.. .HE MTCHaTaa.Ee s vrAN vrDaaya
,..IDA. iy.. ,.~es..vARY . Th44z
Truman Calls Pauley Honest Man;
Plan for Million Houses Discussed
President Refuse
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7-President
Truman today solidly backed Edwin
W. Pauley over the criticism of Sec-
retary Ickes, and said he would not
withdraw Pauley's nomination to be
Undersecretary of the Navy.
The President told his news con-
erence that Pauley is an honest man
'rruman Bread
Bill Is Opposed
Hall Leads Congress
In Wheat Cut Debate.
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7-(A')-A bill
to block President Truman's dark
bread program was introduced today
by Rep. Edwin A. Hall (Rep., N.Y.)
member of the House agriculture
Other voices also were raised on
Capitol Hill questioning the program
to cut American wheat consumptioi
to help feed people abroad. Mr. Tru-
man drove ahead with the program
appealing for cooperation in avertin
what he called a threat of mass star
vation in other lands.
Meat Rationing
The President, answering ques.
tions at his news conference, sai
meat rationing would be resumed if
needed, but added that he hoped an
believed it would not be necessary.
Hall's bill would prohibit grain anc
flour exports temporarily until:
1. Sufficient grain has been dis-
tributed to "areas of the United
States now suering from shortage
of livestock and poultry feeds."
2. The Secretary of Agriculture de-
termines there are sufficient supplier
of flour to "assure the American peo-
ple of the present amount of white
DETROIT, Feb. 7-(')-A new con-
tract granting wage increases of from
18 to 26 cents hourly to 800 employe
was signed today by the Champior
Spark Plug Co. and the CIO Unitec
Auto Workers.
Norman R. Matthews, union re-
gional director, termed the boost the
"highest yet" in the automotive in-
He said the agreement calls for
two general wage increases, one a
flat eight cent hourly, and the other
amounting to 10 per cent of present
scales above a dollar an hour, or 10
cents flat per hour on scales of $1 or
Matthews said the lowest scale em-
ployes will .thus receive 18 cent
boosts while the top-rated employes.
now drawing $1.80, will receive 26
cents in all.
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Chicago 2, llinois
s To Withdraw
ant Nomination
and that the Secretary of the Interior
can very well be mistaken in his tes-
timony that Pauley made the "rawest
proposition" on oil and campaign
Funds that Ickes ever heard.
-allen Discussed
As the President discussed the con-
troversial Pauley appointment, the
Senate Banking Committee was look-
ing into far-flung private business in-
terests of another presidential nomi-
nee, George E. Allen, proposed as a
director and probably as chairman of
the Reconstruction Finance Corpora-
Allen, who is a presidential adviser,
said his income had increased from
X9,000 a year in 1938, when he was
..istrict of Columbia commissioner, to
zbout $50,000 annually at present.
He told of receiving a $28,000 yearly
salary for handling public relations
f the Home Insurance Company of
New York, and listed 5 other com-
panies in which he is an officer or
:irector. He said he had never used
uis influence with government de-
partments in behalf of the companies.
examine Vardaman Record
Still a third presidential appoint-
ment, that of Commodore James K.
~ardaman, Jr., ,White House Naval
Aide, to a 14-year term on the Fed-
ral Reserve Board, faces examination
n secret session by the banking sub-
Mr. Truman's firm endorsement of
auley, wealthy California oil opera-
or and former Democratic treasurer,
:rode it clear that he fully credits
Eauley's denials of the statements
nade by Ickes at hearings of the
senate Naval Committee. The hear-
ngs, sifted Pauley's qualifications for
sae No. post in the Navy, are in re-
;ess now until Monday.
Ickes Refuses Comment
Ickes learned immediately of Mr.
.ruman's comments by means of a
yews ticker in his office. He sent
ord to reporters that he had no
The principal item in dispute be-
tween Pauley and Ickes is a statement
hat Pauley held out the prospect of
;300,000 worth of campaign contri-
butions from California oil men if
t government suit to establish Fed-
^ral title to tideland oil deposits were
Yama shia Asks
Death Reprieve
TOKYO, Friday, Feb.8 - () - A
spokesman for General MacArthur
announced today that the U. S. Sec-
ietary of War has ordered a stay of
execution for Lt. Gen. Tomoyuki
Yamashita pending action by Presi-
dent Truman on a clemency plea.
Yamashita has been condemned to
death on the gallows as a war crimi-
Only yesterday MacArthur had af-
firmed the court martial finding in
Manila against his former adversary
in the Philippines.
The text of the announcement:
"The Secretary of War has or-
dered a stay of execution in the case
of General Yamashita pending action
by the President on a plea for clem-
ency by counsel for the defense.
