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January 27, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-27

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i I3iy5i', JANvA71a y i7, 1 ,I G


Fifty-Sixth Year
~ or
x ,
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Ray Dixon . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor
Betty Roth . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Editor
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Arthur J. Kraft . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Bill Mullendore . . . Sports Editor
Mary Lu Heath . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz ...........Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . . Business Manager
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Telephone 23-24-1
Member of .The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
Callege Pblishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

eLlti to e £hi0r

Veterans Say Yes, Administration No

Liberal A etion
To the Editor:
ALL PERSONS who put human rights above
all other considerations and who believe that
action is necessary to secure the continuing and
equal application of these rights are urged to
join the Committee for Liberal Action.
Because the need for liberal action is mani-
fest in many fields the C.L.A. is working
through many committees on many varied
projects. There are regular committees deal-
ing with campus, local and state, national and
international, program and publicity matters.
Currently two special committees are working
for student government and a permanent Fair
Employment Practices Commission. These
committees choose their own officers.
All policy decisions are made at open general
meetings at which recommendations of com-
mittees are heard, expenditures authorized, and
decisions taken as to just what types of action
shall be performed by a committee in imple-
menting an agreed upon policy.
Because there are many reasonable opinions
as to what actions are wise and worthwhile, we
are planning to publish the votes on policy mat-
ters so that everyoi~e will realize that only after
careful consideration was a certain project
undertaken. Also, this will provide for minority
expression and ought to encourage persons who
endorse one policy of the group, but who cannot
conscientiously approve of another to remain in
the C.L.A. for his friends will realize that he may
have disapproved of a certain controversial
The Committee for Liberal Action is anxious
to work with other groups. It is working actively
with the League, Union, The Daily, Student Re-.
ligious Association and many other student org-
anizations to secure a student government. It
cooperated with many church guilds, Hillel
Foundation, MYDA, the national and state of-
fices of the Committee for a Permanent F.E.P.C.
and other groups in the recent drive to support
the F.E.P.C.
We offer you an opportunity to work ef-
fectively for programs which you will help to
choose. We need good officer material and
many more committee members as well as
persons to help us conduct mail and telephone
campaigns. .Please try to attend our next gen-
eral meeting, Tuesday, January 29, at 7:30 p.m.
at the Michigan Union.
--Wayne Saari, President,
Committee for Liberal Action
To the Editor:
In reference to Marie Littlefield's letter of
Jan. 25, 1946.
"You had your fun, Mr. Moore. Let us have
Yah, Veteran, you've just come back from four
and a half years of fighting - of seeing American
youth die - of wondering the worth of the terror

Real Danger'
LAST WEEK there occurred a
incident. It didn't happen9
nation, or any widely known
But even if it had, it wouldn't
the more startling.

very disturbing
in any foreign
American city.
have been any

Last Thursday in Ann Arbor, the closing day
of the Michigan pastors conference, as ugly
an assortment of un-American literature as we
have ever seen was distributed to these dele-
gates and the general public from the steps of
Rackham Building.
It was reminiscent of the type of Red-baiting
literature widely circulated in the pre-war days
of 1938-39. This material was designed to rouse
fear and mistrust of "Russian Communism and
the Red Menace."
This seems to be the beginning of a post-
war campaign on the part of masquerading
American fascists to stir up animosity and ill-
feelings between elements of our society.
Backers of this movement are such notorious
fascist-minded Americans as General Leonard
Wood and Maj. Gen. Robt. E. Noble. They are
leaders in an organization parading under the
patriotic name of "The Constitutional Educa-
tional League."
Both these characters were exposed a few
years ago by John Roy Carlson in his sensa-
tional book, "Undercover." In addition, Maj.
Gen. Noble was tried not long ago for sedition.
There are many pictures on record of these
two showing them hand in hand with unques-
tioned Fascist and Nazi leaders.
The public should be on guard against the
appearance of such groups, and must stand
ready to recognize these obvious distortions of
fact for what they really are.
We must be constantly vigilant lest this and
similar subversive groups get a footing in our
American society.
The development of a spirit of cooperation,
not distrust, is vital to the continued welfare
of our country. Let none of us be carried away ,
by high sounding expressions of the lurking
dangers of Communism. It should be obvious,
from past experience, wherein the real danger
-Marshall Wallace
Congress on the Air
~AMONG the suggestions made by a Senate-
House Committee studying ways to improve
the efficiency of Congress, is that Congress hold
some night sessions and allow them to be broad-
Letting the people of this country hear exactly
what Congress is doing would have some bene-
ficial effects on both Congressmen and voters.
Voters would be stimulated to take an active and
interested part in what their government is do-
ing, if the activities of the government were
brought into their own homes and became as
familiar as those of Bob Hope or the Quiz Kids.
Congressmen would be more likely to give the
people what they want, if they were sure that
their constituents knew exactly what they were
Other reforms, suggested by the committee,
which would prevent important legislation from
being blocked by a small opposition, include the

