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February 05, 1946 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-02-05

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(This column was written by es owarth, Daily sorts night editor)
SATUDAY was just another of those nights in Minneapolis. Coach Vic
Heyliger's sextet just didn't play the hockey that it has played previously
this season, and Minnesota came through with its best game to date. Those
things happen. A good team gets upset by an ordinarily not-so-good team,
but that's what makes sports interesting.
The Wolverines passing attack was not clicking, passes were miss-
ing their marks. Once inside the Minnesota blue line the Maize and
Blue puckmen were constantly checked by a superb Minnesota defense.
When the Michigan speedsters did get by the defense they were stopped
by Duff McDermid, the Gopher's great goalie. McDermid has had some
very good nights in the nets this year, but it is doubtful if he will per-
form in a better fashion than he did Saturday night.
Minnesota played a defensive game and waited for the breaks. Three
men constantly covered in front of their goal and the strategy paid off.
When the Wolverines drove in the Gophers tried a couple of sleeper plays
and they worked. That's the story. The Gophers played the better game
and well deserved their 5-2 victory.
As for Friday's contest, however, the Wolverines deserved to win.
But they were probably very lucky to gain a 3-3 tie considering the -fact
that they played a greater part of the game with at least one man in the
penalty box.
The officiating in Friday's game was the most one-sided and unfair
that this correspondent has ever seen. Michigan had 11 penalties called-
three of them misconduct-while the Gophers had only one man sent off
for an infraction of the rules.
Now this would seem as though the Wolverines were committing every-
thing on the ice but premeditated murder. Such, however, was not the
case. In fact the game was a very clean-and quite a dull contest. Perhaps
two or three penalties were justified, but certainly no more. And there were
a couple that Referee Frank Goheen missed completely.
In the closing minutes of overtime Al Renfrew was cross-checked
into the boards and suffered a broken wrist. Yet Goheen could not be
convinced that he had missed one, and stood laughing at the efforts of
the Wolverines to convince him that a penalty was called for, while the
star wingman lay in agony in front of Goheen. Such disgusting con-
duct on the part of an official can hardly be justified.
When the Wolverines left the ice after the game they were so dis-
gusted with the referee's decisions many threatened not to take the ice again
if the same officials were on hand. They could hardly be blamed if they
had decided to carry out their threats.
Friendly relationships between the two schools received another
blow ininediately following the game when Minnesota's Coach Larry
Armstrong, believing Heyliger had said some unkind words about his
character threatened to battle the Michigan coach. He was restrained
by the entire Gopher squad, however, and pushed back into the Minne-
sota's dressing room.
tefore the game on Saturday Armstrong asked to speak to the Michigan
squad. He apoligized for falsely accusing Heyliger and also congratulated
the Wolverines on finally wresting the Big Ten title from him. "You boys
have got a great team. It's very hard for me to have to lose the conference
crowrd after all these years," he admitted, "but I wish to congratulate you.
I also hope that you go on to win the nationals."
It was later pointed out to the Gopher's coach that there are no na-
tionals this year. However, Armstrong's speech did much to cement the
strained relationship between Michigan and Minnesota.
Doherty Pleased with Points,
Displeased with Performance


Over whelm


Cagers' Upset
Not Surprising,
Asserts Coach

Grapplers Take WAY NE'S ON DECK:
Second Match Wolverine S

wimmers Slated

Notre Dame,
Also Suffered


Of '46 Seasont
Smith Loses Feature
Bout Against Viskocil
Michigan's wrestling team won its
second consecutive meet of the sea-
son last Saturday night, when it de-
feated Winconsin's grapplers, 19 to

