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November 13, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-13

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U.S. Not Loaning
Money to Chinese
Embassy Spokesman Denies Rumor
China Will Get American Ammunition
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12-Secretary of War Patterson said today
that U. S. troops in China will not be used for the suppression of civil
strife but will protect American lives and property.
The secretary issued a statement saying "there is no danger of our
troops becoming involved in civil strife in China unless they are attacked
in which event we may expect the American troops to react with vigor
and success."
CHUNGKING, Nov. 12-(A')-A spokesman for the United States Em-

Cordell Hull
Wins 1945
Nobel Prize
Work On World
Charter Is Cited
By The Associated Press
OSLO, Nov. 12-Cordell Hull, for-
mer U. S. secretary of state, was
awarded the 1945 Nobel Prize today
for the part he played in laying the
foundation for the United Nations
At the same time the 5-man com-
mittee of the Norwegian Parliament,
which made the award, announced
that the 1944 Peace Prize would go to
the International Committee of the

First Election Presents Six
Carpus Issues to Students

bassy today denied as completely
British Ga i
In Soerabaj~a
Troops Wrest Control
Of Half of Naval Base
By The Associated Press
BATAVIA, Java, Nov. 12-(/P)--Brit
ish troops, supported by fire fron
warships and RAF planes, tonigh
wrested control of half of Soerabaj
from an estimated 120,000 well
armed Indonesian nationalists.
--Associated Press Corresponden
Vern Haugland reported from Soera
baja that the British, fighting from
house-to-house, had occupied ap
proximately the northern half of th
big Dutch naval base after a fierc
three-day battle.
Haugland said British destroyer
shelled Indonesian positions, silenc
ing 75 mm. guns which had been fir
ing on the British-controlled Soera
baja airport. He said RAF plane
bombed and strafed Indonesiar
headquarters in the Hotel Paringan
The telephone building and pos
office were reported captured by th
British, but the Dutch news agenc3
Aneta quoted the nationalist gover
nor of Soerabaja, Dr. Soerio, as say
ing the Indonesians were"advancing
toward the postoffice in a counter
Aneta said tank-supported Britist
Indian troops ranged through th
newly-won areas of the city to en
force a 10 p.m curfew ordered dur
ing the day by British authorities
Huge fires were reported burning
showering the city with ashes.
School Music
Work Praised
Leinsdorf Tells
Cleveland Plan
Believing that education in musi
appreciation must be started at a
early age, Erich Leinsdorf, Viennese
born conductor of the Cleveland Or
chestra, described Sunday the elab
orate programs in the Clevelan(
school system.
The orchestra's unique educationa
series are emulated throughout th
country. Nearly 50,000 school chil
dren attend these concerts, whict
are under the direction of Rudolpl
Ringwall, associate conductor of th
orchestra, Leinsdorf said, and adde(
that "the set-up is one of complet
coordination between the teacher
and the orchestra."
Before leaving for Detroit, the for
mer Metropolitan Opera conducto
enthusiastically described a new plan
The Cleveland Orchestra is now com,
missioning a number of promisin
young Cleveland musicians to writ
compositions. In return for the fi
nancial aid, the orchestra receive
first performance rights.
Book Exchange Wil
Hold Meeting Tod a
A meeting of the general member
ship of the Student Book Exchang
will be held at 7:30 p. m. today a
the Union.
Final reports will be made on th
sale of used texts which the Exchang
conducted at the League during th
first nine days of this term.
Payments for books . sold at th
Exchange sales room are presenti,
being prepared. Books not sold wil
be distributed to their owners fror
Lane Hall as soon as notices can b
sent out to everyone concerned.

