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February 10, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-02-10

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- SIJNDAY, FEBRUARY 1%~, 194(~

Fifty-Sixth Yea




Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Sta f
Ray Dixon . . .. ... Managing ditor
Robert Goldman ........ City Editor
Betty Roth... . .... Editorial Director
Margaret Farmer.... . . . . Associate Editor
Arthur J. Kraft . . ...... . Associate Editor
Bill Mullendore . ........ . Sports Editor
Mary Lu Heath....... Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz . . Women's Editor
Dona (uimaraes Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff

Dorothy Flint
Joy Altman

. ".. . .Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
tor re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Fortune Surve
HITLER HAS STOPPED ranting and raving
and the war is over, but the followers of Der
Fuehrer in this country are keeping up the good
work. In view of the fact that anti-Semitism
is still going strong, wemight examine the re-
sults of a survey of the general public, made
by Fortune magazine and published in this
month's issue, which attempts to determine
"what sort of people they (anti-Semites) are
and what sort of ideas are in their heads."
The survey identified anti-Semites by means
of a questionnaire, in which the following were
offered as opportunities to express hostility
to Jews: "Are there any organizations or
groups of people in this country who you feel
might be harmful to the future of the country
unless they are curbed? Are there any groups
of people you think are trying to get ahead
at the expense of people like you?"
Those who answered in the affirmative to
these questions were asked to name the group;
the results showed the percentage of conscious
anti-Semites (9.4 per cent in the fall of 1943)
to be 8.8 per cent of the adult population.
Conclusions drawn from answers made by this
group to questions on various controversial sub-
jects include:y
1. Anti-Semitism increases with wealth.
2. Anti-Semitism is strongest in the North-
east and middle west, and is weakest in the
south and far west.
3. Anti-Semitism is strongest in large cities,
weakest in .small towns.
4. Anti-Semitism is strongest among the
age group 35-49, weakest in the age group
5. Anti-Semitism runs parallel with hostility
to Great Britain and Russia.
6. Anti-Semitism runs parallel with disap-
proval of large-scale government work proj-
ects to help prevent unemployment and with
disapproval of labor unions.
-Nita Blumenfeld

WASHINGTON--President Truman frequently
remarks to friends: "I spend one-third of
of my time trying to persuade good men to stay
in the Government, and another third of my
time trying to persuade good men to come into
the Government."
However, the President is so loyal to friends
that here is one thing he doesn't realize. If he
would get rid of one key man in the White
House, a 101; of people would jump at the chance
to work for him.
That one key man is ex-St. Louis bank cashier
John Snyder, the war reconverter.
Time after time, men high in Roosevelt
councils have resigned or else refused to join
the Truman administration because they
would not work with Snyder. One was Robert
Nathan, whom Truman had known back in
the days of the Truman committee. Truman
begged Nathan to remain on in Government.
Nathan didn't tell him so, but the reason he
left was because everything he tried to do was
boxed by Snyder.
Another man who bowed out for similar rea-
sons was Isador Lubin, for years on Roosevelt's
staff. When Truman urged him to stay, Lubin
said he would come in and work without pay
whenever needed; but he did not tell Truman
that the reason he was leaving was John Snyder.
Blunt-spoken Postmaster General Bob Han-
negan, however, has not minced words. He
has told Truman exactly what he thinks of
his fellow St. Louisan. Secretary of the Treas-
ury Fred Vinson has been more judicious, but
nevertheless has also made it clear as to how
he feels.
With Harry 'Truman, however, a friend is a
friend. And the more they jump on John Snyder,
the more Truman sticks by him - no matter
what happens to the country and reconversion.
NOTE I -- Recently Truman persuaded ex-
Mayor Wilson Wyatt of Louisville to come to
Washington to undertake a new housing pro-
gram. Reluctantly, Wyatt agreed. But imme-
diately after he worked up an excellent hous-
ing program, John Snyder stepped in and
stopped it.
NOTE 2- Carl Sandburg, famous Lincoln
historian, compares Truman to Lincoln when
it comes to John Snyder. Chief of Staff Henry
W. Halleck was always being criticized by
Lincoln's associates, but Lincoln, according to
Sandburg, said: "Halleck doesn't seem to have
a friend, so I guess I'll have to stand by him."
Soviet lreeonvers ion
THE United States is not the only major na-
tion enjoying reconversion headaches. Com-
rade Joe Stalin with all his "planned socialist
efficiency" is in exactly the same mess-perhaps
more so.
While Stalin has no strike troubles, the
pressure from the Russian people for con-
sumer goods is so great that the Communist
High Command is practically turning the
government inside out to get the bare essen-
tials of life for Russia's people.
The Russians are frank to admit the short-
comings of their planned economy. One writer
in the newspaper Pravda points out very seri-
ously that "some factory managers are so
anxious to prove they are good producers that
they switch products," producing the wrong
products merely because they are easier to turn
out. Another writer reveals that the Lenin fac-
tory in the city of Gorky is "a highly qualified
factory capable of .making radio receiver sets,
loudspeakers, and electrical appliances. But, for
some reason, it is producing nothing but spoons,
cups and shovels ...and in small doses."
Lamb Among Wolves
ONE OF THE MOST reactionary committees
in Congress is the House Rules Committee.
However, its chairman, Adolph Sabath of Chi-
cago, is one of the most liberal crusaders on
Capitol Hill. Obviously his life is difficult.
Not many colleagues knew it, but not long
ago Representative Gene Cox of Georgia start-
ed an undercover move to clip the wings of the
79-year-old Sabath. The Georgian, who is
one of the worst reactionaries in Congress,
came to a closed-door session of the committee
with a proposal to amend committee rules so
that no one personally opposed to what the
committee has voted can lead the fight on the