you were witnessing and partaking in - and
now you don't think you owe it to us who have
really been suffering from the war to have a gala
affair to make up for all the fun we've missed!
Tel me, Marjie, has your mind been in a
stupor since 1941? Has the shock of the
world's horrors blotted out your consciousness,
your heart, and your sensibilities? Have you
and all the other "Marjies" the nerve to stand
up and boast that your sympathy to the ser-
vicemen extended only to the fact that they
were missing good times?
It seems to me I've heard that they were also
thinking during the time they were fighting -
thinking not of the good times they were going
to make up for, but of the changes that would
have to be made so that their kids would not
have to die before they had had a chance to live.
Maybe life itself - just the breathing of it, just
the sensation of walking - of lifting an arm -
of seeing - of listening to a familiar voice -
were what Mr. Moore and pals were fighting for,
and now he would like to direct his efforts to-
ward polio stricken children - toward the elim-
ination of any possibility of future breadlines -
and toward the assurance that the suffering
Europeans can live once more. Perhaps he feels
that it is these things which need the help and
support of students, whether they be twenty-five
year old veterans or seventeen year old fresh-
men, rather than the extravagant gaieties of
college youth, which present a far grimmer
aspect to his eyes.
Think it over, Marie; ponder on your
wretched state; weigh your J-Hop along with
the Infantile Paralysis Fund, The Philippine
University drive, the G.M. Strikers' Fund -
the happiness of countless people.
-Lois Robinson
THE Protestant principle, at defined by Profes-
sor Paul Tillich never comes to an. end,
though the Church may do so. In his lectures
he agreed at important points with a fellow phil-
osopher who speaks and writes upon the same'
theme. We refer to Jacques Maritain, the French
scholar who was at Princeton during the war.
Maritain surveys recent history contrasting two
motivations, namely Christianity and Revolt.
He observed that progress in the American Revo-
lution and in certain European epochs, could be
credited to the Christian dynamic, - but in the
Russian Revolt, Christianity was not the creative
factor. In reference to World War HI he says,
"The meaning of this present war is not only to
put an end to Fascism, Racism, Militarism, but
decidedly to undertake the slow and difficult
censtruction of a world where fear and wretch-
edness will no longer press down upon individuals
and nations, where blindly demanding national-
isms will give way to an organized international
community, where oppression and exploitation
of man will be abolished and where everyone will
be able to share in the common heritage of civil-
ization and to live a truly human life." Thus the
good pictured by prophetic religion is expected
from idealistic reconstruction under the Cross.
Professor Tllich contrasts Collectivism and
Conformism as the two poles in current his-
tory. He believes that for several centuries the
individual had power to assert his freedom in
the midst of mass movements or mass fatalism
and to dissent effectively. However, today we
see two new trends. To expect reform from re-
ligious dissent of individualistic type is futile.
Strength is in Collectivism of various forms.
The lecturer would credit Collectivism with a
concern for the welfare of man. Now, "Con-
cern" of man and "Intention" of God are re-
ligious concepts rather than social or political
ones. It is the genius of religion to care. "Only
as religious men care sacrificially," says he,
"will the Church arrive.
The theory surprised those 400 pastors how-
ever, not because, as stated by Tillich, it leads
to the conclusion that the Church is failing to
deal with fundamental questions or is exercising
itself with surface matters and current events,
and may be adrift; nor because the Catholic