unfounded a report published in the
-Communist New China Daily News
here Saturday that America had
agreed to lend China $64,000,000 for
purchase of American arms and am-
The denial came as a Communist
spokesman charged that Nationalist
troops were assaulting the fortress
city of Shanhaikwan, at the southern
threshhold of Manchuria.
Meantime, Lt. Gen. Albert C. Wed-
emeyer, commander of American
forces in China, told correspondents
- that conversations on the possibility
i of increasing military aid to China
t were on a much higher level than his
a Therefore, he stated, he could not
- say whether the United States would
iricrease military aid, or how much or
t how little help would be granted.
- Wedemeyer's attention was called
n to a statement by Lo Lung-Chi, mem-
- ber of the Liberal Democratic League,
e who quoted Chou En-Lai, No. 2 Com-.
e munist in China, as saying the United
States planned to equip 70 Chinese
- divisions.
- Wedemeyer said he did not discuss
that subject with Chou, whom he had
entertained at lunch.
t CPetitions
e ..
y Due in Union
"By Tomorrow
Petitions for those seeking to be-
h come president or secretary of the
e Interfraternity Council mus t be
- turned in to the IFC offices in the
- Union before 5 p. in. tomorrow, Do-
. gan Arthur, retiring president, said
, yesterday.
Three candidates for each office
will be selected from the submitted
petitions by the executive committee
of the Council, and the new officers
will be chosen at a meeting of cam-
pus fraternity presidents Thursday.
Any affiliated man who satisfies
the University eligibility rules may
petition for either office. His petition
which needs no signatures other than
his own, should state his qualifica-
c tions and the aims he would follow
n if elected.-
- A second list of men students el-
- igible for rushing was mailed to fra-
- ternity presidents yesterday. Any
d man on the list may be pledged after
Nov. 26. Those included on the first
l list mailed last week may be pledged
e after Nov. 21.
h Less than two days remain in
h which men on campus can contri-
e bute to the Community War Chest
d Drive, Dogan Arthur, IFC presi-
e dent announced yesterday. Contri-
s butions are being taken in the
Union lobby, the East and West
- Quads and through fraternity and
r dormitory representatives.
g Faculty Defers
s Course Change
The faculty of the literary college
I discussed proposed changes in the col-
lege's curriculum yesterday, but defer-
red final decision to a later meeting,
according to Dean Hayward Kenis-
e The report of the Joint Committee
t on the Curriculum, which had studied
revision of the University's liberal arts
e curriculum for over two years, was
e the subject of the discussions.
1e No date has been set for the facul-
ty's next meeting.

Awarded Peace Prize
Red Cross at Geneva, Switzerland, for
its wor'k among prisoners of war.
First Award Since 1938
This was the first time the prize
had been awarded since 1938. Nor-
mally it is voted annually by the
Nobel Committee of the Norwegian
Parliament to the person or persons
"who shall have most or best promot-
ed the fraternity of nations and the
abolishment or diminution of stand-
ing armies and the formation and ex-
tension of peace congresses."
While ill health forced Hull to re-
sign as secretary of state before the
United Nations Charter was adopted
at San Francisco, he is often referred
to as "father" of the peace organiza-
tion because of his long efforts to
bring the nations of the world to-
gether, in a working unit to guard
against future aggression.
Moscow Conference Cited
Among the outstanding contribu-
tions he made toward this end was his
14,000-mile trip to Moscow in Octo-
ber, 1943, to discuss unity of the
great powers in war and peace with
former British Foreign Secretary An-
thony Eden and Soviet Foreign Com-
missar V. M. Molotov.
Hull is the eighth American to be
designated for the peace award since
it was first made in 1901.
Center Plants
Sunday lecture
Reception Will Be Held
Tomorrow at Rackhan
A reception tomorrow night at the
Rackham Building for all faculty
members and foreign students and
Sunday night a lecture on atomic en-
ergy by Prof. W. Carl Rufus highlight
International Center activties for the
Wives of foreign and American
students will meet at the Center this
afternoon at 3 p. m. to repair cloth-
ing to send to France under the aus-
pices of the Friends; Service Commit-
tee. Polonial Club will meet at 7:30
p. m. today.
The regular weekly tea will be held
at 4 p. m. Thursday. All Nations Club
will meet at 7:15 to elect officers.
Election of officers will also be held
by the Hindustan Association at 7:30
p. m. Friday.
The Center is designed to promote
international goodwill by serving as
an activity headquarters for all for-
eign. students on campus.

