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February 07, 1946 - Image 1

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Lw 43t





Security Council
Ends Red-British
Dispute in Greece
Russia Yields on All Major Charges,
Will not Insist on Troop Withdrawal







v I

By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 6-The United Na-
tions Security Council tonight ended
the critical Soviet-British dispute
over the presence of British troops
in Greece after Russia yielded on
every major charge made against
British policy in Greece.
Campus Vets
A sk A d t i
To Al ltments


To Send Delegates
Lansing Tuesday

The Veterans Organization voted to
request the legislature to disburse the
52 million dollar veterans' emergency
fund partially in the form of addi-
tional subsistence allotments above
the amounts paid by the Federal
government, at .a meeting last night.
Delegates To Lansing
Petitions favoring this course of
action will be circulated among the
veterans on campus. They will be
presented to the State House Mili-
tary Affairs Committee at the hear-
ings Tuesday in Lansing. The VO
delegates is composed of William
Akers, president, and Russell Wilson.
A third delegate and two alternates
will be appointed.
The organization also went on ree-
Canadian Veterans
Veterans who served with the
Canadian Armed Forces and desire
information pertaining to benefits
to which they are entitled should
contact Robert C. Lunch through
Dean Walter's office.
ord as favoring the Congress-Cabi-
net proposed student government
constitution, thus becoring the first
campus organization to take official
action on the matter. This constitu-
tion which appeared in The Daily
Tuesday provides for a congress
elected by the student body in an all
campus election.
Fisher Explains Benefits
Henry H. Fisher, veteran adminis-
tration representative in Ann Arbor,
explained benefits and compensations
due the veteran and stressed that
veterans desiring further informa-
tion should contact his office in the
Rackham Building.
Plans for a smoker to be held at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Labor
Hall, 212 W. Liberty, were announced.
The smoker is open to all student
veterans. Plans for a semi-formal
dance to be held early in the spring
semester were also discussed.
Dr. Bond Will
Address AVC

Soviet Vice Commissar Andrei
Vishinsky declared in a statement
to the council that he would not in-
sist on a declaration that British
troops in Greece were a menace to
world peace, as he had originally
charged, nor that those troops should
be withdrawn immediately.
Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin
then announced Britain would ac-
cept a formula for settling the dis-
pute which was drafted originally
by the United States and introduced
tonight by Russia. It provided for
having the council drop the case with
a statement by President Norman
J. 0. Makin of Australia, and pass
on to the nextbusiness.
Bevin previously had insisted that
the council clearly exonerate Britain
of what he termed "this most dia-
bolical" charge.
After Bevin accepted the formula,
Makin declared the case closed and
shortly afterwards the session was
adjourned until 5 p.m. tomorrow (12
noon E.S.T.).
Both Vishinsky and Bevin assured
members of the council that their
main aim was for unity in the in-
terest of world peace and stated in-
dividually their willingness to make
concessions to that end.
Judges Chosen,
LONDON, Feb. 6-WP)-All of the
15 justices for the new International
Court of Justice were elected today
by the United Nations General As-
sembly and its Security Council.
Thirteen justices, including Green
H. Hackworth of the United States,
were chosen on the first ballot from
among 76 nominations.
The International Court, one of
the principal bodies in the new
peace-keeping organization, will re-
place the permanent Court of Inter-
nationalaJustice and, like it, probably
will sit at the Hague.
SelfmRule for
Korea Assured
Spokesmen Impatient
For Full Indepenidence
SEOUL, Korea, Feb. 6-(MP-Inde-
pendence-hungry but politically-in-
experienced Korea today received
concrete assurance of American and
Russian intentions to restore self-
Korean political 'spokesmen, how-
ever, continued to display impatience
over any move to postpone full inde-
pendence to this little nation dom-
inated for nearly half a century by
A joint communique, released at,
thec close of a three-week American-
Soviet conference, set forth plans to
establish a two-power commission to
help Korea organize a provisional
There were no details, however, of
the plan for political freedom.
The commission will have ten
members, five from the United States
and five from Russia, Headquarters
will be at Seoul, but the commission
will travl to other parts of the

