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January 29, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-29

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Proposed Plan for Student
Government To Be Discussed
Campus Leaders WiltInterpret Provisions,
Changes in Constitution in Town Hall Meeting

°Imdrl 'Q Wakkanr
.'Ghtru *Nemui


Sea of


Discussion and interpretation of the
newly proposed constitution for the
reformed student government, which
awaits ratification by the student
body in the next all-campus election,
will be featured at Town Hall meet-
ing at 7:15 -p.m. Thursday in Lane
Tydiugs Asks-
Rapid World
Declares UNO Will Fail
If World Keeps Arms
By The Associated Press
ASHINGTON, Jan. 28 - Senator
Tydings (Dem.-Md.) called on Presi-
dent Truman today to issue an im-
mediate call for a world disarma-
ment conference.
"In this state of a world armed to
the teeth," he told the Senate, "we
cannot further rely on the United
Nations Organization for our own
Fearful Of War
"It is as plain as the nose on one's
face," Tydings said, "that the great
armed forces of our own country are
DETROIT, Jan. 28-(P)-In a
plea for universal military training,
General Jonathan M. Wainwright
declared today he is "beginning to
see those symptoms of apathy and
disinterest which have appeared at
the end of every war we have
Speaking to members of the De-
troit Economic Club, the hero of
Bataan and Corregidor warned,
"when those symptoms appear, dis-
integration of the armed forces in-
variably follows."
He explained that the only allot-
ment to universal military training
would be maintenance of a large
standing army which would be not
only costly but also repugnant to
the American people.
being maintained principally for pos-
sible use against Russia, Britain,
France o'r China, since Germany and
Japan are to be kept disarmed.
"Is it not plain, too, that Russia is
maintaining her armed forces for
possible vusei"against Britain or the
United States or France or China?"
Blames UNO
Tydings said the UNO's treatment
of the atomic bomb situation is feeble,
fumbling and ineffectual." He added
that it helped convince him that the
world organization is not "equipped
to initiate successfully" a task of the
magnitude of disarmament.
Tobaggon Ride
Injures Three

L , ___ _

'k I

Explanations of various. passages
of the proposal will be made by
Wayne Saari, chairman of the Pub-
lic Affairs Committee of the Student
Religious Association, Sanford Perlis,
president of the Union, a representa-
tive of the Michigan League and
others who helped draw up the new
plan for student government. They
will, present a final reading of the
corrected constitution, complete with
changes suggested by the Student
Affairs Committee. They will discuss
election plans and putting the con-
stitution into effect and in addition
will aswer questions about the
amendments and other provisions.I
Important Change
One major change provides that
"The Council may call in as advisors
the Dean of Students and the Dean
of Women to serve in an ex-officio
capacity at Council meetings" in place
of "The Council shall call in as ad-
visor that member of the Administra-
tion most intimately connected with
student activities (to) serve in an ex-
officio capacity at all Council meet-
The constitution also provides for
a Forum of representatives of every
recognized student organization on
campus to serve in an advisory ca-
pacity to the Council; that all cam-
pus elections shall be supervised by
the Council; and that Council meet-
ings shall be held at regular inter-
vals and shall be open to the public.
Two Months Work
The constitution was drawn up af-
ter two months of extensive consulta-
tion with University officials, heads
of existing student organizations, and
other representative schools and or-
ganizations interested in promoting
student government.
"Everyone is urged to attend this
week's Town Hall meeting," said
Wayne Saari. "It is necessary to un-
derstand the provisions of this new
plan for student government before
it is presented for ratification by the
student body next semester."


SPcific Ocean

SeQ of
" = Senda,
Yokohama TOKYO
.. <<

- -;

O 400

RUSSIAN CLAIMS UNDER YALTA-Black areas, the Kurile Islands
and southern Sakhalin (Karafuto) were promised to Russia by the
U. S. and Britain under terms of the Yalta agreement, the Moscow radio


