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November 13, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-13

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Fifty-Sixth Year

Byrnes Secretive, Cool to Press

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I « lO1M}yr. ....4-."" 1m

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of. Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Ray Dixon.. ...... ....Managing Editor
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . ..City Editor
betty Roth . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Arthur J. Kraft . . . . . .. Associate Editor
Bill Mullendore . ......... Sports Editor
Mary Lu Heath . . . Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz .............Women's Editor
Dona Guimares . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Dorothy Flint... .. . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $525.

National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

* Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
+, ev


Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Minimum Wage
ENATE BILL 1349 is a bill to amend the Fair
Labor Standards Act by providing that
henceforth all jobs would pay a minimum of 65
cents an hour. This bill, which has already been
endorsed by the secretaries of labor, commerce,
and agriculture, would render legally obsolete
the present 40 cent an hour wage minimum law.
Passage of Bill 1349 is a necessity. Wages
of less than 65 cents per hour in the United
States are substandard. Substandard wages
spell malnutrition, poor housing, inadequate
medical care, and a host of equally unde-
sirable conditions for America's labor popu-
Low wages also impede the process of recon-
version. Thousands of workers migrated during
the war from substandard wage localities to the
regions of higher salaried war jobs. These work-
ers now are refusing to return to the substandard
regions, although jobs are available there. If
the legal minimum wage were raised, there would
be more balance.
The 65 cent an hour minimum is not going to
bolster our entire economy. It would prevent
much wage cutting and many work stoppages.
It is a step in the right direction.
This country, when its national income was
64 billion dollars, set a 40 cent an hour wage
minimum. Now that the national income is
160 billion dollars, we can set at least a 65
cent an hour wage minimum.
-Eunice Mintz
Better UNo
AT LONG last the procrastinators in Washing-
ton have gotten around to doing something
towards sharpening the teeth in the United
Nations Organization. A bill approved by the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week
gives the President power to approve the com-
mittment of U. S. troops against an aggressor
nation without the consent of Congress.
This represents the first concrete abtion in
pledging the use of force to maintain peace
since the organization came into existence.
From the aura of distrust surrounding the re-
cent actions of each member of the Big Three,
we had somehow gotten the impression that
the UNO was considered a finished product
which could now be forgotten.
Agreements as to the number of troops and
types of equipment to be provided must be ap-
proved by Congress, under the bill's requirements.
This will mean that although decisive action in
case of an emergency will not be held up by Con-
gressional wrangling, the committment of U. S.
manpower would not be entirely in the hands
of one man.
Committee chairman Tom Connally expects
prompt Senate passage of the bill. We hope
the gentleman from Texas is right.
-Annette Shenker
Common Sense
rIn a ' ;-i i-,,. m. +, afrn a n1rd hnnu

