REACHES 10,983
See page 3
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Michiga nCruesMinnesotaleven,
P* -
Move To Lift
League House
OPA Ceilin"s
University Seeks
Price Exemption
Whether league houses are "part of
the University" and thus exempted
from OPA price regulations has been
the subject of a six months' contro-
versy between the Office of Price Ad-
ministration and University officials,
the Daily learned last night.
"The league houses of the Univer-
sity of Michigan are a part of the
University housing system and as
such are gpecifically exempt from
OPA control," Marvin L. Niehuss,
University vice-president pointed out.
A University statement on Wom-
ens housing reveals that the Uni-
versity sets the charge for league
house room and board, standards
covering furnishing and equip-
ment, cleanliness, sanitation, ven-
tilation, lighting and fire protec-
University officials declared that
an OPA decision in which league
houses were judged "a part of the
University" had been reversed when
a particular branch OPA office dis-
continued operation.
Meanwhile, complaints have been
filed with the OPA by University
women against operators of several
University league houses charging
violations of price ceilings for board,
an OPA official revealed.
The most recent complaint charged
that one league house raised the
prices for breakfast and lunch 20 per
cent over the one dollar per day OPA
ceiling this term.
The University is petitioning the
OPA in Washington, according to a
local OPA official, in an attempt to
lift the ceiling on league house
board. °A decision oft the petition,
filed last month, is expected mo-
mentarily, OPA spokesmen said.
When asked for a statement on the
progress of the petition, Dean Mary C.
Bromage said, "You will have to see
the University lawyer about that."
Talbot Smith, University attorney,
denied knowledge of such a petition.
OPA has requested students'
charged above ceiling prices to file
complaints, annonymously if they
wish, with the Price Administration.
Complaints may be filed by calling
Forces in Java,
Armed by Japs,
Mass in Interior
BATAVIA, Nov. 3-()-Indonesian
troops up to 100,000 strong and bear-
ing Japanese arms are marching and
concentrating in central Java, Brit-
ish pilots said today, while political
tension heightened over the Dutch
government's refusal to deal with
President Soekarno of the "Indone-
sian Republic."
The British Fifth Indian Division
commanded by Maj. Gen. Eric Carden
Mansergh began landing today at
Soerabaja, scene of bitter clashes be-
tween Indian troops and Indonesians
seeking independence from Dutch
colonial rule. Mansergh's is the sec-
ond British division to land in Java.
At 10 p. m. curfew was clamped on
all British troops in Batavia. All
personnel were ordered to carry arms
at all times and not to appear with-
out escort.
Pilots said Indonesian raids had
burned out half the town of Kebora-
jan, south of Batavia. In this region
Dutch troops have been holding out
successfully against an estimated
30,000 Indonesians attacking in
groups of a hundred or more.
In Batavia a grave view was taken
of the political situation following
the Dutch home government's an-
nouncement that acting Lt. Gover-
nor General Hubertus Van Mook had
acted contrary to instructions in
meeting with Soekarno.
It was believed the British and
even some Dutch advisers had urged
Van Mook to see Soekarno and his
cabinet members in order to relieve
At the meeting with Soekarno,
Two Chinese
Towns Taken
By Communists
Fighting Is Spreading
To Northern Sections
By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, Nov. 3-A North
China provincial capital and a rail-
way city fell today to attacking Chi-
nese Communists, unofficial reports
said, as Reds in Chungking received
with skepticism a new four-point Na-
tionalist proposal to end the spread-
ing civil warfare.
Unconfirmed reports said Kweesui,
capital of the partly-industrialized
inner Mongolian province of Suiyuan,
fell to the overwhelming force of
Communists who opened the attack
only yesterday.
These same reports said the vital
railway city of Tatung to the south-
west also was overrun by the Com-
If true, the twin victories would
greatly strengthen the Communist
position in inner Mongolia and would
hamper attempts by slender National-
ist forces there to join up with fresh
Nationalist troops now pouring in by
air to the Peiping-Tientsin zone.