Church alone can ignore surface matters and
stand specifically for this or that right on the
part of humanity or for the forgotten man, but
because historic Christianity possibly is being
superceded. Conformism and Collectivism as
mcvements make the society what it is.
Maritain has not so directly entered into an
analysis of the Church and social forces. How-
ever, he is concerned over the apparent fact
that Revolt and not Christianity is a means
of liberty. He observes that Religion is deeper
than revolt, that Christianity is positive where
revolt is negative. Like Tillich, he longs for a
movement deep, powerful and free enough to
save the souls of man and to discover direction
for the revolting masses. It will be wise to
read carefully the writings of these two bril-
liant Europeans whom American Universities
have adopted with a very definite affection.
Bcth write for post-war thinkers. Both are en-
deavoring to evolve a philosophy of history.
-Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education

" THE veterans here at Michigan
will be gypped if the University
returns to the pre-war schedule" one
veteran claimed in a recent meeting.
This feeling among the veterans
that they are being deprived of pro-
gram acceleration has been voiced in
veteran meetings on campus and in
letters received by The Daily. The
arguments they present for the con-
tinuation of the three-term schedule
have been compiled by The Daily
with rebuttal arguments and plans
given by the University supporting
the adoption of the peace-time
The primary aim of most vet-
erans on campus is to complete
their education as soon as possible.
They want to finish their formal
education rapidly and enter pro-
fessional and business fields. Many
veterans claim they selected the
University because the three-term
program offered here best enabled
them to accelerate. Acceleration
for the veteran does not mean the
completion of four years in three
years or less; it means the com-
pletion of two terms in eight
months instead of twelve months
and the completion of four terms
on one and one-third years instead
of two years. The three-term pro-
gram benefits most the veteran
entering with advance standing.
One argument offered by the vet-
erans for continuing the three-term
schedule regards their subsistence
allowances. Federal statutes, Public
Law 16 and Public Law 346 allow for
a 30 day annual leave with subsist-
ence allowances. Any period of in-
terruption greater than this 30 days
results in an interruption of the al-
lowances of the veteran. This tem-
porary loss of pay status will occasion
a great deal of paper work for the
veteran and the Administration
boards, cause delay in the receipts
of allowances during the reinstate-
ment process, and create for many
veterans a serious financial problem.
The Veterans Administration, sup-
porting this argument, says that
Christmas vacation and national
holidays possibly will not be deducted
from the 30 day leave period, but
they .also say that this cannot be re-
garded as a certainty, and there is a
chance that the- Easter vacation
would be considered deductable.
Married veterans who have moved
their families to Ann Arbor will
suffer seriously from this interrup-
tion of subsistence allowances.
Other veterans claim that it will be
extremely difficult for them to find
jobs anywhere for just a two-
month period if they do not attend
the 8-week summer session.
Veterans living in Willow Village
raise the point that if they do not
attend summer session they might
lose the homes or apartments they
now rent. There can be no guaran-
tee that they will get the same home
back in the fall, even though they
have made improvements in it. If
there were a complete 16-week sum-
mer term for those veterans they
would remain in Ann Arbor for the
term, thus keeping their apartments.
FACTS support the assumption that
the veterans do want to have a
complete summer term. A question-
aire given to veterans here last spring
revealed that 67 per cent of them
planned to re-enroll during the sum-
mer, and an actual 66 per cent did
enroll, three-fourths of these for the
16-week term. At the time of reg-
istration there were complaints from
many regarding the limited number
of courses in various fields that were
offered during the summer term,
otherwise it is probable that an even
greater percentage would have re-
A graduate student veteran said,
"I was amazed to find upon my re-
turn to the University that the ac-
celeration program was cut out. Vet-
erans entering in March as candi-
dates for a Master's Degree will thus
have to remain until the completion
of the fall term instead of October

before graduating".
Supported by arguments that are
pertinent "and vital, the veterans
have expressed the desire for the
continuation of the three-term
THE Daily presented these argu-
ments as expressed by the veter-
ans to various members of the fac-
ulty and rebuttal arguments and
reasons for the return to the peace-
time schedule on therpart of the
University are given here.
In general the University claims
that the professors and other fac-
ulty members need vacations that
could not otherwise be possible if
the three-term schedule continued.
Courses also need to be revamped
to meet the demands of the veter-
"Our first responsibility is to the
veteran," Provost Adams claimed.
"The University will design pro-
grams accordingly".
The subsistence argument was
answered by Dean E. A. Walter, of