Humor Returns,
Gargoyle Will
Breathe Again
Wartime Casualty Set
For December Release
The Gargoyle, campus humor
magazine and wartime casualty, will
resume publication this semester after
more than two years absence, The
Board in Control of Student Publi-
cations announced yesterday.
The first issue of the post-war
"Garg" is expected to be ready for
distribution by the second week of
William S. Goldstein, A/S, USNR,
will serve as general manager of the
reinstituted magazine, Herman Tho-
mas will be managing, editor, Robert
All persons who are trying out
for the editorial and make-up staffs
of the Gargoyle, and any new per-
sons interested, are asked to come
to the Gargoyle office between 2
p. m. and 5 p. m. today.
Chatfield, A/S, USNR, will be busi-
ness manager and the art work will
be under the direction of Harriet
Pierce, '46.
Prior to ceasing publication in the
summer of 1943because of war-time
shortages, the Gargoyle had estab-
lished a reputation as one of the lead-
ing collegiate humor magazines.
Containing cartoons, jokes, short
stories and picture spreads, the
"Garg" played up the lighter ele-
ments of college life.
The Gargoyle offices will be located,
as before, on the first floor of the
Student Publications Building.
Rally, Parade
Will Highi ht
Vastly different from any previous
Homecoming celebration, the 1945
Homecoming Weekend, Nov. 23 and
24, will present a round up of enter-
tainment and personalities un-
equalled by any other campus event.
A huge pep rally and torchlight
parade at 7 p.m. Friday in Ferry
Field, followed by Varsity Night at
Mill Auditorium will open festivi-
ties. Notables appearing at Varsity
Night include Tom Harmon, Bob
Westfall, and Hal Newhouser, who
will be interviewed by Joe Gentile
and Ralph Binge, emees. Acts fea-
turing the University Band and
campus talent will complete the
Broadcasting from the Union Ball-
room, Joe Gentile will present his
regular "Early Morning Frolic" from
6 a.m. to 9 a.m. Saturday. Michigan
will play Ohio State at 2 p.m., and
the weekend will end to the music of
Benny Carter, who will appear on
the bandstand for an informal dance
at the Intramural Building from 9
p.m. to midnight Saturday
Central committee members for
the various Homecoming events
were announced today by Paul
John and Dick Roeder, co-chair-
men of the Weekend. Committee
chairmen for Vrsity Night are:
Fern McAllister and Edith Fein-
berg, program; Norma Johnson
and Bradley Straatsma, tickets;
Karl Snyder, band; Marilyn
Whaite, finance; Ruth McMorris
and Pat Planck, building; and
Lynne Ford and Nancy Tressel,
Pat Picard and Jerry Comer will
handle Gentile's broadcast and Betsy
Perry, Peg Pilliod, and Virginia Coun-

cell head the committees for the pep
All central committee members will
meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Un-
ion. The room will be posted on the
board in the Union Lobby.


Officers, Foreign University, J-Hop
Committee Will Be Chosen Dec. 5

LTV , pi mu1tf e4t'.. SLlt u ive -
sities to be voted for will be announc-
ed early next week.
Candidates for any of these posi-
tions must submit petitions to the
Men's Judiciary Council before
November 24. Candidates must ob-
tain the signatures of 25 other stu-
dents for their petitions. Candi-
dates should state their qualifica-
tions, views and aims on the peti-
Candidates may possibly be called
by the Council for interviews. On1
the basis of, these interviews, the;
Council would then narrow the list of;
candidates before the final election.
Of the two vice-presidents to be
elected for the Union, one will be;
selected by the men in the literary
college while the other vice-president,
will be selected by the male students
from the following combined schools:
the business administration school,
the forestry school, the architecture
college, the pharmacology school and
the music school.
Two members of the Board in
Control of Student Publications
will be elected by the entire cam-
pus including the graduate schools.
Any University student is eligible
to run for these positions, except
a member of any publication staff.
Officers to be elected by the senior
class of the engineering college are
president, vice-president and secre-
tary-treasurer, Only seniors are
eligible for these posts.
Literary college seniors will select
a president, vice-president, secre-
tary and treasurer iTom among
their ranks. In the case of these
last two elections, class officers are
responsible for the administration
of class activities and functions.
Of the ten members to be selected
for the J-Hop Dance Committee, only
junior class members are eligible for
election, but all classes may vote for
the candidates. Three members will
Heger to Talk at
Music Seminar
Piano, Recordings
Will Be Featured
"Gregorian Chants" will be the
topic discussed by Dr. Theodore Heg-
er of the music department at the
Music Seminar at 7:30 p, m. Wednes-
day in the Fireplace Room of Lane
Hall. Dr. Heger will supplement his
talk with piano selections and record-
According to Frances Goodfellow,
staff member in charge of music at
Lane Hall, the seminar will continue
throughout the year to feature varied
student and professional speakers.
The tentative program for the year
includes the "Messiah" with Jean
Westerman; a Negro quartet with
Mrs. Virginia Ellis, head of the de-
partment of music at Dunbar Center;
and Jean Rolfe leading the group in
folk songs.
Also on Wednesday, an Afternoon
Seminar will be held at 4:30. Dr.
Frank Littell will discuss "The Ex-
pansion of Christianity." The semi-
nar is a special study group sponsored
by Inter-Guild Council for those espe-
cially interested in missions.

