonight that barringe"some
new developments" a nationwide
stoppage -of telephone service would
occur within the "next 48 hours."
Beirne, in a statement issued in the
midst of desperate government efforts
to avert a threatened walkout Thurs-
day of some 200,000 telephone work-
ers, asserted "the companies have
not made any concessions that can
be deemed favorable."
Beirne said member unions of the
independentanational federation still
were negotiating in line with the fed-
eration policy "to do everything to
peacefully compose the differences
which exist in order to avert a strike
on Thursday."
The federation president declared
that unless all of the 17 wage dis-
putes resulting in the strike threat
were settled satisfactorily, the strike
would take place.
However, he added that the "total
picture" centered on the decisions
of one management-the American
Telephone and Telegraph company.
"The AT & T management is actu-
ally the one which must make the
decision as to the continuation of
telephone service after March 7,"
Beirne asserted.
Edgar L. Warren, chief of the fed-
eral conciliation service, said govern-
ment pressure for a settlement would
Warren indicated he intends to
keep the negotiators behind closed
doors "as long as they can stay
awake." Earlier, he had said that
he believes a settlement of the long
lines dispute would expedite agree-
ments in disputes involving 16 other
telephone unions.

Truman Pleads
For Support of
UNO Charter
Ex-Prime Minister
Hits Russian Policy
By The Associated Press
FULTON, Mo., March 5-Winston
Churchill today asked a virtual mili-
tary alliance between the United
States and Britain, and President
Truman, speaking from the same
platform, pleaded for "full support"
of the United Nations' charter to save
mankind from "destruction."
The President spoke after the fiery
wartime prime minister of Great
Britain had bluntly accused Russia
of seeking "indefinite expansion of
its power and doctrines." Speaking
in the Westminister College gym-
nasium where both Mr. Churchill
and the nation's Chief Executive re-
ceived honorary degrees, the former
prime minister called for an end to
the "quivering, precarious balance of
power" which he asserted offered a
temptation to "ambition or adven-
Law Of World
In his acceptance of the degree and
after Churchill's address, Mr. Tru-
man made his plea to the people to
implement the UNO Charter-"as the
law of the land and the law of the
"These are perilous times," the
Chief Executive said gravely. "The
world either is headed for destruc-
tion or the greatest age of progress in
The President, however, made no
reference to the suggested Anglo-
American alliance and strictly re-
frained from any criticism of Russia.
As vital support for the United Na-
tion's Organization and the best
means of maintaining the peace,
Churchill advocated:
1. Joint use of all naval and air
bases of either the United States or
the United Kingdom "all over the
2. "Intimate" relationships be-
tween Anglo-American military ad-
visers, common study of "potential
dangers," similar weapons and man-
uals of instruction and "interchange
of officers and cadets at colleges."
Reds 'Growing Peril'
Except in the British Common-
wealth and in the United States, he
said, fearfully, "the Communist par-
ties or fifth columns constitute a
growing challenge and peril to Chris-
tian civilization."
A crowd estimated to number sev-
eral times the 8,200 population of Ful-
ton turned out for a glimpse of the
President and the former prime min-
ister of England
No Offenders
Reported Yet
A clean slate of no arrests to date
is reported by city police for the re-
cent Ann Arbor ordinance making
minors violating the liquor law sub-
ject to misdemeanor penalty.
According to Police Lieut. Gehring-
er, in charge of enforcing the ordi-
nance, this city law will be handled
like any other, with no special pro-
visions made or action taken beyond
the routine procedure.
The ordinance was passed at a
February meeting of the City Council
to relieve the legal burden on local
taverns where minors illegally pur-
chased liquor.

Outlining the functions of campus-
wide student self-rule at the Rally for
Student Government at 7:30 p. in.
today in the Union Ballroom, a vet-
eran and two upperclassmen will
point out methodsof expanding and
improving campus social facilities
and providing more democratic rep-
resentation on faculty-student com-
Robert Taylor, '46, will sketch the
background of past student govern-
ments at the University and the pres-
ent movement for a representative
student organ. He will also explain
the essential provisions and differ-
ences of both the Congress-Cabinet
and Council-Forum constitutions
which will appear on a preferential
Franco Defies
WASHINGTON, March 5 - (T) -
Defiant reaction from Francisco
France was made public today as the
United States, Britain and France
awaited results of their joint call to
the Spanish people to oust the Gen-
Franco's ambassador in Washing-
ton, Juan Francisco De Cardenas,
delivered a note at the state depart-
ment Sunday--some 24 hours before
the release of the American-British-
French declaration-warning that
Spain would "repudiate" any "foreign
The note said the question of the
Franco regime was exclusively a
Spanish matter, and that any for-
eign intervention would "heighten
the national feeling of the Spanish
people, always jealous of the integ-
rity of their sovereignty."