WASHINGTON-For ,20 long years, ever since
Charles Evans Hughes was Secretary of
State, it has been traditional that the heads of
the State Department meet the press five or six
times a week. Hughes inaugurated this policy
after a long period of hush-hush diplomacy
when ,Woodrow Wilson was ill and his foreign
policy was marking time.
Frank B. Kellogg, who followed Hughes dur-
ing the Coolidge administration, continued the
practice religiously. At times Kellogg was
badgered on such subjects as sending the Ma-
rines to Nicaragua and his bellicose notes to
Mexico. However, he took the pummeling with
good spirit, eventually recovered his equili-
brium, and used his press conferences efect-
ively when it came to marshaling public opin-
ion for his treaty to outlaw war.
Henry L. Stimson,, the next Secretary of State,
Molotov' s Speeeh
FOOTNOTES ON MOLOTOV: . It seems to me
that the outstanding characteristic of Mr.
Molotov's speech was its placidity. Perhaps that
is one reason why it has been so hard for West-
ern commentators to interpret the address; some
of them, in this angry moment; seem to have
expected an angry speech. They now give the
impression of being men who were so sure they
were going to be pushed, thtthey have fallen
over resisting an imaginary pressure.
Some observers have described the speech as
a request for the atomic bomb, which it isn't;
there is no request for the bomb anywhere in
the text. Some others have reported furiously
that Mr. Molotov attacked the United States
for planning to keep a standing army; but he
said quite clearly that the interests of peace
require the peace-loving nations "to have the
necessary force of arms at their command."
Perhaps, in reading our own angers into the
speech, we have missed the oration's most
newsworthy quality, which is precisely its pla-
cidity, its air of calmness.
2. I find in the speech a certain schoolteach-
erish objectivity, as if Russia were withdrawing
just a little bit, and bidding the world to look at
itself. Thus Mr. Molotov takes up the question
of leftist movements in Europe, and he makes
the point that Russia is not responsible for them;
he says that movements for better working con-
ditions, shorter hours, distribution of land to
poor farmers, etc., have long been common in
many countries. It is as if he were trying to
tell the West that it cannot solve its problems
merely by opposing Russia; and it seems to me
that all this fits, in some way, into the pattern
created by Russia's keeping hands off the Hun-
garian elections, and the Chinese civil war.
There is something almost smug in this sec-
tion of the address; it is as if Mr. Molotov were
saying: "What happens if we do withdraw, if
Russian influence, which you so dislike, fades
from world affairs? Would your problems be
solved, or would they only become sharper?"
3. The famous "domestic boasting" section of
the speech seems to have a similar meaning.
Mr. Molotov carries on at length about how good
life is going to be in Russia; he talks about the
new five-year plan; about an increased output
of consumers' goods, about the advantages of the
Soviet system. He slides from this material,
without a break, into a detailed account of the
Soviet's new frontiers in Europe, and of their
meaning to Soviet security.
Again, he seems to be making a point about
withdraWal, to be declaring his conviction that
conditions have already been established which
will enable Russia to make the kind of progress
she desires, in the way she prefers.
4. Mr. Molotov also pays his respects to col-
lective security; and he defines it, which is unus-
ual. He makes it quite clear that, in his con-
ception, the world organization must be a kind of
continuing committee against fascism, operating
explicitly for that purpose on behalf of its three
major members, and of other nations. He says
that this notion of collective security does not
include a general debating-society League of Na-
tions type of grouping, on which any kind of
power formation might develop, and which might
go off on a tack against one of its major mem-
bers. He sees the organization as an agency

created by certain nations, to do a certain job
for them, and not any kind of job against any
one of them. Solutions must be-in accord with
the interest of the entire anti-Hitler coalition,
the organization itself should be a kind of ex-
tension of the anti-Hitler coalition into the
peace; and the peace-time job is the same as the
wartime job, the removal of the last vestiges
of fascism from the world. Thus, though he
limits collective security, he relates the war and
the peace, makes the one flow into the other.
5. But there is no threat of violence and
rash action, should world agreement, on these
terms, break down; the only threat in the
speech, if it can be called a threat, is the dec-
laration that Russia will, in any case, get along
quite well. Mr. Molotov therefore poses a kind
of choice; in effect, he asks the world to con-
sider just how fruitful an anti-Russian course
will be. The- atomic bomb plays its own ine-
vitable part in the discussion; but those who
see reflected in the speech only a squabble
about the bomb will miss the meanings deeply,
but not cryptically, embedded in it.
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

was also punctiliously careful to hold press con-
ferences five or six times a week. Stimson, too,
staged rought-and-tumble debates with the press,
but sometimes remarked that in the end he got
more out of press conferences than newsmen be-
cause it gave him a barometer of what the pub-
lic was thinking.
Cordell Hull, who followed Stimson, also
continued the tradition of regular press con-
ferences. Hull, it is true, was ill for long
periods, but during his absence conferences
were held regularly by the acting secretary of
state, Sumner Welles, or acting secretary Ed
Stettinius. The latter, when he became Sec-
retary of State leaned over backward never to
skip a press conference.
radition Ignored,
TODAY, however, it is' different. Jimmy
Byrnes, who passionately loves the phrase
"freedom of the press," simply hates press con-
ferences. His aides almost have to hog-tie him
to get him into the diplomatic reception room
where for 20 years secretaries of state have
faced the friendly cross-fire of newsmen.
Byrnes, at first, excused himself on the
ground that he was too busy learning Ameri-
can foreign affairs, so he cut down press con-
ferences from five or six to one a week. Fol-
lowing this, he ordered newsmen to be seated
instead of standing around the large confer-
ence table. He requires some newsmen to use
the same seat each week. This is the first
time in history that such regimentation has
been required. The idea is that Byrnes can
then spot, according to the location of their
chairs, the identity of the men who quiz
Last week, Secretary of State Byrnes, looking
grim and petulant, finally saw the press. When
one reporter asked why the American position
regarding the Dardanelles had not been given
out three or four days before, when erroneous
reports regarding that position emanated from
Turkey, Byrnes blazed back:
"You have no right to inquire about the
American position. I will tell you what I want
you to know when I want you to know it."
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)