House Adjourns
Before Final Vote
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 6 - The
House tentatively approved a broad
new strike control bill late today, but
adjourned without final action on
the measure.
A technicality raised by Rep. Hoff-
man (Rep.-Mich) blocked a conclu-
sive roll call vote on the far-reaching
legislation offered by Rep. Case
Hoffman demanded that the bill,
with all its numerous amendments,
be read to the members before they
Speaker Rayburn (Dem.-Texas)
announced that a copy could not be
available at least until midnight, so
the members agreed to adjourn.
Rayburn said the roll call ballots
on final passage will be the first order
of business at tomorrow's session,
which starts at noon (EST)).
Hoffman told newspapermen he
insisted on reading of the engrossed
bill because "the House is voting
without adequate consideration of la-
bor legislation." He added:
"We have been fussing about labor
legislation for six years, and now we
won't give even a week to its consider-
ation. Out of all this confusion I'd
like for the members of the House to
know what is in the Case Bill before
they finally act upon it."
News Around
The Nattort
Army, Navy To Aid .. .
NEW YORK, Feb. 6-(MP)-The of-
fice of Defense Transportation to-
night asked the Army and Navy to
man New York harbor's strike-bound
tugboats after the workers voted not
to return to their jobs.
Forty-five Army and Navy tugs will
go to work tomorrow morning.
G -Union Meet . .
DETROIT, Feb. 6-(/P)-Specia
Labor Mediator James F. Dewey
today expressed the opinion that
the "steel strike must be settled
before the General Motors strike
can be settled."
Two Pickets Sin . *
BLOOMINGTON, Ill., Feb. 6--(P)-
Two pickets at the strike-bound To-
ledo, Peoria and Western Railroad
were slain today and three othes
were shot in a fracas near one of the
line's trains in nearby Gridley.
Await New Policy.. .
OPA Administrator Chester Bowles
disclosed today that the adminis-
tration thus far had been unable
to agree on a new wage-price pol-
icy and that announcement of the
formula might not be possible until
late this week.

SCHOOL'S OUT-Viewing the charred remains of their Bethel Town-
ship school are a few of the 34 children who escaped unharmed from
the three-story building near Chester, Pa. Unaware a real fire was
raging, they filed quietly out of the building when a teacher announced
a routine fire drill.
British Imperialism of Last
Ce"nturyNonexistent- -WHilX
Friction Between russia E Iland ue
To Conest for Spheres of Ifuene

"British imperialism as it was
known in the 19th century no longer
exists, but England still has great in-
terest in certain areas outside her
own borders and considers it impor-
tant to keep in contact with them,"
Prof. William B. Willcox of the his-
tory department said yesterday.
India has long been the focal
point of British colonial interest,
he said. There is a background of
Britain working and fighting to
Anno u nementIs
Today is the only day on which
February graduates may obtain
their announcements.
The announcements will be dis-
tributed from 10 to 12 a.m. and
from 1 to 3 p.m. outside Rm. 2
University Hall.
Combinatioin of
Cultu res Asked
"We should combine cultures that
shriek disharmoniously into one
great harmony as in a Bach fugue,"
Prof. Palmer A. Throop, of the De-
partment of History, said yesterday
in a talk at the Lester Co-op.
Speaking on "Historical Differ-
ences in Social Reform," Prof.
Throop said that' 'we must be able
to predict the behavior of other peo-
ple" and foresee their changing be-
In working with differences in
varied cultures in the world, "the
object is to create similar habits in
dealings with other people," he con-

