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November 11, 1945 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-11

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Martha Cook Building Built
By Son in Memory of Mother

Correspondence Enrollment
Increased During War Years

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a
series of articles about University resi-
dence halls.
"In memory of my mother, Martha
Cook, I will build a Woman's Dor-
mitory Building for the use of women
exclusively . . . on land now owned
by you, on condition that the occu-
pants shall have sole and exclusive
charge of its income, expenses and
management ..."
Thus reads William Wilson Cook's
official deed of gifts of February 10,
1914 to the Regents of the University
of Michigan, and as a result of that
statement one of the University's
most beautiful residences grew and
developed into a distinctive institu-
'U' Alumnus
An alurnus of the University and
an able and influential New York
lawyer, Mr. Cook believed that "Amer-
ica is a woman's country. Women
control the social life, the religious
life, the encouragement of literature,
the household expenditures, the cus-
toms and manners. If woman be-
comes mannish, her influence over
man will decline and manners, cus-
toms, and morals will deteriorate . .."
Without ever seeing the results of
his gifts to the University (he also
financed the establishment of the
Law Quadrangle), the great philan-
thropist, who requested that formal
thanks for his generosity be kept from
the University records, hoped and
succeeded in having erected a home
for women students in which "tfie
charm and grace and principles of
cultured womanhood could be devel-
"Architectural Gem"
One of the first women's dormi-

torys to be built on campus, the
Martha Cook Building was ready for
occupation in September, 1915. The
"Architectural Gem," as it has been
called, was designed by York and
Sawyer, New York architects. Of
late English Gothic and Early Ren-
aissance design, the Building abounds
in artistic and impressive features.
Unable at first to decide upon an
adequate statue to be placed in the
niche of the Gothic entrance, Mr.
Cook finally chose "Shakespeare's
greatest lawyer, Portia . . . a full-
throated woman of vivacity, poise,
and feminine charm" as the suitable
figure. Made of Napoleon grey mar-
ble, Portia was carved by the Piecer-
illi brothers, Italian sculptors.
As one enters the Martha Cook
Building one's attention is drawn to
the statue of Venus de Milo, a rep-
lica of the original in the louvre, at
the end of the corridor, which is fur-
nished with four Sixteenth Century"
Italian sofas. A life-size oil portrait{
of Martha Wolford Cook, the bene-
factor's mother, hangs in the Red
Room. It was painted by Henry
Caro-Delvaille, a young French artist,
who never saw Mrs. Cook. Balanc-
ing this painting and in the same
room hangs a Flemish verdure tape-
stry over the fire place, inherited
from Mr. Cook after his death, June
4, 1930. He also willed his Steinway
piano with its inlaid Italian Renais-
sance case of Caucasian walnut to'
the Martha Cook Building. Ancient
Chinese pottery, a bust of Mr. Cook
(made also by a sculptor who never
saw his subject), intricate paneling,
ceiling, wall And woodwork designs
and the inscribed motto, "Home, the
Nation's Safety," on the stone mantel

Distance is no bar to education.
This is shown by the recent enroll-
ment in the Correspondence Study
Department of the University Exten-
sion Service. For during the war
years the number of persons taking
correspondence courses has been
greatly augmented by soldiers, sail-
ors and marines loath to loose all
touch with their formal education
while in service. Nearly 2,500 of ap-
proximately 3,000 persons enrolled
are members of the armed forces.
V-J Day meant a shift of emphasis
but no slackening of activity, accord-
ing to Mrs. Berenice H. Lee, who is
in charge of the department. Both
servicemen and veterans express 9,

stated, closely followed by English
and foreign languages. A letter just
received by Mrs. Lee from a soldier
who enrolled in a German course
strikingly illustrates the far reach-
ing and sometimes vital work the
Correspondence Study Department
is doing. Part of it is reprinted be-
"Dear Mrs. Lee:
I . . received the German course for
which I had applied ... at a port of
embarkation. During the nine day
crossing and two weeks in England, I
had ample opportunity for studying
and I found the course all I had
hoped for.

CLEMENTS LIBRARY-The library was erected in 1922 which houses rare books relating to any phase of
America. The collection belonged originally to William L. Clements.
* * * *, *i * *.
Collieet-xi .'s r A ,a Funato

Made to Order
Afternoon Dresses and
Evening Dresses
1352 Wilmot Telephone 3906
Hours: 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
What a wonderful way to look!
Nardis of Dallas soft-tailors this
free-flowing dress in fine rayon
gabardine ... gives it gr-aceful,
sleeves and a smart, young collar.-
Belted snugly, it abets your slen-
der figure.
DRESS . . $13.95
BELT ...3.00
SCARF . . 1.75

The private collecting activities of
William L. Clements (1861-1934) on
the subject rare Americana, a subject
which embraces everything relating to
America, culminated in the William
L. Clements Library built. on this
campus in 1922.
Mr. Clements, a graduate of the
engineering college in 1882, was a
regent of the University for 24 years.
After years of collecting rare docu-
ments and books relating in any way
to his country, he offered his collec-
tion to the University.
Entrance Rules
Modified by TU'
Abolished Exams As I
Basis for Acceptance
Asserting that the University as-
sumed a pioneer role in abolishing
entrance examinations, Prof. emeritus
Calvin 0. Davis of the School of Edu-
cation said that in 1871 Michigan
began using the system of inspecting
the preparatory school record as a
basis for college acceptance.
Under the plan, the University sent
a committee to visit high schools in
the state to talk with students, fac-
ulty, and school board members and
to scrutinize the school building and
"If satisfied that graduates of the
chool were likely to prove capable
and desirable university students,
the committee recommended that
the institution be placed on what
soon became known as the 'accredited
list'," Prof. Davis said. Once a school
was on that list its graduates were to
be admitted to the University solely
by recommendation of the school's
This "Michigan Plan of Admission"
enabled a high school graduate to
know whether he would be admitted
to the University months before the
opening of school. It also saved him
the expense of a trip to Ann Arbor to
take a formal entrance examination.