(HORAL UNION concert goers were treated to
a group of selections which were somewhat
outside of the usual program Sunday eight when
the Cleveland Symphony under the direction of
Erich Leinsdorf played the Bruckner 7th Sym-
phony, Suite from the Ballet, "Appalachian
Spring" by Aaron Copeland, and Ravel's "Bol-
The Bruckner symphony was beautifully done.
The strings came through as a single voice in the
highly melodic passages which make up much
of the first three movements. Since the beauty
of the work consists largely of such passages,
it depends upon the coherence and tone of the
string section. The young conductor, recently
discharged from service, took full advantage of
the varied moods in the symphony to make for
interesting listening, and brought out its inher-
ent color with skilful phrasing and dynamics.
The only faults that could possibly be found
with the performance were in some of the string
attacks in the third movement, and in the bras-
ses, which faltered occasionally when, in parts
of the fourth movement, they were thrust clear
of the protecting cover of strings and onto their
own. This last is, however, a failing to which
brasses are commonly given, and one which is
difficult to eliminate. Probably because of un-
familiarity with the symphony, and difficulty
in following Bruckner's themes which are
handled with little conformity to any formal
structural pattern, the audience did not show
quite the enthusiasm for this work which it
might have.
Sunday's performance of Copeland's Suite
from the Ballet, "Appalachian Spring," wf4s one
of the first in this part of the country. Inter-
esting because it indicates a definite maturity
of the composer's style in his more coherent
usage of rythm and melody, it is so far the
most promising work to come from this young
American. Erich Leinsdorf's graceful conduct-
ing and the orchestra's high degree of respon-
siveness helped to produce a properly light
rendition, full of color and variation.
It took Ravel's Bolero to rouse complete enthu-
siastic accord between orchestra and audience.
After the first five minutes of the crescendo the
people were intently following the single theme
as it passed from instrument to instrument;
after ten they were leaning forward as the
pattern grew richer; after fifteen they were sit-
ting excitedly on the edges of their seats, cran-
ing eagerly with each new bit of gusto as the
resounding climax was approached: and upon
the conclusion of the final crash they burst into
cheers and applause such as have not been
heard in Hill Auditorium for many seasons.
The conductor's announcement, shouted vig-
orougsly through cupped hands, that "Tales
from the Vienna Woods" would be played as
an encore, was greeted with delight, and again
the orchestra maintained the high standard
of performance established earlier in the con-
-Paula Brown

At the Michigan ...
Danny Kaye in "Wonder Man"
with Virginia Mayo and Vera-Ellen;
a Samuel Goldwyn production, di-
rected by Bruce Humberstone.
DANNY KAYE'S vast but discerning
public has a clear occasion for
hat-tossing in "Wonder Man." While
not quite the grade-A product "Up In
Arms" was, this big, colorful musical
provides ample range for his Sunday-
driver talents and he leaves you once
again with the impression that there
is nothing he is unable to do. Romp-
ing through a tongue-in-cheek ghost
story about identical twins, the hy-
per-thyroid comedian performs three
Kayesque specialties that are pure
gold: a satire on Balinese dancing,
an imitation of a Russian with al-
lergy, and a roof-raising finale in
which he sings his own special brand
of l'opera from the stage of the Met.
Samuel Goldwyn is the only Hol-
lywood producer to capture the
verve and color of Broadway musi-
cals, which means that "Wonder
Man" occasionally reflects the flash
of the 'Gay White Way. Backing
up Mr. Kaye is a very handsome
production in which even the tech-
nicolor is sometimes bearable. Lead-
ing ladies Virginia Mayo and Vera-
Ellen are both tops in the photo-
graphic line.
At The Sitet . .
John Garfield, Eleanor Parker
and Dane Clark in "Pride of the
Marines"; a Warner Brothers pro-
duction, directed by Delmer Daves,
produced by Jerry Wald.
H ERE, under one of the more
frightening titles of the year, is
another item about the returning
serviceman which most critics would
do well to leave alone. Those who in-
nocently admired the performance in
last season's "I'll Be Seeing You,"
only to have veterans declare the film
an insult to them, have learned by
this time to le each movie-goer de-
cide for himself as to the validity of
the picture "Pride of the Marines"
Based on the experiences of an
actual marine, this film details the
return of a blinded serviceman to
civilian life, and the crises and ad-
justments involved therein. Some
slight sociological overtones creep in
What can be definitely said of
the film is that it has been given a
good performance. With temptation
lurking at every corner, bathos has
been largely avoided. John Gar-
field performs the lead role with
proper restraint and Dane Clark,
a pocket edition of Mr. Garfield, is
an actor of similar competence.
Eleanor Parker looks drab enough
to successfully suggest the girl one
would leave behind.
T HE war ended August 14, and the
world was at peace. A look at
the newspaper today would make one
wonder at the meaning of peace.
Asia is having peace to the tune
of thousands of Indonesians being
killed by British guns. The Indonese
are aflanie with a desire for independ-
ence, for a desire to be free from
century-old vassalage.
But the colonial administrators
apparently do not feel that the re-
cent world war, "fought for free-
dom and democracy," extends to
their Asiatic subjects. Their ac-
tions show that their concept of
world geography does not include