In the tradition of a see-saw sea-
son, Michigan's cagers dropped a
close contest over the week-end to an
underdog Wisconsin quintet, 58-57 at
Badgers Win First Tilt
The pre-game observation of Coach
Bennie Oosterbaan was borne out
with a vengeance Saturday night as
the previously unvictorious Badgers
took their first Conference win. "Any
Big Ten team besides Chicago can
beat any other quintet on a given
night, and Wisconsin is no exception,"
Oosterbaan remarked before leaving
Ann Arbor for Madison.
How prophetically the cage men-
tor had spoken was clearly demon-
strated in Saturday night's hoop re-
sults. Along with favored Michigan's
loss to Wisconsin, there was North-
western's amazing upset of a Notre
Dame five that had yet to taste de-
feat. As a final bit of eveidence there
is Purdue's 65-40 conquest of high-
flying Minnesota.'
One More Chance;
Oosterbaan was not disappointed in
the team's showing. "Wisconsin
played a good game," the coach said,
"but we've still got a chance t9 beat
them when they come to Ann Arbor
next Monday.
In reviewing the scoring summar-
ies of the court battle, Wolverine hoop
fans may take hope in better for-
tunes for the cagers in their three re-
maining games. The fine showing of
forward Bob Harrison, whose bril-
liant shots from the bucket were high
spots in Michigan's offense, was par-
ticularly encouraging. Harrison scored
a total of 18 points, 16 of which re-
sulted from field goals.
Selbo Scres 15
Glen Selbo also played a fine game
for the Wolverines scoring 15 points
and leading both teams in number
of successful free throws with five.
Incidentally the Maize and Blue cag-
ers compiled the remarkable record
of making 17 out of 20 attempted
foul shots.
Next Saturday the cagers travel to
Champaign for a return engagement
with Illinois' youthful aggregation.
On the following Monday the hoop-
sters are back in Yost Field House
where they will see what they can do
about evening their record with the
I-M Cavemen
To Play Final
Tilts This Week
Playoffs in the Intramural basket-
ball league begin in earnest this week
as the regularly scheduled action has
been completed in all but two of the
Teams Paired Off
The fraternities will dominate play
this week as the teams in all three
leagues will be paired off according to
the positions they finished in with
second place winner against second
place winner, etc. Only the top team
in each league however, will have a
chance at the division title.
In the opening play-off game last
week Sigma Phi Epsilon, League II
champion, eliminated Chi Phi, League
III champion, and will meet Sigma
Chi for the fraternity championship
next week. The winning fraternity
will get possession of the basketball
trophy now held by Alpha Tau
Sigma Chi Wins
In the Fraternity "B" division
Sigma Chi has already won the title
with four wins and no losses. Greene
House dominated Residence Hall
competition, taking top honors in
both "A" and "B" divisions, and has
two plaques to tuck away in its trophy
case. These championships were de-
cided without play-offs as there was
only one league in each division.
The Engineers' opponents in the In-
dependent playoffs will be the
F.B.I.'s who have cinched the title in

Ahereague but still must face the
Bus Ad five.
I, .at

i -

. . . an oral problem


Hockey Team
Prepares for
Toronto Series

Forward Renfrew
Has Fractured Wrist
Returning home from Minneapolis
after losing one and tying one game
in competition with the Gophers, the'
Michigan hockey team yesterday be-
gan another week of intensive prac-
tice in preparation for the forthcom-
ing Toronto series this next weekend.
Renfrew Injured
With Al Renfrew rated as an un-
certain starter because of a fractured
wrist suffered in Friday's tilt with the
Gophers, andnseveral other members
of the squad nursing colds or bruises,
the Wolverines will have a real task
in getting ready for the contest with
the fast-skating Blues from Toronto.
If Renfrew is able to play with his
wrist in a cast, Coach Vic Heyliger
has indicated the speedy playmaker
will be teamed with Walt Gacek and
Bill Jacobson to form a new front
line. Gord MacMillan, Wally Grant
and Neil Celley will then operate on
the second Wolverine line.
Kuznier May Start
If, however, Renfrew's injury keeps
him on the bench, Chet Kuznier may
be moved up to one of the first two
lines and MacMillan switched to a
wing position. Heyliger's strategy in
juggling his line-up is to stop To-
ronto's strong attack.
In the two game series at Canada's
Queen city where the Maize and Blue
sextet suffered a double defeat, Wally
Halder and Bill Kosick were the two
most responsible for the Michigan
losses. Between them they scored 12
of Toronto's 16 goals, and Coach
Heyliger believes that if this pair
can be stopped, Michigan will have a
good chance of winning.
Michigan's casualty list reached an
a'll time peak in Minneapolis. Bob
Marshall and Ross Smith are ham-
pered by leg injuries. Gacek and
goalie Jack MacInnes both are suffer-
ing from colds while Grant's teeth
have been causing him trouble.
Bob Doster Leads Illini
Five to 85-24 Victory
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Feb. 4-(1P)-
The University of Illinois, paced by
Bob Doster, the Big Ten's leading
scorer, tonight smothered the Uni-
versity of Chicago under a barrage
of 39 field goals for an 85-24 basket-
ball victory.


