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Ruthven Requests
in Behalf
of Veterans
Is Passeb Hos
Large Majority Approves Measure;
Strong Opposition in Senate Expected
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. '7-Strike control legislation going far beyond
what President Truman requested won smashing House approval today, but
opponents said it would get a cool reception in the Senate.
The House steam-rollered through, by a 258 to 155 roll call vote, the
far-reaching measure introduced by Rep. Case (Rep., S.D.) and backed by a
powerful coalition of Republicans and Southern Democrats.
On the final ballot 149 Republicans and 109 Democrats voted for the
Dean Walter
Tightens Rules
On Cheating
Students Giving Help
Also Considered Guilty
Steps are being taken to rectify
the prevailing condition of student
dishonesty in examinations in the
literary college, Associate Dean Erich
A. Walter announced yesterday.
Dean Walter said that the College's
Administrative Board approved pub-
lication of the following resolutions
in a recent meeting:
1. That all examinations be proc-
tored and that the instructor or pro-
fessor responsiile for the course take
charge of the proctoring.
2. That students be told in ad-
vance of all final examinations
that only blue books are to be
brought to the examination, and
that all other books and papers are
to be left at home.
3. That a special effort be made
to arrange the seating at examina-
tions so that students occupy alter-
nate seats.
4. That if the examination room
is too small to provide such an ar-
rangement, two different sets of ex-
aminations must be provided.
5. That whenever feasible, all ex-
amination questions be polycopied.
The Administrative Board had the
problem of dishonesty brought to its
attention by both faculty members
and students, Dean Walter said.
He said that all members of the
literary college facult'y had been
notified of the Board's resolutions
by special letter in which the fol-
lowing procedure in reporting cases
of dishonesty was recommended:
A proctor who apprehends a stu-
dent using a crib should pick up the
evidence at the same time that he
accuses the suspect. A student so ac-
cused should be denied the privilege
of continuing the examination and
should be reported to the Adminis-
trative Board as soon as practicable.
The same procedure should be fol-
lowed when a student receives from,
or gives help to, another student dur-
ing an examination.
nbill, with 120 Democrats, 33 Republi-
cans and two minor party members
against. House leaders said privately,
however, that Senate Democrats
would line up strongly against it.
They predicted the Senate would
greatly modify the measure or per-
haps reject it entirely.
Bitter Protests
House passage came despite bitter
protests of close friends of organ-
ized labor that it would strip workers
of their rights and promote indus-
trial strife.
Case and his supporters denied this
and argued that sweeping action is
needed to protect the public interest
when labor and management dis-
Two Angles
The Case bill attacks the problem
from two principal angles.
First, it authorizes creation of a
federal mediation board with author-
ity to step into major labor disputes
and forbid strikes or lockouts for 30
days while it seeks to solve them. The
board would include representatives
of the public, workers and employers,
Court injunctions would be permit-
ted to enforce the cooling-off period.
New Regulations
Second, it sets forth a number of
new regulations to apply in labor-
management relations. These would:
1. Provide for civil suits against
either labor or management for
breaking contracts.
2. Outlaw violence in picketing by
either side. (Violators would be sub-
ject to court injunctions).
3. Ban boycotts used to force dis-
putants to come to terms. Sponsors
said this would prevent many juris-
dictional controversies. (Violators
would face loss of their reemployment
rights and bargaining powers. Also
court injunctions could be used to
insure movement of perishable
Bevin Cal'ls
Charge Liee
By The Assocated Press
LONDON, Feb. 7-Foreign Secre-
tary ErnesthBevin of Britain answered
"lie" tonight to a Ukranian charge
in the United Nations Security Coun-
cil that British soldiers were used to
suppress the national movement of
the Indonesian people.
Ukrainian foreign commissar, Dmi-
tri Manuilsky, opened the council's
session with a statement that "the es-
sence of the Ukrainian declaration on
Indonesia is that it considers it in-
admissible that British troops should
be used for suppression of the na-
tional movement of the Indonesian
Hee proposed that the council send
a special commission to the Nether-
lands East Indies for an "on-the-
spt" investigation, but he specifically
said the Ukraine did not ask with-
drawal of British troops from the Is-
Peace Not Menaced
The Ukrainian delegate said that
his delegation "had ground for ex-
pressing surprise that the British
used Japanese troops in British oper-
ations against the Indonesian people."
Bevin declared that since Manuil-
sky did not ask withdrawal of the
British troops, there was no ground
for a charge that the presence of
troops was a menace to peace.
