LwF uyrn
Michigan Has Even Cace at Brown
Party Battle Continues
On PearlHarborInqu iry
Yank-Trained Chinese
Forces Are Reported in
War On Communists
By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, Nov. 2 - A Chi-
nese Communist dispatch charged to-
day that the central government's
new Sixth Army, equipped and train-
ed by Americans, is in action against
the Reds along the southern section
of the Tientsin-Pukow railroad.
]First Accusation
It was the first accusation that
American drilled and supplied Chi-
nese troops were involved in the cur-
rent strife.
Previously the Communists had ex-
pressed open irritation over the em-
ployment of United States transports
to take central government forces to
Chinese Communist "liberated areas."
The Chinese Sixth Army fought the
Japanese in northern Burma ahead
of construction crews building the
Stilwell highway.
Await Hurley Return
Official China awaited today the re-
turn from Washington of U. S. Am-
bassador Maj. Gen. Patrick J. Hur-
ley in the hope he might help avert
full-scale civil war. In Peiping Gen.
Lt. Tsung-Jen, highest ranking gov-
ernment officer in the strife-torn
north, said,
"There may be a small war now in
China, between the central govern-
ment and Chinese Communists, but
major differences can be decided by
Li blamed Communists for current
violence, said neither American men
nor American equipment were being
used against the Reds. He predicted
that Communist efforts to control the
north will fail because, he said, they
lack both troops and popular support.
British Battle
Indonesians in
New Uprisings
BATAVIA, No. 2-()-Sharp en-
counters with Indonesian extremists
broke out in Batavia today after
heavy fighting at Malegang was halt-
ed under a temporary truce negotiat-
ed with the aid of President Soek-
arno of the "Indonesian Republic."
Fighting in the capital began in
Indonesian headquarters behind the
Hotel Des Indes, and snipers fired
machine guns for an hour before
British seaforth highlanders restored
order. Casualties on both sides were
believed light, said the Dutch news,
agency Aneta.
RAF planes again strafed Indo-
nesian forces battling British Indian
troops in Malegang before the truce
was achieved. The planes also drop-
ped supplies to the British forces at
the naval base of Soerabaja.
Aneta quoted pilots returning from
Soerabaja as saying they saw fight-
ing in progress by the light of huge
fires raging in the naval base city.
Meanwhile Capt. T. L. Laughland,
one of two officers who escaped from
Soerabaja when British Brigadier A.
W. F. Mallaby was slain, returned to
Batavia by air and was hospitalized.
Local Stores
Reveal Civilian
Suit Shortage
Advice to newly-returned veterans:
if you haven't purchased that civvie
suit, get down to the clothing stores
A Daily survey of three men's stores
adjacent to the campus yesterday re-
vealed that stocks are low. Salesmen
differed in their predictions as to
when the situation will improve-
they ranged from Christmas to next
spring-but all agreed that with hun-
,dreds more reterans returning, short-
ages will grow deeper in the immedi-
ate future.
All firms questioned said they would
like to sell stocks on hand to return-
ed veterans. One firm is limiting
civilian purchasers to one suit, al-
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2-(P)-Re-
publicans and Democrats fought a
new Pearl Harbor battle on the Sen-
ate floor today over Republican com-
plaints that their inquiries into the
disaster are being blocked.
Senator Brewster (R.-Me.) charged
he had been denied by a five to three
party vote of a Senate-House inquiry
committee the riglit to check a tip
that vital documents are missing from
Army and Navy communications com-
mission files.
Democratic leader Barkley (Ky.)
said that so far as the committee
and its counsel know "there are no
missing papers."
Senator Ferguson (R.-Mich.) as-
serted that William D. Mitchell, com-
mittee counsel, had "taken it upon
himself to make policy decisions" by
inviting the Army to pick some engi-
neers to testify as witnesses.
Brewster declared that Army of-
ficers had changed their testimony
when former Secretary of War Stim-
son sent Maj. Henry C. Clausen
"around the -world" to trace down
new leads after an Army inquiry
board had made its report.
The Republicans complained bit-
terly that while a committee action
earlier in the day opened the way to
government officials to volunteer in-
formation, they still are barred from
looking at records unless a majority
of the committee approves.
The committee decided to start
open hearings Nov. 15.
The verbal battle developed when
CIO Threatens
Court Action
In Price Battle
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2-The wage
battle took new turns today with the
scrimmage spreading into the gov-
ernment itself and no solution in
The CIO auto workers, seeking a 30
percent wage raise, threatened court
action to prevent any "unwarranted
increases" in new car prices.