Flanagan, John T.-America Is West:
An anthology of Middlewestern
life and literature. Minneapolis,
The University of Minnesota Press,
"'America Is West' is a fresh, read-
able and rich anthology. Anybody
interested in either cultural or liter-
ary history will find huge chunks of
it useful to his purpose; and the gen-
eral reader will discover a vast
amount of , entertainment in its
pages." H. M. Jones
Hartley, Marsden - Selected Poems.
New York, Viking, 1945.
Marsden Hartley whose reputation
as a painter grew with the years, was
throughout his life a poet as well, and
valued his writings highly.' This
Selection, found in manuscript after
his death, has been arranged accord-
ing to theme by Henry W. Wells. Nine
reproductions of Marsden's paintings
have also been included in the vol-
Kane, Harnett Thomas - Plantation
Parade; The grand manner in
Louisiana. New York, Morrow,
"Descriptive history of the life in
the great plantation houses of Louis-
iana, during the years 1830 to 1860,
when living in the great manner was
the ruleof the country. Illustrated
with photographs."

Street, James - The Gauntlet. Gar-
den City, New York, Doubleday,
"The Gauntlet" is the story of the
everyday experiences of a Baptist
minister in a small Missouri town.
It sets forth the usual small town
problems, but Mr. Street's fresh
treatment makes the book entertain-
ing reading.
Waugh, Evelyn -Brideshead Revis-
ited: The sacred and profane mem-
ories of Captain Charles Ryder,
Boston, Little, 1946.
The scene of this novel is Britain,
sometime 'close to D-Day. The main
character is Captain Charles Ryder.
The setting is Brideshead, a country
home. The Captain has been there
before. The story involves Ryder's
memories of the house and the family
who lives in it. Mr. Waugh's charac-
ters are individual and charming.
Herein lies the power of the novel. It
lacks the satirical style of his prev-
ious writings, and indicates the
emergence of a mature novelist.
Willison, George Findlay -- Saints
and Strangers. New York, Reynal
& Hitchcock, 1945
Using the writings of the Pilgrim
Fathers, and eliminating much of the
nonsense, hitherto written about
them, Mr. Willison has portrayed
these human beings. He has given
us a highly interesting and, at times,
humorous account of their activities.

the Literary college. "Veterans who
elect our Summer Session, in which
a large number of courses will be
offered, will not face the loss of sub-
sistence for the period of time be-
tween the close of the Summer Ses-
sion and the beginning of the Fall
term. Veterans who have been in
residence for the Fall Term may
very well be glad of a rest after
having attended the Fall, Spring,
and Summer terms. The veterans
themselves, on the basis of their
own experiences with accelerated
education in their training are the
first to admit the obvious limits of
what can effectively be gotten from
too much acceleration," Dean Wal-
ter claimed.
Dean Blythe E. Stason of the Law
School outlined the plans for veteran
law students who wish to accelerate.
"We. are providing an 11-week sum-
mer session' from June 23-Sept. 7.
This term will give two-thirds credit
of the standard semester. On Sept.
9 a special 5-week course will be
offered to complete the semester's
credit for those students who need
that residence to receive degrees at

the end of the summer. This extra
course will necessitate an over-lap-
ping of teaching but will benefit
about 20 law students, mainly veter-
ans, who want to graduate following
the summer term."
F. C. Shiel, Director of Residence
Halls, gave the reply to the veterans
arguments regarding housing. "If the
veteran and his wife move from Wil-
low Village during the summer ses-
sion, there can be no guarantee that
they will again have the same apart-
ment when they return in the fall
unless they pay rent during the sum-
If the University can successfully
provide compensations for adopt-
ing the peace-time schedule re-
gardless of the arguments present-
ed favoring the three-term pro-
gram by the veterans, then its
adoption will be justified. How-
ever, many veterans still believe,
as one veteran said, that now is the
proverbial time for the University
to "come to the aid of its country-
men" by continuing the three-term




(Contin'ded from Page 3)