Dr. Bond Says
job Issue Vital
Praises Pending New
Employment Measure
"qur failure to solve known prob-
lems in the social, political, and eco-
nomic fields can be disastrous-far
more so, in fact, than our failure to
push forward technical frontiers,"
Dr. Floyd A. Bond of the department
of economics declared last night at
the Ameican Veterans Committee
meeting, aserting that "the problem
of employment is one of the most
vital problems facing our genera-
The Full-Employment Bill S.
380 now in Congress sets forth a
national policy in four distinct
"This bill, if properly and firmly
administered," Dr. Bond asserted,
"would accomplish the purposes in-
tended by the average citizen of this
present age. This law is being sought
because the overwhelming majority
of the American people wish to avoid
the peaks and valleys of inflation
and deflation. They ar'e demanding
an intelligent program which will
safeguard the country from the des-
tructive effects of periodic unem-
ployment and destitution."
Dr. Bond pointed out that during
the dismal decade of the thirties,
100,000,000 man-years of labor were
lost in these United States. "Even
as late as January of 1940, we still
had close to 10,000,000 men unem-
ployed. Thus we did not solve our
unemployment problem; the war did
it for us."
"Our problem for the post war
period," Dr. Bond stated, "is quite
different from our problems of the
thirties." At that time we were try-
ing to get out of a depression and
the problem is thus one of trying to
maintain that level. Such is the pur-
pose of the Employment Act of 1946
reported out of conference committee
last Saturday."
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Extensr<ion Service Discussedx
By The Associated Prsc .
Administration-High white house
officials declared it is "quite pos-
sible" steel strike may be ended be-
fore announcement of new wage-
price formula, which President Tru-
man earlier had said would be ready
in a day or two. Expected settlement
would be based on 18%/z cents hourly
wage hike.
Meat -Government fact - finding
board recommends 16-cents hourly
wage increase for AFL and CIO
packinghouse employes,bwith ,11 cents
of recommen dation to be covered by
price increase or federal subsidy;
wage stabilization board must ap-
prove boost; American Meat Insti-
tute, Packers' organization, declares
raise "Is unfair to industry"; AFL
union says it would accept increase,
CIO postpones decision until next
Legislation-House passes drastic
Case strike control bill and sends it
to Senate where opponents predict
it will undergo sharp revision or
possible rejection.
Steel--Washington officials pre-
dict steel price boost of $5.25 a ton
to offset proposed wage increases for
750,000 striking steel-workers. Mur-
rsa- a v ± fn callmeetin
J effries Urges State-wide Aid,
Says Facilities Are Adequate
Amid demands by Michigan's municipalities, led by Mayor Ed-
ward Jeffries of Detroit, that a larger share of the state reserve fund
should be appropriated for local government aid, President Alexander.
G. Ruthven told the House and Senate finance committees in Lansing
yesterday that the University will have to deny education to thousands
of veteran and civilian students next fall unless funds for new build-
ings are forthcoming.
*> Mayor Jeffries, contending that the
New Art School
Rles EXplained
e'gulations Are LisLed
For Absences, Grades
Prof. Wells I. Bennett, Dean of the
School of Architecture and Design,
announces the following regulations
which will be effective in the archi-
tecture school, beginning March 4:
1) If a student is absent from a
course in which he is registered, dur-_
ing the first week of the semester, he
will automatically be dropped from
the course. Exception will be made
for veterans entering the university
at the beginning of the term. For
other students this applies to the
Bpring term and will not go into ef-
fect as a result of grades made this
2) A student may not elect any
course in the most important se-
quence in his curriculum uiless he
has received a grade of C or better in
the preceding course of the sequence.
This is understood to include basic as
well as major sequences in both free-
hand drawing and design for all stu-
dents in the design program.
3) The student may reelect the
course in question in order to raise
his grade.
Pla ProductionTo
Give Sco0nd Show
The second performance of "Beg-
gar on Horseback," starring Jim Bob
Stephenson, Mary Firestone and
Shirley Armstrong will be held at
8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
The dream fantasy, offered by Play
Production of the Department of
Speech, will have two additional per-
formances; at 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. Sat-
urday. A special student rate is be-
ing offered for the matinee. Tickets
may be purchased at the theatre box
Breaking into print in this week's
issue of the Saturday Evening Post,
the work of the University Extension
Service has won nation-wide pub-
The article, by Post writer Harold
Titus, a resident of Traverse City,
describes the work in adult educa-
tion which is today increasing by
leaps and bounds by telling the ac-
tivities of the Michigan Extension
NY Site Opose
By Vanenbyr
Claims Purchase Cost
IS Too 'Xtravagant'
LONDON, Feb. 7-(P)--U, S. Sena-
tar Arthur H. Vandenberg said to-
night the United Nations site com-
mittee's recommendation for the pur-
chase of 45 square miles of high
priced land in the North Greenwich-
Stamford area was "fabulously ex-
Appearing before the administra-
tive and budgetary committee, Van-
denberg said the United Nations
headquarters should not be larger
than a comfortable college campus.