ballot at an all-campus election this
"Proportional Representation; How
It Works" will be explained by Dr.
Clark F. Norton of the political
science department. The proportional
representation system of election, ac-
cording to Hare plan which is most
widely used in this country, is one
of the main features of the Con-
gress-Cabinet Constitution.
Sample ballots for the election of
five permanent delegates to the UNO
Security Council will be distributed
at the beginning of the Rally. This
mock election, conducted by mem-
bers of the Committee for Student
Representation, will demonstrate the
Hare system of PR. Results of the
balloting will be announced at the
close of the Rally.
The housing, eating and recrea-
tional problems will be discussed by
an undergraduate veteran in connec-
tion with the Student Government's
job in these campus affair. The posi-
tion of students on joint faculty-
student bodies and the need for more
adequate student representation will
be pointed out.
All students, including veterans,
are urged to attend the Rally which
is planned to acquaintstudents, par-
ticularly new enrollees, with the
problems and functions of a campus
Student Government.
Concert Series
To End Monday
Krueger To Conduct
Detroit Symphoniy
The Detroit Symphony Orchestra,
reorganized two years ago under the
direction of Karl Krueger, will pre-
sent the final concert on the Choral
Union series, at 8:30 p.m. Monday in
Hill Auditorium.
The first Ann Arbor appearance of
the symphony, Monday night's pro-
gram will feature the Mozart "Sym-
phony No. 41 in C major" (K. 551),
Strauss' "Death and Transfiguration"
and selections by Sibelius, Mendels-
sohn and Debussy.
Both the original orchestra and
the present organization, consisting
of more than 100 players, were
founded during war periods. Organ-
ized in 1914, the Detroit Symphony
grew to be the cultural voice of an
industrial city. In the year following
Pearl Harbor, however, for an entire
season, Detroit had no Symphony
Orchestra. The refinancing and rets-
tablishment of the orchestra was ac-
complished by the 1943-44 concert
season, and Karl Krueger, former
conductor of the Seattle Symphony
and the Kansas City Philharmonic,
was engaged to direct the orchestra.

cigar), president of the Federation of Long Lines Telephone Workers,
tells reporters in New York that efforts to negotiate settlement of a
threatening nationwide telephone tieup broke down without agreement.
The strike is scheduled to start next Thursday.
Mock Elections Will Be Held,
Self-Rule Functions Outlined

By The Associ
WASHINGTON, March 5-The Unite
against the continued presence of Sovi
The State Department announcedt
expected to be in Russian hands somet
be made public soon afterwards.
The action is the latest in a series
firmly in opposition to Soviet mes
of which this government disapproves.
No Detailed Information
Meanwhile the State Department
did not describe the nature of the
note, but the fact that it constitutes
a protest was learned from an official
who may not be publicly identified.
It was described as a direct protest
against what the American govern-
ment considers Russia's failure to
live up to treaty obligations to with-
draw all its troops from Iran by
March 2.
The decision to protest had beenc
made previously and Secretary ofs
State Byrnes had awaited word fromo
Tehran as to the attitude of the b
Iranian government itself on Russia'ss
decision to keep some forces in north- n
ern Iran beyond March 2.
The information from Tehran ar-b
rived today through Iranian Ambas-
sador Hussein Ala, who was formally
notified that his government had pro-t
tested to Moscow.V
British Ask Explanationt
Meanwhile the British had sent theA
Russians an inquiry, asking an ex-
planation of why they were keepingt
troops in Iran.
At a news conference today ByrnesC
said it is perfectly clear to the Amer-
ican government that Russian troopss
should all have been withdrawn from
Iran by March 2.
4 4
Iran Protests
Soviet Decision
LONDON, March 5-(AP)- Official
Iranian sources said tonight thatr
Iran had made a formal protestt
against Russia's decision to keepe
troops in Iran's northern provinces,
and declared the United Nations Se-t
curity Council might be asked to re-
open its case against Russia.
Iranian officials here were cautious
about making any flat statement that
the case would again go before the
security council, which decided atE
its London meeting last month thatE
Russia and Iran should try to settle
the differences by direct negotia-
Daily, 'Ensian
List Meetings
For Tryouts 1
A meeting for eligible students in-
terested in joining the editorial,
sports and women's staffs of The
Daily will be held at 4:15 p. m. today
in the Student Publications Building;
and a similar meeting will be held
for the business staff at 4 p. m. to-
Veterans who have had college or
professional newspaper experience, or
who have done public relations work
will be placed on a special staff, Liz
Knapp, Associate Editor, stated, and
will be given assignments immedi-
All those interested in working on
the '46 Michiganensian, University
yearbook, are urged to attend the
first try-out meeting of this semester
at 4:30 p. m. Thursday in the Stu-
dent Publications Building.
The yearbook is divided into five
sections: the introductory section
revealing the theme, schools and col-
leges, sports, campus organizations,
and house groups. Work on all phases
of the 'Ensian is open to eligible stu-
dents, with or without any previous

