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February 05, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-02-05

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Cites Immigratioia Probl iii

and an affidavit as to character
from a friend in Milwaukee.
"The situation would be somewhat
alleviated if Congress were to extend
the unused balance of the 1945-1946
quota, combining it with the 1946-
1947 quota. The anti-alien move-
ment in this country, however, is
strong enough to prevent any liberal-
ization of our immigration laws or
to allow the combining of the resi-
dual of this year's quota with that
of the nett fiscal year.
Truman's Gesture Praised
President Truman, however, did
make a fine gesture; which ought to
be emulated by the British Empire
and Latin American countries who
need and can accommodate displaced
"Australia realized its lack of man-
power when invasion of that conti-
nent by the Japanese army appeared
likely early in the war. Therefore, it
is in a frame of mind to takesome
immigrant Jews, but not under a
colonization scheme. South Africa,
although it is able to absorb many
immigrants, would be unwilling to
accept many Jews. The Afrikanders
for many years have been permeated
with Nazism. New Zealand would
Fire Protection
Suit Adjourned
William Alfred Lucking's fire pro-
tection suit against the city, the
Board of Regents and the people of
Michigan was adjourned yesterday
for three weeks upon request of the
Lucking brought suit last May
seeking to enjoin the city from fur-
nishing fire protection to the Uni-
versity without a lawful contract au-
thorized by the Legislature.

take displaced persons if asked by
Dr. Baron named the Inter-Gov-
ernmental Commission or Refugees
or the Social and Economic Coun-
cil of UNO as likely organizations
which might take charge of the
problem of resettling DPs. "The
Inter-Governmental Commission,)
started by the League of Nations;
might be re-activated as an off-shoot
of UNO," lie said.
Bunyan Dance
Tickets To Be
Sold This Week
Ticketsbfor the Paul Bunyan For
mal," to be presented from 9 p.m. to
midnight Friday in the Union Ball-
room, will continue on sale' from 3:30
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today through Fri-
The Bunyan dance is given annu-
ally by members of the University
Forestry Club in honor of the le-
gendary woodsman who is the hero
of many tales of the American lum-
bermen. Paul Bunyan, with his axe,
will be accompanied by his pet blue
ox when he makes his appearance at
the dance Friday.
Decorations for the dance will con-
sist of a natural setting of pine
boughs and trees, according to Lee
Crail, chairman of the affair. In-
formality will be stressed, with the
motto of the dance being "By all
means wear your jeans."
Crail has also announced that club
members will give a skit entitled "The
Shooting of Dan McGrew" during an
intermission. Club members have also
planned, various other surprises for
those attending.

Men Urged To
Sign for Spring
Orientation, Ai
University Needs
Volunteer Advisors
All men who have been on campus
one semester are urged by Chuck
Helmick, head of men's orientation,
to become orientation advisors for
the new group of men entering the
University for the spring semester.
Thus far, Helmick announced, only
seven men have volunteered for the
task through the Union, and 10 men
have been signed by the Veteran's
"We need 50 men to do the job ade-
quately," he said, "and all who are in-
terested are urged to call the Stu-
dent Offices in the Union any time
this week and leave their names."
Arrangements have been made to
have veterans advise incoming groups
of veterans and civilians head groups
made up of civilian men.
Men who volunteer should return
to campus Feb. 24 to attend an intro-
ductory lecture to be given at 4:00
p.m. in Rrn. 107 Mason Hall by Prof.
Philip Bursley, director of the orien-
tation period.
Men who head orientation groups
will be given meal tickets for the pro-
gram which officially begins Feb. 25
and extends through March 1.
"This will offer an opportunity,"
Helmick said, "for all men to help the
University in a tremendous task."
(hItrelt Now at Lane Hll
Awaiting arrangements to relocate
on Washtenaw Ave., the First Uni-
tarian Church will hold its services
a Lane Hall.
The property on N. State St., oc-
cupied by the church for the past 64
years, has been sold to the Grace
Bible Fellowship.