Despite these reported successes,
Communist cources here expressed
fears that the government was about
to strike with a heavy offensive to
crush the Reds and declared 800,000
Nationalist troops had been massed
in northern and east-central China.
A Communist spokesman declared
without confirmation that fighting
had spread to Manchuria, now being
evacuated by Russian occupation for-
ces. He said it centered at the South
Manchurian port of Hulutao, where
Chinese Nationalist troops were land-
ed earlier this week from U. S. trans-
Caro Police
Suppress New
Anti-Jewish Riot
CAIRO, Nov. 3-()-Club-swinging
police quickly suppressed a new out-
burst of anti-Zionist rioting today
when rampaging mobs for the second
day stoned business establishments
and smashed shop windows in down-
town Cairo.
The riots, which killed nine persons
and injured 520 in Cairo and Alexan-
dria, were strongly denounced by Pie-
mier Nokrashi Pasha as inspired by
"evil hands." He promised "justice
will take its full course with the
Returns to Normal
Most of Cairo had returned to near-
normal this afternoon.
The renewed demonstrations lasted
less than an hour, but crowds surged
through Soliman Pasha Street, one
of Cairo's most fashionable shopping
The rioting spread to other main
streets in the business district. Shop-
keepers immediately started closing
their establishments, lowering metal
drop doors or wooden shutters over
the windows.
Shops Remained Closed
In Cairo's Malika Farida Square,
the center of yesterday's heaviest riot-
ing, all Jewish shops remained closed.
In Alexandria's shopping center not
one pane of glass remained intact
and communications were at a com-
plete standstill.
College students continued demon-
strations within college grounds,
shouting "down with Zionism," but
no disturbances were reported.
Board Approves Establishment
Of Institute of Social Work Here
TheBoardof Regents yesterday ap-
pointed Arthur L. Brandon, now Di-
rector of Special Services at Vander-
bilt University, as Director of Uni-
versity Information, and approved the
establishment of an Institute of So-
cial Work here.
Brandon will assume his senior ad-
ministrative position in public rela-
tions Jan. 1, Vice-President Marvin
L. Niehuss announced yesterday.
President of the American Col-
lege Publicity Association, Brandon
will serve as coordinator of several
of the University's public services
and will be a special adviser on
others. He is one of two profes-
sional members of the Commission
on Public Relations of the Associa-
tion of American Colleges and Uni-
The Institute of Social Work, to be
Jap Brutality
By Yamashita
MANILA, Nov. 3-W)-Two witnes-
ses testified today that Lt. Gen. Tom-
oyuki Yamashita had issued orders
to "wipe out all Filipinos" and had
commended his brutal Japanese gen-
darmes for their "fine work."
Over the vigorous protests of de-
fense counsel the witnesses asserted
the former Japanese commander in
the Philippines knew and approved
his troops' brutalities, thus for the
first time in the week-long trial offer-
ing testimony linking him directly
with the crimes.
One of them, Narcisco Lapus, for-
mer secretary to the exiled political
General Artemio Ricarte, told the
military commission that in conver-
sations with Ricarte Yamashita af-
firmed his order to wipe out all Fili-
A Japanese, Fermin Miyasaki, for-
mer interpreter at Japanese military
Police headquarters here, said the
general had officially commended his
police for their "fine work" in handl-
ing civilians hostile to his regime.
The witness said he saw at least 400
civilian suspects "handled" by the
police. Most of them were beaten, he
asserted, and many underwent the
water torture or were suspended from
the ceiling by their hands, which were
tied behind their backs.
Earlier in today's session Yama-
shita was the target of an hysterical
outburst by a 17-year-old Filipino girl
who had testified that infuriated Jap-
anese shot or beheaded more than
400 civilians in Manila in one day
last February.
SPress Club
Elects Church
Conrad Church, managing editor of
the Pontiac Press. was elected presi-
dent of the University Press Club of
Michigan at yesterday's business ses-
Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman
of the Department of Journalism, was
re-elected secretary-treasurer. New
vice-presidents are Richard Cook of
the Hastings Banner and J. E. Camp-
bell, editor of the Owosso Argus
The election of officers closed the
three-day conference, attended by
250 editors, publishers and members
of editorial staffs of Michigan papers.
created immediately, will direct the
Social Work Curriculum formerly
conducted under the Institute of Pub-
lic and Social Administration. It will
coordinate graduate programs with
programs of undergraduate concen-
tration in social work in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts.