House floor for that particular rule.
This would mean that Cox, instead of Sabath,
would control the debating time whenever
Sabath was licked in the committee vote on a
rule for some anti-labor bill.
As Cox read his proposal, Sabath looked
around and noted that a bare quorum of the
committee was present. He leaned toward Re-
publican Representative Clarence Brown of Ohio
and, in a throaty whisper, said:
"Clarence, get out of here - go on down to
the floor."
Brown, who was watching the battle brew-
ing, did not move. If he had, there would
have been no quorum and Cox would have
been out of order. Sabath whispered to him
again, saw Brown had no intention of leav-
ing, so banged his gavel and shouted:
"The gentleman is out of order!"
Cox went on and read another proposal pro-
viding that when the chairman was not present,
members of the committee could meet anyhow,
with the highest-ranking Democrat on hand to
serve as chairman.

Agu in -3ba mt siiouted: "Out of order!''
Cox, recoming angry at this point, retorted,
"I appeal the rule of the chair."
Other committee members sat by quietly,
laughing behind their hands.
Sabath again banged his gavel and shouted:
"I hold your vppeal to be out of order!"
No support came forward for Cox, and the
Georgian was powerless to carry his fight any
further. 'The chairman of a committee has
the last say unless overruled.
Since, then, +Cox has bridled frequently at
colleagues who know what happened and who
kid him about his "new rules for the rules
JUSTICE department officials have been pep-
pered with demands that the famous anti-
sedition trial be reopened, but they never ex-
pected one of the defendants to join the clamor.
He is Prescott Dennett, now a private in an
Army Medical Battalion at Carlisle Barracks, Pa.
Dennett came to Washington the other day
and asked that Representative Adolph Sabath
of Illinois go to bat for him in getting the trial
reopened sc he could be "cleared or convicted"
by due process. That failing, Dennett declared
he would attempt to get a "Presidential pardon,"
though now this could be done without his first
being convicted, he didn't make clear.
Declarig he was an "original anti-fascist,"
Dennett said:
"Why, I was once arrested in Italy when
Mussollni was running things there."
(C~opyrighI 9r; , y i e Bfa e ll Syndlicate, inc.}