Referring to proposals to spend
$70,000,000 on land and buildings, he
added that "the United Nations
should show its worth through deeds
and not through money. Let us not
mistake pomp and power."
Vandenberg's criticism of the site
committee's recommendation came
as a French proposal to postpone a
decision on a permanent home site in
the United States until September or
possibily longer gained new idhei-
The U. S. delegation generally fa-
vored the idea of allowing the selec-
tion of a permanent site to be held in
abeyance for a time.
"Times have changed," Titus says.
"The old folks are going to school.
Facilities of the country's adult ed-
ucation program are creaking under
the load as they enroll by the hun-
dreds of thousands."
After receiving a long-distance call
from Jackson, the Extension Service
arranged a series of institutes for
people who are planning to build
their own homes. Members of the
faculty of the School of Architecture
and design are now giving these
courses in 11 Michigan communities.
This is an example of the way in
which extension work meets the de-
mands of the people themselves.
Extension courses in a variety of
subjects are being offered by the
universities today. Activities of the
Michigan division described in the
Post article include the discussion
group on current books, of which
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the jour-
nalism department is chairman, the
courses given for Detroit firemen,
the amateur band and orchestra
which meets every week at the De-
troit Rackham building, and many
Navy Releases
Patrol Plans
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7--(i)-Thce
Navy plans to carry out its post-war
patrol of the nation's sea frontiers
by allocating 60 per cent of the fleet
to the Pacific and 40 per cent to the
Atlantic with two striking forces in
each ocean.
This set-up became evident in a
study of the annual report of Secre-
tary Forrestal, which contains a list-
ing of the ships assigned to the ac-
tive and zready reserve fleets,
e list accouits for 176 combatant
ships in the active fleet for the Pacific,
143 in the Atlantic.
FEPC Filibuster
M ay.Draw T o j
C'lse Tomorrowu
Four Week Debate
Sees Bloc Win Out
ASBy The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 71-Backers
of the Fair Employment Practices
Bill virtually .threw in the sponge
late today and arrangements were
underway to end a four-week fili-
buster southerners have conducted
against the measure.
The Senate agreed to vote at 4 p.
m., Saturday, on a motion to limit
debate. On all sides, legislators pre-
dicted privately that the two thirds
majority needed to carry this mo-
tion would not be forthcoming, and
that the bill would be shelved.
The measure would have set up a
three mari commission to guard
against discrimination in employ-
ment because of race, creed, color or
Southerners, on their long fight
against the bill, argued variously
that it was an invasion of state's
rights and would increase racial ten-
sion. Senator Bilbo (D-Miss.) con-
tended it was an attempt to "mon-
grelize" the American people by let-
ting down barriers between the white
and negro people.
Some southerners also opposed the
bill, although stating their agree-
ments with its objectives, but many
others backed it as necessary to end
injustices and vindicate the prin-
ciples for which the war was fought.
Aids Veterans
Provides for Liberal
Increased Payments
A new amendment to the G.I. Bill
of Rights provides for additional sub-
sistences and pension s for veterans,
ClarkTibbitts of the Veterans Ser-
vice Bureau stated yesterday.
"Some veterans here have been
receiving two checks this month as
a result of this amendment and have
been questioning about it," Tibbitts
Subsistence Increase
The amendment provides for an
increase in the standard subsistence
allowance for veterans. It is now $65
a month for single veterans and $90
for married ones. Disabled veterans
benefit by provisions in the amend-
ment because disabled veterans will
get the standard subsistence plus ad-
ditional pensions.
The amendment states that "a
disabled veteran under Public Law
University does not need new build-
ngs, told President Ruthven he was
raduated at the University 22 years
,go, and "if it were not for going to a
ootball game there I wouldn't know
the old place."r
Referring to Mayor Jefries' state-
nent, President Ruthven told the leg-
slators: "It is true that Mayor Jef-
ries is a graduate of the University.
Hwever, one cannot see the Univer-
ity from the football stadium. Jef-
fries attended the University 22 years
go. The same buildings that were at
he University 22 years ago are still
here, only they are 22 years alder"
Gov. Kelly defended the University
ppropriation with the statement:
Either we educate the veterans now,
r we don't educate them at all."