Dr. Robert W. Kelso, director of
the Curriculum in Social Work, was
appointed director of the Institute.
An executive committee will com-
prise the deans of the School of
Public Health and the School of
Education, the chairman of the De-
partment of Sociology, and one
other member representing one of
the other fields of study in social
The Regents at their monthly meet-
ing yesterday. also accepted gifts
totaling $40,607.27 and approved con-
tracts for engineering research
amounting to $4,450. Studies on
plastics, razor blade edges and the
machinability of metals are included
in the projects.
The Board formally established the
departments of public health practice,
epidemiology and environmental
health in the School of Public Health
and approved a bureau of Public
Health Practices with Dr. Nathan
Sinai, secretary of the public health
school faculty, as director.
Thomas S. Tanner was promoted to
assistant professor in the School of
Architecture and Design. On mili-
tary leave since Jan. 14, 1943, he has
been serving as lieutenant senior
grade in the Navy civil engineering
Prof. Frank R. Finch, of
Department of Mechanism
See REGENTS, Page 2
Campus Must
Meet $25,000
Chest Quota
Three Day Campaign
Will Begin Tomorrow
A three day all-campus drive de-
signed to raise $25,000 for the Ann Ar-
bor Community Chest will open to-
Contributions of every size will be
taken at special booths set up at var-
ious locations arpund the campus
Booths Open at 9:00 a. m.
Opening tomorrow at 9:00 a. m.,
these stands, one each erected in the
Women's League, Men's Union, Angell
Hall, Engineering Arch, and on the
diagonal in front of the library, will
run daily till 4:00 p. m. both Tues-
day and Wednesday.
No Canvass of Dorms
In contrast to last years system, no
canvass of residence halls will be
made. Students are urged to be pre-
pared to make their gifts on campus
as this will be their only means of
supporting this very worthwhile cam-
Individual contributions may either
be made by depositing momentary
gifts in containers on hand at these
booths or by pledge cards which will
also be available.
Pledged to Raise $139,864
This three day campus drive is in
conjunction with the local campaign
which.begannOct. 25 and runs till
Nov. 6. Ann Arbor is pledged to
raise $139;864, $38,000 of which will
be used for U.S.O., Seaman's Ser-
vice, and foreign rehabilitation work.
In expectancy of increasing needs,
the remainder will be kept for local
Prof. Dodge Chairman
Prof. Russel Dodge, of the Engi-
neering College, is chairman of the
campus division. Ethyl McCormick,
of the Women's League, is responsi-
ble for women's assistance in the
Leaders of the campus division
stressed the importance of all stu-
dents snaping out of their lethargic
moods to rally to the support of this
all important campaign.
MacArthur Acts
o Supply Fuel
Requests Priorities
For Jap Coal Miners
TOKYO, Nov. 3 - (') - General
MacArthur moved today to avert a
winter fuel-famine in Japan by ask-
ing American commanders in China,
Korea and the Pacific Islands to give
priority to coal-miners in the repatri-
ation of Japanese Military Forces.
The General's action was prompted
by a 50-per cent decrease in coal pro-
duction on Hokkaido, th'e northern
island from which Japan, now shorn
of its far-flung imperial resources,
will have to get most of its supply
for the hard winter ahead.
MacArthur said the decrease was
largely due to the evacuation from
Japan of Korean and Chinese miners.
Nazi Prisoners Given
Mass Military Funeral
FORT CUSTER, Mich., Nov. 3-%
-Mass funeral services with full
military honors, including a guard
of American soldiers, were held here
today for 16 German prisoners of war,
killed Wednesday in a truck-train ac-
Woman Dies
After Attempt
To Save Child
Mrs. Martin Jack, 35, 2208 Baker
Street, Dexter, Michigan, died yes-
terday, in St. Joseph's Hospital as a
result of injuries received when she
was struck by a car driven by Lieut.