Do icnie Says

N A GREEK legend Oedipus unknowingly
killed his father and married his mother.
The extreme complex identifi'ed by the analyst
of today has been well named after that divided
personality. The hidden influence of fate drove
the tragedy forward. Until recent decades it
was common belief that fate ruled. While the
generations finally might learn from the facts,
the actors themselves, so it was believed, could
only walk the stage and suffer. There is a de-
gree to which events do continue to march us
all at times into fortune and at other times
back us into the jaws of destruction. However
psychological research, social science, mecal
advancement and general education have done
much to free man from fate and to make him
or them master of situations. The "him or
them" reference is significant. It is joint par-
ticipation, social reliance, interdependence, and
mutual responsibility which spell progress.
Individualism, good as the raw material of
a pioneer epoch, necessary in the genius and
the leader, and essential to the first genera-
tion as in Edna Ferber's novel "Great Son"
is not always a virtue in city life.. The major
virtues are social ones. Modern plays there-
fore, as "The Silver Cord" take issue with the
deterministic explanation and rest their case
upon social training in the family. It is now
known that cause and effect always have a
definite place in the growing-up process. Laws
can take over the black domain too long ruled
by fate. Referring to inadequate persons
Menneninger in his revised "The Human
Mind," says, "They are, as we say, fixated
always on the mother or father, or it may be
a brother or sister, or someone who closely
represents one of those early pillars."
Religion that faith in ultimate worth, intro-
duces a healing, a remedial and a curative hope.
It is easy to claim too much, but one item is
valid as a religious asset, namely, the child who
has really learned to worship God, that "Wholly
Other", has won the initial battle of personality.
To center the loyalty on yonder infinite Being,
the all-good, is to understand the universe as
concerned about all mankind and to see God
evident in every living thing. That child has
set himself in wholesome perspective. First as
youth, then adult, then parent, and later the
leader of a century, perhaps, he will be able to
live the life of a savior but never know it. Here
is the victory of freedom. This is the end for
all true education. Set opposite whole aggrega-
tions of self lovers, anti-social bipeds and man-
sized infants who make up the unhappy fringe
of a University, a Church, or a City, such a per-
son can become both the physician and the con-
science of many.
The teachers and counseling agencies of a
University can produce such leaders if relig-
iousness pervades the classroom, the study
hall, the laboratory and the dormitory. Pray
for your mentors; they merit gratitude. Those
functionaries either above you in the scheme
of things or below, who go evenly on day after
day are rare benefactors. You and I are
debtors. If the well integrated members of
our community will practice good will, those
mentors can find the energy, patience and
wisdom to serve the few who need desperately
the guidance provided. Whole zones of con-
fidence are indispensable if we are to banish
Edward* W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education
University of Michigan

Ciano, Galeazzo-The Ciano Diaries,
1939-1943. Garden City, New York,
Doubleday, 1946.
Sumner Welles in his introduction
to this historic document says, "I be-
lieve it to be one of the most valuable
historical documents of our times.
They will find in The Diary a hither-
to unrevealed picture of Germany's
machinations during those fateful
years." The student of history will
find it fascinating reading from the
first to the last page.
duMaurier, Daphne - The King's1
General. .Garden City, New York,
Doubleday, 1946.]
"Menability stands bare and des-
olate on the Cornish coast, its ivy-3
covered walls hiding the secret whichI
two people will carry to their graves.
Honor Harris, so injured as a girl;
that she never walked again, and Sir;
Richard Granville, the King's Gen-,
eral in the West, resentfully proud,
bitter to the end. The only man
Honor ever loved." With this back-
ground Miss du Maurier provides a
tale of hair breadth escapes and ex-
citing events of 17th century English
Frank, Jerome-Fate and Freedom:
A philosophy for free Americans.
New York, Simon & Schuster, 1945.
Judge Frank deals here with the
age-old conflict between determinism
and free will and the effect of these
opposing ideas on the political and
social destiny of America. He con-
cludes with the expression of a dy-
namic social religion, the corner-
stone of which is that Americans are
free to choose the future of their so-
ciety. He supports his social philos-
ophy with an interesting review and
analysis of political ideas throughout
the ages."
Marquand, John Phillips-Repent in
Haste. Boston, Little, Brown, 1945.
The story of a war marriage that
went wrong. "It might have been
just one more engaging story about
wild and valiant fliers of Mr. Mar-
quand had not taken the trouble and
had the skill to inquire into their
wildness and their valor, to look back
into the past one of them left behind
him and into the future to which he
planned to return. The result is a
moving and convincing story."
Charles Poore. ,
Miller, Henry-The Air-Conditioned
Nightmare. New York, New Direc-
tions, 1945.
'Air-conditioned Nightmare' is Hen-
ry Miller's story of his journey
through America after his return
from ten years in Europe. Whether
you agree or disagree with Miller's
conclusions, his approach to his sub-
ject is unique, and his style enter-
taining and interesting.
Shapiro, Karl Jay-Essay on Rime.
New York, Reynal & Hitchcock,
This essay in verse was written by
a sergeant in the Medical Corps who
was just completing three years of
active duty in the Pacific. "Composed
without access to books, this verse
'Essay' of over 2,000 lines discusses
'rime' in its widest connotation as
synonomous with 'art of poetry,' and
gives a detailed assessment of that
art in our time." N.Y. Times.
Food for Europe
AMERICANS, reputedly the most
generous people on earth, are
opening their bread-basket to the
world. President Truman has set up
a program to help reduce the gnaw-
ing of hunger in countries less
bountiful than ours. He hints that
realization of this program may re-
sult in shortages of certain food com-
modities in the United States, and
the possible return of some rationing
has been suggested by government
officials and news analysts.
We may expect additional abuse
to be heaped on the Truman "Raw
Deal" administration. Our bread
will become grayer. Horrors! (Its
greater vitamin value is not to be
considered.) It will take a great
deal' of courage for the American