In spite of the one-sided score that
his team ran up against Purdue and
Ohio State in last Saturday's track
meet, Michigan's coach, Ken Doher-
ty is not elated over the victory.
Score Satisfying
"I am entirely satisfied with the
score but not at all satisfied with
our performance." The thinclads'
mentor continued: "There were
bright spots, especially in the hurdles
and shot put, but on the whole it was
not outstanding."
The Wolverines piled up a total of
74/ points to a mere 281/2 for Ohio
State which took second place in the
meet. The Boilermakers, who were
supposed to have given Michigan a
battle for first, finished a very poor
third with 7 points to their credit.
Star Shortage
But with the exception of Bill Ban-
gert, who failed to break the Field
House record in the shot put by three

quarters of an inch, the supposed
stars failed to materialize.
Noteworthy failures were Dick Kil-
patrick, who had been given a chance
to set a new record, Don Weber and
Ashley Hawk. The last two men, vet-
erans of last year's squad, failed to
enter into consideration in the events
they were conceded a chance of
Baynard, Crable Shine
Purdue's strength in the sprints
also was non-existent. The Buckeyes
were represented by only two men
of Big Ten track caliber in Carl
Baynard and Lloyd Crable, who took
firsts in the 60-yard dash and high
Michigan in sweeping eight out
of eleven first places showed itself
to be a strong team against medi-
ocre opposition but the performances
were not comparable to those of
other years