MacArthur had ordered the hang-
ing of Yamashita to be carried out
secretly at Manila after he had been
stripped of his uniform and all mili-
tary appurtenances.
In1 Japan, where the manner of
death is more important than loss of
life itself, two top-rank generals im-
mediately said the country felt deep-
ly the disgraceful end decreed.
Lt. Gen. Maroru Hara forecast pos-
sible popular demonstrations against
the common criminal's death pre-
scribed by General MacArthur as he
upheld Yamashita's Manila convic-
Mrs. Hisako Yamashita, wife of the
defendant, showed no surprise.
"I have been prepared for the de-
cision," she told Japanese newsmen.
ashi Shimomura (above), Japan's
post-surrender war minister, was
ordered arrested as an internation-
al war crimes suspect. Allied head-
quarters sources said he signed
final orders for the execution of
three Doolittle fliers in 1942.
Wage Increase
Meat Packers May
Get 16 Cent Raise
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7-(/)-The
Federal fact-finding board in the
meat packing wage dispute tonight
recommended a general wage increase
of 16 cents an hour for the 90,000 pro-
duction employes of the five major
meat packing companies.
There are more than 175,000 em-
ployes in the entire meat packing in-
dustry, the board said.
Of the 16-cent increase, the board
proposed that five cents be absorbed
by the companies without price or
subsidy relief. It recommended that
the government approve price or sub-
sidy relief covering the other 11 cents.
The panel also proposed that Sec-
retary of Agriculture Anderson
"promptly present the wage recom-
mendation to the wage stabilization
board for approval. The increase can-
not become effective until that
agency approves.
Companies involved in the recom-
mendation are Armour, Cudahy, John
H. Morrell, Swift and Co. and Wilson
and Co.
S ystems D isrup, ted
By Sun Spots Here
DETROIT, Feb. 7-(A')-The Mich-
igan area was among sections of this
and other countries where sun spots
today played havoc with communica-
tions systems.
Emergency crews were called out
to fight interruptions in telegraph,
teletype and telephone service in De-
Western Union Telegraph Co.
termed the disturbance "The worst
in many years," and the Michigan
Bell Telephone Co. reported wide-
spread but "very minor" interrup-
tions of all voice circuits.
Government To
Double Goal i
New Pro gram
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7--A new
emergency housing program, designed
to produce 1,000,000 new dwellings
this year and thus double the gov-
ernment's 1946 goal, was well along in
the discussion stage tonight.
Some 'fficials, not quoted by name,
said they expected the new goal to
be officially set up in a White House
announcement soon. The White
Hcuse had nothing to say immedi-
ately. ,
Wilson W. Wyatt Jr., new national
housing administrator, told a housing
conference here of government plan-
ning to "greatly surpass" its present
450,000-home target.
Another speaker, Norton Long of
OPA, told the session that by launch-
ing immediately the needed broad
program "I confidently expect that a
million housing units can be built
this. year."
Wyatt declared that "something
akin to wartime measures" is neces-
sary to break the housing bottleneck.
His movements included appear-
ance at a congressional earing as
well as at the citizen-government
conference on the housing emergency,
which convened this morning.
The day brought these other devel-
1. The government is considering
subsidies to increase the output of
some scarce building materials in-
stead of increasing their prices, the
NHA chief told the housing confer-
2. The House Banking Committee,
after hearing Wyatt behind closed
doors, considered a special investiga-
tion of the possible board use of pre-
fabricated housing. Wyatt had told
the committee that "pre-fabs" would
"play a very considerable part" in the
housing problem.
3. Wyatt renewed his plea that
Congress put price ceilings on the
country's 40,000,000 existing houses.
The committee rejected the idea last
week by a 14 to 11 vote.
4. Rep. O'Brien (D-Mich) intro-
duced a bill to give families of de-
ceased servicemen priority on ac-
commations in federal low-rent hous-
ing projects.
Mic higan M ines
Need Subsidies
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7--(f')-A. E.
Peterman, attorney for Calumet &
HECLA Co., told Michigan congress-
men today that the state's copper
mines would have to close if price
control is extended without continu-
ance of government subsidies.
At a meeting arranged by Senator
Ferguson (Rep., Mich.), Peterman
said no mines in Houghton and Ke-
weenaw counties can produce copper
at present 12 cents a pound ceilings.
Under the government's wartime
premium price plan, producers now
can receive as much as 17 cents a
Peterman said about half of the
Michigan mines can make a "slight
profit" or at least operate without a
loss as that price.
If Michigan mines have to close
some 4,000 employes would be idle,
he said.