The heart of the Clements Library formation relative to the war period.
is its collection of printed books. They The library has remained primarilyI
are narratives published at the time as Mr. Clements intended, "for ad-
that the, events they treat took place. vanced research on the part of schol-
In many instances, they are first- ars already well equipped." He did
hand or eye-witness accounts of hap- not desire that the books of his col-
penings. Mr. Clements gathered or lection 'circulate' as do other library
started collections of the major reli- books.
gious works of the New World, John
Cotton, Michael Wigglesworth, the
Mathers, and others. His collection
includes books relating to the French
and Indian Wars, the original thirteen
colonies and the states into which G
they aeveloped, the American Revolu-
tion and early Western history and
One of the most interesting items is
the "Columbus Letter." It is the dis- Capt. Rowland M. Myers, Univer-
coverer's brief report of his first voy- sity of Michigan Alumnus now serv-
age across the Atlantic. Clmbusnyhs warde an
mentions for the first time the newly igi emnhsfraddmn
found land of the Western Hemi- books of interest to the Clements Li-
sphere. A Rome edition of this pam- brary.
phlet, printed in 1493 without a title One of these books called "History
page and covering only eight pages, of North America" is of particular
may be seen in the Library's rare interest to history students. This
bock room. In rapid succession may book was published in Leipzig in 1942
be found many books and manu- under the Nazi regime to be used as a
scripts that give authentic accounts text book in the German schools.
of the early exploration and coloni- "It is interesting," pointed out
zation of the Americas by the Span- Iadoshm.erasgote t
ish, French, and English. Papers of Randolph G. Adams of the Clements
Admiral George Clinton, governor of Library, "to note the periods and
New York from 1743 to 1753 illumi- leaders in American history that are
nate the pre-Revolutionary period stressed." The German text devotes
and papers of Lord George Germain, many pages to the Quakers of Ger-
colonial secretary duiing the Revo- man-Dutch ancestry. It emphasizes
lution and those of his undersecre- the peace-loving, sedate nature of the
tary, William Knox, give valuable in- Quakers, intimating that we are a
- - -__-- ---- --. nation of pacifists and would never

desire to finish previously started Landed in Normandy
courses as quickly as possible so that "I landed on the beach at Nor-
they will be able to enter the Uni- mandy carrying all my possessions on
versity in the spring term. my back. . . . Six weeks later during
Need Study Habits the Battle of.the Bulge I was forced
Some, Mrs. Lee said, are taking the to surrender to the Germans, losing
courses to "get them back into the everything . . . except my clothes.
habit of studying." All hope to com- What German I had. learned during
plete the work they are now doing in the two months I had the course gave
time to take the refresher courses me just the grammatical background
which the University will offer be- which enabled me to speak with my
ginning January 20. German guards.
s The heaviest enrollment in the de- "Your course performed a wonder-
partment's auxiliary courses has been ful service for me and I thank you
in the field of mathematics, Mrs. Lee most sincerely. ..
W I 1i :.1
F 'jed ipes
The kind of low-heelers you're go-
mg to love with your bright fall 6.5
woolens and dash-about-town suits.6.
So capable and walkable! And so and
wonderful to wear when you're trying
to make tune on a cramned schedule. 6.95
"'RO KI"TS'marl Si"hloei
108 East Washington Phone 2-2685
7 J11.~JJUL.. L ..VUL§LYLYL.J ~ ~ ~ LY J.~L

I I. Ans f d Aid
OMAHA, Nov. 10--P)-Andrew J.
Higgins, who has threatened to liqui-
date his New Orleans industries be-
cause of labor difficulties today was
invited to locate his plants in Omaha
-his home town.
A telegram, originated by John J.
Gillin, Jr., president of radio station
WOW, and signed by Mayor Charles
W. Leeman and Nebraska Governor
Dwight Griswold was sent to Higgins
offering him "excellent plant facili-

declare a war. Another instance of
the Nazi view of our history is an il-
lustraticn of an Ohio-German Troop
in the Civil War. They are pictured
charging victoriously over a hillI
bearing the American flag. This is
to show the victorious nature of the

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What an important role ther
recent collection of dresses

new silhouette plays in our most
by ANNIE LAURIE Wide, sort

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shoulders, a minuscule waist and peplum-accented hips are
typical . . as in the junior fashion sketched above. Here ex.
pressed in suave DUPLEX crepe :. . so adaptable to lovely
lines . . . with shield medallion of gold and jewels for added
glitter-glamour. Definitely a dress to cut a most romantic figure
.,.and it'sjustoneofacurrent collection. Sizes9tol5 anal2 12).
exclusive wit!

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You'll dance your way into a
wonderful evening in one of
these simply scintillating
after-dark fashions for coeds.
Bewitchingly full skirts of
net, marquisette, candy-
striped or checked taffeta or
faile, trim fitted waistlines,
and sparkling sequin trimmed
velvet, jersey, and self fabric
bodices. All you could ask for
in a dream dance frock.
Junior and misses sizes.

;. . :


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