Gov. Vernon J. Brown of Mason,
The accident occurred at 3:50 p.m.
November 1, when Mrs. Jack darted
into the street to rescue her eighteen
month old daughter, Mary Ellen who
was in the path of the oncoming ve-
hicle. The child was only slightly in-
jured. The victim suffered a frac-
tured right wrist and knee as well as
internal injury.
Statements must be obtained from
witnesses before any possible charges
can be brought against Lieut. Gov.
Nazis Charged with War
Crimes Hear Indictment
DACHAU, Germany, Nov. 2-(P)-
Thirty four of 42 Nazis charged with
inflicting "tortures, starvation, abuses
and indignities" on Dachau concen-
tration camp prisoners, heard their
indictment read to them today and
learned they would face trial Nov. 15
in the courtroom of the horror camp
Conviction is punishable by decap-
itation by German executioners.
Eight other defendants, yet to be
brought to Dachau, will be served
their indictments later.
4.h 4. . j
Wolverines Retain
Little Brown Jug
Crislermen Tally Three Touchdowns
In Closing Stanza After Tight Contest
Daily Sports Editor
The Little Brown Jug will stay in Ann Arbor for another year.
Michigan's football team took care of that yesterday by outplaying a
game but badly outclassed Minnesota eleven, to rack up one of the most
convincing victories in the 46-year old rivalry between the schools before
a highly partisan crowd of 85,132 rabid fans.
The final score was 26-0, and the Wolverines were just about that
(much better than the highly-touted Gophers, who were no match for
< Coach Fritz Crisler's fleet of hard-
ges, who capably performed ailing
Captain Joe Ponsetto's duties at
quarterback yesterday.
Michigan Profs
To Debate U. S.
Palestine Policy
Profs. Preston Slosson and Clark
Hopkins will debate the topic, "Should
the United States favor unrestricted
Jewish immigration into Palestine?"
in informal meeting at 4:10 p. m.
Thursday in the Rackham Amphi-
Prof. Slosson, of the history de-
partment will take the affirmative
side of the debate, while Prof. Hop-
kins, assistant director of the Greek
and Latin language department, will
take the negative view. Recently dis-
charged from the army as a major,
Prof. Hopkins has spent much time in
archaelogical research in the cultures
of the Near East.
Moderator for the verbal contest
will be Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, the
University Counselor in Religious Ed-
ucation. Sponsored by the local
League for Women Voters, the debate
is under the direction of Mrs. John
Benson, international relations chair-
man for that group.
Bombs Fail To Halt
Parade in Argentina
BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 3-(A)-Two
tear-gas bombs were fired today
while police were asking demonstra-
tors in favor of Col. Juan Peron's
candidacy for President of Argentina
to halt their parade.
The rally was banned yesterday by
Interior Minister Col. Bartolome Des-
calzo, who resigned soon afterward
and was replaced today by Gen.
Felipe Urdapilleta.
Three hundred persons began a
march from Buenos Aires to a Peron,
rally in suburban Avellaneda. Two
gas grenades exploded along the line
of march, but the crowd continued,
ignoring a police request to disperse.
It was not clear immediately who
fired the bombs.
New Brazil Leader
Names 16 Governors
RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov. 3-(jTh-
The new government of President
Jose Linhares named 16 new state
governors today to replace the ap-
pointees of the ousted Vargas regime,
and the army which put Linhares
into power resumed its normal func-
Ensian Aspirants
Meet Tomorrow
A try-out meeting for persons
interested in working on the Mich-
running backs, glue-fingered pass re-
ceivers, and defensive stalwarts.