Arthur S. Flemming, civil service
commissioner, said he was authorized
to state that the 20 percent raise for
federal workers would be "in con-
formity with the program of the
Pay Below Private Industry
The pay scales of government work-
ers, he told the Senate's civil service
committee, are below the levels of
private industry and a raise is need-
ed to bring them "to a plane of
The endorsement for the 20 percent
raise for the bulk of government
workers was accompanied by this rec-
A $10,000 a year raise for con-
gressmen, federal judges, top people
in the administrative branch-such as
cabinet members-and more pay for
other government officials such as
undersecretaries and assistant secre-
taries and agency heads.
CIO Opposes Price Raises
Vice president Walter Reuther of
the CIO auto workers said his organ-
ization would go into court to prevent
higher passenger car prices from go-
ing into effect if OPA should grant
"unwarranted increases."
OPA boss Chester Bowles has said
retail price ceilings on all major
makes of new cars would be announc-
ed within a few days.
Reuther said his union had been
denied a look at the cost and price
figures given OPA by automakers as
a basis for the new car price sched-
ules which Bowles is to announce.
Reuther told a news conference his
union would "fight just as hard
against price increases as it will
fight for a 30 per cent wage increase."
Reuther said the UAW's contem-
plated court action in case of higher
automobile prices would be filed under
the Price Control Act. That law, he
said, provides for protests by any
interest dissatisfied with a price rul-
ing. The next step under the act in
case OPA turned down the protest,
Reuther said, would be an appeal to
the emergency court of appeals which
would have authority to issue an in-
junction against the price ruling if
it did not find that ruling justified.
Newcomb Returns
To Teaching Duties
the two Republican senators took the
floor to report to their colleagues
that they didn't think the committee's
action today lent itself to the impar-
tial investigation tBarkley had prom-
AP Newsman
Says Germany
Fully Defeated
Crowd Expected
To Near Record
Wolverine-Gopher Contest to Be Important
Factor in 1945 Conference Championship
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan and Minnesota, key teams in the wild scramble that is the
1945 Western Conference football race, will renew their 53-year old rivalry
today which may develop into one of the hottest contests of the current
Big Ten campaign.
Most observers rate the game a tossup in pre-kickoff speculations,
although the Gophers have been accorded a slight edge in some quarters
on the basis of superior scoring punch. Michigan, however, is favored by
more than a few of those "in the know."
A crowd of 85,000 persons, largest of the season, is expected to jam
the mammoth stadium for this meeting between the best offensive and
defensive elevens in Conference circles. Should the throng materialize,
it will be the largest gathering since 1943, when 86,408 persons watched
Notre Dame defeat the Wolverines, 35-12.
The historic Little Brown Jug, awarded to the winning team in the
Barnes, Others
at Press Club
Tom Yarbrough, Associated Press
correspondent in the European and
Asiatic theatres of war initial speaker
at the Press Club dinner yesterday in
the League, expressed the belief that
Germany was a completely conquered
nation. He said it would take at least
ten years to reconstruct her cities.
Julio Garzon, New York corres-
pondent for La Prensa, Buenos Aires
newspaper, said much friction has
been caused by the United States
public's comparative ignorance of its
neighbors to the South.
Describes State Penal System
At the afternoon session Kim Sig-
ler, special state prosecutor, de-
fended the one-man grand jury while
Dr. Garrett Heyns, director of the
State Department of Corrections, de-
scribed the Corrections Administra-
tion before and after centralization of
the Michigan penal system.
Basil L. Walters, executive editor of
Knight Newspapers, Inc., predicted
that the wirephoto, the facsimile
newspaper and the "Sunday-only"
newspaper would develop into dis-
tinct fields.
Barnes Business Peace
Ralph Barnes of the Detroit News,
wformerly head of OWI psychological
warfare in the Mediterranean area,
spoke on "Peace and the Possibilities
of Future Wars." He believes the
United States to be losing the peace
because of over-rapid demobilization,
the poor calibre of men in AMG, and
the baffling, incomprehensive United
States foreign policy, entailing mu-
tual distrust with Russia.
Officers for the next year will be
elected at today's session at 10 a.m.
Members of the University Press Club
of Michigan will be guests of the
Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics at the game today.
Prizes (offered
For Winnn
Contest Essays
Cash awards amounting to $310
will be offered to writers of winning
essays in a contest sponsored by the
Michigan Christian Fellowship and
open to all undergraduate students
carrying 12 or more hours, David
Hess, publicity chairman, announced
Topics for the essays will be an-
nounced November 13, when the
competition opens. The winning es-
say in each of two subjects will re-
ceive a cash prize of $100. -Aside from
the cash awards, 25 books will be
given as prizes to the contestants
submitting the first 25 entry blanks.
The deadline for entries is mid-
night, December 1. Blanks, which
may be submitted from November 13
on, will be available at the Union,
Lane Hall and all book stores. The
contest will be judged by three mem-
bers of the faculty, whose names will
be announced later.