As the editors of "Free World"
have pointed out, the United Na-
tions have a collective responsibility
toward Asia, for they believe that all
colonial controls must ultimately be
abandoned, that all policies in Asia
must be formulated with that object-
ive in mind.
The only way in which this can
be accomplished is by constructive
guidance, and not through subjuga-
tion by strength of arms. The Asiatic
peoples must be conditioned toward
planning their own government. Sap-
ping them of everything material and
spiritual and keeping them in servi-
tude will not prepare them to help
Yet the Asiatics must show the
world that if they rid themselves of
their foreign masters they will
not substitute native despots. As
the editors of "Free World" have
said, "The United Nations must not
break faith with Asia, but Asia
must not break faith with the
The British pouring shells on
these people succeed in killing In-
donesians. It provides no solution.
to the problem.
-Lynn Shapiro

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angeli Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 11
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Attendance report
cards are being distributed through
the departmental offices. Instruct-
ors are requested to use green cards
for reporting freshmen and sopho-
mores, and buff cards for reporting
juniors and seniors. Reports of fresh-
men and sophomores should be sent
to the Office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall; those of jun-
iors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week absences,
and the time limits for dropping
courses. The rules relating to ab-
sences are printed on the attendance
cards. They may also be found on
Page 46 of the 1945-46 Fall Term
Announcement of our College.
E. A. Walter
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Wednesday,
Nov. 14, is the last day on which new
elections may be approved. The wil-
lingness of an instructor to admit a
student later will not affect the oper-
ation of this rule.
To the Faculty and Students of the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: Beginning Monday, Nov.
12, the Office of Admissions with Ad-
vanced Standing will be open only
during the following hours: Monday-
Friday, 11-12 and 2-4; Saturday 9-12.
To Deans, Directors, Department
Heads and Others Responsible for
Payrolls: Payrolls for the Fall Term
are ready for your approval. Please
call at Room 9, University Hall, not
later than Nov. 13.
Colleges of Literature, Science, and
the Arts; Architecture and Design;
Schools of Education; Music, and
Public Health: Students in these
units who have not filed election
cards in Room 4, University Hall may
do so now only upon presentation of
receipt showing payment of $1.00 late
elections fee.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts Changes in Election: After
the first week, changes may be made
by freshmen and sophomores only by
permission of the Academic Counsel-
ors and upon the payment of a fee of
$1.00. After the first week, juniors
and seniors must receive Associate
Dean Walter's permission, and must
pay a fee of $1.00.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for February: please call at
the office of the School of Education,
1437 University Elementary School,
this afternoon, between 1:30 and 4:30
p. in. to take the Teacher's Oath. This
is a requirement for the teacher's
Student Football Admissions: Stu-
dents who have not yet received their
football admission tickets must pres-
ent their physical education coupons
at the Administration Building, Per-
ry Field, before 5:00 p. in., Wednes-
day, 'Nov. 14. No student admission
tickets will be available after that
H. O. Crisler,
Director of Athletics.
The University Musical Society:
The Annual Christmas performance
of Handel's "Messiah" will take place
Sunday afternoon, Dec. 16, at 3
o'clock at Hill Auditorium. The fol-
lowing will participate: Rose Dirman,
soprano; Kathryn Meisle, contralto;
Arthur Kraft, tenor; Mark Love, bass;