public to eat such stuff. But we
are sure that the people who with-
stood the trials of war deprivations
(including a generally higher food
standard than before the war) will
be able to shoulder the great bur-
den of grayer bread.
A recent survey shows that the
majority of America's farmers either
oppose sending food abroad for relief
supplies orsupport such action only
if it will not decrease home supplies.
One would think they have to sur-
render produce for overseas use with-
out proper compensation.
Little matters such as this, involv-
ing merely the lives of several million
people, shouldn't disturb us, we know.
After all, didn't we do enough al-
ready? Haven't we always done too
much? We saved England for soc-
ialism and Russia for Communism.
All by our little selves we have twice
saved the world for "democracy."
(England and Russia don't count.)
-Mal Roemer
By Crockett Johnson

Publication in the Daily Official Bl-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 74
Attention All Students: Registra-
tion for the Spring Term
By action of the Conference of
Deans, all students are required to
register for the Spring Term at, and
no later than, the time announced in'
the Registration Schedule. Late reg-
istrations will not be permitted by the
administrative authorities of the sev-
eral units, except in the case of vet-
erans who have not been in residence
for the Fall Term. Students must pre-
sent their identification cards at the
time of registration and must file
their registration material them-
selves, not by proxy.
The reason for this requirement is
the unprecedented demand which the
enrollment for the Spring Term will
make upon the educational resources
and the housing facilities of the Uni-
versity. Because of these conditions,
it is absolutely essential that regis-
tration and classification be com-
pleted according to schedule.
Dr. Frank E. Robbins
Assistant to the President
Attention February Graduates:
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, School of Education, School
of Music, School of Public Health -
students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in February. When
such grades are absolutely imper-
ative, the work must be made up in
time to allow your instructor to re-
port the make up grade not later
than noon, March 1. Grades received
after that time may defer the stu-
dent's graduation until a laterdate.
School of Business Administration:
All students now on campus who are
enrolled in the School of Business
Administration, or who have been ac-
cepted for enrollment for the spring
semester, should report for classifica-
tion during the week beginning Feb.
11. Appointments for this purpose
should be made in Room 108 Tappan
Hall as soon as possible.
Recommendations for Departmen-
tal Honors: Teaching departments
wishing to recommend tentative Feb-
ruary graduates from the .College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts, and
the School of Education for depart-
mental honors should send such
names to the Registrar's Office, Room
4, University Hall, by noon, Feb. 26.
Application Forms For Fellowships
and Scholarships in the Graduate
School of the University for the year
1946-1947 may be obtained from the
Graduate School Office. All blanks
must be returned to that Office by
Feb. 15 in order to receive considera-
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Students are
requested to conserve the supply of
College Announcements by using for
the spring term the copies issued to
them last fall. The large supplemen-
tary edition which was printed is al-
most exhausted. Any remaining new
copies must be issued only to students
who have not been in residence for
the fall term.
Veterans: All Veterans registering
for the spring term will receive a spe-
cial yellow veterans-election card
with registration materials. This card
must be carefully and completely exe-
cuted, particularly by those veterans
who desire federal benefits, and sur-
rendered when classification is com-
pleted at either the gymnasium or the
school in which registering. The Uni-
versity cannot certify to a veteran's
enrollment nor can subsistence pay-
ments be instituted until recorders

have forwarded these cards to the
certification office of the Veterans
Service Bureau.
Graduate Students: Registration
material for the Spring Term will be
available in the Graduate School Of-
fice beginning Feb. 13.
State of Michigan Civil Service An-
nouncement has been received in this
office for:
1) Personnel Officer I Salary range
is from $1$0 to $220 per month.
2) Personnel Officer IV Salary
range is from $360 to $420 per month
3) Geologic Aide C Salary range is
from $110 to $125 per month.
4) Small Animal Caretaker B Sal-
ary range is from $125 to $145 per
Application for these positions
must be in by March 6.
Policewoman: City of Kalamazoo
Police Department has a vacancy for
a policewoman (Social major be-
tween the ages of 25 to 45 years). Sal-
ary is $2200 per year. Filing date is
Feb. 14.
For further information, call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 201