Urging student participation in the
contest, Hess described it as "an ef-
fort to crystallize religious thought."
Kenney Says Army,
Navy Should Merge
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2-(P)-Gen.
George C. Kenney told Senators to-
day that time was lost in the war
against Japan while the Army and
Navy argued and compromised.
"If such delays resulted in pro-
longing the war just one day, what
price can we place upon the lives
thus lost?" he asked.
He asserted the war had demon-
strated that a single over-all com-
mand is required for victory in a
theater. He said he was "unable to
WILL IT CHANGE HANDS?-The Little Brown Jug (above), awarded
annually to the winner of the Michigan-Minnesota football game, has
reste, in the Wolverine trophy case for the past two years. Bernie
Bierman's Gophers will be out to regain the prized trophy this after-
noon, while the Wolverines, of course, want it to stay right where it is.
Robeson Tope 67th Choral VOen
Union Concert Series Tonioht
Highlighting his program with sev-
eral Russian selections and Negro
spirituals, Paul Robeson, internation-
ally famous actor and singer, will
make his first concert appearance
here in the opening program of the
67th annual Choral Union series at
8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Will Sing "Deep River"
Selections on tonight's program in-
clude an excerpt from "Boris Go-
dounoff," "Silent Room," both by
Moussorgsky, "Deep River," two ar-
"Great Gittin' Up Mornin' " by the
singer's accompanist, Lawrence
Brown, "When Dull Care," "Three
Poor Mariners" and two Shakespear-
ean songs. He will be assisted by Mr.
William Schatzkamer, pianist, who
will perform selections by Bach,
Brahms, D e b u s s y, DeFalla and
Robeson, played "Othello" in Ann
Arbor October, 1944. The Theatre
Guild production of Shakespeare's
tragedy played for two years on
Broadway and on the road. The ap-
pearance of the distinguished Ameri-
can baritone will open Ann Arbor's
winter musical season, featuring four
major orchestras, distinguished sing-
ers and instrumentalists, the annual
Choral Union Christmas program, a
string quartet series, and climaxed by
May Festival in the spring.
Noted for Spirituals
Noted for his performances in "The
Emperor Jones," "All God's Chillun'
Got Wings," "Black Boy," "Porgy,"
"Stevedore" and "Show Boat," Robe-
son is most famous for his interpreta-
tion of the spiritual and folk songs
of England, Mexico, Russia and Ger-
many. In November, 1939, he intro-
duced "Ballad for Americans.
During a tour of the Continent in
the '30s, the popular singer visited
Spain where he sang ",Water Boy,"
"Ol Man River" and "Road to Man-
dalay" to Loyalist troops. The Robe-
sons remained in the Soviet Union for
some time while Paul, Jr., attended
school there. Robeson knows the Chi-
nese, Russian, Spanish and Gaelic
To Attend Game Today
A four-letter man in athletics at
Rutgers University, Robeson excelled
in track, baseball, basketball and
football, playing all-American end for
two years. Ever interested in the
fiield of snorts. Robeson and his ac-
gan-Minnesota game today. Paul
Robeson, Jr., is a member of the Cor-
nell eleven,
Devoted to the study of every phase
of the race problem, Robeson has
been awarded the degree of Doctor of
Humane Letters f r o m Hamilton,
Moorehouse and Howard universities
for his efforts. He received his A.B.
and M. A. degrees from Rutgers where
he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa in
his junior year, and his law degree
from Columbia.
The Robeson home is in Enfield,
Conn. Mrs. Robeson is herself a
scholar, now working on Iler Doctor's
degree at Hartford Seminary. She
has completed a book, African Jour-
ney, for fall publication and is the
author of a biography of her famous
singer husband.
All tickets for tonight's perform-
ance have been sold out.
Bank Book Is
lue To Murder
rivalry since 1903, will be merely o
Formations To
Be Executed
At Game Today
In the spotlight today at the Michi-
gan Minnesota game will be the
University Marching Band, composed
of approximately ninety-four stu-
dents and naval personnel.
The band will execute formations
which have been carefully planned
to scale on a miniature model of the
football field by Prof. William D. Re-
Before the game, the Band will
welcome all old and new students on
campus with a hearty "Hello." At the
half, it will form a revolving G-clef
to the tune of "Say It with Music"
and "The Music Goes Round and
Round." Honoring the opposing
teams, the band will form its tradi-
tional block M's.
The Ypsilanti Girls' Drum and
Bugle Corps, composed of Ypsilanti
High School students, will present a
pyramid field entrance, an airplane
and a pinwheel with variations at the
half. "There She Goes" and "Over
There" will be played during thsee
Yamashita Trial
Told of Mass
Japa Murders
MANILA, Nov .2--(MP-Japanese
troops machinegunned and burned
500 to 1,000 persons in a mad carni-
val of murder at the German Club
last February, the war crimes trial of
Lt. Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita was
told today.