Three students, who were injured
Saturday evening while tobogganing
in the Arboretum, are reported as
"doing well" by doctors at University
Hospital, where they are receiving
Those injured in the accident area
Jeanne Nuoffer, or Toledo, Emily,
Tomell, of Detroit, both student
nurses, and Tom Guenther, of De-
Guenther broke his left leg in two
places and received abrasions, when
he attempted to avoid hitting a tree
by thrusting out his leg. The tobog-
gan, which was traveling at a tre-
mendous speed due to the slickness of
the hard packed snow, evidently
missed the tree, since it was later re-
covered undamaged.
Jeanne incurred a fractured rib
and face lacerations, and Emily sus-
tained a knee injury.
(Continued from Page 1)
foreign students. The conflagration.
which stated at 3:30 p.m., severely
damaged the third floor rear of the
dwelling. Damage was also caused
by the water poured on the blaze.
Extensive Repairs Needed
The fire was caused by sparks fall-
ing on the roof from the chimney of
the building. The first floor of the
building was kept intact, but exten-
sive repairs are needed to put the rest
of the house in condition for re-occu-
pancy. Damage was estimated at
$6,500 by Mr. Shiel.
The residence on Oxford Road was
only recently vacated by Army stu-
dents, and is scheduled to. be used
next term as a girls' league house,
Dr. Esson M. Gale, counselor to for-
eign students, announced.
"Luckily this building was avail-
able," Dr. Gale commented, "or we
would have found ourselves faced
with a serious problems as to where
to house these 22 students."
Meals To Continue

Center Events .. .
Celebration of "China New Year"
at 7:30 p.m. Sunday will highlight
the week's.events at the International
Center. Chinese music, a speaker and
movies will be included in the pro-
gram, which will be followed by a
community sing and refreshments.
Polonia Society will meet at 7:30
p.m. today at the Center, and a rec-
ord concert at 8 p.m. tomorrow will
include the "Concerto in D Minor" by
Wiencowski and veral Chopin prel-
Students from Colombia will be
honored at the Thursday tea from 4
to 5:30 p.m. Mrs. Joseph Lincoln will
act as hostess. The Turkish Society
will meet at 8 p.m. Thursday at the
Dime Boxes Due .. .
All fraternity house presidents
are urged to turn in immediately
either to the Interfraternity Coun-
c1 or the Student Offices in the
Union all collection boxes for the
March of Dimes.
Business Social . .
All students and faculty members
of the business administration school
are invited to a get-together from
3:0 to 5:30 p.m. today in the Rack-
ham Building. Coffee and donuts
will be served.
Cooking Course . . '
University and city newly-wed
housewives will be offered a 12-
week course in cooking starting at
7 p.m. Thursday in Ann Arbor
High School.
The course, consisting of 12 les-
sons, will be given every Thursday
from 7 to 10 p.m.
Recital Tomorro ..
The works of Bach, Beethoven,
Ravel, and Griffes will highlight the
recital to be given by Benjamin
Owen. instructor of piano in the
School of Music, at 8:30 p.m. tomor-
row in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The program will consist of "Par-
tita No. 6, in E minor" by Bach,
"Sonata in A major, Op. 101" by,
Beethoven, "Valses nobles et senti-
mentales" and "Toccata" by Ravel,
and "Sonata" by Griffes.

Seniors To Sign
Class Reoister
At Party Friday
A large registe, especially designed
and made to hold the names of sen-
iors attending the class functions of
the Class of '46, will be used for the
first time when the February grad-
uates of the literary college hold their
class party from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Fri-
day in the Women's Athletic Building.
"The party," Patricia Barrett, sen-
ior class president, said, "is intended
to be a 'get-together' for seniors grad-
uating in February, and invitations
are being mailed to them." She point-
ed out that the program will end at
9 p.m. so that seniors with later dates
may keep them.
Earlier plans to hold a dance in
conjunction with the engineering
school did not materialize she said
because of the lack of response on the
part of the students.
Miss Barrett, who is acting as gen-
eral chairman for the party, has an-
nounced the appointment of the fol-
lowing committee chairmen:
Refreshments: Carol Steen, Ed
Brehm; program: Harriet Pierce, Ar-
thur Kraft; prizes: Margaret Cook,
Catherine Cook; clean-up: Willard
Greenwald and Pat Barrett; invita-
tions: Betty Vaughn, Anne Highley;
building; Paul John, Jean Athay. Don
Westfall is in charge of the register
U Offers New
Greek Course
The Greek department will offer
next spring term a new, experimental
course in the English translation of
Greek literature.
Entitled "Basic Greek Ideas"
(Greek 168), the ecourse will meet
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at
11 a.m., and will be conducted by
Prof. Warren E. Blake, chairman of
the Greek department. The course
will be open to juniors, seniors and
graduate students. The textbook to
be used is a direct translation of Aris-
totle's original work. Class room dis-
cussions will be part of the course.
In discussing this innovation, Dr.
Blake said, "The study of human re-
lationships has developed in modern
times into a number of specializedi
social sciences, such as sociology, po-
litical science and education. The
complexities of modern civilization
has made these technical subdivisions
necessary, but behind them lies a
simpler and more unified view of
man's relations to society-the far
less complicated society of Ancient
Greece. It is possible, by careful and
direct study of Aristotle's own work in
English translation, to get at the
roots of many broad theories which
constantly reappear in the specula-
tions of modern socialnscience."
Varsity Delaters
Discuss Far East
A definite obligation on the part of
the United States in promoting de-
mocracy in the Far East was seen by
members of the Varsity Debating
Club at the Sunday program spon-
-ored by the International Center.
Discussing "Our Stake in the Far
East,': debators also concluded that
the United States must help prevent
other nations from imposing im-
perialistic practices on the peoples of
the Far East.
Participants were Mary Battles,
discussing "Colonialism"; Charlotte
Wood, on "The Open Door"; Patricia
Owens, discussing "The Greater East
Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere"; and
Audrey Lawrence, on "Occupation of