By The Associated Press
source passed along a report today
that John L. Lewis, leader of the
United Mine Workers, is back in the
American Federation of Labor but
Lewis' associates denied it.
Likewise, President William L.
Green of the AFL, termed "bunk" a
published hint that a secret agree-
ment had been reached with Lewis
and a substantial amount of dues
paid the AFL.
But Richard T. Frankensteen, vice-
president of the CIO United Auto-
mobile Workers, said the CIO under-
stood "on very good information" that
Lewis had amalgamated his union
with the organization with which he
split several years ago.
Such an amalgamation, said Frank-
ensteen, has the advantage of giv-
ing the AFL-UMW combination an
extra vote over CIO at the national
labor-management conference now
entering its second week.
Essay Contest
opics, Judges
Are Announced
Topics and judges for the essay
contest sponsored by the Michigan
Christian Fellowship ad opening to-
day were announced yesterday by
David Hess, publicity chairman.
The contest will be judged by Dean
Erich A. Walter of the literary college,
Prof. Palmer A. Throop of the history
department and Prof. William Frank-
ena of the department of philosophy.
Two subjects have been announced
as topics for the entries. The win-
ning essay on "Why I Am a Chris-
tian" will receive a prize of $100' and
the winner on the subject "Why I
Am Not a Christian" will be awarded
the same prize.
The two parallel contests will offer
second prizes of $25 each, third prizes
of $15, fourth prizes of $10 and fifth
prizes of $5.
Any regularly enrolled undergrad-
uate student carrying . at least 12
hours of academic credit and eligible
for extracurricular activities may en-
ter the contest. Entry blanks are
available at The Daily, the Unioh and
at all campus bookstores.
Blanks must be mailed by midnight,
December 1, and those who submit
the first 25 entry blanks received will
be awarded a book when the essay is
turned in
Manuscripts, ranging from 2,000 to
5,000 words in length, should be sent
to the Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship Essay Contest, Lane Hall, All
papers will become the property of
the Fellowship.
Tito Sweeps
Yugoslav Vote
BELGRADE, Nov. 12 -(/P)- Virtu-
ally complete returns showed tonight
that Marshal Tito's National Front
won a sweeping endorsement in Sun-
day's general elections, despite an
appeal by the opposition leaders for
a boycott of the balloting.
National Front candidates for the
constituent assembly, running with-
out opposition, polled the heaviest
vote ever recorded in Yugoslavia,
partly because women were voting for
the first time.
Incomplete returns showed that
more than 90 percent of the nation's
8,020,671 eligible voters had cast bal-
It was evident -from the large vote
that very few people stayed away
from the polls as a result of the oppo-
sition appeal for a boycott.
A special ballot box for those who
did not approve of any of the Nation-
al Front candidates was provided un-

Six individual ballot issues will be placed before the student body pec. 5
in the first all campus election of the term, the Men's Judiciary Council
announced yesterday.
Positions to be filled in the election include the following: two-vice-
presidents of the Union; two members of the Board in, Control of Student
Publications; three senior officers for the College of Engineering; four
senior officers for the College ofK
Literature, Science and Arts and ten
members of the J-Hop Dance Com- CIO Source
In addition, the campus will vote
for a foreign university to be adoptedRepor sLewis
by the Student Organization for In-e r
ternational Cooperation and the Back i AFL
World Student Service Fund. Upon
selection of the university, these or-
ganizations will aid the school in its Amalgamated Unions,
program of rehabilitation from the Says
ravages of war. According to Jack rankensteen
Gore_ nresident of SOIC th um vr-