Spiain Should
Be IkIIIse4
Equal S taus
"I do not believe Spain and Argen-
tina should be given an equal place in
the pormal political and economic re-
lations of other nations until they
reorganize their governments," Prof.
Preston Slosson of the history depart-
mnent stated yesterday.
However, he declared, I see no rea-
son why we shouldn't sell planes to
Spain which cannot be used for mili-
tary purposes.
'It is not probable," Prof. Slosson
said, "that Spain, which was the cen-
ter of Europe in the 16th century,
will ever again rise to such power.
Her strength is no longer essential to
waging war and she was the largest
European country to stay out of both
world wars."
Nevertheless, he claimed, no coun-
try is to small to be a sore spot and
Spain, or Argentina, could be the
cause of a third world war, merely be-
cause of its weakness rather than its
"For instance," Prof. Slosson cited,
"The first world war was started by
trouble in Serbia and the second in
Poland. Both are comparatively small
and unimportant countries. The
Spanish Civil War almost caused this
last war to start prematurely."
"Therefore," he concluded, "both
Spain and Argentina should be treat-
ed as countries on probation until
they become more democratic."
Navy Reserve
Pilot~s VayllFly
At (;rosse Isle
Naval Reserve off ice -pilots now on
inactive duty may fly up to two hours
a month at the Naval Air Station,
Grosse Isle, Mich.
This plan for voluntary flying with-
out pay will be carried on until the
Naval Reserve is fully organized this
summer, according to a recent an-
nouncement. Arrangements may be
made to fly any day of the week.
Reserve officers will have the use
of the officers' mess and club and
other facilities at Grosse Isle while
they are taking flight training. The
Air Reserve expects to soon have 71
new planes, including F6f6, F4U
Arrangements to take part in the
Air Reserve training program can be
made through Lieut. Commander W.
J. Engman, USNR, Naval Air Reserve
Training Officer, Building 64, Grosse
Isle, Mich. He can be contacted by
calling TRenton 1200, extension 255.
Roger To Talk on Chile
At Rackham Tomorrow
The fourth lecture in the series
about Latin American countries
sponsored by the Latin American So-
ciety will be given at 8 p.m. tomorrow
in the Rackham Amphitheater.
Enrique Rogers, president of the
society, will speak on his native coun-
try Chile, and films will be shown.
j Buy Victory Bonds!

Constitution Proposed
(FIiORSNOTUE: Th~e following constitutinifor a Studnt go ivrui i ualigIir t~eiti-~
~iiitted to tIhe Student. Affairs Comumittee by j00 '.idY<'n1. ii het i f iagr.'lir i'.iot tn
be' voted iip~on by the student, body along with flt'e eui Iix tin siitiiited lasi %veet
by thea representatfives of campus orga nizat ions. The major di ffui v rtne iewern ii h
two proposed iconstitutions are described on Page t.)


We believe that student government should reflect an educational philo-
sophy which recognizes that students must participate in shaping their
own education. We have established this Constitution in order to create
the beginnings of democratic self-rule at the University of Michigan.
Section 1. The main body of the Student Government shall ie the Stu-
dent Congress.
Section 2. The Congress shall consist of one representative for every 400
students, elected by proportional representation from the entire student
Section 3. At the first election, to be held during the Spring Term, 1946,
the half of the Congress elected with the highest number of votes shall
serve for two semesters; the remainder shall serve for one semester. There-
after, half of the Congress shall be elected each semester. Any vacancies
which occur shall be filled at the next regular election.
Section 4. Any eligible student who wishes to run for Congress may ap-
pear on the ballot if he presents to the Election Committee a petition with
at. least 50 names.
Section 5. The basic functions of the Congress shall be as follows:
a. To express student opinion.
b. To coordinate student activities.
c. To delegate representatives to all joint faculty-student bodies.
Section 6. The Congress is empowered to draw upon the general student
body to serve on committees and projects.
Section 7. The Congress shall meet at least once a month, or more often
on call by the President. The meetings shall be held at a specified place
and shall be public, except that by a two-thirds vote the Congress may go
into executive session. The proceedings of the Congress shall be published
in The Michigan Daily.
Section 8. Any student may present proposals or complaints to the Con-
gress, in writing. Such proposals shall appear on the Agenda.
Section 9: All meetings of the Congress shall be conducted in accordance
with Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, except as specified in this Constitu-
tion or its Amendments and By-Laws.
Section 1. The executive body of the Student Government shall be the
Student Cabinet.
Section 2. The Cabinet shall consist of the President, Vice President,
Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and- two other
members, all of whom shall be elected each semester by the Congress, from
its own membership.
Section 3. The President shall preside over all meetings of both the
Cabinet and the Congress. In his absence, the Vice President shall preside.
The other officers shall perform the usual duties of their offices.
Section 4. The Cabinet shall meet at least once a week, or more often
as necessary.
Section 5. The Cabinet shall carry out the decisions of the : Congress,
and shall be responsible to the Congress.
ARTICLE THREE-Election Committee
Section 1. The Congress shall elect an Election Committee, which shall
supervise all elections in accordance with the present rules of the Men's
Judiciary Council, except where they conflict with the provisions of this
Constitution or its Amendments.
Section 2.- The Election Rules may be changed by a two-thirds vote of
the Congress.
The Congress may invite the Dean of Students and the Dean of Women
to serve in an advisory capacity.
Section 1. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by a two-
thirds vote of the Congress or by a petition of 400 students.
Section 2. Such amendments shall go into effect upon ratification by
two-thirds of those voting in the next all-campus election.