One witness testified that the Jap-
anese during the battle of Manila led
the victims from hiding places under
the club building and tortured and
shot them after performing acts so
"bestial it is hard to find words to
describe them."
Once the military commission pro-
ceedings were thrown into an uproar
when a Chinese woman witness, com-
pleting her testimony, leaped to her
feet and shouted ii Chinese at Yama-
shita, "I'd like to kill that man."
She had testified that she had lost
nine out of her family of 12 in the
slaughter by Yamashita's troops of
39 Chinese in a Manila lumber yard
Feb. 10. She said her four-year-old
son had been bayoneted repeatedly.
A pretty Filipino girl said her
mother and four brothers were killed
by Japanese who set fire to a building
in their yard where they had taken
refuge, then threw in hand grenades.
She herself escaped with horrible
leg burns from a flaming grave into
which she said the Japanese had
tossed her.
Will Decrease
Only 23 officers out of a war-time
enrollment of 80 remain in the seven-
month naval architecture course given
by the University, Lieut. Commdr.
Charles Hoyt said yesterday.
"Within the next three or four
ne of the issues at stake when the
two teams take the field. Michigan is
now in possession of the trophy, hav-
ing had it since 1943.
Above and beyond the Jug is the
question of continued contention for
the Conference championship. Each
team has dropped one Big Ten tilt,
and another loss would leave the vic-
tim with only a mathematical chance
for titular laurels. A victory, on the
hand, would give the winner a new
lease on life in the red-hot chase for
the mythical award.
The two opposing coaches, Michi-
gan's Fritz Crisler and Minnesota's
Bernie Bierman, also have more at
stake than usual in the outcome.
Crisler has never seen one of his
teams win over a Bierman-coached
eleven in his tenure at Michigan and
would like nothing better than to
break the jinx.
Each mentor will be able to throw
his strongest lineup into the fray
with one important exception on the
Michigan side. Wolverine Capt. Joe
Ponsetto, regular quarterback for the
past two seasons, will miss the game
because of an injury. Howard Yerges
will start in his place.
The rest of the Michigan backfield
will probably have Walt Teninga and
Bob Nussbaumer at the halves and
Jack Weisenburger, recently switched
(Continued on Page 3)
Gas Pipeline
To Serve City
hearing on an application for con-
struction of a natural gas pipeline
from Texas to Michigan will be held
here Jan. 8, the Federal Power Com-
:nission announced today.
The $70,000,000 project is planned
'ay the Michigan-Wisconsin Pipeline
Co., a subsidiary of the American
Light and Traction Co.
Terminus of the pipeilne would be
in Detroit, where the Michigan Con-
solidated Gas Co., furnishes gas
largely supplied by the Panhandle
Eastern Pipeline Co.
The new pipeline also would supply
Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Ann Arbor
and other cities served by Michigan*
The city of Detroit recently told
he commission it opposed an appli-
cation of Panhandle Eastern to ex-
oort gas to Canada if it meant that
'Detroit's needs could not be filled.
Officials of Michigan Consolidated
said they would have to limit new
home-heating customers to emel-
gency cases until after construction
of the proposed new pipeline.
Thomas Cooley Rites
To Be Held Monday
Services for the late Dr. and Mrs.
Thomas B. Cooley will be held at 2
p. m. Monday in Forest Hill Ceme-
tery by Dr. Leonard Parr, minister
of the Congregational church.
Dr. Cooley, son of Judge Thomas
M. Cooley, died in Bangor, Me., in
October; his wife died in July. A
:ationally known pediatrician; Dr.
Cooley was a graduate of the class of
'95, and was a former president of
the American Academy of Pediatrics.
He served for twenty years on the
Children's Hospital of Michigan staff
before his retirement in 1941.
Overcrowded'Wayne 'U'
May Reject Veterans
Use of
Money May
Slayer's Motive
PONTIAC, Mich., Nov. 2-{IP)-A
bank book owned by Mrs. Alberta
Rose Young, slain *wife of an Army
Air Forces captain serving overseas,
was examined today for clues in the
effort to solve the mystery of her
The body of the attractive former
war worker, who was 33, was found in
the Clinton River Wednesday. There
was a bullet wound in her head.
Police said the bank book showed
that by Dec. 1, 1944, Mrs. Young had
built up deposits of more than $3,000
out of her earnings at a Detroit war
plant and allotments from her hus-
band, Capt. Franklin L. Young, last
reported at Compeigne, France.
By last June 8, however, all but
$1.68 had been withdrawn in amounts
ranging from $25 to $1,350, police
Inspector Charles Searle, of the
Detroit police who are aiding the in-
quiry, expressed belief that if the
use of the money were known, it
might help in determining a motive
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