Aetivities Poll
Results Will
Be Published
The results of the Alpha Phi Omega
student activities poll are being tabu-
lated and will be ready far publica-
tion. in Th e Daily the first week in
the spring enester, Russ Scovill,
vice-presidien"of the service fratern-
ity, said yesterday
If the ballots which have been
scored are any indication of the final
results, Scovill said, "the poll may
prove surprising to many students
and organizations."
He pointed out that numerous
comments on the need for a revital-
ized school spirit had been written on
the ballots and that students indi-
cated eagerness to participate in a
student government.
"Alpha Phi Omega," Scovill said,
"is grateful fcr the whole-hearted
coaoperationthe students displayed in
the poll."
Legislature . ..
(Continued from Page 1)
convinced those who make the rec-
ommendations haven't studied vet-
eran or health problems.
"These gentlement haven't made a
survey of state needs. They have
dr awn their conclusions only from
local problems. They aren't against
my program-all they say is that the
state can't build it. The construction
industry of Michigan says it can be
done and we will do it."
Vote Monday Night
The administration bill providing
$3,300,000 for the University's build-
ing program was advanced to posi-
tion for a vote Monday night.
Rep. Charles R. Feenstra, Grand
Rapids Republican, blocked a move
for an immediate vote on the Uni-
versity appropriation, asking his col-
leagues to consider over the weekend
that only 12 per cent of war veterans
will enroll in colleges, but that 88
per cent "must stay home and work."
"What are we doing for that 88 per
cent?" he asked.
'Excess Baggage'
He said that many of those who did
enroll would drop out of classes as
soon as economic conditions settled
and that "in four or five years we will
be left with a lot of excess baggage
on our hands."
President Ruthven said that if the
legislature waits until next January
to appropriate building funds, it will
be 12 or 18 months before the Univer-
sity can go ahead with any type of
building project.
"We need some indication from this
special session that we are safe in go-
ing ahead in our emergency building
program," President Ruthven said.
"With the $3,300,000 we will be able to
start the program."
Are American schools doing a fine
job or a poor job in developing and
molding (he minds of our youth?
Dean James B. Edmonson and
Prof. Howard Y. MeClusky, of the
School of Education, were among the
experts in a recent pollattempting to
evaluate how well the schools prepare
people for earning a living and for
democratic citizenship.
Training For Family
The school's most unsatisfactory
job, the educators agreed, is in train-
ing our youth for personal and family
responsibilities. One expert said this
CIO Gets New
Wage Inrease
Auto Workers Sign
Contract with Briggs
By Tlhe Associated Press
DETROIT, Feb. 7-The Briggs
Manufacturing Company and the
CIO United Auto Workers today
signed a contract calling for an 181/2
cent hourly wage increase for hourly
rated workers and 15 per cent boost
for salaried employes receiving $500
a month or less.
Walter O. Briggs, Jr., said the con-
tract covers 12,000 workers who turn
out bodies for Packard and Chrysler
motor cars. The firm also manufac-
tures plumbing equipment. He esti-
mated it will cover upwards of 30,000
wcrkers when the firm reaches full
Briggs said the former hourly wage
was 9 cents, which hereafter will be
Melvin Bishop, a UAW regional di-
rector, headed' the union delegates,
who included George Falls, president
of Evansville, Ind. local 265, which
covers the 2,000 Briggs workers out-
side Michigan.1
The Briggs and UAW spokesmen
also announced selection of James F.
Dewey, as a permanent impartial um-
pire in all disputes.
Dewey, a former Assistant Secre-
tary of Labor, has mediated many
disputes in the auto industry and is
currently serving as federal media-
tor in the General Motors strike-
now in its 79th day.
Edmonson, McCluskey
Help Evaluate Schools
is showipg itself in the rise in broken
Another function in which the
schools have failed to rate a singile
vote above fair, is in guiding the
youths in the proper use of their
spare time.
Suggest Changes
These educators, from high schools
and colleges all over the nation, have
made the following suggestions:
1. There should be less drill .and
memorizing lessons from books.
2. There should be less require-
ment of foreign and ancient lan-
3. There.should be less emphasis
on "marks" and on preparation for
college, since the mass of high-school
students will not go to college.
More Emphasis Urged
On the other hand, there are many
factors which the educators believe
the schools should emphasize. Some
of the suggested improvements are:
1. The school should provide better
education for citizenship.
2. The schools should improve
health education and physical fitness
programs to make the students
healthier, and not just a few out-
standing athletes.
3. Students should be given better
preparation for shouldering personal
and family responsibilities and should
be given more prior insight into the
problems of love and marriage.
4. High schools should provide stu-
dents with greater opportunity for
vocational training, work, experience,
and guidance in selecting careers.
Deal With Individual Needs
5. There should be more effort to
deal with the needs and abilities of
each individual student. One of the
curses of our school system has been
too much standardization in the
treatment of all students, regardless
of their immense individual differ-
ences in abilities and interests.