Book Exchange Will
Operate Until Friday
The Michigan Union Student Book
Exchange, sponsored in cooperation
with the League, will be open from
10 to 12 a. m. and from 1 to 5 p. m.

ated Press
d States protested to Moscow tonight
et troops in Iran.
that a note had been sent. It Is
ime tomorrow and the contents may
designed to put the United States
' To Establish
Curriculum i
Institute Will Offer
Public Service Degree
In response to demands for more
competent government, the Univer-
sity has established a new Institute
of Public Administration which will
be in operation by the Summer Ses-
sion, Provost James P. Adams an-
nounced yesterday.
Established following a year's study
by a special committee, the Institute
is "a more formal organization and
integration of programs of instruc-
tion, research and public service in
which the University has -long main-
tained a lively interest," Provost
Adams said.
Prof. John A. Perkins of the politi-
cal science department, will supervise
the educational phases of the Insti-
tute. The University's Bureau of
Government, directed by Prof. Robert
S. Ford, will become part of the In-
Four-Fold Program
The Institute's four-fold program
will include:
1. Instruction and counseling for
graduate and undergraduate students
in public administration, using exist-
ing research and teaching resources
of several departments.
2. Research on matters of public
interest, such as finance and taxa-
tion, social security, management and
3. Services to public administra-
tive offices and legislative bodies.
Chief research and service unit will
be the Bureau of Government.
4. "In-service training" for ad-
vanced students through cooperation
with offices of various units of gov-
ernment and short courses for public
employees. This phase of the pro-
gram will not be started immediately.
Special Training Needed
Pointing out that good government
requires "highly competent and spe-
cially trained personnel in the public
service," Provost Adams said it is the
responsibility of the Uuniversity to
make its educational resources avail-
able for the accomplishment of this
The Institute will be under the su-
pervision of an executive committee
consisting of the deans of the Gradu-
ate, Law and Business Administra-
tion schools and the chairmen of the
economics and political science de-
Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law
School, chairman of the special com-
mittee that recommended the estab-
lishment of the Institute, is acting
chairman of its executive committee.
Schools and departments which
will be integrated into the Institute's
program include: law, business ad-
ministration, engineering, forestry,
public health, economics, political
science, geography, sociology and city
Graduate and undergraduate de-
grees will be conferred by the school
in which the student is registered and
not by the Institute.
Hindus To Giv.e
Talk on Russia
Maurice Hindus, authority on the
Soviet Union, will speak on the sub-

ject "How We Can Get Along with
Russia" in an Oratorical Association
lecture at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
A correspondent and author, Hin-
dus was born in a Russian village, but
came to America at the age of 13 and
worked for several years on a farm ih
New York. He was graduated from

Unclaimed Tickets for J-Hop To Be Sold Unless
Applications Are Submitted by 1 pm. Today

Students holding accepted applica-
tions for J-Hop tickets must turn
them in to purchase tickets between
8:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. today, and no
applications' will be honored after
that time.
All tickets not claimed by 1 p. m.
will be placed on open sale with no
consideration of class. Very few
tickets remain to be sold outright, but
those remaining will be available to-
morrow. A spring term cashier's re-
ceipt must be presented in order to
purchase tickets without an applica-
Announcement that Ziggy Elnan
would make his first reappearance

Sinatra., Connie Haines, Jo Stafford,
and the Pied Pipers already gradu-
ates of the Dorsey School for Stars,
Dorsey's present retinue has good
All fraternities, men's residence
halls, and independent men must
turn in date lists for J-Hop by noon
Thursday at the business desk of The
Daily. Any men not connected with a
house should turn in individual
names of guests for the Hop. Guests'
names, their class, if in school, and
their h~omnetown, if from out of town,
should be included in the lists. Names
must be turned in if they are to ap-
--- --- -"A c rl i-.n. of .t-

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