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February 15, 1946 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-02-15

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Czechs Seek Political Moderation


By The Associated Press
PRAGUE, Feb. 14-Czechoslovakia,
which geographically and politically
is the bridge connecting Russia and
the Western world, is striving with
some promise of success to be neither
East nor West.
"The task for the Czechoslovaks
is to be themselves, adapting ideas
suiting their purposes, no matter
'what their origin," Prime Minister
Zedenek ' Fierlinger said recently.
But the process of adaption has_
swung the reviving republic pretty
far to the left. Many political lead-
ers protest against the impression
that the country is within the zone
of overwhelming Russian influence.
Such an impression is due to several :

factors, the most important probably
being that Czechoslovakia's chief mil-
itary alliance is with Russia. Most
citizens, including some who are
"western minded," hold that the al-
liance is good because Russia is re-
garded as an effective guaranty of se-
curity in the event Germany becomes
strong again. If there is a "next
time," Russian armies can be ex-
pected to pour in promptly and
Other factors include the decision
to pattern the new Czechoslovak
army after the Russian model, the
country's sweeping program for na-
tionalization of industries, and the
energy with which trade with Russia
is being prompted.


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The nationalization program
brought conflict with some Western
interests, causing Westerners to
speculate on how far the surge to
the left will go. Industry minister
I chumil Lausman says 78 per cent
of the country's productive capac-
ity will become state enterprises.
The plan is to compensate the own-
ers of industries on the basis of 1938
valuations. Czechoslovak owners will
get government bonds and currency
in a manner to be fixed by laws still
to be enacted. The citizens probably
will be obliged to accept government
Is is different with foreign owners,
and there are indications there may
be disagreements. The Czechs are
sensitive to the possibility of reprisals,
such as are foreseen in the proposed
American legislation to withhold
loans from states "confiscating" for-
eign holdings. Another concern was
whether countries feeling themselves
unfairly treated might withhold raw
The general impression was the
British will be the most exacting
in their claims, with the Americans
more disposed to make adjust-
ments. Britain gave official no-
notice she expects fair compensa-
tion paid in sterling, and the Czecs
replied they will pay just prices.
While some features of nationaliza-
tion look like adoption of the Soviet
pattern, other aspects of the recon-
structed state are wholly unRussian.
There are no collective farms, and it
has been stated definitely there will
be no nationalization of the thous-
ands of small shops.
No S.R.O.* *
(Continued from Page 1)
Run, Vice-President Robert P. Briggs
said. "Seven or more" other dorms,
none of which has been previously
occupied, will be available for the
Spring Term, if needed.
At least 600 students can be"
housed in these dorms, the vice-
president estimated. Each room is'
fully furnished and centrally heated.
The University will place a resident
counsellor in each dorm.
A fleet of 20 buses will transport
students on frequent schedules, be-
tween Willow Run and the campus,
12 miles apart, Vice-President Briggs"
explained. A cafeteria will be opened,
at Willow Run an a few days, he
Yesterday's action brought relief
to University officials who had been
sending out "regret notices" since
mid-January to all except formerI
students and Michigan residents be-
cause of crowded classrooms and in-
sufficient housing.
"Willow Run has become a very
satisfactory residential center for
University student veterans," Presi-
dent Ruthven declared. Before ar-
ranging with FPHA for additional
facilities; officals had consulted vet-
erans now living in the Village and
their reactions were generally fav-
orable, he said.
Married veterans seem especially
pleased, the President noted, to be
able to start housekeeping in a home
of their own. Housing officials at
the University say the dorms are
as comfortable and attractive as 75
per cent of the' permanent dormi-
tories in the country.
The University operates a com-
munity center, with a full-time so-
cial director and part-time assist-
ants at Willow Run. Stores, a church,
schgols, and theatre are convenient-
ly located in the Village.