bourne Murphy, Health Service Sani-
tation, in the Lecture Room of the
University Health Service on the fol-
lowing days:
Lecture I-Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2:00
p.m. (to 3:30 p.m.)
Lecture II-Thursday, Feb. 14, 2:00
p.m. (to 3:30 p.m.)
All persons concerned with food
service to University students are
asked to attend, unless they have at-
tended a previous series. A certificate
will be given to those who satisfac-
torily complete this short course of
Other interested persons are in-
vited. As attendance must be limited,
phone the Health Service (24531)
for reservations.
French Lecture: Professor Arthur
L. Dunham, of the Department of
History, will offer the second of the
series of French lectures sponsored
by the Cercle Francais,, on Thurs-
day, Feb. 14, at 4:10 p.m., in Room D,
Alumni Memorial Hall. The title of
his lecture is: "Les ides d'un philos-
ophe francais sur la pdagogie aux
Academic Notices
Speech Concentrates: All Speech
concentrates and teaching majors
should make appointments immedi-
ately to see the concentration adviser
for approval of next semester's elec-
tions. Appointments may be made by
calling 4121, ext. 526, or by coming
to the Speech office, 3211 Angell Hall.
Exhibit: "Guide fossils of the Jur-
rasic used in Petroleum Exploration
in Alaska," in the Rotunda, Univer-
sity Museums Building through Feb.
Coming Events
University Women: All women in-
terested in Panhellenic rushing sec-
nd semester must bring their first
semester report card (1945-46) when
shey register for rushing at the Pan-
cellenic Booth March 4, 5, r 6.
Association of University of Michi-
;an Scientists will meet on Mon. Feb.
11, at 7:30 p.m., in the Rackham Am-
phitheater. There will be a business
meeting devoted to consideration of
the constitution and election of offi-
ers, followed by a talk at 8:30 by
Prof. Bradley M. Patten on "Pending
Legislation Affecting a National Re-
search Foundation," to which the
public is invited.
The Tuesday Afternoon Play Read-
ing Section of the Faculty Women's
Club will meet Tuesday, Feb. 12, at
the Michigan League. Dessert at
1:15 p.m. in the Russian Tea Room.
Reading at 2:00 p.m. in the Mary B.
Henderson Room.
First Presbyterian Church:
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. Ser-
mon by Dr. Lemon "Youth Speaks
5;00 p.m. Westminster Guild speak-
er will be a Presbyterian missionary
from Korea, the Rev. Samuel H. Mof-
fett. Supper will follow. i
First Baptist Church:
10:00-Bible Class. College age
young people meet in the Guild House
to study the Gospel of John.
11:00-Worship Service. "For dod
and Country," the Pastor>
5:00-Roger Williams Guild. Rab-
bi Jehuda Cohen, "The Causes and
Cures of Race Prejudice."
First Congregational Church:
Morning Worship, 10:45 a.m.
The sermon by Dr. Parr will be on
"ife's Boomerangs."

5:00 p.m.-The Student Guild will
meet at the Church for supper. Re-
port on "Urbana 1945", the national
Methodist student conference. In-
stallation and dedication service for
new officers.
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
ciples of Christ):
Morning Worship 10:50 a.m. Rev.
Mr. F. E. Zendt will deliver the morn-
ing message on "Christian Oppor-
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet Sunday at 5:00 p.m. at the
Congregational Church, State and
William. A report on "Urbana 1945"
will be given. This will be followed
by an installation and dedication ser-
vice for new officers.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Service Sunday at 11:00 a.m., with
sermon by the Rev. Alfred Schieps,
"Indifference -The Church's Great-
est Enemy."
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have a supper meeting and
discussion Sunday at 5:15 p.m. at the
Student Center.
Tlr , _hars_ _ rr.. r! 3 c nim _n

Ital's Colonies
to advocate strongly that Italy be allowed
to keep her four African colonies-Tripolitania,
Cirenaica, Eritrea, and Somaliland.
She is, thus, likely to fail in this attempt at
lessening the harshness of the peace treaty,
for the United States, Britain, and Russia
want all colonial possessions taken from Italy.
The reason they give is Italy's bad record in
neglecting the interests of her colonial peoples
and in using the regions for war purposes.
France's representative to the Big Four peace
conference in London, Couve de Murville, has
argued that the treaty will be hard enough on
Italy, in that she will probably forfeit the
Dodecanese and part of the Julian March, pay
reparations, and have great reductions made in
her armed forces. Her colonies, he says, should
be left her, for "it would be wrong to drive the
Italian people to despair."
It is doubtful if the Big Four are going to
worry much about keeping their former enemies
from despair. The main point would seem to be
that, by taking the Italian colonies, the ques-
tion of who shall receive them is raised, to form

Yes, Pop. That's the story Mr.
I _ 0'Mallev, my Fairy Godfather,

He got aol seven vol/vmes from the
public library . . . He says it's

-- _

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