Finally, the most important need
of all, in the judgment of a number
of experts, is to make schoolwork
much more alive and interesting. Too
many youngsters, they claim, regard
school as something they are forced
to swallow rather than an enjoyable
Dewey announced late today that
only "non economic matters" were
discussed at another conference of
negotiators in the dispute between
General Motors and the CIO-United
Automobile Workers.
The 90-minute session was at-
tended by lesser ranking members
of the negotiating teams, with neither
side offering anw comment when it
broke up. Dewey said minor contract
matters were discussed chiefly.
G f
, 1
Baha'i Group
To Meet Here
There will be an election of dele-
gates to the annual Baha'i National
Convention at the Allenel Hotel, Feb.
About ninety Baha'is from differ-
ent parts of Michigan will participate
in the election directly, while all oth-
er Baha'is will mail their ballots to
the committee in- charge of the state
Mrs. Harry Mills is secretary of the
Michigan Election Committee. Mr.
Harry Wong, who for thirty years has
been in charge of the Oriental gar-
dens at the J. L, Hudson Company,
IDetroit, is state chairman. Mr. George
R. True of Grosse Pointe is also a
member of the Election Committee.
The Ann Arbor Baha'is will hold a
tea for the visiting members to meet
their Ann Arbor friends on Sunday
afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 in the
upstairs parlor of the Allenel Hotel.
. I
FRI., FEB. 8, 1946
7:30-Sleephead Serenade
8 :00-News.
8:15-Wake Up and Live
8:25-Classics in Music
8:30-Musical Reveille
9:00-Music Box.
9:30-Popular Music.
9:45-Moments of Melodies.
10 :00-News.
10:05-Music for Remem-
10:30-Broadway Melodies.
10:40-Community Calendar.
10:45-Waltz Time.
11:05-Al & Lee Reiser.
11:15-Lean Back & Listen.
1.1:30-Farm & Home Hour.
11:55-College & Martial
12 :00-News.
12:15-Jesse Crawford.
12:30-Along the Sports
12:45-Man on the Street.
1:05-Salon Music.
1:10-Organ Music (Pop.)
1:15-South American Way.
1:30-This Rythmic Age
1:45-Jerry Sears Presents
2 :00-News.
2:05-Hal Saunders.
2:15-Melody on Parade.
3 :00-News.
3:05-Arthur Chapman.
3:15-University of Michi.
3:30-It's a Hit
3:40-It Actually Happened.
3:45-Trade Winds Tavern
4 :00-News,
4:15-Hollywood Melodies
4:30-Eventide Echoes
5 :00-News
5:15-Mystery Melodies
5:30-Little Show
5:45-Spotlight On the
WANTED: Ride to vicinity of Pitts-
burgh, Pa. around February 16.
Willinig to share expenses and
driving. K. Benjamin, phone 25-
WANTED: If you have a ticket to
the Paul Bunyan dance that you'll
part with, you can _be my friend
for life. Call Wes Peterson, 104
Tyler House, 2-4591.
WANTED: Secretary - stenographer.
T ahe Chi Psi Fraternity which
maintains its general headquarters
in Ann Arbor has an opening for
a permanent full time secretary.
Ability to take dictation essential.
36-hour week. Interesting work and
pleasant surroundings. For inter-
view call 4617 during business
hours, 2-1424 other hours.
time University employee. Garage
is desirable but not vital. Walter,
Phone 5539.
WANTED TO RENT: Apartment or
house, two or three bedrooms.
Three adults, one-year-old child.
W. J. Mason, 23-24-1.
LOST: Brown Schaeffer Pen. Diag-
onal or S. University. Feb. 1. Call
Bob Evans, 2-3171. Reward.
WUERTH Theatre
- Today and Saturday
&m .
! . . _- ..e.
1 _ I
LOST: Plymouth high school ring,
1945. Initials inside, M.A.B. Prob-
ably on Hill between State and
Washtenaw. Finder call 8623.
LOST: Black and silver Parker "51"
between Elm Street and Haven
Hall. Reward. Call 5032.
HAVE YOUR typewriters, aiding
machines, calculators repaired.
Office equipment Service, 111 S.
4th Ave. Phone 2-1213.
FOR SALE: Double-breasted Tuxedo,
size 37-38. Worn four times. Dress
shirt gratis. Call 25291.
FOR SALE: Tails, size 38; top hat,
size 7%'A. Pre-war outfit. Perfect
condition. Call 7796 after 2 p.m.
Continuous from 1 P.M.
-- Today and Saturday -
Sell all your
Dot "FeelLikearingeSPetunia
Invisible film rids you of that frayed
for CASH
look fast. Contains no castor oil
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