Of Conditions
In Poland Cited
Prof. Karpinski Urges
Support of Relief Drive
Poland today is breaking away
from the pre-war feudalism: the land
is being redistributed to peasants and
the nation is undergoing vast indus-
trialization, State Senator Stanley
Novak told members of the Friends
Dof Poland at a meeting yesterday
in Detroit.
Sen. Novak and others, recently
returned from inspection trips to
Poland where they were sent by a
group of Detroit organizations, re-
ported that despite terrible destruc-
tion conditions in Poland are now
Need for Relief Cited
Professors Arthur Wood of the
sociology department and Louis Kar-
pinski of the mathematics depart-
ment attended the meeting.
Polish universities are in desperate
need of books and other equipment
and the people of Poland still lack
adequate clothing, Prof. Karpinski
reported. Local gifts for Poland, now
being received at the First Methodist
Church, State and Washington
streets, should be marked "FOR PO-
LAND," he instructed.
Kaminski Endorses Drive
The president of the University's
Polonia Club, Henry Kaminski, has
heartily endorsed the relief drive
now being undertaken by Friends of
Poland, Dr. Karpinski said.
Sen. Novak will address the next
meeting of Friends of Poland March
7 in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Anthony Kar, recently returned from
Poland, will exhibit slides showing
current conditions and developments
in that country at the meeting.
StIamp Exhibition
To Be Presented
The annual exhibition of the Ann
Arbor Stamp Club will be held from
1:30 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 23 on
the third floor of the Michigan
The exhibition will be open to the
public. Stamp dealers from Detroit
and Flint will be present.
The stamp club meets regularly
at 8 p.m. on the second and fourth
Mondays of each month at the Inter-
national Center.
Ilaler Co. Rejects CIO
Affilition with the CIO was voted
down 50 to 38 Wednesday 'by em-
ployees of the Economy Baler Co.,
who elected to continue membership =
with the independent union, Michi-
gan Metalcraftsmen.


I --- . _ _

' 1


for a Healthy Start

9 9

Ca Eitol Market
123 East Washington

Phone 23111

We Deliver


(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan (24-24-5)
F. E. Zendt, Minister
Mrs. Howard B. Farrar, Director of Music
Congregational-Disciples Guild House
438 Maynard Street (5838)
H. L. Pickerill, Director of Student Work
Patricia Kelly, Associate Director


Guild Bible Study Seminar
10:50 A.M.: Morning Worship.
Nursery for children ages 2-8 years.
5:00 P.M.: World Day of Prayer Service.
All the Protestant Guilds will meet together
Church, State and Williams. The service is
for a worship service at the Congregational
planned by Harvey Anderson and those partici-
pating in'the service are Rose Derderian, soloist,
Marilyn Mason, Organist, Yosh Machida. The
speakers will be Professor P. W. Slosson, and Dr.
DeWitt Baldwin, director of Lyle Fellowship.
Following the service the Congregational-Disci-
ples Guild will be hosts at a tea in the social hall.
7:30 P.M.: Christian Youth Fellowship. A pro-
gram of worship, study, recreation and sing-
ing for high school students.

1432 Washtenaw.
W. P. Lemon and James Van Pernis, Ministers.
Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Director of Music
and Organist.
9:30 A.M.: Church School Intermediate, Senior
and Adult Departments.
10:20 A.M.: Junior Department.
10:45 A.M.: Nursery, Beginner and Primary De-
10:45 A.M.: ' Morning Worship. Sermon by Dr.
Lemon, "The Paradox of Happiness."
5:00 P.M.: Westminster Guild meets at Con-
gregational Church for World Day of Prayer
and supper.
7:00 P.M.: Tuxis Society meets at the Congre-
gational Church.
409 S. Division St.
11:45 A. M.: Sunday School.
8:00 P. M.: Wednesday evening testimonial
This church maintains a free Reading Room
at 706 Wolverine Building, Washington at 4th,
which is open daily except Sundays and holidays
C...i- 1 y ".. 41 A.flr ir, C.(r1 t Y ,.,..1L . n: .7 .._.

Fashion Takes

Thank Bobbie Brooks for this
versatile jacket .,.the best
tonic for any wardrobe I Snappy
with slacks-a darling with
skirts-it flaunts the wing spread
sleeves everyone loves this sea-
son. Fashioned of soft, snuggly
wool jersey . . . so very smart
... so comfy warm. You'll
love it for every daytime or
casual evening mood-slip it
on--d raw it at the waist
and you're set to go places-
smartly. Your choice of soft
pastel shades in junior miss






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