Of A-Bomb
Attlee Says United
Pool Is Solution
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12-President
Truman, Prime Minister Attlee of
Britain and Prime Minister Mac-
Kenzie King of Canada are making
good progress toward a joint atomic
bomb policy, British officials indicate
This is true despite disclosure by
these authorities of what may be a
basic difference in objective between
Mr. Truman and Mr. Attlee. Mr.
Truman had talked recently of out-
lawing the atomic bomb.
Bomb Cannot Be Outlawed
Mr. Attlee, it is said by his asso-
ciates, has taken the line that it can-
not be outlawed effectively and that
the way to handle it is to put it under
control of the United Nations Secur-
ity Council.
Whether the President and Prime
Ministers regard these as conflicting
approaches to the problem has not
been disclosed. It is stated, however,
that expert advisers of the three are
already at work drafting a communi-
que for the three conferees to go
over, and that this may be issued
Thursday or Friday.
United Nations Pool Proposed
There were indications that if the
United States, Britain and Canada
decide to offer Russia information
about atomic energy, the price to the
Russians will be drastic concessions
on their policy of national secrecy.
This possibility, which some Allied
officials regard almost as a certainty,
grows out of Attlee's plan for creat-
ing a United Nations pool of basic in-
formation on atomic energy and other
scientific developments. Russia like
any other country would share in
the pool only by contributing to it.
Stalin To Be Informed
As soon as the Anglo-American-
Canadian talks here are wound up it
is expected by some of those close to
the principals that Generalissimo
Stalin will be fully informed of their
results. One purpose of the British
plan, according to persons familiar
with it, is to reduce Russian suspi-
cions of the western Allies and try to
induce Russia in turn to take politi-
cal actions which will cut down west-
ern suspicions of her.
Attlee is represented as contend-
ing that any atomic bomb control to
work must depend on good faith
among nations. He considers pro-
posals for international inspection to
prevent or limit manufacture of the
bomb to be ineffective.
Frats Store
Bones, Books
Three Years
The remains of a skeleton, boxes of
paper and books, all the property of
half a dozen campus fraternities,
have been stored for nearly three
years in a room in the Rackham
Building, guarded by the Michigan
Historical Collections.
Frat Reclaims Papers
These fraternities, reluctant to
leave their private records, even under
lock and key, in the houses which
they had to abandon for the duration,
intrusted their possessions to the Col-
lections. The first of the fraternities
has now reclaimed its papers.

Such items as constitutions, min-
utes, scrap books, pictures, and early
University publications comprise the
bulk of the material stored, much of
it old enough to be valuable histori-
cally besides its value to the fraterni-
ties. It is expected that the fraterni-
ties will leave some of the oldest rec-
ords with the Collections perma-
Records Secret
When the fraternities were first
faced with the problem of storing the
papers, the Collections was suggested
by an alumnus familiar with its work
of gathering papers and records. The
Collections then offered its facilities
to all fraternities desiring to use
them, agreeing to keep all records
secret. The fraternities have had
access to their papers throughout the
war, consulting them particularly be-
fore initiations.
Funeral Services
Held For Kern
ARDSLEY, N. Y., Nov. 12-(P)-A


Local Cancer Institute Studies Pay Dividends

Regardless, They
Still Call It Sugar
Regardless of what you think of

"One out of every 30 natients
entering University Hospital is af-
flicted with some sort of cancerous
disease," Dr. Isadore Lampe of the
hospital staff declared yesterday.

explained, "Since we treat an aver-
age of 1,200 cancer patients a year,
this represents a tremendous task,"
the physician pointed out.
That this study is paving dividends

will come when a vastly different way
of curing cancer will be discovered-
maybe that day will not come."
"People think of cancer as a dis-
ease. Actually cancer is a multi=

The methods of artificially produc-
ing cancers in animals so as to study
the transition from normal to ab-
normal tissue represents a powerful
research weapon, while the study of

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