Democrats Act
For Extension
Of OPA Powers
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 - Emerg-
ing from a conference with President
Truman, Congressional Democratic
leaders announced today they will
press for speedy action on legislation
to prolong rent and price controls
for a year beyond the present June
30, 1946, expiration date.
Chairman Spence (Dem.-Ky.) im-
mediately set House Banking Com-
mittee public hearings on the OPA
extension bill to begin Tuesday of
next week.
Rep. Wolcott of Michigan, senior
Republican on the Banking Commit-
tee, said large numbers of Republi-
cans would support a continuation
of price control "where needed" but
they wans amendments for more pre-
cise definitions of OPA's powers.
Spence voiced the belief that the
bill would :o through "without much
trouble." However, the extension
measure is bound to meet some vig-
orous opposition. Some members just
don't like anything about OPA.
Film Set Plans
To Be Exhibited
Designs Sketched for
Signal Corps Movies
An exhibition of motion picture set
designs by Roger Hollenbeck, for-
merly with the Army Pictorial Serv-
ice, opened yesterday, the School of
Architecture and Design announced.
Working at the Signal Corps Pho-
tographic Center in Astoria, Long Is-
land, Mr. Hollenbeck planned and
designed sets for documentary, train-
ing and morale films. The sketches
on display are not to be regarded as
finished works, but as guides for sets
made for Army-produced films they
range fromn a Paris cafe scene to
quick sketches of the armed forces.
In addition to examples of Mr. Hol-
lenbeck's work relating to the war,
the architecture school is also dis-
playing set's that he planned for vari-
ous well-known musicals, thus giving
an idea of the work he did for a mo-
tion picture studio prior to his serv-
ice in the army.
French Lecture . .
The French lecture which was to
have been given by Prof. Warner
Patterson of the French * depart-
ment at 4:10 today in Alumnae Me-
morial Hall has been postponed.
The date of the lecture will be an-
nounced later.