Hugh Norton, narrator; Frieda Op't
Holt Vogan, organist; the University
Choral Union, Special Symphony
Orchestra; Hardin Van Deursen, Con-
ductor. Tickets, including tax, are:'
main floor, 65c; first balcony, 50c, and
top balcony 40c.
The Sixth Annual Chamber Music
Festival will take place Friday eve-
ning, and Saturday afternoon and
evening, January 25 and 26 .in the
Main Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Building. The Budapest String Quar-
tet will give all three concerts. Course
tickets, including tax, $3.60, $3.00,
Tickets for either the "Messiah"
concert or the Chamber Music Series
are on sale in the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower.
Choral Union Members: Beginning
ThursdayNov. 15, all rehearsals of
the Choral Union will be held in
Room B, in Haven Hall. Members
will please be governed accordingly.
Hardin Van Deursen, Conductor.
Students, School of Education: No
course may be elected for credit after
Wedne<:a N v Nov.14. Stuents mut

Identification Pictures will be taken
in Room 7, Angell Hall in the follow-
ing order for students who registered
Monday, Oct. 29 (the first day of
registration). Please bring your reg-
istration receipt. The photographic
room will be open from 8:00 a. m. to
5:00 p. m. daily including the noon
New Freshmen and New Transfer
I-P Tuesday, Nov. 13
R-Z Wednesday, Nov. 14
Old Students:
A-L Thursday, Nov. 15
M-Z Friday, Nov. 16
Saturday (8:00-12:00) Nov. 17.
Presidents of Fraternities and
Sororities are reminded that all house
officers must present certificates of
eligibility before holding office.
Aeronautical Engineering Students:
Two scholarships of $250 each are
available to students in Aeronautical
Engineering who are in need of fi-
nancial assistance and who show def-
inite promise in the field. Applica-
tions concerning these scholarships
should be in letter form, addressed to
Professor E. W. Conlon, B-47 East
Engineering Building. Applications
will be received up to Friday, Nov. 16.
Women Students on campus wish-
ing to be put on the waiting list for
dormitories for the spring semester
of 1946: These students may be placed
on the list only if they have previously
filed dormitory applications. Due to
the limited number of openings ex-
pected for the spring semester only
those women who are now enrolled
and who have previously applied for
dormitories will be considered for
placement for the spring. Such stu-
dents may call at the Office of the
Dean of Women on and after Nov. 15,
1945, for a limited period of time to
request reinstatement of their appli-
cations. A $10.00 deposit should be
placed on file. Students are cautioned
that only those who have already
filed the dormitory application form
and who do not have assignments in
dormitories may apply for the spring
semester. The Office of the Dean of
Womenassumes that students now at
the University will keep their present
housing assignments in dormitories
and converted fraternities for the
spring semester unless this office is
otherwise notified no later than one
month before the end of the fall
Women students wishing to secure
living accommodations in league
houses for the spring semester of
1946: These students are instructed
to communicate first with the Office
of the Dean of Women so that they
may be referred to vacancies. Those
who wish to keep their present assign-
ments in League Houses should notify
the Office of the Dean of Women to
this effect as soon as possible (no
later than one month before the end
of the fall semester) to assure them-
selves of the reservation. After this
preliminary step, students will be in-
structed how to complete the reserva-
tion by direct contact with the League
House mother. No assignments in
League Houses will be' considered final
until they have been recordedin the
Office of the Dean of Women. Stu-
dents not now on campus for whom
space in the dormitories or converted
fraternities is not available will be
sent upon request a League House ap-
plication blank with specific instruc-
tions on how to proceed. Only stu-
dents tentatively admitted or already
enrolled in the University may reserve
housing space of any kind.
Women students wishing dormitory
accommodations for the summer ses-
sion or fall semester, 1946: These stu-
dents may apply at the Office of the
Dean of Women. Application blanks
are available at the Office of the
Dean of Women. Completed applica-
tions for the summer and fall of 1946
must be returned by mail, and in no

case will the receipt of the completed
form be listed until Nov. 15. This ap-
plies to students now on campus as
well as those not now at the Univer-
sity. Only students tentatively admit-
ted or already enrolled in the Univer-
sity may reserve housing space of any
University Lecture: 'Vladimir D.
Kazakevich, lecturer for the Com-
mittee on Education of the National
Council of American-Soviet Friend-
ship, New York, will lecture on the
subject, "Russia's Economy and Post-
war Reconstruction" at 4:15 p.m.,
Friday, Nov. 16, in the Rackham Am-
phitheater, under the auspices of the
Department of Economics. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar: Today at
2:00 p. m. in Room 1564 East Medical
To all male students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents,
all male students in residence in this


If any further proof is neededf JOKN5Q
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By Crockett Johnson

Or is dissectiing


Well, back to the public library and
the Ieather Srtocinanraes Als. I



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