protect her various routes to India,
such as the Suez Canal, the Medi-
terranean area and South Africa.
"Britain has always resented, for
example, any attempt on the part of
Russia to extend her influence in the
east Mediterranean area, around the
Balkans or anywhere in the direction
of India," Prof. Willcox pointed out.
The present sore spots causing
trouble at the UNO conference are
the very ones that have been areas of
friction in the past as far as England
is considered, he contended. The mu-
tual interests of Russia and Britain
in the same areas have inevitably
"For instance, for more than a
century England has been inter -
ested in Greece', which is on a
major route to India. She also has
been concerned about Turkey and
the Dardanelles. The Palestine
question is so important because of
its strategic relationship to the
Suez Canal, also a major route to
India," Prof. Willcox added.
The present fight over Iran is of
vital concern to Great Britain be-
cause it is near enough to India to
make the British sensitive to any
Russian influence there, he declared.
As a whole, it may be stated that the
majority of British expansion in the
19th century began from way staitons
to India, such as Capetown and Suez.
"While I do not intend to defend
all aspects of British imperialism,"
Prof. Willcox said, "this desire to
maintain areas of influence outside
of England proper is not abnormal.
The British interest in the east
Mediterranean may be compared
with our concern over the area
arcund the Isthmus of Panama."
As for the question of political in-
See BRITISH, page 4

Claims No Previous
Knowledge of Aim
Group Appeals to Student Affairs,
J-Hop Committees For 'Release'
A new monkey-wrench was thrown into J-Hop plans yesterday
when the World Student Service Fund asked release from its position
as recipient of J-Hop proceeds.
In a statement appealing to the Student Affairs Committee and the
J-Hop Committee, the WSSF said that under present J-Hop arrange-
ments, the organization would be taking money which had been forced
from students. WSSF had no previous knowledge of the committee's
intention to name it recipient of the dance proceeds, the statement; says.
According to present plans, J-Hop,
OPEN PORTALS : a traditional weekend affair, will be
held one night, Friday, March 8,
I featuring Tommy Dorsey and his
Navy V orhestra. Tickets are $10.00 and all
.Uanuproceeds will go to the WSSF and
7o)ethe American Red Cross. To date,
Featured applications for between five and
six hundred tickets have been made.
0uxPermission for League, Union and
private parties will be given by the
University for the following Satur-
The music of the Navy V-12 dance day evening.
band, directed by George Hawkins, The Philippine fund drive, con-
will greet dancers in the Rainbow ducted by WSSF in conjunction with
Room at the annual Union Open the Student Organization for Inter-
House from 2 to 5 p.b. Saturday. national Cooperation, was held Jan.
For the Open House, the tradi- 16 through 26 and netted only $2,-
tional function that breaks tradi- 216.44 toward its $7,500 goal. This
tion, the Union will open its front money will go to aid the reconstruc-
door and reputedly mystic corridors tion of the University of the Philip-
to coeds, who may investigate at lei- pines as decided at an all-campus
sure all the sacred-to-men Union election last December.
facilities. Following is a copy of the state-
During the mixer in the ballroom, ment:
which students may attend with or APPEAL TO THE STUDENT AF-
without dates, members of the Junior FAIRS COMMITTEE AND THE
Girls Project will present a series of FAIRS COMMITTEE
three routines advertising the merits "-HOP COMMITTEE:
of the forthcoming JGP play. The Fund is a world wide organization
WAA's swimming club will feature of students, for the relief of stu-
a series of formation swimming and dents. The WSSF Committee of
fancy diving exhibitions at 3:30 p.m. the University of Michigan adopt-
in the Union pool.
Numbered programs will be issued ed the University of the Philippines
to all those attending the mixer, and suent vote of December. The
drawings will be held to determine goal of vote was set because
prizew ners, to the extent 10 free was known that anything less than
milkshakes in the TapRohmmry$5,000 would be insignificant for
For the first time is, the memory the Philippine's needs. Due to the
Tower will b undergraduates, Union limitations of certain technicalities
Toweopen.the drive to raise this money could,
not be organized to sufficiently
For sr Creach all students and explain to
them the great need of the stu-
o dents of the Philippines. Because
va ce of their lack of knowledge and
understanding, many students,
Paul Bunyan Will Be justifiably, did not feel that they
wanted to contribute to the drive.
Honored at 'Formal "A letter to the editor of The
Daily signed by 20 students sug-
Following the slogan "By all means gested profits of the J-Hop go to
wear your jeans," members of the WSSF. The Student Affairs Com-
University Forestry Club will spon- mittee later passed a resolution
sor their annual Paul Bunyan "For- to the effect that the profits of
mal" to be held from 9 p.m. to mid- J-Hop should go to the Red Cross
night tomorrow in the Union Ball- and the University of the Philip-
room. pines without the knowledge of the
Ticket sales will continue from 3:30 WSSF Committee. The WSSF
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today and tomorrow realized, upon hearing of the Stu-
at the Union Travel desk for the af- dent Affairs Committee action,
fair which will be highlighted by the that the money from the J-Hop
appearance of Paul Bunyan and his would bring them closer to their
blue ox. Each year, the "Formal" is goal and appreciated this help.
given by members of the Forestry However, it soon became apparent
Club to honor the well-known hero of to the WSSF committee that the
legendary tales of the American lum- students were being forced to con-
bermen. tribute funds to something for
A natural setting of pine boughs which they do not yet comprehend
and trees will serve as decorations for the necessity.
the dance, when students gather in "Although the WSSF Commit-
the ballroom tomorrow night. In ad- tee feels the principle behind the
dition, a skit will provide intermis- idea a good one they do not feel
sion entertainment, "The Shooting of they should accept the money un-
Dan McGrew," presented by members less the idea of a charity ball has
of the club. full support of the J-Hop Commit-
Numerous new arrangements of tee and the student body.
tunes have been promised by Bill WSSF WAS NOT CREATED TO
Layton, whose orchestra will furnish FORCE STUDENTS TO GIVE
music for the affair. Whitey Benson MONEY. WE APPEAL TO THE
will be featured as drum soloist. "-HOP COMMITTEE AND THE