Play Group
Will Present
Comedy Hit
The dream play, "Beggar Oni
Horseback," by George Kaufman and'
Marc Connelly will be the next offer-
ing of Play Production of the Depart-
ment of Speech Feb. 7, 8 and 9.
The play, a comedy with dream se-
quences, was produced on Broadway
in the early '20's and since then has
been a favorite in stock and on the
Marries Money
The story is about a talented but
poor musician, Neil McRae, who con-
siders marrying rich Gladys Cady in
order to take a rest and study music.
He is encouraged in this enterprise
by the girl he loves, Cynthia Mason.
In his dreams, Neil is confronted
with the incongruities of a marriage
with Gladys. The bride's wedding
bouquet is of bank notes. Her father
wears golf knickers to the formal
wedding. When Neil plays the piano
at the wedding reception the music
turns to jazz under his fingers.
Mass Production
After the marriage, Neil is em-
ployed in the Cady "widget" factory
where he is paid millions of dollars
for doing nothing. In despair he kills
the whole Cady family with his pa-
per knife and is sentenced to work in
the Cady Consolidated Art Factory
for life-a factory where masterpieces
are made to order on the production
line. Neil chooses to die instead but
awakens to find Cynthia willing to
marry him after all.
Munes. .
(Continued from Page 1)
has become much more accustomed
to seeing men in men's roles and
women in women's roles, even though
during the war the campus experi-
enced then oveltyo of women taking
men'sp arts. And Play Production,
concerned only withs erious theatre,
has continuously presented stage fare
for the campus, climaxing each sea-
son with the weekly series of plays
during the summer session.
Most of the Universit's theatrical
talent is probably now with Play Pro-
duction. Maybe there is enough thea-
tre already. But for those who like
their theatre social rather than seri-
ous and who haven't the inclination
to spend all their time with the
theatre, Mimes might provide an an-
swer. And so the men whisper.
The Union itself never quite for-
got the operas. There is a constant
reminder of the past glory of
Mimes and the Union opera in the
display cases in the north lounge
of the Union, where a little card
proudly recalls that one Thomas E.
1Dewey was an Irish gentleman in
"Top o' the Morning" in 1923. "Top
O' the Morning," by tire way, even
played the White House for Presi-
dent Coolidge.
There are other still-remembered
titles there:' 'George Did It," "Koan-
zaland," "Make It for Two," "Cotton
Stockings." And if theree were noth-
ing else to hold that memory, when .
Michigan men and women get to-
gether almost all the school songs
they sing are products of the Union
operas. Bill Layton's romantic clos-
ing theme, "When Night Falls, Dear,"
comes from the opera "Michigenda."
Maybe reviving Mimes would re-
vive some of that stuff that alumni
nostalgically call school spirit. The
operas, that in their day attracted
500 men for the acting and staging of
one production, may bring more songs
and more gaiety into the Michigan
If you want to do anything about
it, you might talk to Henry Horldt of
the Union Executive Council. He's

heard the whispering too, and he's
trying to do something about it.
That's why, before the end ofu1946,
Mimes and the Union Opera may
come back again.

Customary International Law
Is Basis for Nuremberg Trials
By BETTYANN LARSEN conspiracy, crimes against the peace,
"Basis for punishment in the cur- war crimes and crimes against hu-
rent war crimes trials at Nuremberg manity. These charges include in-
lies in customary as well as conven- dictments for "murder and ill-treat-
tional international law," Maj. Mor- ment of civilian populations of or in
ris Zimmerman, head of the Interna- occupied territory and on the high
tional Law Department of the JAG seas, plunder of public and private
School said in an interview yesterday. property, murder and ill-treatment
Maj. Zimmerman pointed out the of prisoners of war, wanton destruc-
main criticism of the trials has been tion of cities, Germanization of oc-
that no specific codes can be found i cupied territories and conscription of
interational law to justify such pro- civilian labor."
Triedc OfFouuCont According to Maj. Zimmerman,
Tried four counts many former students in the JAG
The four counts for which the men school here are participating in the
are being tried, he explained, are trials. Maj. Warren Farr, former
chief of the military justice depart-
OUT OF GAS: ment of the school, has been a mem-
ber of Justice Robert Jackson's staff
at Nuremberg since May, 1945.
French W idow LetterDescribes Trial
In a letter to Maj. Zimmerman
Recounts Nazi from another recently returned mem-
ber of the Nuremberg staff, the trials
were termed "A tremendous legal op-
Terrorism eration . . .. which is exceedingly in-
By The Associated Press Commenting on the general situa-
NEURNBERG, Germany, Jan. 28- tion in Germany, the letter contin-
A blond French widow who spent days ued.: "The rubble shown in pictures is
and nights of terror at the Oswiecim only rubble of buildings and towns-
extermination camp today told the pictures don't show the rubble of in-
International Military Tribunal that stitution and civilized traditions, nor
children were tossed alive into cre- the rubble of ethics, morals and per-
mation furnaces because the Nazis sonalities. Neither does one get from
"ran out of gas" for the camp's exe- a distance the impressions of the
cution chambers. rubble of social and economic struc-
Mee. Marie Claude Vaillant-Cou- tures, of religious cultural groups and
turier, 33, Communist member of the institutions."
French Constituent Assembly who
spent two and one-half years in con-
centration camps, gazed coldly- at STATE REPORTS:
the ranking Nazis in the prisoners'
dock when she took the witness stand
and began telling a story of horror 2 Sc
that kept even the prisoners spell-
bound. To Aid Vets
Tells of Horror
"One night," she testified, "we were LANSING, Jan. 28-(M--Veteran's
awakened by horrible cries. The next Institutes providing high school
morning we learned from men work-
ing in the gas chamber that they training for servicemen have been
had run out of gas and had hurled approved for 32 more Michigan com-
children alive into the furnaces. munities, the Department of Public
Instruction reported today.
"When a convoy of Jewish women The institutes enable former GI's
arrived, older women, mothers and to finish their high school education
those who were weak or sick. were under a speeded-up program, Robert
sorted out and taken immediately! E. Sharer, chief of the department's
to be gassed," the witness said. adult education division, explained.
"Women 20 to 30 years old were sent Vocational and college correspon-
to experimental blocks." She ex-deecon aln olaegoffere.
plained that Nazi doctors in these dence courses also are offere at
blocks worked on experiments in- Alpena, Battle Creek, Benton Harbor,
tended to devise a swift, sure means Detroit and Lansing.
of sterilization.
Produces Photos - .
Francoix Boix, veteran of the Span- Survey Indicates
ish Civil War on the loyalist side,
worked in the identity section of the Emplay ent DroP
prison under SS photographers, told
of the hanging of an Austrian Jew LANSING, Jan. 28-(P)-Michigan
at Mauthausen while the camp's in- Manufacturing Industries Employed
mates watched and an orchestra 26.8 per cent fewer people in Decem-
played a popular tune. Boix sub- ber, 1945, than in the same month of
mitted photos of the hanging. 1944 the State Department of Labor
S- -- - and Industry reported today.
Women Ma Expect Employment rose 7 per cent from
Y XNovember, however.
The durable goods industries
S pply Soo showed a 37.4 per cent decline in the
year but an 8 per cent increase from
CHICAGO, Jan. 28--IP)-Fresh cuts the previous month. In the non-dur-
of meat started piling up in the pack- tepevgoods n temoyment
ing houses today with prospects that able goods industries, employment
ing ouss tdaywit prspets hatrose 15.3 per cent during the year and
most American housewives would find 2.9 per cent in the month.
normal supplies in their butcher Weekly payrolls were 5.2 per cent
shops in a few days. higher in November than December
Gaylord Armstrong, directing op- but dropped 37.9 per cent from the
erations in government-seized pack- previous December, the department
ing plants, said livestock receipts said. Average hourly earhings in De-
were "substantial" today and that op- cember were $1.19 compared with
erations were "proceeding smoothly." $1.21 a year ago and weekly average
He said "apparently all" the 248,000 wages dropped $8.40 to $48.18.
striking CIO and AFL meat workers
were back on the job. Some 55,000
members of the AFL Amalgamated Buy Victory Bonds!
Meat Cutters Union returned to workV t
when the plants were seized Saturday