Viskocil Beats SmithI
The best match of the evening, ac-t
cording to Wolverine Coach Keenl
was the one which brought together'
Wayne Smith, wrestling for the 7
Maize and Blue, and Ed Viskocil,
Wisconsin's 145 pounder. Viskocil
was the national AAU champion in"
1941, and was Mid-West AAU champ
for 1940-1. Although Smith lost the
match 12 to 8, he held Viskocil on
even, terms until the last 30 seconds.
Smith was on the offensive all the
way, but an accidental fall in the
closing seconds of the match caused
him to loose.
Michigan is credited with getting
two falls, and Wisconsin is credited
with getting one. Those who earned
"pins" for the Wolverines were Stu
Snyder, who felled John Nettisheim
in 2 min. 40 sec. of the third period.
Both men weighed in at 155 pounds.
Michigan's other fall was earned i y
Capt. Bill Courtright, 165 pounder,
who pinned 4Bob Lehman in 2 mm.
47 sec. of the third period. Wiscon-
sin's lone fall was garnered by 340-
pound Al Bennett, who pinned Mich-
igan's heavyweight, Dan Dworsky, in
1. min. 50 sec. of the second period.
Stark Takes Robinson
Jim Stark, wrestling at 121 pounds
decisioned Bob Robinson, of Wis-
consin, 10 to 4. At 128 pounds, John
Allred, Wolverine starter, defeated
Mort Spicozzi, 12 to 4. In the 175-
pound class Wisconsin earned three
points as Tony Barbaros, team cap-
tain, defeated George Chaimes,6 to
4. This was a very closely fought
match, however, experience proved
to be the victor.
The 136-pound division alSo
brought victory to the Wolverines,
as Maurice Smith, who was wrestling
for the first time in Big Ten com-
petition, won over Ed. Payne.
Hillsdale Picks
Davey Nelson
Athletic Chief
David M. (Davey) Nelson, former
Michigan football and baseball star,
was appointed Athletic Director at
Hillsdale College, succeeding Dwight
B. Harwood, president Harvey L.
Turner announced yesterday.
150 pound "Little Davey," as he is
called, will begin his new duties on
Sept. 1. In 1940 he played in the Wol-
verine backfield with Tom Harmon,
Bob Westfall, and Forest Evashevski
and, also, was an outfielder on the
Maize and Blue baseball team.
Nelson graduated from Michigan in
Keep a Head of Yor Hair
We have plenty of qualified
barbers to give workmanship
and service you desire.
The Dascola Barbers
Between State & Mich. Theatres
Continuous from 1 P.M.
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To Encounter Wayne Friday
Their last big hurdle cleared be- his first race this. year to State's
fore the clash with Ohio State Feb. Abel Gilbert in the 220-yard free-
27, Michigan's swimmers will play style, the Michigan mentor had little
host to Wayne University's natators comment. "It was a good race. Matt
Friday night in an exhibition meet was barely touched out. I'm glad he
at the Sports Building pool. lost to Michigan State rather than
Sparked by former NCAA freestyle Ohio State, though. We'll need all
sprint title-holder, Bill Prew, the our points against them."
Wayne squad swamped a mediocre The Buckeyes, meanwhile, kept
Case team of Cleveland, 65-10, Sat- their claims to Michigan's Con-
urday night. Prew, just returned ference swimming crown open by
from the service, won the 50- and hanging up an easy 58-26 victory
100-yard freestyle races to lead the over Purdue's unlucky Boiler-
Wayne crew to a sweep of all first makers. In the space of two weeks
places and all but one second. Purdue has been beaten by three
Wolverine Coach Matt Mann of the nation's top rank teams,
was pleased with his squad's show- Michigan State, Michigan, and
ing at Michigan State Saturday Ohio State.
night. The Maize and Blue stretch-
ed their string of wins over the
Spartans to 18 in a row since the
series began in 1922 and also
snapped the Spartans' winning
streak this year at three. "We
sure looked good," Mann confided.
About Matt Mann, III, who lost
and learn how to win her heart
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WANTED: Student help. Dinners
only. League House, 1108 Hill.
Please call 4450 or ,ee Suzanne
BARBER WANTED: Full or part
time. Lee's Barber Shop, 611 East
time University employee. Garage
is desirable but not vital. Walter,
' Phone 5539.
WANTED TO RENT: Apartment or
house, two or three bedrooms.
Three adults, one-year-old child.
W. J. Mason, 23-24-1.
DOES ANYONE want a slave for
life? Just call Janet, 8377, and say
you found her silver Gruen watch,
lost on campus Monday.
LOST: Brown leather wallet, ident
card and $21.00. Reward. Contact
Rosemarie Young, 2-4561.
LOST: Red billfold on campus.

LOST: Book entitled "Trees and
Toadstools" by M. C. Rayner, Fri-'
day Jan. 25 on South State Street
between Wahr's bookstore and the
Rexall drug store. Finder please
return to University General Li-
LOST: Red billfold. Finder keep
money but please return material
in billfold. Call Frances Foley at
3366. No questions asked.
LOST: Brown billfold. Initials A.E.C.
Contains valuable papers. Reward.
Return to Daily, Box 55. Ann
Cooper Penning.
FOR SALE: Practically new long,
black evening wrap. Bunny fur
hood. Size 14. Call 4693.

Playing Through Wednesday






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I aA A#% l~wI

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