T HE one mildly disappointing event in the
Chamber Music Festival (and I mention it
cautiously) occurred with the Mozart Quartet in
F- major, K. 590 which opened the Saturday af-
ternoon concert and seemed to lack the custom-
ary charm cf most Mozart although it was ex-
quisitely performed.
The tone of the concert took a sudden bril-
liant upswing with the playing of the Milhaud
Quartet No. 12, an impressionistic piece of music
in a vaguely haunting mood, which despite its
untraditional garb, was based on a clearly neo-
classical structure which made it both easy and
agreeable to listen to, besides providing a con-
clusive argument that modern music does have
The Schubert Quartet in G major, Op. 161,
concluded the afternoon concert.
The high point of the whole festival came
last night in the playing of the Beethoven
Quartet in A major, Op. 18, No. 3, an excep-
tionally beautiful work which showed off each
artist to his best advantage as the rich themes
were tossed about from instrument to instru-
ment in the course of their development.
A quartet by Piston followed, which compared
unfavorably not only with the Beethoven, but
with the two other modern compositions which
were presented. It is highly dissonant, based on
irritating intervals and a dogged sameness of
rhythm, and throughout its performance it
seemed to float just out of reach like the shape of
nervous fatigue. In relation to the equally mod-
ern Milhaud and Hindemith the work was in-
teresting, for the three represented entirely dif-
ferent sorts of modern music. The last number
was the Quartet in E-flat major, Op. 51, by
Dvorak, a melodious work admirable in perform-
ance, and full of lovely harmonies.
The credible brilliance of the Budapest
String Quartet made the entire series an occa-
sion of rare enjoyment and rich fulfillment of
all expectations.
-Paula Brower

Science Building; auspices of the De-
partment of Geology.
Fine Arts Lecture. Miss Harriet D.
Adams of . Cranbrook Art Academy
will speak on "Picasso's Recent Paint-
ing" at 8 o'clodk, Tues., Jan. 29, in,
the Rackham Amphitheater. The lec-
ture is sponsored by the All Nations
Club. The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture. Professor Ran-
dall Stewart, of Brown University,
will speak on the subject, "The Liter-
ature of Early New England," at 4:15
p.m., Wed., Jan. 30, in the Rackham
Amphitheater; auspices of the De-
partment of English Language and
Literature. The public is cordially in-
Faculty Recital: Benjamin, Owen,
Instructor of Piano in the School of
Music, will be heard in a program of
compositions by Bach, Beethoven,'
Ravel and Griffes, at 8:30 p.m., Wed-
nesday, Jan. 30, in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater.
The public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: Helen Briggs,
pianist, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music
at 8:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 28, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Her pro-
gram will include compositions by
Bach, Beethoven, Brahms and Scria-
bine, and will be open to the general
public without charge.
Exhibit: "Petroleum Exploration in
Alaska," in the Rotunda, University
Museums Building, Jan. 20 to Mar. 1.
Michigan Historical Collections:
"Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackham.
Open daily 8-12, 1:30-4:30, Satur-
days 8-12.
A joint exhibition of paintings by

eran Parish Hall. "The Church Work-
er and His Church" will be the topic
of discussion. Supper and Fellowship
Hour wil follow at 6:00.
Coming Events
The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Inter-Faith Committee will meet on
Monday at 4:00 at the Foundation.
All those interested are cordially in-
vited to attend. Plans for Inter-
Faith activities for next semester will
be discussed.
Board of Directors Inter-COOPer-
ative Council will meet Monday, Jan.
28, 7:30 p.m., at the Union. All Co-op
houses on campus are required to
send at least two delegates.
The Graduate Council will hold a
meeting in the East Lecture Room of
the Rackham Building, on Jan. 28,
at 8 p.m. All newly elected members
are urged to attend. The program for
the spring term will be discussed.
Association of University of Michi-
gan Scientists will meet on Mon., Jan.
28, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. There will be a business
meeting devoted to a discussion of
the constitution. Prof. Leslie A.
White will speak on "Atomic Energy
and its Social Consequences," at 8:15
p.m., to which the public is invited.
Sigma Rho Tau, Stump Speakers'
Society, will meet on Tuesday, Jan.
29, at 7:30 p.m., at the Union. There
will be a general discussion on the
problem of housing folowed by the
first formal debate on "The St. Law-
rence Seaway".
Committee for Liberal Action:
Election of officers for the spring
semester will be held at 7:30 p.m.,
Tuesday in the Union. Committees
will opitline new activities. Action on
student government, F.E.P.C., will be
planntO ____*
Dentscher Verein in co-operation
with the Art Cinema League will pre-
sent "The Me1'rrv Wives of Vienna.

gess they locked this elegant '
m I ,,lrA.;n 'tnonsor's box to keep]

But the quiz show is nearly over and w.e /
Ien' therd vo answer annest'n I

ByCrockett Johnson
Whant? I nn't hear , u. Mr .O',MIey A

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