and 193,000 CIO packinghouse work-
ers came back today. Continuous from 1 P.M.
The CIO has lowered its hourly
wage increase demands from 25 cents dawf 3SE
to 17% cents and the AFL raised its
request back to 20 cents, after once
lowering it to 15 cents.



Playing All Week

time University employee. Garage
is desirable but not vital. Walter,
Phone 5539.
WANTED TO RENT: Apartment or,
house, two or three bedrooms.
Three adults, one-year-old child.
W. J. Mason, 23-24-1.I

LOST: One pair bronze earrings, last
Wednesday night or Thursday,
probably in or near League. Please
return to 206 So. Thayer.
J-HOP BOUND? Tuxedo, brand new,
for sale. Size 39 coat. Inquire 1038
E. Huron.
NATURAL muskrat coat - size 14


} .

good condition, call 24097
SWEATERS-Beautiful pastels, skirts
WILL THE PERSON who walked off and dresses. Yours for the asking.
with a navy blue overcoat from the Sizes 11 and 13. Phone 9765.
basement cloak room of the Law _HELP WANTED
Library Saturday afternoon returnH
same. Your old greenish-blue over- WANTED: Trumpet and sax men for
coat is still there. No questions small dance band. Call Ann Arbor
asked. 26364.
________ _ ._______ - - --_ _____t___26364.___ -
LOST: Gold graduation ring near WANTED
Hill and State. Initials MLS inside. A


Great sentimental value. Reward.
Phone 4121, Exchange 106.
LOST: Gold engraved identification
bracelet. Reward, call Janet Hoen-

STUDENT would like ride Monday
Saturday to and from West Dear-
born. Phone Dearborn 0982. A. Ban-
detti, 926 Mason St., Dearborn.

I VVYISDAY, JAN. ?-9, 1946
32 "(1lt_ T 3'nxxTc

11:00 -News
11:05- Lawrcnc r Ouintet

2 :00 -- Nows
2 :05 -iohn Scot Trotter

f Hill



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