Gopher Waterloo in Fourth
Minnesota was able to make a game
of it during the first three stanzas,
repeatedly threatening to tie the score
after Michigan had gone ahead late
in the first quarter on a 65-yard
march. But after the Wolverines
made it 14-0 early in the fourth
period, the Gophers wilted rapidly
and never were in the game there-
Michigan added two more touch-
downs in the final period, just to
make the victory convincing, mixing
a powerful, deceptive running game
with a potent air attack. Howard
Yerges, Jack Weisenburger, Walt Ten-
inga, and Warren Bentz crossed the
goal-line for the Wolverines, and
Bob Callahan kicked both extra
Statistics All Michigan
Michigan's superiority was reflect-
ed in the statistics of the game. The
Wolverines piled up 19 first downs
to 11 for Minnesota. They netted
261 yards by rushing to their oppo-
nents' 134, and 131 to 31 by passing.
It was Michigan's third victory in
as many years over their arch-rivals,
and the first for Crisler over a team
coached1~ Bernie Bierman. Bierman
was absent on leave during Michi-
gan's 1943 and '44 triumphs.
Jug Still Here
The winhalso left Michigan in the
thick of the fight for the Western
Conference championship, giving
them a record of three wins and one
loss. The eventual title-winner may
not be decided until the final day of
the season.
But to loyal Michigan supporters,
retention of the prized Brown Jug
was most important of all, and they
CIO To.Renew
Wage Parleys
DETROIT, Nov. 3-(P-Walter P.
Reuther, vice-president of the CIO
Automobile Workers Union, said today
that wage negotiations between the
union and General Motors Corp. will
be resumed next Wednesday.
At that time, Reuther said, the
Corporation plans to give its answer
to the union's briefs supporting its
deman dfor a 30 per cent wage rate
Similar negotiations with Chrysler
Corp. are to be resumed on November
15, and will be opened with the Ford
Motor Co. on Nov. 20.
Reuther said today he had request-
ed Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach
to assign a conciliator to the negotia-
tions. The Union, he said, would
make available to the conciliator the
verbatim record of negotiations thus
far "which establishes the corpora-
tion's refusal to enter into genuine
bargaining despite our efforts."
General Motors made no comment
on Reuther's assertion.
R. J. Thomas, UAW-CIO president,
said in a statement that government
sources were withholding information
showing that the motor-car industry
could grant 30 per cent wage rate in-
creases and still make high profits.
Thomas made his statement in
commenting on a Commerce Depart-
ment report that the automobile in-
dustry could grant a 15 per cent wage
increase in 1946 and a 25 per cent
rise in 1947.
That report, Thomas said, was
based upon a much more detailed an-
alysis prepared for the OPA but
which the OPA had refused to re-
Central Michigan Civilian
Enrollment Increases
MT. PLEASANT, Nov. 3--'P)-The
number of civilian students at Cen-
tral Michigan College increased 20
Singer Comment.s on Left Wig Tendencies in Europe
The swing to the left in govern-
ments throughout Europe, accoring
to Paul Robeson, internationally fa-
mous baritone, means that we must
accept this kind of world or we shall
have to restore fascism against the
wishes of the European people.
"The choice is between revolt-
tionary activity, a more powerful
type of change, and the resoration
of fascism," Robeson declared yes-
terday in a pre-concert interview.
Recently on tour in the European
of the power gained by the forces of
the left? Where else could the peo-
ple of these devastated European
countries turn?
The governments of Norway and
Denmark are examples of the era the
late Franklin D. Roosevelt and Henry
A. Wallace have characterized as
that of the "Common Man." Despite
socialization of the coal mines, rail-
ways, air lines and radio in England,
the same patterns of freedom which
we enjoy continue, Robeson pointed
lution and the evolution from feudal-
ism, is merely a new stage into which
we are passing, like it or not," he
noted. It is based on a realization
that the resources of a country must
be utilized by everyone, the singer
He stressed that whoever leads now
must be tough, just as rule by the
iron hand was after the Civil War
here. The Russians, he said, have
proved in a generation what an ap-
parently backward nation can ac-
and laboratory sciences, liberal arts
and technical subjects that we leave
till high school years.
Russia's ten years ago, was defi-
nitely bent toward technical ad-
vancement,, Robeson asserted, but
drama, art and music were not neg-
lected. Whole communities are often
centered around a factory with com-
plete facilities for full daily living,
he reported.
While living mostly in London
from 1928-40, Robeson, a Phi Beta