A new constitution was proposed Barbara Stauffer
and debated upon by ia'embers of the Chairman, WSSF
Inter-Racial Association at a meet-
ing last night in the Union. ShJ idels
Also announced at the meeting
was a tentative program that will be 0
undertaken in conjunction with Ne-
gro history week which begins Feb.
11, Newspaper articles and displays Two ship models, used in Naval
vill be the main features of the pro- science course, have been reported
gram. missing from North Hall, Capt.
Joan Kleyenberg was elected cor- Woodson Michaux, commandat of
responding secretary of the organi- h TTnivertuv Nival Tini raualad

Veterans' Stake
Emnploynent. Is

it, tFll

Dr. Floyd Bond of the economics
department will speak on "The Vet-
eran's Stake in Full Employment" at
the American Veterans Committee
meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the
The Full Employment Bill now be-
fore Congress will be explained, and
its importance to the ex-servicemiani
as a citizen and veteran will be clearly
Senate a n d H ou se conferees
reached an agreement last week on a
compromise version of the full-em-
ployment bill. The compromise leg-
islation has been titled "an act to
promote empioyment, production,
purchasing power, and for other pur-
The compromise makes no refer-
ence to "full employment" as pro-
posed by President Truman.
After the talk by Mr. Bond a reso-
lution summing up the AV.C.'s dis-
cussion on the bill will be passed and
forwarded to Congress.
Why Don't You Prac-ticeg

'Beggar On Horseback'

' Open lonight

Tihe Kaufman -Connelly dream fan-
tasy, "Beggar on Horseback," to open
at 8:30 p.m. tonight in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, exemplifies "im-
pressionism and experiments in stag-
ing" according to a statement by
Alexander Woollcott..
Visions of the musician genius, Neil
McRae are brought to life in fifteen
scenes of music, pantomime and
dancing. The authors derived their
inspiration for the play from Paul
Apel's "Hans Sonnenoesser's Hohlen-
fahrt," produced in Germany 12 years
ago. The Kaufman-Connelly play be-
came a Broadway hit in the '20's and

scenery and costumes. Original inci-
dental music was written by i Ut
Wolkowski and choreography tar
ranged by Jeanne Parsons.
Stephenson, Firestone In Leads
Jim Bob Stephenson will appear in
the role of Neil McRae and Mary Fire-
stone will play Cynthia Mason, his
girl. Other principals in the cast in-
clude George Hale, Janine Robinson,
Shirley Armstrong, Hary McGuire
and James Land.
The story centers around the
dreams of Neil as he contemplates a
marriage for money to rich Gladys
Cadv Highlights nf the drern storv

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