(Continued from Page 2)
wishing to recommend tentative Feb-
ruary graduates from the College of
Literature, Science, and the*Arts, and
the School of Education for depart-
mental honors should send such
names to the Registrar's Office, Room
4, University Hall, by noon, Feb. 26.
Applications in Support of Research
To give Research Committees and
the Executive Board adequate time to
study all proposals, it is requested
that faculty members having projects
needing support for 1946-1947 file
their proposals in the Office of the
Graduate School by Friday, Feb. 8.
Those wishing to renew previous re-
quests whether now receiving support
or not should so indicate. Application
forms will be mailed or can be ob-
tained at Secretary's Office, Room
1006 Rackham Building, Telephone
Caps and gowns for women gradu-
ating in February should be pur-
chased at Moe's Sport Shop Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday so that they
can be worn for the Senior Banquet.
to be held Wednesday night., Caps
and gowns for men of the February
graduating class should be purchased
by Feb. 9 so that they will arrive
in time for graduation Feb. 23. A
charge of $5.00 will be made, both for
men and women, for the rental of the
caps and gowns. Three dollars of this
amount will be refunded if the caps
and gowns are returned to Moe's by
Feb. 27.

for office in a class or other student
organization. This list is not intend-
ed to be exhaustive, but merely is
indicative of the character and scope
I of the activities included.
Certificate of Eligibility. At the be-
ginning of each semester and summer
session every student shall be conclu-
sively presumed to be ineligible for
any public activity until his eligibility
is affirmatively established by obtain-
ing from the Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Student Affairs, in the
Office of the Dean of Students, a
Certificate of Eligibility. Participa-
tion before the opening of the first
semester must be approved as at any
other time.
Before ermitting any students to
participate in a public activity (see
definition of Participation above), the
chairman or manager of such activity
shall (a) require each applicant to
present a certificate of eligibility, (b)
sign his initials on the back of such
certificate and (c) file with the Chair-
man of the Committee on Student
Affairs the names of all those who
have presented certificates of eligi-
bility and a signed statement to ex-
clude all others from participation.
Blanks for the chairmen's lists may
be obtained in the Office of the Dean
of Students.
Certificates of Eligibility for the
first semester shall be effective untilj
March 1.
Probation and Warning. Students
on probation or the warned list are
forbidden to participate in any public
Eligibility, First Year. No freshman
in his first semester of residence n-"
be granted a Certificate of Eligibility.
A freshman, during his second se-
mester of residence, may be granted
a Certificate of Eligibility provided he
has completed 15 hours or more of
work with (1) at least one mark of
A or B and with no mark of less than
C, or (2) at least 21/2 times as many

honor points as hours and with no
mark of E. (A-4 points, B-3, C-2,
D-1, E-O).
Any student in his first semester of
residence holding rank above that of
freshman may be granted a Certifi-
cate of Eligibility if he was admitted
to the University in good standing.
Eligibility, General. In order to re-
ceive a Certificate of Eligibility a stu-
dent must have earned at least 11
hours of academic credit in the pre-
ceding semester, or 6 hours of aca-
demic credit in the preceding sum-
mer session, with an average of at
least C, and have at least a C aver-
age for his entire academic career.
Unreported grades and grades of
X and I are to be interpreted as E
until removed in accordance with
University regulations. If in the opin-
ion of the Committee on Student
Affairs the X or I cannot be removed
promptly, the parenthetically report-
ed grade may be used in place of the
X or I in computing the average.
Students who are ineligible under
Rule V may participate only after
having received special permission of
the Committee on Student Affairs.

. _ ..



Four Master Degrees
Offered in Architecture
Four master degrees in the College
of Architecture and Design will be of-
fered with the beginning of the Spring
Term,,-Dean Wells Bennett pointed
out yesterday.
A new degree, Master of City Plan-
ning, replaces the degree of Master of
Architecture (Regional and City
Planning) and Master of Landscape
Architecture (Regional and City
Planning). The change, approved by
the Board of Regents Friday, involves
"some slight alteration in curricu-
lum," Dean Bennett said.
Ii: 5




Rules Governing Participation
Public Activities


TUESDAY, FEB. 5, 1946
7:30.-Sleepyhead Sere-
8 :00-News
8:15-Wake Up and Live
8:25-Outdoor Brevities
8:30-Musical Revelie
9:00-Music Box
9:30-Popular Music
9:45-Moments of Melodies
10:05-Music for Remem-
10:15-Realty Service Quiz
10:30-Broadway Melodies
10:40-Community Calendar
10:45-Waltz Timee

11:05-Lawrence Quintet
11:15-Lean Back & Listen
11:30-Farm & Home HIour
11:55-Hit Tunes
12:00-Noon Day News
12:15-Jesse Crawford
'2:20-Spike Jones
12:30-Along the Sports
12:45-Man on the Street
1:05-Salon Music
1:10-Organ Music
1:15-Ray Bloch Presents
1:30-Tin Pan Alley Goes
To Town
1:45-World of Song

2:05-John Scott Trotter
2:15-Melody on Parade
3:05--Everett Tutchings
3:15-U of Michigan
3:30-Latin American
3:40-It Actually Happened
3:45-Trade Winds Tavern
4:15-Let's Dance
4:30-Eventide Echoes
5:05-Popular Music
5:15-Mystery Melodies
5:30-Little Show
5:45-Spotlight On The

Participation in Public Activities.
Participation in a public activity is
defined as service of any kind on a
committee or a publication, in a.pub-
lic performance or a rehearsal, or in
holding office or being a candidate




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