M unicipalities' Argument
The municipalities' argumentgfol-
owed the lines that the Governor's
program will aid only the small fre-
ion of veterans who want higher ed-
'cation and that with the building
$ndustry completely stalled the nc-
essary university buildings cannot be
A 40-man delegation representing
sity mayors and county supervisos
resented to Gov. Kelly this proposed
distribution of the state's estimated
$27,600,000 surplus:
$4,000,000 to raise state employes'
$3,200,000 for teache~s' salaries.
$8,800,000 tr be distributed among
hospitals, universities and colleges.
The balance to be returned to .town-
ships, villages and municipalitiesrn
a population basis as their share oif
sales tax revenues.
Kelly's Recommendations
Gov. Kelly recommended to the leg-
sdature Monday at it appropriate $3,-
300,000 to the University, $2,70,000
ah to Michigain State College and
Wayne University and $,700,00 to
hospitals, for a total of 14,400,000.
Two appropriation bills providing
state financial aid for local govern-
mental units are now before the legis-'
Gov. Kelly, after his meeting with
the delegation, declared that "I am
Uniomn' pens
UTp for C"oeds
Toa Look Over.,
It is certain that there will be big
doings at the Union come tomorrow
Just exactly what will be going on,
however, is open to conjecture. The
Union is staging its annual ipen
House from 2 to 5 p.m. for the bene-
nit of campus coeds. This is a nhigh
and noble thing that they do.
They work on this principle: The
Union is a men's club. Theref ore
throughout the year they will cater
only to men, and reservetheir many
facilities for theyuse f men only.
,No women.
Coreds Everywhere
Excepton Friday and Saturday
nights when the Tap Room will be
open to women. Except on Thursday
nights when the swimming pool will
be open to women. Except that on
any other day women can come and
go into and about the Union as much
as they like.
The whole building too; not ust
the Tap Room or the swimming pool.
The thrill that comes once in a life-
time will be the coeds' when they
walk brazenly and with firm step
through the Union front door. And
lax morals or no, they may dangle
cigarettes from their lips in the bill-
iard room and bowling alleys.
Though the building will be wholly
open, this does not mean it is ad-
visable to try out the desk chair in
the general manager's office. "Cau-
tion" should be the watchword
Of course no party for women is
worthwhile without men, so the whole
campus, with or without dates, is
invited to the open house. The Rain-
bow Room will be open for mixer
dancing, which is always fun. There
is some questions about whether or
Student Publication Appointment~s
Are Nae d by B oard inControl
The Veterans Service Bureau is
issuing special election card that
must be filled out completely by
veterans to avoid interruption of
subsistence allowances between '
These cards are being given out
with the regular registration ma- '
terial ind should be turned in at
the time of registration with other.
election cards.
16 will receive a pension plus the
standard subsistence provided the
two together equal $105 or more."
Thus, the veteran is guaranteed $105
regardless of his per cent disability.
Financial Advantage
Theadvantages of going to college
under Public Law 16 disappear as
long as a veteran who is single has
a 30 per cent disability or more or
a 20 per cent disability if he is mar-
The new amendment also provides
that educational benefits would not
be deducted from a possible future
bonus for veterans, as the old G.I,
Bill had claimed. All veterans will be
entitled to a full bonus.
An American citizen .who fought
in allied armies is now entitled to
the benefits of the G.I. Bill, the new
amendment states, if that person is
~ n+ la.. v . r. .4, , nnn, r hnnn#4 4c frm
Margaret Farmer, '46, was named
managing editor and Dorothy Flint,
'46BAd, was re-appointed business
manager of The Daily for the spring
semester by the Board in Control of
Student Publications yesterday.
Miss Farmer is associate editor on
the present staff and formerly held
the position of editorial director. A
resident of Flint, she is a member
of Mortar Board, Senior Society and
Delta Sigma Rho.
Past Business Manager
Miss Flint, a resident of Asbury
Park, N.J., has been business man-
ager during the present semester and
staff include Joy Altman, '46, pres-
en t associate business manager, and
Evelyn Mills, '47, both appointed as-
sociate business managers.
Joseph Z. Walker, '46, of Revere,
Mass., was named general manager
of Gargoyle. Walker is the present
junior literary editor of the maga-
Gargoyle's New Staff
Also appointed to the Gargoyle
staff were Janet Rogers, '46, to be
managing editor, and Porter Capps,
'46, to be business manager,
Retiring editors of students pub-
lications include: